Choose between protein supplements and amino acids. Which is better: protein or amino acids? Choosing the Right Nutrition for Athletes

Many people interested in sports nutrition have a lot of questions: protein powders or amino acids are preferable to choose, what are their differences, can they be combined and what and how is it better to use?

In order to answer all of the above questions, you need to know what these compounds are. It's not difficult at all. It is clear that protein powders got their name due to their main components - proteins (proteins). Proteins are a construct made up of amino acids. In every protein, amino acids are linked by chemical compounds that must be broken down, that is, digested, in order for the body to assimilate them. Separately, amino acids (that is, the sports nutrition products themselves from this category) are already split into a form that is easily absorbed. That is why some athletes take amino acids and protein powders at different times.

Since amino acids are quickly absorbed, it is recommended to drink them when they are most needed - before and after training, in the morning. If it is arginine, then it should be taken before going to bed on an empty stomach. Sometimes amino acids are taken in order to enrich the daily diet, but protein powders based on casein, a protein that is absorbed by the body for several hours, are also used for this purpose, and during all this time amino acids enter the bloodstream. Therefore, casein-based protein powders are recommended to be taken at night or between meals throughout the day.

Among athletes, the most popular protein is whey. It is absorbed much faster than other types of protein, although more slowly than amino acids, so, like amino acids, it can be consumed after a workout. It is also possible to consume it during the day, whey protein, unlike amino acids, helps to maintain strong muscles and has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

So, despite the fact that amino acids and protein powders are different products, you can still compare them. In a sense, they are interchangeable, if you change the mode of use a little. Otherwise, combinations of amino acids and proteins are the most effective and cost-effective. You can take casein and whey during the day, after training - amino acids, and at night - casein again.

Amino acids are the building blocks that make up proteins. Amino acids are different:

  • Interchangeable
  • Essential (not synthesized by the body, must be supplied with food)

If you do not eat properly, not balanced and rationally, then your body will lack essential amino acids. It manifests itself various diseases up to insanity, but this is an extreme degree and this is possible only if you are a strict vegetarian.

How amino acids differ from protein powder

What is the first thing to do when you take a jar of any complex amino acids? You need to look not at beautiful bright logos that encourage you to buy, but on the contrary, open the can on reverse side and look at the ingredients.

Very important point: those ingredients that are listed in the composition of the product are written in descending order in this product. Let's say in the first place we see: whey protein hydrolyzate, "gelatin" what does this tell us? The fact that the highest content in this product is whey protein hydrolyzate, and then comes gelatin. But very often the manufacturer does not indicate in what percentage these ingredients are presented in this product.

You need to understand that when buying complex amino acids, you most often buy just protein, either pressed into tablets or packaged in gelatin capsules. It can be different: isolate, concentrate or hydrolyzate.

So what is the difference between amino acids and proteins?

In fact, they are no different, you overpay for amino acids, and you overpay more for your convenience and comfort.

What you need is to take a few tablets, put them in your mouth and drink a glass of water, and that's it. And when you make protein shakes, you need to have a shaker with you, stir it all up, drink it later, wash the shaker, don't forget it or something else.

Also, amino acid complexes do not contain harmful dyes and flavors that are added to protein powders to make them tastier. But if you want to get maximum effect From amino acid complexes, choose products that are based on whey protein hydrolyzate. They are absorbed the fastest and it is advisable to consume them before and after training, when the body is in a sharp need for amino acids for recovery.

If you are not getting enough protein in your diet, for example, 2 grams squirrel on 1 kg body, you can additionally take amino acids before meals.

What should be the portion of amino acids

Since amino acids are the constituent parts of a protein, portions are calculated here in the same way as for protein, or for protein - up to 30 grams for 1 reception (1 portion). It turns out that in the bank in which 280 capsules contains about 10 complete 30 grams servings of protein, but such a product is most likely suitable for those for whom money does not really matter, and they do not like to mix protein shakes for themselves.

Also on the sports nutrition market there are amino acid complexes that are presented in free form. They are not interconnected by any chemical bonds, they are absorbed much faster even than whey protein hydrolyzate.

With liquid amino acid complexes, you need to be more careful, because they contain a large amount of simple carbohydrates, i.e. sugars, and the main source of protein there is simply gelatin (collagen hydrolithase). It is poor in its amino acid composition, therefore it has little effect on increasing muscle mass, and it has a greater effect on strengthening the joint-ligamentous apparatus. Liquid amino acids can be made into a pleasant drink, diluted with water and drunk during training.

Video - Amino acids or Protein? What's better

The sports nutrition market has huge selection both , and ready - made . We all know that protein, entering the body, is broken down into amino acids, which are the main building material for our muscles. From this it turns out quite a logical conclusion that the intake of amino acids is more preferable to the intake of protein. But is it really so?

The main criterion of effectiveness is the speed of assimilation

Under the influence of a heavy intense load, the body launches a number of adaptive reactions, one of which is the growth of muscle mass. The speed and efficiency of this process is influenced by many factors, the main of which is the availability of the necessary building material for the creation of new muscle tissue - amino acids. Amino acids are a product of the breakdown of protein (protein). At the same time, the faster the level of amino acids in the blood rises, the stronger the anabolic response and, as a result, muscle growth.

Thus, the main conclusion of the above is the following - the faster the protein is digested, the faster and better the muscles grow in response to an intense load.

Amino acids or protein?

Comparing amino acids and protein, it is obvious that the former have the highest absorption rate, since most of them are already split. Thus, amino acids are more preferable for muscle growth precisely due to the faster absorption rate.

However, if we compare the rate of absorption of fast types of whey protein ( , ) with amino acids, then the difference will not be so significant as to say that one is absorbed at such a rate, and the other at a much lower rate. What can not be said about the price: the cost of amino acids is much higher than the cost of protein, and the estimated portions are deliberately underestimated by sports nutrition manufacturers to extract more profit. So, for example, the best anabolic effect from taking amino acids is observed at dosages of 10-20 g. at a time, manufacturers often calculate servings based on the norm up to 5 grams, which is clearly insufficient.

Correct conclusions

So, amino acids have some advantages over protein, in particular, they have a faster absorption rate. However, they have a significantly higher cost. If the issue of cost is not in the first place for you, then amino acids are excellent choice for reception before, after training, and also in the morning - 10 gr.

In other cases, taking a fast protein is perfect, which in the end result is practically no different, but more affordable.

It is important to understand that amino acids and protein are only construction material for your muscles, which by itself does not grow muscle. It can be of arbitrarily high quality, but without proper training, rest and nutrition, the effect will be minimal or absent altogether. In my memory, there were enough examples of how an athlete achieved excellent muscle relief and physical fitness without taking sports nutrition and pharmaceuticals at all, solely through proper intensive training in the gym, a competent high-protein diet and a proper rest regimen.

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Many athletes use various nutritional supplements, such as protein and amino acids, while gaining muscle mass. These substances have been tested by a huge number of athletes over many decades. What is the difference between them and how to take them correctly, we will understand in our article.

The principle of action of drugs

Protein and Amino Acid (AMA) are dietary supplements that are included in sports nutrition to increase muscle building and fat burning. These types of nutrition have different purposes and, accordingly, a different principle of action.

Muscles grow by getting high-quality protein. Without a sufficient amount of this substance, the process of building muscle mass will be ineffective.

Protein - a mixture that is 85-90% pure protein. The rest is essential fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Thus, using this mixture, a person enriches his body with a protein norm, which contributes to the construction of muscle relief.

Protein benefits:

  • saturation (replaces part of the diet without harm to the body);
  • casein (one of the types of protein) is digested for a long time, which allows you to get the necessary trace elements even during sleep;
  • price (much cheaper than amino acids).

Did you know? There are more than 1000 types of different proteins in the world, which are the basis for all living organisms. The human body consists of proteins by 50%, and the virus - by 90%.

However, the protein has a number of disadvantages and contraindications:

  • for cooking you need a shaker and milk;
  • possible indigestion;
  • negatively affects the kidneys and liver with prolonged use, therefore, dry protein is contraindicated for people with existing problems with these organs;
  • contraindicated in people with lactose intolerance.

amino acids

During muscle work (intense training), tissues are destroyed, and amino acids are necessary for the growth of new layers and the restoration of injured ones. This substance is the building block of proteins. the main task which is to restore damaged muscle tissue.

The substance in question is necessary for the body when gaining muscle mass. Benefits of the supplement:

  • fast assimilation (AMA are not digested, since they are the basic substance);
  • minimum fat and carbohydrates (suitable for weight loss);
  • easy to use, as they are sold in capsules.
Amino acids have no contraindications. It is very difficult to get poisoned by this substance, even with the most improper use.

Did you know? Protein in the body plays the role of a deliverer of substances: it travels through the blood, saturating the body with the necessary substances.

What are their differences?

Despite the fact that aminocarboxylic acid is a building material for protein, these agents have differences:

  1. First and foremost is the goal. Protein blends are designed for mass gain, while AMK is for muscle recovery.
  2. Time of receipt. Amino acids are needed before or after intense workouts, while protein is better to drink only after exercise.
  3. Time for digestion. The protein in the stomach is broken down to AMK, the latter, in turn, are a fundamental substance and do not need to be broken down.
  4. Price. Protein is many times cheaper, because it is just a raw material, while amino acids are sold in prepared capsules.
  5. Protein has a number of contraindications, while amino acids are necessary for any organism.

Video: Amino acids and proteins

What is better to take?

The question of whether to take amino acids or a protein blend, or both supplements together, is asked by many novice athletes. The choice depends on a number of factors:

  1. Desired result. For faster muscle building, protein is needed, that is, dry mixes. For recovery after intense training, a building material is needed, that is, an amino acid.
  2. The presence of problems with the stomach, liver and kidneys excludes the possibility of using a protein mixture. Amino acid has no contraindications.
  3. To achieve the best effect, in the absence of contraindications, it is better to take the described supplements in combination.

Joint use of supplements

As mentioned above, in the absence of contraindications, proteins and AUA are best used in combination, since both supplements are mutually complementary. The complex of these elements will increase muscle mass, restore tissue damaged by training, as well as replenish the supply of energy spent. But for a positive result, the components must be taken strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Aminocarboxylic acid should be consumed in the morning during breakfast or after an intense workout.
  2. Protein (protein mixtures) is best consumed before bedtime. In this case, during sleep, muscle tissue will receive the substances necessary for growth.

Important! The amino acid capsules should be taken with meals, as the drug will irritate the mucous membrane in an empty stomach.

Before buying cans of nutritional supplements, you should consult with a trainer. He will tell you the necessary company, dosage, and also tell you in detail how and when to use them correctly.

So, the considered nutritional supplements are best used in combination, as they complement each other. At their core, they are harmless natural substances, but you should consult a trainer or nutritionist before using them.

Many people who lead a sports lifestyle and use sports nutrition products sooner or later ask themselves the question - which is better to take: amino acids or protein? Is there any advantage to using them together? Can they be combined at all? What are the differences in the actions of each? How to get the maximum benefit? The answers to these questions lie in a detailed examination of the features of each of them.

Imagine a protein as a sequence of blocks, which are the amino acids themselves. Between themselves, these blocks are connected by chemical bonds, which are destroyed during digestion under the action of produced enzymes (by the way, they also have a protein structure). After that, these substances (amino acids) enter the bloodstream, and from there to all organs and tissues of the body that need them, and there are quite a few of them, please note. What is their role in the human brain, the cardiovascular system, and even in many body systems. After all, each of the amino acids contained in the protein, and there are more than 20 of them, performs its various functions in the body, ranging from calming nervous system ending with the stimulation of the synthesis of certain hormones.

If we talk about protein, then it should be mentioned that there are several main types of protein and they differ in the time of assimilation, that is, the release of amino acids, and the composition of the amino acids themselves. For example, whey protein is characterized by a rapid release of amino acids, that is, it is broken down and absorbed by the body faster than other proteins. It should also be noted here that it is also presented in several forms, the most rapidly digestible of which is protein isolate. Whey protein is also good because it contains all the essential amino acids, so it is very useful for the body.​

However, there are other types of protein such as casein and egg protein, which are absorbed much more slowly. However, do not think that supplementing with these types of protein is less beneficial. It's just better to use them at different times and, although they serve the same purpose (building muscle), they do it in different ways. So whey protein, due to its fast release period, is best taken before and immediately after training to make up for the need for muscle tissue in a fast source of nutrition, while casein breaks down more slowly into amino acids, evenly supplying muscles with fuel, thereby contributing to their constant recovery.

And here are the amino acids that are sold in sports nutrition in free form, these are already the very components of the protein that we need in the first place. By consuming amino acids in their pure form, we relieve the body of the need to separate them from other compounds in the protein. Thus, spending a minimum of energy on their assimilation and processing.

So, as you can see for yourself, it is definitely impossible to answer the question of protein-based or amino-based supplements. Of course, amino acid complexes containing BCAAs are very good immediately after training. When for about an hour the body is strenuously trying to replenish the supply of nutrients spent during exercise. They are very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the muscles, increasing the rate of their recovery and growth. Their high bioavailability makes amino acid complexes such a popular product.

However, do not forget that protein, although it requires more energy to digest, also has its own huge benefits. Proteins present in sports nutrition are composed of a large number of amino acids, usually more than are contained in amino acid complexes. In addition, protein supplements often include other beneficial micronutrients that an athlete needs. Remember that because of the long absorption time, casein is best taken before bed or during the day, but whey protein when you need a quick supply of amino acids, for example, half an hour before and immediately after training. However, more precise recommendations for use are usually contained on the packaging of the product.