Whitefly on tomatoes in a greenhouse, how to get rid of - the most effective ways. We fight the whitefly on tomatoes in the greenhouse - the most proven methods Whitefly on tomatoes control methods

Reading time: 5 min

In mid-latitudes, it most often affects greenhouses, greenhouses and greenhouses where tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and green crops are grown, flowers, and also often harms indoor plants. What is the danger of the whitefly on tomatoes, how to protect the crop when this pest appears, and what kind of prevention exists - in detail in our article.

Description of the pest

Greenhouse whitefly - a species native to the tropics, a polyphage, the optimum breeding temperature is + 20-27 degrees, it does not tolerate winter. The moth is a moth-like insect, no more than 1.5 mm long, with a pale yellow body and white translucent wings. Lifespan - up to 30 days.

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One female can lay up to 130 eggs, placing them in rings of 12-20 pieces on the underside of the leaves. The eggs are small, elongated, pale green in color, attached to the leaf with a proboscis. As it matures, the shell darkens. The larvae go through 4 stages. In the first two stages, the larvae move by sucking the juices from the leaves; in the third and fourth stages, the larvae are immobile, but very voracious. It takes 8-10 days to the imago stage.

At positive temperatures and humidity not lower than 62%, the number of regenerations of the whitefly is unlimited, therefore, in greenhouses, in just two weeks, it develops on a catastrophic scale, occupying plants with larvae from top to bottom.

One more point should be taken into account - it is not the moths themselves that are terrible for tomatoes, but especially their motionless larvae. They secrete a large amount of sugary secretions, on which a black soot fungus immediately develops, due to which the leaves dry out. Plants begin to lag behind in growth, the color crumbles, yield and fruit size decrease. If the pest is not removed from the greenhouse, the plants die in 1-2 weeks.

Symptoms of whitefly damage to tomatoes:

  • The presence of white small moths on the leaves, if the bush is shaken, they take off.
  • Bent painting and leaf curl, young shoots grow deformed.
  • On the underside of the leaf plate are rings of small greenish eggs.
  • Small white moving larvae with antennae, or motionless, with a proboscis.
  • Shedding of flowers and ovaries.
  • The appearance of a yellow mosaic on the leaves due to thinning.
  • Black, less often white dot plaque, which turns into mold spots.

What should be done

If even a single whitefly is found on tomatoes, measures should be taken immediately, using all known control methods - from biological to harsh chemistry. With a massive infection of greenhouses and hotbeds, the only remedy for the whitefly is the removal and burning of all affected plants, followed by antiseptic treatment of all structures.

We will describe all the existing methods for the destruction of the whitefly in the greenhouse. The safest are mechanical and biological methods. But first, you can try just opening the greenhouse on a cool night - this may be enough for the moths to die.

The second simple way when insects appear is to pour a jet of cool water under pressure on the tomato bushes. All moths will be washed off onto the soil, which must be loosened immediately. It is important to provide good ventilation for the plants to dry quickly.

Mechanical method from the whitefly

This method is effective only against adults, as well as other insect pests, and only with a slight infestation of plants. It consists in the use of special traps lubricated with sticky substances attractive to insects. Such ready-made traps are sold in specialized stores. And you can make a trap yourself:

  • take sheets of cardboard or thick paper of bright yellow or orange color;
  • using an ordinary school brush, apply ordinary pharmacy petroleum jelly on one side (or maybe on two);
  • fasten the sheets vertically and at an angle in the greenhouse, can be hung on strings.

After a day, the traps are covered with insects. They must be wiped off with a rag, and the sheet re-lubricated with petroleum jelly. You can also use castor or burdock oil, honey.

Traps for whiteflies in a greenhouse can also be made on the basis of a soapy solution or a pharmacy emulsion for scabies. On the same principle, one can

There is another common method of dealing with the whitefly at the first appearance of the pest. It is usually used on tomato seedlings. Need to laundry soap grate and mix with hot water in a ratio of 1:6. The emulsion should be diluted as follows: 50 ml per 1 liter of warm water. When the solution has cooled, it must be filtered and sprayed with bushes from above and below.

This composition immobilizes both moths and larvae, envelops them and makes breathing difficult. Insects and larvae die. Processing seedlings of tomatoes should be carried out several times with an interval of a week.

Biological control methods

These are wasps Erythmocerus and Enkarsia, they are released at the rate of 3 pieces per 1 sq.m. greenhouses with an interval of 10 days. You can also get rid of the whitefly in the greenhouse by releasing the predatory bug Macrofolus - 5 individuals per sq.m. 2-3 times every 2 weeks. Such insects can be bought in specialized centers and used as a preventive measure.

Of the local insects, it is worth luring ladybugs, riders and lacewings into greenhouses, the only problem is that they are difficult to find. But if you grow dill and fennel between tomatoes, they attract beneficial insects with their smell.

Folk methods

Such whitefly tomato treatment products are not very effective, but they allow you to get rid of insects in the greenhouse while there are not many of them. The most accessible:

  • Yarrow decoction is prepared by steaming 100 g of plant leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse for a day in a dark place, strain and process the plants.
  • Garlic infusion is a traditional folk remedy for whiteflies on tomatoes. Pour 50 g of crushed garlic cloves with two liters of warm water, carry out the processing after a day of infusion.
  • An infusion of dandelion root is also an effective remedy. It is necessary to dig up 100 g of roots, chop them and pour 1 liter of water. After a day, strain and spray the bushes above and below the leaves.

Whitefly on tomatoes in a greenhouse - how to get rid of a scourge that can easily destroy a crop? A harmless-looking little white moth feels very comfortable in greenhouses. It is difficult to get it out, but real, but it is by no means possible to postpone the fight against the pest if it is found.

Whitefly on tomatoes in - the first sign of impending problems. A moth whose wings are covered with white bloom can cause a lot of harm, its larvae attach to the back of tomato leaves and suck out the juice, and one individual can lay up to 250 eggs. Having dealt with tomatoes, insects are able to move to other vegetables and fruits,

You can fight them different ways. The most common:

Where does whitefly come from on tomatoes?

The reasons for the appearance of whiteflies on tomatoes are that eggs, larvae, and butterflies feel comfortable on these plants. They don't need to migrate and search better place. In the greenhouse, these pests are especially comfortable, because they love heat and moisture very much, therefore they multiply at lightning speed and actively.

You can protect yourself from pests if:

  1. When planting, separate plants from each other by 5-10 cm.
  2. Ensure good ventilation in the greenhouse.
  3. Add strengthening agents to the water.
  4. Maintain the correct humidity.
  5. Take out the tops and grass.
  6. Do not keep compost heaps near greenhouses.
  7. Do not use manure for fertilizer.

The harm from the whitefly is huge. The larvae suck the juice from the leaves, releasing a sticky enzyme in which the soot fungus multiplies. White spots appear on the leaves, which turn into black. And adults actively lay eggs, and also emit fecal pollen that corrodes the surface of plants.

Other signs of damage:

  • the leaves are twisted, wither;
  • a yellow pattern appears on the edges of the sheets;
  • fruits become small and shriveled;
  • white midges are circling over the tomatoes.

Whitefly on tomatoes - greenhouse control methods

If a whitefly appeared on ripe tomatoes in a greenhouse, how to get rid of it, everyone decides for himself. The main thing is to immediately start processing plants. Experienced gardeners say that days often count, as tomatoes also lose their immunity. Remedies for whitefly on tomatoes in a greenhouse have been developed differently: from biological to chemical. Help in the early stages folk methods.

The simplest is biological. We are talking about the settlement of insects that destroy the whitefly:

  • ladybug;
  • lacewing fly;
  • rider beetle;
  • bug macrolofus;
  • encarsia.

Folk remedies for whiteflies on tomatoes

Very efficient and folk remedies whitefly control on tomatoes, you just need to carefully monitor the effectiveness. And in time to switch to chemical methods, if these do not help much. Folk methods act more slowly, so for urgent events it is better to use other means. Shrubs before processing must be held under running water.

The most effective:

  1. Infusion of garlic. Pour 2 liters of water with 10 g of garlic, insist for a day, strain. Spray after sunset.
  2. soap solution. Suitable for small leaf infestations. Dissolve 20 g of grated soap in 1 liter of warm water, beat until foamy. Rub the leaves three times a day.
  3. Tobacco infusion. Tobacco from a pack of cigarettes, preferably without a filter, pour 1 liter of warm water, leave for 5 days. Strain, spray every 3 days.
  4. Woody. Dilute 1 glass of ash in 5 liters of water, leave for 4 hours. Dissolve 50 g of grated laundry soap. Strain, spray three days in a row.
  5. . Dilute 35 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water, process every 3 days.

If all of the above remedies do not help, whitefly tomato treatment is required chemicals. They work only in protective clothing, gloves and a respirator so that the poison does not get on the skin or into the bronchi. Many gardeners are reluctant to use chemicals, but often this is the only chance to save the crop.

Most effective means from whiteflies on tomatoes:

  1. Aktelik. Strong smell, 2 class of toxicity. You need to spray the foliage and topsoil in the morning or evening.
  2. Aktara. It is used when watering, so that the poison gets into the root, and then onto the stem and leaves. Affects the whitefly from the inside.
  3. Talstar. They are sprayed with leaves.
  4. Spark. It is applied when watering, remains on a plant of 25 days.
  5. Confidor. It helps if there are few pests, they are sprayed with leaves.

Hoping to get a rich harvest, gardeners often forget about such dangerous enemies as insects. When growing tomatoes in greenhouses, they can be attacked by whiteflies.

How to get rid of these pests and not lose a significant amount of the crop?

Whitefly - description and habitat

The whitefly is a small insect, its size varies from 1 to 3 mm. It belongs to the family of the Homoptera. It has a light tiny body and white wings. In flight, the whitefly resembles an aphid or a small moth. An adult debugs eggs on the back of a tomato leaf, and does it very actively. During the season, she is able to lay up to 250 larvae.

The larvae attach themselves to the leaves and feed on their juice, while the leaves dry out and fall off. In a damp and warm greenhouse environment, insects multiply very quickly. And if you do not get rid of the whitefly in time, then it will spread to other growing crops nearby. Also, this insect is a carrier of viral infections.

Signs of appearance

The earlier a problem is found, the easier it will be to fix. You can suspect the appearance of uninvited guests in the greenhouse by the following signs:

Fighting methods

Fighting the whitefly is not so easy, but still possible. There are many ways to do this. Conventionally, they can be divided into chemical, mechanical and biological.

Mechanical methods

Do not require the purchase of expensive funds. If there are not too many insects, you can cope with ordinary flypapers for flies. And the affected leaves on the tomatoes are cut off and burned. The larvae can be washed off with a sponge dipped in a solution of laundry soap. If there are too many pests, then you can make traps for them of more impressive sizes. You will need A4 cardboard in yellow and blue. American scientists have found that it is these colors that attract flying insects. In order for the whiteflies to stick to the cardboard, a layer of Vaseline mixed with honey is applied to it. Periodically, the sticky layer is peeled off along with insects, and a new one is applied. The procedure is repeated until the complete disappearance of pests.


Highly effective, but at the same time toxic. They are used only in last resort when other methods of struggle do not help. The use of such substances indoors is dangerous not only for plants, but also for the gardener. You can use an aerosol from flying insects called Kra-Deo Super, it is better to use it in the evening, and then close the greenhouse and not enter until the morning. Another drug of similar action is Biotlin.

Important! Do not use these preparations when tomatoes ripen and 3 weeks before harvest.

Insecticides from sucking pests are also suitable, they are used, including from ticks, aphids and bedbugs. The choice of these drugs is extensive, the most common are Actellik, Aktara, Cypermethrin, and Malathion. Do not neglect the rules of use, everything must be done strictly following the attached instructions. If necessary, the processing is repeated.

biological methods

Popular with gardeners. Like everyone else, the whitefly has enemies; ladybugs and lacewings feed on it. In order to get rid of annoying pests, you need to collect ladybugs. A small greenhouse will need about ten individuals. After a while, there will be no trace of the whitefly. Encarsia can be purchased in laboratories or greenhouses. This insect lays its eggs in whitefly larvae. All that remains is to release them from the test tube in the greenhouse and the problem will be solved by itself.

You can also purchase and install fumigators in the greenhouse, this will certainly hit the wallet, especially if the greenhouse large sizes. But it will take much less time and effort to destroy the pest. Fumigators differ little in their action from those used against mosquitoes at home. They are non-toxic and effective.

Folk remedies

They are used only if there are a small number of flying insects in the greenhouse. If the whitefly has managed to breed, then their use will not give the expected result. There are a huge number of recipes for infusions and decoctions, and here are some of them:


To accept preventive measures much easier than wasting time and money later on fighting. It won't take long and will save the crop. After the crop is harvested, it is imperative to dig up the soil and remove weeds and plant debris. The compost heap should be placed away from the dug up area, as pests can winter in it.

When planting tomatoes, be sure to observe the recommended distance, this will promote air circulation. The whitefly breeds in a warm and humid environment, so as not to create favorable conditions for it, the greenhouse must be regularly ventilated and monitored for air humidity. You can also plant only those varieties that are resistant to pests.


There are many methods for dealing with whitefly in a greenhouse, and everyone can choose the one that suits them. Given the characteristics of the greenhouse and the number of insects. Of course, it is better to carry out prevention, and then you will not have to waste time on the destruction of pests. But, and if the problem still arose, it must be solved immediately, until the situation worsens.

Sooner or later, every gardener who grows tomatoes in a greenhouse has to deal with this insect pest. Indeed, the whitefly is one of the most dangerous pests tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Next, we’ll talk about what kind of pest it is, why it’s dangerous, and, of course, we’ll analyze in detail how to get rid of whiteflies on tomatoes in a greenhouse, how to process and spray greenhouse tomatoes on which this pest has wound up.

The most famous species of whitefly:

  • cabbage;
  • tobacco (cotton);
  • citrus;
  • strawberry;
  • greenhouse (greenhouse).

In this article, we are interested in greenhouse whitefly (greenhouse), which damages tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants and some flower plants growing in greenhouses, greenhouses and apartments.

The main characteristics of the greenhouse whitefly:

  • Distributed everywhere in closed ground (including indoor conditions).
  • In a greenhouse and a tropical climate, it develops year-round (gives 3-4 generations), in temperate latitudes, in the wild and in greenhouses - only in summer at above-zero temperatures, in other words, the whitefly does not survive the winter.

The optimal conditions favorable for the active formation of whitefly colonies on tomato leaves are as follows:

  • The air temperature is +20–25 degrees.
  • Relative air humidity - 60-80%.

In other words, the whitefly prefers moist and relatively shady places.

Thus, the main reason for the appearance of whiteflies in a greenhouse is a violation, for example, excessive planting density and lack of ventilation.

The life cycle of the whitefly, like most insects, consists of three main stages (it lasts about 30-40 days in total):adults (adults), eggs, larvae(the phase lasts 10-14 days), puparia (4th instar larva, "false" cocoon). Then the cycle repeats itself, and the second generation appears.

Interesting! The whitefly is characterized by a tiered distribution of individuals:

  • on young leaves - adults (adults) and eggs,
  • below - larvae;
  • on the lowest leaves - puparia and adults (adults) of a new generation.

Actually, the adult whitefly itself is an indirect pest. It is the females that lay eggs, placing them on the underside of the leaves.

Appearance of an adult (imago) whitefly- the body is pale yellow, with two pairs of wings with a white coating, 1-1.5 mm long, resembles a moth.

The main pest is the whitefly larva., which, immediately after leaving the egg, is attached to the lower (inner) side of the leaf and begins to feed (suck juices from it - all the nutrients).

whitefly larva- elongated-oval, flat, pale green, 0.3–0.9 mm long.

Adults (adults) and whitefly larvae

Thus, the main harm that the whitefly causes at the larval stage is that insect sucks juice from tomato leaves, while additionally releasing a sugary sticky enzyme, which is a favorable environment for reproduction sooty fungus ("black").

It is very important to prevent the large-scale dominance of the whitefly in your greenhouse, otherwise it can simply destroy all your plants.

The greenhouse whitefly is also a malicious carrier of many pathogens: yellow leaf curl virus (is one of the reasons), leaf mottling virus, infectious chlorosis. Moreover, both adults (adults) - males and females, and in some cases larvae are capable of transmitting viruses.

How does the pest get into the greenhouse?

Most often, the whitefly is brought into the greenhouse together with purchased seedlings (which was grown in industrial greenhouses) or on clothes, because she can easily get over indoor plants(fuchsia, pelargonium, balsam, citrus), or from purchased greenery(again grown in a greenhouse). Also whiteflies are infected cut flowers. And often the pest enters the greenhouse together with purchased soil(which has already been used in greenhouses) or again through seedlings grown in contaminated soil.

Signs of the appearance of a whitefly in a greenhouse on tomatoes

After planting the seedlings in the greenhouse, after 10-14 days, it is necessary to inspect the foliage of tomatoes for the presence of whiteflies. So, if you touch the leaves and white butterflies instantly take off from them, then this means that whiteflies have started on your tomatoes and, most likely, have already laid their eggs.

Advice! When examining tomato bushes, use a magnifying glass, because. insects are very small.

As we found out earlier, whitefly larvae feed on the juice of young leaves, which significantly weakens the immunity of the plant (tomato). This is manifested in a slowdown in the growth and development of tomato bushes, and also negatively affects their flowering, fruit formation and fruit ripening.

In addition to the direct harm caused by the pest itself, the condition of plants is negatively affected by sooty mushrooms, which settle on the sugary secretions of whitefly larvae.

First, a sticky coating (honeydew) is formed on the foliage in the form of shiny white spots (a waste product of the larvae), then they (spots) are covered with a sooty fungus (“black”) and turn black (a black coating forms on them). As a result, it (the fungus) clogs the pores of the leaves, which makes it difficult for the processes of respiration and photosynthesis. As a result, the affected leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off.

Thus, due to the harmful activity of the whitefly (namely its larvae), tomatoes begin to hurt, lag behind in growth, which leads to uneven ripening of the fruit, as well as to a change in the color of the fruit core from pink or red to white. As a result, the commercial quality of the fruit drops noticeably.

By the way! By its negative effect, the whitefly is in many ways reminiscent of aphids.

Preventive measures against whiteflies on tomatoes: how to protect tomatoes in a greenhouse

Remember! Any problem is easier to prevent than to fix later.

To prevent the appearance of whiteflies, it is recommended to perform the following preventive measures:

  • Conduct regular preventive inspections for the presence of a pest in the greenhouse.
  • Promptly destroy weeds.
  • Comply with growing conditions.
  • Properly use and care for the greenhouse, namely:
  • every autumn and/or spring should be carried out cleaning (to take out all the vegetation), including steaming or freezing the soil in a greenhouse (if you are a resident of the southern region);

By the way! About how to do it right prepare the greenhouse in the spring for the planting season, told, and handle in autumn — .

However, it should be noted that, unlike spider mite the whitefly on the surface, in the greenhouse, is not preserved, only in the ground.

  • make full ventilation in the greenhouse;
  • take other preventive measures and use special means protection and methods of struggle.

Video: how to get rid of whiteflies in a greenhouse in autumn

How to deal with whiteflies on tomatoes: when and how to process - the best methods of struggle

There are several ways to deal with the whitefly in a greenhouse on tomatoes:

  • mechanical methods (glue traps);
  • biological methods (settlement of the greenhouse with insects-entomophagous);
  • chemical methods (drugs against insect pests - insecticides).

As well as folk remedies, decoctions of various herbs, but it’s worth saying right away that they are very ineffective ... very.

Indeed, getting rid of the whitefly in the greenhouse is quite difficult. Therefore, in without fail regularly inspect your greenhouse tomatoes (namely the bottom or reverse side their leaves) in order to detect its appearance as early as possible and prevent it from multiplying strongly. If you notice at least a small number of adults, then proceed to processing without delay.

Advice! For effective fight with whitefly, use everything possible methods. You will hardly be able to completely destroy the whitefly in the greenhouse, but it is possible to reduce its number and reduce harmfulness.

Video: whitefly and methods of dealing with it

Mechanical Methods

The fight against the whitefly in the greenhouse can be successfully carried out with the help of yellow sticky tapes, glue traps hung in the greenhouse, as well as fumigators.

Note! Naturally, such measures will only help you get rid of flying adults. If they have already laid eggs, only chemical and biological means of control are used against the larvae.

You can buy sticky tape or glue traps at a hardware or gardening store, or you can make your own.

To make a whitefly trap yourself, with your own hands, you need to cover a sheet of cardboard or plywood (about 20 by 20 cm or more in size) with a layer of yellow paint, and then apply an adhesive base, for example, from honey, technical petroleum jelly, grease, castor or any other mineral oil, glue from rodents. Next, hang this yellow sticky cardboard on a rope (string) at the level of the tops of the plants.

By the way! According to experts, it is better to use cardboard to create a whitefly trap. yellow color, as this shade is able to lure insects. As a result, whitefly butterflies will fly to bright squares and stick to their surface.

There is an opinion that it is effective to use against whitefly fumigator(which is usually used against mosquitoes and flies). To do this, it is necessary to turn on the device in the mains (by extending the extension cord into the greenhouse) and completely close all doors and ventilation windows. A clear disadvantage of using this tool is the fact that, in addition to the whitefly, the fumigator destroys all other inhabitants of the greenhouse, including useful ones.

Advice! You can also mechanically get rid of the pest simply periodically irrigating tomato bushes with plain water, and then washing the leaves with soapy water.

biological methods

To combat the whitefly, you can use insects that feed on this pest (they are also called entomophage insects).

This option is especially relevant for gardeners who exclude any use of chemicals.

These include ladybug, lacewing fly, rider beetle.

You can buy biological enemies of the whitefly in specialized stores or on Internet resources.


Naturally, it is easiest to get rid of whiteflies on tomatoes in a greenhouse most quickly and completely with the help of chemicals (insecticides).

A few rules and tips for spraying tomatoes from whiteflies:

  • Solutions should be prepared only according to the instructions on the packages, following the dosage recommendations (no less and no more).
  • It is also necessary to use solutions only according to the instructions.

It should be processed either early in the morning, before the first rays of the sun appear, or late in the evening, after sunset. If during the day, then only in cloudy weather.

  • Be sure to pay attention to the waiting period after processing (after how long you can eat fruits).

Important! Systemic preparations have a long waiting period (up to 20 days), i.e., when the tomatoes ripen, they can no longer be used.

  • Be sure to pay attention to the duration of the drug, i. how long will it protect your plants from pests.
  • To improve the effect of the treatment, you can mix drugs with different active ingredients (preferably different chemical classes).
  • As a rule, the first treatment is carried out at the first appearance of the pest, and repeated application - with an interval of 7-14 days.

As a result, several treatments will have to be carried out, because. most drugs act only against adults (adults), and they do not affect the larvae in any way.

  • It is necessary to carry out the processing very carefully, especially spraying the inner (lower) part of the leaves.
  • In order not to cause addiction to the pest, you should periodically alternate drugs, or rather their active ingredients.

Note! Many drugs from different companies have the same active substance.

most popular and effective drugs(insecticides) for getting rid of whiteflies on tomatoes are (in parentheses given the active substance, method of entry or nature of exposure and chemical class):

  • Alatar (
  • Aliot ( Malathion (Karbofos), enteric-contact insectoacaricide, a class of organophosphorus compounds (FOS);
  • Aktara ( Thiamethoxam (Aktara), systemic insecticide of entero-contact action);

Note! It is used for watering the soil under plants.

  • Actellik (Pirimifos-methyl (Actellik) , systemic enteric-contact insectoacaricide + fumigant, class of organophosphorus compounds (FOS);
  • Biotlin ( Imidacloprid, systemic insecticide of enteric-contact action , class of neonicotinoids).

  • Inta-Ts-M ( Malathion (Karbofos) and Cypermethrin, an insecticide of contact-intestinal action, a class of pyrethroids + organophosphorus compounds (FOS);
  • Intavir ( Cypermethrin, an insecticide of contact-intestinal action, a class of pyrethroids);
  • Karate Zeon (Lambda Cyhalothrin) , insecticide of contact-intestinal action, pyrethroid class);

  • spark of gold Imidacloprid, a systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action, a class of neonicotinoids);
  • Talstar (Bifenthrin (Talstar), a contact-intestinal insecticide, pyrethroid class);
  • Teppeki (Flonicamide, has systemic and translaminar activity, chemical class - pyridine carboxamides);
  • Bison ( Imidacloprid, a systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action, a class of neonicotinoids).

Interesting! There are also biological means against insect pests, such as Akarin, Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin, Aktofit, Verticillin. However, they are not very effective against whiteflies.

Video: how to deal with the whitefly

Folk remedies

If the defeat of tomatoes in the greenhouse by the whitefly is not very strong, then in order not to use chemistry, you can try to use folk remedies, which, as a rule, use various infusions of herbs, garlic, etc.:

By the way! Folk remedies are most often used to get rid of whitefly larvae, and not adults.

  • Turpentine + camphor oil (10%).

Recipe from Procvetok channel per 10 liters of water (base):

  • gum turpentine (up to 1.5 l - for the most difficult cases for plants with dense leaves, up to 1 l - for difficult cases for more delicate plants (tomato, cucumber), 0.2-0.5 l - for prevention on all plants and in the case of single pests)
  • laundry or green soap - up to 50-150 g (depending on the amount of turpentine),
  • an aqueous solution of ammonia (25%) - 1-2 tablespoons - to enhance the dissolving effect of turpentine.


  • Turpentine can be replaced (up to 50%) with camphor oil 10%.
  • To the solution, you can add 50-100 ml of tincture of mint, eucalyptus, coniferous extract.
  • It can be replaced with decoctions of the same plants - 100-200 g of dry plants are boiled in a liter of water, the decoction is infused and added to the turpentine solution.
  • Benzyl benzoate - 20-30 ml per 1 liter of solution.
  • It is very good to add nicotinic acid to the solution to restore plants from damage by pests - 1 tablet of 50 mg per liter of solution (either 3 grams of dry or 12 grams of raw yeast).

Plants should be shed or sprayed with a similar composition in the evening, over well-spilled soil.

Waiting period: if without benzyl benzoate, then it is practically absent. But first you just need to remove the fruits, then process and wait at least 24 hours. If with benzyl benzoate, it is better to wait 2-3 days. It is clear that after any processing, fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed, even if it is just laundry soap or serum.

  • Garlic tincture;

  • Dandelion infusion;
  • Infusion of wormwood;
  • Infusion of yarrow;
  • Tobacco infusion.

Some more summer residents against the whitefly spend fumigation of greenhouses with tobacco checkers(not sulfur, but tobacco).

You can also try to artificially lower the temperature in the greenhouse (as you remember, the favorable temperature for the whitefly is + 20-25 degrees), opening the greenhouse at night, putting windows and ventilation doors.

Of course, it will not be possible to completely destroy the pest in such ways, but it is quite possible to reduce the population.

Thus, now you know that, first of all, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for the care and cultivation of greenhouse tomatoes, as well as to carry out preventive measures. But in any case, you will most likely have to use one of the above methods of dealing with whiteflies on tomatoes.

Video: whitefly remedies

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