Types of fungicides, a review of the most effective drugs and their description. A complete list of plant fungicides What are fungicides

In the process of caring for the garden, it is often necessary to apply fungicides. We are talking about special chemicals that are used to combat pathogens that cause the development of fungal diseases, for example, gray rot, powdery mildew, etc.

Depending on the method of action on pathogenic fungi, several types of fungicides are distinguished: contact and systemic action.

Actions of contact fungicides

When using these drugs, their penetration into plants is excluded. They cover the outer part of the plant; if there is a fungus on the surface of the reproductive and vegetative organs, they are suppressed. All drugs act for a different period, which is determined by the duration of the solution on the surface of the plant. The best results can be achieved if processing at least 3-5 times at intervals of 10-12 days.

A feature of contact fungicides is the local nature of the impact. They are not used to treat diseased plants, they are designed to suppress pathogens located on the surface or directly in plant tissues. Due to the fact that these fungicides are unable to spread to other parts of the plant, such treatment before the formation of fruits excludes penetration into them.

Systemic preparations act somewhat differently: as a result of processing, they penetrate into the internal organs of the plant, spread through the tissues, making changes to the physiological and biochemical processes occurring in the plant organs. As time goes on they decomposition within plants, which ends with the formation of metabolites. In this state, they begin to have a depressing effect on the harmful fungus.

It is believed that the decomposition products that form inside the plants are more harmful than the drug itself. In order to avoid possible complications, it is best to carry out processing in gardens and private households with the help of chemical preparations of precisely contact action. Wherein deadline their use is the period when there will be one month left before the harvest.

Types of fungicides and methods of their application

In gardening stores, fungicides are available in various types: in the shape of powder, suspension, emulsion, highly soluble in water.

Depending on the composition, the following types of fungicidal preparations are distinguished:

  • Inorganic. Within this group, preparations of 1-4 hazard classes for humans and warm-blooded creatures are distinguished;
  • Organic. The main component in them are active microorganisms that inhibit pathogenic fungi.

More preferred to use on the summer cottages biofungicides, because in addition to high efficiency, they cause minimal harm to plants.

Chemical fungicides

Often for effective fight With pests, gardeners buy new drugs, especially if they provide high efficiency with a small dose of application. However, doing so is wrong. You can count on good results only if you use proven drugs. Within the group of chemical fungicides that have proven their effectiveness when used for protection during the growing season of various horticultural crops, the following can be distinguished:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • copper sulfate;
  • abiga-peak, sun;
  • oxychome;
  • cineb;
  • thiram;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • soda ash using an adhesive (green soap).

Biological fungicides

In recent years, many biological contact fungicides have appeared on the market. In their manufacture, a slightly different approach is used than in the case of chemical preparations. The main component of biofungicides are active bacteria, whose activity has a depressing effect on pathogens of fungal diseases.

It is more preferable to use biofungicides of contact action, since they do not cause or cause minimal harm to humans, warm-blooded animals, fish and bees. Consumers who are going to use biofungicides at home should pay attention to the following types of preparations:

It is possible to carry out treatment with chemical contact fungicides only before flowering and after harvest. The advantage of biofungicides is that they can be applied throughout the growing season. At the same time, there are also such preparations on sale that can be used at the stage of crop ripening. It should be borne in mind that contact drugs are effective for prevention purposes. If the drug reaches the causative agent of the disease, then this leads to its death. If the plants are already affected by the disease, then they cannot be saved with the help of these drugs.

Rules for working with contact fungicides

Before using a fungicide, you need to take care of your own safety: for this you need prepare closed clothes, rubber gloves and goggles and a headdress. After processing, the clothes are sent to the laundry, and the hands and face must be thoroughly washed with soap and water.

It is necessary to carry out the treatment of plants with a pre-prepared solution. The exception is situations where the instructions require the use of a fresh composition.

In the process of preparing a solution for treating plants, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions, maintaining the optimal consumption rate, taking into account the phase of plant development.

You can use fungicides in the most favorable conditions for this: in the early morning or evening, provided that it is worth dry windless weather.

For the sprayer, it is necessary to select the operating mode for fine spraying. The cloud of solution emerging from it should pour onto the plants from below and from above.

It is forbidden to use chemical fungicides in relation to those plants, the green parts of the above-ground mass of which are planned to be used. For safety reasons, processing of all crops should be carried out before the flowering and fruiting phase.

It is impossible to clean the dishes in which the solution was prepared in reservoirs. Disposal of used pesticides should be carried out only in specially designated areas.

The place where it is supposed to store fungicides and other preparations with chemical composition, should have restricted access. Drugs must be placed in sealed packaging.

If the investigator follows the rules for the use of fungicides listed above, then you can not only prevent the appearance of dangerous pests on the site, but also not harm yourself and the environment.

List of fungicides

Due to the high toxicity of most fungicides on the market today, there must be a good reason for the gardener to use them at home. Before using drugs, it is mandatory to familiarize yourself with the safety regulations for the use of toxic substances.

Oksikh. A drug containing from copper oxychloride and oxadixyl. Belongs to the number of contact systemic fungicides, used for preventive purposes and to suppress diseases of garden and indoor plant crops. Recommended for use in the fight against late blight, macrosporiosis, black bacterial spot, septoria, etc. Non-toxicity makes this drug safe to use.

Preparation of working solution

Processing of plants is carried out only with a freshly prepared solution. First, one third of the volume of water must be poured into the sprayer tank, then start the mixing device and pour the required amount of the drug. After that, the remaining part of the necessary water is poured, the solution mixes well, after which the infected plants are treated with it.

A prerequisite is the purity of the water used to prepare the solution.

The recommended consumption rate is one packet per 2 liters of water. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out three treatments, but between them it is necessary to withstand a break of 10-14 days. Plants can only be treated with a freshly prepared solution based on the drug oxychom. It can be used as a component for the preparation of complex mixtures.

Advantages of the drug:

  • operates according to the system-contact principle;
  • the effect after treatment lasts for two weeks;
  • lack of toxicity, provided that the treatment is carried out in compliance with the recommended doses;
  • economy of consumption when used for preventive purposes.

Trichodermin. Included in the group of biological preparations designed to combat fungal and bacterial diseases. The main active component is the spores of the soil fungus Trichoderma lignorum and crushed grain substrate. The drug effectively fights more than 60 types of soil pathogens, which are the cause of many known diseases: root and fruit rot, seed infections, macrosporiosis, fusarium, etc.

The positive effect of the use of the drug is to improve soil fertility, provide plant roots with additional nutrients, increase seed germination.

Application method:


The problem of protecting plants from diseases is relevant for every gardener. To cope with them faster and without consequences, many are used for this chemicals. Fungicides are among the most popular, which demonstrate high efficiency. However, when choosing them, it is necessary to proceed from the position in order to cause minimal harm to the plant. Therefore, preference should be given to those that have the least toxicity. When choosing fungicidal preparations, it is necessary to focus on their recommendations for use. This will help to avoid undesirable consequences after processing.

In the world there is a huge variety of categories of medicinal preparations for plants, each of which has its own characteristics, principle of action and purpose. Given this fact, today we will consider in detail one of these categories, representing fungicides for plants, and talk about all their features, purposes and indications that will be relevant for all gardeners and gardeners.

Fungicides belong to the category of chemical (rarely biological) drugs, the main purpose of which lies in the prevention and treatment of various fungal invasions in the vast majority of plants that exist on our planet.

In addition, the therapeutic effect of fungicides also has a beneficial effect on the treatment and prevention of several other diseases, which is a kind of pleasant side effect.

How do they act?

Fungicides for plants are divided into two categories, each of which has its own principle of action.

So, contact fungicides are not absorbed and do not spread inside the plant, but only envelop it with a thin film, which both protects and also adversely affects existing fungal invasions, causing their death quite quickly.

Systemic fungicides are absorbed and absorbed by plants, and are also effective against both outdoor and indoor fungal diseases, but are not weathered (fungicide cannot wash away rain).

Regardless of which group fungicides belong to, they all have a similar detrimental effect on the fungus, which is expressed in the following points:

  1. Disrupt the process of fungal respiration.
  2. They neutralize the ability of the nucleus of fungal cells to divide, which is more important for systemic fungicides.
  3. Stimulate the formation in the plants themselves of substances that adversely affect fungi. The resulting substances are harmless to humans and plants.
  4. When applied externally, they can destroy the outer parts of the plant affected by the fungus, simultaneously causing necrosis in them. This measure is necessary to prevent the possible spread of fungal spores into healthy plant tissues after the drug is discontinued.
  5. It removes and breaks down pathogenic toxins in the body of the plant, which can provoke the development of both fungal and other diseases, as well as weaken the immune system.
  6. They prevent the production of ergosterol in fungal cells, the suppression of which also leads to the death of fungal invasions.
  7. Suppresses the formation of nucleic acids in the cells of the fungus, which makes their development impossible.
  8. It inhibits energy metabolism in fungal cells, which finally reduces their vital activity to nothing!

Also, there are biological fungicides, the effect on the fungus of which is in the following points:

As mentioned above, fungicides are of chemical and biological origin, and are divided into:

  1. Contact drugs.
  2. Systemic drugs.

In turn, in each group of fungicides there are preparations aimed at treatment, prevention, or treatment and prevention at the same time, which should be taken into account when choosing each individual agent.

When buying a fungicide, remember that the drugs are great at fighting any fungal invasion, but to increase their effectiveness, purchase fungicides that target exactly one of the above fungi, depending on which one appeared on your plants.

In general, today there are more than 14 chemical classes of fungicides, the list of which is presented below:

  • fungal fungicides;
  • childrenocarbamates;
  • imidazoles;
  • carabamates;
  • morpholines;
  • pyrimidines;
  • triazoles;
  • organophosphate pesticides, etc.

Instructions for use

Often, fungicides are used in three main ways, such as:

  1. Etching.
  2. Spraying and dusting.
  3. Incorporation into the soil.

Dressing consists in treating seeds or tubers with a fungicide for dressing before planting in order to protect the seeds from fungal infection and prevent their death.

Spraying and dusting consists in treating plants mainly with contact fungicides, which are sprayed onto healthy or damaged plants using a spray gun. As a rule, several such pollinations are carried out per season, starting in spring and ending in autumn.

Application to the soil allows you to rid it of fungal spores and pathogenic microorganisms. Systemic fungicides are used for tillage, so that in addition to disinfecting the soil, they can be absorbed by the root system of the plant.

Fungicides for processing indoor plants are also very popular among the masses, the most effective and safe of which we have presented below:

  1. Fundazol. The fungicide has a systemic effect, and is both a therapeutic and prophylactic antifungal agent that can be treated with most houseplants. Fundazol solution is prepared at the rate of 1 gram of the drug per 1 liter of water. Fundazol can both be watered and sprayed on plants, but when sprayed, it can leave light spots on the leaves that are not dangerous, but spoil the appearance;
  2. Agat-25K. A preventative fungicide that can be used as a light fertilizer. The fungicide is a biological type preparation, and its solution is used at the rate of 1 scoop of the preparation per 3 liters of water. The plant should be sprayed with the solution about 3-4 times, at intervals of 20 days. The preparation is also suitable for dressing seeds;
  3. Vectra. The drug is effective against powdery mildew, septoria and gray rot. The drug is diluted at the rate of 0.3 ml of the active substance per 1 liter of water. After completion of the treatment, the drug retains its effect for about 2 weeks;
  4. Oksikh. A fungicide that has both contact and systemic action and is great for both garden and houseplants. The drug shows the most pronounced qualities in the fight against diseases such as late blight, macrosporia, black bacterial spot, septoria, powdery and downy mildew. Oxychoma solution is diluted at the rate of 4 grams of the substance per 2 liters of water. The diseased plant is sprayed about 3 times, at intervals of 14 days.

Fungicides for plants growing in conditions open ground, especially as agricultural crops, can be successfully treated with the above preparations, as well as some other fungicides listed below:

  1. Sulfur is colloidal. The drug has proven itself in the fight against powdery mildew, anthracnose, ascochitosis and even mites. A solution of this sulfur is made at the rate of 10 liters of water per 100 grams of the drug. Plants are treated in 5 approaches, at intervals of 2 weeks;
  2. Speed One of the best drugs today, which is characterized by a long period of action. Skor is a systemic fungicide that protects plants from almost all fungal infestations. A quick solution is made at the rate of 30 milliliters of the drug per 1 liter of water;
  3. Strobe. Excellent remedy for powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust and all other fungi. Suitable for both vegetables, cereals and fruit trees, and for wild plants of our latitudes. The strobe solution is made at the rate of 0.4 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water.

List of drugs on our market and their names

There is a huge amount of fungicides on our market, which is constantly updated with new samples. The most popular and well-established drugs are presented in the following list:

  1. Previcur Energy. An effective systemic fungicide that fights a number of diseases: late blight. pereporosis, root rot, black leg. The drug is used for a large number of vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and also protects flowers, ornamental shrubs and seedlings of fruit and berry trees. The product stimulates plant growth and strengthens root system.

    Previkur is the only product in Russia after which vegetables can be eaten after 24 hours.
    Easy to use: according to instructions right amount the drug is diluted with water and watered into the ground, under the root of the plant.

  2. Consento, CS. Produced in the form of a suspension, refers to systemic fungicides. Prevents late blight on tomatoes and potatoes, peronosporosis on cucumbers and onions, mildew on grapes, root and root rot when growing seedlings.
    The drug begins to act from the first day after treatment, has a preventive and therapeutic effect, has a high heat resistance.

    Easy application: pour 5 liters of water, measure out 20 ml of the drug, pour into water and mix.

    Pour the solution into the sprayer, build up pressure and evenly spray on the plant until the leaves are completely wet.

    Abiga peak. It is produced in the form of an aqueous suspension, and is suitable for the treatment of fungal and bacterial lesions of all vegetable, flower and fruit crops. The drug can be used at any time, and its dosage, as well as the scheme of application, should be studied in the attached instructions;

  3. Acrobat MC. Available in the form of water-dispersible granules, it is suitable for antifungal treatment of potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and grapes. Spraying is carried out exclusively during the growing season, and the last treatment is done no earlier than 30 days before harvesting, so that the fruits have time to piss off this toxic drug;
  4. Alirin B. It is a biological fungicide, and is available in powder or tablet form. The drug is focused on the treatment of the root system of plants from rot, as well as the destruction of fungal spores in the soil itself. Moreover, the drug removes toxicity from the soil after it has been treated with other pesticides, by restoring the microflora in it, and splitting toxic elements into safe chemical compounds. Suitable for all garden and home crops. Processing can be carried out in any season when it becomes necessary to destroy the fungi in the soil, or to save the root system from death;
  5. Bordeaux mixture. It is produced in powder form and is intended for fungal protection of all vegetable, citrus, fruit, fruit, grain, melon and ornamental crops. The mixture is toxic and should only be used with protective clothing. The treatment is carried out during the period of active growth of the plant, and the fruits are plucked a month after the last treatment. The drug is compatible with most other fungicides and pesticides;
  6. Gamair. Available in the form of powder or tablets, and belongs to the category of biological fungicides. Suitable for the treatment of fungal invasions, as well as the fight against necrosis of the core of the stem, soft rot, bacterial canker of tomato. Compatible with most types of both garden and indoor plants. It is used during the growing season, and for its manufacture requires the addition of hamair to the solution liquid soap, at the rate of 1 milliliter per 10 liters of working fluid;
  7. Glyocradin. Supplied in the form of tablets or suspension concentrate. biological fungicide to suppress fungi in the soil, and destroy their spores. Suitable for all kinds of fruit, vegetable and indoor crops. The drug should not be combined with other fungicides of chemical origin. Processing is carried out at any time of the year when it is necessary to suppress fungal spores in the soil;
  8. Quadris. It is a powder, and is a contact fungicide with a wide spectrum of action, which is suitable for fruit, vegetable, fruit and berry crops. Processing is carried out during the growing season. Processing is prohibited during the flowering of plants, as well as if the ambient temperature exceeds 30 degrees. The drug begins to act after 2 hours, and continues to act for 7-12 days, until the next treatment;
  9. Oksikh. Supplied as a soluble powder, it is a systemic contact fungicide targeted at protecting tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes. Use during the growth period of plants, but during the flowering period it is forbidden to use;
  10. Thanos. Supplied in the form of granules. The drug is focused on the protection of potatoes. Thanos is used up to 4 times per season. The drug is applied to the soil at intervals of 10-15 days;
  11. Fundazol. Supplied in powder form, it is a common systemic fungicide that has earned respect among the masses. Apply foundationol throughout the growing season, conducting 3-5 treatments per season. The last treatment should be carried out 7, 10 or 20 days before harvest, depending on the crop;
  12. Hom. Supplied as a powder packaged in sachets. It is a systemic contact fungicide that has proven itself in the fight against apple and pear scab, late blight and curliness. The drug is used during the growing season, with the exception of the flowering period. Treatment with the drug is prohibited at ambient temperatures above 30 degrees.
  13. Horus. It is supplied in the form of granules, and is aimed at protecting fruit pome crops. It performs best in cool weather, not exceeding 15 degrees Celsius. Use throughout the season, from early spring. Stop using 15 days before harvest with seeds, and 30 days before harvest with stones.

Precautionary measures

When working with fungicides, always wear protective clothing in the form of gloves, goggles, an apron and a respirator, and strictly follow the instructions on the package. Keep fungicides away from children and pets.

Prohibit the use of fruits treated with fungicide before it dissolves in them. Fungicide preparations are toxic, do not allow them to enter drinking water sources.


Today we learned the names of the main groups of fungicides presented on the markets of the CIS countries, which will be useful to all summer residents and plant lovers. Remember, when buying a fungicide, be sure to read the instructions, otherwise you risk ruining your plant with an inept selection of dosages.

In the process of caring for plantings, fungicides for plants have to be used. We are talking about drugs that are used for the prevention and control of pathogens - the cause of the spread of fungal diseases. Their pathogens can affect both one crop and a group of plants. In order not to treat the problem, it is better to prevent it and protect the plantings in advance.

The best fungicides for plants

Plant protection specialists are constantly improving the means, creating combined formulations, and paying attention to the immunization of crops. Fungicide preparations are designed to protect vegetable, fruit and indoor plants from pathogenic fungi. The timely use of antifungal agents preserves the health of plantings, increases their decorative effect and productivity, and prevents the occurrence of fungal infections.

What is a fungicide?

Substances of biological or chemical origin are used to prevent and eliminate fungal infections of plants. They are effective for protecting seeds and soil during dressing, the green part of plantings when spraying. Fungicides for plants are divided into:

  1. Contact- act on the surface of stems, leaves.
  2. Systemic- substances through the vascular system of plants penetrate into the tissues of the fetus vegetable crops, can act on the seed coat.

Fungicides for plants by origin are:

  1. Organic. The antifungal action is based on the activity of certain bacteria, they are harmless to the environment, completely decompose. Such compounds are softer, their effect is weaker, but they have few side effects.
  2. Inorganic. Preparations are made on the basis of strong chemical compounds, they remain in the soil for a long time. Chemicals act faster and more actively, they are often toxic and require caution in use.

It is important to know the features of the use of fungicides - they can be used in powder form and applied to the soil during digging. The use of the solution is relevant - they can shed the soil to protect against the fungus, seed the seeds before planting. In early spring or in late autumn, fungicides for plants are used to irrigate foliage. Prepare the mixture strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Fungicide Speed

This is a highly effective broad-spectrum agent with the working substance difenoconazole. Skor is used from, oidium on grapes, scab. The concentrate showed successful fungicidal properties on potatoes, tomatoes, fruit trees, gooseberries, and currants. The drug has low toxicity for animals and humans. The use of the drug Skor:

  1. 3-5 ml of the concentrate should be diluted in 10 liters of water and used immediately.
  2. It works within 1-2 weeks.
  3. If fungal spores have already appeared on the plant, the drug will not work.
  4. The speed is suitable for soaking seeds.

Fungicide Falcon

The drug enters the market in the form of a concentrate in 5-liter canisters. The emulsion is slightly toxic and environmentally friendly. To prepare a working solution for prevention, 5 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water is required, if the plantings are already affected - 10 ml per 10 liters of water. Falcon is sprayed with crops; it is not washed off by precipitation. The action of the fungicide lasts 2-4 weeks.

Fungicide Strobi

Among fungicides for plants, the drug is considered unique. It effectively fights most fungal and microbial diseases, is used to protect grapes, fruit trees, vegetables, flowers. The use of the drug Strobi and its action:

  1. The fungicide is presented in the form of granules that quickly dissolve in water.
  2. The remedy stops the focus of the disease, prevents the development of spores and stops the growth of the mycelium.
  3. To prepare the solution, dilute 0.4 g of granules in 1 liter of water.
  4. The emulsion must be used within the first 2 hours after preparation.
  5. The drug can be used at the time of flowering.
  6. The fungicide tolerates precipitation, works well both at low temperatures and on wet foliage.
  7. It is not recommended to use it for two seasons in a row.

Fungicide Thanos

Thanos is a fungicide with the contact component famoxadone and the active ingredient cymoxanil. It, penetrating inside the tissues of the leaves, has a therapeutic effect even 1-2 days after infection. The drug is produced in the form of water-soluble granules. It protects plants from late blight, alternariosis, garny types of rot, prevents new sporulation on plants, and improves the process of photosynthesis. Fungicide Thanos - action and application

  1. It is used to protect potatoes, onions, tomatoes, sunflowers.
  2. The solution is prepared in proportion - 4 g of the drug per 10 liters of water.
  3. The drug is resistant to washing off, forms a film on the foliage, fungal spores die within 2 minutes.
  4. Thanos is especially effective for preventive use - plants are treated with it every 10-12 days up to 4 times per season.

Fungicide Horus

Systemic fungicide (active component cyprodinil) is used at the beginning of the season to protect against scab, leaf curl, powdery mildew, moniliosis, fruit rot for pome and stone fruit crops. The agent penetrates the plants quickly and begins to act literally after 2 hours, even if it rains. Application of the fungicide Horus:

  1. The rate of fungicide in the preparation of the solution depends on the type of plant and ranges from 3-6 g per 10 liters.
  2. The interval between irrigations with Horus is 12-14 days.
  3. The last treatment is allowed 14-30 days before harvest.
  4. At a temperature of + 3-20 ° C, the effectiveness of the product is the highest. If the thermometer is above + 25 ° C, it decreases significantly.

Fungicide Quadris

Systemic fungicide Quadris is a drug for protecting soil vegetable crops (cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cabbage), grapes, peas, strawberries from major diseases. With it, you can cope with powdery mildew, late blight, mildew, oidium, late blight, spotting. The fungicide is endowed with preventive, curative and eradicating action. The drug Quadris - action and application:

  1. The concentration of the active solution on cultures is 0.2%.
  2. It is recommended to carry out 3 sprayings with Quadris fungicide per season.
  3. The fungicide is non-toxic to the environment, prolongs the fruiting period of the crop and the safety of the crop.

Fungicide Maxim

The drug Maxim is a contact fungicide, with its help it is possible to protect plants from fungal diseases and disinfect the soil. The active ingredient fludioxonil is extracted from bacteria, it heals plants and enhances their immunity, effectively works against fusarium, mold, root rot. Application of the drug Maxim:

  1. The fungicide is suitable for treating potatoes, beets, cereals, legumes, bulbs, garden and indoor flowers.
  2. The working solution is prepared at the rate of 2 ml of the product per 1 liter of water. It must be used within 24 hours. 50-100 ml of the prepared solution is poured under the plant.
  3. Maxim seed, bulbs, tubers, all planting material, rhizomes and when laying them for storage.


Effectively fights fungal diseases of leaves and seeds. Fundazol is a broad-spectrum treater and fungicide based on benomyl. Also, the tool is considered an insecticide and destroys most of the known pests - ticks, aphids. Application of Fundazol:

  1. The drug is produced in sachets of 10 g, which is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  2. Leaves are sprayed with the emulsion, seeds and bulbs are dressed before planting, and the soil is shed.
  3. Fundazol is suitable for potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, fruit trees, berries, flowers.
  4. The drug is toxic, during the season it is allowed to carry out no more than 2 treatments of plants with this agent, fruit trees - up to 5 times.

Fungicide Fitosporin

Harmless to plants, the biofungicide has low toxicity to humans and animals. The preparation is contact, designed to protect against fungal and bacterial ailments of indoor, greenhouse, garden and garden plants. Application of Fitosporin:

  1. The tool is used as a disease prevention.
  2. Phytosporin acts immediately after use, its properties are preserved in a wide temperature range.
  3. Before use working fluid insist 1-2 hours.

Phytosporin is used:

  1. For spraying and watering flowering, vegetative and fruiting plants, trees, shrubs.
  2. For soaking seeds, bulbs and seedling root systems.
  3. For spilling the soil before planting.
  4. For processing tubers, bulbs and rhizomes when storing.

Fungicide Switch

The drug of systemic and contact action Switch is an excellent protection of the vineyard, fruit trees, tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries from fungal diseases. Preventive treatment of plants with a solution reduces the risk of mycosis. Fungicide Switch has practically no drawbacks - it is low-toxic, has resistance to flushing, a wide range of operating temperatures, it can even be sprayed flowering plants. The composition contains innovative substances cyprodinil (penetrates the plant) and fludioxanil (it has a contact effect on the causative agent of the disease). Switch application:

  1. The consumption rate of the fungicide is 2 g per 10 liters of water.
  2. Processing of plants is carried out with a freshly prepared solution.
  3. After spraying, the fungicide acts after 2 hours.
  4. The drug is used for irrigating crops and dressing seeds and soil, its protective effect lasts 20 days.

List of fungicides

Abiga Peak, Sun

The drug is not phytotoxic when used in strict accordance with the developed recommendations.


Acrobat MC

Fungicide of systemic-local and contact action (dimethomorph 90 g/kg + mancozeb 600 g/kg). Systemic-contact (local-systemic dimethomorph and contact mancozeb) fungicide used to combat late blight and alternariosis of potatoes, peronosporiosis of cucumbers, mildew of grapes and a number of other diseases.

Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance).


Alirin - B, TAB

Biological fungicide for the suppression of fungal diseases in the soil and on plants (soil microflora - Bacillus subtilis VIZR-10, titer 109 CFU/g), similar in composition and action to phytosporin. Recommended: as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of fungal diseases on all types of horticultural crops and indoor plants.

Hazard class: 4 (low hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, beneficial entomofauna and the environment

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A complex preparation with the advantages of a contact biological fungicide and stimulant (Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas aureofaciens, coniferous extract and a set of macro and microelements). Albit is a complex drug with the advantages of analogues (Agat-25k, pseudobacterin, phytosporin, planriz, silk, crystallon, humates).

Hazard class: 4 (low hazardous substance).

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A systemic fungicide used to protect plants from a wide range of diseases (triadimefon, 250 g/kg). It is used, in particular, to control powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis), fusariums (Fusarium spp.), rust fungi (Puccinia spp.), rhynchosporium (Rhynchosporium secalis), septoria (Septoria pp.), pyrenophorosis (Pyrenophora spp.), red-brown spotting (Helminthosporium avenae), net spotting (Drechslera teres), cercosporellosis (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides).

Hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Bordeaux mixture

Broad-spectrum contact fungicide (copper sulfate 960 g/kg + calcium hydroxide 900 g/kg. Designed to protect fruit, vegetables, berries, gourds, citrus, ornamental, flower and other crops from a complex of diseases.

Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not dangerous for bees. It is necessary to carry out the processing of plants in compliance with environmental regulations.


Vitaros, VSK

Fungicide of contact-systemic action, for dressing planting material (98g/l tiram + 198g/l carboxin). An effective treatment for bulbs, corms and rhizomes of flower crops before planting and storage. It suppresses the development of pathogens located both on the surface of the planting material and inside it.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).


Hamair, P, Tab.

Biological bactericide for the suppression of bacterial and some fungal diseases in the soil and on plants (Bacillus subtilis M-22 VIZR, titer 109 CFU/g), similar in composition and action to phytosporin. Recommended: as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of bacterial diseases on all types of horticultural crops and indoor plants.

Hazard class - 4 (low-hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment. Does not accumulate in plants and soil, which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products

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Gliocladin, Tab

Trichodermin analogue.

Biological fungicide for the suppression of pathogens of fungal diseases in the soil (mushroom culture Trichoderma harziannum VIZR-18).

Hazard class - 4 (low-hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment.

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Ditan M-45

Fungicide of contact action, to combat late blight and alternariosis and other fungal diseases (mancozeb 800 g / kg.). Ditan M-45 analogue of Profit. Protective-contact preparation for protecting plants from late blight and a number of other diseases.

Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic, compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, earthworms and soil microorganisms.


A fungicide from the class of strobilurins with mesostemic activity (trifloxystrobin 500 g/kg).

It is used mainly on pome crops, for example, apples and pears, against scab, alternariosis, black (sooty) spot, powdery mildew, moniliosis, phyllosticosis and to prevent diseases during storage of fruits.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).


Green soap

Prophylactic against pests and diseases. It is also used as a component of self-prepared plant protection products. Ingredients: water, potassium salts fatty acids, natural fats and vegetable oils.

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Fungicide of contact and locally systemic action (copper oxychloride, 89.5 g/kg, cymoxanil, 42 g/kg.). Analogue of the drug Ordan. It is mainly used to protect against late blight on potatoes and downy mildew on cucumbers. The drug has preventive, curative and pathogen spore-suppressing properties.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). The drug is medium resistant in soil (3rd class), practically non-toxic for soil organisms and birds. The drug is moderately dangerous for bees (2nd class).

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Fungicide of contact and systemic action (cymoxanil, 45 g/kg, mancozeb, 680 g/kg.). It is used to combat late blight and alternariosis and other fungal diseases: alternariosis, macrosporiosis, dry spot, septoria, rhizoctoniosis, black spot, pernosporosis, mildew.

For humans, the hazard class of the drug is 2 (dangerous substance). Not dangerous for bees. (Grade 3).

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Contact fungicide (fludioxonil, 25 g/l.). It is used for dressing flower bulbs, other planting material (corms, seed potatoes) from rot before planting and during storage.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). Not hot. Not phytotoxic. Toxic to fish, do not allow to enter the aquatic environment.

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blue vitriol

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Broad-spectrum systemic contact fungicide (copper oxychloride 670 g/kg + oxadixyl 130 g/kg). Oxychom is used to combat diseases caused by fungi of the oomycete subclass. It is well suited for protecting potatoes and tomatoes from late blight and macrosporiosis, cucumbers from perepporosis (downy mildew).

Hazard class: 1. Hazardous substance.

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Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (copper oxychloride, 689 g / kg + cymoxanil, 42 g / kg.). Two-component fungicide of local-systemic action to protect potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes in open and protected ground, grapes and a number of other plants from a complex of diseases.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Previkur, VK

A fungicide with systemic properties that has both protective and growth-promoting properties (propamocarb hydrochloride, 607 g / l.). It has a wide spectrum of activity against pathogens of root rot and peronosporosis (Pythium, Phytophthora, Aphanomyces, Bremia, Peronospora, Pseudopeonospora spp). It has a stimulating effect, increases the resistance of the plant to infection, stimulates the rooting of cuttings, growth and flowering of plants.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance), has a slight irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

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Profit, joint venture

Fungicide to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (Mancozeb, 800g/kg). The preparation is enriched with manganese and zinc.

Hazard class: for humans - 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic, compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, earthworms and soil microorganisms.

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Profit Gold, VDG

Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (cymoxanil 250 g/kg + famoxadone 250 g/kg). Cymoxanil is quickly absorbed by the leaves and penetrates the plant, famoxadone remains on the surface of the leaves for a long time. Designed for use in private farms.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Systemic fungicide with long-term preventive and protective action (difenoconazole, 250 g/l.). It is used to protect fruit crops from powdery mildew, scab, leaf curl, coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis. It can be used to combat late blight and early blight on potatoes and tomatoes. It is also used in the fight against powdery mildew. Analogue of the drug "Skor".

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). The product is non-toxic to birds and bees. The drug is toxic to fish.

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Ridomil gold, VDG, joint venture

Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (mefenoxam, 40 g / kg + mancozeba, 640 g / kg). Mefenoxam provides internal protection: systemic and translaminar action - protection of treated and untreated parts of plants, new growth and tubers, a high level of effectiveness against fungi from the class of oomycetes (causative agents of downy mildew), rapid decomposition in the soil. Mancozeb provides external protection and is an effective contact fungicide and a key link in the anti-resistance strategy.

Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). When using the drug in strict accordance with the recommendations developed by the company, there is no risk of phytotoxicity. The drug is slightly toxic to birds and bees, but toxic to fish.

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Rovral, SP

Fungicide of contact action against a complex of diseases (iprodion, 500 g/kg). Rovral is effective against a wide range of pathogens: Alternaria, Botrytis, Oxysporum, Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Monilia, Phoma, Pleiochaeta, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Sclerotium, Septoria, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Typhula. When the soil is spilled, it has a systemic effect.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous compound). Prohibited for use in the sanitary zone of fishery reservoirs. Practically not dangerous for bees - hazard class 4.

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Systemic fungicide with a long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effect, to combat scab, powdery mildew, leaf curl, late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (difenoconazole 250 g / l.). A drug with a long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effect. An analogue of the drug "Rayok".

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Tattu, CS

Fungicide of contact-systemic action (mancozeb, 301.6 g/l, propamocarb hydrochloride, 248 g/l). plant resistance. Propamocarb hydrochloride disrupts the biosynthesis of membrane structures and slows down the germination of spores and the development of mycelium.

Hazard class: 2 (dangerous compound), has a slight irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

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Teldor VG

Fungicide of local-systemic action (fenhexamid, 500 g/kg). Preparation for combating Gray rot (Botrytis cinerea), Moliniliosis (Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia laxa), White rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) on fruit and berry crops and grapes. It is applied from the earliest terms and up to harvesting. The drug also increases the safety of fruits during transportation and storage.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Systemic fungicide with growth-stimulating activity (propiconazole, 250 g/l.). The drug Tilt through the leaves and stems, due to systemic action, enters the plants. The drug has not only a long protective and curative effect, but also stops the further development of the pathogen and suppresses sporulation in it. In addition, the drug has growth-regulating activity. Attention! No more than one treatment with Tilt should be carried out per growing season.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous compound). The drug is non-toxic to birds, slightly toxic to bees, toxic to fish.

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Thiovit jet, VDG

Contact fungicide and acaricide (sulfur, 800 g/kg). Preparation for the protection of vegetable, fruit, flower crops and vineyards from powdery mildew, some other diseases and mites.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Topaz, KE

Systemic fungicide to control powdery mildew, rust and other fungal diseases (Penconazole, 100 g/L). The best results are obtained by prophylactic application at the beginning of the growing season to suppress the primary infection of the powdery mildew pathogen, as well as to prevent the spread of the disease or at the first signs of the onset of the disease.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class 3), non-toxic for birds and beneficial insects, dangerous for fish. Not phytotoxic.


Topsin-M SP

Systemic fungicide of preventive and therapeutic action (methyl thiophanate, 700 g/kg). The drug belongs to substances similar to benzimidazoles (benomyl), penetrates into plants, is absorbed by the root system, and transforms into carbendazim. It is most effective in preventive treatment, before the development of the pathogen. It has a negative effect on soil nematodes, on a number of aphid species. The drug is not effective against downy mildew.

Human hazard class - 2 (hazardous substance). Does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Not dangerous for birds, bees, hazard class 3. Toxic to fish. Toxic to lacewing eggs.



Biological fungicide for the treatment and prevention of root infections of indoor flowers and ornamental plants. Soil conditioner. Germinating in moist soil from spores, the mycelium of the fungus suppresses about 60 types of soil pathogens that infect the soil and cause root rot.

Hazard class - 4. Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment. It has no phytotoxic effect on protected plants. Does not accumulate in plants and soil, which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products


Fitolavin, VRK

Systemic biological bactericide (phytobacteriomycin). It is used in the prevention of root rot, vascular bacteriosis, black leg diseases, bacterial burn, angular leaf spot, bacterial tuber rot, vascular bacteriosis on cucumber, bacterial vertex rot, alternariosis on tomatoes, moniliosis, scab, fusarium, anthracnose.

Hazard class: - 3 (moderately dangerous compound). Has an irritating effect.



Contact action biological fungicide (Bacillus subtilis 26 D, 100 million cells/g). Fitosporin-M is a microbiological preparation designed to protect garden, garden, indoor and greenhouse plants from a complex of fungal and bacterial diseases. It is available as a paste, as a liquid in bottles, and as a powder. It is used mainly for preventive purposes (treatment of seeds, tubers and bulbs before planting, periodic spraying or watering of plants in order to prevent diseases in the collection). Low toxicity, not dangerous for the plants and bees themselves.

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Fundazim SP

Broad-spectrum systemic fungicide (benomyl, 500 g/kg.). An analogue of the drug "Fundazol". For the entire season, no more than 2 treatments are allowed by spraying and watering, since after that the pathogens develop resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1-2 seasons.

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Fungicide and protectant with a wide range of systemic action against a large number of fungal diseases of seeds and leaves of plants. Fundazol has both protective (preventive) and therapeutic properties. For the entire season, no more than 2 treatments are allowed by spraying and watering, since after that the pathogens develop resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1-2 seasons.

Hazard class: Benomyl (benorad, fundazol, fundazim) has a hazard class 2 (dangerous compound) for humans, for fish. The preparation has low toxicity for soil organisms and birds.

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Fungicide of systemic-local and contact action (copper oxychloride, 900 g/kg). A preparation for combating plant diseases: apple and pear scab, potato and tomato late blight, plum fruit rot, peach leaf curl, grape mildew, onion and cucumber downy mildew, rust and spotting of ornamental and flower crops and pathogens of fungal diseases.

Hom has a hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is used for dressing seeds, bulbs, corms, rhizomes of flower plants at a concentration of 0.1-0.15% for two hours. It can be used for health-improving watering of seedlings, seedlings and adult plants under the root in the fight against blackleg, fusarium, bacteriosis. It is used for disinfection of stock and tools.

Soda ash (linen) is used to combat powdery mildew. For spraying prepare a 0.3-0.5% solution. For better adhesion, soap is added to the soda solution.

alto, impact, vectra - have a systemic, penetrating and contact action, acting against powdery mildew and rust fungi.

Features and Benefits:

Low consumption rates, long-term protective, fighter and healing effect, prolonged action.

Terms of application:

Spray when the first external signs of powdery mildew or rust appear. The maximum frequency of plant treatments is 4 times. The frequency between treatments is 12-14 days.

Fungicides for plants, what are they, what is it? The last decades were marked by an unprecedented growth of viral, bacterial, fungal diseases of all plants. With fungal diseases (late blight, gray rot, other types of rot, powdery mildew, peronosporosis, fusarium, clasterosporosis, root rot, various leaf spots, others) with proper use, fungicides successfully cope - contact, systemic. Bacterial, viral diseases are practically untreatable, no matter what actions gardeners take. All fungicides are divided into preparations of contact and systemic action.

contact fungicides

Contact preparations - such as cineb, polycarbocin, copper oxychloride, sulfur, mancozeb, others - are not able to treat already diseased plants, but reliably protect them from infection. Plants do not develop resistance to them - this is their main advantage. But the term protective effect they do not exceed 10-12 days before the first heavy rain, after which the treatment is repeated.

The multiplicity of treatments for contact fungicides is the largest: from 3 to 6 treatments per season. These drugs almost do not penetrate into the plant, they protect only those places where they are located directly. Therefore, when working with contact fungicides, try to carefully spray not only the upper surface of the leaves, but also the underside of them. Many types of fungi begin to germinate from the underside of the leaves.

Systemic fungicides

Systematicity in plant protection refers to the ability of the active substance to be redistributed from the place of application to other parts of the plant, not only on the surface, but also inside. These drugs protect plants from fungi not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Systemic fungicides are able to have a curative effect, but in the early stages of infection.

Already after 2-6 hours from the moment of treatment, any precipitation (or irrigation) is not able to reduce the effectiveness of such drugs. And the period of protective action remains with them for 2-3 weeks.

However, pathogenic fungi develop resistance to systemic fungicides very quickly. To slow down this process, international crop protection experts recommend using them no more than twice per season on the same crop. And if additional treatments are required, then you need to use drugs or contact action, or a systemic fungicide, but of a completely different chemical group.

Chemical groups of systemic plant protection products (analogues are given in brackets)

  1. Azoles (triazoles) - Vectra (Granite), Skor (Bogard, Dividend), Topaz, Tilt (Bumper), Folicur, Alto, Bytan, Bayleton, Sportak, Impact.
  2. Strobirulins - But, Strobi, Amistar.
  3. Benzimidazoles - Fundazol (Benomyl), Derozal (Colfugo-Super), Tekto (Titusim),
  4. Phenylamides - Apron.
  5. Anilidopyrimidines - Chorus.
  6. Pyrimidinylcarbinols - Rubigan.
  7. Dithianols - Delan.
  8. Phosphonates - Alyett (Alufit).
  9. Phthalamides - Merpan, Folpan.

Like insects, fungal resistance on plants is developed immediately to all fungicides of the same chemical group.

The best options for plant protection are:

  • alternation of contact and systemic fungicides;
  • alternation of 2-3 systemic drugs, but from different chemical groups.

For many years, mixed fungicides have been produced, consisting of 2-3 active substances, and they:

  • both contact and systemic action (Kurzat R. Odram, Acrobat MC, Ridomil Gold MC, Sandofan M8, Tattu, Oxyhom, Pilon, Artemi S, Poliram DF, Arceride, Avixil, others). They are used as contact preparations up to 4 times per season with the concentration of the working solution usually not lower than 0.3-0.4% (30-40 g per 10 l of water). Please note that a lower concentration of solutions leads to poor results. So this is just the case when “you can’t spoil porridge with oil” ... Prepare solutions of fungicides of this group, adhering to the recommendations of the instructions, but it’s better to even make them more concentrated than it is written.
  • only systemic action, may belong to the same chemical group or to completely different ones. This is done only in order to expand the spectrum of action on harmful fungi. Such fungicides include Mikal, Archer, Ryder, Alto-Super, Falcon, Thanos, and others. They are used no more than twice per season.

Basic rules for using drugs

  • Spray only in cloudy calm weather, as well as early in the morning - at dawn or in the evening - at sunset. Precipitation falling within 4-6 hours after treatment reduces the effectiveness of many fungicides.
  • Be sure to use rubber gloves, because. all plant protection products penetrate the skin quite well and are then absorbed into the blood. It is enough to put on a light respirator or bandage on the face.
  • Try to spray the plants themselves with fungicides, not the soil. A high-quality pneumatic sprayer will help save money, time, and keep you healthy. Therefore, do not save on the purchase of a sprayer.
  • It is forbidden to treat crops with systemic fungicides that use green stems or leaves as food, as well as radish, radish, daikon, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries, cherries. The last four can only be processed before flowering. Since all these cultures absorb toxic compounds very well, and do not have time to get rid of them until they are eaten, even if the waiting periods are observed.
  • The working solution is prepared immediately before use, can be stored for no more than a day.
  • Do not allow any fungicides to enter water bodies, as this leads to the death of all living things in them. Poisons are destroyed faster in the surface layer of the earth, which is not intended for use for vegetable gardens, hayfields, pastures, and playgrounds. The sun, soil microorganisms are the main destroyers, neutralizers of any toxic compounds.
  • Store fungicides in a dry, dark, preferably frost-free area away from food. All packages must be sealed, as air moisture changes physical properties drugs. The shelf life of biological products is 1-2.5 years, chemical products - 10 years or more, regardless of the expiration date indicated on the container label.