What to write to a girl on VKontakte examples. How to write the first message to a girl in contact? Folded letters into the correct phrase - knock down anyone at once

The first phrase is the key to a pleasant acquaintance!

If you want to make a good impression on the person you like, then you should know that first phrases are always the most decisive. Here, for example, you see your favorite girl or guy and write a banal "hello", but believe me, this word in itself is uninteresting and banal. You need to write in such a way that the person is “hooked” and led to the idea that you are a cool guy or girl. Words affect a person like a magnet. And do not neglect such a special "weapon" that will help you find happiness in love. Open your true feelings to another person with the help of enticing statements, and you will get exactly what you are counting on!

Simple and understandable words are the key to longevity of acquaintance!

Good afternoon! I have been looking for you (ala) on the Internet for so long, and you are here ...

Oh my God! Always dreamed (ala) to meet such a wonderful person like you.

You are unique!

Good afternoon. I would like (ala) to get to know you better, watch a movie or have a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe. What do you think about that?

Hello, it seems to me or have you really starred in some movie?

It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

You know, when I saw you (la) I immediately wanted to live happily ever after!

Hey! I dreamed about you today...

Hi. Today is such a wonderful day. When I saw (la) you, I could not (la) resist not to write!

I wish you a wonderful and pleasant day!

If you want, I'll give you happiness!

Hello. I am (name) and I really want to meet you! To be honest, I have never met such a person before. I really liked your profile and your photo is so cute. How do you like my suggestion to go somewhere and just chat?

Hello. Can you tell me how to get to the library? It's a joke, of course)) You are just so sweet that I was confused (was) and didn't know (la) what to say. Let's be friends?

Hi Hello). You have such beautiful eyes (legs, hair, dress, suit, biceps, mustache, beard, handbag)!

Good afternoon. How is your mood?

I knew (la) that the most beautiful girls (guys) are here!

Hello. You have such a thoughtful look (mysterious, bewitching, striking, captivating, striking on the spot, sweet, gentle, wonderful, maddening, unsurpassed, unpredictable, insanely beautiful, surprised, attractive, sunny, fabulous, in love with life).

Hello, I really liked you, let's get acquainted, I am (name), are you looking for your destiny?

Good afternoon! If you are tired of the same type of days, then I propose to spend a wonderful day in a cafe, cinema or wherever you wish! How do you look at it, and when will it be convenient for you to meet?

Greetings! Can I entertain you on this site or even in reality?

Greetings to you. Please advise me how to please a girl (guy)?

Hello, do you need a funny (th) and witty (th) husband (wife)?

Good afternoon, what are you doing tonight?

Hello, do you think I'm cute?

Hey! I have been looking for you (ala) for many years, days, hours, minutes, seconds! And now I found (found)! Let's meet tonight, shall we?

Folded letters into the correct phrase - knock down anyone at once!

If you are between 18 and 70 years old and you often do not know what and how to write to a person, then welcome to our Garden of Eden with such simple and understandable phrases for the first communication on the Internet using the site.
Never be discouraged if you don't get a response to your first email on the internet. This is not a person who does not want to communicate with you, but you have not written to him. You can always try to re-write something that will open his eyes to your attention. This is a regularity: all the most serious arises from the frivolous.

Rather, even the first stupid joke can make the other person fall in love with you. If you really want love and a lot of attention, look at the person’s profile and, guided by it, write those phrases for dating a girl or a guy that we offer to you. All people are different, but one thing unites everyone, and also the desire to be happy.

Read the phrases and look for among them exactly those that, in your opinion, will win the heart of your sympathy. It's so easy and simple. In fact, everything in our life is easy and simple. You just need to understand this and find those methods of communication that will attract to you only those who you need. And we assure you that it will work with you, and after a while you will no longer do anything, and people will write to you and write to you. And already you will think to answer them with a mutual answer or not.

To make the girl smile during correspondence, you can write her an original and unusual compliment, for example: “Your extraordinary eyes and velvet skin conquered me at first sight and touch.” To cheer you up, you can write a funny joke, a humorous story from your life, or ask an extraordinary question. On a friend's wall social network you can send a funny picture, her favorite musical composition or a cool video that will definitely make you smile.

Important! If you have a smartphone, you can earn money anytime! How? Get 5 ways to work part-time relevant for October 2019 Read →

What will make a girl happy?

What can bring a smile to the face of a girlfriend when texting:

  • Words of empathy, friendly support, encouragement in a difficult life situation.
  • Admiration for her talents, mental abilities, or nice words about her appearance.
  • A poem of one's own composition or literary prose. If the guy does not have the ability to write masterpieces, you can send the creation of her favorite poet.

A win-win option is to invite a representative of the opposite sex to a concert, nightclub, cinema, opera or other interesting event, saying that there are two tickets. You can arrange a romantic dinner and write that the table has already been booked.

Examples of messages for a sweetheart

Examples of SMS messages for your beloved:

  • "Good morning, my bright sun, and a magical day to you."
  • “Today is such a starry sky ... do you know what the brightest star in the sky looks like? Don't you know? She is reading my SMS right now and is definitely smiling! »
  • “I can’t even imagine what I would do without you by my side. Enjoy life, you say. But no, in my life then there would simply be no meaning ... I am grateful to our fateful meeting and to you for existing in this world, my beautiful half! »
  • “I miss your breathtaking smile madly, I want to hold you tightly and merge with you together, because we cannot exist without each other.”
  • “You know, it suddenly became cold outside, black clouds covered the sky, and all because you are frowning! Smile, and the sun will immediately come out from behind the clouds! »
  • “I just hate you ... when I don’t see you next to me :)”
  • “I beg you, do not be afraid, please, if you wake up one fine morning, open your eyes and find yourself in a cramped and dark room, do not be afraid, because you are in my heart! »
  • "Let's just keep quiet with you and enjoy each other, one night we will scream a lot, but from love, not from fear."
  • “I am sending you a thousand radiant smiles by virtual mail: take only one now and try it on, and ask the rest to be put under a soft pillow and take out one piece every morning - because you are breathtaking when you smile.”
  • “There are only two periods of time when I want to be with you - this is now and always! »
  • “Do you know that you and I are two criminals? Do you want to know what they did? I will answer: they stole each other's hearts, and forever.
  • "To be in love with such a lovely creature as you is identical to breathing - if I stop, I will die."
  • “When I meet God in heaven, the first thing I will bow before him and thank you for giving me you.”
  • “You are all so perfect ... but there is one significant flaw in you that I want to change - this is your last name) Did you catch a hint? » A message like this is suitable for a guy who really has serious intentions.

Three short words able to cheer up and make any girl happy - this is “I love you! »


Don't you dare write to the girl Next SMS

Because I'm going to show you exactly WHAT you need to write to her so that she forgets about all the other guys and literally asks you to meet her!

Do you feel that she is losing interest in you?

Or maybe she is not interested at all and rarely answers? If you feel that her interest is waning, then you are close to failure. Discover the section of the course "From text to sex" with interest elicitation techniques and she will start responding instantly.

How to write to give the impression that it is she seduces you and not you her. Even if she doesn't answer you at all!

How to deal with girls who don't answer and what exactly to write to them

A fun provocative technique that you can use any time you ask her a question.

Emergency help, if suddenly she stopped answering you ... I tried this short but clever message 60 times, and There has NEVER been a case of a girl not answering me!

One SMS of two words which will show that you lead a beautiful rich life

How to show a girl that you are decent man and show yourself on the positive side without saying it directly

How to pass girl checks... Yes, the girls will definitely check you in their SMS. I will show examples of how to completely disarm a girl with my answer and make her look at you like a cool guy.

How to respond to negative SMS

What messages from girls should just be ignored otherwise she won't want to meet you.

Does she agree to go on a date with you?

Or maybe she stopped responding after a few texts or even dates? You don’t like it when a date seems to go well, but after it the girl doesn’t pick up the phone and doesn’t answer SMS? These questions will be answered See What to do if she stops responding?

One psychological technique that can be used right now is to get her to socialize(and no matter how long ago she stopped responding to your messages).

How to create in her the feeling that what she is doing is wrong, and make it so so that she begins to answer you in an interested manner

How to call deep trust and rapport via SMS

The best way invite a girl to a meeting!

What to do if you are already ready to date her?

Section "Invitation to a date" equip you with techniques to make the girl enthusiastically say “Yes!”. You will know:

Three great ways to ask a girl out on a date without any awkward moments (she just won't be able to resist).

A subtle check to see if she can meet at the right time for you.. Personally, I always use this trick to get 10 dates out of 10 numbers.

An unmistakable way to get an answer from her if you urgent need to know yes or no

Verified 6 ways to make a date right at your home

How to make a first date with a girl even without talking to her on the phone

How to cross correctly from correspondence to call

What to write if you called she didn't pick up the phone?

When you know everything I have listed up to this point, you will be in the 5% of guys who are really successful in texting girls.

And this would already be enough, but I decided to add additional bonuses to the course ...

The following bonuses will disappear in:

Bonus #1.
Seminar and book "The 100 Best Pickup SMS of All Time".
Version 2012.

Cost separately: 4000 rubles

Despite the title "The 100 Best Pickup SMS of All Time" in this workshop, I have collected the best productivity SMS examples that my team of students and I came up with and tested in 2012.

This is the newest information, new techniques and, in fact, an absolutely independent product with ready-made pickup sms examples.

I'll show you:

Top 100 pickup sms for 2012

How and when to apply each example

What to write to interest a girl

What to write to a girl who likes you

What to write if the girl does not answer

What to write to ask a girl out on a date

What to write if a girl has doubts about a meeting

What to write, what to write to a girl after a date

What to write the day after meeting

What to write to seduce a girl

I will answer frequently asked questions from the participants of this seminar

Examples of punchy SMS from the seminar:

Bonus #2.
Productive calling a girl on a date.

Since some girls will traditionally expect a call from you with an invitation to meet, you will also find the secrets of successful calls to girls in the know. Most guys freak out when it comes to calling... But once you know my secrets, it'll be a breeze.

I'll show you:

  • When exactly should you call girls?
  • The first thing a girl needs to hear from you for everything to go well
  • Three professional advice how to make your voice sexy and strong. If you have a thin voice, then you simply must do this before the call.
  • What to do if she received an SMS “Call me back”.
  • Calling methods and plan
  • The main mistakes guys make when calling a girl

Bonus #3.
Top 10 answers to frequently asked questions from girls

Bonus #4.
10 better ways turn a cold room into a hot one

Cost separately: 1000 rubles

Many men have cold numbers stored in their phones.

These are the numbers of the girls you once had your sights on, but the girls stopped answering, got a boyfriend, got married and stuff like that.

Obviously, if they do not answer, then you once made a mistake and seemed unattractive to the girl. She cannot rudely send you off because of her upbringing, but simply ignoring your messages is easy!

I will show you examples of SMS that will allow you to gently and implicitly ignite the fire of passion in a girl and make sure that you have a mutually agreeable date.

Bonus number 5.
Recording of the seminar "15 fatal mistakes in correspondence"

Cost separately: 2000 rubles

MP-3 recording of the online seminar "15 fatal mistakes in correspondence"

  • 15 fatal mistakes in correspondence with examples
  • magical way make your messages attractive to girls
  • an important feature in changing the focus of attention during correspondence
  • The basic structure of the relationship between a man and a woman
  • The purpose of writing SMS
  • Proven way to make a girl feel comfortable and attracted
  • Examples of when to text and when to call
  • Mindset for Successful Correspondence

Bonus number 6.
Recording of the seminar "10 stupid SMS because of which I broke off with a bunch of girls"

Cost separately: 2000 rubles

MP-3 recording of the online seminar "10 stupid text messages that made me break off with a bunch of girls"

  • 10 fatal mistakes in texting with a girl
  • Facts about girls you should know before picking up your phone
  • What to write in the first SMS after meeting?
  • When and how often to write?
  • How to turn a girl who doesn't know you well into a girl who wants you in 3 SMS?
  • What are the rules that you were not told about at school, you need to communicate with a girl via SMS so that she wants to meet you?
  • When to write SMS, and when is it better to call?
  • How not to become just a pen pal for her?
  • Top 10 Reasons Why Some Guys Are Successful At Chatting Girls And Some Are Not

I also took the time to answer questions from webinar attendees.

Bonus number 7.
Recording of the seminar "What to write to a girl in SMS"

Cost separately: 2000 rubles

MP-3 recording of the online seminar "What to write to a girl in SMS", the purpose of which was to give an idea of ​​​​how to communicate with a girl via SMS, so that she singled out you from the many guys with whom she communicates and began to answer with interest, show ready-made examples, show WHY they work so that in the future you always know what to write

  • Examples of SMS that you should never write to a girl
  • What to text a girl you met today
  • How to respond to SMS "Who is this?"
  • What to write to a girl who already likes you?
  • What to text a girl who stopped texting you?
  • What to write to a girl to get her out on a date?
  • What to write to a girl if she doubts whether to go or not?
  • What to text a girl after a date?
  • What to write to a girl if she loses interest in you?
  • What to write to a girl if she is rude to you?

Bonus number 8.
The book "7 secrets of seducing girls by SMS"

The mini-book "7 Secrets of Seducing Girls by SMS" will reveal 7 secrets of the right effective SMS messages for the girl you want to seduce:

  • What is better to write to a girl in SMS to please her?
  • What to write for dating so that she answers with interest?
  • What to write in the first SMS so that the girl wants to communicate?
  • What to do if a girl does not respond to your messages?
  • How to excite and seduce a girl via SMS?
  • Should I write compliments to a girl in SMS and what exactly should I write to her?
  • How nice and beautiful sms you can write to a girl, and which ones are not?

Bonus number 9.
The book "3 SMS that will charm your girlfriend"

(super new!)

A mini-book especially for those who have a permanent girlfriend!

  • What to write to a girl or wife in SMS to charm her?
  • Why is it important to write beautiful SMS to your girlfriend or wife?
  • What is the best way to wish good night to your girlfriend in SMS?
  • What SMS compliments to your girlfriend should you use?
  • Why texting poems to your girlfriend is a terrible mistake?
  • What do I write in SMS to my beloved if I miss her?
  • What can you already write to your beloved in SMS so that you have passionate sex in the evening?

Bonus number 10.
Special secret bonus

All 10 bonuses will disappear after:

How much does the course "From text to sex" and a set of additional offers cost?

If now you think “Okay, Egor, I’m interested in all this, but how much will I need to pay for all this?».

I discussed with my partners how much it might cost. I was told that this course should cost even more than seduction training, it's about 10,000 rubles because it gives fast results in minutes instead of days or weeks.

Think for yourself, if there was a girl that you really liked, then how much would you pay for a ready-made collection of SMS that will make her fall in love with you and thanks to which she will look forward to meeting you?

SMS that are NOT on the Internet?

I asked the guys on a pickup forum about this, to which they replied to me - around 10,000 rubles.

But I have been working in seduction for a long time, and I know that for many such an amount is beyond their means. And if there is a girl to whom you want to send a message right now, but you can’t for financial reasons, that’s bad, I don’t want that.

Therefore, I decided to charge a much more affordable price for the course "From text to sex" WITH A SET OF ALL BONUSES.

I will NOT sell the course at cost 10000 rubles, and not even 5000 rubles each (like on my sites), but bonuses for which I usually take 17000 rubles I'll just give you!

The cost of the whole set ONLY FROM THIS LINK HERE AND ONLY NOW :

10 000

5 000

3750 rubles

Exactly for this money you can buy an ordinary teapot in Eldorado:

And watch it gurgle ;)

And if without jokes, then you can spend about the same amount of money to buy flowers for the girl and pay the coffee bill on a date. But the date will pass and not the fact that it is successful.

And a ready-made SMS system for attracting girls and two hundred verified SMS will remain with you and will always work, in any situation, today, tomorrow, in a year, in 10 years.

What guarantees?

The course "From text to sex" received a lot of positive feedback. Still, my advice and the ready-made SMS that I invented have been repeatedly tested and have won the approval of the editor-in-chief of MAXIM magazine ...

Choose now and start experiencing the same pleasure as a shooting range shooter when he carefully aims, shoots a bow and knows that he hit the bull's-eye before the arrow hits the target. Only instead of arrows, use ready-made SMS from the course.

Sincerely, Egor Sheremetiev,
author of Blog No. 1 about dating, communication and correspondence with girls,

Today, there are many different opportunities for communication. However, another, more serious problem immediately arose: for some reason, people forgot how to communicate with each other. Often guys do not know what to write to a girl in "Contact". And this is regardless of whether they want to meet or have known the girl for quite some time. Let's talk about this now.

The main rules of communication

Initially, you need to say that you need to be able to communicate in social networks, including in "Contact". So, for this it is best to follow a couple of simple but effective rules:

  1. You should always be yourself. In social networks, there is a temptation to create your own image, the type that you really want to be, but for certain reasons this does not work out. However, this is a false path. You must always be yourself. Indeed, otherwise it is easy to get into a mess, finding yourself in an uncomfortable and sometimes even delicate situation.
  2. You must always tell the truth. After all, lies tend to accumulate. And then it will be easy to get confused.
  3. It is best to exchange short messages. After all, few people like to read long letters. Yes, and it's not very convenient.
  4. A separate moment about greetings. So, you don't always have to say hello. If you want to start a conversation, then definitely. If the message is a response to a photo or an interesting post, there is no need to say hello.
  5. Well, and most importantly, you can’t do without emoticons and likes. It is also a kind of form of communication. And most people generally consider repost as something similar to respect.

The first phrases when meeting

Be sure to figure out what to write to a girl when meeting in "Contact". So, you need to start with the most common greeting. There are several ways to do this:

  • Standard. To the girl you like, you can simply write: “Hi, how are you?” However, it should be noted that this phrase will interest only those ladies who at the moment have absolutely nothing to do. And the answer will follow only in order to entertain yourself for half an hour.
  • Original. So, you can write something unusual to a girl. For example: “You dress so beautifully. You must be a stylist. Or popular today: "Your parents are probably sorcerers, because their daughter is a charming fairy."
  • Mysterious. What to write to a girl when meeting in "Contact" to interest her? Example: “Hi, I don’t know if you will answer me or not, but I have something interesting to offer you.” However, in this case, you need to think through everything carefully so that later you do not turn out to be empty talk.
  • Youth. You can use special slang for greetings: youth, subcultural. Especially if the girl is a representative of a certain group (conclusions can be drawn from photos, audio recordings, etc.).

Well, and most importantly, what is worth remembering: any phrase written for the first time should cause a desire to answer. That is, the message should call for action.

What to start talking about

We understand further what to write to a girl in "Contact". So, if an acquaintance happened, you also need to think about how not to break off the connection that has just begun. It's important to keep the conversation going. Here you need to submit as much information as possible so that it is interesting to the interlocutor. At the same time, it is important that the girl also talks a little about herself. It must be remembered that it is imperative to be interested in the person with whom you are talking. This will be evidence that the person is not indifferent to the interlocutor.

Self-talk: work

What to write to a girl in "Contact" to bring her to a conversation about yourself? So, here you need to hook the lady with something that interests her. To do this, you will have to view her profile, study her small profile. Many useful conclusions can be drawn from this. For example, you can ask a question about the place of study. Ask where the girl studies, why she chose this direction (for students), what subjects she likes to study (for schoolchildren). This is a very good topic that can flow into multiple stories about the future, about the profession, about hobbies and scientific potential. Approximate phrases from what to write to a girl in "Contact" in the key of talking about her:

  • "Where do you study? You can see from the photo that your life is very interesting."
  • "What is your favorite subject of study, and what do you just hate to study?" (It is very easy to get along in a conversation also on the basis of dislike.)
  • "Where do you work? Why here?"

Do not forget that the wording of phrases can be varied, adjusted to a special slang.

Self-talk: hobbies

Self-talk: family

We figure out further what to write to the girl you like in "Contact". So, let's talk about her family. However, it must be remembered that this is a very sensitive topic. Here you need to be careful and not make mistakes. After all, very often a simple interest can be regarded as a mercantile intention to find out information about the welfare of relatives. Sample questions that you can safely ask:

  1. "Tell me about your parents' hobbies. Are there any common hobbies and activities in your family?"
  2. "Tell me about the unique ancestors in your family. Maybe you have grandees or workers of rare professions along the family line?"
  3. "Interestingly, have you followed (will you follow) in the footsteps of your relatives in choosing a profession?" (So ​​unobtrusively you can find out about what your parents are doing.)

About compliments

Often, guys are interested in what to write a nice girl in "Contact". Here, of course, you need to use compliments. However, they must be applied skillfully, unobtrusively. After all, if there are a lot of compliments, this can be regarded as a toady. Examples of simple phrases:

  • "You have very beautiful eyes (smile, hair)."
  • "Even in the photo you have a crazy energy. You must be a very energetic person."
  • "You dress beautifully. You have your own special attractive style."

Poems and prose

We further consider a variety of options for what you can write to a girl in "Contact". So, you can send a poem to the lady you like. However, it should be small and best of all handwritten. Girls will definitely find this cute. However, at first you do not need to write about great feelings, love and the sublime. In a quatrain you can wish good morning or have a good day. You can write something nice. If you can’t write something similar on your own, you can simply download the verse from the Internet. However, such messages should not be sent too often. After all, it may seem that there is nothing more to say.

Loading the wall

It is also worth giving a couple of tips on what to write to the girl on the wall in "Contact". So, the wall is a public place. And if a guy there periodically leaves his messages, this will testify to something. In any case, the girls really like it. In this case, what to write to the girl in "Contact"? Examples:

  1. "You can leave songs with meaning on the wall."
  2. "Be sure the girls need to" throw "postcards with flowers or animals on the wall."
  3. "But still, small graffiti painted by the ladies are most appreciated by the ladies. This will indicate that the girl is not indifferent to the man."

As a small conclusion, it is worth saying: no matter what a guy decides to write to a girl, everything should be done with all his heart and from a pure heart.

In the era of scientific and technological progress, dating through the Internet is the most popular. Each user has computers with access to the World Wide Web. This is not only a source of information, but also an opportunity to communicate and find new friends. The Internet has long been replacing postal and telegraph services. You can get an answer instantly, you don't have to wait.

If you can’t find a soul mate in real life, you can try in the virtual one. The social network "VKontakte" is a popular place for dating modern youth. Dating here is easy and safe, so most of the guys are looking for a soul mate here. It is not customary to post vulgar photos here, so the site is quite suitable for communication.

Online dating has a number of advantages. In the profile, you can immediately see if the girl has a boyfriend, what she is interested in, what films and music she is interested in. You don't have to spend money on flowers and sweets, dinner in a cafe to find out what it is like. There is always an opportunity to choose the best candidate for a date, using the correspondence.

Girl's Choice

Often young people are embarrassed to approach a girl on the street to get acquainted. If you find it difficult to make eye contact or are afraid of dating in public places, try using the Internet. Apply ingenuity, perseverance, sense of humor, choosing beautiful phrases for dating. You are guaranteed success, you will forget about loneliness. After all, it is very important for a person to have a soul mate.

If you don’t have a girl in mind, then look through the profiles of several beauties. To do this, use the search. Choose a friend who lives in your city. Then it will be easier to meet. Of course, love knows no bounds. But distance can be a serious barrier to your relationship. The girl should like you outwardly or have common interests with you.

Studying the profiles, pay attention to the user's page. To find a real girl, you need to make sure that you do not have a fake page in front of you. If there are enough photos in the profile, they contain the same person, then this increases the chance of finding a normal and adequate woman. On the wall of "VKontakte" you can determine what a person is. Look at the groups in which the girl is a member. It will be easier for you to find common interests, choose a topic for conversation.

Perhaps you have mutual friends. Then you can find out from your comrades with whom you are going to communicate. You need to look at marital status. If a girl is engaged, married, dating or in love, then there is no need to destroy her personal life. It is "in active search" - you are on the right track. If the column is not filled, there is a chance that the beautiful lady is free.

Your application form must also be completed accordingly. Curious people will definitely look at your page, get acquainted with your notes, hobbies and occupation. Style it accordingly. Post statuses, pictures that reflect your principles of life. Add music and videos to your profile. This makes it easier to get attention. There should be no vulgarity and vulgarity on your wall in order to create a pleasant impression of you. The girl will definitely look at your list of friends. If there are a lot of women in it, they will not want to communicate with you. A woman will not miss the opportunity to test your literacy. Follow the speech. Illiterate people are not of particular interest. Looking at your profile is necessary in order to make sure that you are not a womanizer and a person who only has booze and cigarettes on his mind.

Action plan for the design of your page

1. Open access to your profile to all users. This will give the girl an opportunity to explore your personality by looking at your profile information.

2. Remove compromising photos and files that characterize you from the worst side.

3. Check your profile for grammatical errors.

4. Remove all obscene language and photos with naked girls.

5. Add interesting movies, beautiful music.

6. Fill in the column with hobbies. You should not write that you are fond of computer and gambling.

The procedure for meeting a girl

1. Carefully consider and study the profile.

2. Find hobbies by looking at hobbies, music and movies list. Get to know the groups she joined.

3. View photo albums. Like, comment on your favorite pictures.

4. Change your profile by adding her favorite songs, movies and games to your page.

5. Send a friend request.

6. Write a personal message.

How to start a conversation?

Starting communication, it is better to contact the interlocutor on you. This is how you show your respect for her. In the process of correspondence, you will switch to "you". You must present with your real name.

The same laws apply on the Internet as in real life. If you delay the acquaintance for a long time, then someone else, more courageous and decisive, will be in your place. Don't be afraid to start a conversation. Trying is not torture. You will not lose anything if you write something to a girl, and she refuses you.

Suppose you have found the object of your desires. Now we need to act. The first phrase is the key to a successful acquaintance. If you choose it correctly, it will facilitate your next steps.

Many guys try to find template phrases for dating on the Internet. If everything were so simple, everyone lived happily, there would be no problems. To attract a girl you need to try. Even if you are not a charming handsome man, you have a chance to find a soul mate. Witty phrases can help in this matter. But remember that each young lady is individual. What pleases one, upsets or offends the other. Templates are not always appropriate. The dating process needs to be creative.

Forbidden phrases and tricks

1. A banal winking emoticon will not interest a girl. She will immediately understand that you are not distinguished by originality and imagination. She does not want to communicate with such an interlocutor.

2. A direct request to get acquainted will not bring success. The interlocutor will think that she is facing a frivolous person, and he sent such messages to all the girls, just to attract someone.

3. If you invite on a date in the first message, the act will be judged lightly. She will regard this as an offer to sleep.

4. Asking to switch phone numbers can lead to speculation that you are a psycho or a maniac. Normal people don't give their phone number to strangers. The blacklist is provided to you.

5. Don't ask if she has a boyfriend or husband. It's not beautiful. Dating shouldn't start like that.

It seems that there is nothing so terrible in these phrases. But if you immediately apply them, then you will be attributed to the representatives of the gray mass, they will understand that they are a bore. All beautiful ladies are waiting for the one and only person.

How to meet?

Carefully study the photos that the girl posted on her profile. Find the ones that interest you.

1. The girl is photographed at sea. Ask her where she rested, if she liked it. Ask for advice on where to rest.

2. Your muse is holding a pet. Compliment the animal. Ask if this animal lives in her home. Ask if it's hard to care for her, if she's happy with her choice.

3. There is a picture with a familiar place. Say you've been here too, you like it here. Find out if the place loves it.

4. Simple beautiful photo. You can express your admiration, say that she looks gorgeous.

5. I liked the dress, handbag, shoes. Ask for help choosing a gift for your sister, and you're relying on her amazing taste.

Your words should inspire action. Write something that will not leave the girl without attention. She should want to continue the conversation herself and respond. Believe me, beauties can talk for hours about what interests them.

If the girl speaks languages, ask for help translating a sentence or phrase. Engaged in the gym or swimming pool - learn about their advantages and disadvantages.

Short phrases for the first message

If you just say hello, you will not interest a person. Do not choose banal and uninteresting phrases. You need to write in such a way as to intrigue, and the girl drew herself an image of a cool and witty guy. A tempting phrase can attract a lady. You will find your happiness, so take what you write seriously. Pickup specialists advise using offers that contain flattery, a compliment. You can try to write a message to hurt the girl's self-esteem.

You can use such phrases to find your favorite. But remember that the path to a friend's heart is different for everyone.

Hey! I have been looking for you for a long time, and you are here!

I've wanted to meet this girl for a long time.

Your beauty cannot be compared to anything. You are unique!

Good evening. I would like to get to know you better. You do not mind, do you?

Do I have a chance to meet such beautiful girl? If yes, let me know.

Oh, and I, in my opinion, saw you in some movie!

Today is a wonderful day! Do you think so too?

Are you from the royal family by any chance? Look like a princess!

I had a desire to find happiness after seeing your profile.

Girl, do you have a dream? And I dream to meet you.

Hello. And I saw you today in a dream. Help me make it a reality.

Girl, don't you know what it takes to get to know you?

I read in your profile that you don't smoke. I always dreamed of meeting a girl who leads a healthy lifestyle.

Congratulations on the fact that I found you. Let's celebrate.

Do you remember me? We met in a dream. But I was sitting on a white horse.

Did it hurt you to fall from heaven?

Is it your natural beauty or have you found a professional photographer?

Are you looking for the perfect man by any chance?

I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to get to know you. But I'm the best.

Let me make you happy.

Today is such a wonderful day. How not to write to such a beautiful girl?

Hey! You are very beautiful. You look great.

I got very lucky today. I found the most charming and sweet girl. May I meet you?

Girl, what are you planning to do for the rest of your life? Is it possible to include me in the list of your life plans?

Do you know that you hit me with your look? You are insanely beautiful!

You must have put in a lot of effort and energy to look so good. I fell for your bait.

You spend a lot of time on VKontakte. Shall we stretch our bones and take a walk somewhere?

Are you by any chance looking for your destiny? I invite you to meet!

Does your mother need a son-in-law?

Hey! Can we chat here or in real life?

Am I nice to you?

You shouldn't bombard a girl with messages. In the process of correspondence, she must make a choice on her own. Don't pressure her. Give freedom to make a decision. It must take at least a day to get the desired answer. Remember, a girl will be interested in a decent guy who doesn't drink or smoke. She will definitely visit your page, but will not leave traces.

Don't spend a lot of time talking virtually. Otherwise, you will only chat on the social network. Find out the girl's number, arrange a meeting. Do not call right away, a pause may be to your advantage. You don’t need to give your number first, because no self-respecting woman will call first. On a date, you have to be yourself. You can't use templates here. beautiful phrases from the Internet. Be friendly and you'll be fine.

Make sure you're not being used and your new girlfriend doesn't have a boyfriend. Unfortunately, life is such that girls can use women to fulfill their desires.

No amount of advice will help if the girl does not consider you the hero of her novel. Perhaps you are not her type or she has a loved one. Don't be discouraged and try to meet other women.

Everything is in your hands and depends only on you. The first impression plays an important role in getting to know each other. Try to immediately show what you are capable of.

Article pages about virtual love