Drawing up a dendrological plan of the site. Dendroplan: the purpose of dendrological surveys and examples of finished plans What does a dendroplan look like in a project

When planning the landscaping of a summer cottage, which is an indispensable part of a landscape project, it is very important not only to beautifully arrange trees and shrubs, it is equally important that they do not interfere with each other's growth and development.

On the other hand, if there are already green spaces on the site where construction is planned, and you want to save them, then in both the first and second cases a dendroplan of the site is drawn up.

Video: dendroplan of a plot of 10 acres (visualization)

What is a dendroplan

Dendroplan is a kind of topographic map plot, which indicates the location of all green spaces.

Trees, shrubs or their groups are assigned a number and entered into the dendroplan and the transfer sheet. So about at once, the counting sheet contains all the names of green spaces and the assigned andm serial number.

In what cases is a plot dendroplan necessary?

If your site is located within the city, and in the process of construction or repair work there is a need to cut down trees, you must submit a dendroplan with a transfer sheet to the Department of Natural Resources. Only on the basis of these documents will you be able to obtain permission to cut down individual plantings.

If you got a site where there is no need to carry out any felling, anyway, sooner or later, there will be a need to carry out its landscaping and landscaping. Although the dendroplan of the site is not as large and complex as the dendroplan of the park, but, properly drawn up, it makes it possible to avoid unnecessary costs when performing landscaping work.

Video visualizations of planting design plans

What factors are taken into account when compiling a dendroplan

Landscape designers are developing a dedroplan of the site. This work is not only creative, but also very responsible, because the appearance of the entire site depends on it.

The planting plan takes into account the size of trees and shrubs in the future, flowering periods, crown shape, foliage color and many other factors.

Plant compatibility

Plants, like people, are not always compatible with each other. This factor must be taken into account in the dendroplan. In plant biology, there is such a thing as phytocentosis - a plant community. Within this community different kinds plants create for each other favorable conditions for development and growth. good neighbors for oak is pine and juniper, for fir and wild rose - larch. Rowan perfectly coexists with birch and hazel.

Antagonist plants should not be forced into the neighborhood

A pine tree, for example, cannot be planted next to a poplar - this is a vivid example of antagonistic neighbors.

plant growth conditions

When developing a dedroplan, the designer must take into account the climatic conditions and soil quality of the area, the illumination and moisture content of the site, as well as its topography. If the barberry and cotoneaster need a lot of sun and they feel great in drought conditions, then spruce, fir, larch prefer shade and moisture.

Compatibility and aesthetics

Two more factors that are very important for a landscape designer are compatibility and aesthetics.

Compatibility means not only compliance with the surrounding landscape, but also compliance with the architecture of the house. With the help of plants, you can emphasize the dignity of the building or hide its shortcomings.

Structural and accent plants properly organize the space of the site, create a sense of unity and harmony.

Tiered landings look as organic and natural as possible

seasonality of plants

Harmonies on the site are achieved by combining the size and shape of the crown, as well as the color of the foliage of plants.

Multi-tier plantings make it possible to achieve the natural organicity of all plantations. This takes into account the seasonality of plants, that is, the period when the plant manifests itself in all its glory.

When developing a dendroplan, it is desirable to take into account the seasonal characteristics of each plant.

For example: the peak of seasonality for lilac falls on May, and for hibiscus - August. Climbing roses delight the eye with flowering in June-July, and a bright palette of girlish grape leaves - in September.

Knowing the seasonal characteristics of each type of tree and shrub, you can give the site a well-groomed and festive look.

Project's budget

It is impossible not to mention another important factor - the cost of plants chosen for landscaping. As a rule, first of all, the designer negotiates the budget of the project with the customer. Based on the budget and preferences of the customer, work begins on the dendroplan of the site.

It is this approach, taking into account the above factors, that makes it possible, without unnecessary financial and physical costs, to make country cottage area beautiful and well-appointed.

A dendroplan is a topological map of the site, on which all existing or planned green spaces, buildings, and communications are plotted. Each plant or their group in the dendroplan is marked with a serial number, which is deciphered in the transfer sheet - a document that must be attached to the dendrological plan. It is worth noting that the counting sheet should contain not only a list of green spaces located on the site, but also their condition, the presence of dry branches (their percentage mass), cracks, hollows, and so on. Thus, the recounting statement not only lists plantations, but also gives their qualitative characteristics. If it is planned to cut green spaces, then the cost of compensation should be indicated. If a dendroplan of future plantings is drawn up, in this case, green spaces are indicated in the size (on the scale) of mature plants.

Drawing up a dendroplan is one of the priority services of our company. We can say that this is a cornerstone area in which we have extensive experience and have been market leaders for a long time.

The development of a dendroplan is necessary in the construction and reconstruction of buildings, the laying of engineering networks, the improvement and landscaping of the territory. The creation of a dendroplan is carried out for administrative, industrial, agricultural, as well as residential buildings on a general plan, building plan or geo-base. A dendrological examination is carried out by an experienced dendrologist, who develops the section "Dendrology" as part of project documentation and makes all necessary further approvals.

The dendrological part of the project is part of the documentation that is developed during construction planning. The dendroplan project allows you to save green spaces by choosing the best place for the construction of new facilities. Only on the basis of the dendroplan and the transfer sheet, the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection can issue a logging ticket or a transplant permit.

It should be noted that when planning construction, the preparation of a dendrological plan is usually included in the list of priority work, this will allow optimal placement of new facilities, avoiding additional costs. In addition, when drawing up a building plan without reconciliation with a dendroplan, it will be difficult to comply with the standards governing the distance from buildings to the axis of plants.

On the basis of the dendroplan, a compensatory landscaping project is being developed, which also includes a checklist, layout and planting drawings, an estimate and a vertical planning project. Compensatory landscaping - measures to protect green spaces through restoration and monetary compensation, in return for destroyed and damaged ones, in accordance with the law.

The dendrological plan of future plantings will allow you to accurately plan appearance site, take into account all the features garden plot and plants, get the right combination of them. In this case, the seats are also numbered. In the event that it is planned to plant single plants, their serial numbers are simply indicated in the assortment list. If these are groups, in this case the seats are marked with a fraction, where the numerator indicates the serial number, and the denominator indicates the number of plants of this species.

The assortment sheet includes a list of plants planned for planting. They are indicated according to the division into groups: coniferous trees and shrubs, fruit trees and shrubs, deciduous and creepers. In addition, plants are divided into species and varieties, the required number of plants is indicated, and some information about them (full name, height in adult form, type of root system, decorative features, crown projection).

Do you need to draw up a dendroplan? Do you want to develop the dendrological part of the project? Interested in the cost of drawing up a dendroplan? Call! Competent and free consultation is always at your service. We guarantee affordable prices for dendrology services, compliance with deadlines and attentive attitude to each client!

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Future image land plot it is impossible to imagine without careful planning of the planned plantings of trees, shrubs and flowers. It is for this purpose that a dendroplan of the territory is being developed in landscape design. It helps to see a sample of the area being created.

A dendrological plan is a drawing on which all green spaces, rooms and paths located on the site are applied. This is required in order to tie plants to the boundaries and buildings of the site. Each plant on the dendrological plan has a symbol and its own number in accordance with the transfer sheet.

Why you need to make a dendroplan

Careful planning of the territory helps its spectacular landscape gardening. In addition, it is important that green spaces do not interfere with each other in growth and development. It is necessary to know the correct arrangement of trees, because the final effect of landscaping depends entirely on this. That is why the compilation of a dendroplan can only be entrusted to a competent specialist.

The dendroplan and the transfer sheet show the location of all green spaces located on the site. Each conditional designation of trees and shrubs is indicated by an ordinal number and is entered in the planting list.

The checklist contains a list of all plants. In this document, you can find information such as properties and quality characteristics green spaces. In accordance with this information, the plant is given an assessment, which is then converted into a compensation value.

When is a dendrological plan needed?

Drawing up a dendro project is required in the following cases:

A high-quality landing plan will help to avoid additional costs for landscaping and landscaping.

Compilation rules

To draw up a correct dendrological plan, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Let's consider the main criteria necessary for a high-quality dendroplan.

Assortment list of plants

An obligatory appendix to the dendrological plan is the assortment list. This accompanying document contains information about those plants that are planned to be planted on the site. With its help, you can navigate the cost of planting material and the necessary landscaping work.

Plants listed in the assortment list are divided into the following groups:

  • Coniferous trees and shrubs;
  • Deciduous trees and shrubs;
  • Fruit trees and shrubs;
  • creepers

In turn, each of these groups is divided into a specific species and variety. All green spaces are indicated in the assortment sheet. In addition, each plant has its own serial number. In addition, the name of the planting and its qualitative characteristics are prescribed in the document, and green spaces have accepted symbols in landscape design.

Green space checklist

When carrying out new construction, an additional checklist must be attached to the landing plan. It is a table that describes the trees and shrubs located on the territory.

As a rule, the following information can be found in the tree counting sheet:

  1. Plantation number;
  2. Plant name;
  3. Quantity;
  4. The size of the green space;
  5. The current state of the plant;
  6. Further actions regarding the plant;
  7. In case of felling, the compensation cost paid by the developer is indicated.

When creating a dendroplan landscape designer shows how the site will look in a few years, at the moment when all the plants have fully taken root and show their decorative properties.

A well-executed dendrological plan takes into account the characteristics of each plant. With it, you can organize a spectacular appearance to your garden plot.

The result of effective landscaping of the site is a thorough planning of the landscape. Of no small importance is not only the beautiful and convenient location of the vegetation, it is necessary that it does not create obstacles for the growth and development of the neighboring one. In addition, before starting repair and construction work, you should know where and how trees grow. It is for such purposes that the correct and competent compilation of a dendroplan is required. In our article we will tell you what it is and what it is "eaten" with.

It is worth mentioning right away that only professionals should make up a dendroplan! To do this, you need to contact the relevant company.

Dendrological or in other words landing plan - part landscape design, which is a drawing in which the boundaries of the entire plot, buildings, crowns of plantings, contours of flower beds are marked. Such a drawing allows you to clearly understand how to compose compositions and give the site a beautiful and functional look. In fact, the dendroplan of the site is the main document with the help of which all landscaping work is carried out without exception.

This type of planning makes it possible to take into account such important aspects how:

  • plot style;
  • features of the territory, such as the composition of the soil, the degree of illumination;
  • vegetation biocharacteristics;
  • wishes of the owners of the site.

On the dendroplan of the site, all green spaces are clearly tied to specific lines and hard surfaces.

Self-compilation of a dendroplan is a very difficult task and often leads to serious miscalculations. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to professionals. In this case, you will receive a unique personal plot that will suit you. In the course of drawing up the dendroplan, the landscape designer will take into account all the features of landscape compositions of vegetation, compiling it so that the site is not only beautiful, but also functional.

Assortment list

There is also an integral and mandatory document when drawing up a dendrological plan for a personal plot, they call it an assortment list. This should indicate the range of plants most suitable for your site. In addition, it allows you to correctly draw up a project estimate. Filling in the assortment sheet, the specialist distributes all types of plants into groups with a clear sequence.

At the very beginning of the list are conifers and shrubs. Further fruit-bearing trees and bushes. And only after that larch trees are brought in, and at the very end - creepers.

In the assortment list without fail enter full names plants (and in Latin as well), in addition, the number of copies of each species required for planting is indicated. Also, the document should reflect all the characteristics of each plant, such as height, species features, type of roots, etc.

We determine the landing area

The planting area for a single species is determined by the overall size of the flower garden and the area allocated for it. The number of plants is determined by the planting area and plant size. There are certain rules for planting plants. So, 2-3 large or 5-7 medium-sized perennials can be placed per 1 sq.m; annuals are planted depending on their size in increments of 15-30 cm. The distances between the bulbs vary from 5 to 30 cm. With a decrease in the distances between plants, the feeding area will decrease, and hence the decorative effect of the entire composition. Let's apply these rules to our flower garden. In it, we plant two groups of daffodils and marigolds, 10 pieces each (since these are small plants). But the giant onion, which forms a large rosette of leaves, we plant at least 3 pieces. An annual aster, although it has rather large flowers, we plant in the amount of 10 pieces - it occupies a fairly large area in the flower garden. Five pieces each fall on the plantings of powdery sage and upright marigolds. We plant such large perennials as hosta, delphinium, gelenium, New Belgian aster, one at a time. But smaller perennials - aquilegia, rudbeckia - it is better to take 2 pieces each.

The final stage of work on the flower garden project is the preparation of the landing list. When working on it, it is convenient to use materials from reference books on floriculture, which indicate the detailed characteristics of all plants.

First, on the left side, all selected plants are entered into the planting list table (preferably with Latin names and variety names) and their serial numbers that correspond to them in the plan. Then, for each plant and for each season (or by months), the peak of decorativeness is noted, that is, the time of flowering or decorativeness of the leaves. It is advisable to do this in a color corresponding to this plant. Such a table will help you easily select the right plants for flowering time and decoration.

In the next column, the height of the plants is noted, which is also very important for drafting a flower garden. Sometimes they give two heights (before flowering and after), and sometimes - sizes (bush diameter and height) through a dash. The number of plants in the flower garden, corresponding to the planting area, is reflected in another column.

You can enter additional columns that reflect the depth of the roots, the belonging of plants to different groups (annual, perennial), etc.

The finished planting list should fully reflect all the characteristics of the plants used for this particular flower garden and correspond to the previously drawn up plans for the placement of plants and their seasonal decorative effect. You can start work on drafting a flower garden (if the location, configuration, type of flower garden is determined, taking into account the ecological characteristics of the site) by compiling a list of plants and filling out a planting list, without temporarily putting down the number of plants. This will make it easier to work on the flower garden plan, as the characteristics of the plants will be visible, then the planting list and planting plan will be finally adjusted.

Annex 2

Stamp filling example

Course work