Breathing exercises for weight loss of the abdomen: exercises, proper breathing. Jianfei - Chinese breathing exercises Breathing exercise wave

I want to introduce everyone Soviet women with very interesting breathing exercises "jianfei", which in Russian means "lose fat". With the help of three types of breathing exercises, you can lose weight in a very short time, maintain a slim figure for years and at the same time maintain excellent health. I heard a lot about this amazing gymnastics in Beijing and for the sake of curiosity and experiment I decided to test its miraculous power for myself. The results were completely unexpected, literally in two or three days I threw off a kilogram, and two months later, with my height of 160 cm, I returned to my girlish weight - 50 kg, dropping 9 kilograms during this time. I no longer part with this breathing exercises, I do it every day, adjusting my weight at my own discretion.

While doing this gymnastics, I involuntarily thought about the Soviet country, which, by the will of fate, became my second homeland: I was born there, my childhood passed there. I know many Soviet women with beautiful, beautiful faces, but suffering from their fullness. And I think it will be interesting for them, and for men too, to learn about a tool that will easily make them beautiful and slim.

After all, Jianfei breathing exercises are available to everyone.

employee of the Russian edition of the China magazine

Breathing exercises"jianfei" consists of three parts - exercises "Wave", "Frog" and "Lotus". Thanks to the “wave” exercises, the feeling of hunger disappears in people, and they can, without any effort, reduce the amount of food they eat, or stop eating altogether for a while, or eat only small amounts of vegetables and fruits. Usually, the cessation of eating is accompanied by a weakening of the body, dizziness and other symptoms, however, by doing these three types of exercises, all this can be avoided.

When performing all three types of exercises, you must first loosen the belt and unfasten the clothes that hinder the movement of the body.

Exercises “WAVE”

Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, at a right angle, put your feet straight (see Fig. 1), put one palm on your chest, the other on your stomach, and then start breathing exercises, helping a little with your hands.

When inhaling, straighten the chest, draw in the stomach, while exhaling, on the contrary, draw in the chest, inflate the stomach (as completely as possible, but without excessive effort).

Exercises of the chest (up and down) and abdomen (down and up) seem to form waves. The respiratory rate should approach normal (if some individuals experience slight dizziness during exercise, then slow down breathing a little).

Do 40 full breaths (inhale-exhale).

This movement can also be done while standing, sitting, while walking, while riding a bicycle.

Wave exercises are done in the first days of classes and later only when you feel hungry. "Hungry - exercise, not hungry - do not exercise." (In some individuals, even after 60 full breaths (inhale-exhale), there is still a strong feeling of hunger and a number of deviations occur. This means that the Wave exercises are not suitable for their body.)

Exercises “FROG”

Sit on a chair 35 - 40 cm high so that the lower leg and thigh form a straight or slightly smaller angle, the knees are apart at shoulder level. A woman clenched her left hand into a fist, and with her right palm she clasped her clenched fist (see Fig. 2), a man clenched his right hand into a fist, and clasped it with his left palm. Put your elbows on your knees and put your forehead on your fist (see Fig. 2), then you need to cover your eyes, touch your lips with a smile, relax your whole body and take the most comfortable position, bring yourself to a state of complete rest.

Then you need to regulate your thoughts and nervous system, that is, calm down, relax internally. To do this, it is enough to first breathe once, as if after fatigue, so that the whole body seems to go limp. Now try to think about the most beautiful and joyful things in your life (for example, that you are lying on the grass by the water and enjoying nature) in order to get spiritual satisfaction, peace of mind. For a minute or two, you maintain a physically and mentally calm, pleasant state.

After you settle your thoughts, proceed to the main stage of the Frog exercises. All thoughts are completely focused on breathing exercises. First, take a free breath through your nose and guide the air, helping yourself mentally, into the abdomen, then exhale through your mouth lightly, slowly, evenly - while there is a feeling that the abdomen is gradually becoming relaxed and soft. When all the air is slowly exhaled, inhale again through the nose, the inhalation should also be light, slow, even. During a breath, the lower part of the abdomen, as it were, is gradually filled with air and swells. When the stomach is full, freeze for two seconds, then take an additional short breath, after which immediately begin a slow exhalation. Thus, such a cycle of breathing is obtained - exhale, inhale, freeze for two seconds, take a short breath and exhale again, inhale, and so on. During the respiratory process, the chest does not rise, only the abdomen is drawn in, then swells, which is very reminiscent of a frog.

During the “Frog” exercises, you need to monitor the degree of filling the abdomen with air when inhaling, taking into account the state of your body, otherwise unwanted deviations are possible. You can not do these exercises with internal bleeding and those who have not yet expired three months after internal surgery. For those who suffer from cardiovascular and gastrointestinal and other serious diseases, it is enough to bring the degree of filling the abdomen with air when inhaling to 10-20 percent. It is better for women during menstruation to suspend classes, replacing them with Lotus exercises. The overwhelming majority healthy people and people suffering from common chronic diseases can do these exercises, and the degree of air filling of the abdomen can be increased to 80 to 90 percent.

The Frog exercises take about 15 minutes. After completing them, do not immediately open your eyes to avoid dizziness. Raise your head with your eyes closed, rub your palms together 10 times, then with the fingers of both hands “comb” your head several times, then open your eyes, clench your hands into fists, lift up, stretch, take a deep breath, after which your eyes will clear up, increase forces.

These exercises during the period of intensive weight loss should be done three times a day, each time for 15 minutes; can be done during normal meal times, you can choose another time.

Exercises "Frog" stimulate blood circulation throughout the body, metabolism in the body. And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. With deep inhalations and exhalations, the diaphragm of the chest rises and falls, which plays a wonderful role in massaging the internal organs.

Frog exercises raise the tone of the whole organism and effectively eliminate or mitigate all the adverse effects that food restriction usually causes.

Exercises "LOTUS"

The Lotus exercises are usually done while sitting, as in the Frog exercises, or with the legs tucked under oneself, that is, in the position of the Buddha. Hands palm up put one above the other, on the legs in front of the stomach (see Fig. 3), the woman - the left over the right, and the man - vice versa. Do not lean on the back of the chair, slightly straighten your lower back, lower your shoulders, remove your chest, lower your chin a little, close your eyes, lift the tip of your tongue up and lightly touch it to the palate (near the upper teeth), completely relax, take a comfortable, natural position.

After you have taken the necessary position, bring your thoughts into the proper state. To do this, you must first take a deep breath and relax, then think for one or two minutes about the most joyful and pleasant in your life, in order to create a calm, light mood before starting breathing exercises.

Following this, focus all your thoughts on the regulation of breathing, while nothing should interfere. Breathing exercise is divided into three stages.

First stage. Breathing should be deep, long, light, even and very natural. The chest and abdomen should not noticeably rise and fall. Beginners can quietly listen to the sounds of breathing and gradually achieve soundless breathing, you control breathing, regulate it. This step is 5 minutes.

Second phase. Inhale naturally, not paying attention to the breath, do not control it. When exhaling, relax completely and achieve soundless, deep, long, even breathing. The second step will also take five minutes.

Third stage. Do not control either inhalation or exhalation, Breathe naturally, not paying attention to the depth, evenness of breathing. With all this, invariably keep the feeling that the breath is there, it is either close, or far away, or appears, or disappears. If at the same time extraneous thoughts appear, do not pay attention to them and calm yourself. This step takes about ten minutes. Those suffering from chronic diseases can do the Lotus exercises for longer than 20-30 and 40-50 minutes.

Do Lotus exercises three times a day. You can follow the “Frog” exercises, or you can do it in the morning after getting up and in the evening before going to bed.

Exercises "Frog" and exercises "Lotus" are useful for relieving fatigue, improving metabolism, curing various chronic diseases. Therefore, they can be done separately from each other, not in order to get rid of fullness, but in order to strengthen the body and maintain health.

Chinese breathing exercises jianfei allows not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to improve health. A set of exercises helps slow down the aging process and reduces the feeling of hunger. This is due to a special breathing technique- diaphragmatic breathing. The main advantage of jianfei over other Eastern practices is simplicity. All exercises are performed in three basic poses.


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Method features

Regular jianfei exercises allow you to get rid of 10-12 kg of weight in 2-3 months. Therefore, gymnastics is often used for weight loss by people who are contraindicated in power loads. However, this is not the limit. To achieve great results, you should combine breathing practices with proper nutrition and cardio loads 2-3 times a week.

Jianfei is a variation of the famous qigong gymnastics for longevity.

Initially, the exercises were designed to appease, achieve inner harmony. Chinese ethnoscience claims that most diseases of the body are caused by mental disorders. Therefore, when practicing jianfei, one should approach the process as a spiritual practice.

In order for gymnastics to have a positive effect not only on physical health, but also on the psyche, relaxation techniques should be additionally used. During the exercises, you need to get rid of extraneous thoughts and concentrate on breathing: you need to imagine a large broom, which from time to time sweeps extraneous thoughts out of your head.

With regular Chinese gymnastics, self-healing processes are launched in the human body. As a result, it turns out to activate hidden forces and significantly improve health.

Effective Exercises

When doing Chinese gymnastics, you can do with only three basic exercises. However, to achieve the maximum effect, you need to perform the entire complex. In the course of the lesson, the techniques of "upper" and "lower" breathing are consistently combined. But the execution of breaths in each exercise is different.

Basic exercises:

  1. 1. Inhalation is performed using the abdominal muscles.
  2. 2. It is important to ensure that the chest rises and the stomach retracts.
  3. 3. This is followed by holding the breath for 2 seconds and exhaling, at which the stomach protrudes as much as possible, and the chest drops
  • Reduces the feeling of hunger;
  • speeds up metabolism. Perform instead of meals or before meals
  1. 1. You need to breathe alternately: first inhale-exhale through the nose, then through the mouth.
  2. 2. After each breath, the breath is held for 5 seconds.
  3. 3. During the exercise, you need to breathe with your stomach. That is, when you inhale, the stomach inflates, but the chest does not move. On exhalation, the stomach is drawn in, the chest is still in place
  • Improves blood circulation and the work of the digestive tract;
  • speeds up metabolism

The exercise consists of 4 stages:

  1. 1. 5 minutes - controlled breathing, during which the chest and abdomen remain motionless.
  2. 2. 5 minutes - natural breathing.
  3. 3. 5 minutes - uncontrolled inhalation and slow exhalation.
  4. 4. 10 minutes - natural breathing
  • Relieves manifestations of stress;
  • promotes the flow of energy;
  • soothes;
  • relieves fatigue

Exercises can be performed not only at home, but also at work, in public transport. The frequency of classes is selected individually, depending on the needs of the body and well-being.

Additional exercises (voluntary breathing):

NameExecution sequenceBenefit
  1. 1. It is necessary to squat down, tilting the body forward so that the palms rest on the floor.
  2. 2. The back should be straight, and a curve is maintained in the lower back (it cannot be rounded).
  3. 3. The arms slowly bend at the elbows and the body leans forward to transfer support to the forearms (to fall on bent arms).
  4. 4. Reliance occurs on the forearms, the ankles fall to the floor (the body leans forward and the person kneels down from a squat position), the lower back should be arched as much as possible.
  5. 5. If the exercise is performed correctly, there will be a pulling sensation in the back.

Duration 2 minutes

  • Strengthens leg muscles;
  • improves body balance
  1. 1. You need to stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. 2. Legs bend at the knees. The position should be comfortable, without strong tension.
  3. 3. For convenience, palms are placed on the knees.
  4. 4. In this position, a series of jumps is performed.
  5. 5. It is important to look straight ahead, and take your hands back during the jump.

Duration 5 minutes

Strengthens the lower abs and thighs

Panda Pose
  1. 1. You should sit on the floor so that your hands wrap around your knees.
  2. 2. The body slowly lowers back until the back touches the floor.
  3. 3. From this position, tilts are performed to the right and left sides.

Run 12 times

Strengthens and stretches the back muscles
  1. 1. You need to sit on your buttocks and bend your knees.
  2. 2. Palms and feet should rest on the floor.
  3. 3. Leaning on the palm of your hand, the lower back rises to the maximum possible limit.
  4. 4. In this position, it is necessary to take a series of steps to the right and left.

Duration: must be performed at least 3 times for each side

Strengthens the lower arms and neck

There is also a complex aimed exclusively at losing weight. It allows you to get rid of body fat in the shortest possible time (1 month) and without harm to health. However, you need to practice regularly.

A set of exercises for weight loss with a towel:

BenefitExecution sequence
Strengthens the muscles of the arms and chest
  1. 1. You need to take the towel with your hands by the edges and start stretching it very strongly in different directions.
  2. 2. Duration 3 to 5 minutes
Eliminates fat deposits in the abdomen and waist
  1. 1. Hands need to take hold of the edges of the towel and raise them directly above your head.
  2. 2. Perform tilts to the right and left.
  3. 3. Hands during the exercise should be in tension and stretch the towel over the edges
Improves postureHands with a towel are wound behind the back and its edges are stretched in the same way as in the first exercise
Strengthens the abdominal muscles and stretches the calves
  1. 1. From a prone position, it is necessary to raise the torso and throw a towel over the feet.
  2. 2. By pulling the edges of the towel, the body is gradually lowered forward towards the socks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each technique has its pros and cons, as well as a number of contraindications. To avoid dangerous consequences, they cannot be neglected. Before embarking on self-study, you should consult with a specialist.

With a problem excess weight, sooner or later, many people face. However, not all of them approach its solution meaningfully and deliberately. Moreover, some of the “losing weight” naively believe that it is enough to stop consuming a lot of food and the hated kilograms will disappear by themselves. The other part, who want to get rid of fat folds, declares a real war on their excess weight, the weapons in which are cruel physical exercise. Both the first and the second completely forget that excess weight is a problem of the whole organism as a whole. If you started to get better, this indicates that: the metabolism is disturbed, the lack of vitamins and microelements affects, the internal organs do not work properly, etc.

In order for the process of losing weight to take place harmoniously and effectively, not a one-sided, but an integrated approach is required. The body will be able to actively engage in the fight against body fat if you comply with the following conditions:

  • think over a balanced diet menu;
  • choose gentle physical activity;
  • start doing breathing exercises.

Physical exercise and proper nutrition are undoubtedly necessary. However, breathing exercises play a very important role in losing weight. Today, more and more people are beginning to understand the importance of enriching each cell of the body with a sufficient amount of oxygen. There are many complexes useful exercises, where Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei occupies one of the first places.

What is Chinese breathing exercises

The East, as you know, keeps many mysterious secrets and secrets, some of which, over time, become known to people all over the world. Jianfei breathing exercises partly reveal the secret of health, harmony, beauty and longevity of the Chinese people. The practice of proper breathing has been perfected in China for many years and has proven its effectiveness with amazing results. Only three simple exercises can radically change not only your physical condition, but also inner world. After all, breathing exercises should be done by clearing the mind and focusing on achieving the desired goal.

The basis of the jianfei complex are exercises aimed at the ability to "lose fat" - that's right, literally with Chinese, the name of respiratory gymnastics is translated. All three exercises, which are referred to as " wave», « frog" and " lotus”, purposefully solve several main problems of losing weight people - eliminate the feeling of hunger, relieve fatigue and stress, normalize metabolism. Thanks to this, a person gets rid of extra pounds gradually and without harm to health. In addition, for a set of exercises there is no need to go to the gym and use special equipment. It is enough just to change into loose, non-constricting clothes, and you can start exercising.

How many kilograms and how quickly can you lose weight by doing Jianfei breathing exercises

A person who sincerely wants to get rid of excess weight is ready to double or triple his efforts if the method he uses gives a real result. However, do not forget that the result can only appear when you practice, following all the recommended rules and do not miss classes. It is constant and painstaking work on your body that will make your figure perfect.

Usually the first positive results do not have to wait in the near future. Nevertheless, Chinese breathing exercises will quickly enough allow you to make sure that the chosen path is correct. After the first training, literally on the 2nd or 3rd day, you will find that you have lost about one kilogram. This fact serves as practical proof of how much your body needs just such gymnastics. However, after the expiration 2 - 3 months you don't recognize yourself in the mirror at all. Weight loss during this period can be from 8 to 12 kilograms. Regular exercise and the desire to lose weight will provide you with a guaranteed result.

Important benefits of Chinese breathing exercises

What can we hide, it's not a secret at all that so many diets, including those recommended by "nutritionists", do not pass experimental testing. Moreover, in some cases, you will not only not lose weight, but also cause irreparable harm to health or gain even more excess weight. In addition, it is likely that some methods of losing weight may work for your friends, but not for you. Why is this happening? Because your body is not like any other. Therefore, you should only lose weight by listening to your own needs. The only exceptions are absolutely safe methods that do not require a person to go to such extremes as hunger, malnutrition, exhausting loads, etc.

Jianfei Chinese breathing exercises can be called with all confidence not only safe, but necessary for every person. It allows you to activate the hidden reserves of the body and triggers tissue repair mechanism. The consistent combination of "upper" and "lower" breathing provides and oxygenates all internal organs.


  • improves metabolism
  • normalizes acid-base balance
  • tissue gas exchange is restored
  • fatigue is relieved
  • immunity is strengthened
  • there is a burst of energy

The natural result of doing Chinese breathing exercises is weight loss and body rejuvenation. A balanced diet and jianfei exercises allow you to consolidate the result and maintain the desired weight for a long time.

A set of exercises of Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei

Exercise number 1. "Wave"

This exercise is primarily intended to to reduce hunger. It is advisable to perform breathing exercises before eating. In some cases, this exercise can be done instead of eating.

The most comfortable position for performing the "Wave" is the prone position. However, you can make data respiratory movements: standing or sitting, while walking or cycling, etc. Before starting classes, try to relax and focus on the process.

Lying on your back, bend your knees, placing your feet straight. One palm should be on the chest, the other on the stomach. Start breathing exercises with a little help with your hands. Take a deep slow breath while drawing in your stomach and lifting your chest. Hold your breath for a few moments and exhale. When exhaling, try to draw in the chest, and, on the contrary, inflate the stomach.

The breathing rhythm should not change and exceed your normal rate. It is advisable to perform during classes not less than 40 complete respiratory cycles(inhale-exhale). In the case when the exercise causes slight dizziness, you should slow down your breathing a little.

Exercise number 2. "Frog"

This exercise, in addition to losing weight, contributes to restoration of the central nervous system.

To do this, you will need a low comfortable chair.

After you sit in a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. The angle between the lower leg and the thigh should be straight or slightly sharp. Get your mind in order. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate only on the exercise

Put your elbows on your knees, clench the left river into a fist (men clench their right hand into a fist) and grab it with a brush right hand. Rest your forehead on your fist, close your eyes and relax.

After a short preparation, move on to jianfei breathing exercises.

Fully filling the stomach with air, alternate inhalations and exhalations through the mouth and nose. Slightly hold your breath for 1-5 seconds and control your condition.

If dizziness occurs, reduce the rhythm and depth of breaths. The recommended duration of the exercise is 15 minutes. You can repeat it three times a day depending on the desire and free time that you are ready to devote to breathing exercises. During the exercise, the chest rises evenly, and the stomach is either completely filled with air, or retracted. Visually, it resembles a frozen frog, which intently observes the surrounding space.

Exercise number 3. "Lotus"

With the help of the Lotus exercise relieves fatigue and internal stress, regulates metabolism, improves blood circulation in the body. You can perform the exercise while sitting on a low chair (as in the Frog exercise) or in the “sitting Buddha” position. Place your hands on your feet in front of your stomach, palms up. Women put the left hand on top of the right, and men, on the contrary, put the right hand on top of the left. The lower back should be straightened, shoulders lowered, chin slightly lowered, eyes closed. The exercise is done in three stages:

☯ The first five minutes of breathing should be deep, even, long. Concentrate fully on the process and listen to the results. The chest and abdomen should not rise too noticeably. Focus on managing, adjusting and controlling your breath. This is the stage of mindful breathing, which will allow you to better understand your potential.

☯ For the next five minutes of practice, you should try to inhale as naturally and naturally as possible. As you exhale, relax completely and concentrate on achieving silent, even, deep breathing.

☯ The third stage lasts ten minutes and does not require breath control. Breathe the way you do in normal life, without focusing on depth and rhythm. Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, relax and calm down.

At all it is not necessary to complete the whole complex jianfei immediately. Each of the three exercises has its own focus and can, depending on the needs and individual characteristics of the body, be used in different time and in varying amounts.

For example, to regulate appetite and muffle the feeling of hunger, use the Wave exercise. "Lotus" and "Frog" help cure chronic diseases, strengthen immunity and maintain health. These exercises can be done separately throughout the day. Make a personal schedule for breathing exercises, taking into account significant problems in your body.

Like any unusual load, breathing exercises can cause some discomfort and complications. If you experience discomfort while exercising, be sure to consult your doctor. In addition, you should not get too carried away with any kind of breathing exercises for people with hypertension, with diseases of the spine, with stones in the gallbladder and kidneys. Also, children and the elderly should be treated with caution.

Chinese breathing exercises for weight loss "jianfei" is very simple, understandable and effective. Already in its very name, a super prize is announced, which you will receive by regularly performing just three simple exercises - “jianfei” in translation means “lose fat”. Try it and you will discover the ancient Chinese way of getting rid of ballast!

Flashlight of desire

To begin with, here's motivation for you, because in order to achieve something, you must light up. And in order to catch fire, you need to know that you will get the fulfillment of desire! So, a survey of those who practice "jianfei" showed: for a couple of days of diligent practice, an average of 1 kg of weight is lost. After one or two months, you can already miss 10 kilos. Is it really impressive? Especially when you consider that you can do it anywhere, in anything and at any time. At the same time, no one will require you to demonstrate miracles of dexterity and endurance.

But strength is still needed. Strength of will. Only regular implementation of the complex will give the desired result. Another motivational bonus: there are only three simple exercises in the complex that are remembered from the first time! And in addition: "jianfei" not only allows you to quickly solve the problem of excess weight, but also heals the body as a whole, gives vitality and clarifies thoughts.

Profitable exchange

There are still some doubts: “Yes, really! Is it all that easy and free? And what works?!”. To unequivocally answer this question, you must, of course, experience it for yourself. Won adherents of "jianfei" unanimously claim that yes. It seems that there are no selfish motives to say so - you won’t earn much on this. So what explains the effect of breathing exercises? The Chinese (and not only them) believe that the problem of excess weight is based on a slowdown in metabolism. One of natural ways bring it back to normal correct breathing. By inhaling and exhaling in a certain way, we can activate the reserve capacity of the body and speed up our metabolism.

Lyrical digression: metabolism is the rate at which substances from food are converted into energy. Everything that did not go to support life is deposited in the form of a fat reserve. The wise Chinese thousands of years ago discovered the relationship between breathing and metabolic processes and learned how to set up metabolism in a healthy way. Jianfei is, of course, not the only breathing practice to come from China. There are many varieties of health systems based on breathing in this Eastern culture. Judging by the fact that fat people among the descendants of the creators of the Great Chinese wall You don't see them often, they know what they're doing.

Three whales

In fact, the whales that Jianfei is based on are Frog, Lotus, and Wave. Ideally, you should master the whole trio 3 times a day in one sitting. It will take 1 full complex for about an hour. Another thing is interesting - individual points of the program can be performed when 15-20 minutes of free time are given out. Fans of "jianfei" say that the Wave can also be practiced in transport (in winter time when clothes mask your movements), and at the office table, and preparing, for example, borscht. The frog, too, perhaps, will come down for people who have a sedentary job and understanding colleagues. But the Lotus is better left for home use - if you sit on the floor, legs crossed in front of you somewhere in a crowded place, you, to put it mildly, will not be understood.


With this exercise, it is best to start the complex. It brings relaxation and focus. In addition, it dulls the feeling of hunger (after all, you don’t think that you don’t need to follow a diet anymore?), Therefore, as a separate Wave option, it works great. Call on him for help whenever the indomitable zhor is ready to defeat you! It was mentioned that you can perform it standing or sitting, but according to the classical version, it is proposed to “make a wave” in a lying position:

And so over and over again, bringing the number of cycles to 40. At first, even a dozen of these “waves” may not seem so simple to you. But when you get used to it, and your strength increases, you will effortlessly cope with this exercise.


This exercise also tames the appetite, but its main purpose is to quickly tone the body. It can cheer you up worse than coffee and any artificial energy drink, even when your strength is running out, so it’s better to refrain from doing it before bedtime. To understand the technique, you can imagine a frog: it sits with bulging eyes and inflates and deflates its belly. In general, only the stomach works for you here, the chest remains at rest. It is not necessary to bulge your eyes, but if you really want to, you can.

  1. Sit on a chair. Place your feet shoulder-width apart so that they form a right angle with respect to the floor.
  2. Bend your arms and rest your elbows on your knees (Fig. 2.).
  3. Clench one hand into a fist, and place the other on top, clasping the fist. Attention! For women, the left is clenched into a fist, and the right is on top. For men - on the contrary (who knows why, but, apparently, there is some secret meaning in this).
  4. Rest your forehead on your fist. Close your eyes, try to let go of all bad thoughts, get rid of the hustle and bustle and relax.
  5. Inhale through your nose, trying to stick out your stomach as much as possible. At the moment when you feel that it is completely filled, take another short sharp breath.
  6. Exhale slowly through your mouth and draw in your belly as you do so.

Breathe like a frog for 15 minutes. It is recommended to do the Frog three times a day. Try to think about something pleasant in the process, for example, visualize how your fats are burned, or imagine the final result - your slim, strong body. After finishing the stage, do not get up abruptly - you may feel dizzy! And pay attention to contraindications to this exercise! It can not be performed: after surgical interventions, with hypertension, gastric and intestinal bleeding, during menstruation.


This exercise is compared to meditation. It normalizes metabolism and helps relieve fatigue. From the name it is clear that they do it in the well-known “lotus” position, sitting on the floor with crossed legs. Ideally, the knees should be directed strictly to the sides and touch the floor. Right - below, left - above. Don't be put off by the lack of stretch - if you can't get it right, just cross your legs as best you can.

Setting a great goal - losing weight, try to do the Lotus exercise 3 times a day. If your task is general health promotion, once is enough.

This exercise, like jianfei gymnastics in general, helps not only to get in shape and maintain it, but also gives you something much more valuable - the feeling that you live in harmony with yourself and the world.

Breathing ensures the functioning of the body. Such gymnastics helps to get rid of excess weight at home. In the breathing of adults, the stomach is almost not involved. Because of this, the air does not reach the lower parts of the lungs, and the already processed oxygen is not completely removed. The body is not supplied with the necessary amount of oxygen. So many systems begin to function worse, which leads to body fat. Learn to breathe correctly to influence the work of the whole organism.

Want to lose weight? Looking for effective method get rid of excess fat on the stomach and sides? Breathing exercises are the best weight loss method you can learn at home. Breathing exercises for the press will help you quickly achieve maximum results without resorting to exhausting workouts in gym. And proper breathing contributes to the flow of oxygen into the body and starts the process of burning fat cells. How to do gymnastics for the abdomen and sides, you can learn from the article. The exercises do not require special equipment or the help of a trainer.

What is breathing exercises

The technique is considered to be the simplest and effective way strengthen abdominal muscles at home. The work of all internal organs becomes better. Performing breathing exercises will take very little time. As a result, you will gain a surge of energy and strength, rejuvenation and good health.

"Vacuum": correct breathing with the stomach (video)

  1. Lie down on a flat surface. Lower your hands to your lower abdomen. Breathe out through your nose.
  2. Breathe slowly. Control the lowering of the diaphragm with your hands. The belly will be rounded. The lungs will be filled with air.
  3. Don't pause. Exhale slowly. The diaphragm will rise, and the stomach will be pulled in as much as possible. The air will come out of the lungs.
  4. Help draw in the stomach due to the abdominal muscles. Fix the position and breath as much as possible.
  5. Regain your breath. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Breathing exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

Gymnastics helps to increase metabolism. The volume of the stomach decreases due to the effective work of the abdominal muscles. Proper breathing helps to get rid of hunger.


Exercise "Frog" helps to improve the condition of the body. During its execution, only the stomach is mobile. Control your condition: if you feel any discomfort, take a break. Exercise for 15 minutes.

  1. Sit on a chair. The distance between the legs should correspond to the width of the shoulders. Place your elbows on your hips. Squeeze one palm, and place the other on top of the resulting fist. Rest your head in your hands. Relax.
  2. Breathe in slowly. Then exhale through your mouth. Hold for a few seconds when the stomach is slightly puffed up. Then slowly inhale and exhale again. Repeat the already mastered movement.
  3. At the final stage, take a deep breath, stretch.

Breathing exercise "Frog"


"Wave" can be done both lying down and sitting. It is important to choose a comfortable breathing rate for you. Exercises are classified as starting. Repeat it about 40 times.

  1. Lie down on a flat surface. Bend your legs at the knee joints. Place one hand on your chest, place the other on your stomach.
  2. Practice correct breathing technique. When inhaling, straighten your chest, while exhaling - your stomach.

Breathing exercises for the press in the lotus position

  1. Straighten up. Sit in the lotus position. Keep your back straight. Do not use support. Drop your shoulders a little. Lower your head. Relax. Play gymnastics:
  2. The body must remain stationary. Breathe deeply for 5 minutes.
  3. For the next 5 minutes, do not think about how you breathe.
  4. Continue breathing naturally. Pay attention to your inhalations and exhalations. Exercise for at least 10 minutes.

To reduce the abdomen: standing vacuum exercise

Breathe according to the technique below. Every day, breathing exercises should be given 20 minutes. So you will do a decent job on the abdominal muscles.

  1. Stand straight. As you take a deep breath, tilt your torso slightly forward. Putting, while palms on the hips.
  2. Exhale all the air while pulling in the stomach as much as possible. You should feel that your internal organs are slightly rising towards the ribs. Tilt your head slightly down, lower your chin. As if you want to press him to your chest. But look straight ahead.
  3. Hold your stomach in for 20-30 seconds. Relax it slowly. Regain your breath. Do 3-5 breathing cycles.

  1. Sit on a flat surface. Bend your legs. Point one knee up, put your hand on the other. Leave your free hand behind your back.
  2. Exhale. Then inhale. Then exhale sharply, drawing in the stomach for 10 seconds. Take a breath.
  3. Do 5 reps for each side.

Breath types

  1. During chest breathing, the costal part of the sternum is involved.
  2. The diaphragm included in the work during abdominal breathing provides a deep and full breath. This is how humans breathe at birth. And then they begin to breathe from the chest.

Types of breathing exercises that can be mastered at home

  • Yogis open the channels of perception by doing gymnastics. The relationship between breathing and human development has been proven. The principle of yogis is to breathe exclusively through the nose. This system is called pranayama. This is how you achieve harmony and balance.
  • The essence of kapalabhati is the need to breathe in the stomach. Close your eyes and relax. Straighten your back. Inhaling, inflate the stomach. As you exhale, pull your belly towards your spine. Breathe like this 36 times.
  • Perform nadi shodhana - breathe through each of the nostrils in turn. Cover one of the nostrils with your thumb. Breathe in and out through the other. Do five rounds. Then do the same with the other nostril. Then start breathing through both nostrils at the same time.
    When the technique is mastered, inhale and exhale through one nostril, then the other. Alternately cover the right and left nostrils. Do 10 cycles.
  • The “palms” exercise is quite simple to perform even for a beginner. Bring your hands up to chest level. Turn your palms away from you. Clench them into fists, performing sharp breaths and exhalations. Do 10 times.
  • To perform the “chauffeurs” exercise, the distance between the legs should be narrower than the width of the shoulders. Clench your hands into fists. Keep them around your waist. Inhaling, sharply lower your hands, unclench your fists. Concentrate tension in the shoulders and hands. Breathe for 10 cycles. Repeat 5 times.
  • "Pump". Straighten up. Take a breath. Tilt your body. Don't touch the floor with your hands. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Complete 5 series.
  • The breathing method of the Danish gymnast Müller is reduced to continuous and rhythmic breathing through the nose. As a result, you will gain healthy skin, endurance and muscle tone. Perform the exercise for 6 cycles. Play 5 episodes. Place your hands on your waist. Straighten your back. Straightened legs alternately raise and lower in different directions.

  • Do breathing exercises regularly. Increase the load gradually. Concentrate on doing the exercise.
  • An hour should elapse between training and eating.
  • Stretch your neck muscles before exercising. Make several turns with your head in different directions.
  • Relax your arms and shoulders.


Do not perform breathing exercises after a heart attack, stroke, or a recent operation. Consult your doctor before starting exercise.