How to get rid of stuttering at home for an adult - exercises. Overcome stuttering with breathing exercises

Unfortunately, stuttering cannot be cured with medication. At the same time, a huge number of people suffer from this disease. Stuttering complicates speech activity, sometimes making communication impossible or simply complicating everyday life. Doctors recommend treating it with the help of speech therapists and psychologists, taking additional medications to normalize work. nervous system. There are other methods of treatment. For example, breathing exercises developed by A.N. Strelnikova. Her set of exercises is suitable for both adults and children. Breathing exercises for stuttering are a great method to treat stuttering at home.

Stuttering can occur for various reasons. Experts divide it into three types:

Arising as a result of some disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. It may be associated with trauma during childbirth or in early childhood, as well as with frequent illnesses.

Arising from a violation of the relationship between the hemispheres of the brain - when a right-handed person's leading eye is the left eye. This is possible when retraining a left-handed child to write with his right hand.

Occurs with severe stress or overwork. Most often manifested in public and in public speaking.

Breathing exercises can help with any type of stuttering. At the same time, gymnastics is aimed at optimizing and coordinating breathing, both through the mouth and nose. Necessarily Active participation diaphragm.

General rules for exercise

The breath is sharp and short, like cotton.

Exhalation is calm and long, effortless. It must be silent.

Inhalation is accompanied by movements. When you exhale, they are not.

Both movement and inhalation should occur in the rhythm of the march.

You can perform gymnastics in any position convenient for you - standing, lying or sitting.

What exercises to do for stuttering?

1. Stand straight with your elbows bent (pointing them down), while showing your palms. Bending your palms, take a short breath, grabbing air. Make a silent exhalation. It is recommended to repeat the exercise twice, taking four breaths. Between them you need to pause for four seconds.

2. Stand straight, clenching your fists and pressing them to your waist. Inhaling, push your fists down and extend your arms towards the floor while tensing your shoulders. Repeat 8 times.

3. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Reach with straight arms towards the floor, leaning forward and inhaling. The back should be rounded, not straight. Imagine that you are inflating a tire with a pump. Repeat 12 times. Remember that the exhalation should be soft. For various diseases, do not bend too low.

4. Stand straight, stretch your arms along the body, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat while turning to the right. During the squat, there is a noisy breath. On the exhale - rise, straightening up. Then crouch, turning to the left. Repeat twelve times.

5. Standing, bend your elbows. On the inhale - wrap your arms around your shoulders sharply, on the exhale - relax, take the starting position. Repeat 12 times. When performing the exercise, you can tilt your head back a little.

6. Standing, place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend over, stretching your hands to the floor - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Bend over backwards - inhale. Starting position - exhale.

7. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Turn your head to the right - a sharp breath, slowly turn to the left - exhale and again a sharp breath. Try to perform without breaks and pauses, without holding your head in the middle. Repeat 12 times.

8. Stand straight, place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Tilt your head to the right, touching your shoulder with your ear - inhale, during the transition - exhale, to the left shoulder - inhale. Look straight ahead. Repeat 12 times.

9. Standing, feet shoulder width apart. Lower your head as much as possible, looking at the floor - inhale, at the transition - exhale, raise your head, looking at the ceiling - inhale.

10. Stand with your left foot forward and your right foot back on your toes. Sit on the right leg - inhale, then slowly exhale, transferring weight to the left leg - inhale again.

11. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee, to waist level. Pull the sock to the floor, as in ballet. Raising the leg is accompanied by inhalation. Return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the same with your right foot. Perform 8 times.

12. Standing, sharply pull back the left leg, while sitting down a little on the right - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat with the other leg. Do the exercise 8 times.

If the proposed exercises are performed at home every day, after a month, breathing begins to change. There is a massage of the diaphragm and its training. Air learns to pass freely through the ligaments, and this contributes to the disappearance of muscle spasms. As the breath becomes deep, the stuttering begins to disappear. Daily exercise will help get rid of stuttering and will enable you to lead a full life.

The problem of stuttering occurs in both children and adults. It causes a lot of inconvenience and can seriously undermine self-esteem. And the point is not only in the speech defect itself, but in general self-doubt. It's like a vicious circle: the more you stutter, the more you feel embarrassed, which makes you stutter even more ... But everything can be solved if you believe in yourself.

We asked experts about how to get rid of stuttering once and for all. Yana Borisovna Poley, a speech therapist of the highest category, says: Most often, stuttering appears in childhood. The most dangerous period is from 3 to 5 years, during the rapid development of speech. But an adult can also be affected by this disease. Stuttering is a violation of the tempo, the rhythm of the smoothness of speech as a result of convulsions of the articulatory apparatus. A stuttering person can fiddle with clothes, make involuntary movements with his arms, legs, he may develop nervous tics. Some stutterers "mask" their defect by inserting meaningless words or sounds into speech: "so", "here", "mmm", "uh" ...

How to cure stuttering? Remember that this defect is not only speech. It is associated with a violation of the nervous system. It often turns out that the physical health of a person is not ideal. In an adult, stuttering may remain from childhood or appear spontaneously. Often the problem “fades out” in conditions of calm and harmony, and reappears when a person is stressed. In such cases, you should contact a number of specialists: a neurologist, a speech therapist, a clinical psychologist. The psychologist will help relieve tension, fear of speech. A speech therapist will teach or help you remember the skills of speech breathing, smooth and continuous speech. And the neurologist, for his part, will provide assistance to the nervous system.

It is useful for people who stutter to engage in certain sports: swimming, yoga, karate. Singing, theatrical circles, dancing - all this also helps a person to become liberated, feel confident, develop breathing, plasticity, and cope with general bodily tension.


In the meantime, the doctor treats, take advantage of popular practices to combat stuttering.

Treatment for stuttering

How to cure stuttering? Instead of setting “oh horror, now it will start again”, choose the position: “and this is such a peculiarity for me.” Internally accept the fact that you stutter and try to live with it. If you are afraid of others' reaction to your stuttering, you can tell or hint about the problem in advance. The more relaxed you are about the defect, the less often it will appear.

Learn to relax yourself

Everyone has their own “recipes” for relaxation. Someone is helped by a rosary that can be fiddled with in their hands, a piece of paper, the edges of which can be folded and unfolded, or maybe a certain crossing of the fingers, which gives a peaceful state. When you're ready, start your speech. You will see: its quality directly depends on your inner state.

Play a home show

Many stutterers, when talking with loved ones, completely forget about their problem. But she reminds of herself in stressful moments. Rehearse in front of your sister, your man or your parents the speech you are going to give at the meeting tomorrow. Remember the feeling of relaxation and self-confidence, and keep them until the “X” moment.

Learn to breathe properly

Breathing exercises from yoga or qigong help regulate breathing in stuttering. Learn to control the force of inhalation and exhalation, the rhythms of intake and expulsion of air from the lungs. Repeat the exercises every day without skipping: you will soon feel that stuttering has decreased.

Think about anything but your own speech

People often stutter from the very fact of their uneven speech. This makes them lose the thread of the conversation, miss the point of the conversation. Try to shift your attention from your own voice to the idea you want to convey, or to your interlocutor. Concentrate on the elaboration of speech information, put the emphasis not on the form, but on the content.


How to get rid of stuttering? When you feel stuttering coming on, give yourself time to get your breathing in order. Pause the conversation and take a deep breath. Repeat inhaling and exhaling, listening to your breath. So you can control your speech, and light pauses will give you an interesting mystery in the eyes of the interlocutor.

get inspired

As you heal your speech, enlist patience and enthusiasm. And good literature and cinema will help you with this. For example, the Oscar-winning "King Says": feel yourself in the place of the protagonist and go with him all the way from complexes to complete victory.

Daria Mazurkina was quickly looking for ways to get rid of stuttering

The problem of stuttering among adults is very common, many famous people suffered from stuttering and, despite this, reached significant heights in their careers, succeeded in the family and business.

Stuttering is expressed in violation of speech, pronunciation hesitation after the first sound of a word. In a conversation, a stutterer feels strong muscle tension, he loses control over speech and verbal organs. The speech centers of a stuttering person do not work synchronously, hence the imbalance in social contact and communication.

Types of stutters

There are three types of stuttering:

  1. Stuttering in people with defects of the nervous system.
  2. A speech defect that arose when a child was retrained from left-handed to right-handed.
  3. Stuttering acquired during life, due to stress, chronic overwork, severe emotional upheaval, trauma, fear, depression, and so on.

Speech defects are characterized by exacerbation during periods of psycho-emotional arousal, which is why it is difficult for stutterers to speak in public and in front of an audience.

Methods for the treatment of stuttering in adults

The treatment of stuttering has its roots deep in the past. That is why many recipes for getting rid of stuttering in adults at home have come down to our days.

Traditional methods of stuttering therapy are based on various respiratory ones that help to relax the organs of speech and breathing:

  • Starting position - stand up straight, palms down, arms relaxed. Tilt your torso slightly forward and round your back, trying to keep your head, neck and shoulders as relaxed as possible. Take a quick and deep breath out loud through your nose. Returning to the starting position, actively and noisily exhale through your mouth or nose. Repeat the exercise 10-12 sets of 8 times.
  • Starting position - stand up straight, hands on hips, back straight. Turn your head left and right, inhaling aloud as you turn, and exhale as you move your head smoothly from side to side. When performing the exercise, try not to strain the body and head. Repeat 2-3 times for 30 breaths.
  • Sit on the floor in the lotus position, put your hands on your knees, try to completely relax. Take a deep breath, filling the lungs to capacity, exhale in portions, pushing the air out with smooth movements of the abdomen. Repeat exercises as fatigue sets in.

Breathing exercises actively load the diaphragm, help to relax the vocal cords, preventing them from closing and interfering with the conversation. It is better to carry out breathing exercises in the morning and in the evening, on an empty stomach.

The normalization of speech function is facilitated by the use of sedatives and relaxing infusions and herbal teas, since the root of stuttering lies in some tension of the nervous system and the inability to get rid of constant discomfort.

Receptions of alternative medicine should be carried out in combination with the main methods conservative treatment at the defectologist. cook herbal drug collection from equal parts of dry and crushed flowers of calendula, lemon balm, sweet clover, licorice and birch leaves. A tablespoon of the collection is poured with boiling water and put in a water bath, waiting until it boils. The finished broth is insisted for an hour or two and drunk during the day before meals, two or three small sips.

There is one more, no less effective recipe, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system of an adult: we take the same number of flowers of chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort, anise, motherwort and lemon balm, pour one spoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and insist for three hours. You need to use the infusion every day for half a cup, at least four times a day.

For stuttering in adults at home, therapeutic aroma oils . Inhalation of useful and pleasant incense calms, gives confidence, improves mood, relieves stress and irritation. An aromatherapy session is best done in the evening, in a calm and cozy homely atmosphere. The most effective in the fight against stuttering in adults are aromas of pine, rosemary, sandalwood, basil, rose and bergamot.

Healing fragrant oils are also added to the bath, for this purpose oil extracts of sage, thyme, wormwood, geranium and lavender are used. Water for a therapeutic bath should not be too hot, a temperature of about 37-38 degrees is enough, only 2-3 drops of aromatic oil are added to the water. The bath should be taken for about 15 minutes. For a lasting result, it is necessary to conduct a 15-day course of evening fragrant baths.

Phyto-tea will help calm and relax a stuttering person: put two handfuls of rose hips and one handful of viburnum berries in a two-liter thermos, leave for 5 hours in a row. Drink tea with lemon and honey.

To relieve spasms that occur during speech, stutterers are advised to drink a healing drink based on whole cow's milk. Boil milk, after boiling, add a pinch of dry grass to it. goose cinquefoil, remove from heat, cool, filter and drink one glass a day.

Stuttering can be treated at any age and not only by medication. Try it, maybe one of these recipes will help you too! Good luck!

How to get rid of stuttering at home for an adult - exercisesGrade 4.07 /5 voted 27

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Discussion: 19 comments left.

    You know, I really liked the exercises, the fact is that when I start to worry, I can’t utter a single word. It’s scary to go to the doctor, but everything seems to be fine in the family, I communicate without problems. But when my boss calls me or I have to speak at public events, I start to stutter. When I began to gradually engage in breathing exercises, at first I didn’t notice myself, for the first time I communicated with the boss on an equal footing, I was able to calmly explain everything to him, without any defects. Now I do it every day breathing exercises, now just finished, thank you for the useful information.

    I showed your article to a friend, he has been practicing the exercises for the second month, he called, he says that it has become much easier. He says that in conversations he began to control himself better, once again not to worry, the words are pronounced clearly without hesitation. I myself have known him since childhood, when he was little, he tried to be more silent in the company so that we would not tease him once again. And when our paths grew up, we diverged and met rarely, he grew up almost silent, I'm the opposite. So when he began to use the recommendations that I advised him at the next meeting, he felt better, he began to call me every week and thank me for my help.

    It is very difficult to get rid of stuttering, but to reduce it to a minimum is quite within the power of every stuttering person. I can write how to speak much better and better. [email protected].ru

    Technique for getting rid of stuttering. Not much improvement can be felt after a few sessions. Write: [email protected]

    Bilateral decrease in the function of the vagus nerves can provoke a speech disorder. This is due to the fact that the vagus nerve carries motor fibers to the muscles of the pharynx, soft palate, epiglottis, which are responsible for human speech. The vagus nerve also innervates the bronchi, the diaphragm, they are also directly involved in the formation of beautiful speech. The strongest healing effect on the vagus, glossopharyngeal nerve occurs when working through the carotid sinus. Through the carotid sinus, the cervical sympathetic node, the head (speech associative center) brain, the vagus glossopharyngeal nerve is massaged with a point-bioenergetic effect. When massaged through the carotid sinus of the brain (speech associative center), vagus, glossopharyngeal nerve. Cells in the speech, associative centers of the vagus, glossopharyngeal nerve, vocal cords, root of the tongue, branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve are effectively restored, healed, speech becomes relaxed.

    Bilateral decrease in the function of the vagus nerves can provoke a speech disorder. This is due to the fact that the vagus nerve carries motor fibers to the muscles of the pharynx, soft palate, epiglottis, which are responsible for human speech. The vagus nerve also innervates the bronchi, the diaphragm, they are also directly involved in the formation of beautiful speech. The strongest healing effect on the vagus, glossopharyngeal nerve occurs when working through the carotid sinus. Through the carotid sinus, the cervical sympathetic node, the head (speech associative center) brain, the vagus glossopharyngeal nerve is massaged with a point-bioenergetic effect. When massaged through the carotid sinus of the brain (speech associative center), vagus, glossopharyngeal nerve. Cells in the speech, associative centers of the vagus, glossopharyngeal nerve, vocal cords, root of the tongue, branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve are effectively restored, healed, speech becomes relaxed. tel. 8-906-092-2828

    I got rid of stuttering myself at home without any specialists. all I needed was instructions for working on speech from the site. These are exercises for articulation, correct breathing, strengthening the exhalation force, consolidating speech, etc. Everything turned out to be very simple and easy.

    Most experts in the world consider stuttering as a psychological communicative phenomenon. To confirm this conclusion, our website ( conducted several tests for several years, the results of which identified more than 90% of people with stuttering, in whom stuttering becomes much less, and is also completely absent in situations “alone with oneself” (i.e. out of communication).

    This means that stuttering is, first of all, a problem of communication and psychological contact (manifestation of his feelings by a person through facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, speed and rhythm of speech during communication).

    On the site, recruitment has begun for an intensive course to overcome stuttering at the Utyos sanatorium (one of the largest health resorts in Alushta).
    The course program includes: 100 hours of individual and group lessons! Individual and group psychotherapy. An individual program is developed for each participant.
    Statement of smoothness of speech (individual work with a specialist) - 15 hours. If necessary, the use of computer biofeedback - DAF, FAF (Frequency Altered Feedback) to develop smoothness.
    Development and setting of intonation (individual work with a specialist) - 8 hours. Computer training of intonations according to Stanislavsky, telephone training - 15 hours.
    Statement of expressive speech (individual work with a specialist) - 5 hours. Programmed biofeedback and computer training of speech expressiveness - 10 hours.
    Voice over roles, the art of impersonation, acting skills (group work) - 20 hours
    Behavioral training of communication on the street in the city (Alushta, Yalta) - 20 hours.
    Video modeling of behavior in a group (video filming in a group) - 10 hours, techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy are used.
    Physiotherapy, salt room, swimming pool, speech therapy massage.

    Stuttering is, in fact, a disorder in which the fluency of speech is disturbed, with involuntary breaks in the pronunciation of syllables and sounds. Sounds are repeated, slowing down speech, preventing it from continuing. The little man is gripped by excitement and the situation only escalates. This disorder occurs in childhood and must be corrected in childhood. Stuttering can be of two types: functional, and organic, which is a consequence of other diseases.


    1. Physiological: disorders of the nervous system, heredity, diseases of the pharynx, larynx, the effects of measles, typhoid, rickets.
    2. Psychological - shock caused by psycho-emotional impact;
    3. Social: insufficient work of parents, large overloads, too strict attitude towards children in the family or in the environment where the child lives, prolonged negative psychological impact of the child's close environment.


    In modern medicine, there are several options for eliminating stuttering, often they are recommended to be used in combination.

    One of the areas of treatment for stuttering children is in the nature of professional correction, during which the speech therapist must eliminate functional speech disorders. To do this, he uses special individual correction programs, consisting of speech therapy manipulations that stabilize the fluency of the child's speech. As a result, the child builds the correct breathing rhythm, and he begins to stutter less.

    If, as a result of the examination of the baby, a nervous breakdown is detected, then medications may be prescribed. It should be remembered that in this case it is impossible to do without consulting your doctor. However, most problems are solved without the use of medications, so you should not trust doctors too much. Psychological problems, even very complex ones, must be solved through careful work on the child in the family, medications in most cases depress the personality, which can be dangerous for the child.

    According to most experts, the most effective method correction of defects of this kind is considered breathing exercises. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it directly affects speech breathing- the basis for confident pronunciation of sounds. Stuttering breaks the smooth alternation of sounds, turning it into an intermittent and uneven sequence. The amount of air during exhalation is so small that the spoken phrase is interrupted. The task of this complex is to stabilize breathing, ensuring its smoothness. Classes with patients prone to such an ailment concentrate on a specific and important goal, which explains the high effectiveness of this method for eliminating speech disorders.

    It should be remembered that the treatment of the disease can only be started after contacting a specialist who examines the patient, gives recommendations and will accompany the correction process. As a rule, the doctor conducts the initial training of the baby and parents, especially in the case of performing breathing exercises for stuttering in children.

    A.N. Strelnikova's method

    In breathing exercises for stuttering in children according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova was given motor complexes aimed at correcting breathing, normalizing the activity of the vocal cords, uniform alternation of inhalations and exhalations.

    Breathing exercises from stuttering by this technique eliminates the so-called clavicular breathing. At the beginning of a conversation, before pronouncing a word or phrase, the child, taking a breath, strongly raises his shoulders, which involuntarily causes tension in the facial and neck muscles, and the lungs are only partially filled with air. The very words he pronounces on the exhale, involuntarily causing spasms that prevent him from speaking. In such a situation, the diaphragm also behaves passively - a muscle that plays an important role in phonation (sound production).

    The essence of A.N. Strelnikova:

    • teach to inhale air, filling the lungs as much as possible;
    • by training the diaphragm, involve it in the process of sound formation;
    • achieve tight closure of the vocal cords.

    There is no need to rely too much on this complex of breathing exercises, stuttering can simply be eliminated by pronouncing words and sentences, creating comfortable psychological conditions. But Strelnikova's technique was created to develop the vocal cords and airways of opera singers. If a person was supposed to sing well and loudly as a result of the exercise, then he can also stop stuttering. This method offers several breathing complexes for children.


    In the initial “straight stance” position, clenched fists are located near the abdomen in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe belt. Leaning forward a little, inhaling, we sharply lower our fists to the floor without touching it. In the second part of the exercise, the body is lifted, while exhaling and returning the fists to their previous position. Tilts are recommended to be done easily, and the breath is short, with noise and through the nose. At one time, you need to do 8 approaches and after 4 seconds repeat the “eight” exercise. When working with stuttering babies, it is recommended to carry out special exercises every day, 2 sets before meals or 1.5 hours later. It is believed that the "Pump" is one of the most effective means of correcting stuttering. You should not do it in the presence of injuries, high blood pressure, kidney stones, bladder.

    "Hug your shoulders"

    Beginning: arms bent at the elbows raised to the shoulders. We do “hugging” with the movement of the hands towards them until the shoulders touch, the hands move in parallel, without straining, easily. After confidently mastering the movements when the hands meet, you should slightly take your head back. The recommended frequency is 12 "eights". There are restrictions for patients with heart disease. Exercises "Pump" and "Hug your shoulders" are allowed to be performed while sitting and even lying down.


    The arms are bent at the elbows, raised to the level of the head, the palms are open and facing forward. The movements consist of short breaths through the nose while squeezing the palms. Four sharp nasal breaths in a row and a pause of 3-4 seconds, and so on 3-4 times. If something interferes, for example, dizziness, pauses between sets can be increased to 10 seconds. It is important to remember that inhalation should be nasal and active, and exhalation passive, through the mouth. Frequency: 2-4 sets of 4 breaths.

    In addition to the main course, it is usually proposed to perform special manipulations to enhance the voice, which, according to doctors, will help solve my problem.

    "Alphabet for Stutterers"

    The person practicing on a slight bow forward pronounces consonant sounds in turn eight times. Manipulations are simple and do not require strict control over breathing. There is only one condition: during each breath you need to make several sounds.


    The goal is to hold your breath for a long time. The practitioner, bending over, holds the air in his chest as far as possible, and counts up to 8. You need to dial the “eights” as much as possible, and if the air runs out, then the count stops and a pause is made. After a few seconds of rest, breath holding continues. The task is to achieve 10-15 "eights" on one breath.

    This well-known complex during its time has proven to be an effective tool for eliminating logoneuroses, in addition, it can be used to carry out medical procedures at home. It should be borne in mind that such treatment should be preceded by a consultation with a specialist. In addition, professionals assure that the effectiveness of treatment is greater if parents find time to do such exercises with their children. Also, parents should communicate more with children, easy conversation also develops the child's speech.

    The more you talk, read aloud, and sing, the easier and more relaxed your speech becomes. Recite prose, read poetry and do not forget about short but very effective proverbs and tongue twisters.

    Each stutterer has a rather poorly developed speech apparatus, some of the muscles are not active enough. With the help of articulatory gymnastics, you develop them to the norm. At the same time, each stutterer has his own special letters or letter combinations, which are especially difficult for him to pronounce. If you don't know what sounds are causing you difficulty, then record your speech. After listening to the audio recording, you will be able to identify your audio problem. It is necessary to select tongue twisters with these sounds

    Tongue twisters on "TR"

    Patter on "KR"

    Tongue twisters on "PR"

    • - Tell me about the purchase! - About what kind of purchase? - About such a purchase, about a purchase, about a purchase, about your purchase.
    • Half-life - half a decay period or not half a decay period?
    • The simplest suppression stops crimes.

    Tongue twisters on "GR"

    Tongue twisters on "ZhZ"

    Do not forget! The main thing is not speed, but the absence of stuttering and clarity of pronunciation!

    At first, speak slowly, each time accelerating the pace, but only if you managed to pronounce the tongue twister correctly.

    Why tongue twisters do not help with stuttering

    Those times, you will be surprised, I wrote one thing at the beginning of the article, and another at the end. And more examples of tongue twisters posted ...

    Yes, reading tongue twisters in itself will not save you from stuttering. But don't listen to advice like this “run away from that speech therapist who offers you reading tongue twisters”- almost a quote from one site. Tongue twisters are important as a means of developing the speech apparatus and clarity of diction, but they must be combined with poetry (at the initial stage), with singing (for those who love), with prose (required), articulatory gymnastics and breathing exercises.

    Tongue twisters for stuttering and not only will help you learn how to overcome combinations of sounds that are difficult for you. For example, I have always lived (well, I was so lucky) in the house and / or apartment “thirty”, “thirty-two”, “thirty-three”. The combination of TR - literally was unpronounceable for me

    So ask me for the address: "Girl, are you lost? Where do you live?" It didn't seem possible. For spies, an important quality :)

    The main thing! Correctly work with tongue twisters when stuttering. Let me explain again with an example:

    There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass, do not cut firewood on the grass of the yard.

    • 1. We take a breath and say it slowly and clearly: There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass ...
    • 2. The air is over, we make a new entrance with the nose and further: do not chop wood on the grass of the yard.

    And we repeat like this every day a few tongue twisters that you have chosen. As soon as everything began to turn out well at a given slow pace, we accelerate a little and so on until we reach the unmistakable level of high speed at which those who do not stutter speak tongue twisters.