What insect bites look like. Why insect bites are dangerous - dangerous consequences and first aid

Bed bug bites are impossible to ignore. Large red spots and a trail of individual pimples appear in the morning. Accompanied by severe itching. Thus, "uninvited guests" declare themselves. This causes surprise and horror. What it is? And where could it come from? Especially if the bite marks appeared in the child.

Bed bug bites usually do not lead to major health problems. Itching and redness disappear gradually. However, not all people are the same. The reaction to bites manifests itself in different ways. For some, this is just irritation in several places, for others, it turns into a strong allergic reaction.

What does a bug bite look like

Due to their characteristics, bedbugs make 7-8 bites at one meal. First they need to find the right capillary with blood, then move to another place. As a result, a path appears in the form of swellings from one bug, which are located at a short distance from each other. Look at the photo how it looks.

The bites of several bedbugs in one place cause skin irritation in the form of a large red spot. The picture is shown in the photo.

Allergy to bedbug bites manifests itself in different ways. First of all, these are large red spots, swelling, inflammation and itching. The reaction to bites is shown in the photo.

Bed bug bite

Bedbugs especially love well-groomed delicate skin. It's easier to bite through. For this reason, women and children are more often attacked.

Vulnerabilities are:

  • legs;
  • sole;
  • face;
  • arms;
  • back;
  • stomach.

See photo.

Bed bugs bite the skin in open areas, but in some cases they can get under clothes. During the period of the appearance of larvae, the degree of damage increases. This has its own explanation. To begin the transformation of a larva into an adult bug, you need to try the blood at least once.
Adult bed bugs are very hard to spot.. When they bite, they secrete an analgesic and this dulls the pain. Its action ends in 15 minutes. During this time, the bug has already eaten and drunk and crawled to another place. The larvae do not have this property. Their bite is felt instantly.

Bug bite photo boy

Allergic reaction to bed bug bites

Local manifestations of allergies include:

  • Bumps and blisters, large red spots;
  • Bleeding wounds and suppuration;
  • severe itching;
  • Pain sensations.

Common symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  1. Urticaria and spreading rash all over the body;
  2. Mucous edema;
  3. Brochospasms;
  4. Headache;
  5. Loss of consciousness;
  6. Anaphylactic shock.

Bed bug symptoms

In people who do not have sensitive skin, bed bugs do not cause much irritation. They are often confused with the bites of other insects that are not so harmful. Symptoms of the appearance of bloodsuckers are varied. How to determine the presence of new "tenants" read on.

  • A large number of multiple bites concentrated in one place or a long track of individual acne. They appear in the morning, as the bugs eat from 3 a.m. to 8 a.m.
  • Frequency of damage. Bedbug bites on the skin can appear after 2-3 days. Insects are not very voracious. They only need to eat once a week. They do this in an unorganized way, they eat randomly - today they are alone, the next day they are different, and so on. They can be found without food for 1 month.
  • Smell. Pay attention to the sudden appearance of a sweet smell . It somewhat resembles raspberries or almonds. Bed bugs have scent glands. They emit an odor when danger approaches or during reproduction. It should be borne in mind that with a small number of insects, it will be invisible. If you managed to feel it, then it's time to take serious measures.
  • Blood stains on bedding. Blood can remain from bites on your body and from the insects themselves. The hungry bug is invulnerable - it has a strong shell and fast reaction. A well-fed insect changes shape - it is easy to crush it, and becomes clumsy. At the slightest pressure on it, it "bursts". Blood splatters on the bed. How it might look, look at the photo.

  • The presence of black dots, skins and eggs. Black dots are traces of the vital activity of bedbugs. Their size is quite small from 0.5 mm to 1 mm. But you can notice them thanks to clusters. During the period of growing up, the bug larva changes its cover 8 times in two weeks. This explains the large number of skins. Eggs are long light formations up to 3 mm long. They look like rice grains. Look closely at the photo. This is irrefutable evidence of bed bugs. You can't confuse them with anything anymore.

Sometimes insect bites go unnoticed, leaving no negative consequences. But it also happens that they cause serious complications or even death. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the possible subtleties and mechanisms of development of the reactions of the human body to insect bites. This will help to identify threatening situations in time and take appropriate measures.

Insect bites are a type of combined traumatic and allergic injuries, as well as toxic reactions caused by exposure to foreign components of saliva on the human body. You can get bites almost everywhere, due to the wide distribution of a wide variety of different types insects. Some of them are poisonous. Depending on the prevailing pathological changes provoked by insects, a classification of dangerous bites can be formulated.

Preferential reactions

Who is calling

allergic reactions

Toxic reactions

    Spiders (tarantula, karakurt);


Local changes in the skin and soft tissues (edema, black scabs, wounds, redness, blisters, hemorrhages, necrosis, suppuration)

  1. Some types of beetles;

Other reactions in the form of systemic infectious processes or a combination of the above symptoms can be caused by stings of any insect in specific people, depending on many factors.

If we characterize the problem of insect bites in general terms, then it lies in the diversity and unpredictability of the consequences. After all, if you simulate the situation of the bite of the same insect in different people, the reaction can be completely different. This suggests that in addition to the characteristics of the insect, the immune reactivity of the body of a particular person and his tendency to allergies play an important role in the formation of bite manifestations. That is why the bites of seemingly harmless insects can become a problem that will take a lot of effort to solve.

Swelling and redness from an insect bite

The cause of symptoms such as swelling and redness of the skin after a bite can be contact with any insect. Of course, it is better if a specific species is known. Then it is possible to use specific measures designed to eliminate the consequences of the bites of these particular insects. If the bite is received imperceptibly, and it is impossible to establish its origin, it is necessary to observe the course clinical manifestations. By the characteristic symptoms, one can presumably determine the culprit.

But for a person with these unpleasant symptoms, it is no longer so important what kind of insect he was bitten by. The question is much more urgent than what can be done to help in this situation. The most important thing to worry about is an assessment of not only local manifestations, but also the general condition. If the state of health is not disturbed, and the swelling against the background of redness is not accompanied by a temperature reaction and is local in nature, then the problem can be dealt with independently at home. Otherwise, you should seek help from a specialist.

How can you help:

    Local application of cold. Under its action, vasoconstriction occurs, which slows down the absorption of toxic substances into the systemic circulation and the progression of swelling;

    Pressing down the bite site and surrounding tissues. Has the same goals as cooling procedures;

    Rubbing or lotions from a semi-alcoholic solution (alcohol with water 1: 1);

    Soda solution. Concentration doesn't matter. It is better to have as much soda as possible. You can prepare a mushy mass and lay it on a swollen place;

    Compresses with dimexide. They can be both monocomponent and combined. It is important to remember that dimexide can cause. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3-1: 4. Antibiotics, hydrocortisone, heparin are added to the resulting mixture;

    Ointment preparations. It is better if they contain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components. These drugs include gioksizon, trimistin, kremgen, triderm, Rescuer cream.

A bump or swelling from an insect bite

The bites of some insects are accompanied by the formation of inflammatory infiltrates around the bitten wound. The presence of a bump indicates that the components of saliva or insect secretions are so persistent that the body is not able to quickly eliminate them. Therefore, a certain space suit is formed around the affected area, which is a shell with non-neutralized particles inside. From a medical point of view, this is a manifestation of incomplete immunity.

Most often, such processes are the result of contact with blood-sucking insects. These are, first of all, gadflies. The bites of certain types of flies and mosquitoes can lead to bumps. Among other insects that bite a person not out of nutritional need, only hornets can cause the formation of tumor-like formations. It is characteristic that such a bump can be preserved long time, without showing itself in any way or delivering minor discomfort.

main reason the formation of limited seals in places of insect bites is the infection deep into the skin. Moreover, some of the species of gadflies lay their larvae in the tissues of the victim. Then maturation and nourishment of the offspring takes place in the cone. Fortunately, people rarely suffer from gadfly bites due to large sizes this insect and its limited geographical distribution. Its bite is extremely painful, and it is impossible not to notice this, which cannot be said about the bites of infected mosquitoes.

Also, sometimes there is a reaction of lymphoid tissue to insect bites. Clinically, this manifests itself in the form of tumor-like formations in places distant from the bite. As a rule, these are enlarged regional lymph nodes, which are a natural barrier to the spread of infection.

Therapeutic measures:

    Treatment of foci of pathogenesis with antiseptics. Alcohol and iodine are ideal for these purposes. Aqueous solutions ineffective;

    Hygienic bath or thorough washing of the skin with laundry soap;

    Lotions or compresses based on a semi-alcoholic solution or diluted (1: 4) dimexide. Can be used in the form of wet-drying dressings or oilcloth compresses for 1.5-2 hours. You can’t leave them all night, because you can cause a chemical burn to the skin;

    Ointments. They are much more effective than simply lubricating the skin with anti-inflammatory ointments. Hormonal gels and ointments are used: sinaflan, kremgen, trimistin, hydrocortisone. The duration of the lotion is 2-3 hours. After the procedure, the skin is washed and wiped with alcohol;

    In cases of widespread multiple cones or large single formations, there is a need for systemic administration of antihistamines and antibacterial drugs (tavegil, loratadine, azithromycin, amoxiclav, ciprofloxacin).

You should not expect the bumps to disappear quickly with any treatment. This is a gradual process that takes a long time.

Itching after an insect bite: how to remove it?

The bites of most insects cause various complaints, among which the bitten area and adjacent areas are often found. In its origin, the main role belongs to allergenic mechanisms. In the nearest time after the bite, there is a massive release of mediators of inflammation and allergies in response to substances foreign to the body. The result of the ongoing reactions is the appearance of redness and swelling of the skin, accompanied by severe itching. Another cause of itching of the skin after a bite can be the extinction of inflammation. In the process of its reverse development, stretched tissues return the temporarily lost structure, which causes itchy sensations.

To remove itching can help:

    Cold, squeezing or washing the affected area in cool water with laundry soap;

    Pieces of onion and its juice. Applying thin strips of onion or its grated mass to the bitten places;

    Boric alcohol . Rub it on itchy areas. Ordinary alcohol is used with the same success;

    Lotions based on soda solution. Its optimal concentration is considered to be a full teaspoon diluted in a glass of water;

    Rubbing with vinegar. Apple cider vinegar works well;

    Ointments, pastes and solutions containing menthol and other coolants. They cause reflex excitation of nerve receptors, which significantly reduces their sensitivity. As a result, itching is reduced;

    Menovazin. Medication for external use. Well removes not only itching, but also inflammatory manifestations after insect bites;

    Toothpaste. The more minty it is, the better its antipruritic effect. The only limitation for use is the presence of wound damage to the skin. It is better not to apply paste on them, so as not to provoke allergic reactions;

    Fenistil-gel. An excellent antihistamine for topical use. Relief can be felt after the first application;

    Cold tea lotions. You can apply both tea infusion and moistened bags to itchy places. It is good if the tea is made from medicinal plants (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, oak bark).

A simple way to help relieve itching from insect bites

There is an easy way to get quick relief - and all you need is a hair dryer. Just turn it on and place it as close to the bite as possible, put high temperature, and be patient for at least a few seconds, preferably up to 30. You will be amazed at how it provides instant relief that lasts several hours, allowing you to sleep peacefully at night and continue your day.

Allergic reaction to insect sting

Local and general allergic reactions to insect stings are also not uncommon in Lately. It is impossible to say unequivocally what the reason for this phenomenon is. There is a medical opinion that unfavorable environmental conditions and poor-quality nutrition lead to the spread of allergies among people.

Allergic reactions to insect bites can be very diverse. Most often, such consequences are caused by the bites of bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees. Moreover, the manifestations of allergies are systemic in nature and can be life-threatening. Mosquito bites usually cause local allergic reactions, which are much less dangerous.

The main manifestations of systemic allergies are:

    Skin rash. It is common and has the appearance of red spots or papules not only in areas close to the bite site, but also in distant areas of the skin;

    Puffiness. It can capture the entire affected segment and spread at lightning speed throughout the body. This means that the face, neck, torso swells, causing a danger of compression of the upper respiratory tract and endangering the life of the victim;

    Numbness of the affected limb;

    Increase in body temperature;

    Decreased blood pressure.

If you have these symptoms or suspect a bite of a poisonous insect, you should definitely seek medical help at a medical institution. It is better to conduct a short-term observation of the patient, constantly assessing vital signs and laboratory data, in order to take timely action if necessary.

How to behave in the prehospital stage?

    No panic, no matter what happens. Calm behavior helps in providing full assistance. Vanity will lead to nothing good;

    The victim is laid down or takes a semi-recumbent position;

    If the bite is made by a stinging insect (bee, wasp), the remnants of the sting must be removed from the skin;

    A pressure bandage is applied to the segment above the bite site. There is no need to apply a tourniquet. The bandage involves superficial compression of the skin and saphenous veins in the affected area. Arterial blood flow should not be affected;

    Cold compresses, objects or ice packs are applied to the bite site. This slows down the absorption of toxic products and their distribution with the bloodstream;

Help in a medical institution:

    First of all, the possibility of introducing specific antitoxic immune sera should be considered. But this can only be done if the culprit of the bite is precisely known, and refers to spiders or scorpions. Serum is the most effective remedy and has a neutralizing effect on the very source of pathological changes in the body - poison;

    pathogenic treatment. It is aimed at eliminating those changes that the toxin has already caused. Includes massive infusion therapy with colloid and crystalloid solutions, diuretics, glucocorticoid hormones;

    Anti-shock measures, if necessary;

    Symptomatic therapy - painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, lowering body temperature, local treatment of the skin in the area of ​​​​the bite.

Fortunately, single bites of most poisonous insects rarely turn into serious consequences. Much more dangerous are multiple bites by several insects of the same or different species.

First aid for insect bites

First aid measures for insect bites are undifferentiated and should be standard, regardless of the culprit. The sooner the necessary measures are taken, the less negative consequences the bite will cause.

First of all, it is worth saying about what not to do after an insect bite:

    Drink alcoholic beverages;

  1. To fuss and move actively;

    Apply heat to the bite site.

All these actions increase blood flow in the affected area, which leads to an acceleration of the absorption of toxic and allergenic products. The inevitable result of such changes will be pronounced toxic-allergic reactions of general and local types.

The correct scope of first aid measures includes:

    Washing the bite site with cold water and laundry soap;

    Treatment with any antiseptic solutions: alcohol, chlorhexidine, menovazine, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin;

    Pressing the bitten place or applying a circular pressure bandage to the entire area and overlying areas. You can use both a simple and elastic bandage;

    Applying cold;

    Taking tablet forms of antihistamine and antiallergic drugs: diazolin, loratadine, suprastin, claritin, erius, edem.

Thus, the process of spreading toxic substances from the primary focus will be maximally blocked. All other well-known methods of treating insect bites can be used only after an assessment of the existing consequences. The duration of first aid procedures should be at least an hour. After this time, the treatment of foci of bites is carried out using various lotions, solutions, ointments and gels.

If, despite the measures taken, there is a progressive deterioration in the victim's well-being, this indicates a bite by a poisonous insect or a severe allergic reaction. In such situations, patients urgently need to be taken to medical institution where they will receive specialized medical care. Do not neglect this advice, hoping that everything will pass by itself.

How to treat insect bites?

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the most modern achievements of pharmacy in the field of treatment of insect bites. The range of drugs is very wide, and it is important to be able to correctly assess the purpose of the specific components of each of them. Of greatest interest are topical agents - ointments and gels. They can be single or multicomponent, contain anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antimicrobial and other substances.

The classification of agents for the treatment and prevention of insect bites is clearly shown in the table.

Composition and action of the product

Representatives and trade names

Bite Prevention

Preparations based on essential oils, repelling insects - repellents.

  1. Taiga Carnation;


They have a decongestant effect, reduce itching.


Monocomponent glucocorticoids

Anti-inflammatory effect and reduction of edema.

    Hydrocortisone ointment;

    Prednisolone ointment;



Glucocorticoids in combination with antibiotics

Reduce swelling and inflammation, especially with infected bites.



Antimicrobial action

It is necessary for infection and suppuration of bites. Ointments containing a water-soluble antibiotic.




Before using hormonal ointments, especially if long-term use is foreseen, it is better to consult a doctor. Thus, the necessary dosage and frequency of application of the agent will be selected.

Education: in 2008 he received a diploma in the specialty "General Medicine (Therapeutic and Preventive Business)" in the Russian Research medical university named after N.I. Pirogov. Immediately passed the internship and received a diploma in therapy.

A bite is a wound caused by the impact of teeth, proboscis, sting and other adaptations of animals, insects, snakes and humans. The consequences of bites are a significant public health problem. An insect bite can go unnoticed, or it can cause a severe allergic reaction or cause a dangerous disease. Animal bites, snake bites annually cause massive harm both by trauma and by a pathogenic, toxic effect on the human body. Knowing how to distinguish between different types of bites, how to protect yourself and loved ones from attack, and being able to provide first aid for bites is vital for everyone.


The bites of various living creatures, from fleas to wolves and snakes, make up a significant part of the injuries and cause allergic, toxic reactions and deaths, depending on the type of creature that bit the person. Factors that increase the risk of a bite to health also include the creature's ability to carry various pathogens, its toxicity, the presence of pathogenic organisms on the teeth and body surfaces, the number and size of bites, as well as the size, health status of the injured person and the availability of urgent medical care.

Biting symptoms

Symptoms of bites are varied and depend on the creature that caused the harm, the number of bites and the degree of injury. Some bites can go unnoticed, some can significantly affect health and cause death.

Symptoms of bites also differ depending on the state of the body: the physiological age of a person, sensitivity to poison, the immune system, the presence of contact with toxins in history, as well as (for animal bites) the ability to self-defense and the presence of vaccination against the most common infections.

Symptoms can be divided into local and systemic. Local include the level of tissue trauma at the site of the bite and the degree of response, limited by the localization of the wound. Systemic symptoms of bites depend on toxins, poisons, pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the body with saliva or in the process of contact with the aggressor.

Types of bites on the body can be varied, manifestations of aggression or a defensive reaction of various living beings depend on their body structure, size, type of wound, the presence of toxins or specific substances in saliva.

The bite site may look like a small and inconspicuous dot, or it may be a laceration with significant loss of flesh. Depending on the creature that bit and the degree of reaction of the victim, different types of bites require different therapy - from its complete absence to urgent resuscitation.

Prevention - the best remedy protection against various types of bites. Repellent sprays, ultrasonic devices, avoidance of insects, stray dogs, snakes, tetanus vaccinations, and having a first aid kit available when hiking in the woods can greatly reduce injuries and reduce the effects of bites.

Insect bites

Insect bites, depending on their type, quantity and condition of the body of a particular person, may go unnoticed. However, in many cases, it is insect bites that lead to serious conditions, the development of various diseases, and even death. According to statistics, more people die each year from the stings of bees, wasps and hornets (poisonous hymenoptera) in Russia than from snake bites.

  • Poisonous insects that bite when attempting aggression, crossing the boundaries of their territory.

An insect bite in this case is a protective reaction to external influences. When bitten, these species inject poison into the wound with different type and destructive power. This group includes ants, bees, wasps, hornets, etc.

Insect bites are quite unpredictable and variable in their effect on the human body. The consequences of a bite are a combination of traumatic injury, allergic and toxic reactions due to exposure to foreign components of insect saliva or poisons. Itching that accompanies the local reaction to the bite is often a provoking factor for scratching, which contributes to the addition of a secondary infection to the injured surface.

According to the frequency of local and systemic reactions, insects are divided into the following groups:

  • allergic manifestations most often accompany the bites of wasps, bees, hornets, bumblebees;
  • with toxic reactions, the body reacts to the bites of some varieties of ants, as well as poisonous spiders (karakuts, tarantulas), scorpions;
  • localized changes in the skin and adjacent soft tissues appear with the bites of mosquitoes, fleas, lice, ticks, midges, flies, gadflies, and some species of beetles. Such changes include hyperemia, swelling, suppuration, tissue necrosis, hematomas, blisters, subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Combinations of all manifestations, as well as systemic infectious processes, can develop with the bite of any insect due to the characteristics of the immune response of a particular person.

In addition to the direct effect on the body, insects can also carry pathogens of various diseases. Mosquitoes are responsible for the spread of leishmaniasis, malaria, some types of fevers; ticks - carriers of pathogens of Lyme disease, encephalitis; flies - dysentery; fleas - tularemia, pseudotuberculosis, erysipeloid. In the foci of relapsing and typhus, this disease is spread by hair and body lice.

The most common symptoms of an insect bite are pain during and/or after the injury; the occurrence of edema, local redness, itchy sensation.

If the insect could not be traced at the time of the bite, then the general nature of the local reaction may indicate a possible type of "culprit":

  • slight swelling, swelling, redness, itching most often indicate mosquito bites, midges, bedbugs;
  • significant swelling without discoloration of the skin, severe pain during and after the bite, a burning sensation accompany the bites of poisonous hymenoptera, wasps, bees, bumblebees, hornets;
  • in the presence of redness without swelling, especially if the redness is ring-shaped with a visible bite mark in the middle, a bite of a borreliosis tick can be suspected.

Allergic reactions due to insect bites can occur both locally and cover the entire body. The most allergenic insects are wasps, bees, bumblebees, hornets, and are often provoked by multiple mosquito bites.

According to statistics, an episode of an allergic reaction of the body to an insect bite occurs in 4 out of 10 people. 6 people with an insect bite of the same species will suffer from allergy symptoms again, and it is quite possible that its manifestation is more severe.

The following types of insect allergy symptoms are distinguished:

  • Rash on the skin.

Reddish spots or papules may be located directly next to the bite or be found throughout the body;

  • Edema.

Localized swelling at the site of injury, on the affected limb, or generalized, breathtaking and choking edema;

  • Anaphylaxis.

Often a similar reaction accompanies hornet bites. Anaphylactic shock occurs due to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, causing loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, and heartbeat.

In total, there are about 3,000 species of mosquitoes on the planet, living mosquitoes since the Cretaceous period. At the moment, only Antarctica is free from the presence of mosquitoes, in Russia there are about a hundred species of these insects.

Females bite humans and animals, they need our blood for reproduction. The rest of the time, females feed in the same way as males - carbohydrate food: flower nectar. During the bite, the mosquito injects an anticoagulant substance that prevents blood from clotting in order to suck it out as efficiently as possible.

It is the anticoagulant in mosquito saliva that causes redness of the injured area, swelling, and itching.

However, the desire to scratch the reddish bump left after the bite is not the most unpleasant consequence of contact with a mosquito. And even a secondary bacterial infection, which children often bring into wounds by combing bite sites, also refers to mild consequences.

Kulicidosis - this is the name of an allergy to mosquito saliva, from the word Culicidae, meaning "mosquito". Different degrees of culicidosis characterize the reaction of the body and the immune system to specific substances in the saliva of the mosquito.

A mild form of culicidosis often occurs in childhood. A mosquito bite provokes the appearance of a papule, a swelling protruding above the skin. On the different stages papules, it can be bright red or pinkish, and reach 10 cm.

Such a reaction is often confused with the bite of bees, wasps, horseflies, considering mosquitoes to be fairly harmless insects. However, a mild stage of mosquito allergy accompanied by significant itching. The papule, on average, takes about a day to disappear on its own, which does not exclude the need to use antihistamines to alleviate the condition.

Numerous bites of these insects also provoke a headache, an increase in body temperature, are accompanied by general poor health, a feeling of suffocation. It is too clinical picture diseases.

The middle and severe stages are accompanied by a rash similar to "urticaria", and outside the localization of the bite, very severe discomfort due to itching, swelling of the extremities, Quincke's edema. Infiltration at the site of the wound can persist for up to a month.

Neglecting allergic reactions to mosquito bites is dangerous. Severe culicidosis can be fatal due to swelling of the upper respiratory tract or anaphylactic shock.

In addition to the development of allergies, a mosquito bite can cause the development of other unpleasant diseases. Much less frequently than ticks, but still with a sufficient recorded frequency, mosquitoes carry the virus of encephalitis, hepatitis, West Nile fever and infect with myxomatosis, leishmaniasis.

Even the immune system A person works actively and protects him from allergies and infection, mosquito bites, especially numerous ones, weaken the body, forcing it to use reserves to protect itself from infectious agents and foreign substances. Therefore, when being outdoors in the warm season, especially near shady, humid places, it is necessary to take preventive measures: wear clothing that covers the body, use insect repellents.

By itself, a tick bite is quite unpleasant, but not particularly dangerous. Ticks cause local toxic reactions on the skin, and they need blood as food so much that they have evolved in a direction convenient for themselves: a tick bite is almost imperceptible, it releases painkillers when introduced into the body, and its entry and movement through the body is also difficult to track.

Ticks are dangerous because, migrating from one temporary host to another, they carry pathogens of serious diseases. Encephalitis, Lyme disease or borreliosis are the two most dangerous infections carried by ticks.

A tick bite can be identified by a characteristic reddish ring around the punctate wound. After detecting a tick or bite site, you should visit a doctor, if possible, you should also bring the tick with you for research.

In some cases, the victim will be recommended medicines that prevent the development of diseases. If a visit to a specialist after a tick is found is impossible, it is necessary to carefully monitor the well-being of the bitten person: the disease may not develop immediately, the incubation period is several days.

To prevent the development of diseases, everyone who plans to visit forests and forest parks during the period of tick activity is recommended to wear closed clothing and hats. Upon returning home, outerwear must be shaken from the outside several times and inspected.

Animals should also be examined for ticks and, especially dogs, vaccination against tick-borne diseases and bite protection measures (topical preparations, injections) are recommended.

Bed bug bites

Bed bugs are classified as "domestic insects", they prefer to exist in enough warm conditions, while for life they need the blood of a person or warm-blooded animals.

Bed bugs live in linen, in the folds of upholstery, in the cracks between the fittings. Bedbug bites look like a mosquito bite, a slight swelling of pink or reddish color, accompanied in some cases by itching.

Bedbugs may not be noticed for a long time: they hunt mainly at night, bedbug bites are practically painless, and traces of their feeding are often attributed to mosquitoes, even in winter time, since mosquitoes can successfully live and breed in warm, damp basements, climbing into apartments through ventilation hatches.

Bedbug bites are distinguished from mosquito bites by their characteristic chain. As a rule, bedbug feeding marks line up in threes. There can be several such chains in one place.

The same method of differentiation is used in diagnosing differences between manifestations of contact or food allergies and bedbug bites.

Massive bedbug bites, in addition to discomfort, can cause poor sleep, neuroticism, anemia in children, and also cause allergic reactions in the form of headaches, fever, and poor health.

For the extermination of bedbugs, the best option is to contact the services of combating domestic insects.

The wasp is a poisonous insect, in its venom the concentration of toxins (neurotoxins, acetylcholine, histamine, etc.) is much higher than that of bees, and the wasp sting is marked by severe pain. About 2% of the population react to wasp stings with a severe allergic reaction, up to Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

Wasp stings are especially dangerous for young children, as well as for a group attack of insects. A wasp sting, unlike a bee that leaves its sting in the body of the victim, can be repeated many times. Therefore, first of all, having felt pain and burning and noticing a wasp, it is necessary to leave the location of the insect.

In addition to the allergic and toxic reactions, wasps are able to carry a variety of pathogens. Wasps are predatory insects that eat flies, caterpillars, other insects, and also feed on meat and fish waste and rotting flesh. In the process of such nutrition, various bacteria accumulate on the body and paws of the wasps, which, having got into the wound from a bite, can cause not only local reactions, but also intestinal infections. Therefore, wounds from a wasp sting should be washed and treated with antibacterial agents, and in no case should you try to “suck out” the poison.

bee sting

Despite the fact that many people use bee venom as a medicine, direct introduction of it into the human body by insects can lead to negative consequences even for those who used the poison for treatment.

A bee sting can cause both a local reaction and cause the development of a systemic insect allergic reaction. When a bee stings, you must first remove the sting left from the wound. It is important not to kill the biting insect, it will die on its own anyway. But the crushed body of a bee emits a specific smell that attracts other bees, which can lead to a mass attack on a person.

In what cases should a bee sting be a reason for urgent medical attention? Here are the most common factors leading to the need for medical intervention:

  • if a bee has bitten a child;
  • if the bites are multiple;
  • if a person has already had a history of episodes of allergy to insect venom;
  • if the state of health deteriorates sharply.

A bee sting in the area of ​​​​the tongue, throat, lips is dangerous. In such a situation, even if the bite is single, and the victim is an adult who is not prone to allergic reactions, it is better to consult a doctor or take an antihistamine and monitor the dynamics of well-being.

In nature, there are more than 2500 varieties of fleas. About 500 species live in Russia. Fortunately, a few subspecies can coexist with a person in the same room, unfortunately, fleas multiply rapidly, live in groups and can cause a lot of harm.

Flea bites are quite painful and, unlike, for example, a bug bite, do not go unnoticed.

Flea bites feel like superficial pricks. By themselves, fleas bring quite a lot of discomfort due to pain when biting through the skin, which irritates, interferes with sleep, and causes insomnia. With massive attacks of fleas, especially if a child suffers, anemia may develop. Secondary infection when the infection enters the wounds causes inflammation of the skin and soft tissues of bacterial etiology.

Typhus, or epidemiological typhus, is another dangerous disease that fleas can transmit from a reservoir host (rat) to a person. Filariform nematodes and some varieties of helminths are also carried by fleas from infected vertebrates.

Animal bites

Animal bites are one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in humans worldwide. Their consequences are determined by the number of injuries inflicted, the size and presence of diseases in the animal, as well as the age, body size, health of the victim and the availability of urgent medical care.

Animal bites are dangerous as traumatic, attacked mainly by predatory animals with the most capable of inflicting wounds on the structure of the mouth and teeth, and human infection. The bacterial composition of the saliva of the attacked animal, pathogenic organisms and pathogens of various diseases can cause significant harm and lead to the death of the victim, even in the case of minor damage to the skin during a bite.

Dog bites are the cause of annual injuries, the number of which is tens of millions on our planet. Frequent victims of dog attacks are young children. Due to the inability to self-defense and the small surface of the body, dog bites are especially dangerous for this age group.

According to statistics, about 4.5 million people in the United States suffer from dog attacks every year. A fifth turn to a doctor for help, about thirty thousand are in need of reconstructive surgery to restore the surface of the body. 18% develop infections of various etiologies due to a bite, and approximately 20 people die each year, despite the efforts of specialists.

A dog bite is a factor that leads to half the cases of all injuries in people whose profession or lifestyle involves frequent traveling.

Of the 55,000 people who die each year from rabies, half were infected by dog ​​bites.

A dog bite, if it led to damage to clothing and allowed contact of the skin surface with the saliva of the animal, despite the apparent absence of a wound, is a clear reason to visit a doctor and, if it is impossible to assess the condition of the animal by a specialist, to vaccinate against rabies and tetanus.

Cat bite

According to statistics, 13% of bites requiring medical attention are inflicted by cats. At the same time, the bite of a cat, despite the seemingly small cat teeth, can be quite deep.

The teeth of cats are sharp and narrow, which leads to closed wounds. This is a dangerously complicated process of disinfection of the wound surface, the penetration of bacteria and infectious agents deep into the tissues and the development of diseases in an enclosed space without air access.

Street cats, especially those behaving in unusual ways, can carry rabies. However, pets that have never gone beyond the balcony can bring a lot of trouble to the owners.

A cat bite can cause the development of tetanus, pasteurellosis, sepsis. The causative agents of certain diseases are found in 90% of domestic cats, but even if pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation in wounds do not come from a pet, their penetration into injured tissues from the surface of human skin can also lead to the development of diseases.

Most common illness caused by cat bites is pasteurellosis. Its causative agent, the bacterium Pasteurella multocida, not only causes a septic infection, but also interacts with streptococci and staphylococci that are in the body or on the skin.

If a cat bite hit the hand - and this is the most common localization of this type of bites, then pasteurellosis can affect the tissues of muscles, tendons, joints, and spread throughout the body with the blood stream up to the heart.

For all deep cat bites, doctors recommend first washing the wound thoroughly for 5 minutes using soap or a soapy solution. Next, the wound should be treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine and bandaged or applied with a gauze bandage. In no case should the damaged surface be sealed with plaster, medical glue, covered with ointments, this provokes the development of pathogenic bacteria.

The next correct step is to visit the emergency room for wound treatment, vaccination against tetanus and, possibly, against. Cat bites often require antibiotic treatment.

The sooner you turn to specialists, the less likely it is to develop infectious complications. A cat bite is a common cause of loss of sensation in the fingers, immobility, long periods of treatment, and incomplete recovery from septic events.

Other types of bites

In fact, any living creature that has a body part that can break the skin can “bite” a person. Although some of these actions are not actually bites, you should be careful when interacting with animals, birds, insects, fish and marine arthropods - some of the listed species are poisonous, many others can bring various infections into the wound, even without being carriers of pathogens.

Thus, the bite of the moray eel, a conger eel, is dangerous because of its way of feeding: the moray eel is a scavenger, preferring to eat fermented flesh, due to which its inward-pointing teeth are covered with a large amount of bacteria. Although moray eels are not aggressive, they are protective of their habitats and are capable of leaving lacerations with rapidly developing inflammatory processes.

There are about 3,500 species of snakes in the world, about 500 are poisonous. In a year, 5 million people are bitten by snakes, 2.4 million suffer from the consequences of poison, up to 125 thousand die, about 400 thousand experience severe consequences, for example, amputation of a limb, paresis, paralysis.

In Russia, there are 11 species of poisonous snakes, of which 4: 3 varieties of vipers and muzzle are quite widespread.

Any snake bite leaves a characteristic mark of two points and is quite painful.

First aid for a snake bite

A snake bite requires emergency care. First, you need to quickly make sure that the attack does not happen again. If it is established that the snake is poisonous, one should try to remove the poison from the wound (it is better to use a syringe without a needle), treat the wound with an antiseptic, provide the injured person with the opportunity to take a horizontal position, give an antihistamine, drink plenty of water and deliver to the clinic for further treatment.

In no case should tourniquets be applied to the limbs, the poison spreads faster than the tourniquet is applied, and the cessation of blood flow accelerates the process of tissue necrosis at the site of the bite. Such a measure is justified only when bitten by a snake with nerve-paralytic venom, like a cobra, in Russia such species are not found. Also under the ban are wound incisions and the intake of alcoholic liquids.

Treatment for snake bites consists of administering an antidote to the venom and supportive care. Detoxification of the body by drinking plenty of fluids or intravenous fluids, painkillers, sedatives, and heart-stimulating drugs may be used.

First aid for bites from non-venomous snakes is to wash the wound and treat it with an antiseptic. Injuries inflicted by large individuals can be quite painful, so that first aid for bites can include local or systemic painkillers. Do not use ointments and patches that block the access of air to the surface, optimal choice if necessary, a light gauze bandage.

Human bite is a fairly broad concept. Trauma to the joints and tissues of the hand against the teeth, inflammatory processes due to biting of burrs and other types of wounds resulting from contact with teeth and saliva are classified as resulting from a human bite.

The structure of the human jaw is such that contact, intentional or accidental, with the teeth can leave significant wounds, penetrating or squeezing. A frequent case of injuries characterized as a “human bite” occurs in childhood, with conflicts between children, vigorous activity or curiosity of babies.

Injuries caused by human teeth, even if they are insignificant, should be treated with an antiseptic and observed by a specialist.

Treatment of bites

Treatment of bites depends on the type of bite, the type of aggressor, his state of health, as well as the physiological characteristics of the victim. Treatment of bites can include both treatment with an antiseptic or antihistamine, and require surgical intervention, therapy against the development of infections, intoxications, and resuscitation.

Itching from insect bites is a common consequence of a local reaction to foreign proteins in saliva. If a mosquito bite itches, immediately after the bite, you can press on the place with your fingernail, several times in different directions, this will disperse saliva and reduce itching.

The drugs of first choice in case the bite itches, swelling, redness are observed, are local antihistamines, for example, Fenistil-gel. With a large number of bites or a pronounced reaction, medications are prescribed for oral administration: Fenistil, Zirtek, Suprastin, etc.

Allergy to bites in a child

Allergic reactions to bites in a child are quite common. An imperfect immune system often reacts even to mosquito bites with quite significant manifestations.

It is necessary to establish who caused the bites in the child, to ensure the possibility of drinking plenty of water, to give an antihistamine. In case of a pronounced reaction, it is necessary to visit the clinic, subsequently a consultation with a pediatrician and an allergist will be required.

If there are episodes of allergy to bites in a child, it is imperative to take preventive measures: avoid places of accumulation of allergenic insects, carry medicines for first aid in case of bites.

Most children outgrow the sting allergy, however, about 2% of adults suffer from allergic reactions throughout their lives.

The consequences of a bite may not appear at all, but may have a significant negative effect on the body of adults and children. In nature, there are more than one hundred thousand species of insects, as well as other living beings, which are often referred to as them (orders of arachnids, arthropods, etc.), which are capable of causing severe toxic, allergic reactions or carrying pathogens of dangerous diseases.

The consequences of bites from domestic and wild animals also vary from discomfort to death, depending on the degree of trauma, the effect on the body, and the possible entry of an infectious agent into the wound.

snake bites various kinds present on the territory of Russia, can cause both local trauma and inflammation in the tissues, and the strongest toxic shock leading to human death.

The consequences of a bite are possible both immediately after the wound is applied, and in a remote period of time. Some diseases do not appear immediately, the incubation period can be up to several weeks.

To avoid the consequences of a bite, it is necessary to carefully monitor all possible damage to the skin surfaces, clean wounds if they occur, and seek medical attention. Preventive measuresThe best way avoid both bites and their possible complications.

Good morning! I love summer very much, but with its arrival a large number of insects appear. I want to touch on this topic, because they probably once bit everyone, which caused discomfort.

It turns out that swelling and redness is a normal reaction of the body to a bite, but the appearance of other symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction. In the evening, walking on the street with a child, I noticed a slight swelling on my cheek, it looked like a mosquito bite. But when I got home, it was no longer a harmless blister, but a huge stain.

We immediately treated the inflamed place with antiallergic drugs and called a doctor. He confirmed our fears and said that we were allergic to stings. In this article you will learn: insect bite - swelling and redness, what to do; how to determine who exactly bit; what means of protection should be used.

Insect bite: swelling and redness, what to do at home

In fact, a lot can be done. Traditional and alternative medicine offers different recipes. You should always have a couple of them in stock, as well as the products themselves when the warm season approaches, in order to provide quick help for insect bites to yourself or loved ones.

Such drugs need to have at home, in the car, in a purse, at work. No one knows for sure where an unexpected bite might happen. So, let's go in order.

Local therapy

If the bite is small, not problematic, for example, when a mosquito bit you, then you can simply apply ice to the hearth or rub it with alcohol, sprinkle with toilet water. If there are a lot of foci, and they start to itch all at once, then you will already need ointments or gels that you can buy at a pharmacy, drugs can also be sold in cosmetics stores.

In such creams, gels, depending on the direction of their action, there are anti-inflammatory components or antihistamines. They save from infection, others from allergic reactions. Preparations can be absorbed in different ways, so creams are absorbed faster than gel, but not by much, and ointment penetrates the skin even longer.

If you need to quickly help relieve symptoms, it is best to buy a gel. For example, this applies when an insect has bitten a child who cannot tolerate itching and tries to comb the focus.

If the drug contains antihistamines, then it acts quickly on the symptoms, and the drug is applied only to the wound itself, but if it contains menthol, then the skin around the bite is subject to treatment.

With menthol, the remedies are not curative, they are distracting, that is, you will stop paying attention to itching, and you will only feel a pleasant cold and slight tingling. Most wanted and effective drugs from insect bites and protection against them is:

  • Gel base - "Psilo-balm", "Fenistil";
  • Cream base - "Bepanten", "Afloderm", "Epidel";
  • Lotion - "Calamine";
  • Protective - "Mositol", "Biban", "Off-Extreme", "Deta", "Raptor", "Fumitoks".

Carry these tubes of medicine with you and you will avoid unpleasant symptoms. These drugs are sold without a prescription.

Medical treatment

Of course, sometimes there are so many bites, and the itching is so strong that it is impossible to cope with it, then pills are already needed. They are usually prescribed by a doctor, and they are dispensed by prescription. For example, Benadryl, Dimedrol, it can also be anti-allergic Suprastin, Diazolin.

These remedies work well, but remember that they make you want to sleep. Never take this kind of pill if you are driving or have an important meeting. In especially acute situations, Epinephrine injections are used.

folk therapy

Lots of recipes here. Many of them are effective and safe, there are, of course, those that can cause allergies, because often folk methods intended to be used in the treatment of plants.

They, in turn, are allergens, but again, not all and not for everyone. You must be aware when taking herbs for therapy that the body may not react as expected, so be careful.

  1. Garlic.
  2. Garlic therapy for mosquito bites on the body, midges, horseflies and other bloodsuckers is available to everyone and is very effective, besides, garlic destroys the entire pathogenic environment.

    To make a compress, you must grind 6-8 cloves, then pour a glass of warm water. The infusion should stand for a while, after which a bandage is dipped into it and applied to the hearth.

    If a bee or wasp has bitten, then the slurry itself is used directly, but be careful not to burn the skin.

  3. Plantain.
  4. A method proven since childhood for all ailments. If you are in nature, and you are bitten by a mosquito, a bee or a bug, then attach a plantain leaf and fix it. But be sure to rinse first. You can also take porridge.

  5. Cabbage.
  6. Very good for bites. Can be used after a wasp sting. How to remove swelling on the second day or on the first in this case? Yes, very simple.

    You take a cabbage leaf, wash it, then scald it and wrap it on the hearth overnight. In the morning, swelling, redness subside or become slightly pronounced.

  7. Ointment from fat and vegetables.
  8. The second recipe is a green ointment. For her, they take 50 grams of fat, 1/4 cabbage, a bunch of parsley. Cabbage and parsley are passed through a blender or meat grinder. After that, all this is mixed with fat, put in the refrigerator.

    Further, apply as ointment. According to reviews, swelling already disappears the next day, and discomfort after a couple of hours.
  9. Soda.
  10. Her beneficial features again began to discover scientists in our day. It also helps with flea bites on humans, as well as other insects that suck blood.

    To do this, you can take baths with soda, apply ablution when the foci are multiple. You can also make cakes from powder - soda is diluted to a state of slurry, applied to the hearth, fixed. It helps and fights pathogens well.

  11. Vinegar.
  12. Take apple cider vinegar or 3%. A cloth or bandage is moistened in it, applied to the focus for 20 minutes. But this tool can be used only when there are no scratches, wounds, otherwise the skin may burn. And even more so it is forbidden to take the essence.

  13. Mint.
  14. It helps to cope well in unpleasant moments, it is brewed as an infusion, a decoction is made, and juice is squeezed out. Infusions are drunk inside to calm down, gruel is applied to the foci. Very good, accessible to everyone and safe remedy.

  15. Soap and toothpaste.
  16. If you don’t have any herbs, ointments and gels at home, then everyone can find pasta. Toothpaste is applied to the bites several times a day or the foci are smeared with tar or simple laundry soap.

These methods are far from all that can be found in folk medicine healers. But they are available to all of us.

Often simple recipes from the people are more effective and safer for health than drugs from a pharmacy, especially in our time there are many low-quality ones.

It produces a large colony with an unpleasant, persistent odor, which is felt many meters from the location. But these recipes can be applied to other bloodsuckers.

  • A spoonful of St. John's wort is steamed in a glass of boiling water. On the basis of the infusion, lotions are made, they drink it inside.
  • Juice is squeezed out of aloe, you can mix it with plantain juice. The agent is applied to the wounds. Excellent antiseptic.
  • Activated charcoal will help remove toxins from the body, they drink at least five tablets every day, apply gruel to the foci.

These methods may be the way out for you. Before use, remember that allergic reactions sometimes occur, so listen to your body.

Source: "lekarj.ru"

What not to do after a bite

Before you do anything in order to counter the emerging symptoms, you need to know the list of actions that are forbidden to do, they will only complicate the situation.

  1. Comb the affected area. You can bring the infection yourself, this will provoke additional inflammation.
  2. Children, unlike adults, cannot restrain this desire, they need to be watched;

  3. Rub the bite area. Thanks to this action, toxins or enzymes that have fallen under the epithelium will spread over a larger area;
  4. No need to use any external preparations directly on the wound. Most medicines should be applied around healthy skin;
  5. Even if the eyelid or leg is very swollen from a bite, you should not personally prescribe antibiotics, diuretics and painkillers (if any) for yourself.
  6. All such drugs have a number of restrictions and must be prescribed by a doctor;
  7. If the eye is affected, do not try to pull out the sting yourself (in the case of bees, wasps and hornets), leave it to a specialist;
  8. Avoid application household chemicals. This may exacerbate the allergic reaction.

Source: "otekimed.ru"

First Aid: Action Algorithm

Regardless of which particular representative of the insect class caused discomfort and pain, the primary measures for providing medical care for bites are the same.

  • Step 1.
  • It is necessary to provide the bitten person with peace and limit his movements. It is necessary to try to cheer up the person and calm him down. To do this, you need to place the victim in a comfortable position, preferably in a supine position.

    The rescuer himself should not act fussy, his goal at the first stage is to explain to the victim that any physical activity will contribute to the faster absorption of the poison that has entered the bloodstream and worsen his condition.

    Intense movements of the injured arm or leg are a natural reaction of the body, however, physical efforts activate blood circulation and increase lymph flow.

    This leads to the rapid spread of toxins through the bloodstream, which is fraught with increased symptoms of an allergic reaction.

  • Step 2
  • If the attack fell on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hand, you should remove the jewelry, unfasten the watch bracelet. If, after an insect bite, the leg is swollen, it is necessary to remove shoes and socks from the victim.

  • Step 3
  • The next first aid measure for insect bites is to give the victim as much liquid as possible. It can be non-carbonated purified water, weak freshly brewed tea, dietary broth, compote or decoction of dried fruits, infusion of rose hips.

    Abundant fluid intake contributes to a more rapid cleansing of the body from neurotoxic substances released by insects during a bite.

    Taking strong drinks when insect venom enters the body is a gross mistake, leading to an increase in the rate of development of allergic reactions and making it difficult to remove toxins.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • If the injury was received imperceptibly, and it is impossible to establish the culprit of its origin, the general condition of the patient should be assessed and local reactions observed.

    You can eliminate edema with improvised means:

  1. Apply a cold compress with ice to the damaged segment;
  2. Gently press down and clamp the tissues surrounding the puncture site;
  3. Wipe the area with a gauze swab dipped in calendula tincture or boric acid solution;
  4. Apply a compress of baking soda diluted in water.

You can also eliminate edema with pharmaceutical products, which contain antihistamine, decongestant, antimicrobial, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Cremgen (Cremgenum) has a quick effect on insect bites.

If a small swelling develops at the puncture site, the skin takes on a reddish tint, the person feels a slight burning sensation and itching, it can be assumed that the “instigator” of the problem is a relatively harmless insect: a fly, a mosquito, a beetle, a midge, a bug.

When severe pain occurs on the site after an insect bite, an unbearable burning sensation, but the skin does not change color, this may indicate tissue damage by representatives of the order of flying hymenoptera: bees, wasps, bumblebees, hornets.

If after an insect bite there is redness, but there is no swelling, the culprit is most likely a tick.
  • Step 6
  • After treating the damaged area, a compressive bandage is applied to the area of ​​​​the body above the bite point, which subsequently needs to be loosened as edema develops.

  • Step 7
  • If only local skin manifestations are noted: swelling, swelling, itching, skin rash, redness, it is necessary to give the patient tablet forms of antihistamines, for example: tavegil (Tavegil) or suprastin (Suprastin) in the appropriate age dosage.

  • Step 8
  • If, after an insect bite, there is a deterioration in respiratory function, swelling develops in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes or tongue, intensive medical care is urgently provided:

    1. Perform injections with high doses of glucocorticosteroids, for example: hydrocortisone (Hydrocortisonum);
    2. Antihistamines are used in ampoules, for example: diprazine (Diprazinum);
    3. Diuretic drugs are used, for example: mannitol (Mannit).
  • Step 9
  • What to do if there is a suspicion: the injury was caused by poisonous insects: spiders, scorpions or ants? In this situation, anaphylactic shock can quickly develop.

    Immediate action: resort to chest compressions and artificial respiration. Promptly transport the victim to the nearest hospital.

    Pain after a bite of a poisonous karakurt or tarantula is very similar in its manifestations to snake lesions.

    Saliva, injected from the glands of arachnids, has a powerful neurotoxic effect that affects tissues nervous system and destroy red blood cells.

    Clinical symptoms of damage by poisonous insects are:

    1. Intense sharp pain of a burning nature in the puncture zone;
    2. Visually noticeable pinpoint wound on the skin;
    3. The site of the lesion takes the form of a small tubercle, which has a whitish tint;
    4. Bloody blisters or bright purple spots appear on the skin around the bite point;
    5. A person complains of a severe headache, dizziness;
    6. Body temperature may rise;
    7. Decreased blood pressure;
    8. On the entire area of ​​the affected limb, the victim notes the resulting numbness.

    Source: "pervpomosh.ru"

    How to treat bites

    First of all, no matter what bite you feel or notice, you must respond to it correctly, because it would be wrong to leave such an event unattended. Based on the advice of experts, we have compiled a list of recipes that will help with insect bites.

    • Bites of horseflies and mosquitoes.
    1. Swelling from the bite of these insects will help remove plantain or elderberry leaves.
    2. It is only necessary to crush the fresh leaves in your hand and lubricate the redness on the skin with their juice. In addition to the fact that these plants will help with swelling, they will disinfect the bite site.
    3. Itching from insect bites will help remove ammonia. You should make a light solution with water, 1: 3, and lubricate the bites with it.
    4. Menovazin will help relieve itching from insect bites, which leave behind serious marks.
    5. In addition, it will quickly remove irritation or swelling after horseflies and mosquitoes, which means that this remedy can be safely written down as first aid for insect bites.

  • Moshek.
    1. To quickly relieve the symptoms of a midge bite, you can use dandelion leaves.
    2. Freshly picked leaves of the plant are finely chopped, and the finished gruel is applied to the inflamed area. It is advisable to apply a compress to the bite site and change the bandage every few hours.

    3. You can also relieve itching after a bite of a domestic insect with onion juice, which is squeezed out of a fresh onion and applied on cotton wool or a bandage to the bite site.
  • Hornets, wasps and bees.
  • These bites are felt immediately, and therefore, you can react to them instantly. And this will be very correct, because the poison of these insects causes very unpleasant sensations.

    1. Initially, it is required to get a sting from the wound, which almost always remains in the skin of the victim.
    2. Further, it does not hurt to apply a gruel of fresh garlic to the wounded area, but be careful, as such an insect bite remedy can burn the skin.
    3. A burdock compress also helps, which must be plucked and dipped for a minute or two in boiling water, and then applied to the wounded area with a thin layer of honey.

    The most effective are modern ointments, gels that penetrate directly into the affected tissue. In addition to local remedies, tablet preparations, prescriptions are recommended. traditional medicine.

    Range of local resources:

    1. Antihistamines that reduce swelling and itching. Pay attention to Fenistil-gel from bites, Rescuer balm, Lokoid lotion.
    2. Glucocorticosteroids reduce swelling, relieve inflammation. Effective - Flucinar, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone ointment, Sinaflan.
    3. Antibiotics + glucocorticosteroids. Buy Kremgen, Gioksizon, Triderm, Trimistin.
    4. Ointments from bites with water-based antibiotics kill pathogenic microflora. Means are needed for suppuration of foci. Oflokain, Levomekol, Synthomycin Liniment are indispensable.

    Hormonal ointments are prescribed only by a doctor. Do not self-medicate on the advice of friends, relatives. Uncontrolled treatment of the skin with hormonal drugs causes severe side effects.

    Removing allergy symptoms

    How to smear insect bites? A set of measures will help get rid of the rash, puffiness.

    • antihistamines in tablets - Tavegil, Suprastin, Loratidin, Diazolin;
    • soda, vinegar lotions;
    • gruel from plantain leaves, parsley, mint;
    • applying cold to the lesion;
    • swelling treatment with tea tree oil;
    • hormonal ointments - Flucinar, Triderm, Kremgen.

    With swelling, anaphylactic shock, urgent medical attention is required. Need:

    1. Diuretic drugs - Furosemide, Manit.
    2. Hydrocortisone ointment.
    3. Adrenaline intravenously.
    4. resuscitation activities.
    5. Intravenously colloidal, saline solutions.
    6. Tracheal intubation.

    Sometimes an allergic reaction develops very quickly, and the symptoms need to be eliminated urgently. Then, for treatment, remedies that can be prepared from natural ingredients or what is in every home are best suited.

    The following recipes are effective:

    1. Water. Even simply washing the bites with cold water helps to get rid of itching and swelling.
    2. Soap solution. Prepare a concentrated mixture of water and dark laundry soap. Dressings soaked in this solution relieve itching, redness, and bumps at the bite site.
    3. Lotions and rubdowns with tea. You can use both regular black tea and medicinal fees.
    4. Apply a fresh dandelion leaf to the wound and fix it for 3 hours. After replacing the sheet with a new one.
    5. In a glass of cool water, add 1 teaspoon of salt and / or soda.
    6. With this solution, you can wipe the bitten places or make lotions with it. Also use gruel from soda powder. It helps with scratching and swelling.
    7. Toothpaste or ointment with menthol. The cooling effect of menthol relieves burning and itching. But such an ointment should not be applied to open wounds.
    8. A solution of vinegar and water in a combination of 1: 1. Used to wipe bites or lotions.
    9. The compress can be left for 30-40 minutes. After that, you need to take a break for a few hours. Before the next procedure, the skin is wiped with alcohol. Acetic solution helps to get rid of swelling at the site of bites.

    10. A concentrated decoction of dried leaves and stems of Veronica officinalis.
    11. Can be used to wipe the affected skin or make compresses for 2 hours. The place covered with a compress should be wrapped with a bandage or polyethylene.

      Veronica officinalis has an anti-allergic effect and is able to relieve inflammation after spider bites and almost all insects.

    12. Onion juice. Half an onion is applied to the bite site or a compress is made from finely chopped onions.
    13. Parsley leaves are crushed until the juice is released and applied to the affected skin.
    14. To reduce inflammation, swelling and swelling, the bite sites are wiped with a solution of ammonia, boric or ethyl alcohol diluted with water in equal proportions.
    15. From boric acid, lotions can be made, which are replaced as they dry. Rubbing the bites with iodine helps to reduce bumps.
    16. A slurry of plantain leaves is laid out on a bite and fixed with a bandage.
    17. In two cups of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of dry St. John's wort, mint and oak bark. The mixture is boiled over low heat for about 15 minutes and filtered. Cold decoction is used to make lotions.
    18. A slurry of cabbage leaves is applied to the bites.
    19. Make a mixture of oils: 1 tablespoon vegetable, 5 drops lemon and 5 drops mint. Soak gauze with the oil mixture and apply to the bite. Cover the bandage with polyethylene and fix with a bandage.

    Sometimes the doctor prescribes a compress from several groups of drugs. For example, a dimexide-based compress removes puffiness and swelling at the bite site well.

    To do this, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and an antibiotic, hydrocortisone ointment and heparin are added. A compress from the resulting mixture is applied to the affected areas for 2 hours.

    Relieve itching

    Regardless of the cause of the itching, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Medications will help natural remedies.

    • boric alcohol;
    • soda solution. It will take 1 tsp. soda, a glass of water;
    • Menovazin;
    • gels, ointments, creams from bites with menthol;
    • grated potatoes. You can apply thin slices;
    • Fenistil-gel;
    • mint toothpaste. The remedy is prohibited for wounds, suppuration;
    • lotions with tea leaves, oak bark, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage;
    • onion petals. Apply plates to itchy areas, wipe the skin with a cut onion;
    • treatment of the affected area with apple cider vinegar (1 part) dissolved in water (10 parts).

    The most indispensable and necessary preparations for the treatment of insect bites include:

    1. Dimexide in the form of a compress.
    2. This medication is a kind of conductor that allows you to quickly accompany and deliver drugs from the point of departure - the upper surface of the skin to the final destination - deep into the skin tissues to the lesion.

    3. They work well in combination with Dimexide - Suprastin (anti-allergic drug) and Diclofenac (anti-inflammatory).
    4. Together, they reduce the degree of inflammation, itching and redness. But first you need to test for a possible allergy, for small plot the skin should be applied with this mixture of drugs, wait a little time to make sure there is no reaction.

    5. Antihistamines - Citrine, Tavegil, etc.
    6. They suppress severe itching, swelling and redness. Are taken orally in accordance with the instructions;
    7. Ibuprofen, Dexamethasone, Nurofen and the like are anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce pain, reduce swelling and redness on the skin.
    8. Are taken orally in the form of tablets or injections according to the attached instructions;

    9. Ointments that reduce itching, redness and swelling after an insect bite are: Hydrocortisone ointment, Elokom, Advantan.
    10. It should be used for 4 days, 2 times a day, apply a small amount of funds to the affected area.

    11. Antibiotics are used in the last stage of the consequences - the development of infection and suppuration. This is Amoxicillin, or ointments of a similar spectrum of effects - Levomekol, Triderm, etc.

    Bites in children

    Danger of meeting with insects:

    • how smaller child, the stronger the manifestations of allergic and toxic reactions;
    • a weak immune system can not cope with the load;
    • hypersensitivity to allergens can cause serious complications;
    • itching is more difficult for children to adjust to. The places of scratching become inflamed, the blisters open, suppuration develops;
    • give the child first aid. Activities are the same as for insect bites in adults;
    • be sure to give more drink;
    • give antihistamines immediately;
    • a mosquito bite is often not a cause for concern, but an attack by a whole flock can cause complications;
    • when a bee stings, carefully remove the sting;
    • see if the face and tongue swell, if the child breathes normally;
    • apply balm Rescuer, Fenistil-gel on the lesion;
    • Get the kids to the hospital as soon as possible.
    Consult a dermatologist, allergist or therapist.

    If necessary, take the child directly to the emergency room medical center or call an ambulance. Procrastination in case of severe poisoning with toxins or a pronounced allergy can be costly.

    Source: "nechihaem.ru; stopklopam.ru; alter-zdrav.ru; myallergy.su"

    How to determine who bitten

    In whatever corner of the planet a person is, insects can be found everywhere. Currently, more than 100 thousand species of insects are known to science. It is insects that have the largest representation among other living beings.

    There are practically no such people who have never been bitten by any insect. Moreover, the human body is designed in such a way that different reactions to bites can be expected from it, regardless of the type of insect.

    Some bites can be completely unnoticeable, while others can cause complications. In some cases, this can even lead to death.

    As a rule, the bites of various insects differ in a number of ways. They may have different appearance, different symptoms after a bite and various consequences. In order to determine which insect bitten, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the bites of each of them in more detail.

    Bed bugs and linen lice

    Most often, bed bugs bite a person. Bed bugs tend to bite at night when people are sleeping. Initially, after a bug bite, almost no traces are visible on the body. Only red spots may appear small size on a pinkish background.

    A day later, swelling and redness appear at the site of the bite. Also, in most cases, bed bug bites can be accompanied by itching. These symptoms are a pronounced allergic reaction to the bites of many insects.

    It used to be thought that bed bug bites were very harmless, however, as a result latest research it became known that these bugs can carry Chagas disease.

    At present, science has not revealed whether these insects are carriers of any infectious diseases. The ant sting itself is very painful, so it is simply impossible not to notice it.

    Outwardly, the bite is a red dot. It is also worth noting that there are poisonous species of ants. If a person is bitten by a fire ant. then the bite is accompanied by a strong burning sensation and the formation of pustules, which can leave scars behind.


    Most spider species are non-venomous. Their bites are accompanied only by the appearance of a red spot. However, there are also such spiders, after the bites of which a severe allergic reaction appears. It can also cause skin necrosis and even poisoning.

    Only a black widow can pose a threat to a person. The first reactions after a black widow bite appear within half an hour. Initially, there is swelling and pain. After a few hours, the bite causes an ache all over the body, as well as nausea and vomiting. When bitten by a black widow, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.

    Ticks and fleas

    Ticks rank first in terms of adverse effects on the human body among insects. As a rule, a person becomes a victim of a tick during a walk in nature.

    Ticks move well through the human body, so most often they affect the most delicate parts of the body. A person does not feel when a tick bites him. In addition, ticks are also among the leaders in the transfer of various diseases.

    These diseases include:

    1. Tick-borne encephalitis.
    2. Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis).
    3. Hemorrhagic fever Crimea-Congo.

    When a flea bites, small red dots first appear on the body, which are accompanied by itching. An allergic reaction to a flea bite is accompanied by redness, swelling and itching.

    If the redness is combed, then an infection can get in, which will lead to suppuration of the bites. For a long time, fleas carried the plague. Now you can also meet endemic outbreaks, but only in rare cases.

    Bees, mosquitoes and midges

    Bee stings are characterized by severe pain that appears instantly. This pain may not go away for several hours. The place bitten by a bee takes on a pale appearance in the very center, and redness appears around. As a rule, with bee stings, severe swelling appears.

    If there were several bites, then a person may experience a severe allergic reaction. Allergy is accompanied the following symptoms:

    • Dizziness.
    • Weakness.
    • Seizures.
    • Quincke's edema.
    • Cardiac arrest (with a large number of bites).

    After a mosquito bite, a specific edema occurs at the site of the bite. It is located around the circumference of a tiny skin incision. Itching and swelling from a mosquito bite lasts an average of 3-5 days. On the second day, redness disappears, after which the itching gradually disappears.

    Puffiness is not strong and passes quickly enough if you do not disturb the wound by combing. The saliva of the midge contains an anesthetic substance, so its bite is easily distinguished from a mosquito bite by the gradual appearance of itching.

    Puffiness can occur immediately, burning and itching a little later, when a mosquito bite almost immediately begins to itch strongly. Distinctive signs of contact with midges are: redness in the affected area, severe itching and burning, large swelling, the appearance of wounds and blisters at the site of the lesion.

    Concomitant symptoms (less common): increased (slightly) body temperature, jumps in blood pressure, headache, drowsiness, purulent inflammation.


    The bite of a scorpion will also not go unnoticed. It is immediately accompanied by sharp pain and burning. Symptoms of a scorpion sting may vary depending on the type of insect itself.

    1. Burning and pain.
    2. Puffiness and swelling.
    3. Redness.
    4. Numbness.
    5. Seizures.
    6. Nausea.
    7. Tachycardia.

    Insects are common on all continents of our planet, except for Antarctica.

    They are numerous, adapted to external climatic conditions, including quite severe ones.

    Not all of them are dangerous, but there are species that have a potent, toxic poison and can cause great harm to health.

    Understanding the types of insects

    Insects, like many other animals, mostly sting a person in self-defense. There are also species that feed on blood and bite a person in order to satisfy their hunger. They are dangerous from the point of view that they contain special substances in their saliva. Once in the human blood, they can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, they can carry dangerous viruses and bacteria that enter the body through the resulting wound and provoke the development of diseases.


    Those individuals who use this mechanism to protect themselves or their colony are endowed with poison. Able to release toxins into the body of the victim wasp, bee, hornet. Water bugs and some types of ants are known for their toxicity (mainly from the hot regions of the planet).

    The action of the poison is accompanied by:

    • edema;
    • severe pain;
    • redness;
    • sometimes allergies;
    • long lasting itching.

    With a high individual intolerance, toxins that have entered the body may be enough to start anaphylactic shock.


    Horseflies, flies, mosquitoes bite their victims in order to get enough blood. These members of the class were dubbed bloodsuckers.

    With poor body care, you can become infected with pediculosis - the spread of lice throughout the body. They live mainly on the hairy areas of the body. Found even on the eyebrows.

    Caution - danger

    The two biggest dangers that are fraught with are the possible infection in the wound and an allergy to toxic substances.

    Each organism reacts to exposure differently. In turn, the more poisonous the individual, the more serious the response will be. A person may feel in some cases local pain or symptoms of general weakness and deterioration.

    Many representatives can cause a serious deterioration in well-being. Their venom works for a long time and requires immediate action to alleviate the allergic reaction.


    They are transmitted from person to person quite easily. As soon as one member of the team does not follow the elementary rules of hygiene, he becomes an ideal target for lice. They can go to others through clothes, bedding, with tactile contact.

    In the presence of lice, you can notice spots on the head. Their origin is explained by the fact that the saliva of bloodsuckers provokes hemoglobin decay. Children and some adults may scratch the skin vigorously, causing ulcers to form at the bite sites.

    If you delay with treatment, an infection penetrates into the wound combed to the blood, which harms the entire body.

    It is important to know who bitten. Photos of lice bites:

    Mosquitoes and flies

    V middle lane In Russia, damage from or flies rarely poses a serious danger. Rather, it's just discomfort.

    However, these bloodsuckers can carry bacteria and viruses with them, which, when they enter the bloodstream, lead to the development of serious diseases. A particularly difficult situation with the spread of infections is observed in Africa and countries with a hot climate. Few people have not heard the expression "malarial mosquito".

    Mosquitoes can carry:

    • tularemia;
    • dengue fever;
    • yellow fever;
    • lymphatic filariasis.

    In our country, mosquitoes cause allergies in some people.

    Mosquitoes and flies bite differently. Photos of bites of domestic insects:

    mosquito trail

    mosquito attack

    Miaz due to a fly

    Fly bite in children:

    bees, wasps

    When attacked by bees, wasps, hornets, gadflies, there is a strong burning sensation in the affected area, itching, redness and swelling. As a rule, a stronger reaction is manifested only in those who have an individual intolerance to the poison of these insects.

    The attack of a bee is dangerous because their venom contains peptides, amino acids, norepinephrine and peptin. The poisons of these two varieties differ in some components. If a person develops an allergy, they are more likely to develop severe symptoms that can be life-threatening.

    Bee and wasp stings:


    What does a wasp sting look like in a child:

    Looking at the location of the damage

    At healthy people damage after flies almost does not appear. Mosquitoes leave behind small blisters that are very itchy. More noticeable blisters leave behind a gadfly. Wasps, bees, hornets also bite noticeably. Swelling, redness, the wound burns for a long time on the body. Let's look at pictures of gadfly bites on human skin:

    Lice rarely leave traces, skin lesions. But if a red spot appears and not one, this may indicate lice.

    Let's look at the photo traces of insect bites and what the wound looks like on human skin:



    Three-point bite from bedbugs:

    Wounds can be confused with damage from other creatures, for example, red spots are similar to traces after spiders. Often it is after them that such spots remain. Red spider bite:

    To distinguish damage from on the human body, you need to know how it looks. A few examples:

    Some creatures bite like a burn. If you want to know who bites like that, you can remember the feeling of being attacked by bees and other poisonous creatures.

    Lesions with blisters and a watery center:

    A large red spot with a white center or dot is also a trace of wounds on the body:

    If you want to know who causes severe swelling, it is important to remember that the attack of many creatures can lead to such a development. Severe swelling is often a sign of an allergy.

    We define an allergy

    Allergy to the bite of any insect in the form of swelling, itching, redness is manifested in many. For some, it passes quickly and almost imperceptibly, while others tolerate the ingestion of poison more difficult.

    It is believed that men react more easily to poison than women and children. For most people, close contact with a stinging insect results in mild local symptoms that resolve within one day to a week.

    Swelling and redness:

    Approximately 1-2% of people have a high predisposition to develop a serious allergic reaction. Moreover, the amount of toxic substances that enter the blood does not play a big role.

    If a person has an allergic response, then an attack by one individual will lead to symptoms.

    It is important to know the symptoms and treatment of allergies, in the photo you can see some of the signs. Extensive spots appear on the body, but the worst thing is the development of edema. They can appear on the face, neck, auricles, affected areas of the skin. The most difficult thing is to cope with swelling of the larynx or tongue (immediate medical attention is required).

    Allergy from bites of various insects:

    From mosquitoes, midges

    From a mosquito

    From the bee

    A severe allergic reaction causes anaphylactic shock. This is very rare, but really deadly. Shock is accompanied by rapid breathing, increased heart rate. If you do not provide qualified assistance to a person, then he can lose consciousness (up to several hours). In anaphylactic shock, work is disrupted critical systems body: cardiovascular, nervous. Possible respiratory arrest, paralysis.

    If a person at least once in his life was allergic to stings (for example, widespread wasps, bees), then the attending physician must issue him an allergy passport. In the warm season, this document must be carried with you. The passport indicates the personal and contact information of the owner, as well as methods of first aid. It really can save a life.

    What to do after an attack

    Each person should know what to do after a bite of various insects. If a stinger attacked, then you need to follow the following rules:

    1. If there is a sting in the wound, try to get it out, as toxins are released from it for about 5 minutes. Then it is advised to suck the poison out of the wound. And you shouldn't be afraid of it. Even if there are microdamages in the mouth, almost all poisons are neutralized by saliva. The method is widely known among the people when sugar is applied to the wound: it draws poison from the affected area.
    2. Prevent the poison from spreading into body tissues. To do this, it is advised to apply something cold to the place of damage: ice is best, but metal, stone can be used - everything that has a temperature lower than that of the human body.
    3. Allergy sufferers should take medication as soon as possible.
    4. In case of anaphylactic shock, take the victim to the hospital. In case of respiratory or cardiac arrest, perform an artificial heart massage.

    When attacking any insect, the damaged area must be treated with an antiseptic, which can be hydrogen peroxide, calendula tincture. This measure will help prevent infection and reduce inflammation.

    Cold compresses, diluted baking soda, hydrocortisone ointment, and other treatments are used to relieve itching and pain.

    Proper treatment is the key to health and peace of mind

    The most important thing is to calm down and not panic. Let's see what tools can be used. It is important to remember that many of them have contraindications and should be used after consultation with the doctor. Let's see what to do with swelling and redness, as well as other symptoms. It is important to know how to treat problems in a child and an adult.

    Each person should understand which doctor treats the bites of different insects. It is possible to address to the therapist or the allergist. If necessary, they will refer you to an infectious disease specialist. The bite medicine is selected individually depending on the symptoms and condition of the person.

    Treatment for swelling and redness:

    External funds

    The area of ​​damage should be soothed with something cold. Ice, a cold water bottle, a knife, and other metal objects will do. This method helps to calm the tissues, reduce blood flow and the spread of toxins throughout the body.

    If you have modern pharmaceutical remedies for insect bites at hand, great. Gardex, Mosquitol and others help to reduce itching, redness, pain. Deep rubbing of Fenistil gel helps to relieve an allergic reaction. The wound itself and 4-5 cm from it are lubricated with gel and rubbed over the skin with vigorous movements.


    At obvious signs allergies, you need to take an antihistamine. Suprastin or Loratadine is one of the most common and affordable pills.

    It is very important to remember one rule: you should not resort to pills just like that, for prevention. If there was no predisposition to allergies before or no symptoms of a severe bite are observed, you do not need to drink medicines.

    Parents want to know how to treat an allergy in a child, swelling. It is necessary to act in the same way as with an adult, but it is important to carefully monitor the dosages. You need to constantly monitor the child. The normal reaction is when he is naughty. If activity clearly falls, drowsiness is noticeable, then you need to seek medical help. In some cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics or injections.

    Folk methods

    For mosquito bites, people are advised to simply wash the skin area with cool water and soap. If the itching does not go away, then it is advised to wipe the bitten place with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

    Here are some simple recipes:

    1. A piece of sugar draws poison out of the wound well: this is true for the bites of bees, wasps, hornets.
    2. Swelling can be relieved with plantain or dandelion leaf.
    3. A slice of apple or tomato applied to the wound will help.
    4. Garlic and its juice have a good effect.

    Effective protection measures

    Many insects are attracted to the smell of human sweat and blood. Mosquitoes can feel sweat from miles away. Therefore, many repellents act in such a way that they mask a person from blood-sucking insects using the smell of herbs and oils.

    As for the bees, it is better not to attract their attention with dark, inconspicuous tones. Do not provoke bees and wasps. If brushed aside, they may regard this as a danger and an attack, so they will try to sting.

    It is impossible to completely prevent the occurrence of allergies. If a person has an allergic response to certain irritants, then you need to keep this in mind and always take medication with you.

    If you use an antihistamine in time, you can do without any complications. And, of course, you must always take care of the strength of your immune system.