If the seeds float in water, then they are. Growing seedlings: warming seeds, soaking seeds, hardening seeds, how to distinguish good seeds? Is it necessary to soak pepper seeds before planting, and why they do it

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Twenty years ago, this question would have caused bewilderment in everyone: what should such a baby do, if at 2 months he still can’t even hold his head properly? But today, experts say with confidence: classes with a baby should be started as early as possible so that his auditory, visual and motor skills develop successfully. For this, there are special games and gymnastics.

The baby at 2 months still sleeps a lot, but is already interested in the game

We develop vision

At 2 months, the baby already knows how to fix his eyes on certain things in the room. Start teaching your baby to follow moving objects. To do this, take a bright rattle, draw the child's attention to it with the help of sound, and then slowly move the toy first in one direction, at a distance of no more than half a meter from the child's eyes. The baby should look after the thing. Then move it to the other side. This exercise is an excellent tool for the prevention of strabismus.

Give this activity no more than 30 seconds so as not to tire the baby.

Developing Vision Through Looking

At any sign of dissatisfaction, stop playing. At 2 months, the child is still difficult to give long classes.

Once the exercise described above is mastered, you can set the toy in other directions (up and down, in a circle and diagonally).

Another unpretentious toy will help the kid train his eyesight and learn to distinguish emotions on faces. On a cardboard circle with a diameter of 20 cm, draw two faces - cheerful and sad. Attach the circle to a wooden or plastic handle. Show the baby alternately (but not too often) one side or the other. The baby will eventually respond to the face with the same emotions that it expresses.

We develop hearing

At 2 months old, a child can be given rattles in his hands, melodic sounds will attract his attention with any movement of his hands. Mom can attract the attention of the baby by rattling a toy out of sight of the crumbs. The child will look for the source of the sound and turn the head in its direction. For the same purpose, you can use not only rattles, but also musical toys and just computer speakers. Move them to a new place each time to develop your baby's auditory skills.

The development of hearing is carried out by issuing sounds from the side

It is useful to draw the attention of a two-month-old baby to various everyday sounds (meowing a cat, murmuring water, sounds outside the windows).

Any manipulations carried out with the baby in everyday life, whether it is bathing, dressing, feeding, accompany with comments, praises. In this case, you should lean a little towards the baby's face so that he sees your articulation and remembers. You can even just talk affectionately, bending over the child while he is awake. This will strengthen the emotional connection between mother and baby, and also help the mother herself to escape from everyday worries.

After 2 months, the baby already responds with a smile to the appeal

If the child begins to make sounds, repeat them after him. Then you can proceed to a long, singsong pronunciation of vowels, opening your mouth wide and actively moving your lips. Such enhanced articulation will help the baby in mastering his speech apparatus.

Develop motor function of arms and legs

Accompany all kinds of nursery rhymes and jokes for the little ones with stroking fingers and pens. Such classes will help a two-month-old baby feel their hands and learn how to independently manage them. Play "palmies" by putting objects of different textures into the baby's palms. True, you will first have to help the little researcher to hold objects in his hands.

Playing with fingers is both a massage, and the development of motor skills, and communication

Bright socks worn on the baby's legs will undoubtedly attract his attention and make him start exploring. You can also use multi-colored dolls that fit on the hands of adults.

At 2 months, babies can already concentrate for a few seconds.

Hang bright, interesting toys over the crib different shapes so that the baby has the opportunity to reach them. Do not show your child how to grab them. At one point, he himself will guess to do it. Just choose not too loud and tiring toys. Change the location of the toys, moving them to the handles, then to the legs, to develop the activity of all limbs.

Charging for a child at 2 months

The most convenient time for gymnastics is the first half of the day, when the child has slept and is not hungry, but not immediately after eating. Do the following exercises:

  1. Having laid the baby on a changing table or sofa (it is better if it is a hard surface), move his arms up and down, to the sides and cross on his chest.
  2. Turn the baby on his tummy, let him learn to hold his head. At two months, the child should hold his head with muscle strength for 15 seconds.
  3. Box with the fists of your child.
  4. Take in your hands his legs in the ankle area and "ride a bike."
  5. Bend towards the tummy and unbend in straight position baby legs.
  6. Hold the child under the armpits, lift it above the surface of the table so that it can slowly push off from it with its legs.

Charging in 2 months is a mandatory element of development

Do all exercises at a moderate pace, without making sudden movements, so as not to frighten the baby. If you see any dissatisfaction on the part of the baby, postpone the gymnastics for a while.

How to play during daily activities

In order to develop the skills of a two-month-old baby, it is not necessary to allocate special time for this each time, classes can be carried out without being distracted from ordinary affairs.

Playing with a 2 month old baby is already very interesting
  • During feeding, you can develop vision and tactile sensations of the crumbs. Wrap it up in covers different colors and textures at each feeding. The child will be interested in touching it.
  • Play peek-a-boo every chance you get. Hide from the crumbs behind a towel, blanket or diaper and suddenly look out with a smile and an exclamation of “cuckoo”. This game is incredibly fun for kids.
  • When the child is not dressed, you can alternately breathe on different parts of the body. The warmth from mother's breath will help the baby learn to feel different parts of her body.

Not only mom, but also dad should deal with a baby at the age of 2 months, you can also connect grandparents.

This practice will help the child establish an emotional connection with all adults in the family, and this experience will give adults themselves magical moments of intimacy with the baby and joy for his achievements.

More recently, the child was in his mother's tummy under constant protection and in the most convenient conditions for himself. And already today, such a large and beautiful world has opened before him, full of new sounds, smells, tactile sensations. Many parents believe that their baby is interested in everything, and he must constantly absorb new emotions and acquire some skills. But in reality, the baby almost constantly sleeps. What is the matter with him? And how to entertain a newborn baby?

Should I entertain a newborn baby?

First of all, parents should be reassured: in the first month of life, babies sleep a lot of the day. This is a natural physiological state, a small organism spends a lot of energy getting used to new conditions. This reserve of strength is restored during sleep, so this state is simply necessary for the baby. However, there are exceptions, sometimes a baby can not sleep for most of its time, but stay awake. These are the features of a small organism, and if the baby feels good, is not naughty and contemplates the surrounding objects, there is nothing wrong with that. However, if the baby is crying and suffering from the fact that he cannot sleep, this is a sure sign that you need to visit a pediatrician.

Why parents need to know how to entertain a newborn for up to a month:

  1. In addition to innate reflexes, the baby needs to acquire many more skills. At the same time, it is not worth forcing events at all. The baby needs time to adapt to the new world for him. Therefore, it is not worth compiling a meaningful program on how to entertain a newborn while he is awake. It is enough for a baby to hear a quiet mother's voice, feel her presence and feel light strokes. If you overdo it with the question of how to entertain the baby, then the effect can turn out to be the opposite, the baby will quickly get tired and cry.
  2. It is very convenient to combine the wakefulness of a small child with hygiene procedures. You can buy a baby, change a diaper, change clothes, put it on a changing table or a crib to take air baths. At the same time, do not forget to talk with the baby. The voice of mom and dad will soothe the baby, and set him up for close emotional cooperation with his parents.
  3. It is worth thinking about how to entertain a newborn child, even because from birth the baby hears, sees and understands everything - only in its own way, it is still not good enough. Therefore, even the frequent “look into nowhere” in children up to a month is a training of vision - this is how the baby learns to focus his eyes on any object.

Due to the peculiarities of the eyesight of babies, experts do not advise frequently rearranging the crib or changing objects around it. However, looking at the same thing is not always interesting, the way out will be to purchase a special arc with toys for a crib. It is not necessary to immediately hang out everything that is, you can stop at one thing and periodically change the figure to something new. Toys of a simple form and consisting of only a couple of flowers have proven themselves very well for newborns - it will be more pleasant for a newborn child to look at them, and they will be able to entertain him.

How to entertain a newborn: basic ways

For children of this age, tactile entertainment is best suited - the touch of mother's hands. The baby will be pleased if the parents take him in their arms, talk to him, sing simple songs or nursery rhymes. How to entertain the baby? The simplest ways would be:

  1. You can take the baby in your arms, the mother's face is the most interesting object to study: talk to the baby, smile at him, portray various friendly emotions. Tell your child about your mood, emotions, what you will do in the near future.
  2. A newborn baby can be perfectly entertained during swaddling or air baths. Stroke the baby's palm, pen, tummy. You can take the baby in your arms and shake it a little from side to side, up, down.
  3. You can sing to the baby. The simplest “goo-goo-goo” will help the child start “walking” faster, help to entertain and have a positive effect on his development.

However, these are only the most simple ways of how you can entertain a newborn for up to a month - progress does not stand still, and today there are many more modern ways to diversify children's leisure.

Specialists have developed many ways to help the baby with interest to spend time, which can be used from birth:

How to entertain a newborn up to a month: basic rules

Experts advise you to follow simple rules that will allow you to get only positive emotions from the baby’s entertainment process:

  1. It should be remembered that to show any object is at a distance of no closer than half a meter. So the baby will be comfortable focusing his eyes.
  2. If the baby is tired, all games should immediately stop, and the toys should be put away to a safe place.
  3. It is possible and even necessary to entertain the baby with sounds, speech and music while awake, but the baby should sleep in relative silence.

You can play and develop your baby from birth, the main thing is to pay maximum attention to the child and use the appropriate games. Even if there are no special items nearby, mom always knows how to entertain a newborn so that he has a great mood for the whole day!

Marina Suzdaleva

V last time we learned, and today we'll talk about.

You can continue with the familiar activities of the previous month, as long as you and your baby like them, and supplement them with games and exercises from this article, which are aimed at enriching the sensory impressions of a grown-up child and developing his motor abilities.

Let's start, perhaps, with what the baby sees in front of him when he wakes up and falls asleep in his crib. I really hope that this is your loving face. However, the baby is not always next to the mother, and if we are already talking about how to develop a baby at 1 month, at this age it is time for the baby to receive more diverse visual, auditory and tactile impressions. This is what we'll do!

Contrasting pictures for the development of a child of 1 month

Surely, you already know that babies prefer (this was established by psychologists in the course of experimental observations) contrasting black and white images to those wonderful multi-colored bears and butterflies that you tried so hard to decorate the nursery with. No problem! Very soon, the baby will grow up to look at bears and butterflies, but for now, place those very contrasting pictures right in his crib or playpen at eye level at a distance of about 30-35 cm. You can draw them yourself (alternating stripes, spirals, geometric shapes, faces, etc.), use black and white photographs, or print them from the Internet.

Hang pictures 1-2 and change 1 time in 2-3 days. You can also place pictures throughout the apartment and periodically change their places.

Little advice: needlewomen can sew a tactile pillow or rug for a baby using black and white fabrics of different textures, buttons different sizes and forms, etc. A one-month-old baby will be happy to touch and examine your creation, developing vision and tactile sensations.

Rainbow butterflies for the development of a child of 1 month

Make multi-colored butterflies from crepe or accordion-folded colored paper and colored clothespins and hang the butterflies in turn over the crib, on the arc of the developing mat or mobile (after removing other toys). Name the colors: “This is a blue butterfly. Where is the blue butterfly? Here is a blue butterfly…etc.” You can glue sheets of paper in a contrasting color (blue with yellow, orange with green, blue with red, etc.), then as the whole structure moves, the baby will receive new interesting visual stimuli.

Bells for a 1 month old baby

It's great if you have a collection of wind chimes. They will come in handy for you more than once. While talking about how to develop a baby at 1 month, we will use them in the following way. Fasten the bells on a ribbon and hang them at the level of the baby’s chest in the crib (or lower so that the baby can hit them with their legs) at a height of 10-15 cm. .

A little tip: record the first concert of your virtuoso on video.

Tactile games for the development of a child of 1 month "To the touch"

Is the baby already confidently holding his head in the prone position? Offer him a job. On the edge of the changing table or directly on the wall in front of it, fix (for example, using double-sided tape) pieces of materials of different textures:

  • velvet paper
  • corrugated cardboard
  • glossy paper
  • plain paper
  • plastic bag
  • foil
  • bubble wrap, etc. (by the way, you can use the same contrasting colors - black and white).

Now, during massage and hygiene procedures, the baby can feel these materials. Do not forget to pronounce his feelings using short simple designs: “This is velvet paper. She is black. Velvet paper is soft. Let's stroke again! Like this. Very nice! etc.". A similar game can be continued during bathing - let the child touch a dry and wet washcloth, a toothbrush and a terry towel, foam and a bar of soap ...

A little tip: Squeeze some baby cream or massage oil onto your baby's hand and watch him explore the new sensations.

Game "Ku-ku" for a child of 1 month

I hasten to please you. Very soon, your baby will begin to notice that you are leaving the room, and start crying at the same time ... But I digress. The game of "Ku-ku", beloved by all the kids, is just designed to help your treasure understand that if something or someone has disappeared from sight for a while, it does not mean at all that it has disappeared forever. And there is no reason to cry!

At first, start playing with the baby like this: literally for a few seconds hide your face behind your palms with spread fingers (to see the reaction of the baby and so that he can see your face) and emotionally say: “Where is mom? Here's mom!" (we also said “Lost found!” - my son still uses this expression when he finds something, which always causes tenderness among those present). After a while, try to "hide" under a transparent handkerchief, then behind a newspaper or a diaper - the baby will pull it off you with laughter, and by about the age of 4-5 months. he will be ready to hide from you under the diaper.

Recently became a mother of a baby?

Excursion for a child of 1 month

At the age of 1 month, the baby has already studied the space in which he lives quite well. He knows where the door is located (mother usually appears from there), the window (light source), sees and remembers the location of furniture. And that means it's time to go on a tour of " Big world”, that is, outside the children's room.

Take the baby in your arms - it is convenient to use the poses "the baby lies on his stomach on your arm" or "the baby is in an upright position pressed against your chest." Slowly travel with your child from room to room, from the corridor to the kitchen, pay attention to the light, smells, and the prevailing colors in the interior. Take a look at the little one. If you notice that some object especially attracted him, linger near it and tell about it in more detail. For example: “Ah, baby, did you like the watch? Besides, they are so bright! Bright red watch! Look, those are arrows. They go tick-tock, tick-tock. This is a dial. He is round. The clock is made of plastic. Touch what hard ones ... etc. ”

The article “of course, would be incomplete without mentioning classes for the physical development of the baby. In addition, this direction of development is one of the priorities for babies in the first six months of life. Here are some ideas:

Game for a child of 1 month "I have a ball"

Buy a balloon filled with helium and carefully tie it to your baby's leg (do not leave the baby unattended during this activity!). Toddlers at this age usually actively move their legs and arms, but you can slightly stimulate this process by telling a nursery rhyme or turning on music familiar to the child. Draw the attention of the crumbs to the moving ball. After a while, the baby will understand that the movements of the ball are caused by his own movements, and will move his legs more actively.

The following 2 exercises are also based on the same principle of establishing a causal relationship, only now the movements of the crumbs will cause sounds.

Tumbler for baby 1 month

If you already know, then you, no doubt, have a tumbler. And she knows for sure how to develop a baby at 1 month:) When your baby is lying in a crib, playpen or just on the floor, put the tumbler in his legs so that he can easily hit her when moving. The baby will like to hear the iridescent sounds of the roly-poly, and he will knock his legs endlessly. Be there to return the fleeing roly-poly to its proper place in time.

Bells for a 1 month old baby

Now in children's stores you can find bracelets on arms or legs with bells and rattles. I recommend purchasing or making a similar (and even more educational) toy yourself. There are many options. For example, you can sew bells (you can buy them in sewing supplies stores or cut them off from a worn-out toy) directly on your baby's socks or on a soft, not tight hair band. And you can tie containers from a chocolate egg, after putting various rattling fillers inside, and tie or sew Velcro bracelets to them.

Such simple devices help.

Just yesterday future mother interested in questions about her own proper nutrition, and childbirth seemed to be something unrealistic. After the birth of a baby, new problems arise, including the stages of development of a newborn - one regimen of rest and food intake is indispensable, since babies are able to absorb a minimum amount of information from the first days of life.

The right time to study

Young mothers may not agree to develop a child from 1 month old, because the only activity that fascinates him is sleep. Babies sleep up to 18 hours a day, the rest of the time they eat or take water procedures after a diaper change. However, it's not that hard to find just a few minutes to play with even a one-month-old baby. It is advisable to engage in development at the moments when the child has eaten, moved away from sleep and is not naughty.

It is enough to take about 10-15 minutes to play with a newborn to give impetus to mental and emotional development. After talking, the baby will probably fall asleep and will give mom the opportunity to pay attention to herself and household chores.

Proper stimulation of natural interest in children of 1 month of life will be a good start for the formation of a harmonious personality.


Ordinary laying on the stomach help strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back and spine, are an excellent prevention of colic and digestive disorders. The child must be placed on a firm and even surface, gently holding the head. Not all children like such manipulations, since the exercise requires some effort. You can gently stroke the back, avoiding the spine area, and talk quietly.

At first, the procedure should last no more than 1 minute, then gradually the time increases to 10-15 minutes, but here it is important to monitor the reaction and mood of the newborn. To increase interest in the exercise, it is recommended to use bright toys that will attract the attention of the little one.

Even a newborn needs physical activity - doctors recommend laying him on his stomach, doing a gentle massage, accompanied by stroking

The muscles of the neck and head are strengthened if periodically worn month old baby on hands, placing it vertically. At the same time, it is necessary to lightly hold the head of the baby, since up to 3 months he is not able to fix it on his own.

Pediatricians recommend carrying babies in the first days of life, supporting the buttocks and neck- the baby should be completely located on the hands of an adult, while the back of the head is supported with one hand, and the buttocks with the other. The arms and legs are in a free position, and the body can bend a little.

Tactile sensations

The best tactile sensations in an infant are formed through touch that replace any toys. You can touch various parts of the body: legs, arms, neck, cheeks. Cotton, feather, fur are used as stimulants - this will allow the child to learn to distinguish gentle touches from soft ones and get acquainted with tickling.

Needed in the first month hand development classes, for which it is useful to stroke the back of the hand from the wrist to the fingers. After manipulation, you should put a small rattle or small toys into the baby's fist, offering them one by one. The rattle should have a short handle, since a long baby is difficult to hold. You can pull fabrics of various textures through the cam or a flagellum with knots tied on it. Do not underestimate such games, because the development of speech directly depends on the motor skills of the fingers.

visual perception

The vision of a newborn does not allow him to focus on a specific object, but the world baby sees blurry. During the game, it is important to lean very close over the baby so that the adult's face is at a distance of 30 cm. As soon as it is clear that the child has fixed the face of a loved one, you can slowly move your head to the right and left, call the baby by name, click your tongue or smack your lips. Such actions will be much more effective than the most expensive toy, as they will help to cause tracking and attention.

In order for the child to better perceive the words, gestures and visual images of the parents, it is advisable not only to stand over the crib, but to lean closer to the baby

Gradually, at 1 month, toys that differ from each other in texture, color and sound should be introduced into use. At this age, the child distinguishes between a cage and a strip, black and white shades, yellow and red colors. Buying toys of the same type does not make sense, because you can keep your baby busy with communication with parents. Among the main acceptable options, experienced mothers distinguish:

  1. Toys that can be hung over the arena. It is not necessary to attach the whole carousel at once, one bright detail is enough for the little one to learn to fix his gaze. Change toys preferably 2 times a week.
  2. Toys that are attached with an elastic band. Just a hanging object can quickly bore a child, and moving toys will arouse interest. No special skills are needed to use such a game to entertain the baby: it is enough to pull the elastic band and release it.
  3. Toys that can be moved. Here you will need the presence of an adult and the presence of a colored toy, which must be smoothly moved from one edge of the arena to the other.

At 1 month, babies are considered with great interest black and white patterns and pictures: spirals, image of a chessboard.

If there is no time to engage in child development every day, you should hang pictures on the wall next to the crib. However, you should not comfort yourself that the baby develops independently with the same success as when playing with adults. Communication helps the baby quickly get used to the unfamiliar world for him.

auditory perception

In order to concentrate hearing in a newborn, in the first month of life it is necessary sing him lullabies. In the absence of vocal abilities, you can put on soft classical music or ring a rattle to the left and right of the baby. In fact, the baby does not care at all what songs and how the mother sings - he is just pleased to hear her voice. Freezing and stopping movements are a sure signal that the child is listening to new sounds.

Speech perception

The most suitable time for classes is the wakefulness of the crumbs after feeding. You need to take him in your arms so that he takes the pose of the "embryo" and looks into the face of an adult, then you need to make an "aha" sound, imitating the little one, pausing for 1-2 minutes. It will take several repetitions to get the response of the newborn.

During the "dialogue" it is useful to stroke the baby, shake him up, bring him closer to his face. If playing while the baby is in the crib, hang the toys upside down so that the baby can see them. During the first days, it is desirable to use large black and white objects, then replacing them with colored ones.

Speech contact with an adult always causes a storm of emotions in a newborn. He pays attention to the speaker, rejoices in communication, smiles and hums. Particular sensitivity is manifested when the dialogue is conducted with a childish manner of speech. A loving mother, in order to convey all her tenderness, most often uses the techniques of lisping, referring to her child. Among the first needs of a toddler, psychologists note:

  • affection;
  • love;
  • tenderness;
  • care.

It will take only a few days for a strong emotional and sensual connection to be established between mother and baby. Do not listen to the advice of the older generation about harm rapid response to the crying of a baby. It is important to respond to the cry as soon as possible so that the baby felt completely safe and secure. A newborn may experience discomfort for various reasons: pain, hunger, wet diapers, a full diaper. We should not forget that in the first month of life, the world around us scares the little one, and it is necessary to provide him with a harmonious atmosphere.

Among the soothing methods used pacifier and motion sickness on hands, which is also sometimes considered unacceptable, but there is nothing wrong with the baby being able to realize the sucking reflex or immersed in the familiar state when he gently swayed inside his mother's belly. There is no need to be afraid that an extra touch will spoil the newborn. It is much worse if from the first days the baby feels lonely just because the grandmother forbids the mother to come often to the playpen. When the child is in the arms, the departments are activated nervous system associated with the organs of hearing and vision. Direct contact with the mother is the best way to stimulate the full development of the crumbs.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and the Volgograd State Medical University specializing in clinical psychology

At three months, psychological and emotional development begins to be laid, so it is important to talk a lot with the baby, sing songs to him, smile, make faces. No matter what you say, the voice should be gentle and calm. In addition, there are some activities and exercises that will not only keep the baby busy, but also help push him to the speedy and proper development.

What can a child at 3 months

To understand what to do with your baby, first find out how he might react to your actions. At the same time, remember that if your child is not yet doing what he "should" - this is not a reason to panic. The data is very approximate, and the pace of development is different for everyone. Usually serious deviations are combined with other alarming symptoms.

So, at about 3 months, a baby can demonstrate:

  1. Animation is a reaction to a change in facial expression, intonation, the appearance / disappearance of parents in the field of view. The kid can smile, open his eyes wider, turn his head, shudder, spread his arms to the sides or close his hands;
  2. Grasping - the baby can already coordinate his movements and grab a toy that is extended to him and even pull it into his mouth;
  3. Raise your head, lying on your stomach, leaning mainly on your forearms;
  4. Follow a person or object with your eyes;
  5. Distinguish sounds and make your own - “aaa”, “ooh”, “uuu”, turn your head to the source of the sound;
  6. Push with legs - if you hold the child vertically by the armpits and rest the legs on a hard surface, he will start to push off, as if jumping;
  7. Roll over on your side from your back or from your stomach to your back. He will learn to roll over from his back to his stomach later, around 4-5 months (read the article on the topic: When does the baby start to roll over?>>>).

What to do in the absence of mom

Here you are at home alone with the child and from time to time it becomes necessary to leave the room. What is it to come up with so that at this time the baby does not burst into tears? Consider what to do with a child at home at 3 months for a short time:

  • Hang a mobile over the bed;

Purchased mobiles come with music, light, various pendants that will surprise and occupy the attention of the baby, he will not even notice that his mother went out for 10 minutes somewhere.

For a budget option, you can make such a toy yourself, however, it is unlikely that you will make the light and sound accompaniment yourself.

  • Developing mat;

It performs a similar function as a mobile, only you can put it in any room and even take it with you. Therefore, if your child is one of those who do not even let their mother go to the toilet, and they cannot be fooled by mobiles, you can even put the baby on this rug in the bathroom - of course, you will need to lay something else so that it is not cold.

The developing rug is interesting with pendants above it - usually they different texture, shape, material, there are mirrors, rustling and squeaking elements. Moreover, this rug will serve for a long time, because there may also be all sorts of interesting places on it, and the child will find them when he learns to crawl.

  • Audio fairy tales and children's songs;

Turn on a children's musical fairy tale or songs from cartoons and look at the reaction of the child - what he likes more, what will calm him down or, on the contrary, lead him into an excited state. Then you can use this to slowly leave the room for a short time.

  • Children's small synthesizer;

If the child lies quietly on his stomach, leaning on his elbows, he will be able to press the keys and make sounds. Kids love this activity at any age! Especially if the synthesizer has a function to change the sound of the keys to animals and other sounds.

  • Other musical toys.

The main thing is that the buttons are easy to press and the toy is safe and bright.

What can you play with a three month old baby

When mom is around, the child will be happy with any game, in fact. Therefore, first of all, improvisation is valued here. Here are a few practical advice about what to play with a child at 3 months:

  1. Rattles. First show how this toy rattles, how to shake it, and then give it to the child. At the same time, be sure to say that this is what you are doing, in general - everything in a row will not be superfluous (read the article Rattle for a newborn >>>);
  2. Hide and Seek. Cover your face with your palms, and then open it, while you can exclaim something like “here's mom!” or "here's our baby!". Most of all, babies like it when an older brother or sister plays with them like that;

One such boy ran around the crib with his brother, appearing from one side or the other, and at the same time laughing merrily: “I am from this side!”. The baby really liked this game, he smiled quite at the same time.

  1. Puppet show. Pick up soft toys and show your child a fairy tale about them - you can invent on the go, it is not necessary to copy famous fairy tales. Let it be some real animals or dolls with human features, and not strange creatures from cartoons. Make sounds characteristic of the shown animals, speak separately and preferably slowly;
  2. Finger games. Take the child's hand in yours and sing a song or a rhyme. There are many such songs and rhymes in children's books and the Internet. The same "White-sided Magpie" refers to them, but this is not the only thing that happens;
  3. Balloon. It can be thrown over the crib and caught at the very nose, and a helium balloon can be given by the string to hold the little one;
  4. Fabrics from different materials. Tactile sensations and develop. There are also special children's books with inserts that are different to the touch. Be sure to state what you are giving! If fur - say: "this is fur", etc.

Educational classes for 3-month-old

Of course, all of the above games are also developing. However, there is also something that is specifically aimed at certain areas. Consider what are the developmental activities with a child at 3 months.

  • Mom massage. The touch of native hands is always nice! Watch the video, what exercises are needed and how to do them, do everything gently and carefully so as not to harm;

Do light gymnastics, spreading the legs and arms of the baby in turn. If you have already had a massage course, try to remember what the massage therapist did. Massage should be done before meals or an hour after it. Don't do it if the baby is crying. Massage movements should cause pleasant sensations.

  • Classes on a gymnastic ball. This is very useful, and even special exercise therapy rooms are available at some children's hospitals, where sick or premature babies are rehabilitated using exercises on these balls. And you can buy one at home and put the child on it either on the tummy or on the back, rolling the ball to the sides, back and forth;
  • Sounds. Make different simple sounds so that the child sees your articulation and can try to repeat them. Sing songs if you have an ear. Take a bell or rattle, ring in the place where the child's gaze is not directed, when the baby hears the sound, it should turn in his direction. So, in fact, you test your hearing;
  • Household items. Give your child the usual things that are safe for him and tell him what it is and why. For example, a silicone spatula for a frying pan. A ball with threads. wooden spoon. A plastic jar with something inside and other similar items.

And the main thing for children is your love and sincere desire to do everything that is necessary for them!