How to use an old laminate in the country. What can be done with the remnants of the laminate? What furniture can be made from leftovers

I promised to show someone the use of laminate not for its intended purpose - I am doing it. The background is simple - after the repair, there was a little laminate left, which it was a pity to throw away (and I wouldn’t throw it away, I like to do something with my hands sometimes). The first and oldest Wishlist - massive shelves made of solid wood for the kitchen. In principle, I would have beaten them even from an oak log, but then the very laminate caught my eye ...

Photo result. The advantages of such shelves are low weight and normal coverage. An oak board, if it were one, I would not dare to cover with something other than oil, but such a coating is much less resistant. A rich selection of patterns and textures - plus number three. If anyone is interested in the price - this is another plus. Even without taking into account the price of a purchased board of this size, a laminate will still be more profitable. Because it is often sold substandard - usually with problems with corners and locks. And we don't need corners and locks here. And you can easily take a bag with a discount of 70% - 80%. There are factory shelves of a similar design, but, firstly, they are several times smaller, and, secondly, they are lined with simple laminated fiberboard paper with all the consequences.

The design is simple, everything about everything will take one or two evenings in the workshop. First, a frame is made from an ordinary 20x40 pine slat, which is sold at any hardware store. Several transverse stiffeners are added to the frame. Then the laminate is cut to size with an increase in its thickness and joints of 45 degrees are displayed. Everything is planted on glue or on copper-plated (whatever color you want) invisible nails. The joint, by the way, can be made not exactly 45 degrees, but a little more - the main thing here is not to break its straight line, which will form the edge of the shelf.

Border can be made different ways- offhand it is a planer, electric planer, rasp + something softer, just a woodworking machine or, as in my case, a desktop grinding machine. Having all this in the workshop, I liked making the edges on the last one more - quickly and accurately.

Which glue to choose depends on reverse side laminate. If you want to be sure - take a good, if not epoxy at all. But in any case, a pair of invisible nails will not hurt to fix the laminate on the frame.

By this time, he got a taste and made a screen for a kitchen battery from a purchased defective package of laminate. The screen takes into account the anatomical features of the wall and pipes, adheres to everything closely and rests on the word of honor of the battery itself. The design is the same - a frame made of rails, laminate on top. Only instead of glue, screws are closed with a decorative corner. I chose a wide ventilation groove with a milling cutter, holes with a pen drill. The drill, by the way, even Bosch, "plants" with a bang. But it is just as quickly corrected with a diamond file or drill - the latter is simply more convenient and faster.

And off we go. The wall in the passage between the hallway and the kitchen was also made with laminate - opposite the same texture of the door. The wallpaper was left on purpose - on the opposite wall as well, plus the same wallpaper in the hallway. I threw out the mezzanine, instead of it there is now a laminate shelf on the aisle.

This is from the kitchen side. Light up the shelf.

Something like that with the light in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Glued on cheap liquid nails - no load, special strength is not needed.

Sawing laminate is better circular saw or a jigsaw - hacksaws, even high-quality ones, it quickly kills. And now they are not all sharpened. Or just buy a cheap one, use it and throw it away.

And a topic loved by many is hiding pipes in the toilet. Made like this, from the same laminate. For a year, nothing swelled and did not swell. Plus - the collapsibility of the design. If, God forbid, where something leaks, a decorative corner comes off, the screws are unscrewed and the whole canoe is calmly sorted into planks. and just as quickly assembled. In the corner profiles, of course, the laminate is inserted just like that - without glue. Wooden frame inside.

What to do with the remnants of the laminate After the completion of the repair, the owners who carried it out always have a question: what to do with the numerous remnants of the materials? They can really be very helpful. But most often we just put them in pantries, on the mezzanine or in some distant secluded corners, where a fantastic amount of unnecessary things accumulate, which then interfere. In order to somehow change this situation, you can simply immediately use these leftovers in order to make life more beautiful, convenient and interesting. Flower Pots and Vegetable Boxes The easiest way to use leftover laminate flooring is to make great decorative flower pots or planter boxes. If such a flower box will have only an aesthetic function, then it's okay. But in the manufacture of boxes for seedlings, you need to think about special protection against moisture. The laminate is made on the basis of wood, albeit recycled, so in order to keep it from moisture, you need to glue the box from the inside with a polyethylene film. Similarly, the material is well suited for boxes that can store vegetables. The principle of creating such boxes is practically no different from that described above, but you can additionally install a lid. For it, you will need a pair of special screws on which the lid can be rotated, as well as holes for ventilation of products. Coasters and Shelves These beautiful little pieces of laminate flooring are great for serving hot dishes. In addition, such a stand can be perfectly decorated. Long laminate boards are suitable for preparing shelves. But such shelves are not suitable for any things: their strength is low. For example, you can’t put books on them, because they are too heavy. Such shelves are well suited for souvenirs, accessories for shoes in the hallway and for the like. Decorative elements of the interior Laminate is perfect for making panels that can be used in the heating system. A decorative shield can be prepared in the form of a lock connection from individual laminate boards. Along the perimeter, you can place special plastic strips that can be taken at any store building materials. And if the laminate was diverse, you can use it to put a panel on the wall in the style of late constructivists, or even sell such a picture as a real masterpiece of modern art. The most creative use of laminate flooring is for playing and making things for kids. #on a note

Laminate is very popular finishing material. It is used for both flooring and wall cladding. Probably, many are faced with the fact that the repair is over, but the coating remains. It is a pity to throw them away, but there is nowhere to store them. If you connect fantasy, then from the remnants of the laminate you can make various elements decor.

Characteristics of the laminate, its pros and cons

This flooring is not in vain very popular, because it has a large number of advantages. These include:

  • strength - the material is a multilayer structure, so it is quite durable;
  • environmental friendliness and safety - therefore, the coating is suitable for laying in any room;
  • resistance to fire and temperature extremes;
  • ease of installation - does not require special skills;
  • ease of care;
  • wide palette of shades and textures - they can be easily replaced natural wood, and the cost of the product will be significantly lower.

It also has disadvantages:

  • does not have sufficient hygroscopicity;
  • before laying it is required to level the surface;
  • installation must be carried out correctly in compliance with all requirements - otherwise the coating will quickly become unusable.

REFERENCE! There are types of laminate that are very resistant to moisture. However, their cost is much higher than other options.

What can be done from the remnants of the laminate with your own hands

There are a lot of options for using the product.

For kitchen

Due to the strength of the laminate and its environmental friendliness, various kitchen utensils can be made:

  1. Supports for protection of table-tops. The polished surface does not tolerate high temperatures and very often there are traces of mugs on it, which spoil the entire appearance. From the laminate, you can make special coasters of various shapes that will save the surface from the appearance of traces.
  2. Cutting boards. The protective plastic layer can protect the product from scratches for a long time.
  3. Kitchen apron. If there are a lot of leftovers, you can use them to arrange an apron kitchen set, which will be very easy to care for.

Shelves and boxes for various purposes

There are always few storage structures. Therefore, from the laminate, you can make beautiful boxes of different sizes and shapes. You can place them in any room. They are also suitable for storing items and things for various purposes:

  • Kids toys;
  • synthetic detergents and other household chemicals;
  • shoes;
  • cleaning products;
  • seedling boxes.

Drawers can be placed in any convenient place, built into the wall or replaced with a bulky chest of drawers. For summer residents, such boxes can be a real find for placing and storing things in a country house.

You can also make shelves of any shape and size from the leftovers. By connecting fantasy, you can make very stylish bookshelves, or flower stands.

Laminate furniture options

If there are a lot of scraps or they are enough big size, can make furniture. The material will provide such items with a beautiful appearance. For example, to make roomy and convenient shelf for shoes or a hanger. To do this, you need to fix the lamellas on the wall, and fasten hooks for outerwear to them.

It is also quite possible to make a miniature coffee table. True, it is worth remembering that he will additionally need legs.

If there are pets in the house, laminate will be an excellent material for making a house or a stand for them.

The material is suitable for making a bed. And it will be a piece of furniture made according to your own design. Additionally, it can be equipped with boxes for storing bed linen.

Window and Battery Decoration

The remains of the laminate will be useful for making a screen for the battery and decorating the window.

To decorate the window, you first need to dismantle the old finish. Remove the previous slopes, level the surface, and, if necessary, foam all existing deep defects. After that, you can start finishing work. The resulting opening will look very original and at the same time be combined with flooring.

Batteries in many apartments do not differ in special beauty and design. Therefore, they should be masked. When making a screen, do not forget that air must circulate. Therefore, holes must be left. It will also help protect against children from contact with a hot battery, and the room will give a finished look.

Decorative crafts from laminate: photo

In the manufacture of decor, you can fully show all your design abilities, because the flight of fancy does not limit anything. Laminate crafts will become unusual decorations for a house or apartment. For example, if there is a baby in the house, then Dollhouse will make him very happy.

Laminate is also suitable for making an original jewelry box. If you decorate it with beautiful patterns or sheathe it with velvet, you will get a wonderful gift.

Laminate leftovers are often used to decorate walls or doorways. They lay out various patterns or make an unusual panel.

These are not all options for using laminate residues. Having shown imagination and spending quite a bit of time, you can make an unusual thing or beautifully decorate the room.

Laminate is a very popular flooring. After the repair, in most cases, the owner has a whole mountain of remnants of these panels. Throwing away such a "treasure" would be the height of irresponsibility. It is best not to send the pieces of laminate flooring to the trash, but to use it again in accordance with any of the directions below.

1. Drawers and shelves

Laminate is able to withstand heavy loads, which makes it an incredibly valuable material in everyday life. You can, for example, build additional shelves and drawers or assemble modest furniture for the home on your own. Laminate is the perfect material to make handy drawers for your kitchen, office or balcony. Additional storage areas will definitely not be superfluous.

It is best to use corners to fasten laminate panels, as there will be problems with nails and screws screwed into the end. From sufficiently large laminate panels left after repair, you can build strong shelves.

2. Kitchen utensils

Laminate makes great kitchen utensils! True, for this you will have to arm yourself and work properly with a jigsaw. By and large, even a fairly skillful and enterprising student can make kitchen utensils from a laminate. Something similar (before, for sure) was done by schoolchildren at labor lessons.

Laminate panels are also ideal for hot pads. You can make an excellent box for storing spices from laminate scraps with glue.

3. Wall decor

Laminate is floor material, however, it can also be used for wall decoration in the apartment. From it comes original decor. For example, you can make panels on which flower pots will subsequently hang. One more healthy recipe- creating a panel from scraps of laminate of different lengths.

Bonus: furniture restoration

Old furniture, especially in the country, can be easily updated with laminate. It is enough to fix the new panels on top of the worn furniture surface. The most important thing is that after such a "modernization" the furniture will retain its strength and durability.

In continuation of the theme of any person.