Do-it-yourself plywood dollhouse. Do-it-yourself plywood house

Just as boys dream of a treehouse, girls also dream of a dollhouse for their favorite toys. Of course you can buy it, but nice house costs absolutely obscene money, and you can’t buy a bad child. It's another thing to do it yourself, but be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of time. Especially if you don't have much experience. On average, it will take at least a week to make a house for dolls with your own hands.

Choosing a material

You can make a house for dolls with your own hands from any sheet building material. The thickness of the material for a house about a meter high (two floors) is 9-15 mm, for one-story houses it can be thinner. Consider the most common materials used in the construction of a dollhouse:

  • . Great choice, since it is durable, holds its shape well, can be glued, connected with nails and self-tapping screws. They cut plywood with a metal saw (with a fine tooth), a jigsaw (manual or electric). The ends will need to be well sanded so that it is not possible to drive a splinter. Upon completion of work, you can varnish or stain, paint, wallpaper, etc.
  • Drywall. After the repair, scraps remain, which can be used. To fasten the sheets together you will need tin corners (you can - perforated corner). You will have to fasten it with special self-tapping screws, but they will stick out from the back, so this option is not the best. You can try to “plant” on glue, but you will have to align the cut lines to reduce glue consumption.

    A plasterboard dollhouse is one of the options

  • . In terms of properties, the material is similar to plywood, with the only difference being that it is moisture resistant and made from wood chips. Work with it in much the same way as with plywood.

    OSB is also a good material

  • Cardboard. The most inexpensive and most delicate material that does not hold loads very well. The situation is better with scrapbooking cardboard (you can buy it in needlework stores). It is more dense and durable, you can make one-story houses or use it for roofing. Connect with glue or staples from a stapler. In order for the doll house to be more reliable, it is better to assemble the frame from the planks, and then cover it with cardboard.

  • Chipboard plain or laminated (). The advantage of this material is that it can already be finished. If desired, you can order sawing the entire "box" of the house with gluing the edges in some furniture company. Then all that's left is to assemble. Moreover, it will be possible to use self-tapping screws or furniture fittings. There are three minuses - the material is too thick, which increases the mass, formaldehyde emissions and brittleness under lateral loads. If you can put up with the thickness and mass, then the release of formaldehyde should not be ignored. It is necessary to search with the emission class E0-E1. With fragility, unfortunately, nothing can be done. Is it possible to use corners to connect parts, and this is not too beautiful.

  • Furniture boards. They are made from wooden planks glued together with wood glue. Perfect option for making a dollhouse: environmentally friendly, durable, easy to process. But furniture boards You can’t call them cheap, although they are not as expensive as an array. In any case, it can be taken to make a box - the bottom, side walls and floors. The roof and back wall can be made from other materials (eg fibreboard, plastic, etc.).

    Furniture shield - eco-friendly and beautiful material

There are other options such as laminate, wooden lining, thin planed board. But they don't work that often. In any case, the minimum thickness of materials is 6-7 mm. Then the doll house will be reliable and will withstand even your child.

Features of working with plywood

Most often, plywood is used in the manufacture of a dollhouse. As you probably know, it can be of different brands. It is better to make a dollhouse with your own hands from polished furniture plywood. They can be coniferous, but preferably from birch. It is better not to take a building one, even though it costs twice as much.

In general, plywood is easy to work with. If you have a jigsaw and, cutting and preparing parts will take a couple of hours. The only difficulty that may arise in the manufacture of a two-story plywood doll house is the installation of the second floor floor. T-shaped plywood fastening is not the easiest task.

The glue is not very reliable, and it is difficult to try to install self-tapping fasteners with a thickness of 6 mm at the end - the material can split, even with pre-drilled holes (the thinnest self-tapping screw is 1.8 mm). There are several options:

  • make on nails (not too reliable, except to additionally smear with glue);
  • set the corners at the bottom (not very beautiful);
  • put a glazing bead around the perimeter, which will both support the floor and “work” ceiling plinth(the best option).

After cutting out the parts, all joints must be well sanded. First, they take sandpaper for wood with a medium grain, gradually moving to a fine one. When the edge is smooth, assembly can begin.

dollhouse project

The first thing you need to start building a house for dolls is to create a project. It is necessary to determine the height and number of floors, the width of the room, the type of roof, whether or not there will be a basement floor. Choose the number of floors you want. This is arbitrary, but all other parameters must be calculated.

The size of the doll house depends on the size of the doll inhabitants. To make it convenient to play, the height of the ceilings in the rooms should be at least twice the height of the doll. For example, with a doll height of 22 cm, ceilings of 40-45 cm will give enough space for them to move freely, but if the ceilings are even higher, it will be even more convenient to play. But you also need to take into account the growth of the child. The height of the uppermost overlap should be slightly below eye level. In this case, it will be convenient to play, and the doll house will be “for growth” - it will be enough for a couple of years in height.

The depth of the doll rooms also depends on the height of the dolls, but also on the availability of free space. On average, the depth is 30-45 cm. This is enough to accommodate the entire environment. But it could be deeper.

The width of the dollhouse depends on the number of rooms in it. Here it is determined depending on the available free space. In shape, the frame of a dollhouse usually looks like a rectangle, but now it is elongated in length or in height - this is determined by everyone. If the design turns out to be rather big, furniture wheels can be attached to the bottom. This is very convenient - the toy turns out to be mobile.

You can draw the project itself in any design program, but if you do not own them, it is easier to do it on paper. Why do you need a dollhouse project? To calculate the amount of materials needed for its manufacture, and without the size and number of walls, you will definitely be mistaken.

Finishing Features

Decorating a doll house with your own hands raises no less questions than building. In principle, you can use the same finishing method as in apartments or houses. For example, in doll rooms, walls can be finished in the following ways:

If you chose the "wallpaper" option, it's easier to do this before the assembly step. Even if there are several floors, blanks are lined, wallpaper is glued. This is much easier than trying to paste over the corners later.

The exterior finish is not much different. The most commonly used paint. This best option in terms of practicality and cost. If you want, you can do something similar to decorative plaster. It can be simulated with gray toilet paper. You just have to choose more. It is torn into pieces, glued with PVA diluted with water (1 to 1), laid out on the walls, forming the desired relief. After drying, you can paint using acrylic paints. This and it can be used with colored or regular napkins.

Decoration of windows and doors

Cutting windows in plywood, OSB, or any other material is not such a problem. To begin with, using a drill and a drill, make a hole into which you can pass the saw blade. Next is a matter of technology. The cut hole is polished, bringing it to smoothness, and then it is necessary to make the holes made look like windows. For this you need frames, curtains. If desired, you can also make glass - from transparent plastic bottles.

Frames with bindings can be made of white cardboard. Stick them on after completion finishing works". Children love to open / close doors, so it's best to make them from thin plywood. Fasteners can be found - there are piano hinges or small furniture ones. Bolts can be made from wire and thin tubes.

Let there be light!

A dollhouse with lighting is aerobatics. Moreover, there is no need to fence the system of wires, converters, light bulbs and other electrical "stuffing". There is a very simple and effective solution. In any more or less large lighting store there are small LED lamp battery operated. And they are mounted on Velcro. Each lamp is equipped with its own switch, operates on a voltage of several volts. In general, a very good output.

This is a non-volatile LED lamp

If you still want to make a real light in the dollhouse, you need a 220/12 V converter or a battery with the appropriate voltage. Still need bulbs or LED Strip Light under the appropriate denomination, a bunch of wires. In general, this path is much more difficult and requires a lot more time, but it is also a possible option.

How to make a roof

If the roof is planned to be ordinary - gable, the layout of the attic space or attic floor it is necessary to make sure that there is a partition in the center that will support the roof at the junction of the two halves of the roof. This is the easiest way. There are also more complex ones.

If you need a roof complex shape, we cut out several rafters from plywood, which will set the shape. We attach them to the walls, sheathe them with some flexible material. It can be cardboard, fiberboard. The ends of the rafters are coated with glue (better - carpentry), after which the material is laid. If the bend is too steep, additional fasteners may be needed. Usually thin small carnations are used, like shoe studs.

Photo options for different dollhouses

Building a house for dolls is a creative process. It can be made the way you dream of seeing your home, recreate a house from a fairy tale or fantasy. And there are no restrictions. Everything you want and how you want.

A one-story house is also not so bad. But you can put it on the table and play sitting

So different…

So do the shutters

Every girl dreams that her favorite Barbie doll has a beautiful and cozy house. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but the price is often not happy. We suggest you make a house with your own hands. You can easily cope with this, and your daughter will be only too happy to help. In addition, for its construction, you can use almost everything that is at hand!

Materials and tools

Whatever model of house you choose, during construction and decoration you may need the following tools:

  • glue "Moment" or PVA, depending on the material;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • paints and brushes;
  • colored paper or anything that can replace it (stickers, wallpapers, pictures);
  • ruler or tape measure.

For interior decoration, scraps of fabric, fur or leather, beads and beads, bamboo sticks and whatever your fantasy tells you will come in handy. But the main question is what to make the walls of the house. It turns out that there are also a huge number of options. You can use cardboard boxes, scraps of plywood, fiberboard or drywall, boards, and even old furniture!

You can even make such a house for a doll yourself from improvised materials.

The house can even be two- or three-story, horizontal (without a roof and with a view from above) or vertical (with a removable front wall), simple or complex to manufacture, requiring certain skills in carpentry. But in any case, its construction and arrangement with your own hands will be an exciting activity for the whole family. In addition, you can make furniture and interior items for the dollhouse yourself from the same improvised means.

House made of fiberboard

You can easily make such a house model from fiberboard or drywall by gluing the parts with PVA glue. Most likely, you don’t even have to buy anything: many have surpluses of building materials after repairs. You will also need:

  • cardboard;
  • wallpaper;
  • colored paper;
  • bamboo slats (you can get them from the hot stand).

A house for Barbie can be made from fiberboard or drywall by gluing the parts with PVA glue

The peculiarity of this house is that in addition to three floors it has an attic. We proceeded from the following dimensions: height - 65 cm, floor area - 16 X 28 cm. You can calculate the parameters suitable for you and draw a diagram according to which you will make a house.

Calculate the parameters of the future house and schematically depict it on paper

Note! Before proceeding with the calculations, decide where the house will be located. Often such products are in one place. The design should not take up a lot of usable space, “clutter up” the room and get in the way.

According to the sketch, cut out the walls, roof and partitions between floors.

Cut walls, roof and partitions between floors

Connect all parts with PVA glue.

If the PVA glue is not thick enough, you can add some sawdust for extra strength.

Cover the roof of the house with corrugated cardboard.

Cover the roof of the house with corrugated cardboard

The walls of the house outside cover with colored paper. Glue on the bamboo strips.

Decorate the exterior of the house with colored paper and bamboo strips

You can decorate the basement to make the house look more elegant. For example, stick "bricks" previously cut out of colored cardboard.

The plinth can be decorated with cardboard 'bricks'

Glue the entire building onto a frame made of fiberboard or plywood. It should be larger than the floor of the first floor. Firstly, it will give stability to the house, and secondly, it will be possible to organize a “flower garden” on the frame.

Glue the house on a frame made of fiberboard or plywood

Cut out window frames from thick cardboard.

Cut out window frames from thick cardboard

They need to be glued on both sides.

Glue the frames on the windows on both sides

Make a balcony. Use thick cardboard for the floor and railings, simple toothpicks will serve as balusters.

Cut out a balcony door from thick cardboard

Wire hooks can be attached to the railing. Hang a cardboard box with toy flowers on them.

The balcony can be decorated with a toy flower garden

Insert an attic window.

Decorate the attic window

Making the front door is also very easy. It is enough to paste over the cardboard base with a picture cut out from the brochure. The handle can be made from plasticine.

In order to create the effect of a grassy lawn around the house, glue the frame with the hard parts of ordinary kitchen washcloths. Make flowerbeds out of cardboard boxes and “plant” them with plastic or paper flowers.

Interior decoration

From the inside, the house must also be beautifully finished to match its mistress - the most beautiful and fashionable Barbie doll.

Paste the walls with wallpaper, colored or wrapping paper, it depends on the purpose of the room. Colored cardboard, cellulose kitchen napkin (it imitates carpet), fabric with a soft texture are suitable for the floor.

Finish the interior of the house with wallpaper, wrapping and colored paper, cellulose kitchen napkins

Ceilings can be pasted over with white paper.

Be sure to make curtains by hanging them on bamboo strip cornices.

From cardboard boxes

For such a house you will need:

  • cardboard boxes - by the number of rooms;
  • glue - you can use a stapler or double-sided tape;
  • wallpaper, colored paper, magazine clippings, organza, fabrics - for decoration.

If this model is too large for your living space, you can make a folding house that is easy to make and very compact. To do this, it is enough to connect two cardboard sheets crosswise into the grooves. Cut through the doors in the walls, cover the “rooms” with wallpaper and pictures and celebrate housewarming with your favorite doll and her friends.

Make a compact house out of cardboard by criss-crossing two cardboard sheets into grooves

From plywood

This option is more difficult than the previous ones, you will need patience and the ability to work with tools.

A plywood dollhouse is more difficult to make, but the result is worth the effort.

For a plywood house you will need:

  • hammer;
  • jigsaw;
  • nails;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • dye;
  • wallpaper or adhesive film.

Consider the layout of the house. Saw out details from plywood. Use the drawings below or come up with your own project. You can change the dimensions as you wish. Just remember to keep the proportions.

Be sure to sand all surfaces so that the child does not get hurt by burrs while playing. Gather all the details according to the plan.

Gather all the details according to the plan

Attach the back, front and side walls to the top of the base. Cut out windows. Their dimensions are 9 X 6.25. A triangular window of the same width as the others, and its shape and height must be calculated according to the angle of the roof.

Cut out the windows

A plywood house needs to be hammered together with nails.

Glue will not work here: PVA is unlikely to hold the parts together firmly enough, and Moment will look sloppy at the joints.

Cover the gaps formed between the parts with a primer.

Paint the outside of your house the right color.

Paint the house outside

Paint the internal surfaces, paste over with wallpaper or self-adhesive film - if desired.

Paint, wallpaper or self-adhesive the dollhouse's rooms

You can lay felt, fleece or carpet on the floor. Furnish the house with furniture and call Barbie for a housewarming party!

You can make the front wall of the house in the form of opening doors.

The front wall of the house opens like cabinet doors

An ordinary Christmas tree garland will provide lighting in the rooms.

With the help of a Christmas tree garland, you can make lighting in the house

From old furniture

Consider the option of creating a house for Barbie from an old chest of drawers. Please note that such a massive thing will require a lot of space in the room, its mobility or compactness is out of the question. But such a house is strong and durable.

An old chest of drawers is a great base for a dollhouse

First of all, compare the height of the doll and the boxes. From our dresser it will turn out two-storey house, in which each floor is equal to the height of two boxes. Barbie will be able to stand upright without reaching her head to the ceiling.

Calculate the height of future rooms according to the size of the doll

Remove excess partitions. Do this carefully so as not to damage the inside surfaces of the chest of drawers.

Remove all unnecessary inside the chest of drawers

The recesses that formed in the places of the former partitions need to be processed. To do this, you can seat them on glue. wooden slats right size. Press them down and wait for the glue to dry completely. You can put something heavy on top or use clamps.

Glue the resulting recesses with slats

When the glue dries, level the surfaces. Fill all cracks, damage on the outer and inner surfaces of the chest of drawers with a thin layer of putty. When it dries, sand the chest of drawers until smooth. The doll house is almost ready, now you need to paint it inside and out in two layers. It is best to use white paint for this.

Level surfaces, sand and paint chest of drawers white

It remains only to arrange toy furniture, hang mirrors and paintings on the walls. On the first floor of our house there is a living room and a kitchen, and on the second floor there is a bedroom.

Arrange furniture, hang pictures and mirrors on the walls

How to make a house for a Barbie doll with your own hands - video

As you can see, creating a house for Barbie with your own hands is not so difficult. You can come up with your own way. Believe in yourself and do not be afraid of difficulties, especially since your daughters will probably want to help you build a cottage for their girlfriend. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments. Good luck and easy work!

Shops offer customers a wide range of all kinds of toys, including doll houses. Every girl dreams of getting one of them, while parents can easily make a beautiful and durable doll house in just a few days. Moreover, the child will be able to take Active participation in the process and express all your wishes about the size and design. To make a do-it-yourself dollhouse out of plywood, you will need a diagram that you can draw yourself or find a ready-made one on the Internet.

We make a drawing of a plywood dollhouse with the dimensions of all structural elements

A toy house and plywood cannot be built without a detailed drawing, on which the dimensions of all its parts will be applied. To do this, you must first determine the approximate dimensions of the future house, and imagine what shape it will be.

When reducing or increasing the design, it should be remembered that all dimensions should also be proportionally changed.

The house consists of the following parts:

  1. Back wall: has the shape of a pentagon. Its sides are 76 cm, and the base is 106 cm. The upper side is an uneven triangle, the top of which is at a height of 91 cm.
  2. Floor: Rectangular. Its dimensions are 106x38 cm.
  3. Overlapping of the second floor: a rectangle with dimensions of 104x36 cm.
  4. Side wall (2 parts): is a rectangle 36x76 cm.
  5. Inner wall on the right side: rectangle 25x50 cm.
  6. Inner wall on the left side: rectangle 25x43 cm.
  7. Left side of the roof: rectangle measuring 76x39 cm.
  8. The right side of the roof: a rectangle with parameters 45x39 cm.

How to make a house for a doll with your own hands from plywood: a step by step guide

After cutting out the parts with a jigsaw or a hacksaw, you need to carefully process them with fine-grained sandpaper, and then proceed to assembly. At this stage, windows of arbitrary sizes are cut out and also carefully processed with sandpaper.

Making a house step by step:

  1. The side walls are attached to the base with the help of self-tapping screws and building glue, and then the ceiling of the second floor and internal partitions.
  2. The roof is being installed.
  3. Decorative tiles made of cardboard, colored paper or other materials are glued onto the roof.
  4. Next, the house is painted with paints (acrylic, gouache, watercolor);
  5. The rooms are pasted over with wallpaper, fabric, film.
  6. The floors are covered with pieces of linoleum, laminate, carpet, felt.
  7. Furniture and interior items are arranged.

Near the house, you can make a small garden, placed in a box, in which trees cut out of cardboard will grow.

If the parts were not cut too evenly and a gap formed between them, then it can be covered with wood putty and then painted over.

How to assemble a plywood house for children with your own hands easily and quickly

A small plywood house designed for games will appeal to any child. After all, he will have his own space there. It is not difficult to assemble such a structure yourself if you first make drawings and cut out the details.

What you need for work:

  • Sheets of plywood, the thickness of which is not less than ten millimeters. The required quantity is easy to determine by adding up all the areas of future parts.
  • Beam for the frame size 40x40 or 50x50 mm.
  • Plexiglas or plastic for windows.
  • Canopies for doors.
  • Finishing materials (wallpaper, non-toxic paint, putty).

Blanks are made from timber and plywood and sanded with sandpaper until completely smooth. The frame is assembled from a bar, and plywood blanks are attached to it. Next, windows and doors are installed. Then the house can be painted inside and out or wallpapered. Furniture is being brought in. From the remnants of plywood, you can make decorations and install them around the house. The children's play house is ready.

Fasteners must be hidden so that the child cannot be injured.

We make a plywood castle with our own hands: drawings and recommendations

Plywood is one of the easiest materials to process, so it can be used to make not only simple houses, but also beautiful castles for princesses and knights. To do this, you need to be patient and carefully draw every detail of the future castle. The drawings are made by analogy with the drawings of a dollhouse, but towers, balconies and terraces are added to the details. There are a lot of interesting models on thematic sites that are easy to build yourself.

Tools needed for work:

  • Simple pencil;
  • Ruler (simple and curly);
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Screwdrivers or screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Tassels;
  • Fasteners.

Ice cream sticks can be used to fence balconies.

Beautiful plywood doll furniture: drawings and manufacturing methods

From plywood, you can make almost any furniture in a toy house: beds, tables, chairs, cabinets, sofas, shelves. The furniture made according to the drawings turns out to be quite large, so it is suitable for both Barbie dolls and baby dolls.

Furniture parts can be glued or connected with self-tapping screws and furniture studs. Basically, plywood is taken, about 4 mm thick.

What you need to make furniture:

  • Pencil and paper;
  • Jigsaw manual;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • Liquid nails or wood glue;
  • Paints and varnish.

When assembling small furniture, it is better to use glue, because fasteners can damage parts.

For all furniture details, you first need to draw and cut out a template. Then circle it on plywood and cut out structural elements with a jigsaw. Edges are frayed. The parts must be connected together, and then painted and varnished or upholstered with a cloth using a stapler.

We make a plywood house for a doll with our own hands (video instruction)

From plywood, you can make durable and beautiful toys that will please the child for a long time. With drawings, free time and a modicum of patience, this will not be difficult even for those who do not have any skills in this matter. And by showing imagination, you can create real masterpieces that will cause surprise and delight not only in the child, but also in others.

Plywood of any kind - very worthy, versatile construction material. If you own a few carpentry tools in the form of a jigsaw, hacksaw and sandpaper and decide to build a plywood house, the result will please you. Let's also take a closer look at the types and production of this material, the tools used for it, in order to better understand the entire construction process.

What does plywood manufacturing work include? Of course, this is the initial harvesting of wood, heat treatment, veneer dissolution, its pressing and cutting to the desired size.

In addition, when processing plywood, it is sanded, processed with special reagents, and packed in a special container. There are several ways to make this material:

  • basic sawing wood
  • planing of existing workpieces,
  • gluing veneer, which is removed in a small layer (peeled plywood).

In Russia, the production of plywood dates back to the end of the nineteenth century. Previously, this building material was used in almost all industries, from the production of instruments for musicians to the construction of aircraft. And the range of use of this material has increased every year. Our country is among the leaders in the production of high-tech plywood, also due to the abundance of wood and developed production.

Types of plywood

Now we will consider these types of plywood:

  • laminated,
  • moisture resistant,
  • Construction,

Film faced plywood is a building material that occupies one of the leading places in the list of building materials used in the construction of houses. This type owes its popularity to the presence of a layer of laminate, which is applied to plywood sheets. This type is made from larch, birch and other types of wood. The advantages of laminated plywood are moisture resistance, impact resistance, ease of care.

You can use such plywood for furniture assembly, finishing work, and more than once.

Moisture resistant plywood is made by gluing with a special glue made using resin. This type is used for interior finishing work. Russia also produces moisture-resistant plywood with increased level moisture resistance. In fact, it differs from the first type of plywood in the use of glue, which is based on a different resin. Its feature is the possibility of application not only indoors, but also outside.

Construction plywood is irreplaceable in construction. Construction means building various designs using plywood, be it a ceiling, floor, wall, etc. As a rule, plywood is a draft material, indicating the type and shape of the structure, then it is subjected to a cleaner finish.

Such plywood has a greater thickness than its other types, to give it the necessary rigidity and reliability.

This type of material is popular due to its lightness, which makes it possible to use this material in all types of residential building structures.

The abbreviation MDF stands for "fibreboard". This building material is obtained during hot pressing and subsequent drying of wood fibers. In the woodworking industry, a fairly large amount of wood waste is generated, which is crushed and a fibrous mass is obtained, from which fiberboard is prepared. Depending on which tree the waste was used from, the material gets its specific color.

Fiberboard is a very common building material, its surface is smooth and durable, at the same time it has the necessary flexibility.

Here is an example of a list of the advantages of the material:

  • good for cutting
  • due to its light weight, it is not difficult to mount it to the floor and walls,
  • has good sound insulation.

Everyone understands that plywood is sold in standard sizes, and for work, its elements are needed in the most different forms, and not just rectangular ones. Therefore, a person using this material must know how and with what to give a rectangular standard sheet the desired shape.

The easiest way is to make the necessary measurements at the construction site, visit the carpentry workshop and order the necessary plywood figures. However, this method, of course, will require additional financial costs, in addition, it does not fully meet the task if you build a house with your own hands.

Laying plywood on the floor has several nuances. Depending on whether the floor is laid on a wooden or concrete floor, the thickness of the material is also determined. When laying plywood on a wooden floor, the defects of which are hidden, it is enough to purchase plywood with a thickness of about 10-12 mm. Minor differences in the level of the boards will be perfectly hidden and will not be noticeable.

When laying plywood on a concrete base, logs are preliminarily laid and leveled to zero. In this case, the thickness of the plywood must be at least 15 mm to ensure that the load is maintained and that there is no deflection.

In construction, to give plywood the necessary shape, they use it, on which a canvas with a fine tooth is placed. After cutting with a jigsaw, the edges of the figure can be further processed with sandpaper. At the same time, it is almost impossible to make curvilinear figures with a jigsaw; for this, a circular plate is used.

If you do not have a jigsaw or a circular plate, you will have to work the old fashioned way with a hacksaw, but for this you should sharpen the saw properly and be very careful not to disturb the cut line.

Plywood house

Plywood house

Are you planning for yourself or children? Each of us built a hut in childhood, and you know that your child will be delighted if he has his own little playhouse. Of course, it is better to use high-quality plywood. Starting construction, you should draw up drawings of the future house.

If the construction is for a child, then it is better to build a house in or near the children's room so that the child can be under control.


You should think about what kind of plywood to use for construction and the required number of sheets. If the house is supposed to be built small, light, then the thickness of the plywood should not exceed 10 mm to make it.

When determining the thickness of the material, it is necessary to take into account the load on the plywood, avoiding its maximum possible bending. With sufficient financial resources, you can also purchase a laminated type, which has a more aesthetic appearance and does not require painting.

After preparing the material, we make markings on plywood sheets, draw windows and a door. When planning the placement of windows, it is necessary to strive for their larger size so that there is light in the house. The height of the doorway must exceed the height.

If the necessary lines are marked, you can proceed to sawing blanks.

Once the blanks are ready, use sanding paper to sand the plywood and process the cut edges so that the chips do not hurt your hands. It is better to connect plywood using metal corners and self-tapping screws, since the use of a timber frame will significantly increase the cost and weight of the object.

Once the walls of the house are assembled, you can proceed to the device of the roof. When installing this part, it is necessary to observe a certain angle of inclination, which excludes the possibility of children being on it.

"Doll life" should be cozy and comfortable. So that the game brings joy, and the child has a desire to fantasize about puppet relationships, useful and uncomplicated plywood doll furniture construct yourself. This will take into account the character of the child, the size of his toys, harmoniously fit the doll's corner into the overall design of the room, than begin to instill a sense of taste and aesthetics.

Whatever the size of the room where the child plays, you must always remember: a place for doll furniture should have a convenient approach, not be in the aisle, be easily accessible for cleaning, well-chosen in terms of lighting. Playing in a doll house, a child can sit in such a place for hours, moving from one game to another (feeding, putting to bed, classes, dressing and undressing, preening, etc.). Therefore, he should be comfortable and comfortable. This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, for a rich, interesting game, it is better to provide a full-fledged set of furniture so that there is room for fantasy to roam, for the girl to feel herself real mom or a boy - dad. Perhaps this will be the construction of a whole dollhouse with your own hands.

Having chosen a suitable place, we proceed to its measurements. Having total area, you must immediately decide what part will be occupied by large furniture (wardrobe, bed, sofa, other elements). The remaining centimeters or meters (everyone has their own situation) - to accommodate chairs, armchairs, bookcases, other parts for dolls, which fantasy is capable of.

Having completed the first stage of design - “placement on the ground” - we proceed to drafting the plywood puppet furniture itself.

We decompose each alleged instance into components:

  • table - on legs, countertop;
  • chair - on legs, seat, back;
  • bed - on the bottom, ribs;
  • cabinet - on the walls, legs, shelves.

We calculate the furniture elements for plywood dolls based on the final dimensions, draw up their drawings on paper. It is more logical to carry out such schemes immediately with true dimensions, taking into account the dimensions of each part.

Schemes should contain:

  • designation of places of connection of furniture parts;
  • marks on cutting out patterns (if any);
  • differences in right or left hand elements.

small bed

Materials and tools

The main principle for choosing a material should be its safety. Environmentally friendly plywood (or fiberboard) should be 4-5 mm thick, not have a strong smell, be fragile or slippery. This is a light-colored material that can be easily cut and/or burned. Immediately you need to decide what will be covered ready product: paint, varnish or fabric lining. When choosing Supplies You can't just be guided by price. Paint that emits a sharp, strong odor can cause an allergic disease or headache.

Among the consumables for furniture for plywood dolls, glue is important. Quick-drying options are almost never suitable for children. They are toxic and highly flammable. It is better to take a proven, reliable composition, such as PVA glue.

Before painting furniture, you need to use wood putty to make the surface even and smooth.

Among the necessary tools:

  • jigsaw;
  • nail files of various options;
  • sandpaper (coarse and fine mesh);
  • liquid nails or self-tapping screws.

Liquid nails may be needed when making models for dolls of a more complex configuration. For example, you need to firmly, stably attach the cabinet frame to its bottom. In other cases, the connection of two parts is made by inserting a protrusion on one side into a hole of the appropriate shape and depth on the other.

Stages of work

Furniture for plywood dolls should be characterized by:

  • practicality;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • the absence of traumatic elements;
  • safety of raw materials;
  • ease of processing;
  • convenience when playing.

That is why its production should take place in several stages.

Parts manufacturing

Having finished designing furniture with your own hands from plywood, having prepared the necessary patterns, as well as having completed the necessary tools and raw materials, we proceed to the manufacture of all the details. We cut out paper schemes, trace them on plywood, and then proceed to sawing them out. There are several nuances here:

  • if you need to cut a corner, I ask you to make a hole in its top with a drill or an awl;
  • for ease of cutting along the applied contours, you can walk sharp knife, pressing on it as hard as possible;
  • when working with a nail file in the corners, you should not exert excessive pressure - we saw almost on the spot, slightly changing the angle of the tool.

Side part



Assembling furniture for dolls with your own hands is a responsible, meticulous work. It should be started only after all the details have been sawn out, turned, painted, dried, and well ventilated.

If paint or varnish was applied to furniture for plywood dolls, it is necessary to check the patency of all grooves, the usefulness of the connecting holes. If necessary, technical protrusions can be made clearer and smoother. This will make the connections strong and the product stable.

It is more reasonable to apply an adhesive base at the junctions of furniture for dolls, and let it dry a little before comparing the parts. After matching the parts, you will need to press firmly, for some time without removing the effort.

How to attach the doors to the cabinet or cabinet? Holes are cut out directly opposite each other on the upper and lower walls. Protrusions are prudently cut out on the doors, which should be rubbed with wax or a simple candle. Such processing will allow the door to open / close without problems, without injuring the child's hands.

The toy will be interesting if it has a lot of drawers, shelves, secluded places. For these parts, it is necessary to provide appropriate fasteners in advance, for example, nail guides on the side walls so that the drawers of furniture for plywood dolls can be pulled out.

Equipping such details, one should never forget that not a single corner or edge should be left without polishing. Otherwise, this is the cause of splinters, scratches, burrs.


Very interesting and exciting process. You can successfully attract children, grandmothers, friends to it. The main thing is good taste and a rational approach. Decor elements turn simple do-it-yourself plywood objects into real, beautiful world dolls, full of fantasy, positive, kindness.

Those who have enough time can foresee the decoration of individual details. It could be:

  • burning out;
  • sawing;
  • drawing with special paints on wood;
  • modeling;
  • engraving;
  • applications;
  • mosaic;
  • decoupage;
  • quilling.

We decide to resort to them, it is better to carry out such options for furniture decorations before the assembly stage of the furniture element. A pattern is applied to the surface intended for decoration with a simple pencil, which is subsequently drawn up creatively.

The decoration of bedroom furniture with images of flowers, birds, delicate, beautiful fairy-tale characters looks beautiful and stylish. Toy furniture for the living room can look extraordinary if it has a national ornament or a geometric pattern. Organic glass decor looks professional. It can be glued on top of plywood or inserted into pre-designed holes in furniture for plywood dolls.

When making furniture for Barbie, for example, most girls will want to use pink trim motifs. Often here they resort to bows, satin ribbons, hearts, shiny beads. Mirrors are obligatory for dolls; thick foil can be used to imitate them.

Do not forget about the handles to the doors and drawers. Do-it-yourself fittings are a great opportunity to make a child feel like a master, a creative person.

doll house walls inside it is advisable to paste over with wallpaper or self-adhesive film. This gives a real home comfort, looks neat. On the floor, you can glue the remnants of linoleum or carpet. It is better to glue such furniture covers in advance so that they do not move out of their places during the game. Make the doll furniture look like a real house with mini-paintings, paper flowers or appliqués (handmade especially for the toy house).

Certain design elements can be made from ordinary wire, such as clasps, handles, hooks, trempels, mirror frames, flower brackets. Especially such elements are usually replete with dollhouse furniture. If you allow your imagination to go beyond a cabinet or a bed, to make, for example, bookshelves or a bookcase, then, according to their size, you can glue books for dolls.

Features of manufacturing products for children

Making furniture for children on your own is also worth it because in the manufacturing process a piece of our soul, warmth, parental care is invested in it. The child will always be warmed by your love, feel confident. But in order not to cause harm, it is necessary to take into account a number of possible problems:

  • quality of raw materials and consumables. Everything is taken into account here: from the radiation background wood plywood to the chemicals she may have been treated with. Regarding glues and paints: what is the basis of the active substance? Do not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations chemical elements? You can get a positive answer to all these questions by purchasing materials in serious hardware stores, checking the manufacturer's accompanying documentation;
  • workmanship and structural strength. Very often, children aged 2-4 years sit down in such furniture themselves, especially if its size allows. Then only the adhesive base or the glueless connection of furniture elements may not withstand, the child may fall. Therefore, when making furniture for dolls from plywood of large sizes, better place strengthen connections additionally, for example, with metal corners;
  • careful processing of edges, corners and edges of furniture is necessary. Any wood roughness of plywood can cause injury. Especially in this sense, it is useful to cover furniture with fabric, bending the edges over sharp details. Another option for smoothing is wood putty. To do this, you can use a special device - a putty gun.

In order to make the game interesting and meaningful for your own hand-crafted furniture for plywood dolls, you should carefully consider the entire ensemble: is it a bedroom, a hall or a kitchen? At the initial stage, this is usually a bed, chairs, a table, a wardrobe. A little later - armchairs, a sofa, shelves, trellis. Further - the flight of fancy is not limited. Below you can find diagrams of gazebos, houses, even transport. The distribution network has ready-made sets of parts for their self-assembly. It's easier to do, but not as valuable.