How to build biceps in 3 months at home. Effective workout for pumping biceps at home

Biceps is a large shoulder muscle involved in flexion of the forearm at the elbow, shoulder at the shoulder joint, turns and rotations of the arms. With the help of training, you can significantly increase and strengthen the muscle in the arm.

The effect of “pumping up” the biceps is achieved not only by training in the gym, but also by self-study at home. There are many exercises for the biceps with sports equipment and with the help of your own weight, which, with perseverance and constant performance, will give a good result.

Properly selected exercises, while observing the execution technique, effectively affect the biceps, increasing its size and strength.

Before any exercise, a warm-up is necessary to warm up the muscles and prevent possible injuries.

Push-ups from the floor

The most accessible exercise, which belongs to the basic ones, and does not require additional equipment and devices. Despite the fact that when performing this type of exercise, the muscles of the chest and triceps are pumped as much as possible, almost all the muscles of the body are involved in it. Some muscles are involved dynamically, while others statically support the body in the desired position. This also applies to the biceps, which is involved in the exercise. In addition, push-ups will increase the triceps, making the arm larger and in harmony with the biceps.

Push-ups from the floor, loading the triceps, promotes increased blood circulation in the biceps, which is located in close proximity and activates their metabolism. Therefore, the simultaneous training of these muscles gives a much greater result than with their separate study.
To work out more muscles, you can diversify push-ups by changing the width of your hands.

pull up

It belongs to the basic exercises and is considered by many athletes to be one of the most effective for increasing biceps. When pulling up, the elbow and shoulder joints work, which allows not only to increase the muscles, but also to significantly strengthen them. For example, when pumping the biceps with the help of simulators, only the muscle of the elbow joint works, isolating all additional muscles.

The biceps are most effectively worked out when pulling up with an internal grip, when the palms are directed towards you:

  • At narrow grip the outer part of the biceps is being worked out. Hands should be together or as close as possible to each other.
  • At medium grip the inner and outer sides of the biceps are being worked out. The palms are slightly narrower than the width of the shoulders or at their level.
  • When pulling up wide grip the outer biceps are being worked out. The palms in this type of pull-up are wider than the shoulders.

The number of exercises and approaches is calculated individually and depends on the physical form, body type, health restrictions.

You need to start with a small number of repetitions, gradually increasing them.

On average, 3 sets of 10 reps are considered optimal.

The maximum result when “pumping up” the biceps on the horizontal bar is possible if correct technique pull-ups:

  • You need to pull yourself up smoothly without jerking and swinging, using only muscle strength;
  • When pulling up, inhale, and when lowering, exhale without holding your breath.

Dumbbell exercise

Another effective method biceps load, giving a noticeable result in its increase.

An exercise to work out the outer part of the biceps is performed by raising the arms with weight to the chest, turning the hands with the fingers up.

Variant from a standing position:

  • Stand up straight with dumbbells in your hands, located along the body, palms to the hips.
  • When lifting a sports equipment, turn your palms up.
  • At the top, fix your hands for a few seconds and then slowly lower them.
  • Watch your breath. Breathe deeply, exhaling when bending your arms and inhaling when lowering them.
  • Movements are made by the biceps themselves without swinging and using the body.
  • The elbows should be fixed parallel to the body, not pushing forward when lifting the dumbbells.
  • Choose the right weight so that you can do 7-10 repetitions, feeling the load on the muscles of the hands.
  • You can perform this exercise alternately, raising one hand, lowering the other, or with both hands at the same time.

Lifting dumbbells from a sitting position:

  • You need to sit on a chair or bench, with your arms lowered with sports equipment along the body, fingers of the hand towards you.
  • Do a slow lift of the dumbbells, bending the elbow joint of the arm while turning the brush up.
  • Control your breath by exhaling as you raise, and taking a deep breath as you lower your arms.
  • The exercise can be started with 7-10 times for 2-3 sets, gradually increasing the weight.

Hand held option.

Such an exercise is called a concentrated bench press:

  • Sitting on a stool, legs slightly apart, rest your elbow on inner part legs at the knee.
  • Slowly raise the dumbbell by bending the arm at the elbow, twisting the hand in the phase when the forearm becomes parallel to the floor. At the top, fix your hand for a few seconds and while slowly lowering it, turn the brush to its initial state.

  • Do the same for the other hand.

Hammer (hammer) with dumbbells.

Another type of biceps training with dumbbells, which works out its inner part. The exercise is performed with both hands simultaneously and alternately.

Correct execution:

  • Sitting or standing, take dumbbells, brush to the thigh.
  • Raise the dumbbells, keeping your back straight. The elbow is fixed and does not move up.
  • At the top of the lift, hold the dumbbells for a couple of seconds, and then slowly lower them, not reaching the point of muscle relaxation. In the lower position, they should be bent at the elbow and tense.

The amplitude of movement is like a blow with a hammer, in slow motion.

This exercise is performed without twisting the forearm when raising the arms, always with the hand inward.

Barbell exercise

If you have a barbell at home, you can and should perform exercises with it that develop the muscles of the hands.

Not everyone has such sports equipment, so you can try to make similar sports equipment with the help of imagination and improvised means.

This exercise is simple to perform, but requires proper technique.

It is important to choose the right weight for the equipment so that the bar is neither too light nor too heavy.

  • To take the correct stance, it is better to stand, holding the barbell in your hands, with your back to the wall.
  • Only with the muscular effort of the hands, while exhaling, raise the barbell to the chest, fix it for a few seconds and slowly return to its original state.
  • At the bottom, the arms should be kept slightly bent, which will not allow the biceps to completely relax, providing a constant load on it.

The grip plays a big role in engaging different parts of the biceps:

  • A narrow grip, palms facing you, when the hands are already shoulder-width apart, affects the outer part of the biceps.
  • A wide grip, when the palms are wider than the shoulders, works out the inside of the muscle more.

When lifting the bar, the back and elbows should remain in place without helping in lifting it.

Training frequency and reps

It is advisable to do exercises 1 to 3 times a week, alternating loads with rest days. This mode will give time for recovery and increase the efficiency of muscle growth.

It is optimal for beginners to rest 2 days after training due to the slow recovery of fibers in muscles unprepared for stress. The better your physical fitness, the more often you can exercise, bringing them up to 5 times a week.

There is an opinion that in order to pump up the biceps, wear training is needed. Proponents of this theory argue that under heavy loads, micro-ruptures of muscle fibers occur, and when they heal, biceps grow. Adherents of this method need enhanced nutrition and more time to recover. At the initial stages, this method of training is contraindicated, since there is a high probability of injury. And stretched or torn tendons will take a very long time to repair, and possibly medical attention.

Muscles can get used to the same loads and stop growing, so the loads must be both increased and decreased, the types of exercises and their intensity must be changed.
After each month of training, it is necessary to change the training program.

When exercising at home, you need to be regular. In the absence of a coach, motivation is needed for constant training.

Biceps is an important muscle for a man's figure. To increase the muscle, it is necessary to choose the right exercises and simultaneously develop other muscles of the body. The biceps looks more impressive against the general background of a sports body.

Guys go rock for powerful hands, wide back and press cubes. After all, a pumped-up man is much more interesting for ladies than a typical modern male representative with an “office” figure. Today we will talk about how to pump biceps correctly.

What newbies face

The main question for beginners is how to quickly pump up biceps? But, bad things happen quickly! Any progress takes time. You can pour a pharmacological drug into the muscle, for a while you will get ideal forms. But in the end, under the skin there will be just an elastic mass, not muscles. And at the slightest violation of sterility during the injection, instead of a biceps, there will be an extensive abscess, and everything will end with a surgical intervention.

Muscles cannot grow quickly, except in cases of powerful artificial stimulation. It is given by the very drugs on which you will need to sit constantly, killing your body.

Therefore, while looking for information about biceps, how to quickly pump up these muscles, etc., you should not pay attention to supposedly magical means. It is much more reasonable to cool your ardor a little and put up with a gradual, but qualitative increase in mass. After all, we want not only to increase it in volume, but also to make it stronger, right?

So, there is only one way to achieve our goal - to swing on our own, using the potential of our body to the maximum.

The information below will help you grow your biceps as quickly as possible under natural conditions. At the same time, the advantages are obvious: the muscles retain their volume and shape longer after the cessation of exercise, there is no harm to the body.

The second problem that beginners face is the overestimation of their own capabilities at the initial stage. The guys are in a hurry, trying to take big weights on the biceps. Technique is lost, the quality of exercises tends to zero. Progress stops.

The third problem is the lack of technology. Ideally, it would be nice if the trainer showed you how to do the exercise correctly and followed you. To do this, you need to take personal training from him. But not everyone has this opportunity, and most people start training on their own.

Another issue we will end the list with is the desire to have super huge biceps - like top bodybuilders. We repeat that such a super result can be achieved only in unnatural ways and daily many hours of training. Are you ready to live in the hall and stuff your body with drugs? Let's be a little more modest, you are the Hulk.

To solve all these problems, you need to show patience and study the technique of exercises, the laws of work in gym. Go!

Biceps workout

You can train biceps several times a week. The number of workouts is determined by the individual characteristics of your body. To understand these characteristics, the coach needs to work with you for a month, decide on the best exercises, optimally adjust the training program. This work is not easy, so choose an experienced and competent coach.

The greatest effect is achieved in most people if you train the biceps twice a week.

The biceps muscle itself does not occupy the largest part of the arm. A significant part of the volume falls on the triceps (more than half). The development of the biceps muscle betrays the same courageous relief to the shoulder. Therefore, the question of how to pump up a large biceps can be answered evasively - this is not the biggest muscle. If you want not only embossed, but also voluminous arms - swing triceps too. And this does not mean that pumping the biceps is unnecessary and useless. When your hand becomes wider even by 2 cm, it will look very impressive from the side, see for yourself.

You need to pump the biceps muscle with different exercises, diligently and patiently.

When pumping any muscle, it is important to focus on the sensations in it. This is especially true for beginners who do not yet know how to do the exercises correctly. After all, in order to work out the body better and more efficiently, you need to follow the movements, do everything consciously. Then, after a workout, exactly those muscles and their parts that you planned to train will hurt you.

Let's go directly to the exercises.

A set of exercises for arm flexors

How to pump up biceps?


The most important exercises for biceps for mass are barbell curls while standing and on the Scott bench. The first is designed to increase the thickness of the biceps muscle, and the second - to give a sharper roundness with arm tension.

We will immediately warn the question, but if there is no barbell, how to build biceps without it? Do not despair, this can be done, for example, with dumbbells or on a horizontal bar.

It is important to know not just how to pump up the biceps in width and height, but how to properly build the training process. In the first case, you can just waste time without getting even half of the desired result.

Bending the arms with a barbell

  1. Stand up straight, it is better to press your back against the support of the power rack, but not against the wall. Your elbows need to be able to go back a little. The wall in this case is the last thing you can snuggle up to.
  2. The pelvis, back of the head and heels touch the support, the barbell lies in front of you.
  3. Take the barbell, press your elbows to the body, if necessary, press them to the press, placing your elbows in front of you.
  4. It is better to hold the bar with a reverse grip at shoulder width. We bend our arms to the chest or neck, lower them back.
    When lifting the bar you need to exhale, while lowering - inhale.
  5. To build mass, you need to do 4 sets of 6 times with the maximum weight for this number of repetitions.

Scott Bench Raises

Exercises on the Scott bench are done while sitting. You need to place your elbows on supports. Take the weight and do the exercise without completely straightening your arms at the bottom point. You also need to bend to such a position, the forearms slightly did not reach the vertical.

By the way, a curved neck will be more comfortable for your hands than a straight one and will allow you to pump your biceps as efficiently as possible.

The emphasis in this exercise is on the extension of the arms, try to lower the weight slowly, feeling how your muscles work.

Actually now we know how to increase the biceps. It's time to give it shape.

Dumbbell exercises

Hammer exercises, dumbbell curls on an incline bench, sitting or standing, concentrated lifts help to create biceps relief. The hammer helps to make the biceps more prominent with outside, as well as load the muscles of the forearm. Curls with dumbbells will help pump up the biceps from the inside. And concentrated lifts will comprehensively work out the muscle.


Hammer technique:

  1. Sit on a bench, take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Turn your arms as if instead of dumbbells you are holding hammers (dumbbell bars are perpendicular to the floor).
  3. The elbows are pressed to the body, their position is fixed.
  4. Bend your elbows, lifting the weight to shoulder level, hold the weight in this position for 1-1.5 seconds, lower it back.
  5. If you do not fully straighten your arms, then the biceps will pump better.

You need to do 3-4 sets of 10 times. How to make sure that the loading of the biceps is optimal? Do barbell curls first, and then move to the hammer.

Concentrated Lifts

The Concentrated Biceps Curl allows you to give your biceps maximum bulge. This effect is achieved due to the maximum contraction and stretching of the muscle.
There are 2 options for doing the exercise: with the elbow on the inside of the thigh while sitting, and as Arnie advised.

Lifts with an emphasis on the elbow to the thigh are done like this:

  1. Sit on a bench, spread your legs apart.
  2. Take a dumbbell in your hand, lean forward and slightly turn your body towards the arm with the dumbbell. Rest your elbow on your thigh.
  3. The elbow should be on inside hips. Lower the dumbbell to the floor, almost straightening your arm.
  4. Bend your arm, holding the dumbbell at the top for 1-2 seconds. Lower the weight slowly.
  5. Bending the arm in this exercise is accompanied by turning the hand (supination). You can do without it. Some coaches believe that such a twist is bad for the tendons. But it is supination that allows you to work out the biceps as efficiently as possible. Therefore, be careful and follow your feelings.

This exercise is performed in 3 sets of 12 reps. It is done after the first two mentioned above.

Arnold's Concentrated Biceps Curl is done while standing in a bent position:

  1. You lean forward so that the arm with the dumbbell hangs freely perpendicular to the floor. Flexion of the arm with weight occurs in this position. The second hand can rest on the thigh for stability.
  2. The peculiarity of the exercise is that the elbow of the working hand does not have a fulcrum. Due to this, the muscle can change its length as much as possible, tensing and relaxing at the same time. However, standing in a bent position is not as comfortable as one would like.

Bending arms with dumbbells

As we have said, dumbbell curls can be done while standing, sitting, and reclining on an incline bench. We will not describe the technique while sitting here, it is given in the corresponding article.

Of particular interest is the last version of the exercise:

  1. You need to set the angle of the bench to 45 degrees.
  2. Take dumbbells in your hands, lower them on both sides of the bench. In the free state, the elbows are lowered down and go, as it were, back behind the back. It is this position that is best for maximum muscle contraction.
  3. For the best effect, the exercise is done with each hand in turn. First, one dumbbell rises, then it lowers, but not to its original position - almost reaching it (the elbow joint does not fully unbend). This position is necessary to create constant tension in the muscle, which will increase the endurance of your biceps. Then the second one comes up.
  4. You need to bend your arm with a dumbbell as completely as you can.

You should not start lifting the second hand until the first one drops to the desired position.

Lifting at the same time causes an incorrect distribution of stress, but, however, saves time well.

For optimal effect, this exercise should be done 3-4 sets of 8-10 times instead of a hammer.

So, let's sum up: how to pump up the muscles of the flexors of the arms and how to increase the volume of the biceps.

  1. We do the bending of the arms with a barbell.
  2. We perform the exercise hammer or bending the arms with dumbbells.
  3. We complete the biceps workout with a concentrated lift.

Thus, for biceps, three exercises in one workout are enough.

If you want to do more than once a week, you can set aside a second day for biceps. On this day, you can work with dumbbells, doing the last two exercises. With a barbell for strength and power, it is better to work once a week. On the second day, you can do the hammer, and on the day of the main training, use the incline bench curl.

Dumbbells can be replaced with lower blocks. Sometimes it's more convenient to do that. How to increase the biceps by exercising on a cable simulator: we do bending of the arms while standing or sitting in front of the simulator, holding the handle of the lower block with a grip from below.

When pumping wide biceps, do not spend all the time training on it. You should not devote much time to the biceps, since this muscle is not the largest on the arm. The relief flexor of the arm with a weak triceps will look ridiculous, so pump all the muscles, giving preference to the largest ones.

A lot of publications have been written about how to properly pump up biceps and other muscles, but all the experience in the end comes down to simple and understandable conclusions. It is necessary to create a good load on the muscles, give them a rest after it and do not forget about good nutrition.

And do not forget to warm up before working with iron - do idle approaches, start with small weights.

How realistic, and how to pump up biceps at home without extra costs time and money? Many people believe that elastic tightened muscles and body relief require a fair amount of work and financial costs to visit the gym and purchase equipment. We will dispel this myth.

To quickly, effectively build biceps without traditional training in the gym, you need to set a clear goal and write a plan. If there is a kind of standard or image of a person that you want to be equal to, then you should analyze all its advantages and think about how quickly you want to achieve the same result.

Properly distribute the load

Having set a specific task, do not rush ahead to the goal, but try to distribute the load so that it is not a burden for you. You can take small steps every day, or you can make it a rule to train twice a week. It all depends on your personal schedule.

Do not set unrealistic goals, because if you skip a couple of workouts, you can quickly burn out, and if you give the body excessive loads, you can simply tear off the muscles, and then this “bust” will not benefit at all.

Buy the necessary equipment

When thinking about how to quickly pump up biceps at home, then be prepared for the fact that you will need accessories. It’s easier to pump up your arms with dumbbells. Most athletes have several dumbbells of different weights and configurations in their home arsenal. Use the means at hand and set up a pull-up bar in a convenient place.

Follow a set of exercises

If you are thinking about how to pump up biceps at home, then calculate the optimal volume of loads and exercise for 6 weeks. The training complex should include the following exercises:

  • Pull-ups with a narrow grip (we start with 10 times, if it turns out easy, then we give a load or increase the number of exercises);
  • Exercises with dumbbells (the basis of training for every day).

Dumbbell exercises can be done in a variety of styles. The high efficiency of the French bench press has been proven, as well as exercises for bending and extending the arms with dumbbells while sitting.

  • Stretching for the hands (to soothe, restore muscles and for better fixation, it is necessary to perform stretching exercises every day);
  • Training for the forearms (selected individually, without developed forearm muscles you will not be able to increase the load).

The muscle training program should include include such activities:

  • Total time: 6 weeks, interval between workouts - 2 days.
  • First 2 weeks: warm-up with minimal weight to build muscle.
  • Weeks 3 and 4: we take the average working weight and try to feel the maximum allowable load.
  • Last 2 weeks: Intensive training with above average weight with maximum load.

Control muscle strain

So that not a single day of training is in vain, carefully monitor the load on the muscles. Recommended increase load by 5% after each workout with dumbbells. To do this, you can use pads on the barbells or include additional exercises in the training complex.

Use auxiliary elements

By themselves, exercises for every day at home will not give obvious results if you do not record your achievements with additional elements such as a balanced diet and healthy supplements. If you are engaged in pumping biceps at home, then you need to eat well.

Together with the hands, the body weight should also increase evenly, otherwise the newly acquired image will look at least strange and disproportionate.

What is?

How to build biceps at home without special nutrition? The basis of your sports diet must be protein in the proportion of 1.5 g per 0.5 kg. In second place in importance are carbohydrates, which store energy. To maintain a natural balance, it is recommended to consume 3-4 g of carbohydrates per 0.5 kg of weight, as well as 0.5 fat. Gradually, you can increase the amount of fat intake, but proportions must be observed.

What supplements are good for biceps?

To achieve results in pumping up muscles, it is important to use certain supplements that do not enter the body in a free form with food. Tyrosine and caffeine can be consumed to increase concentration levels before you do exercises with dumbbells. An important aspect sports nutrition is the use of complex amino acids to maintain intensity. After doing the exercise with dumbbells, you can drink a nutritious creatine shake and sublimated protein.

Go beyond bicep training

An important aspect of training should be maintaining the proportions of the body. If you pump up your arms, but do not pay due attention to your legs, then your appearance so it leaves much to be desired. Therefore, a set of exercises for training biceps muscles it is important to dilute jogging and complex exercises for the press and legs. During pull-ups on the bar, the muscles of the back are pumped up, and then the body will look perfect.

All workouts in the gym or at home should take into account your individual needs. Your body tells you how to act. If you don’t feel sorry for yourself or overload yourself in vain, then the first results will appear after the first two weeks of exercise.

For training to be effective, it is important to create a certain atmosphere and consciously approach classes. Allocate for yourself a separate room or corner for training, select motivating music and properly tune in to the load. When laziness rolls up and the desire to work on yourself disappears, remember your goal and try cultivate willpower.

This is a useful skill not only for an athlete, but also for an ordinary man who is faced with various everyday situations. If you are starting to work on pumping biceps at home, then do not stop halfway.

One small step every day will allow you to get closer to your dream so quickly that you won’t even notice it.

The biceps has two heads, as the name implies (bi-). For full development, it is necessary to pay attention to both bundles. This will make your arms look much bigger than if you were training just one head.

The main function of this muscle is to bend the arm at the elbow. Also, the biceps is responsible for supination, and if you use this function in your exercises, you can count on a good increase in muscle mass.

An important condition for growth is the use of basic movements in the training complex. Only multi-joint movements can cause the necessary muscle tension, which will lead to subsequent growth. Also, the base stimulates the release of hormones into the blood, which is very important for natural training.

To build biceps quickly, you need intensive training. But recovery time will be an equally important factor, since muscle growth depends on this.

Classes should be short, but intense, so as not to cause overtraining, which will be an obstacle to further progress. In this case, less is better than more. But you need to work efficiently, observing the technique.

Even with diligent observance of all the rules, we must not forget about the adjacent muscles, which also need to be worked out. , will be a great addition to this complex for biceps.

Biceps Exercises

We will divide the exercises that we will use into two groups:

1 group


  1. pulling up with a reverse grip on the horizontal bar, for advanced ones with weights attached to a belt or a backpack on the back;
  2. lifting the bar;
  3. lifting dumbbells for biceps (as an option - with supination).

The purpose of this group of exercises is the destruction of muscle fibers for subsequent recovery, supercompensation and, as a result, growth. The weight of the projectile must be large, since it is the heavy power training is the key to big hands.

Technique is equally important, because without it, other muscle groups (back, for example) will be included in the work during the exercise, which will reduce the load on the target muscle. This is especially important if you pump biceps with free weights at home, namely dumbbells and a barbell. However, pull-ups should be smooth and without jerks.

The pace of execution is slow. The amount is from 8 to 10, which is optimal for muscle growth.

2 group


  1. hammer bends;
  2. lifting a dumbbell in an incline with one hand;
  3. lifting dumbbells on an incline bench.

These exercises are aimed at pumping the muscles with blood after strength training. Pumping allows you to keep the blood in the biceps for some time after work. This is necessary for the following reason: basic exercises release the hormones necessary for growth into the blood, and pumping keeps blood in the muscle, thereby saturating it with everything necessary for increasing volume.

The weights used should be light, with which you can do up to 15 reps in 5-7 sets.

How to pump up biceps at home quickly

The secret is simple: every workout use one exercise from each group. Basic change from lesson to lesson. Change pumping exercises every two workouts, this will provide a large number of combinations and slow muscle adaptation to stress.

  • Mon - pull-ups with a narrow grip (base), hammer bending (pumping).
  • Wed - lifting the barbell (B), hammer bending (P).
  • Fri - Lifting dumbbells (B), lifting dumbbells on an incline bench (P).

It must be remembered that without a proper warm-up, there is a high risk of injuring the biceps muscle, since it is small.

This complex will be effective for four weeks, after which you need to switch to a new program. For example on this one.

The frequency of training is individual, however, in order to pump up the biceps at home faster, you should rest enough time so that the muscles have time to recover. A good indicator if the muscles stop hurting 2 days after training. This means that they received a sufficient load and managed to fully return to normal. If there is no pain the next day, you should supplement each workout with another basic exercise or increase the weight.

I am sure that if you try to increase your training weights, it will not help to build arms faster. But you will increase your overall mass, and then we will add specialization in the muscles of the hands.

You can increase arm size in just 31 days with my arm workout program!

How much to increase?

It depends on a number of factors. We do not choose parents, respectively genetics too. You may have a good potential for muscle growth and be a so-called mesomorph, or you may have an average potential for mass growth (or worse than average).

I am sure if you were a so-called mesomorph (good genetics) and trained for any significant period of time, you would not be reading this article. After all, whatever mesomorphs do, gives a good increase in muscle tissue. (Always disliked those guys!)

And if you are the same as most of us, then every gram of muscle mass was given to you by sweat and blood. So don't worry. You are not alone, my friend!

Now back to the question. How much can you increase your arms in 31 days? If you strictly follow a specialized program, follow the requirements regarding nutrition, rest, etc., a person with ordinary genetics can count on an increase of 2.5 centimeters.

Where should we start?

How to pump up the hands of Titan / Hand training for mass and volume - video

First, training on a specialized program involves reducing the frequency and volume of training of other parts of the body. All other muscles just need to be kept in shape, nothing more. We will be stressing the body's metabolism by applying increased frequency, volume, and intensity of arm training.

Here is a full body workout that I suggest you use.

Monday and Friday (two days a week we train according to one program)

1. Barbell Squats

  • 3 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Medium Grip Bench Press

  • 3 sets of 6-10 reps

3. Pull-ups

  • 3 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Seated Dumbbell Press

  • 2 sets of 8-12 reps

5. Rises on socks in a standing position

  • 2 sets of 12-20 reps

The first thing people think when they read this complex is: "it's very simple." Absolutely right! As I said earlier, our goal is to keep in shape. But we will focus on the hands. If you train for a while with a higher load than given in this complex, and experience stagnation, you can start training other parts of the body.

And it's wonderful! You probably suffered from overtraining and insufficient muscle recovery, which led to stagnation. This simplified program will allow the muscles to recover and you will make progress.

A few tips for the set:

  • Don't try to do every set to failure. Ideally, if you have the strength to do another 1-2 repetitions more.
  • Use the same weight for each set. Let's take squats for example. If you can manage 3 sets of 12 reps, it's time to increase the weight on the bar. If you're doing 12 reps on the 1st set, 10 on the 2nd, and 8 on the 3rd, then don't change the weight.
  • If during the course of the 31-day plan to increase arms, you feel an increase in strength in these other exercises, add weight.
  • Rest between sets should last one and a half to two minutes.

Specialized program for hands

Let's move on to the most interesting, namely the monthly program to increase the hands. We will be doing it 3 times a week. I suggest Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

On Monday, arm work begins after the full body exercises.

Arm workout on Monday

1. Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing

2. Dumbbell bench press from behind the head while sitting

  • 5 sets of 12-15 reps


  • In the dumbbell overhead press, you need to hold the dumbbell with both hands and lower it behind your head. Elbows should be pointing up.
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps can be performed in two ways: lifting each dumbbell separately, or together. I prefer individually: it allows you to direct more concentration to each movement.
  • These two exercises are done in a super set. After training the biceps, immediately move on to pumping the triceps.
  • Never go over the 12 rep threshold for any exercise. Exception: if you reduce the weight of the projectiles.
  • Don't go to failure. Ideally, if you have the strength to do another 1-2 repetitions more.
  • Give yourself a break of 45 seconds to a minute.

Wednesday Arm Workout

Lifting the bar for biceps while standing

5 sets of 5-8 reps

french press

5 sets of 5-8 reps


  • In exercises aimed at maintaining form, try to do reps with as much weight as possible. Light cheating on the last repetitions will not spoil the picture.
  • Rest should last longer than in training on Monday. Rest as much as you need to give your best on the next set.
  • Every Wednesday, train with slightly heavier weights than last Wednesday.

Friday arm workout

1. Biceps Curl on the Scott Bench

  • 3 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Extension of the arms on the lower block while standing

  • 3 sets of 8-12 reps


  • On the Scott bench, you can use whatever is comfortable for you: a barbell or dumbbells.
  • On this day, train your arms to failure. That is, the exercise should continue until the moment when it is no longer possible to complete the repetition with the correct technique.
  • No more than 90 seconds of rest between sets.
  • On Friday, train your arms first, then everything else.

Nutrition for muscle growth

I've said this before, but I'll say it again: you won't achieve significant arm mass gains if you don't eat a lot of nutritious foods. Your diet should be protein-oriented. It is advisable to consume 4 grams of complete protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

What is a complete protein? It is a protein containing essential amino acids that are needed to support muscle growth. It is found in: red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products. Beans, beans and nuts also contain protein, but not complete. It lacks essential amino acids, so don't rely on such foods to meet your body's needs. Just eat enough good healthy food and cut out sugary and junk food from your diet (although it won't hurt a little).

In the course of our 31-day program, you may gain an extra 1.5 kilograms. Don't worry about it. It's nearly impossible to add significant muscle mass without gaining a little fat.

I include in our plan a diet that is worth following if you want to achieve results. She is very important. Me and a lot of my trainees didn't progress until we started eating lots of protein. I do not expect that on the first day you will start eating all this. Just eat a little more every week than last week.

Not required to buy protein powder if you can't afford it. Instead, drink regular or powdered milk.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Wheat bread - 2 slices
  • Milk - 1 cup


  • Cottage cheese - 1/4 plate
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 1 glass


  • Tuna Sandwich
  • Cottage cheese - 1/4 plate
  • Salad
  • Milk - 1 cup


  • Sandwich with cheese
  • Milk - 1 cup


  • Chicken - 240 g.
  • Baked potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Asparagus
  • Milk - 1 cup


  • Hard boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 1 cup

The convenience is that these products can be carried to work or school in a small plastic container.

I know the secret that allows many successful bodybuilders to progress successfully. This is the maintenance of a positive nitrogen balance, which means the constant presence of a complete protein for cell growth and repair. The secret is not to leave the body without protein for more than 3 hours. To achieve this, you can sip on a protein shake throughout the day.


Now you know that in order to increase the volume of hands, you need to increase the total muscle mass, which is possible only with constant progress in working weights. It is also necessary to specialize in the muscle group that we want to increase more, in this case we want to pump our arms.

I wish you success in training and I hope that in a month you will pump up big arms.