Strength training for 9 years. Create an exercise program for kids

Strength training for kids? Nothing surprising. Of course, kids no need to lift heavy dumbbells and try to reach the levers of the simulators.

Simple exercises that allow you to get a load with your own body weight, and careful observance safety precautions make the child stronger and improve his metabolism. This will help to effectively control body weight and grow healthy.

Why do kids need strength training?

This type of training, along with developing endurance and agility, improves bone mineral density, regulates blood cholesterol levels, and helps maintain a healthy body weight.

Is your child already in the sports section? Strength training will increase his performance and improve his results.

If safety precautions are observed during training, and the exercises themselves are built correctly, they will not cause any harm to the growing body.

How and when to practice?

Even toddlers aged three to five years can start strength training. This does not mean that they have to lift weights! Enough simple exercises, in which the weight of one's own body is used for the load: push-ups, pull-ups, leg and body lifts.

Aged six to nine years old children can start using various sports equipment to increase the load: simple expanders, light dumbbells, various balls, gymnastic sticks, as well as any other light weight items at hand.

Safe Strength Training for Kids

When exercising with a baby of any age, it is very important that all exercises are performed right and slow.

Make sure that the child understands well how to do the exercises, is physically able to perform them, and listens carefully to your instructions. Never don't leave the baby during classes without supervision!

Two or three strength training sessions a week are enough for the baby. Explain to him how important regular classes. To do this, you can give an example of heroes from movies and cartoons, which are distinguished by strength and endurance.

For the workouts to go more fun, practice "like Leo Boniface", "like Batman" or any other character. Review your favorite films or cartoons with your child and choose exercises for a real hero.

If the child goes to the sports section, be sure to agree with the coach introduction of force loads. In addition, ask him to give advice on safety, selection of exercises and training regimen.

Sample lesson plan for a child aged six to nine

1. Five to ten minutes of warm-up: brisk walking, jogging in place, or jumping rope.

2. Exercises with a gymnastic stick or ball to train the main muscle groups: arms, shoulders, legs, abdomen, upper and lower back, chest.

Physical exercises for children of the seventh year of life should be dynamic and cover, if possible, a large number of muscle groups. The load should be distributed evenly on all the muscles of the arms, legs and torso, exercises should be performed from various starting positions: standing, sitting and lying down.

During gymnastics, it is important to teach children to breathe correctly, respectively, it is necessary to ensure that when performing exercises, children do not hold their breath, correctly combine inhalation and exhalation with movements.

Gymnastics classes should be carried out at least 2 times a week, during the daytime, in no case should you perform a set of exercises before bedtime.

The room in which gymnastics is carried out must be clean and well ventilated. The vents must be open.

The greatest benefit of general developmental gymnastics is brought to the child if they are carried out in a group with other children.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Introductory part - 3-5 minutes, main part - 20 minutes, final part - 3-5 minutes.

Benefits: racks for high jumps with a rope stretched between them at a height of 30-40 cm.

Gymnastic bench (width 18-20 cm, height 20-25 cm) or curb.

Goals and objectives: improvement of motor skills in walking and running with complicated elements of rebuilding at the signal of an adult; consolidation of motor skills in balance - walking on a narrow plane at a height of 15-20 cm; training in the correct landing in the high jump with a run.

Introduction Walking on toes, on heels. Running with a change of direction at the signal of an adult. Running with the transition to walking.
Exercise 1 repeat 4-5 times Starting position (I.P.): legs slightly apart, arms down. On the count of "one, two": raise straight arms up through the sides, stretch, rise on toes, look at the hands - inhale. On the count of "three, four": return to I.P. - exhale.
Exercise 2 repeat 5-6 times I.P .: legs apart, arms lowered, torso to the sides - depicting a "pump". At the expense of "one": tilt to the right. On the count of two: straighten up. On the count of three: lean to the left. On the count of four: straighten up. Don't hold your breath.
Exercise 3 repeat 3 times with each leg I.P .: standing, legs apart to the width of the foot, arms to the sides. On the count of "one": swing the right foot forward, clap in the palm under the foot. On the count of "two": return to I.P. On the count of "three": swing the left foot forward, clap in the palm under the foot. On the count of "four": return to I.P. Breathing is uniform.
Exercise 4 repeat 5 times I.P.: sitting on the floor, legs straight, arms resting behind the body. On the count of "one": raise straight legs. On the count of "two": bend your legs, touch the floor with your feet, tilt your head to your knees - "curl up into a ball." On the count of "three, four": return to I.P. Do not hold your breath.
Exercise 5 repeat 4-6 times I.P .: lying on the stomach, legs extended, arms bent, hands placed under the chin. At the expense of "one, two": bend in the thoracic and lumbar spine, without lifting your legs from the floor, straighten your arms back. On the count of "three, four": return to I.P. Do not hold your breath.
Exercise 6 Run in place for a minute with the transition to walking.
Exercise 7 repeat 3-4 times on both sides Walking on a narrow plane (gymnastics bench, curb, large blocks) The child walks along the bench, keeps balance, arms to the sides, and jumps off.
Exercise 8 2-3 minutes High jumps For high jumps, two children's chairs are placed, and a rope is pulled at a height of 30-40 cm. An adult teaches the child the correct landing. Then the child does.
Final part Walking in circles and in place with breath recovery or low mobility play

As we have repeatedly said before, all ages are submissive to sports. No exception to this rule and "iron sport". As rapidly as for adults, bodybuilding for children is gaining its popularity. Why not? I guess it's no secret these days that modern Champions athletics and rhythmic gymnastics begin to train their children from the age of 3. Indeed, to achieve truly real success in these sports, you need to spend decades. And the beginning of classes from the age of 6 years is already considered an irreparable lag, doomed to lose ...

Of course, no one says that the baby should immediately be placed under the barbell from the cradle and loaded with unbearable weights and Olympic standards! This will definitely be superfluous, and even harmful to the health of the child. But a reasonable, normalized and controlled athletic training, moreover, group training and with fun outdoor games will only positively affect the physical, mental and spiritual state Your baby...

Until recently, the following norms were the acceptable level of sports load for children:

It is useful for younger students to learn how to climb a rope. These exercises are necessary for the development of flexibility, agility, balance stability, coordination and softness of movements.

  • I) pull-ups on the bar,
  • II) flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position,
  • III) raising and lowering the body in the prone position (hands behind the head, legs are fixed).

In special strength training, you can include barbell pushes from the chest.

Students under the age of 14 should be very careful strength exercises, their body is not yet ready to experience prolonged physical stress.

In our time, the view of children's sports has changed somewhat, and with it, the norms of the permissible load have changed in the direction of increasing ... But the question is: is it possible to cultivate bodybuilding for children? Or would that be overkill?

Athletic training for children.

Strength training with children preschool age improve their health, accelerated growth and development, develop the correct posture. Being engaged in athletic gymnastics, children become vigorous and energetic, hardy and strong, dexterous and fast. They tolerate the load well, but it should always be remembered that it should increase gradually and consistently, and the effect of exercise on a growing organism should remain constant. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly take into account the age and degree of physical development (in contrast to the unorganized and often monotonous motor activity). The total duration of one lesson for each age is different. For children under two years old, it is 8 - 10 minutes, from two to three - up to 15 - 20, for older children - up to 30 - 40. To prevent fatigue, change starting positions more often (sitting, standing, lying down) and movements, alternating them with rest breaks. As weights, you can use dumbbells, sticks, a ball, maces, bags with loads, etc. It is necessary to correctly and clearly explain to the child the procedure for performing the exercise. Useful classes with an open window, barefoot.

Important points in the preparation of training for children.

When planning physical trainings for children, choosing exercises for them, it is important to remember that in children 3-6 years old, the spinal column is very sensitive to deforming influences, and weak development of tendons, fascia, and ligaments is characteristic of skeletal muscles. By the age of 6, the child, as a rule, has well-formed large muscle groups of the trunk and limbs, but the small muscles, mainly those of the hands, are extremely weak. For training children 6-8 years old, exercises should be chosen in such a way that the load is feasible and affects various muscle groups, first of all, proportionally develops the flexors and extensors of the body; special attention is paid to the development of the balance function.

In the process of targeted exercises with weights, in combination with outdoor games, children acquire the ability to control their movements, to differentiate muscle efforts. Thus, they develop the ability to perform exercise movements with a variety of amplitudes and in a different mode, which the guys can change on the instructions of the teacher.

When conducting sports fitness training for children, one should gradually move from relatively simple exercises performed with low amplitude and at a slow pace at the age of 3-4 to more complex in coordination, with adjustable amplitude and at a variable pace at an older age. Weights during the training of children 6-8 years old are selected very carefully and progressively, and at the age of 3-6 years old weights are rather symbolic, and are intended mainly to affect the muscles of the hands that are difficult and slowly developing, especially the flexors of the hand.

Lesson summary on physical education

“Fitness at school. Circuit training for children 6-9 years old "

Circuit training - This is a method of organizing sports activities, invented in Great Britain in the middle of the twentieth century. Initially, it was intended for the physical training of schoolchildren and students, so many still believe that this type of training is suitable only for beginners or older athletes, for whom too intense loads are already contraindicated. Its meaning is to quickly perform exercises and quickly transition from projectile to projectile or to the place where the next exercise is performed - the so-called "station". In total, the workout usually includes 8-10 (sometimes 12) exercises. Each of them loads a different muscle group - not the same as the previous one. They usually take no more than 45 minutes to complete, this sequence is called a “circle”.

Our training will take place at 7 (seven) stations, each station has its own exercises with a certain number of repetitions. In our case, 1 circle - 7 stations. You must complete at least 2 laps.

Before you start the circle, you must perform a warm-up. At the end of the second (or more) circle, stretching is required.

1 station:

    "Swallow" I.p. standing. We put the right foot on the toe (half toes), then we take it back (no more than 45 degrees), we return it. We repeat 3-4 times (learning exercises). Further we complicate: we take the leg 90 degrees back, and returning the leg forward, raise the knee up, keep the balance. Hands are spread apart. (repeat 3-4 times)

Changing the leg

2. "Turns of the body" I.p. standing. Raise the right knee up, keep the balance. Hands are directed to the sides. We turn the body towards the raised knee (4-6 times)

Change of foot and direction

3. “Squat “lotus” I.p. standing. We bend one leg at the knee and put it on top of the other leg also in the knee area (above the joint). Hands in front of you, the body is slightly tilted forward. Do squats (4 times)

Changing the leg

2 station:

    Push-ups from the floor (7 times). I.p. arms wider than shoulders, emphasis on knees, legs bent, buttocks and abs are tense, the lower back does not bend, the back is straight. We perform bending of the elbows (to the sides), while the chest drops down and almost touches the floor.

    Reverse push-ups (5-7 times). I.p. arms in support at the back, hands pointing forward, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, pelvis raised above the floor. We perform bending of the arms at the elbows, the pelvis is always above the floor.

    Push-ups on the side (5-7 times). I.p. lying on its side, the lower arm clasps the body, the upper arm rests at chest level, the legs are slightly bent. We perform the extension of the upper arm, while the body rushes up after the arm, then we bend the arm again and go down.

We change sides.

3 station:

Caps are placed at the same distance from each other.

    With small steps (minching step) we move with a snake between the caps, first in one direction, then we return back.

    We gallop through the caps (snake), changing direction. We do it back and forth.

    Jumping. At the level of the foot cap apart, between the foot caps together, apart, together, etc. do it back and forth.

4 station:


    Twisting on the floor with "bumps". I.p. lying on the floor on your back, arms pressed to your chest. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. The loin is pressed to the floor. We perform tearing off the shoulder blades from the floor to exhale, hit with one hand (exhale), hit with the second hand (exhale). (10 times)

    Twisting "bike". I.p. lying on the floor on your back, hands behind your head. The legs are bent at the knees and raised above the floor. We perform twisting, rushing with the elbow to the opposite knee (alternately - left, right) (10 times)

    Twisting in pairs. I.p. lying on the floor on your back, arms pressed to your chest. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. The loin is pressed to the floor. We carry out tearing off the shoulder blades from the floor on the exhale, the partner holds the legs. (10 times)

5 station:

    Chair against the wall.We stand with our backs to the wall at a distance of about 30 centimeters. And now we sit in the air as if on a chair, leaning back against the wall. Keep the pelvis and knees strictly at an angle of 90 degrees. Hands along the body. (20-30 sec to start)

    Squat with a fitball against the wall. I.p. we press the fitball against the wall with the lower back, hands on the belt. We perform the exercise by squatting down (remember about socks and knees)) and rolling the ball back up (10 times)

    Squats with fitball in hand. I.p. the fitball is in the hands, raised above the head, and slightly tilted in front to avoid arching the lower back. We perform a squat, emphasis on the heels, the knees do not go beyond the socks, the body is slightly tilted forward, the pelvis is retracted. (10 times)

6 station:

1. I.p. on all fours back down ("spider"). We perform: we move our feet forward in one direction (the end of the hall), and then we return forward with our heads.

2. I.p. "spider". We carry out: we move sideways to the end of the hall, we return with the other side.

3. I.p. emphasis on all fours (back up). We perform: on all fours we move to the end of the hall, moving backwards, we return.

7 station:

    "Spiderman". I.p. - plank pose on outstretched arms. Alternately bend one or the other knee, directing it to the stomach. (6-8 times)

    "Jumps". I.p. - plank pose on outstretched arms. Fulfillment: alternately jump forward (to the level of the body, for advanced ones it is possible to the palm) leg (the knee is bent, the foot is placed on the floor in the area of ​​​​the body / palm). Then we jump the leg back and at the same time the other leg jumps forward (6-8 times)

    Jumping with 2 legs. I.p. - plank pose on outstretched arms. At the same time, we jump forward with both legs to the level of the body (in the future, you can go to the hands) and go back (to the bar) (6-8 times).

Strength training can begin at the age of 7-8 years. Dosed power loads strengthen children's health. They increase muscle tone, help control weight and develop the musculoskeletal system. But in order to get the maximum benefit from weight training and at the same time not harm the growing body, a number of conditions must be observed. Training of schoolchildren should not last longer than 30-45 minutes. The optimal frequency of classes is twice a week. At the initial training stage, a set of exercises of the first level is used. With its help, the body is accustomed to power loads and prepared for training of a higher degree of complexity. The entry-level training program includes exercises with dumbbells and body weight (push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups).

Before starting strength training, a warm-up is required. Universal warm-up movements include a variety of rotations, tilts, turns of the body, swings. You can also use light aerobic exercise - walking, running in place, jumping. A set of exercises with dumbbells is designed in such a way as to load the body as fully as possible, having worked out all the key muscles.

Dumbbell bench press (pectoral muscles):

  • Starting position (IP) - sitting on a bench with dumbbells in hand. We take a supine position, resting our feet on the floor. We bend our arms, while we place the dumbbells at the shoulders on both sides, just above the chest.
  • We straighten our arms and bring them together above the chest. We linger for 1-2 seconds.
  • Slowly return the dumbbells to your shoulders.

When performing presses, the back of the head and shoulder blades should be pressed against the bench. It is necessary to ensure that the back does not arch, helping the hands to squeeze the weight. In the lumbar region, a natural deflection should be maintained, but other curvatures of the back are not allowed. It should be noted that the back will definitely begin to arch if you take too heavy weights.

Dumbbells should move strictly vertically, that is, in a plane perpendicular to the body. At the top point, the dumbbells need to be brought together, but not pushed. When lowering the dumbbells are brought to the lowest possible level. If you lead dumbbells in a shortened amplitude, the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease.

Dumbbell row with one hand while standing in an incline (back):

  • IP - dumbbell in the right hand, left hand and the left knee rests on the bench. If done correctly, the torso will be almost parallel to the floor surface. We straighten the right hand with a dumbbell and lower it, turning the palm towards us (inward).
  • We bend right hand and pull the dumbbell up and back a little - to the lower abdomen. We make a short pause, prolonging the tension of the muscles being worked out, and lower our hand.
  • We perform the prescribed number of repetitions for one side of the body. Change the working hand and repeat the exercise.

In the process of work, the spinal muscles should be noticeably stretched and contracted. To stabilize the posture, it is necessary to tighten the muscles of the press and keep it tense all the time. The movement of the dumbbell should be smooth, you can not pull it up with a jerky movement or throw it down uncontrollably.

Weighted squats (hips and glutes):

  • IP - standing straight, arms with dumbbells lowered, legs slightly bent and set shoulder-width apart. Slightly turn the socks outward. Straighten your shoulders.
  • We take the pelvis back, as when sitting on a chair, and lower ourselves into a squat. You need to squat to a level at which the thighs become parallel to the floor.
  • Straighten your legs and return to the starting position.

It is assumed that the classic squats without weights have already been mastered. If this does not happen, you must first work them out. When doing squats, the back should remain flat at all times, and the heels should be pressed to the floor.

Dumbbell Bench Press (shoulders):

  • IP - arms are bent, dumbbells are at neck level, palms are turned inward. Keep your head straight, look straight ahead. We turn our shoulders.
  • We straighten our arms above our heads, while turning the dumbbells so that at the top point of the palms we look forward.
  • We take a short break. We drop our hands.

Raised arms can be slightly moved back to increase the tension of the trained muscles. In the process of work, the body should not move. If the body constantly leans back when lifting dumbbells, most likely the burden is too heavy.

Lifting on socks with a weighting agent (shins):

  • IP - socks stand on a stand, heels hang from it. With one hand we hold the support, in the other we take a dumbbell. We lower the heels as low as possible.
  • We get up on our toes. We linger for 1-2 seconds. Slowly lower your heels. We pause again.
  • We perform the specified number of repetitions.

It is necessary to periodically shift the dumbbell to the other hand. Hands can be changed from workout to workout or within one session: half of the repetitions are performed with a dumbbell in the left hand, half in the right.

In strength fitness training for boys, another type of exercise is used: with your own body weight. This includes push-ups and raises of the upper body.

Push-ups (arms, chest):

  • IP - in an emphasis lying, straight arms are spaced shoulder-width apart. The legs are brought together or spread apart along the width of the pelvis. The whole body should be extended in one line - from head to toe.
  • We bend our arms and slowly lower ourselves to the floor.
  • With a powerful effort, we straighten our arms and raise the body, returning it to its original position.

The body should be as straight as possible from the beginning to the end of the work - without bending the back down or protruding the buttocks. If the floor push-up option seems too difficult, you can start with incline push-ups, in which the hands rest on the bench.

Body lifts with rotation (press):

  • IP - lying on your back, knees bent, hands behind the head.
  • Raise the upper body and pull it towards the legs. When moving, we turn the body slightly and direct the right shoulder to the left knee. We linger at the end point of the ascent.
  • We get down on the floor. Repeat with a turn to the right side.

Two lifts with turns in different directions count as one repetition. No need to strain your neck and pull your head to your knees. The movement begins with tension in the abdominal muscles, then the left (right) shoulder blade comes off the floor, the entire upper body rises and twists to the side. The head should move freely following the shoulders.

Strength training exercises are performed twice a week. On other days, you can schedule aerobic (cardio) training. They develop endurance, strengthen the heart and help maintain a stable weight. Aerobic fitness training can also be done on the day of strength training. But it is advisable to put them after the power block, otherwise the muscles will already be tired by the beginning of work with weights, and this will affect the quality of the technique and the overall effectiveness of the training.

The beginning of aerobic fitness training should take place at a calm pace. After 5 minutes, the intensity can be increased. The high pace of work is maintained for the next 20 minutes, then another 5 minutes are trained at an easy pace, and the session ends. Beginners with low level physical training at first it is better to limit yourself to 15-minute trainings. When performing aerobic exercises, you need to constantly monitor the heart rate. The pulse value should not go beyond the interval - 65-80% of the maximum heart rate.