What amino acids are for and how to take them. Sports nutrition Amino acids: what do you need

The human body is made up of cells, which in turn are made up of protein and protein, which is why a person needs protein-rich nutrition so much in order to replenish spent reserves. But the protein is different, there are proteins that do not carry value for the body, and the value of the protein is determined only by the number of important amino acids. Amino acids are obtained from dietary protein, only it can be synthesized in the human body.

Amino acids are structural chemical units formed from proteins. In nature, 150 types of amino acids are known, but a person needs only 20 of them, in turn, our body has learned to independently produce 12 amino acids, provided that the body has enough of the necessary substances. But the remaining 8 amino acids cannot be reproduced, they can only enter the body from the outside, such acids are called essential and come with food.

What are amino acids for?

Amino acids are needed for protein synthesis, protein is built from them for the whole organism, all our flesh is built from the resulting protein, this includes ligaments, glands, tendons and muscles, hair and nails, every organ of the body. It is important to understand that the resulting proteins are not all the same, and each formed one already has its own purpose for a specific purpose.

Another important function of amino acids is their indispensability in the work of the brain; in fact, amino acids act as neurotransmitters, as if passing nerve impulses through themselves from cell to cell. It is also worth knowing that vitamins and useful material can only function properly when there are enough amino acids of all kinds in the body. Of the total number of amino acids, there are those that are responsible for the muscles, building them and supplying them with the necessary energy. Of all the 20 amino acids, it is worth highlighting the especially important ones: methionine, tryptophan and lysine, in order for them to function correctly in the body, they must be combined in the following proportion: 5:5, 1:3, 5.

The role of amino acids in the body

  • Alanine- this amino acid is an energy source for nervous system and the brain. She is also responsible for strengthening the immune system, because. capable of producing antibodies. Alanine is involved in the metabolism of organic acids and sugars.
  • Arginine- an amino acid responsible for muscle metabolism, indispensable for the restoration of cartilage tissue, restores and maintains the skin, strengthens the heart muscle and ligaments, plays an important role in the immune system, stops the development of the tumor.
  • Asparagine- is fully responsible for the work and regulation of processes in the central nervous system.
  • Valine- an amino acid responsible for maintaining nitrogen metabolism in the body.
  • Gamma aminobutyric acid- indispensable in cases of arterial hypertension and epilepsy.
  • Histidine- this substance puts protection from radiation, is a builder of white and red blood cells, plays an important role in immunity. By the way, histamine is derived from histidine.
  • Glutamine- an amino acid that is important for proper acid-base balance, in addition, it is very effective in helping to reduce cravings for smoking and alcohol.
  • Glutamic acid- necessary in case of ulcers or muscle dystrophy.
  • Glycine- Responsible for the speedy recovery of damaged tissues.
  • Isoleucine- Necessary for proper regulation of blood sugar levels.
  • Leucine- accelerates the recovery or treatment of muscle tissue, bones and skin.
  • Lysine- necessary for the proper absorption of calcium, properly distributes it for the growth and nutrition of bones. It is also necessary to strengthen heart tone, enhances the body's resistance, lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Methionine- needed for the treatment of allergies of chemical origin, as well as for osteoporosis.
  • Proline- Responsible for strengthening the heart muscle.
  • Serene- balances exchange fatty acids and body fat.
  • Taurine- is simply necessary for hypoglycemia, with atherosclerosis, is responsible for the metabolism of bile acid.
  • Threonine- necessary to maintain immunity, regulates the metabolism of proteins and fats, prevents the deposition of fats in the liver.
  • Tyrosine- it is very useful if a person has chronic fatigue, this amino acid stands in front of thyroid hormones, it is also responsible for the formation of adrenaline and norepinephrine.
  • tryptophan- useful for cores, as well as for chronic insomnia. In general, tryptophan synthesizes a huge amount of vitamin PP in the body, it stands directly before the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is serotonin that is responsible for the emotional state of a person, with a lack of a person falls into depression.
  • Cysteine- necessary for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, used in the treatment of cancer and arterial disease.
  • Phenylalanine- this amino acid promotes blood circulation, is used in the treatment of migraines, improves attention and memory, is involved in the formation of insulin, and depression is treated with it.

Products containing amino acids

Of the 20 amino acids, 8 must be delivered to the body with food: isoleucine, threonine, valine, phenylalanine, lysine, tryptophan, leucine, methionine are essential acids. There are foods that contain the three essential amino acids, methionine, tryptophan, and lysine, in almost perfect proportions.

Here is a list of these products:

  • meat 1:2.5:8.5;
  • chicken egg 1.6:3.3:6.9;
  • wheat grain 1.2:1.2:2.5;
  • soy 1.0:1.6:6.3;
  • fish 0.9:2.8:10.1;
  • milk 1.5:2.1:7.4.

In general, essential acids are found in many products:

  • valine in mushrooms, milk, grains, peanuts and soybeans;
  • isoleucine, abundant in chicken, almonds and cashews, liver, lentils, rye, meat, and many seeds;
  • leucine is found in brown rice, fish and meat, lentils and nuts;
  • lysine in meat, milk, wheat, fish and nuts;
  • methionine is found in meat, milk, legumes, eggs;
  • threonine in milk and eggs;
  • tryptophan in bananas, dates, peanuts, meat and oats;
  • Phenylalanine is found in soy, chicken, milk, beef, and cottage cheese.

Phenylalanine is part of aspartame, it is a sweetener, but of very incomprehensible quality.
Amino acids can be obtained from dietary supplements, this is especially recommended for those who are on a diet or vegetarians.

If for some reason you do not consume animal protein, then:

  • to replenish the body, take dietary supplements, where there are amino acids;
  • eat nuts, seeds, legumes;
  • be sure to combine foods with protein, for example, soy meat, beans, rice, chickpeas, etc., thus combining them with each other you will get all the necessary amino acids from a number of essential ones.

It is worth clarifying that food proteins are non-native and native.

  • Non-native proteins are considered inferior, they have few essential amino acids, but they are very useful and rich in substances and vitamins. They are found in cereals, nuts, legumes and vegetables.
  • native proteins- These are complete proteins, in which there are a lot of amino acids of the irreplaceable series. They are fashionable to find in seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, in general, in everything that contains animal protein.

The liver produces the following amino acids: gamma-aminobutyric acid, alanine, proline, arginine, taurine, aspartic acid, citrulline, ornithine, glutamic acid, asparagine, tyrosine, cysteine ​​and others.

If the body lacks amino acids

It is known that 12 amino acids are produced by the body in the liver, but they are not enough for the full life of the body, they must be supplied to the body without fail.

The reasons for the lack of important amino acids are:

  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • stress;
  • aging;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • trauma;
  • nutrient balance problems
  • fast food abuse.

Due to the lack of one acid, the required protein is not produced, therefore, amino acids are selected from other proteins and disrupt the functionality of other organs, muscles, heart or brain, and this flows into a disease, and also introduces an imbalance. Protein deficiency in childhood leads to physical and mental disabilities.

With a lack of amino acids, anemia appears, the amino acid decreases, and skin diseases appear. With an acute shortage, the body draws its reserves, as a result, exhaustion, muscle weakness, etc. occur. As a result, the development and construction of muscles, digestion is inhibited, depression occurs, and so on.

Every person who is seriously interested in sports cannot do without theoretical knowledge in the field of his own physiology. Indeed, in order to pump up muscles, it is important not only to draw iron, but also to know why amino acids are needed, how to properly organize nutrition and training regimen, and most importantly, how to train without harm to the body.

Why do athletes need amino acids?

Every advanced athlete knows why amino acids are needed in bodybuilding. If you don't already know, be sure to pay attention to this area.

Amino acids are a special chemical compound from the category of organic acids. Unlike fats and carbohydrates, they are 16% nitrogen. Each molecule of such substances contains one or more amino groups. When they are processed into gastrointestinal tract, protein synthesis occurs, which is used in the construction of muscles, as well as the production of other compounds that are necessary for the body. In summary, amino acids are the building blocks of muscle.

In addition, it is amino acids that are necessary for a healthy mental and physical tone of the body after training. They are also involved in the process of fat burning, the work of the entire nervous system and even the brain. Why does the body need amino acids? To keep everything in balance. And they help the athlete to build up more effectively muscle mass and easier to recover even after heavy overloads.

Amino acids: what are they and why are they needed?

About 20 amino acids are known, which are divided into three classes: nonessential acids (the human body is able to synthesize them itself), partially nonessential (the body produces them itself from other acids), and irreplaceable (they can only be obtained by a person with food, they are not produced in the body). ).

Non-essential amino acids include:

  • aspartic acid (needed for the absorption of minerals);
  • glutamic acid (reduces cravings for sweets and alcohol);
  • ornithine (necessary for the production of growth hormone);
  • glycine (necessary for brain activity);
  • serine (participates in cell renewal);
  • taurine (helps with the absorption of fats);
  • proline (necessary in the treatment of injuries);
  • glutamine (source of energy);
  • cystine (antioxidant);
  • alanine (source of energy).

Let's look at the middle category, which includes partially essential amino acids, and find out what they are for. This group includes important arginine, cysteine ​​and tyrosine, which help develop muscles and improve immunity. L-arginine creates a cheerful mood, and, like many other acids in this group, is a powerful antidepressant.

There are also essential amino acids that need to be taken regularly, since they do not enter the body in other ways. These include:

The daily human need for each of these acids is about 1 g, but this number varies based on the weight, sex and age of the person.

When Should You Take Amino Acids?

If you do not adhere to a balanced diet, then you need amino acids anyway. Every athlete needs them, because his body spends a lot of resources on recovery after heavy physical exertion.

In order to understand whether amino acids are needed at all in sports, one should understand what these sports supplements are. If limited short definition, without going deep into chemical terms, then amino acids are what absolutely any proteins in the human body consist of. When protein food enters the body, during digestion it breaks down into amino acids, which ensure the stable operation of all vital important systems and organs.

However, another fact makes this type of organic compounds unique - the presence of nitrogen atoms. The presence of such a component gives amino acids truly amazing functions - they help in the construction of soft tissues, muscle fibers, skin, as well as hair follicles and nails.

Let's say more: how much amino acids are present in your body will generally depend on your psychological condition, mood, the state of the immune system, and even the amount of fat that is present in the body.

At the same time, the body independently synthesizes 20 essential acids and receives about 10 more only together with food or other sources.

Why Do Athletes Need Amino Acids?

Of course, one of the most important and basic functions of amino acids for sports, which explains why men and women need these supplements, is their amazing ability to stimulate muscle growth processes, as well as help in recovery from the training process and reduce muscle fatigue. But the matter is not limited to this. The beginning of the training process is associated with the fact that biochemical reactions occur in the body, accompanied by the release of intermediate substances that provoke the appearance of fatigue. To cope with this effect, for example, such an amino acid as L-Glutamine (glutamine), which acts as a source of nourishment and additional energy for the body, helps.

That is why the addition of amino acids for sports will be relevant not only for those who work on the quality of the muscle structure. Amino acids must be in the diet of all people who adhere to an active lifestyle, regardless of whether it is a professional sport or an amateur one to maintain physical fitness.

If you ask what amino acids are for in sports for women who do not seem to be particularly interested in building muscle, then the answer will be another important function of this supplement. The fact is that amino acids help get rid of excess fat in the body, which means they contribute to weight loss. So, one study showed that the group in which women adhered to proper nutrition with a high content of amino acids, got rid of extra pounds much faster than the second.

What are the best amino acids for athletes?

In one of our previous articles, we talked about how to take amino acids correctly, and also gave a complete classification of these supplements, so we will limit ourselves to a list of amino acids when playing sports that everyone should have:

  • BCAA (BCAA) - three essential amino acids isoleucine, valine and leucine prevent the development of catabolic processes, help build muscle and improve the quality of the workout;
  • L-Glutamine (glutamine) - as we said above, glutamine is the very breath of fresh air that helps overcome feelings of fatigue and protect immune system overload and infectious diseases;
  • Creatine monohydrate (creatine monohydrate) - along with protein, it participates in building muscles, eliminates excess fat deposits (which is especially important for a beautiful relief) and removes lactate from muscle tissues;
  • L-carnitine L-tartrate (carnitine tartrate) - a favorite women's supplement, is actively involved in the merciless burning of excess fat, turning it into energy for training.

What to choose: amino acids or protein?

This is a question quite often asked by novice athletes to find out which of these two types of sports nutrition will bring more benefits. However, there are a lot of those who want to know whether it is possible to combine their intake, because if amino acids are the constituent parts of the protein, and the protein is the protein, is there any benefit in such a double effect?

So, choosing between protein or amino acids is wrong. These two products should complement each other, but let's make a reservation right away, a positive effect can only be achieved with proper use. The athlete's body needs protein, which means that you can not do without protein, but in order for it to be absorbed, amino acids should be added to the diet.

This approach will achieve significantly better results than using only one or only another additive.

Do I need to add sports nutrition such as amino acids to my diet? We believe that this is, of course, an important supplement that significantly improves not only the strength of the athlete, but also contributes to a more effective achievement of goals, especially if we are talking about building muscle mass.

At the same time, do not forget about the elementary safety rules and clearly follow the instructions for taking a particular supplement given by manufacturers. Also, do not save on quality and choose very cheap options. Yes, you will save some money, but for your health, such savings can go sideways.

Our sports supplements undergo strict control for compliance with all established standards, and therefore we are absolutely sure that with proper intake, as well as intensive sports, supplemented proper nutrition you will definitely achieve all your goals.

Today you can find a huge amount of sports nutrition. Those people who are actively involved in sports quite often wonder what kind of drugs to introduce into their diet.

For example, athletes who want to build muscle mass need to include protein in their diet, it is also protein or aminocarboxylic acids - these are the components that our body extracts from protein and then uses them to build muscle tissue. And why do you need amino acids in bodybuilding and in general? Let's figure it out together.

Today in nature there are many varieties of amino acids, but, despite this, only about two dozen are suitable for humans.

A person receives these organic compounds from vegetable and animal protein. That is why in bodybuilding, protein intake is a must.

Amino acids that are designed specifically for athletes come in two types: free amino acids and hydrolysates. The latter, getting into the body, are broken down to free amino acids. Whatever one may say, it is they that our body needs for full-fledged work in training.

Both substances give almost equally good results. And they differ only in that hydrolysates are substances of natural origin, and free amino acids are a synthesized product.

There are also other criteria by which amino acids are divided:

  • interchangeable;
  • irreplaceable.

In order to build muscle mass, you need to include in your diet essential amino acids, which, unfortunately, our body cannot produce. You need to get them along with protein foods, for example, meat, eggs, dairy products are perfect. But the largest amount of these substances is found in soy.

When choosing amino acids for your diet, be sure to look at the raw materials. If it contains low-grade wheat protein or collagen, then, despite the savings, this will significantly impair its effectiveness.

Essential amino acids (especially BCAAs) contribute to the start of anabolic growth processes. And a large number of them in the product will only improve the result. Some athletes tend to take pure BCAAs. Yes, it's a little more expensive, but as they say, "the end justifies the means."

BCAAs contain three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

There are also other essential amino acids, these include: tritophane, histidine, lysine, phenylalanine, methionine and threonine.

How are amino acids taken?

There are many variations of this substance. The most common and, of which, are: powders, tablets, solutions, capsules and injections.

If, almost all of this list is harmless, then injections can cause significant harm to your body, therefore, if there is no need, refuse such an intake of amino acid complexes.

Why do we need them?

So, let's figure out why amino acids are needed:

  • rapid growth of muscle mass;
  • increasing the effectiveness of classes;
  • saturate the diet with complete protein;
  • loss of appetite;
  • getting rid of extra centimeters on the body.

It is interesting! One of the functions of amino acids is the “burning of adipose tissue”. Thus, it turns out that a very large number of calories are spent on protein processing and absorption, so if you want to add an amino acid complex for the purpose of losing weight, then this is a great idea!

Benefits of Amino Acids

There are a number of advantages when taking amino acid complexes:

  1. They contain an extremely small amount of calories, which is very fruitful in the process of forming a clear body contour;
  2. The use of an amino acid complex with the addition of BCAA contributes to very rapid weight loss;
  3. These substances are ideally combined with a protein diet, which is aimed at losing extra pounds;
  4. Thanks to the use of amino acids, there is no catabolic process, that is, there is no destruction of muscle tissue;
  5. BCAA supplement helps to speed up metabolic processes.

Their negative sides

The very first thing that catches your eye is the high cost (in particular BCAA) and a small dosage. Also, the deficiency of these substances is not very good for the body. This applies not only to stopping the growth of muscle mass, but can also lead to multiple diseases.

By skimping on protein, you may even become deficient in essential amino acids, which can have dire consequences for your health.

Learn how to choose the right quality amino acids

To benefit from these drugs was much more, you should choose quality products. How to do it? Very easy. You just need to check their quality with the help of simple manipulations.

So, almost all powder supplements tend to dissolve in water, with the exception of BCAA. If you taste them, you should feel bitterness.

Preservation of the original packaging and serial number of the manufacturing batch. And, of course, expiration dates, they should also always be checked.

If the amino acids you purchased have “passed” the test, then you don’t have to worry about their effectiveness.

What doses and at what time should I take aminocarboxylic acids?

If we talk about the time of admission, then everything is simple, it all depends on the purpose for which you are taking amino acids.

If you want to build muscle mass, then you should take them exclusively before and after training, but not during it. Do not interfere with the use of amino acids in the morning. At other times, they can be replaced with proteins.

In the event that you want to lose weight with the help of amino acids, then they need to be consumed much more often.

In bodybuilding, the dosage of aminocarboxylic acid is quite large. A single serving should be at least five grams, while the maximum is twenty grams at a time.

Check the dosage of the drug when you buy it. Often, manufacturers deliberately underestimate the dose in order to increase turnover.

Studies show that in case of injuries, infectious diseases, stress, as well as age-related changes, it is recommended to take amino acid complexes only in the form of tablets.

Many doctors advise in case of violations of liver functions and cirrhosis, in case of poisoning, in case of obesity, to introduce dietary supplements with methionine into your diet. By the way, athletes love to take it after hard training, as it helps to recover. For the same purposes, it is recommended to introduce BCAA complex into your diet.

For normal brain function, glutamic acid will be appropriate, which actively fights dementia, epilepsy, schizophrenia and stress.

And finally, L-keratin. He actively struggles with excess weight. And for trained people, it is recommended to take it in the form of a solution thirty minutes before an aerobic workout.

Take amino acids correctly, and they will only benefit you!

Amino acids are the building blocks that every body needs to build and grow muscle. In the presence of a sufficient amount of these substances in the body, there is an active set of muscle mass. That is why professional athletes, as well as amateurs are fond of sports nutrition with a large amount of amino acids.

Of course, these substances can also be obtained from ordinary food with a well-thought-out diet. Most of them are found in fish, meat, eggs, and also in cottage cheese. Amino acids not only help to make the body stronger and more beautiful, they normalize hormonal levels and are responsible for recovery processes and.

The role of amino acids in sports nutrition

Almost all sports nutrition contains amino acids in large quantities. It is with their help that training can be most effective. It is very important to take substances correctly and try to comply with dosages. For additional insurance, consult a physician before use.

Amino acids must be taken if a person leads an active lifestyle and regularly exposes himself to heavy loads. Their action will be relevant only in the presence of training.

Bodybuilders, boxers, wrestlers, runners and those who are just into fitness can easily build muscle and amino acids. There are no restrictions on gender and age. True, those who have chronic diseases should consult a doctor whether it is permissible to take amino acids and in what quantity.

What are the functions of amino acids

These substances are indispensable for training. They help to get rid of fat mass and gain muscle. It is worth paying attention to the effect of these substances on the body:

  1. Increase in energy. The body will be charged with strength for training and the person will be able to perform exercises more actively.
  2. Acceleration of protein synthesis due to which muscle growth is more active.
  3. Burning subcutaneous fat, which is often the hardest to get rid of.

In order for amino acids to be active in the body, it is necessary to follow simple rules of a healthy lifestyle. Enough time to rest, sleep at night at the same time. Consider your diet and avoid harmful products. Additionally, it is better to completely abandon tobacco and alcohol.

What causes a lack of amino acids in the human body:

  1. Causes of infectious diseases;
  2. Frequent bone injuries, problems with teeth, hair;
  3. Periodic stress for no reason;
  4. Reflection on the synthesis of proteins in the body, this will affect the negative nitrogen balance.

What are essential and non-essential amino acids

All amino acids are divided into two large groups:

  • Interchangeable
  • Irreplaceable
Essential amino acids Interchangeable
Isoleucine Alanine
Histidine Asparagine
Lysine Glycine
Leucine Taurine
Cysteine ​​(conditionally essential) Glutamine
Tyrosine (conditionally essential) Carnitine
Methionine Ornithine
Phenylalanine Proline
tryptophan Serene

The former are produced in the body on their own, in varying amounts, but their body is still able to synthesize them on its own. The latter are called indispensable precisely because they can enter the body only together with food or sports supplements. That is why many people go in for sports without reviewing their diet, and the muscles stop growing and do not increase. They just don't have enough building material.

What foods contain essential amino acids

There are a wide variety of amino acids. Each of them is responsible for its function. Be sure to try to add to the diet products that will be sources of irreplaceable substances.

Valine- this amino acid helps to restore tissues in the body, is responsible for nitrogen metabolism, and also increases the coordination necessary for active training. In simple products, it is found in white chicken meat, salmon, beef, as well as in eggs and walnuts.

Histidine also available in chicken, tuna, and salmon, and lentils and peanuts are also helpful. With the help of this acid, muscle tissue is restored, it helps to easily and simply survive even strong loads during training.

Isoleucine helps to normalize sugar. This helps to have enough energy for even the most intense workouts. Eggs, cheese, chicken and turkey are necessary products nutrition for those who want to have a normal amount of this amino acid.

Leucine supports the immune system. A healthy lifestyle will help you feel less sick and feel better. Chicken, fish, turkey and cottage cheese allow you to normalize metabolism and the body begins to independently carry out all metabolic processes correctly.

Lysine helps absorb calcium. It strengthens bones and muscles. Products in the diet are eggs, chicken, fish, meat, any other than pork, as well as peas and beans. Additionally, with the help of this substance, collagen is formed, which is necessary for the cartilage tissue of the joints.

Methionine responsible for fat metabolism. Improves the condition of the digestive system. A person begins to actively lose weight with the proper level of physical activity, and muscle mass, on the contrary, grows. The menu should include chicken, veal, turkey, beans and cottage cheese.

From the above products, it is easy to create a delicious and varied diet that will be very useful and help to have a healthy body and a great body. The most important thing is to cook them correctly, use them boiled or stewed, and do not abuse the fry.

What amino acids should be taken

When choosing specific amino acids that you decide to buy for sports nutrition, you need to focus on the goals that the athlete faces.

In order to lose weight, pay attention to lysine and methionine. It is these substances that help speed up metabolic processes and break down subcutaneous fats. In accordance with proper nutrition and the necessary physical activity everyone should be able to lose weight quickly.

Gaining muscle mass is necessary first of all with the help of long-term strength training. Amino acids will be an additional stimulant asparagine and arginine. They will help to grow muscles faster and stimulate healing processes. With the help of these substances, growth hormone is also produced in the body.

There are some amino acids that help restore many processes in the body and promote rejuvenation. This arginine, methionine and tyrosine, which provide cell regeneration and restore the body after any stress.

It is important to note that amino acids help not only to cope with muscle aging, they prevent this unpleasant process throughout the body. First of all, this is the removal of slags and other harmful substances. The second moment is cell renewal.

Women will be pleased to know that with the help of these amino acids it is easy to restore teeth, nails and hair, symbols of grooming and beauty. It also stops degenerative processes. Amino acids also affect fatigue, energy helps to get out of depression and loss of strength.

Side effects of amino acids

Amino acids and protein bring invaluable benefits to the body. Replaceable and irreplaceable nutrients help to recover and make every workout the most effective. Sports and proper diet combined with these substances give amazing results.

By revising side effects From amino acids, myths and real harm must be carefully separated. Natural impotence, violation hormonal background, as well as possible poisoning, are a clear myth. You can ignore these features.

However, amino acids still have some disadvantages. They should be taken with caution by those who have any chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. You need to drink amino acids carefully if you are already taking serious medications.

In order to be sure of the safety of amino acids, you can first be examined by a doctor and listen to his recommendations. But, healthy person can safely take any amino acids, the main thing is to follow the dosages prescribed in the instructions.