How to wind a wire mesh. How to make a mesh for washing from improvised means? Mesh hairstyles: features of different styling

Often owners of semi-long and long hair complain about the impossibility of updating the image. And absolutely in vain! There are a lot of options for creating stylish and sophisticated styling for every day.

For example, curls are a broad concept that includes a huge number of various masterpieces. In the morning, “on the run”, you can quickly make slightly developed beach curls, but in the evening, collect the whole mass of hair in a bun and release a couple of strands - beautiful? Yes.

And if you want something more unusual, festive and solemn, you should be patient and create a mesh or “chain mail” hairstyle on your head, as the people call it. Of course, the option requires some skills, time and calmness, therefore, if you have never tried to weave a net, ask your little sister to serve as a model and create this masterpiece first on her hair.

Hairstyle mesh - to whom it suits

Having decided on the desire, it is worth knowing some styling features:

  1. Weaving is performed on strands with an average length, short curls can be collected, but it is not always possible to arrange them beautifully;
  2. Curly hair is not quite suitable for styling, so it is better to wet and straighten the curls;
  3. Thick hair requires a special approach to "chain mail": thin strands (which are considered more acceptable for hairstyles) on very thick hair will be "lost", you will have to take thicker strands;
  4. The more "rings" of the mesh, the longer the strands should be.

This styling option suits absolutely everyone. Complemented with accessories, a stylish and beautiful hairstyle can decorate the bride's head. Especially good is the "chain mail" in combination with curls, a pigtail or an elegant roller.

Similar weaving - perfect option styling not quite clean hair. Agree, anything can happen and on a business trip it is not always possible to quickly wash your hair. Even worse, if you go on a long journey on a domestic train - here is an option with washing your hair from the realm of fantasy.

And in order not to look disheveled, not to constantly collect hair in a ponytail or hide curls in a bun, it is worth mastering the technique of weaving a mesh hairstyle. Once in the morning you put yourself in order and the whole day you are a beauty that attracts the interested glances of men.

Stop ruining your hair with harmful shampoos!

Recent studies of hair care products have revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos damage our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the structure of the hair, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemical substances penetrate into the blood through the pores, and spread through the internal organs, which can cause infection or even oncological diseases. We strongly recommend avoiding such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - Mulsan Cosmetic. Products comply with all norms and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of completely natural shampoos and balms. We recommend visiting the official website We remind you that for natural cosmetics, the shelf life should not exceed one year of storage.

Attempt number one: hairdo mesh for girls

To perform styling on the head of a daughter or little sister, you will need a lot of rubber bands, a comb with a thin / narrow and long handle, a few invisible ones and patience. Styling begins with combing the entire mass of hair. So:

This styling option is considered one of the most difficult. If there is absolutely no time, but you want your daughter to look great, do this: do not divide the ponytails of the first row (the mass of hair from ear to ear) into strands, connecting the inner ponytails to each other, but twist the curls. Quickly twist the ends of the tail on thermal curlers and dissolve, you get good curls that perfectly complete the styling.

With a little practice, you can do the hairstyle quickly enough, especially since there are a lot of weaving options: strands, flagella, pigtails. The time spent on styling for long hair is no more than half an hour.

Try it, there are no particular difficulties in the hairstyle. Once you've mastered the art, move on to the tricky part: creating the mesh on your own head. Here is a video tutorial that will help answer the questions:

How to make a mesh hairstyle for yourself: on your own and without any problems

If you think that laying "chain mail" is difficult, then you are in for a big surprise. The hairstyle is no more intricate than braiding, but at the same time it has a lot of advantages and options. First about the benefits:

  1. You can weave on hair of almost any length, except for the shortest;
  2. Curls will never break out, there will be no disheveled strands, which means that the head looks well-groomed and beautiful all day long;
  3. You can fix the squares not with elastic bands, but with hairpins, this will add chic to the styling;
  4. The ends of the curls, not collected in a hairstyle, are made in any way, which also facilitates the process of creating styling.

The options offered by the hairstyle mesh

  1. On half of the head - the ends of the curls are fixed in the tail;
  2. For the full volume of the head - the ends of the strands are attached in any convenient way;
  3. Weaving not on the head, but on the tail - it turns out that the mass of hair is enclosed in a net, it is very beautiful;
  4. Only part of the head is braided with a net of strands: in front, on the sides, behind;
  5. The mesh is woven on the side, fixing curled curls inside - great option wedding hairstyle;
  6. Temporal "net" - weaving collects only the temporal parts of the hair, descending in free curls along the back;
  7. Chainmail weaving with rhombuses different sizes- this styling requires skill and patience, but the result exceeds all expectations.

The options for creating hairstyles are clear, it remains to figure out how to do them. But in order not to be distracted by the details, immediately prepare a bunch of elastic bands, hairpins, invisibles, a comb with a long thin tail and many large clips.

Hairstyle mesh half head

There are two options for weaving the mesh: using elastic bands (securing the strands at the base) and weaving. Try each one.

  1. Comb the entire mass of hair, separate the area from ear to ear, including strands of hair above the forehead, collect the rest in a ponytail at the back (so as not to interfere);
  2. Divide loose hair into thin strands;
  3. Secure each ponytail at the base with an elastic band;
  4. Divide the tail strands into two;
  5. Fasten the inner strands together, twisting the elastic at the roots again.

Rhombuses or squares are best made of the same size. If you can’t get a small format of figures, create large forms first.

Tip: the smaller the size of the squares, the thinner the strands should be. The option of weaving “rings” over a mass of hair just means weaving very thin strands. Such a "chain mail" can begin above the forehead and descend along the entire length of the hair.

Hairstyle mesh interlacing strands

Hairstyle mesh interlacing strands is created as follows:

  1. Separate small plot hair from the bulk of the strands, comb through.
  2. Separate thin curls (take strands at the prescribed distance from one another) and, twisting once with each other, return the strand to its side;
  3. From below, the curl, which remains free, is clamped with a hairpin;
  4. There should be at least 4 twists on each side of the head;
  5. Twisting the extreme strands should be done over the previous one;
  6. Each square is secured with a clip.

As soon as one row of hair on the head is done, you can move on to the next, freeing the strands from under the clamps and scrolling them with new curls. Thus, styling is created without elastic bands and weighting. The option is a little more complicated, requiring finger dexterity and patience, but with practice, you can easily create any of your favorite “chain mail” patterns on different areas of the head.

Like a mesh with elastic bands, the interlaced "chain mail" ends in a free way: a tail, fixing curls with a roller, hairpins, weaving a braid - choose what suits you best or you like. With "mail" weaving, you can always be sure of the perfect result of your efforts.

Watch the video, it has a few tricks that will be useful to you:

Mesh hairstyles: features of different styling

I liked the “chain mail” styling for half the volume of the hair, try other looks as well.

  1. A variant of the hair mesh for the whole mass without capturing the main strands is performed by weaving the thinnest upper strands. So you “cover” the hair with a net, but you need to weave the styling from the very roots of the frontal hair. You can finish the "mail" weaving at any level.
  2. Weaving the net on the tail means leaving smooth hair on the head and starting to divide the strands only in the occipital region of the head. Here you will definitely need a large elastic band that fastens the tail so that you can separate thin strands and weave a net, hiding the tail in it. Feature - the mesh is woven from all sides of the tail.
  3. The mesh covering part of the head is woven as usual, but only the strands are taken not over the entire head of hair, but in areas: the temple, the back of the head, the frontal part or the parietal. By the way, the mesh "from the temple" is very good for those who like to wear a lot of curls on one shoulder.

If you still want originality, the last option: weaving a grid with diamonds of different sizes is what you need. As such, the technique is no different from the standard one, you just need to alternate the sizes of the squares: large with smaller ones.

But so that the hairstyle does not look chaotic, try to take advice from professionals:

  • The increase or decrease in the size of the squares should be smooth, from the crown to the back of the head or vice versa;
  • You should not alternate different-sized figures in one row - this is ugly, it is inconvenient and excessively difficult to weave;
  • Styling with cells of different sizes is always secured with elastic bands, hairpins or clips, the weaving method is not suitable here (you just won’t get even squares);
  • Decoration of "chain mail" with figures of different sizes is acceptable, but accessories are selected precisely according to the size of the squares: flowers, bows can be attached to large ones, and beads, pearl invisibility and other small accessories can be attached to small ones.


Now you know that the mesh hairstyle is not as scary to perform as it might seem. There are a lot of advantages of laying, there are also a lot of options, and after a little practice, you will choose exactly the method that will be most convenient for you.

Create new looks every day. Weaving in rings or squares is ideal for weekdays, home holidays or sophisticated celebrations. Change, while remaining elegant, it's always nice. And especially when there are no additional financial costs behind it.

Being beautiful every day is easy if you have a little time, patience and the ability to weave chain mail from your own hair. And to help you another video, see how you can interestingly diversify your style:

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The chain link is hugely popular in both the construction business and landscape design companies.

For its own production, you need to have certain equipment. I would like to tell you more about the nuances of making a grid.

General information

The chain-link is a component of some structures that are widely used in the manufacture of enclosing elements, fences, dog aviaries, with its help they sift sand and build a frame for climbing plants.

The name of this material comes from the surname famous inventor K. Rabitsa. To obtain a mesh, simple machine equipment is used, with the help of which the spirals are mutually screwed, as well as high-tech machines equipped with automation, on which a huge amount of products in the form of a chain-link mesh is produced in a short period of time.

The main material from which the mesh is made is low-carbon steel, galvanized and polymerized wire, in rare cases stainless steel is used.

According to the shape of the cells, the grid is distinguished: diamond-shaped and square. This is shown in the photo of the chain-link mesh.

In the construction market, the mesh is sold in rolls 1.5 m high, almost 10.0 m long. Sometimes manufacturers can independently change the parameters of the rolls. At the mesh made on a manual machine, the edges are not twisted.

For transportation of the Chain-link, it is necessary to wrap the edges with synthetic material or polyethylene.

The mesh is mainly used for outdoor needs, i.e. outdoors and exposed to climatic conditions. So that the mesh does not rust after the first rain, it is subjected to processing in the form of painting, galvanizing or polymerization.

Galvanizing is the most well-known method. For this, galvanized steel with a high zinc content is used. Usually, zinc is applied to the surface of the wire by hot dip galvanizing.

The term of use of such wire will be 20-25 years. And the service life of galvanized wire using the electrolyte method will be about 3 years and no more.

To use the Chain-link near various water bodies (rivers, seas, lakes, etc.), it must be made of high quality polymerized steel to protect against rust. A poor quality finish will soon become dull and cracked.

When choosing polymer-coated mesh, choose expensive options and reliable manufacturers that guarantee quality and durability.

Do not forget to check the surface of the spirals for cracks, their absence will confirm the high quality of the product. If the cracks are noticeable, then the mesh will last less than a year as a result of rust from moisture that has penetrated through them. Its strength depends on the format of the cells and the thickness of the wire.

Manufacturing Equipment

For home mesh production, equipment can be made by hand, having initial locksmith knowledge and skills.

The chain-link, in comparison with other similar products, has some advantages. To make it, you do not need to have spot welding and an electric drive device.

For the manufacture of mesh in large volumes, you can purchase an assembled industrial machine, and for a small volume, equipment of your own production is enough.


When making a fixture on your own, you need: a piece of pipe, plates, metal pieces, bearing cages, rollers, grinder, metal corners, rope, crayon, file and sandpaper.

The framework of a grid of the Chain-link is formed by a way of connection of a wire of a flat form. The main circumstance is the manufacture of a zigzag snake using mechanisms that perform tension and winding.

Tension helps to avoid excessive twisting, winding makes the structure stronger. A spiral in the form of a screw is reluctantly screwed into the main canvas. Wire tension must be constantly adjusted.

When bent, the wire changes shape and begins to rub against the machine; in order to avoid this, it must be lubricated with used oil.

The winding device has its own fixed dimensions, which determine the type and diameter of the cell. When creating the shape of the turns, the line should be smoothly screwed into the main fabric of the chain-link mesh. Then, the excess is removed.


The device for weaving the Chain-link consists of a coiling unit, which has an auger, a metal plate and a knife. These parts set the look of the spiral and wear out quickly, so they must be of high quality and durable.

A rotating knife forms coils of a certain format. The auger sets a certain distance from coil to coil. The result is a grid with equal cells.

The winding plate looks like a strip of metal with a hole on the edge, with which it is fixed to the handle. Using a stiffer wire, the metal strip is twisted 60 degrees with a screw. The stiffer the wire, the higher the twist angle.

The auger is a hardened steel pipe with a spiral cut over the entire surface. A locksmith will help to make such a part or purchase it on the market, you cannot make it with your own hands.

How to make a grid

Place all the components so that it is easy to turn the handle and guide the wire evenly. Make sure the wire is not tangled. To do this, place a bucket in the middle, turned upside down, and place the edge of the wire in metal pipe and weight it in another way. This will help avoid ringing.

Pull the end of the wire through the rollers and change the gap between them with a screw. Then insert the wire into the winding mechanism and twist to a certain mesh size. The output line must be flat.


Don't forget to adjust the tension. If the wire looks perfect, twist further until you get the desired volume of the product. The installed controller will help determine the number of turns and make the process easier.

Having improved the device with an electric motor, it will not be necessary to turn the handle manually. Such a machine is suitable for home use and a small volume of products.

Installing a chain-link mesh is much more profitable than building a wooden fence, which needs to be painted and repaired from time to time, especially since a mesh fence can also be made by hand.

Do-it-yourself chain-link photo

Modern construction requires the use of many building materials, among which the metal mesh is of great importance. It is equally used as an improvised material in the construction of structures, for example, in wall cladding or in concrete screed, and as a means of improving the quality and strength of building materials.

DIY metal mesh

In addition, metal woven mesh is also very popular in household, where with its help they build a fence around land, use it in the manufacture of cages and in many other cases. You can buy such an important material both in our store and make it with my own hands. In this case, the process is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. This will require the presence of a wire of the appropriate length and thickness and a certain amount of effort.

To get started, you need to prepare a metal tire, for example, made of aluminum with a length of about 70 - 80 cm. The width is arbitrary - it depends on the required cell size of the mesh being made. At regular intervals, it should be applied to the dividing line. After that, the wire of the desired diameter should be trimmed, and then proceed directly to work. One end of the wire must be held in the first division with the left hand and wound, sequentially shifting from the tire itself until the wire ends. In this way, as many blanks are made as needed.

The next step will require a level area, such as a floor, on which the netting process will take place. First, one wavy blank is placed on the floor, on which the second should then be braided, scrolling the wire around its own axis. After one blank has been prepared, you should proceed to the next, continuing the process until the grid is complete. The size of the prepared tire and the distances set between the marks on it affect what the dimensions of the grid cells will be. Its height depends on what length was chosen for the workpiece.

Using a manual machine

In the event that it is planned to manufacture metal mesh in large quantities, it is advisable to choose the mechanized weaving method, which is more productive. This method involves the use manual machine, which you can also make yourself. Its components are the following elements:

  • Machine base.
  • A knife, which is a plate, the purpose of which is to wind the turns.
  • Auger, which is a pipe with through puzzles, which are a spiral.
  • A mechanism equipped with rollers in order to stretch the wire.
  • Shaft controlled by a special handle.

Knife - plate and auger are the main elements of the machine. It is they who ensure the implementation of the process during which the wire is curled by a spring.

With the help of a machine, the process of making a mesh becomes quite simple. The machine itself should be firmly fixed on the table. The prepared coil of wire is placed next to it, one end of the wire is passed between the rollers, and it is installed in the mechanism designed for winding.

With the help of a handle, the mechanism is rotated, obtaining a wire that is already bent at the output. Rotate it until the length of the workpiece reaches the required dimensions, after which, using wire cutters, the wire is cut off. The next piece of wire is passed into the loop and the handle of the machine is rotated. Thus, the new workpiece captures the loops of the previously made one. The canvas is built up with each new blank and so on until the required length of the canvas is reached. With the help of pliers, the ends of the wire along the edges of the mesh are bent.

The TsPVS grid is very popular, you can purchase a ready-made grid on the company's website.

Difficulty level: Easy

What you will need:

  • mesh washcloth, any sponge or pieces of foam rubber, a needle and thread, lace or ribbon.

1 step

The end result should be something like this.

Do not despair, run around Japanese shops in a panic, order via the Internet and look forward to when this Japanese miracle will come. You can make such an accessory from ordinary improvised means and try to carry out a simple Japanese washing procedure today. It will not take much time and effort, but the result from using the grid will exceed all expectations. The foam will be thick and dense.

2 step

So, we take our washcloth and gut it, that is, we cut off the cord and thread on which the whole washcloth is assembled. It will be necessary to cut off a piece of mesh 15-20 centimeters, more is not needed, but less is inconvenient.

3 step

This is how it will look

From the sponge we cut off pieces of foam rubber of arbitrary size but not too large. Pieces of 10-15 pieces will be enough. We place all this inside a piece of the grid. We wrap the edges of the mesh inward to the very middle.

4 step

Now it remains to sew everything tightly in the middle so that our mesh does not fall apart during washing. Then you can tie the mesh in the middle with a ribbon, cord, sew on loops or a ring, like the original.
Now you can proceed to the ritual of cleansing the skin.

  • Pieces of foam rubber are needed for better foaming
  • But if you want, you can try without them.

You need to take a metal tire of arbitrary width (it depends on the size of the cell of the future grid) and a length of 70-80 cm, for example, aluminum. Mesh manufacturing technology is as follows (see Fig.)
We apply divisions to the tire at regular intervals (1); equalize the wire of the desired diameter; holding the end of the wire in the first division with your left hand, wind it (2) and gradually move it off the tire until the wire blank is finished. In this way, we produce dozens or even hundreds of wavy blanks (3).
We braid the grid on a flat area or floor. We put one wavy blank on the floor and weave the second for it, rotating it around its axis. When one blank is braided, we braid the next, and so on until the mesh is ready. It is clear that the dimensions of the mesh cell depend on the width of the tire and the distance between the marks on it, and the height depends on the length of the wire blank.

1. Table. 2. Board board (for the direction of the grid). 3. Metal cylinder with a screw groove. Step by grid cell size. 4. Cylinder bushing with thrust bearing No. 808205. 5. Blade curved. 5-1. The blade is straight. 6. Korba 7. Coil of wire. 8. Wire tensioner. 9. Support for wire. 10. Thrust washer. 11. Grid.

The second way of weaving the mesh is mechanized. It is highly productive and therefore it is advisable to use it when a large amount of mesh is required.
It can be seen from the figures that the design of the device is simple and can be made in any workshop, where lathe. If made according to these dimensions, then the cells of the future grid will be 52X52 cm. By changing the dimensions and the pitch of the helical groove of the cylinder, both the dimensions of the cells and their appearance will change. They can be not only rectangular, but also rhombic. The bearing on the device does not have to be 808205. If you have another one, put it on.
The device has a manual drive, but you can greatly facilitate the work by attaching an electric motor to it. The width of the screw groove must correspond to the diameter of the wire from which the mesh will be made.
If the wire is steel, then you need to insert a curved blade into the device. Its working part is made of durable steel (spring leaf, etc.). End
turn a little around its axis (like an auger), otherwise the mesh section will not be twisted. To find out if the section is “stretched”, it should be placed on a flat plane. If the middle of the section is twisted in one direction or the other, the shoulder blade is either not bent or bent. So, it is necessary to adjust and everything will be as it should.
In the case of making a mesh from soft metal wire (copper, aluminum, etc.), we use a straight blade.
The wire tensioner is also unfolded. Two rollers with a diameter of 40 mm on the axes at the bottom and one of the same diameter - pressure. Fill the device with recycled oil or put a thick lubricant. Weave a net using a device like this. Put on the workbench a smooth and even sheet of plywood or plastic in size, greater than the height of the desired mesh. Fix on the machine the device for weaving the mesh and tensioning the wire. Pass the end of the wire through the tensioner, bend it with pliers so that you can touch the blade in the screw opening of the cylinder and turn the handle. The wire compresses the blade, moves and descends along the slot to the surface of the machine (plywood). When the section reaches the desired length (the height of the future grid), it is cut off at the exit from the cylinder and the handle continues to be turned. The next section will automatically go into the previous one and intertwine with it. And so on until the grid is ready.