How to place chemicals in the bathroom. Bathroom storage systems

What can be stored in the bathroom? Yes, whatever! From cosmetics to towels and bathrobes. Even in the smallest bathroom, you can organize the space so that there is plenty of storage space, and at the same time you will not feel like an elephant in a china shop. The main thing is to apply a creative approach. So, here are the best ideas for efficient bathroom storage:


On the door, behind the door, above the door - all the space of the door leaf and around it can be used to good use. For example, hang towels on the door:

Make a shelf above the door and store supplies there toilet paper or paper towels

Or bath towels:

By the way, behind the door in the corner you can place just such an original towel rack:

And on the door itself, you can attach an organizer with many pockets and store styling tools, hair products, bath accessories, cosmetics and other necessary and not too large things there:

Space under the bath

How much space usually "walks" under the bathroom! But with a skillful approach, you can place the entire supply of household cosmetics and cleaning products there. There are several options for using this place.

You can make folding panels:

Or shelves and sliding doors, as in a closet:

You can limit yourself to one drawer built under the bath:

Cabinet doors

If the bathroom has furniture like hanging cabinets or bedside tables with hinged doors, you can also effectively use them.

For example, on inside attach holders for electrical appliances:

Or toothbrushes:

And if you attach a magnetic strip to the locker, you can store metal hairpins, manicure accessories and other small metal products on it:

Pull-out shelves

If there is free space between the bedside tables, washing machine and a wall, in a corner, etc., then it is worth equipping pull-out shelves there. When folded, they take up little space, but they can accommodate a lot of items.

They can be built near the washing machine:

Or in the corner behind the toilet in shared bathrooms:

And even a hanging cabinet above the sink can be made with convenient pull-out shelves:

Let's use the walls!

Well, you can't ignore the walls. In addition to the standard hooks and crossbars on the walls, you can come up with a lot of useful storage options.

For example, you can attach original shelves from wooden boxes:

Or wicker baskets:

And if you attach glass jars to a wooden plank with metal clamps, you get a convenient shelf for storing cotton pads, sticks and other light gizmos:

And even toothbrushes can be hung on the walls. To do this, you need to screw metal covers with a slot for the handle to it in a row - you get an individual storage place for the toothbrush of each family member:

Non-standard approach

The bath screen can also be used to store various little things - you just need to sew pockets to it:

And toothbrushes, makeup brushes and other similar things can be beautifully and conveniently stored in a glass bowl filled to the middle with large beads or beautiful pebbles:

What ideas do you take on board? Share in the comments!

Get in order! Best Ideas bathroom storage updated: April 20, 2019 by: Irina Yeryomina

Even the tiniest bathroom will become cozier if you learn how to use the free space and find a place for each item. Buy shelves, hooks, stock up on transparent containers. Remove excess. Here are some ideas for organizing new storage spaces.

In a small bathroom, you can use the height of the walls and hang not one, but two or three shelves on top of each other. Inexpensive shelves and fixtures can be bought at a furniture store. Place wicker baskets or pretty boxes on top of them to store cosmetics, detergents, and towels.

In a combined bathroom, the space above the toilet is usually empty; you can hang several identical shelves there. original idea- put the fasteners of the shelves not from below, but on the sides of the shelves, turning them into an element of decor. For this, wooden carved fasteners are suitable. To hang these shelves, screw metal fasteners to the back of the shelf. For beauty, you can paint the shelf and fixtures white or the color of the tile.

Shanty 2 ChicIn a small bathroom, it makes no sense to hang a simple mirror, it is better to make a closet behind the mirror. Let it be shallow, but if you make it the entire wall, there will be enough shelves for storage. 12 more secrets for a cramped apartment.

The cabinet under the sink, as a rule, is small, but even there you can make shelves, and even better and more convenient - drawers on rails. To avoid chaos in the drawers, put organizers and transparent plastic boxes in there. Pulling out the drawer, you will immediately see what is there.

If there is a spacious double cabinet under the sink, hang several organizer boxes inside, and attach metal storage shelves to the doors detergents and hair dryer.

There is always a free corner of the wall next to the shower cabin, use it for shelves. Wicker baskets hanging on stylized hooks look original. They can store everything from toilet paper to towels.

If the bathroom is separate, you can also create new storage places in it. For example, build a closed cabinet behind the toilet for washing powders, brushes and mops. Or make open shelves painted white and put beautiful cosmetic bottles, decorative flowers, candles and vases on them.

Many people like to hang metal shelves-containers for shampoos in the bathroom. Instead of one shelf, buy three at once. Hang one on the wall by the shower, and put the other two in a cabinet under the sink. It is convenient to store shampoos, cosmetics, hair dryers and cleaning products in them. Don't forget to measure the height of your cabinet so you can buy the right size shelves.

Rustic wood panel is not only a bathroom design element, it can be used for practical purposes. Use metal brackets to attach several glass jars to the panel different size- they have room for cosmetics, combs, makeup brushes and much more. Glass looks good in tight spaces.

It is difficult to fight the desire to dump metal files, tweezers and hairpins in one heap. A magnet will help you overcome your laziness. Attach a magnetic strip to the mirror and it will attract all small metal objects to itself. Such magnets are sold in hardware stores for storing knives.

On such shelves, not only jars of spices look great, but also bottles of lotions and shampoos. In addition, they take up very little space, they can be attached to any corner of the bathroom. Paint the shelves white and put away everything that is on the sink.

Another place that is rarely used is the space above the bathroom door. There you can hang a super-high large shelf. It will become a new element of door decor and will give your bathroom an original look. And most importantly - there is a lot to fit!

Bathrooms and shared bathrooms in most of our apartments, unfortunately, cannot boast of either space or layout convenience. We are accustomed to this state of affairs, we take it for granted and often do not even try to change something. Therefore, when the editors gave me the task to interview my friends and find out what methods of storage in the bathroom they use and consider the most effective, absolutely all the participants in my mini-study complained about the lack of free space first. One friend very accurately articulated the general idea, stating, “Storage in the bathroom? What can be stored there? There is nowhere to turn around!”

However, everything is not so hopeless: there are many ways and great ideas optimize this small but very important space. We will talk about some of them in this article.

Bathroom furniture

For proper storage in the bathroom, you can not do without good, roomy furniture. To make the room look beautiful, the cabinet under the sink and the cabinet above the sink must be a single set.

Vanity unit

This is usually the largest piece of furniture that can be placed in our tiny bathrooms. Therefore, the choice of cabinets, or rather, its size, must be taken as responsibly as possible. The vast majority of survey participants advise choosing the widest cabinet that can fit in the bathroom. Those who once chose a narrower model admitted that they regret this decision: a small free space on the sides is practically not used, and there is not enough usable space inside the cabinet. Prices for cabinets start from about 4,000 - 5,000 rubles.

Cabinet or shelf above the sink

Of course, a good mirror should hang over the sink. Some of them are limited to attaching a couple of holders for soap and toothbrushes in addition to the wall. However, this solution is not practical if you do not have enough storage space in the bathroom. The space above the sink can be very effectively used for convenient storage small but essential items.

A mirror with an open shelf (or shelves) usually does not save the situation: you cannot put many items there, and storage on open shelves often does not look very neat, especially in such a prominent place. After all, you are unlikely to want to bring beauty and order to them several times a day, artistically arranging jars and bottles, somehow scattered at home? Those friends who have an open shelf above the sink confirmed that the next time they buy bathroom furniture they will opt for a model with closed cabinets. According to them, it is, of course, very convenient to use an open shelf, but it is quite difficult to constantly maintain it in perfect condition.

The choice of a locker with a mirror should also be approached very seriously. For example, one of my friends chose a roomy cabinet with mirrored doors that evenly protrudes from the wall. In the store, this option seemed to her the most optimal, because there is much more storage space inside such a locker than in other models. However, at home it quickly became clear that not everything is so perfect: some people can hit this cabinet with their heads while leaning over the sink. In the case of a friend, her tall husband constantly rests his forehead against the locker.

Most modern models have a storage section that closes with a door on one side only. Of course, this is very little. It is much more expedient to slightly sacrifice the width of the mirror surface, but purchase a model with two closed storage sections (as in the photo below). Most of the survey participants considered this option to be the most optimal.

The price of wall cabinets starts from about 3,500 rubles, and for 5,000 rubles and more, you can already choose something quite nice.

Cabinet-pencil case and other types of cabinets

If the size of your bathroom allows you to install such furniture, then you definitely do not have any problems with storage space! Including cabinets under the sink and wall cabinet above it, it turns out a very convenient and roomy kit in which you can place all the necessary things. Unfortunately, due to lack of space, none of my friends were able to purchase a pencil case, but most of the respondents dream of having one.

Additional storage space

Shelves, holders, hooks, rails, heated towel rails

All these fixtures are indispensable in the bathroom: due to their small size and variety of shapes, they can be placed exactly in those places where they are most needed. They really help the owners of small rooms, allowing you to store a lot of things in a limited space. And, of course, with the help of such devices, the necessary comfort is created when all the most necessary items are at hand.

For example, a hanger that is attached to the door is very convenient to use and is perfect for saving space in the bathroom.

All survey participants have such storage systems in the bathroom and have no idea how to do without them. The main problem was often called the not very neat appearance of open shelves for storage. And for this reason, some acquaintances are advised to place them in secluded places. For example, a straight or corner shelf for shampoos and washcloths can be hung above the bathroom, but not opposite the door, but on the opposite side - behind the curtain, where it will be almost invisible.

On the inside of the cabinet door you can place small shelves or holders for neat storage of useful little things. The surprisingly economic husband of one of my girlfriends made neat shelves on both cabinet doors under the sink. A friend actively uses them and recommends everyone to do the same. According to her, before installing such shelves, you need to decide what you plan to store on them - this is necessary so as not to be mistaken with the size of the shelves.

Shelf above the door

This is unusual and very practical solution well worthy of being adopted. None of my friends have such a shelf yet, but several people are very interested in this idea and want to bring it to life.

Baskets and boxes

When storing in a closed space (for example, inside a cabinet), organizing things into convenient drawers helps to effectively organize the space, store the necessary items compactly and conveniently, and quickly find the right thing.

In the case of fashionable open storage, an aesthetic component is added to all the above advantages: items in beautiful drawers and baskets look much prettier and neater on an open shelf than things just standing on a shelf in a mess.

For example, you can purchase some kind of charming storage basket that can decorate any shelf.

V modern design a common idea is to make a shelf out of a basket or box horizontally attached to the wall. Neither I nor my acquaintances have yet implemented such an idea in practice, but many survey participants believe that this is quite interesting solution which makes sense to use.

Organizer with pockets

In some cases, you can store things neatly with the help of such an organizer. A friend of mine admitted that she used to have an organizer, but then she got rid of it, because it takes up a lot of space, looks unattractive, and you can’t put a lot of things in it. Another friend enjoys using the organizer and finds it very convenient.

Storage behind a bath screen

In many apartments, the side of the bathtub is covered with a sliding screen, behind which everyone usually likes to hide something bulky and not very attractive. Many survey participants keep basins, washing powder and a bucket for mopping the floor there. Several friends said that due to the lack of other storage space, they have to keep almost all household chemicals behind the side screen of the bath. In their general opinion, this is very inconvenient: there are a lot of things, they all stand on the floor and block each other. Accordingly, in order to find something, you have to bend low and stand for a long time in this not the most comfortable position. It is also very difficult to wash the floor under the bathroom: every time you have to get all the supplies, and then return them to their place.

Narrow roll-out basket

The idea of ​​​​storage in a narrow roll-out basket seemed interesting to many participants in the survey purely theoretically. No one plans to put it into practice in the bathroom due to the lack of a suitable place. One friend said that if she met this piece of furniture on sale, she would most likely buy it to put it near the toilet.


The fashion trend of Western designers - storage on a stepladder or stylization of a rack under a stepladder did not find approval among my friends: most people think that if they had so much free space, they would better put a pencil case there.

Convenient towel storage

When it comes to bathroom storage, it's impossible to ignore how towels are stored. First of all, it is worth noting that none of the survey participants keeps the entire supply of clean towels in the bathroom due to the lack of a suitable place - everyone has only those towels that are currently used by family members.

The idea to store a supply of clean towels in a closet in the form of beautifully rolled cylinders, which is now very popular on all interior sites and beautiful photos Everyone likes it, but no one has yet put it into practice. The reasons were usually given as follows: until there was time to change something, or because of habit, one does not want to break the established order.

In fact, there are a lot of progressive ideas for convenient storage of towels. For example, you can make wonderful holders from ordinary tin cans, as shown in the photo instructions below. Or store rolled towels in a special bottle holder.

Caption for the picture

And at the end of our article, an interesting video on how to organize storage in the bathroom.

The bathroom is one of the smallest rooms in the house, and towels, hygiene products, household chemicals and many different little things should be placed in it. Today we will tell you how to easily organize the storage of all the necessary items in the bathroom.

1. Use the space under the sink

Regardless of whether you use the sink on a pedestal, a counter or in combination with a cabinet, try to subordinate every centimeter of space to your needs. Build in additional shelves, use baskets and hanging elements so as not to lose useful storage space.

2. Organize storage in lockers

Think over a competent system of shelves, use baskets and containers to organize storage as efficiently as possible. A lot of little things can create real chaos, so divide things into groups: shower supplies in one container, household chemicals in another, towels on your shelf.

Do not forget about the surface of the doors: you can place a hanger for a hair dryer or mini-shelves for various little things on them.

3. Use the space under the bath

Today, bath screens have become much more functional and allow you to use the space around the bath. Custom storage screens can be made to suit your space requirements.

4. Add functionality to the side of the tub

The bath does not always occupy the entire length of the room, leaving a small gap between itself and the wall surface. This space can be used for shallow shelving or a shelving system.

And even if the length of the bath is equal to the length of the room itself, one of the walls above it can be safely adapted for shower accessories or towels.

5. Build in narrow drawers

Take a trick usually used for narrow spaces in the kitchen and add pull-out shelves to awkward corners of the bathroom. They will not only allow you to place a lot of little things, but also will not clutter up the space.

6. Fill in the corners with open shelves

Any surface or awkward corner can be filled with neat open shelves. They must be the same in thickness, color and texture in order to look harmonious. To create a feeling of spaciousness, it is worth using glass shelves.

7. Add hanging baskets and items

Walls can be used not only for open shelves but also for suspended elements. Small baskets and containers will allow you to place a hair dryer, combs and cosmetics, and more spacious ones - towels and large items.

8. Use the space above the door

In a small room, it is important to use every centimeter properly. A small narrow shelf above the door will allow you to place extra towels, supplies of hygiene products and any other items that are not needed so often.

9. Use the surface of the door

The door itself can also be used for storage: attach a hanger for towels or bathrobes, or place a hanger with pockets for small items.

10. Add racks and floor hangers

You can use not only walls, but also the floor: add floor hanger with several shelves or a narrow rack, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom allows it.

It's time to talk about what makes this interior tidy - bathroom storage systems. It's hard to maintain order in the bathroom, especially when a large family lives in the apartment. Each has several towels, shampoos and other toiletries. All bath equipment accumulates on the edges of the bathroom and wall shelves, sooner or later mixing. As a result, the items that we use most often get lost among tubes and containers. Confusion happens at the wrong time: on the eve of an important meeting, meeting or date. Therefore, before proceeding with the upgrade, sort the items: determine what is better to put on the far shelf, and what to leave in plain sight.

Built-in hidden storage systems

After all the jars and vials are selected, you need to carefully consider their storage location. It would seem that there is nothing easier than installing a closet for small items while planning a bathroom. However, there are apartments in which this basic piece of furniture is not provided. In such cases, the owners simply hang shelves and clutter them with tubes and vials. We suggest that you do not follow their example, but pay attention to hidden storage systems.

1. The space under the bath

The space under the bathroom is often not used for storage. But this is an opportunity to really use the area. A podium with shelves around the bath will serve as a multifunctional storage cabinet household chemicals and shower facilities.

2. Drawers

Narrow drawers well built into a mirror or wall. This design is able to accommodate hygiene and cosmetic products, there is even a place for a first-aid kit. The convenience is that the box is divided into sections and everything has its place.

3. Bathroom cabinet

The bathroom cabinet is useful as before. It is located under the sink and often hides plumbing behind it, thereby performing two functions: storing things and disguising equipment.

Outdoor storage systems

Cabinet doors successfully hide the accumulation of tubes and jars. To keep order both outside and inside, use additional storage systems for bathroom accessories and hair styling devices.

1. Organizers

Organizers are selected specifically for the size of the bedside tables. Larger ones are used as independent boxes, suspended or placed on a free surface. Their advantage lies in the fact that they are mobile - easy to rearrange or even remove. A hanging shower organizer is a great replacement for shelves and an indispensable storage tool in a small bathroom.

2. Hanging containers

The place near the sink is filled with personal hygiene items: cotton pads, elastic bands and hairpins, toothbrushes and pastes. They stand close to each other and are easy to hurt with one awkward movement. Hanging containers will save the situation. You can buy them in specialized stores or do it yourself.

3. Front door

Don't let us get bored front door. You can hang hooks on it, or a towel rail. Also, do not leave empty space above the door in the bathroom - a shelf for storing towels will fit perfectly there. Choose towels in the same color scheme, they create visual order.

4. Hanging shelves above the bathroom

We are used to putting shower products on the sides when taking a bath. So let everything be in one place - install an open rack or hanging shelves, under which organizers for towels will also fit.

Some of the proposed storage systems, such as organizers and hanging jars, require minimal material and time costs. If you like them, you can update the bathroom the next day, after reading the article - everything is so easy.

If storage accessories do not fit all bath accessories, you should think about major changes: cabinets and shelves. Alternative methods will require more time and effort: you need to measure future shelves, or even turn to professionals who will install built-in furniture according to your taste and preferences. A well-thought-out system will save your nerves and reduce the time spent in the morning searching for the right things.