What shelves can be made. DIY wall shelves

What could be more commonplace than an ordinary hanging shelf on the wall? But a good imagination and skillful hands can work wonders with such a simple object, turning it into a beautiful interior design element for your home.

One of the methods of decorating a room is the use of shelves.

All materials have their advantages and disadvantages. The following are suitable for wall shelves.

  • Wood lumber - is the most common and cheapest - it is easy to cut into blanks, process and paint.
  • Metal is not always suitable, it is more difficult to process it at home, shelves made of it do not fit well into the home interior, they are prone to corrosion.
  • Glass - looks great in the interior of any room, makes the shelves visually lighter and more airy, but due to its fragility, it requires special tools and cutting equipment difficult holes and grinding.
  • Plastic is the lightest material that can replace all the previous ones.

They hang shelves on the wall, put them on the floor, some are hung from the ceiling or beams.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! The fantasy of a person in choosing material for shelves on the wall is inexhaustible - old suitcases, TV cases, water pipes and corners. Even ... trouser belts can be used as fasteners.

Much more often they are functional.

Buy or make a shelf on the wall with your own hands

What is the advantage of homemade wall shelves over purchased ones? Furniture stores offer options for all occasions - bookshelves, for dishes, for phones, for flowers. But in defense of homemade products, the following arguments can be made:

  • the purchased shelf does not always correspond to your ideas of beauty - either the color is inappropriate, or the shape is awkward;
  • the dimensions of the purchased product do not fit into the dimensions of your room;
  • the height or width of the shelves does not match the size of the things you want to place on them;
  • pieces left after repair good material and fasteners - it's a pity to throw it away, but there is no desire and place to store it.

But best of all - they are easy to make yourself, with your own hands.

ON A NOTE! Making shelves on the wall with your own hands is often cheaper than buying them in a store of a well-known furniture company.

They are made of wood, plywood, laminated chipboard, fiberboard, there are glass shelves.

Shelves are different

Before assembling a shelf, determine what type it will be. Furniture craftsmen got the hang of making wall shelves for all occasions:

  • open - without side walls, front doors and back wall;
  • closed - in essence, such shelves are hanging cabinets in miniature, differing from them in their smaller mass, depth and height;
  • corner - located at the junction of two walls, can be both for the inner corner and for the outer;
  • asymmetric - the layout of the shelves is devoid of an axis of symmetry, subject to the preservation of functionality;
  • suspended - harnesses, cables, dense fabric materials, belts are used as hangers for shelves, and the ceiling is used as a support;
  • decorative - designed to beautifully arrange interesting things.

The same materials are used as racks, but they are also made of metal, plastics and other absolutely incredible things - for example, pipes or bottles.

The module is a universal solution

The easiest way is to assemble wall shelves, consisting of side, top and bottom walls, fastened together with self-tapping screws or furniture fittings. Make such "modules" of different lengths and heights as needed and fix them on the wall in the right order. This option is well suited for the manufacture of bookshelves.

IN living rooms It doesn't matter what material the shelf is made of. It is important that its design is in the same style as the interior.

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • a board 16-20 mm thick and 150-180 mm wide - it can be pine, MDF, plywood or chipboard.
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • furniture hacksaw for wood.

Even the functionality is not always important: some play an exclusively decorative role. On them, if there is something, then one or two items.

Marking and sawing

The height and width of the shelf is chosen arbitrarily. If the ends of the upper and lower walls rest against the edges of the side walls, then, when determining their height, it is necessary to make an allowance for twice the thickness of the board.

Their role is to give the interior of the home a special style and color.

ATTENTION! Use a hand saw to cut the board. circular saw or electric jigsaw. Their use allows you to make the cut surface even.

If we talk about the shelves in Technical buildings- the kitchen and the bathroom, in particular, then practicality requirements are added to the considerations of aesthetics almost everywhere.

When marking parts for corner wall shelves, the upper and lower walls are made of two boards with oblique ends. Their connection must fit exactly into the angle for which they are intended. The surface of the ends is smeared with carpentry glue, the boards are connected and tightened with clamps until completely dry. Additionally, you can fasten the corners with self-tapping screws.

Workpiece processing

Before installation wooden details shelves must be sanded and a protective coating applied. You can treat the wood with stain and varnish. However, such a shelf does not always fit into the overall color scheme of the interior. Then it is better to apply a primer and paint in the desired color.

For safety, in the place where the self-tapping screw is screwed into the lower part of the sidewall, it is necessary to pre-drill holes with a thin drill.

Shelf Assembly

To fasten the walls with self-tapping screws, it is necessary to mark the holes. From the end edge of the bottom wall measure a distance equal to half the thickness of the side and draw a line parallel to the cut. Marks are made on it for the drill, stepping back five centimeters to the left and right. Also mark the opposite end. Make holes. Fix the side walls of the shelf with self-tapping screws. Produce markings and fasteners of the upper wall of the shelf in the same way.

So that the shelf is even, and subsequently it does not warp, at the bottom, with reverse side, you can fix the location of the parts with flat window corners.

ON A NOTE! Other methods can also be used to fasten the walls of the shelf - wooden dowels with carpentry glue, special mounting hardware - tie corners, eccentric tie.

Despite the fact that electronic devices are replacing printed publications from a person's life, many people still carefully store books and magazines that are dear to their hearts, the storage location of which often leaves much to be desired.

Installing a shelf on the wall

It would seem - there is nothing easier. In fact, this is a crucial stage. You don't want all your efforts to ennoble your home to collapse in one moment, do you?

The easiest way to use a hinged corner for shelves. The upper eye is attached to the wall with a dowel, the lower eye is attached to the shelf with a self-tapping screw or a bolt with a nut and washer.

IMPORTANT! For shelf load of 20 to 50 kg, use brackets. Mark the holes on the wall using the building level.

Hands must be clean, because untreated wood is very easily soiled.

The dimensions of the shelf will depend on the size of the books on it will be stored.

Manufacturing of honeycomb shelves

A shelf of the original form requires imagination and a little more diligence, but your efforts will more than pay off - the original product will enliven the interior of the room.

  1. We saw the board into 15 pieces 300 mm long with a cutting angle of 30 °.
  2. We make the first "cell". To do this, we glue the hexagonal section and strengthen its corners with self-tapping screws.
  3. All other “honeycombs” of the shelves are made without one wall.
  4. We fold them on the floor in such a way that the missing face is replaced by the wall of the adjacent section. We fasten together with glue and screws.
  5. If there are segments of sufficient length, then you can make shelves inside the “honeycomb” itself.

Each part must be processed with a grinder, only then it can be fastened with other parts into a single structure.

IMPORTANT! To avoid the appearance of cracks and distortions when tightening self-tapping screws, pre-drill holes with a diameter of 1.2 mm or more.

Of course, you can not do without a tool. The minimum is a wood saw and a Phillips screwdriver.

The requirements for strength are imposed on bookshelves: they hold significant weight.

Bookshelf with hidden fasteners

If your taste offends the type of fasteners, then you can make a small open shelf with hidden fasteners.

First of all, you need to think over the dimensions of the shelf being made and decide on the place where it will be located, only after that purchase boards.

You can often see when people decorate their homes with artificial flowers, but still nothing can replace the freshness of a natural beautiful plant.

For this you need:

  • wooden beam with a thickness of 25-30 mm with a well-polished surface;
  • board of the same thickness, made of the same material;
  • pins - cylindrical pins made of wood;
  • wood glue;
  • dowels and screws.

Thanks to a modern universal tool, a home craftsman can make almost any shelf, even in an apartment, not to mention working in his workshop.

The assembly of such a shelf consists of the following steps.

  1. Saw the timber and the board into blanks of equal length.
  2. Using a template, matching holes are made in the side of the bar and the future shelf, the diameter and total depth of which should match the length of the dowels.
  3. The beam is attached to the wall with dowels and self-tapping screws.
  4. Pins lubricated with glue are carefully hammered into the holes of the beam.
  5. The surfaces of the beam and the shelf that will be connected with their help are also lubricated with glue.
  6. The shelf is “put on” on the dowels and pressed tightly. For reliability, you can gently tap the entire length of the side of the shelf with a rubber mallet.

Of course, you immediately want to make something voluminous and beautiful, which is quite natural, but first you can try your hand at making a simple but neat shelf.

Such a shelf will look like a natural extension of the wall of your room. Just don't load it with a lot of items.

Moreover, these products can be the first self-made things. It's really simple.

Decor is everything

You assembled and hung the shelves on the wall. But they look unpresentable - too empty or, on the contrary, littered with books and other trifles. To make the wall shelves in the interior of your room look aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching, follow these simple rules.

  • The law of three colors is one dominant color for the shelf and two complementary colors for the items on it. It is desirable that the color of the shelf contrasts with the objects standing on it - this way they will look more expressive.
  • Control chaos with triads. Arrange items with similar colors on different shelves so that they are at the tops of imaginary triangles.
  • Give more air - some things, especially large ones, require more free space on the shelf.
  • Small gizmos need a favorable background. For example, a figurine standing on a shelf next to a luxurious vase must be moved away from the spectacular neighbor and placed against the background of a small watercolor painting.
  • Try to place objects that are similar in size and color relative to imaginary vertical or horizontal axes of symmetry.
  • The higher the shelf, the lighter the items should be. It is desirable to place all massive objects on the lower shelves, and light ones on the upper shelves.
  • Do not forget about functionality - on a shelf located at the level of your gaze, place those things that you use most often.

A simple design is good: you can make any shelves with your own hands.

Don't be afraid to experiment. A wall shelf can be made from any material, but lumber is best. Use hanging brackets or brackets for installation. And do not be too lazy to beautifully arrange books and vases on them.

Structurally, most of the shelves consist of the actual shelves and jumpers.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself shelf (how to make a wooden shelf)

In a new review, the author has collected examples of shelving and shelves that you can concoct with your own hands. They must be used, of course, for their intended purpose. Having looked at the photographs collected here, you can easily make sure that there is nothing fundamentally complicated in the proposed version.

1. In the shape of a circle

The original round shelf, the edging of which is made of thin fiberboard, and the shelves themselves are made of an ordinary board, painted white. Of course, this design is not suitable for storing the entire home library, but it can accommodate several educational books, a small indoor plant and a couple of framed pictures.

2. Hanging shelf

An adorable hanging shelf that can be made from a few used books or notebooks. the same size. Such a shelf is not only suitable for storing cosmetics and small decor items, but in itself will be a wonderful decoration for any wall.

3. Arrow

Stylish bookshelf in the shape of an illuminated arrow, made from remnants of metal water pipes, will perfectly fit into the interior of a teenage boy's room or a bachelor's apartment.

4. Practical and unusual

original and practical shelf, which can be made from a small tray from an old cart and a few wooden bars. Such a shelf is reliable and spacious and is suitable for storing a variety of things.

5. Charming shelving

Stylish and original rack, made from a slightly modified and white-painted door. Filled with favorite books, candles, family photos and small decor items, this shelving unit will be a real highlight of any space.

6. Narrow slats

Old skis that have been gathering dust in the pantry for many years can be used to create unusual shelves. Such shelves will perfectly fit into the interior of the nursery and are suitable for storing toys and books.

7. Stylish copper

Massive shelves made of wood, pasted over with a stylish copper-colored film, are perfect for placing house plants.

8. Old pallet

old wooden pallet just enough to turn into an original shelf for storing magazines and family pictures.

9. Industrial style

Stylish storage system in the current industrial style, which can be made of wood or MDF boards, painted in gray and interconnected by a structure of metal water pipes.

10. Bright honeycombs

Original shelves made of bright gift hexagonal boxes attached to mirrors of the same shape. Of course, this design is not suitable for storing large heavy items, but it is suitable for storing small things and decor items dear to the heart, and will also become a unique wall decoration.

11. Stylish transformation

Drawers an old discarded table can be used to create original shelves. Neatly painted and customized, the boxes can be mounted to the wall, both vertically and horizontally, and used to store a variety of things.

12. Rough design

Rough shelves made of untreated wood, opened with varnish or paint, will perfectly fit into the interior of a room decorated in a rustic or country style.

13. Abundance of cells

A huge wall-to-wall shelving unit made from many brightly colored wooden crates can be a stylish and budget-friendly alternative to a massive store-bought wardrobe.

14. Wicker basket

MDF shelves.

Compact MDF shelves with fruit slices painted under them will become a bright and functional decoration of the kitchen wall.

17. Rustic style

A solid piece of bark or unfinished wood can be turned into a fantastic hanging shelf that is an ingenious alternative to a standard bedside table.

They are an integral part of the interior of any house, apartment or office. They are appropriate everywhere - in the kitchen, and in the bathroom, and even in the garage. They are functional and ergonomic, many show off beautiful decor items or even themselves, and why not? The shelf is not only an exhibition surface, but often a home decoration. Shelves are completely different: tiny and huge, elegant and massive, inconspicuous and catchy.

The interior of the premises requires the harmonious presence of additional items in it. Therefore, such furniture items are often bought ready-made or made to order. Shelves can be made from the most different materials: wood, plastic, glass or metal. In general, any at the request of the designer or the owner of the house. The shelves, in addition to all the functional qualities, have another nice feature. Most of them have a simple design, so it’s quite easy to do it yourself.

Before you start

Shelves can be of the most various materials, therefore, each master must take into account his strengths and capabilities. The easiest way to make such an element of furniture is wood. It is easy to work with it, it is quite strong and durable. After that, you can sand and varnish, cover with any suitable material or just paint the shelf, it's a matter of imagination. If you more or less know how to use it and you have material suitable for craftsmanship, then you can easily make shelves on the wall with your own hands.

Before starting work, think about how you would like to see your shelves, how you arrange them, what their sizes will be. Evaluate the possibilities of the walls of the room. If this is a solid stone house - excellent, but if the walls are thin and made of drywall, then a weighty shelf can hardly be placed on them. In such a situation, it would be advisable to make several small shelves and randomly place them on the wall. Shelves must always be strong and reliable, often they contain things that far exceed the previously planned weight.

How to attach shelves to the wall

It is not difficult to hang shelves on the wall with your own hands, the main thing is to choose the right fasteners. One of the most practical is the dowel, it is reliable and much stronger than nails, self-tapping screws and other others. Dowels are different, therefore, when buying, tell the seller about which wall you want to mount the product on and how much weight should be supported. The thickness and length of the dowel will depend on the size and weight of the shelf.

The dowel-butterfly is perfect for plasterboard walls. It opens up a lot when untwisted and provides the best strength for walls made of this material. Most best option- find the profile in the wall on which the drywall sheets are attached, and screw the dowel into it. Such a mount will withstand a good load and save you from possible troubles in the future.

Shelf Options

There are a variety of shelf options. Masters have already completed them with their own hands and share ideas on the network. You can borrow one of them or come up with your own. Shelves can resemble racks or be simple, single-tier, corner or consisting of several departments. If the shelf is made for the kitchen, it would be rational to supplement it with hooks or loops so that you can additionally place towels or potholders on it. Imagine, because this is the author's work.

Corner shelf for comfort and beauty

A great option for saving space or arranging small gizmos is a corner shelf. It is easy and simple to make it with your own hands. To prepare for work, you will need to carefully measure the gap between the walls, make calculations and make a drawing on paper - a model of the future shelf. Stock up on the desired material, tools and boldly get down to business.

Manufacturing master class

A small master class on how to make this option simple and unobtrusive corner photo and description below.

The shelf consists of three main parts. These are two holder strips and a plug-in surface. Make all measurements and calculations according to how big you want to make it. Draw the model on paper and only then transfer it to the material.

Make two planks of wood with an opening for the base. They will be connected by a lock, this connection option is very good. Often the walls do not correspond to an even angle of 90 degrees, and the lock will allow you to adjust the position of the planks and attach them tightly to the wall, without gaps.

Mark the wall and fix the brackets on it. The dowel caps should not stick out, the base of the shelf will be located in this place, and it should be inserted without obstacles. Make sure the planks are at the same level.

Let's get to the basics. Transfer the pre-prepared model from paper to the material and cut it out. All irregularities and sharp edges of the planks and bases should be processed, let the transitions be smooth. Now you can try on the finished base for the shelf by inserting it into the space between the slats. handmade, ready!

For home library

Every self-respecting home should have a bookshelf. And the larger and more majestic it is, the more respect guests will have for its owner, because knowledge is power. Yes, and the model of such a shelf should be strong enough and durable, books have considerable weight. You can simply knock down a few suitable boards together and fix it on the wall, or you can add various details, this will ennoble it and add originality.

Let's get acquainted with another option, (photo and description below). Such a universal version of the wall shelf will perfectly fit into any interior. It can be used for or any other things, or combine several interesting variations at once. Sturdy and durable, you can even place your dumbbell collection on it.

How to assemble such a shelf

You will need boards for shelves and stands, metal cable, clamps for it, self-tapping screws, wall mounts and tools for woodworking. Make all measurements and calculations on paper in advance to perform. Drawings may vary depending on your wishes. The figure below will help you navigate the design of the product.

Gather wooden frame, as indicated in the drawing, connecting the parts with self-tapping screws. The bookshelf is almost ready, it remains to deal with the cable. Enter the cable into the pre-drilled holes in the shelves, after which it will need to be fixed from above and below with clamps. They will hold the shelves and give strength.

Align each shelf to a level and only then finally secure each side. The cable should not be stretched with a string, its task is to keep all the shelves at the same level and not allow them to balance. Only after you fasten all the fasteners and make sure that all structural elements are firmly and evenly fixed, you can cut off the excess cable under the lower shelf and fix its end with a flare nut.

Personal approach

Here are a few options on how you can make shelves on the wall with your own hands without extra costs. Such a piece of furniture is purely individual for each house. It should be not only functional, but also beautiful. Perhaps you will have ideas for an original and extraordinary shelf that will emphasize the designer's taste and creative approach to the business of its owner.

Standard cabinet furniture has long lost its relevance, it was replaced by a variety of hand-made wall shelves.

The design of such interior items is in no way inferior to high-tech or loft-style furniture.

Materials for manufacturing are quite light and affordable. They can find their application in any room or apartment.

By replacing old furniture shelves, you can expand your space for something useful.

The most common types of wall shelves

The equipment of the shelves will provide additional comfort and coziness, they will be indispensable in the children's room, kitchen or hallway.

Making furniture on your own is a rather laborious and complicated process, and assembling shelves is within the power of everyone, because this does not require any special experience. For this, any materials are suitable.

The functionality of the shelves will exceed all expectations. In addition, you can easily place decor items and various trifles on them, which will give your room a lived-in look.

Currently, open wall shelves are popular, their purpose depends on the location:

  • for scarves and hats in the hall;
  • for souvenirs and dishes in the hall;
  • for cosmetics and photographs;
  • for personal hygiene items in the bathroom;
  • for textbooks and stationery in the nursery;
  • for condiments and containers with bulk products in the kitchen.

Also, a shelf can be designed for a specific item, for example musical instrument, souvenir edged weapons, etc.

The aesthetics of the shelves must be observed in all rooms, whether it be a garage, pantry or warehouse. It is always a pleasure to look at neatly arranged and folded things or tools.

Often it is the shelves that are the subject of decor, they are able to attract attention with the intricacy of lines and unusual shapes.

But if you focus on the items that you want to demonstrate, then the shelf should be weightless and transparent, for example, made of glass.

Shelf design classification

Proper distribution of the load on the wall and shelf is one of the critical aspects when assembling them. Very often, objects that are not intended for this are attached to the wall, for example, shelves for shoes or large flowers.

In this case, the main thing is to choose the right material and fasteners that will withstand the weight of items placed on the shelves. There are several types of wall shelves, differing in their design:

  • open and closed;
  • console racks;
  • angular and straight;
  • with or without a back wall;

  • multilevel;
  • with right angles or rounded;
  • various geometric shapes;
  • use of various materials (glass, mirror, wood, metal, plastic).

Mounting types

Fasteners fulfill not only their intended purpose, but can also be a decorative item in themselves, for example, sidewalls made using artistic forging, macrame fasteners, various ropes, belts and cables.

You can securely fix the shelf on any surface with dowels, anchors, brackets.

Choosing a room for homemade shelves

As mentioned earlier, shelves can be placed in any room, even in a nursery, they are designed to create comfort and decor. When making them, use a children's theme.

In the living room, they will help rationalize the space and save you from unnecessary bulky old furniture.

In the kitchen, in the hallway and in the bathroom, they can be an independent piece of decor, as well as perform their direct functions, which will streamline your life.

If you decide to equip wall shelves with your own hands, the procedure is very simple.

First of all, it is necessary to take dimensions from the place where it will be placed, make a sketch, select the material and type of fastening, taking into account the workload.

The final stage of work will be fine-tuning and polishing your shelf to give it the most aesthetic appearance.

It remains only to place your favorite items on it and enjoy the fruits of your labors.

DIY shelves photo

All photos from the article

In any residential country house or another building, you can’t do without shelves, because this type of product is simple and functional, so the popularity of such structures never decreases. The biggest advantage is the fact that you can deal with their manufacture yourself, for this you will need to make do-it-yourself plywood shelf drawings or find them ready-made, after which you can calculate the required amount of materials and purchase everything.

What you need to work

As we noted above, first of all, you need to make at least an approximate sketch of the future product, this will help you calculate the required amount of materials and determine their exact list. Below we describe the main components:

Plywood This is the main raw material that will be used.

As for the requirements for the material, they are as follows:

  1. humidity not more than 10%;
  2. grade is not lower than 1/1, since both sides will be visible in the design, and the presence of flaws will spoil appearance the whole product;
  3. the thickness must be sufficient to ensure that the shelves can withstand the weight of the elements located on them without deflections. The minimum indicator is 10 mm, the maximum is 30 mm
Bar If you are making shelving with plywood shelves or structures that require a stiffening frame, then you will need a beam. It is better to choose a planed version with a section of 50x50 mm, it will provide a high load-bearing capacity of the shelves and allow you to place even heavy objects on them
fasteners It is best to use self-tapping screws, as they provide high strength connections. Their length depends on the thickness of the elements used and is selected individually in each case. You may also need corners, with their help you can very quickly and securely fix individual elements
Tool An electric jigsaw is best suited for cutting plywood, but if the elements are rectangular in shape, then you can do without. Also, do not forget about such devices as a square and a tape measure, they will be used to mark the material.

Experts advise using plywood, which consists of at least five layers of veneer, as this ensures high reliability of the structure, three-layer options resist loads much worse.

Overview of some design options

Now let's figure out how to make a plywood shelf with your own hands. For example, we will talk about two options - simple systems, as well as rack structures.

The simplest products

They are made without the use of a frame and are most often designed to store not very heavy items.

We will talk about some of the options that you can implement on your own:

  • Rope can be used, in this case, several shelves of the desired width and length are cut, after which it is necessary from wooden waste different size fold the racks so that the height of the structure is as needed. After that, holes are drilled in the elements, the size of which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the rope. After that, the structure is folded, knots are tied from below, and the upper part is hung on hooks - the product is ready;

  • A do-it-yourself shoe rack made of plywood is also very simple., and for this you need to make an approximate sketch. First of all, the upper and lower parts are cut out, between which shelves are placed, which can have a very different configuration. All elements are connected with metal corners and self-tapping screws, it is recommended to put a wall on the back side, it will not only close the space, but also provide additional rigidity to the product.
    Four legs are placed below;

  • You can make original flower shelves from plywood with your own hands as follows: first, boxes of different sizes are twisted from sheets, their dimensions should be sufficient to accommodate flower pots. After that, the elements are painted or stacked on top of each other in a chaotic manner and fastened with corners and self-tapping screws. It turns out very unusual design which can be placed on a stand or hung on a wall.


Instructions for the construction of such systems are also not difficult:

  • First, on the basis of a project or sketch, a beam is cut for the construction of a frame. Then vertical racks are placed, between which crossbars of the desired length are attached. The easiest way to use special corners for this type of work is very simple and does not take much time. It is important that the elements fit exactly to each other, and the frame is without distortion, as it must stand securely on the surface;

  • Next, you need to cut out the elements from plywood, they must fit the fabricated frame very accurately, this will give finished product very neat and attractive appearance. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, their length must be at least twice the thickness of the sheets;

To prevent cracking of the elements, it is best to pre-drill holes for self-tapping screws, their diameter should be half the size of the fasteners.

  • The finished structure is painted in any color or coated with a protective compound.


A do-it-yourself plywood shelf is a great solution that allows you to make a design that fits the free space in your room. The video in this article will help you understand some of the features of the process even better, and if you still have questions, then ask them in the comments.