How to make a man your slave. Is it good to have a henpecked husband? How to make a henpecked man? A safe conspiracy of white magic against her husband's mistress

When our editor asked me to write an article about henpecked men, I thought - but really, where do we get "spineless" men who give power and the right to make decisions to their wives? Of course, in many ways here “legs grow” from childhood, when the boy was not allowed to take independent solutions, suppressed the initiative, scolded, poked, decided for him what to do and what to do, DID NOT RESPECT… And after all, who puts pressure on the boys more often? Those who are more often near him - mothers, educators, teachers - i.e. women! And the future man gradually gets used to the female "dictatorship" and never becomes a mature responsible Man.

And who suffers in the end? Again, the women themselves! We often hear complaints from our clients, girlfriends and acquaintances: they say that real men have disappeared now - they don’t want to take responsibility for themselves, they stopped doing feats for us, they lie on sofas and are in no hurry to make decisions! And all the problems are a heavy burden on our women's shoulders: the financial well-being of the family, and the upbringing of children, and the solution of housing issues, and the organization of leisure!

Let's see if we ourselves, women, increase the flaws in men's upbringing and make our husbands weak and unmanly?

So, here several proven ways to make a man henpecked and a wimp(test yourself - suddenly something is familiar to you):

1. Take control of the finances and solve the financial problems of the family.

How many times in our consulting practice have we encountered situations: a woman complains that her husband does not provide for her family well, and at the same time she herself:

* decides where and on what to spend money,

* does not consider her husband competent in financial matters,

* takes loans without the approval of her husband,

* pays for his (!) credits,

* gets three jobs to feed everyone,

* Independently undertakes the solution of housing issues ...

All these strategies are usually completely ineffective - a woman is exhausted, respects her husband less and less, the desired financial well-being never comes (or comes, but at the cost of health and the collapse of the family). Not allowing a man to take financial responsibility for the family, a woman only undermines men's self-esteem and self-confidence - and it is increasingly difficult for him to be a breadwinner and breadwinner.

2. Argue with your husband and argue with him for any reason, especially in public!

That's really a proven way to lower male self-esteem and desire to take care of us! Strong man he will simply turn around and leave, the weaker one will turn into a chronic loser and henpecked!

3. Give a man expensive gifts.

Giving us expensive clothes, jewelry, cars, exciting trips is a male function, and when a woman takes it upon herself, the man smoothly (or not so) moves out to the “female pole”, relaxes, sits on his neck, and at the same time stops feeling cool and

strong, becomes henpecked and "rag". Do you need it? Personally, I don't!

An illustrative situation was in our online training "Circle of Femininity". When we discussed the topic of gifts, it turned out that the families of the girls who gave their husbands expensive gifts (and did not receive equivalent in return) families fell apart! They felt like men and breadwinners in the family, and as a result, they themselves broke off relations and filed for divorce, tired of such an imbalance.

4. Intervene in the relationship of a husband with children (especially with sons!) From the position “I know how to educate correctly, but you don’t!”

When a wife intervenes in her husband's communication with children (with reproaches, instructions, critical comments), she drops the father's authority in the eyes of the children and again lowers male self-esteem. In the end, a man in despair can generally lay down his father's duties and give up on education: “Well, since you are so smart, bring it up yourself!”

A familiar picture? Surely you have seen similar female behavior.

A logical question arises: “Why do a huge number of women use these losing and destroying a man (and relationships) strategies?! The problem is voluminous, today I will show one of the directions for solving it.

But first, please do a little TEST.

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and imagine a man “with a capital letter” in front of you - very courageous, responsible, strong, decision maker, leader, purposeful, successful, active, with strong male energy ...

What sensations in the body, emotions, feelings, thoughts arise when you look at this image? Write them down on a separate piece of paper or just memorize them and then continue reading.

Here are the responses given by participants in one of our recent online seminars:

Marina: I had tears, I considered myself unworthy to be around

Natalya: There is some confusion, because there has never been such a man next to me

Olga: I have destructive pictures

Marina: Dancing...

Lara: First - fear, then - relaxation, softness, also strength, but such a woman's own

Lilya: I felt a slight excitement, the flow of energy went up and down, I wanted to breathe in his image, freedom, strength, I felt protected, fragile and small

Light: Heat and strong throbbing in the abdomen and heart, a feeling of anxiety, maybe even a little scary

Svetlana: I felt in myself an inner core strength, determination, but softness and smoothness in my hands and on my face

Lyudmila: brrr… it’s scary to even imagine…

What did you feel? Please write in the comments below.

And what happens? On the one hand, we, women, want to see a strong, courageous “Yansky” man next to us, and, on the other hand, we are afraid of him, do not trust him, we feel tension, confusion, self-doubt next to him. And what does our subconscious mind do? In order to protect us from unpleasant emotions and feelings, it begins to do everything possible to weaken and belittle a close man - it's calmer and safer! It's a paradox, but this is how our subconscious defense mechanisms work. Accordingly, the path to mutual respect, love and harmony, to the opportunity to be close to a strong, masculinely manifested, realized and successful man is in liberation from these subconscious programs, fears and other "cockroaches". If the topic is relevant to you, you can independently work on yourself in this direction, or you can join

All free white love plots aimed at helping a person in solving his life problems. For example, white love conspiracies for a man help to bring love into life, the effect is light, but quite effective. You don’t have to bind your loved one to yourself against his will, everything will happen naturally. Witchcraft will act as a magical amulet for love, relationships with a partner will be strong and real. Magic will make your union strong and reliable, keep you from breaking and losing each other in this cold and indifferent world.

Read on the growing moon. You need water from the church, which you need to take on the day before Christmas. If church water is not available, pure spring water will do. At midnight, take a glass of water in both hands, turn in the direction where your beloved boyfriend lives, and say magic words three times. Pour water on the threshold of the house where your loved one lives.

“Jesus walked through the forest, walked through the meadow, followed the cart, followed the plow, saw a beautiful girl in the flood fields, on the bast roads. And Jesus said to her the following word: “You, the servant of God (name), would go the way? The road to the house of the servant of God (name), would take his white hands in your white hands, take his red mouth in your red mouth, take his flesh is hot into his flesh is hot. So be it. Servant of God (name) servant of God (name) love every day. Amen".

The conditions for this love plot to attract a guy are the same as in the example above.

“How the grass dries without rain, how the tree burns from the fire, how the fish cannot live on land, so that it dries for me, the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name). I, the servant of God, will go out, cross myself, go along the wide street, being blessed, I will reach the fast river. How do I quench my thirst clean water, so the servant of God (name) will quench his longing and sadness next to me. Look at me, listen to me as you drink the water I serve. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A certain amount of charmed water must be given to the object to drink, adding to any drink, but not alcohol.

On a full moon, after sunset, take a bowl of spring water. And when no one is around, throw a pinch of sugar into the bowl with your left hand, saying at the same time: “How people love sweetness and cannot do without it, so that my husband loves me the same way and cannot live without me, not a day, not an hour not a minute to pass, everyone would follow me and admire me, bathe in my sweetness. Amen".

Add 12 drops of charmed water to your husband in the morning drink.

Independent white conspiracy from a photo for love in marriage

You can draw running water into a cup, you can also from the tap, but you need to do this in the early morning so that no one sees. The moon must be growing. Hide that water until evening, and when it gets dark, go completely into an empty room, stand in the middle and hold that water with both hands and read like this:

Just as a bird cannot live without heaven, a forest animal without a forest, a wild flower without a land, so may the servant of God (name) not be able to live without me, servants of God (name). To miss and grieve, I didn’t see the white light, I couldn’t live and be without me for an hour, servants of God (name). Amen.

Repeat this three times. And sprinkle the matrimonial bed with water, and what remains - pour it out the window.

A safe conspiracy of white magic against her husband's mistress

If the husband before the wedding had another woman whom he loved, then such a conspiracy will help from old love. You need to take water, consecrated in the church, and as soon as the full moon passes, get up early in the morning, pour water into a cup. And go to the window with a cup. Read over the water these words:

The former love was - the former love has passed, faded, withered, withered, died. New love - The old love was - the old love has passed, withered, withered, withered, died. New love is alive and green, like a pine tree in a dense forest. For a long time? Long for that pine tree to live, all our life be a servant of God (name) and a servant of God (name) love to be. My word is strong, so it will be. Amen.

White love plots for a man to return love to his wife

You need to take the consecrated water from the church, pour it into a glass glass and, on the growing moon, stand at the window early in the morning with water in your hands. Read over the water the words are:

In the middle of the sea? Ocean there is an island, on the island there is a mountain, on the mountain there is an oak tree, under the oak tree there is a hole. The beast Frost lives in that hole, he chilled the love of the servant of God (name), froze it, threw it into the icy sea. That firebird flew over the sea, caught love from the sea, revived it with its heat and returned it to me, the servant of God (name). And may my husband from this day, from this hour, love me as before and never stop loving me. Amen.

Then go and sprinkle all the husband's clothes, but not much, so that the husband does not guess anything. And pour the rest of the water over the threshold. And to be affectionate with her husband all day long, not to argue with him in anything.

You need to wait for the full moon, take the water consecrated in the church. Pour water into a glass. At night, preferably at midnight, stand at the window so that there is no one around, and holding a glass in your left hand, read like this:

As a flower blooms in the sun, so does the love of my wife, the servant of God (name), at the sight of me, the servant of God (name), ignites. The heat flares up, descends through the body, spreads through the loins, my wife clings to me, smiles. During the day without me, she cries, she is killed, all night long she caresses me. The way it is. My word is strong. Amen.

That water, twelve drops, pour the next morning to his wife in any drink. Sprinkle the matrimonial bed and wife's belongings with the remaining water.

If a woman cannot be in bed with her husband, has cooled off towards him, then you need to read such a white conspiracy for love. To do this, you need to take spring water, collected at dawn, a liter jar, and at midnight, on the full moon, but so that it is not Sunday and not a church holiday, go to an empty room in one nightgown. The shirt must be new. And you will also need a pelvis. Put that jar on the table in an empty room and read like this:

I was born a woman, I was baptized a woman, I will be a woman. Az, the servant of God (name), I will never forget the male blessing. Mouth to mouth, hands to hands, feet to feet. Amen.

So you need to say exactly twelve times, and then stand with your feet in the basin and douse yourself with all that water. Remove the shirt and then dry without washing. And the next night, go to bed with your husband in that shirt.

A love plot of white magic if the husband has cooled off to his wife (a conspiracy for intimacy)

Like a bear in a den in a hurry to a bear, like an eagle flies to a nest, so my husband, a servant of God (name), strives for me, a servant of God (name), cannot live without me, everything yearns for me, misses, but does not see other women, does not notice. Every evening he hurries to me, he quenches his passion with me. Amen.

After that, go to the bedroom, sprinkle three times on the sleeping husband, only so that he does not wake up. And with the rest of the water, sprinkle the bed and all his things.

For this conspiracy, you need to take water from a consecrated church. Wait for the full moon to pass and the moon to go to damage. Take a liter jar of that water, get up early in the morning, before dawn, when it is still dark, and get up with that jar in the middle of the kitchen. And no one can see you. Lean over the water and, looking at the bottom, read these words:

As the brownie does not leave the house, he does not come to another, so with neither one - neither with the beauty, nor with the pockmarked one - my dear will not betray me, God's servant (name). So it will be, and my dear will not forget me. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Read this nine times. Then, with that jar, go around the entire apartment clockwise, and sprinkle all the corners with that water. And then add the remaining water to the husband in the morning drink, nine drops each, until the water runs out.

If the husband found another and was about to leave for her, here's what to do - take the spring water or the one in which the silver lay for a day. Pour it into a cup. And at midnight to go out with this cup for the threshold. Say these words:

I speak to you, servant of God (name), for bread, for water, for salt, for sugar, for sunlight, for a rainy day. You cannot be without me, servants of God (name), like a sun without a sky, like a river without banks, like a forest without trees, but if you leave me, you will begin to grieve, yearn for me, dry up, there will be no way for you, you will not be able to place in life without me to find. If you leave, you will come back to me anyway, so be it. The word is firm, will be forever. Amen.

Then sprinkle the threshold with that water and pour the remaining water into the husband's drink.

White love plot to turn a mistress away from her husband

This lapel should be done on a waning moon. At night, so that no one sees, stand at the window and in front of you a glass of running water put. Read these words while looking at the water:

There is a house under the mountain, a garden near the house, and in the garden on a branch there is a plum, ruddy apple. A magpie bird flew past, white only from the side. She grabbed the apple and took it with her. Dragged into the nest. But there will be evil in that nest as long as someone else's apple lies there. So it will be both evil and evil for the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) forever and ever, and all holy people cannot help them and do not reconcile and marry: not today, and not tomorrow, and not the day after tomorrow, and never. My business, my word, and you're done. Amen.

Drink three sips yourself, add three sips to your husband and sprinkle his linen that he will put on that day with charmed water. Do not keep the rest of the water in the house, but pour it out through the window or over the threshold.

A love plot for the husband to return home to the family from a rival

You need to take a candle and a little consecrated water from the church. Pour water into a glass glass, and when the moon goes up, get up early and put it on the window so that no one sees the lit candle, and next to it is a glass of water. Read these words:

As I, the servant of God (name), was baptized in the church with my mother, and with the mother of the godmother, and with the mother of the Lord. Holy Mother of God, for the sake of baptism, give me forgiveness. Please, help me, Mavo's husband, God's servant (name), turn to me. Amen.

Three times so to speak, and wait until the candle itself burns out. And then sprinkle the husband’s things with the charmed water. &one

A source:
White love spells for a man
All free white conspiracies are aimed at helping a person solve his life problems. For example, white love plots help bring love into life.

Unrequited love, the infidelity of a loved one, the coldness of the chosen one make you look for a way out with the help of magic. Many psychics believe that a love spell based on a photo is a very effective tool. You can try to make it yourself - the main thing is that there is a sincere and strong desire to achieve love from the object of sighing and the exact observance of all the subtleties of the ritual.

Turning to magic should be deliberate, because at the slightest deviation from the rules of a magical rite, various unpleasant consequences are possible both for the object of this influence (girl or guy), and for the one who makes the slander. Deciding to do love spell from the photo, you need to know the following:

  • You can not do a love spell with evil intentions. If you want to take revenge, or the goal is to destroy someone else's family, it is better to leave the idea of ​​​​turning to magic.
  • The magical effect of photography is mutual.
  • If everything goes well, the effect will last a lifetime.
  • The photo must be no more than three years old.

There are several ways to make a love spell from a photograph. Most magicians believe that one should stop at only one of them, and not go through all the known ones. By focusing on one thing, you can achieve much greater results. Targeted exposure gives stronger and cleaner energy, minimizing the risk of side effects.

In addition, if you do more than one love spell for one person, but several, then you can unwittingly harm him. If you have the slightest germs magical power(you may not be aware of this), or the combination of external circumstances is extremely favorable and contributes to the strengthening of magical fields (you may also not be aware of this), then the vital energy of the object of influence can be greatly weakened. You need to act prudently, and if in doubt, then consult with a real magician.

This love spell is done 3 times a day at dawn, at noon and at sunset, until the young man begins to show signs of attention to you. Here is the course of this ritual:

This love spell is especially powerful on a full moon. Therefore, start the ceremony a few days before the full moon, so that after a few sessions, the magical effect has gained maximum strength.

There is another way to call the love of a guy, which you need to do on a young growing moon. You need to get a photo of a cute in full growth or waist. Prepare also a red thread, canvas and a red candle. On the back of the photo, write your name on the top, and the name of your lover on the bottom.

Sew the photo with red thread, connecting the top and bottom lettering, leaving a small thread tail. In this case, the stitches must necessarily pass through the chest (more precisely, the part where the heart is located) of your man depicted in the photo. While sewing, imagine the images of your future with him as vividly and clearly as possible.

When making stitches, say a spell: " As the thread reaches for the needle, so you (guy's name) will curl behind me". Sew the picture from top to bottom and then up and finish where you started sewing. Pull up the thread with reverse side photos (pull towards you, to your chest). As a result, leave the tip of the thread ten centimeters long, tie it with the tail left at the beginning into a triple knot.

Light a candle, drip wax onto the thread knot on the back of the photo, sealing it. When you finish, say decisively: So be it!» Put the photo, put a candle next to it and wait until it burns out. Then wrap the stub of the candle with the photo in a canvas cloth and hide it in a safe place where no one will see.

When making this or that love spell in the photo, be careful and calm. You must be in a good, high spirits. Expecting the effect of a magical ritual (and it can come both immediately and after a certain time, even after a month or two), also try to always be in a good mood so that the spell does not dissipate and your efforts are not in vain. Do not lose optimism in any case.

A source:
How to make a love spell from a photo?
How to make a love spell on your own from a photo? To do this, just take a photo and just love a guy or a girl!

New posts on the topic: Slave

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If you are bored with ordinary rest, you no longer want to bask on the beaches all day long, and your body and soul require physical activity,.

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The subjects of Her Majesty paid for the abolition of slavery.
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Just a couple of centuries ago, in the country of democracy and freedom, auctions were held, the lots of which were black slaves.

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Look, - said the pharaoh to the priests - below, long lines of chained slaves carry one stone at a time. They are guarded by many soldiers.

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Iran. 1900 Prostitute and Slave.

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He was detained on a regular bus Makhachkala-Moscow. A 43-year-old man without documents was filmed at the Chapurniki checkpoint.

More recently, a new service has appeared that will allow all girls to fulfill their cherished dream - to have their own handsome slave. This service is called "ManServants" and it is designed to fulfill the main fantasy of women associated with the perfect man. This service started in San Francisco, where now any woman can hire a pretty obedient servant for $80 an hour or $300 a day, who will fulfill all the wishes of a woman, everything except sex.

More recently, a new service has appeared that will allow all girls to fulfill their cherished dream - to have their own handsome slave.

This is how slavery goes.

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The prediction is based on your name, so please enter your real name if it is different from the one you use to visit our site.

Probably, every woman wants her beloved to unquestioningly fulfill all her wishes and whims, even those that are not even expressed aloud, even those that have just been thought of. But even if your soulmate is not particularly insightful and accommodating, there are several tricks to get what you want, to make a man a little more pliable, a little henpecked.

Before redoing, correcting the behavior of your man, you need to understand well what exactly we are dealing with. We need to understand what a "henpecked" really is.

A real, 100% hack. As a rule, this is a weak-willed and very lack of initiative person. He will support his woman in all decisions, meekly fulfill all her requests and wishes, sometimes even to the detriment of himself. He is used to and resigned to the fact that they are always pushed around and pointed out, he is so comfortable that he does not even try to change anything and just settles down, pleasing. At the same time, in social life (work, friends, etc.) there are two options for his behavior: he can behave in exactly the same way, or he can be the exact opposite - a despot and a tyrant. Living with such a man, you can get almost everything you want or what you secretly dream of, but there is also a huge minus of such a relationship. The negative is that by suppressing the masculinity of your partner, you suppress his masculinity, and this has a very negative effect on his libido. With each year spent together, his attention and gifts will be more significant, and his erection and sexual potential will gradually but steadily fade away.

Imaginary henpecked- this is a man who cares about his personal opinion, but for self-preservation and in order to avoid conflicts, he agrees with his woman in almost everything. Good family relations, a calm atmosphere in the house are very important for him, so he either does not notice manipulations, or consciously gives in to them in order to maintain friendly relations. Such a man will not only give in to his woman, he will find some kind of cunning compromise, to his advantage, but the woman will feel that she has won.

Satisfied henpecked- this is a man who experiences real pleasure when he is led by his beloved. He will gladly fulfill any, the most unthinkable, her request or even an order. Ready to run to the ends of the world for a scarlet flower for his woman, to pluck and give a star from the sky, if only she would be pleased with him and happy. In this case, the man acts as a super hero, a prince who bows to his princess and can do everything for his defenseless, a little capricious and spoiled, but such a beloved girl.

In order to make a man more obedient and complaisant, there is no need at all to use force, raise your voice, make claims and accusations, just a little affection, cunning and dexterity are enough. Moreover, there are several reliable and proven methods of manipulation in order to get a man "under the heel", i.e. at your complete disposal.

  1. Do not forget that you are a woman, i.e. soft, sweet, charming. If, guided by precisely these qualities, you ask a man (any man) for something, he will gladly help you, fulfill your request.
  2. Sometimes you can use flattery, both frank and beautifully veiled. Compliments and praise will not be superfluous either. No man after this will be able to refuse you.
  3. Sometimes you can show your weakness, defenselessness, so that a man "flies on wings" to help you out, substitute his strong and strong shoulder.
  4. Take advantage of the awkwardness of the situation. Each person has their own personal space (a circle that can be described with an outstretched hand). Enter this man's circle, casually touch his shirt, adjust his collars, or simply touch his arm. This situation will cause awkwardness and confusion, and this time can be used to your advantage. A man will agree with everything you say.
  5. Raise a man's self-esteem. It can be done different ways: praise him, admire him or his achievements. On a subconscious level, such actions make a man proud of himself and be even better, and since it was you who pushed him to this, he will wish to patronize and please you.

Having a Henpecked Man around can be nice, but for how long? Before changing the behavior of your partner, making him a submissive, pliable, but weak-willed creature, think about whether you really need it. Can you admire or even respect such a man? It may be much better, and even easier, to pretend to be just a cunning cat and, without suppressing your man, get everything you need.

How many women can boast that "I blinded him from what was"? Few. Most will only shrug their shoulders and say that it is impossible to remake a man in a better (for us women, including) side.

We responsibly declare: it is possible! Just not those methods were used. A man can be trained so that he will do what we need, and everyone will benefit from this.

So, we talk about the methods of training her husband. You will need such qualities of character as perseverance, patience and good trainability, because while training your husband, you will need to work on yourself.

In general, men of all ages can be trained, but the most effective age is up to 30 years, because after that the man has already developed deep-rooted bad habits and character traits that will be difficult to cope with. With age, it becomes more difficult for a man to grasp something new, so be prepared for this. It is better to start training your beloved husband from the first days of marriage. In any case, the sooner the better.

husband training rules

When training your husband, you must follow a few rules that guarantee your success:

■ As long as the husband has an interest in training, he will pick up new commands with ease;

■ Go from simple commands to complex;

■ Conduct training in different places and at different conditions so that the husband learns the command as such, regardless of external factors;

■ To help your husband quickly and effectively establish a new habit or behavior, reward him for good behavior;

■ Don't scold your husband for not following or doing the wrong thing, because that won't get you anywhere. Better at first, help your husband and gently push in the right direction;

■ And finally, the main rule of training a husband: the more a man loves you, the more he is devoted to his mistress and the more he is afraid of losing you, the easier he is to train, and the more chances you have to make him the kind of person you want see next to you. So let's get started!

Husband training. We teach our husband to do what we need

You finally got a husband! Without postponing the matter indefinitely, proceed to its training. Do not think that in such an environment that is pleasant for the husband (family life, regular meals and sex, comfort at home), nothing will happen to the husband.

A stable and well-established life is not always an obstacle to acquiring a lot of bad habits, getting lazy or even getting another mistress on the side!

Raising a sense of love and respect for your mistress (that is, for you) begins with delicious dinners. The husband must always be fed! Delicious food is a way to instill in a man the habit of wanting to go home, as well as a method of rewarding good behavior. In the latter case, it is better to serve unbroken dishes on the table, especially your husband's favorite.

Aim to do classes at a time when your husband is in a good mood - after a delicious dinner, great sex, or success at work. You need money for new clothes - make it clear that you have absolutely nothing to wear. Your clothes are outdated or worn out, and you are worried that others will laugh at HIS wife, and therefore at him! Do you want to go to a restaurant? Say that people around you haven't seen you together for a long time and start spreading dirty rumors that can spoil HIS career plans, so the best way out is to appear in a public place. In any situation that is beneficial to you, look first of all for the benefit for HIM. Let the husband think that you take care of him in every possible way, worry and do everything to make HE feel better.

The next element of training is the expression of joy. Did he spend a lot of money on you, take you to a restaurant, give you a chic gift, or give you a trip to the sea? Show all the delight, joy, admiration, thank him with an unforgettable dinner, first-class sex, gentle massage! When a husband sees how much joy his act brings to his wife, he wants to do it again and again, especially when after that the wife gives him a lot of pleasure.

After a certain time, a reflex will be fixed in him: if his wife is well, then he is well. So, there will be more pleasant moments in your life

A very effective element of training a husband is praise. You need to praise your husband a lot and often, but for the cause and sincerely, so that he himself believes in what a fine fellow he is! No criticism of him! If a person is called a pig a hundred times, he grunts. Training is like raising children. Not “you are bad”, but “you did bad”.

But it's better to praise. For helping me carry the bags. For giving money for new things. For putting your socks away. For helping me wash the dishes. And that he got a pay rise. And that he didn’t get drunk at the corporate party. And he said a good joke. And that he is the best! And so on, not forgetting about compliments: strong, courageous, courageous, successful, purposeful. And since thought is material, the results of this method of training will not be long in coming.

And finally, we will educate a character in a man. Since for the most part men are individuals who are unsure of themselves, we inspire him with the opposite. We draw his attention to HIS merits, compare him with a successful acquaintance, in his own favor, and constantly tell him that he will succeed and we believe in him!

For example: “Darling, I know for sure that everything will work out for you! Just look at your neighbor Vasya, modest, quiet, but he raised his business from scratch. And you are assertive, purposeful, but you have the word "lucky" in your family!

When training a husband, do not forget about yourself

It is foolish to demand obedience from a husband without giving him anything in return. We have already said about delicious dinners and comfort in the house. It remains ... yes! Yes! Yes! Sex! Do not deny your husband caresses and do not use the refusal of sex as a punishment. Be consistent everywhere and always, constantly surprise and diversify. Nothing complicated!

Always look after yourself. You should be well-groomed and neat, if possible slim and always friendly. Be the woman you want to live with. Although the female site has already written a lot about this.

Well, find yourself a passion or hobby to spend some time apart from your husband. This is useful for family life, and the husband should have a rest from training.

Weaning your husband from bad habits

The training of a husband is not only in instilling good habits in him, but also in weaning him from bad ones.

■ A universal training technique based on the husband's high self-esteem: “You're so neat, why don't you put your socks back?”, “You're so generous! Could you give me some money for a haircut?”, “You are so punctual, I am sure that you will not be late for the meeting today”, “You are such a good and caring father! Could you take a little walk with the children?” The husband will try to live up to your expectations so as not to be "bad".

■ Husband not affectionate enough? Caress him yourself, and then, as if by chance, drop a phrase that you are also very pleased when he hugs and caresses you. Or suddenly remember how you were pleasantly surprised by the flowers in last time and how happy they were. A smart man will take a subtle hint. A fool will also understand, but not immediately

■ Husband eyeing others? It's time for shock therapy. A new trick in sex will do, which will refresh your sex life. Or a sudden change of scenery: to go to the village together with your parents or to a resort, to jump with a parachute or visit an amusement park. Add a little adrenaline, thrills, and the husband will be distracted from sinful thoughts. As you can see, training a husband really takes time and patience, but the result - a dream husband and life "in chocolate" - is worth it. In general, adhere to the principle of three "L" - Love, Affection and Delicacy, and you will be able to raise a wonderful husband for yourself, who you can be proud of ...

How to make a husband henpecked?

Any modern active and independent woman dreams of a loving henpecked husband. A henpecked man is very convenient, isn't it? He loves, cares, does everything that is required, and does not get in the way when it is not necessary. He does not stick sticks between the spokes unless asked to.

Most importantly, he trusts you implicitly. What else is left for him? So how do you achieve this? How to make a man henpecked?

Let's start with a definition.

A henpecked man is a husband (boyfriend, friend, cohabitant, male) psychologically and morally crushed by his wife for himself.

In our emancipated time, it seems that only families with a dominant wife in a couple can claim relative stability, stability. The husband-leader must stand very well on his feet, as they say, so that the wife can resist the temptation to gather militia in the form of relatives, girlfriends and the entire environment in one whistle, and under the sacred flag of protecting the interests of children not to move into a cross blitzkrieg - with a reason and without - against a tyrant, a madman and a despot. A leader-husband needs to have a weighty purse to fight off obviously feminist-minded judges, money-loving prosecutors and bailiffs. And most importantly - from his wife, crushing dangerous confusion in the bud.

If you are proud, but poor as a spouse, you can consider that your fate is sealed. Don't waste your energy, sink to the bottom.

Therefore, the male leader is an endangered species. He can't compete with a henpecked husband. At the slightest gesture of his wife, his environment mentally torments him into small pieces, unless he is a magnate or the leader of a native tribe. Being henpecked is much safer, more comfortable and more reliable if you are a conscientious spouse and father.

A rebellious wife can simply poison a leader husband. If not poison, then many years of hidden hatred and hypocrisy. And this remedy works, believe me, more reliably than any poison. Although not fast, but much more painful.

The henpecked is

So, if you, as a woman, understand all this, and the issue of leadership in your family or couple is still not fully resolved, you can start preparing to tame your narrowed heel.

People, in general, and men - especially, do not really like freedom. Freedom is always responsibility and stress. To hide from these two under a wide tight skirt is the dream of any boy who lives indestructibly in her husband. Forward!

It is necessary to prepare in advance for tanning a husband or boyfriend, preferably even before marriage:

1. Try not to sign any marriage agreements, and accompany oral marriage agreements with ironic jokes and reservations. Demand trust, advice and love from the future betrothed. Put pressure on love, which, according to your conviction, must remove all future contradictions. If your husband insists on some firm agreements that share roles and powers in your bunch, try to be seriously offended and arrange a small controlled spat for him. Make it so that he would not put up without a gift. He must realize his guilt and repent for distrusting you.

2. Every man has his own button. Find it by patient scrupulous enumeration weakness(or better - a few), and carefully begin to develop this "deposit". If this is a real slack, over time you will learn to play it in such a way that he will not even suspect that he is being brutally pressured. In subconscious horror before this terror, he himself will slowly begin to crawl under the saving roof of your heel.

3. Every man has his own secret. Get him to share his inferiority complexes with you by demanding complete trust, and use this knowledge to turn him into a camel. He should feel guilty, but that he is a freak and made you fall in love with him. He must answer for it with repentance and obedience. He must firmly grasp that he is a stinking freak, and you are an angel of patience and self-sacrifice.

4. Negotiate the right to personal space (mobile phone, account icq , mail, etc.) and root out his attempts to control you. The very idea of ​​controlling you should become sedition for him. An attack on the sanctity of your friendship. It's so ugly, unworthy and ungentlemanly - to suspect a beloved.Love is trust! Don't let your love kill you.

5. In addition to a set of whips, you also need a gingerbread. Keep this in mind as you prepare to become a pet trainer. Otherwise, this brute may one day beat the barn and the fence in a rage. But never feed him gingerbread just like that - from a good mood or complacency.The stimulus should be applied only as an encouragement of the desired reactions.

6. Isolate him from harmful influences. All his friends must be convinced finished and satisfied with their fate henpecked. Pass rigidly and mercilessly all his connections through this qualification. Give him such friends if he is lonely. But beware the wives of such friends.As a rule, these are terrible unceremonious bitches.

7. Burn out sexist thoughts and prejudices with a red-hot iron. He must know that male chauvinism is the worst thing that can happen to a man in this life. After that, he forever loses the right to be attributed to the genus homo sapiens.

If you do not lose patience and perseverance and act consistently and carefully, your efforts will certainly be crowned with success, and you will bring up an exemplary enviable henpecked husband.

He will also promote matriarchy.

Do you still want to drive your obstinate rebellious husband under the kabuk? Do you need another child? Or don't you have one yet?

Maybe you'd better just go natural free sperm donor? Welcome!

Despite the general sarcasm of the note, the author is deeply convinced (and, alas, from his own bitter experience) of the truth of the thesis about the instability of a couple with blurry leadership, so, dear keepers of the hearth, go for it! And let your ancient instinct help you.

As Zarathustra said, are you going to a man? Don't forget to take a belt and a whip with you.