What to do in the country in October. Necessary work in the garden and vegetable garden in October

Leaves are already falling outside the window, which means that autumn is gaining momentum and very soon the cold will come. We have compiled a list of things to do in October for you. So that this autumn month will be remembered for the whole cold winter. And so, what needs to be done in October.

To-do list:

1. Buy a bright umbrella. If you don’t have a bright umbrella yet, then you should get one as soon as possible. Yellow and orange umbrellas will keep you warm in the heaviest rain.

2. Bake cookies in the form autumn leaves. Treat your friends and loved ones delicious cookies in the form of autumn leaves, cones or acorns.

3. Replenish delicious and fragrant tea. Serve biscuits with delicious tea. Discover new flavors of fragrant tea.

4. Throw a fun Halloween party. The end of the month promises to be cheerful and scary. Be sure to throw your own Halloween party and invite all your friends to it.

5. Prepare a pumpkin dish. The crop has already been harvested, which means that you can arrange culinary experiments. Pumpkin can be cooked tasty soup or bake a big pie.

6. Choose a warm October day and have a picnic in the park. You need to have time to enjoy the last warm day of autumn. Take a warm blanket, hot tea and sandwiches with you.

7. Rustle autumn leaves. It's so amazing to step on fallen leaves and hear them rustle under you.

8. Plenty to ride a bike. We use the last October days to the maximum, we ride a bicycle, because winter will come very soon.

9. See how the birds fly south.

10. Arrange an autumn photo shoot. Treat yourself to memories of this fall. Arrange an autumn photo shoot in the fresh air or in the autumn decoration of a photo studio.

11. Collect a bouquet of autumn leaves. A bouquet of autumn leaves can be used as a prop for a photo shoot or as a gift to your parents.

12. Collect and dry the herbarium. Remember how in childhood we collected a herbarium and laid it out in books.

13. Enjoy a new harvest of honey. The bees have been working all summer and collecting delicious honey, now it's time to enjoy it. And hot milk with honey will help not to get sick this autumn.

14. Bake Apple pie cinnamon. We continue to improve our culinary skills and our next step is to cook the most delicious charlotte.

15. Arrange a romantic evening with your loved one. Don't forget about your loved ones. Arrange a romantic evening for them with candles and a warm blanket.

16. Cook mulled wine. The most warming drink of autumn and upcoming winter is mulled wine. Come up with your own unique recipe and surprise your loved ones with it.

17. Get a warm sweater. Perhaps many of you have already completed this point, and who has not yet, then go to the closet in search of the warmest sweater.

19. Go to a cafe with friends. Invite your friends to an interesting cafe where you have never been before. And be sure to order a new drink for you.

20. Have your own October Fest. Have fun at your October Fest.

21. Get out your favorite rubber boots. Not all shoes will withstand heavy rains and rubber boots will come to the rescue. If you have not yet acquired this element of the wardrobe, then you urgently need to arrange shopping.

22. Draw an autumn landscape. Add some creativity to your life. Golden very - this is a great opportunity to learn how to draw.

Calendar of works in the garden and in the garden in October. Work at the cottage in October. What needs to be done in the garden and in the garden in October. Everything you need to do in the country in October.

The list of works in the garden and in the garden for October

1. It is usually recommended to do autumn digging of trunk circles under trees and bushes to destroy pests wintering in the soil. I do not do this, because I am convinced that any extra digging destroys the soil. On the contrary, I fill up the near-trunk circles with weeds and unripe compost, especially along the perimeter of the crown, where the zone of sucking roots is located. Pests are deeply buried under this layer. I also do not remove all fallen leaves, but pile them into trunk circles.

I destroy pathogens and pests by late (at the end of October) spraying trees, bushes and the soil under them with a solution of any mineral fertilizer high concentration. The easiest way to do this is to use urea (carbomide), taking 500-700 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. If the leaves have not yet fallen, spray directly on them, especially carefully spray the ends of the branches - aphids lay eggs on them. Walk well through all branches, trunk and soil in near-stem circles. In early spring(at the end of March) this procedure should be repeated.

2. If it is a dry autumn, the garden must be well watered. If the plants go into the winter dehydrated, they can dry out from frost, especially year-old young growths.

3. At the end of the month, rotted manure and compost can be applied, not only under bushes and trees, but also under peonies and other perennial flowers, but also along the perimeter of the crown, and not in the center.

4. Under cherries and plums, an additional third of a bucket of ash should be added. Even half a bucket won't hurt. It is even better to use dolomite or chalk instead of ash, but its rate must be reduced by 3 times.

5. At the end of the month, cut off perennial asters and chrysanthemums. It's time to put shelters over roses and clematis. It's time to add peonies, oriental hybrids (lilies), chrysanthemums, irises.

6. In last days month, you can hold an event to clean the trunks and branches from lichens. To do this, they need to be sprayed with a 7-10% solution of ferrous sulfate (about three tablespoons without top per liter of water). In just 3-4 days, the lichens will fall off on their own. Such spraying should never be done during the growing season.

Folk weather signs for October

❧ If migratory birds leave at the beginning of the month, winter will come quickly and be cold. If the birds are not in a hurry to fly away, then the autumn will be long and warm, and the winter will be mild. After the departure of the cranes, night frosts will strike in three weeks.

❧ If the leaf fall has passed quickly, it will soon get colder and the winter will be severe, and if the leaves remain green and stay on the trees for a long time, then the winter will be warm, with slight short frosts.

❧ If at the end of October the horns of the month are oriented to the north, then it will be dry and snow will fall quickly, and if they are directed to the south, it will be slush until November.

Weather for tomorrow

❧ Clouds move from north to south for sunny weather, and from south to north for bad weather.

❧ If the moon seems cloudy and pale, then there will be rain and snow, frost is possible.

❧ If the jackdaws gather and scream, then it will be clear weather.

The first frosts are already appearing at night, although most of the harvest has been harvested, there are still unfinished business. Today we will tell you what to do with a summer resident during the second month of autumn.

Bringing beauty

Nature is slowly preparing for the onset of winter, why don't we do it too? First, let's put things in order in our area. All haulm from harvested vegetables (if you don't have household) put in one place. It is advisable not to dump it in a heap, but to lay it in layers. Send all unnecessary foliage and dry grass there. Over time, natural debris will come in handy to fertilize the soil.

Lawns should also be prepared for cold weather. They need to be mowed, otherwise you will not have an even, beautiful green carpet in the spring, since it is difficult for the grass to break through the dry turf.

You can also reduce spring worries: transfer some of the cases to October. For example, plant perennial flowers in already empty flower beds. But be careful, you need to plant those that bloom in spring.

Sending for the winter

Speaking of empty flower beds. We all change often houseplants v summer time outside. So, it's time to bring them home. The land for flowers can be fertilized (with various additives that are easy to find in specialized stores or use last year's humus if it remains). This will prevent the appearance of possible diseases. And your green pets will not have to deal with ailments.

In addition, right now you can upgrade your plants. Transplant a flower from a small to a larger pot. And if you met, for example, the rose of your dreams in a flower shop, then do not pass by and be sure to buy it immediately. And after a week, transplant into your pot and soil.

Don't forget garden trees

We cut off all diseased, dry and broken branches. And be sure to remove everything that attacked during the harvest period (fruits of apples, ranetok, etc.). Pests (worms) live in the already rotten carrion, if all this is not destroyed, then harmful larvae will fall on the tree and infect root crops in the spring. The most effective method of dealing with uninvited guests is instillation. Bury the entire carrion to a depth of 35 - 40 centimeters. At the end of October, it is desirable to free trunks and branches from lichens. To do this, you need a 7% or 10% solution of ferrous sulfate. For one liter of water, use three tablespoons. Spray trees with liquid. After a few days, the lichens should fall off on their own. If autumn did not please with rains, then all vegetation must be shed well. Trees should not be allowed to winter dehydrated. Frost can dry them out. Young growths are especially vulnerable.

Speaking of growth. In October, plants, if desired, can be planted. But all young trees must be covered so that rodents do not destroy it. You can tie them with spruce branches or burlap. And be sure to spud the base of the strapping by 15 centimeters.

It is also time to cover strawberries and other shrubs. For this, hay or a special film is ideal, which is not difficult to find in any country store.

Getting ready for spring

Autumn is the time when it is best to take care of the soil. Yes, yes, it is at this time of the year, and for example, not in the spring (as many believe).

So, almost the entire crop has already been harvested, so it's time to prepare the beds for the next garden season. To do this, you need to dig them up. Of course, one must remember garden tools. Before putting away work tools for winter storage: wash, dry and repair (if necessary). And only after that send them for the winter.

Work in the garden and vegetable garden in October for most owners of suburban areas completes the summer season. The trees are starting to shed their leaves, there is almost nothing left in the garden, most of the crop has already been stored. “October is the month of full pantries,” says folk wisdom, but this does not mean at all that the work in the garden and in the garden has already been completed. Rest early, country cottage area must be carefully prepared for the winter. Well, when she comes, then it will be possible to relax, drink hot tea with homemade jam, and look at summer photos. So, what kind of work are responsible summer residents doing this month?

Primary work in the garden and vegetable garden in October

In the October days, it is already in full swing to prepare the entire infrastructure for winter: remove and clean the time switch from drip irrigation, turn over the barrels, remove the pump, “park” the water supply - blow it out and leave the taps open.

Harvesting the last harvest in the garden

In the first half of October, the remains of cabbage should be collected from the garden: cauliflower, white cabbage, late Brussels sprouts. If the heads of cabbage have already frozen slightly, they need to be dried a little, after picking off the upper damaged leaves, and only after that they should be stored.

According to the observations of many gardeners, cabbage is best stored in a suspended state (on the crossbar with the roots up) in the basement with a constant temperature of 1-2 degrees.

If you store cut cabbage, then when the heads of cabbage are determined for wintering, it's time to take care of the stumps left after them. It is desirable to dig absolutely everything, leaving not a single root in the ground. This is done not for the sake of cleanliness and order on the site, but for another, more important reason. The fact is that the remaining roots of cabbage are a haven for the larvae of the cabbage fly, so to speak, their winter quarters. If the stalks are not removed, the larvae will safely live until spring, warm up with the arrival of heat and turn into flies that will literally devour cabbage seedlings in June.

Planting must be completed in the first half of October, as plants planted closer to stable frosts automatically fall into the risk zone. Timely planted seedlings will have time to grow absorbent roots before frost and, with the arrival of spring heat, they will instantly start growing (about a couple of weeks earlier than those that will be planted in spring). Weather surprises, which nature often throws at the beginning of the summer season, they will meet already quite developed and strengthened.

Landing pits for "settlers" should preferably be prepared no later than a week before disembarkation. After planting, it is necessary to ensure that the soil under young trees and bushes does not dry out before the onset of frost. Gardeners pay special attention to warming seedlings. If a harsh winter is predicted, the plants can be insulated as follows: drive four pegs at a distance of up to 40 cm around the trunk, cover the resulting frame with burlap, fill the space between the tree and the burlap walls with dry leaves or sawdust. If there is no burlap at hand, you can build a tube of corrugated paper and fill it with heaters. Such protection will help plants survive any winter.

If winter insulation can be damaged by rodents, look in the area (or ask your neighbors) for foliage and shoots of elderberry, and add it to the insulation layer - mice “do not like” this smell.

Autumn pruning of fruit and berry crops

It is better not to allow horticultural crops to winter with a thickened or injured crown, it is dangerous for them. That is why thinning and sanitary pruning is carried out in the fall. It begins during leaf fall or immediately after the trees and bushes shed their leaves, and the removal of unnecessary branches must be completed before frost. In order not to weaken the plants, but rather to strengthen their immunity, pruning must be carried out in a “gentle mode”, without being too zealous.

Sanitary pruning involves the removal of broken, dried, pest-affected and no longer bearing fruit branches (the so-called unloading). After trees and bushes shed their leaves, such damaged areas become clearly visible. In order to thin out the crown, all overlapping branches are cut out, resting on the trunk, growing almost vertically from the trunk, or simply preventing light from entering. The main thing is to carry out this procedure in a timely manner so that the wounds have time to heal before winter.

Another October garden work is pruning gooseberries and currants. Both cultures wake up and bloom too early, so it's best not to delay their thinning until spring. In addition, all the kidneys are checked on currants - deformed and swollen kidneys with signs of a kidney mite must be carefully pinched off and burned.

In addition to pruning in the fall, we also regularly spray against diseases and pests - in October with live microbial preparations, and only in November we connect iodine treatments.

Tidying up and preparing plants for wintering

October garden work is not limited to pruning old trees and planting new ones. In addition, it is better to clean the garden turf from leaf litter - distribute the foliage into flower beds and beds. Also, plant residues accumulated during the season are removed into the compost heap, and preparations begin. fruit trees and berries for the winter. Dead bark is removed from the trunks, and then whitewashing is carried out with a mixture of lime and clay with the addition of water (3 kg of the mixture / 10 l of water) and ash (1 cup). If there is mullein, then add it - it improves adhesion.

Later, when the ground begins to freeze slightly, tree trunks can be mulched with compost mixed with sawdust, and even better with peat.

Autumn work in the flower garden in October

In flower beds in October days, non-winter-hardy crops (heat-loving hydrangeas, climbing roses, rhododendrons) are cut and covered, and vending bulbs are planted - tulips, daffodils, chionodoxes, crocuses, etc.

All leaf litter of fruit trees, not distributed over the beds, as already mentioned, is better to scatter in flower beds - this is both food for the soil and warming for the winter. Around the end of June next year, there will be no trace of the leaves, all will be eaten by soil microorganisms and earthworms. This nutrition is enough not only for flowers, but also for fruit trees - their nutritious roots will reach here if the flower beds are organized nearby. orchard.

October is a very busy month for gardeners. If in summer you can sit out the midday heat somewhere in the shade, wait for the evening coolness and continue working, then in the middle of autumn such pauses are not allowed. People say: "October day is flying fast - you can't tie it to the wattle fence." And indeed, as soon as he prepared the instrument and tuned in to work, it was already getting dark. But winter is very close, and you need to have time to carry out all the planned work in the garden and garden in October without putting them off until spring.

What needs to be done in the garden, in flower beds and in the garden in October.

The list of works in the country in October

October is the second month of autumn, and the hassle does not become less. (We need to have time to harvest the late harvest - the first frosts begin, ice appears on the water. It's time to prepare for winter.

signs of october

Foliage from birch and oak begins to fly around at the same time - by the harsh winter.

On Pokrov the wind blows from the east - the winter will be cold.

Thunder rumbles in October - the winter will be short, mild, snow-white.

In October, the first snow fell - in 40 days, wait for winter.

If the north wind blows on October 3, it will be cold, if the south - warm, if the west - sputum, if the east - a bucket.

October 14 - Veil, the wedding season begins. If the wind on this day is changeable, the winter will also be changeable.

Works on the lunar calendar for October

New moon. On the new moon, you can not plant and transplant plants, but this time is perfect for foliar feeding of domestic plants.

Waxing Crescent. Favorable time for planting and transplanting shrubs and trees, a good time for winter sowing. Take care of disinfecting greenhouses, transplanting plants and pruning bushes.

In the middle of the phase of the growing moon, you should rest for a couple of days - you can neither plant nor sow. And at the end of the phase, you can start planting bulbs and herbs for distillation and winter sowing. This is also the time for pest control.

Full moon. You can not engage in planting and seating plants.

Waning moon. The first few days of the waning moon are favorable for feeding seedlings and planting winter crops - garlic, onions, hyacinths.

The next few days should be devoted to the winter sowing of vegetables and flowers, as well as to carrying out sanitary work in the garden to clean and trim unnecessary plant residues. Use this time for watering and feeding plants - they will overwinter better, the main thing is not to touch the above-ground part.

At the end of the phase, the remaining crop is harvested, unnecessary branches are cut, excess shrubs and trees are cut down, and the site is put in order.

List of works in the garden and vegetable garden

They collect apples and pears that have not yet been removed, sort and store the fruits for storage. Bad fruits are harvested and burned along with the leaves. Also at this time, root crops of carrots, beets, radishes are harvested for winter storage.

After the leaves fall, the trees are treated with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. It is also good to irrigate to the entire depth of the rhizome, which will serve as a good moisture recharge for the tree. It is necessary to insulate root system trees with manure, dry leaves and humus.

At the beginning of October comes good time for planting fruit trees a few weeks before the start of frost. Seedlings are planted in pre-prepared planting pits, where the soil will not be flooded in spring. The roots are covered with earth, compact the earth, water, protect against the penetration of rodents.

To scare away hares, 300 g of naphthalene, 100 g of copper sulfate, 2 liters of vegetable oil, 3.5 kg of soap and 400 g of turpentine are mixed, this mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution is applied to the bark.

If there are clutches of viburnum leaf beetle and hawthorn on the trunks, it's time to get rid of them. Infected parts are cleaned or cut and burned.

Winter sowing of vegetables

To receive on next year For a good onion harvest, you need to plant a sowing onion with a diameter of 1 cm.

In October, the remaining crop of white, red, and Brussels sprouts is harvested.

October is a good month for digging up horseradish rhizomes. At the same time, the leeks are harvested. Dig up the onion, cut off the feathers, leaving the tip up to 20 cm, cut the root lobe, tie the onion into bundles. It is best to store onions in a cool, ventilated, dry and dark place.

Remaining before frost spices and perennial onions can be transplanted into pots and carried home, so that there will always be fresh greens in winter.

In October, the time comes to prepare the beds for the winter sowing of dill, radishes, carrots, parsley in the frozen ground. They store the earth for falling asleep seeds, make grooves 1 cm deep.

Although most of the crop has already been harvested, late cabbage still remains in the beds, which continues to grow. Therefore, it must be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and do not forget to water it.

Shrub care in October

This time is suitable for planting shrubs. Blackcurrants are planted with a slope, the roots are buried 8 cm into the ground. Gooseberries are planted without a slope and deepened only by 6 cm. In October, raspberry pruning is completed. The shoots of this year are carefully bent to the ground, fixed and covered so that they overwinter better.

Currants and gooseberries in October are spudded by 12 cm and covered with material.

Strawberries need protection if the beds with it are located on a hill. It is covered with shavings, sawdust, spruce branches or other covering material with a layer up to 15 cm.

Workers in the flower garden in October

In flowers with basal leaves (bluish aster, geyhera, carnations, gravilate, daylily, lupine, multi-petal, primrose, pyrethrum), leaves, faded stems are cut low.

In order for evening primrose to grow, it is necessary to cut the stems, leaving small rosettes with green leaves.

Iris leaves must be cut off, leaving a height of 15 cm. In the oriental poppy, the basal green leaves are not touched, only the stems are cut, the ground is loosened around and fertilized with compost to a height of 5 cm.

After the first frost, gonia tubers are harvested for winter storage. The begonia is well examined, the damaged ground part is cut off, the tubers with roots are placed in boxes and cleaned in a cool, dry, ventilated room.

Roses are being prepared for wintering. They are spudded, cut off the buds and tops of the shoots. After the first frosts, you can do late gladioli. Plants are cut from leaves and stem, leaving only 1.5 cm, the resulting bulbs are laid out in boxes with ventilation, set to dry at a temperature of + 20-25 ° C. After a couple of days, they put it for a week in a place where the temperature is about +35 ° C. When the bulbs are dry, they are cleaned and dried at a temperature of about +20 ° C for another 1 month.

This time is suitable for work with galtonia. It is necessary to cut the stem at the base, then dry the resulting bulbs for 1-2 weeks in a dry, dark, well-ventilated room. The dried bulbs are put in a cardboard box and stored at a temperature of up to 12 ° C.

You can also do acidantera. The stems are cut to the ground, the bulbs themselves are dried at a temperature of +20 degrees, then stored in a well-ventilated area.

October is suitable for perennial flowers that remain in the ground for the winter. In astilbe, aster, cornflower, columbine, gaillardia, gypsophila, delphinium, goldenrod, bluebell, coreopsis, lily of the valley, liatris, lily, lychnis, milkweed, monarda, peony, rudbeckia, scabiosa, yarrow, phlox and echinacea, cut leaves and stems, leaving only about 3 cm.

You need to do some dahlias. After the first frost, when the flowers are damaged, you can already dig up the tubers for winter storage. Dahlias unravel, cut the stems, leaving 10 cm, make a groove around the dahlia, dig up the tubers with a pitchfork. Carefully shake off the tubers and wash off the ground, dry a little. When the tubers dry, they are examined, small roots are cut off, damage and diseased areas are removed, the sections are sprinkled with chopped charcoal. Then the tubers are placed in a cool place with a temperature of up to +10 ° C for 2-3 weeks. Dried tubers are placed in a box lined with paper, sprinkled with sawdust, dry river sand, covered with paper on top. The boxes are placed in a cool and dry place with a temperature of +5 ° C and humidity up to 60%.

Clematis are removed and cut, leaving only a node from the ground. They also feed with fertilizer and sprinkle compost under the flowers.

Bulbous perennials(daffodils, lilies and hyacinths), prepared for winter, cover with dry foliage, opiates and spruce branches, which will protect the bulbs from frost in winter. And spruce branches will still protect the bulbs from rodents.

Vineyard maintenance in October

After harvesting, it is time to fight pests and diseases, so the grapes are treated with drugs. Then strong seedlings from the school are planted, since at this time they are better accepted and develop the root system. Young shoots are covered with peat and spruce branches, old bushes are cut, laid in pre-prepared grooves. Cropped unsuitable plant parts of the vineyard are dried and burned.