How to make a stretch ceiling with your own hands: tools, consumables, type selection, wall markings, profile attachment and installation of panels. Why you need a chain tensioner on a bike and how to install it

Many people prefer to make repairs on their own, without resorting to the help of builders. But some things are difficult, because not everyone knows the details. renovation works, and what to do if the work "does not go well".

Almost everyone can glue the wallpaper or paint the walls, but not everyone can do more complex actions, for example, decorate the ceiling. If you are not confident in your abilities, invite specialists, however, after reading this article, you, most likely, decide to do everything yourself.

What does that require

So how to do it yourself stretch ceiling, and what is required for this?


First of all, the necessary tools:

  • Perforator.
  • for heating panels and rooms.
  • Gas cylinder.
  • Stepladder or goats.
  • Level (better laser).
  • Dowels.
  • Hammer, screwdriver.
  • Sharp knife with a set of interchangeable blades.

Now that you have all the necessary tools, you need to start purchasing materials. Before making stretch ceilings yourself, be sure to calculate the size of the room, namely, calculate the perimeter and area of ​​the ceiling in the first place.


  • Baguette... These are profile strips made of plastic or aluminum, the tensioning membrane will actually be attached to them. Measure the perimeter of the room, and it is in this amount that you will need it. can be purchased with a small margin, in case a part of the profile is rejected. An aluminum molding is considered to be more durable and durable, but a plastic one is cheaper, so here you have to choose.
  • Film or fabric material... It will be stretched just below the main ceiling. Choose the color, structure and material itself according to your taste or the advice of the designer.
  • Dowels or screws... Purchase them with a margin, because the more often the profile attachment points are, the stronger the whole structure will be.
  • It should be noted that stretch ceilings do not have sound insulation properties. Therefore, if neighbors from above interfere with you, you should take care of appropriate protection. If you have seen how a stretch ceiling is made at least once, you probably noticed that a gap is left between it and the main ceiling. It is precisely in this interval that it is advisable to lay. It is best to use slabs made of mineral wool... They are safe, durable, and, moreover, have excellent thermal insulation properties. After such a procedure, your apartment will be much quieter and warmer. However, if no one lives above you, and your roof is well insulated, this item can be excluded.

Note! Even if you partly know how to make a stretch ceiling with your own hands, do not be too lazy to attract someone to help you. The installation itself is quite simple, however, it will be very difficult to stretch the material to exactly one person.

You have enough difficult task- choose the main material. That is, its color, structure, quality, cost and manufacturer. Let's talk about this aspect in a little more detail.

Selecting the type of stretch ceiling

There are two main types of stretch coverings - fabric and PVC.

  • Cloth cover well suited if a homemade stretch ceiling is attached using a cam method. This type of material is made from polystyrene.
  • PVC - covering... Made from polyvinyl chloride. It can be fixed using the bead, harpoon or wedge method. The harpoon method is considered the most reliable, but also the most difficult to perform. In this case, hooks are welded to the canvas with a special machine. Further, these hooks are inserted into the profile, after which the canvas is carefully pulled. But there is a little secret here - the cut canvas should be smaller. the right sizes 7% for perfect further tension.

On the construction market, you will be offered a great variety of materials that differ in price, structure, color and manufacturing firms. Of course, you shouldn't save money and choose the cheapest material.

So how to determine the quality of a stretch ceiling yourself? First of all, check it for defects. Of course, it is advisable to take with you someone who has already faced this kind of question. A good coating is considered, for example, the ceiling of the edelweiss brand.

Advice! Consider the height of your main ceilings before purchasing. If you want to visually increase the space in the room, buy a coating with a shiny surface. The reflective, "mirror" effect will make the ceilings look higher.

But designers who are enlightened on how to make the effect of increasing the space will definitely advise you to choose light shades. And this is correct, because the lighter the ceiling (up to white), the higher it will seem. The darker the color, the lower it will look.

Now that everything has been selected, calculated and purchased, you can proceed to the most important thing - editing. If you, nevertheless, do not dare to urgently get down to work, take a look - how stretch ceilings are made - the video that is on our website. Then the work will go much faster and easier.

Stretch ceiling installation

We all know that in apartments there are often irregularities in the ceiling and distortions of the walls. Therefore, first you need to make measurements and markings for even fastening of the profile.

Wall markings

  • Measure the height of each wall at all four corners and mark each corner. You will notice that the difference can even be a few centimeters. Consider the distance from the main ceiling to the stretch ceiling. The minimum is 3 cm, however, if you purchased lighting fixtures, you need to take into account their thickness. After all, they must fit in the gap.
  • Since the supporting profile - the baguette will be attached to the walls, draw a straight line around the perimeter of the room. Of course, it is better to use a laser level for this. This is the future markup for the supporting structure.
  • The harpoon mount, which we talked about above, although the best, will require not only special devices, but also trained specialists. If you want to know how to make stretch ceilings with your own hands, you'd better leave the idea about this method. Believe me - other methods, done competently and with a soul, will be no worse. Therefore, choose a different installation method, such as glazing or wedge.

Profile attachment

Now that the markup is done, you need to attach the baguette to the walls.

  • It is fastened with dowels or self-tapping screws. They should be located at a distance of 7-8 cm from each other. It is advisable to first glue the profile to the walls before that, so it will be easier for you to work. Make sure that the first and last dowel or self-tapping screw is not too close to the edge of the profile section.
  • Take care of the wiring for future lighting. You have already purchased the luminaires, consider their width, type and quantity. After finishing the installation of the canvas, you will no longer be able to do this operation.

Installation of panels

To successfully stretch the PVC sheet on the ceiling, you need to warm up the room well... This is done with a heat gun. This device can be rented from friends, but it will not be superfluous to purchase it. You will perfectly use it in winter to heat a garage or utility room. To start work, the room must be warmed up to 40⁰.

  • Now let's look at how to properly mount the canvas. Unpack the material with clean hands so that it does not get dirty ahead of time. Now you need to fix one of the corners, the so-called "base corner". Warm up the cloth before this with a heat gun.
  • Next, the opposite base angle is fixed. These corners are attached to the so-called "crocodiles" - special clips treated with a soft material to prevent damage to the film.
  • Now the remaining corners are fixed, and the ceiling warms up to an even higher temperature. Note that each canvas must be accompanied by instructions on how to properly make a stretch ceiling, taking into account the perimeter of the room. The starting, base angle must be specified there. Therefore, read the instructions carefully before starting installation works so as not to remodel the ceiling.

  • Not forgetting to gently warm up the film, for example, you took the deluxe, remove the clip from one corner. Now, with an angled spatula, which is inserted into the groove of the sheet shell, carefully insert the sheet into the baguette. When you hook the next part, hold the previous one with your hand so that it does not jump out. Until at least two locks on both sides have been reinforced, continue to hold the canvas.
  • The rest of the corners are mounted according to the same principle. Keep in mind that the closer to completion, the more difficult it will be to fix the corners. Therefore, we advised you to invite an assistant, since it will be quite difficult to carry out the process alone.
  • After fixing the four corners, the sections are attached in straight lines. This is done with straight shoulder blades. On two or three locks, sections with seams are fixed. Then the gap between them is divided in half, and it is fastened with several locks. Then continue with the installation of the remaining sections. Of course, a tutorial because how to make a stretch ceiling in a video will make your job much easier. Watch the videos on our website, and you will understand that everything is not so difficult as it might seem.
  • In the process of work, pay attention that the film is stretched without wrinkles, and evenly and tightly pressed against the baguette. Resolve problems as they arise. Otherwise, in the end, you will have much more difficult.
  • If you see wrinkles, gently heat these areas with a heat gun, and smooth them out with your hand, making a circular motion. Check all fasteners and connections before the heated room cools down and the film stretches.
  • The final stage can be considered. They are attached to special racks in advance, then, after tensioning the membrane, it is cut sharp knife in the right places. You need to do the work very carefully, otherwise you will have to do it all over again.

Installation of fabric stretch ceilings is very similar to PVC installation analogues, except that it is not necessary to heat and solder the web.

Stretch ceilings advantages

So, as you understand, if you wish, you can do beautiful ceiling in your house or apartment. Of course, the process will be much easier and faster with the help of involved specialists, however, many want to save money, some - to get moral satisfaction from the work done on their own. Of course, whoever has done this kind of repair will advise or show you a lot in practice.

Note! You will appreciate the advantages of stretch ceilings right away. This is aesthetic appeal, expensive type of premises, easy maintenance, the ability to choose any color and structure. Long lasting, requiring no special maintenance, they also protect you from top leaks.

The thing is that even if your roof leaks, or your neighbors flood, the stretch ceiling will protect you from this. It will simply stretch under the weight of the water. Your actions are extremely simple - you unfasten the canvas from the fastener closest to the bubble and carefully drain the water into a suitable container. Next, wait until everything is dry, and fasten the canvas back.

For those who want maximum details for a successful renovation, a video on how to make stretch ceilings is posted just below.

The topic of our article today will be a stretch ceiling, or rather it: varieties, advantages and, of course, installation. Well, first, let's figure out what is so special about this type of ceiling.

Stretch ceilings are made of polyvinyl chloride (a kind of PVC film) or polyester-based fabric, fixed in a special profile. At first glance, everything is very simple, however, the process of installing a stretch ceiling contains many of its subtleties and difficulties. Let's go directly to the answer to the question: why is a stretch ceiling so good.

Stretch ceilings advantages

Firstly, the stretch ceiling allows get a really flat (almost perfect) surface... Installation false ceiling associated with a large amount of work aimed at eliminating various defects. Among them: careful installation of gypsum plasterboards according to the level, then sealing of seams and cracks on the surface, and, of course, filling the attachment points. Of course, to get the perfect ceiling surface with such a quantity finishing works well, it is very difficult, but for a layman it is practically impossible. The stretch ceiling, on the other hand, is a one-piece canvas, on which there are no traces of installation. True, one can argue here as well, since the design canvas also consists of welded film sections, however, the areas of the joint of the canvas are practically invisible. But, despite this, there is a choice, since there are seamless stretch ceilings.

Secondly, the installation of a stretch ceiling at all not a troublesome occupation... For example, take the process of installing a suspended plasterboard ceiling which we wrote about in the last article: working with gypsum plasterboards is accompanied by a large amount of dust and various construction debris. In addition, the room to be finished simply needs to be cleaned of all furniture and other interior items, which, you see, creates not only great inconveniences, but also takes a lot of effort and time. And then the process of installing a suspended ceiling itself takes a lot of time to complete all the work: installing a frame from a profile, bending drywall sheet, putty of joints and attachment points, priming, painting, etc.

All this does not apply to stretch ceilings: to mount a stretch ceiling, it is enough to mount a kind of frame that is attached only along the perimeter of the room, warm up the room, stretch and fix the ceiling sheet.

If we talk about the service life, then the stretch ceiling will give odds to any other. Stretch ceiling warranty from the manufacturer from 15 years, while the situation with suspended ceilings is much worse with a guarantee of up to 15 years. One of the main advantages of a stretch ceiling is the shrinkage resistance of new buildings (as you know, a house shrinks, which causes cracks), which is a disaster for a suspended ceiling. It is also worth noting cases with flooding by neighbors from above. When this happens in a room with a suspended ceiling, a complete replacement is required, but moisture is absolutely not terrible for a stretch ceiling. The stretch ceiling can bend under the body of water right up to the floor, which you can see in the picture, without being injured. Strength of PVC stretch ceiling is 100-120 kilograms per 1m2. The collected water is very easy to pump out, and the canvas will take its original position, as if nothing had happened. It is also worth noting that the stretch ceiling does not collect condensate, which makes it possible to use it in rooms with high humidity.

Stretch ceiling has great functionality... It has good thermal insulation and excellent sound insulation, it is suitable both for installation in the hall, and in kitchens or in bathrooms, since it is fireproof, it allows you to mount any lighting fixtures from bulky chandeliers to miniature spotlights. And also the stretch ceiling is perfect option for rooms with low ceilings: when installing a suspended ceiling, more than 10 cm are subtracted from the total height of the room, while when installing a stretch ceiling, only 5 cm.

We have just listed the functional advantages of a stretch ceiling, but also do not forget about them. aesthetic appeal... To do this, manufacturers produce films of various colors (by the way: the color of PVC film does not fade over time), textures ( natural wood, marble, metallic, etc.), and the surface is not only matte, but even glossy, thanks to which famous designers use this material to visually increase the space of premises.

But, despite this variety, the most beautiful view stretch ceiling design is a technique called the "starry sky" effect. This effect of a stretch ceiling is obtained in two ways: the first - using light guides and a light generator, or the second - using LEDs.

The first method is that the light guides are directed to the places of the supposed stars, and light is supplied with the help of a light generator. You can tinker a little and make it more graceful starry sky effect for this it is necessary to attach lenses to the optical fibers (Swarovski rhinestones ...). As a result, we get just a fabulous effect with.

The use of LED "starry sky" also has both strengths and not so much ... With the help of the controller, you can create different dynamic pictures such as: celestial flicker or movement, which is impossible in the first case. However, even when using the first type of "starry sky" on optical fibers, there are advantages, for example, the design turns out to be waterproof, which makes it possible to use it in rooms with high humidity.


As you know, nothing is perfect, this also applies to stretch ceilings. It is quite easy to damage such a ceiling with a sharp object. But a more significant drawback of a stretch ceiling at the moment is its price, which varies from several tens to several hundred dollars for 1 square meter... Well, and, probably, the last, but no less important drawback of stretch ceilings is the complexity of their installation and the need for special equipment.

DIY stretch ceiling installation

Before installing the ceiling, you need to clarify a few points:

1. Stretch ceilings are made of PVC films and polyester-based fabrics;

2. It is undesirable to use lighting devices with a power of more than 45 W, otherwise they will heat up the ceiling, from which it will lose its elasticity and resilience.

Now we will consider one of the most simple ways installation of a stretch ceiling - when there are no protruding pipes of communications coming out of the ceiling or various protrusions near the room. And for fixing the ceiling film, we will use a special baguette profile.

To begin with, you need to determine the lowest corner in the room and from it to carry out further installation of the stretch ceiling. To do this, we use the hydro level, we find, we need an angle, we retreat 2-3 centimeters for the convenience of attaching the baguette (it all depends on the curvature of the ceiling and its drops). Further, in the same way, it is necessary to mark the zero level around the entire perimeter of the room. After the zero level line is ready, you can proceed to the next stage.

At the next stage, we measure the corners in the room - this is necessary for high-quality joining of the profile-baguette in the corners. For this we use a special folding protractor.

There is a zero level, all the necessary measurements have been completed - you can proceed to fastening the profile. But before proceeding directly with the installation of the profile rail, it must be prepared. There are two possible ways:

  1. In the first case, the rail should be longer than the width of the room - in this case, the edges of the rail are cut at an angle equal to half the corner of the room with a measured protractor;
  2. In the second, the rail should be shorter than the width of the room - in this case, one corner of the rail is cut to half the value of the corner of the room, and the second at 90 degrees (to clearly adjoin the second piece of the profile). Next, we take the missing section of the profile and do the same with it, only we make a bevel for the opposite corner. We glue two parts of the profile well with glue.

Then we fix the profile rail on the wall according to the planned zero level using dowels or self-tapping screws. As a result, we should get a room with an attached profile on the wall around the perimeter of the room.

Now using heat gun or a fan heater, we warm up the room to a temperature in the aisles of 45-50 degrees. And only after reaching the required temperature can you unwind the PVC ceiling film.

When all the preliminary preparations are complete, you can proceed directly to stretching the canvas. Installation of the canvas starts from the base angle (as a rule, it is marked on the film by the manufacturer), then we fix the diagonally opposite corner, and so on. As soon as the 4 corners are fixed, you can start attaching the sides, their installation is carried out evenly from the corners to the center. It is worth noting that for a high-quality and easy installation of a stretch ceiling, its canvas must be warmed up to 55-65 degrees. As we have already said, this order of installation of the ceiling applies only to ceilings based on PVC films. If you are installing a polyester-based fabric stretch ceiling, the order is slightly different - first attach the sides, and then proceed to the corners.

Thus, we briefly reviewed the process of stretching the film and fabric on the ceiling, and now let's take a closer look at the types of fastening stretch ceilings.

Stretch ceiling harpoon fasteners

As a rule, this type of fastener is used only for the installation of ceilings based on PVC film. It got its name due to the type of fastener at the end of the film in the form of a harpoon. The baguette in this case is an aluminum profile. This type of fastener is the main one for ceilings made of PVC films, however, in addition to this, the glazing method is no less popular due to its cheapness, but, nevertheless, it is not so reliable.

PVC film harpoon fastener

1 - Harpoon;

2 - Baguette;

3 - Ceiling PVC film;

4 - Base ceiling;

6 - Room wall.

Fasteners of a stretch ceiling

With this type of fastener, a U-shaped profile with a wooden glazing bead is used, which clamp the ceiling sheet. As we have already said, this method of fastening is cheaper, but at the same time less reliable.

With this type of fastener, a U-shaped aluminum profile and a wooden glazing bead are used, which clamps the ceiling sheet. As mentioned above, this method is used in our open spaces to reduce the cost of the process of installing ceilings.

The disadvantages of this method of fastening include:

  • Over time, the wooden glazing bead can jump out of the groove;
  • And in order to securely fix the film, you must have sufficient experience.

Shtapikovy fasteners of PVC foil

4 - Base ceiling.

After the ceiling sheet is installed, only the finishing touches remain, such as: install a decorative insert that hides the ceiling mounting system and install and install lighting devices (chandelier or spotlights). When everything is clear with decorative inserts and plugs, then with the installation of lighting devices it is far from it.

To install a chandelier on a stretch ceiling, you will need a plastic ring with a diameter slightly smaller than the decorative base (overlay) of the chandelier (so that it hides the ring). This ring must be glued to the foil at the previously marked point of fixing the chandelier. As soon as the glue is completely dry, you can safely cut a hole in the ring without fear of breaking the canvas and attach the chandelier to the base ceiling.

Fabric ceiling in the future it will be possible to paint with acrylic paints, creating various effects, for example, sea waves or clouds, etc.

We hope that our article will help you make a stretch ceiling with your own hands, without any problems.

Installation of "Clipso" stretch ceiling

Hello everyone!

Sooner or later, like everyone else, I have to change the clothesline, which is sometimes very difficult, especially when rollers are installed that serve to move the laundry. While pulling the rope, it moves because of the rollers from side to side, which does not make it possible to pull it normally, you need to somehow lock the wheels, but on the 5th floor it is not very convenient, and my arms are not too long to reach before them and install something there. Once again, having seen enough of the methods that the Internet offered, and they did not suit me, I realized that I needed to come up with something and make some simple device, which I learned from this at the end of the article. I am attaching detailed description and photo report.

Materials and tools

To create the tensioner, I needed the following:


- a hacksaw for wood;
- pliers;
- drill.

Materials (edit)

- ring screws 2 pcs;
- wooden lath;
- washers;
- wire 2 mm;
- engraver;
- clothesline.

Making a rope holder

Let's start making!

Using a hacksaw, we saw off just such a workpiece.

Further, in the lower part, we apply the markings for the holes.

Then we take such small ring screws.

Cut off a small gap, you should get the following.

When everything is ready, we screw in the screws all the way.

It turns out such a simple device.

How do you pull a rope with a device?

Now I'll show you how it all works.
I give an example in an ordinary chair, since leaning out of the window on my balcony is not very convenient.
An example is taken of such a very ordinary clothesline, I used a thicker and stronger one for myself, but this is not the point of the matter.

We cut off the desired length, it is better to make a larger stock, so it will be more convenient.

Next, I chose a regular washer as a fixing element.

We take a washer and push both ends of the rope through it.

Next, we tie the ends of the rope.

Now we take the tensioner and hook it to the loop.

Next, we pull back the washer, and begin to rotate the tensioner clockwise.

Rotate until the rope is tight enough.

When everything is ready, we pull the tensioner up in order to straighten the wound rope, then take the pliers and flatten the washer.

It turns out the following.

Now we unwind the rope, and cut it off, leaving small ends.

Next, we take electrical tape and wrap the ends.

Here, in principle, everything is done, we get a well-stretched clothesline.

This method is more applicable to a thin clothesline, but for myself I used a slightly different one, since my rope was a little thicker, and I did not have a washer of the required diameter, and it would be more difficult to bend it.

How to pull a thick rope?

I did the following.
I took a wire 2 mm thick.

Then I decided to use an ordinary pen, it is needed in order to make small rings, we take the wire and wind it around the handle.

You should get such a spring.

Then, using a drill with a cutting disc, I cut these rings.

Fixing with such rings works according to a similar principle, we wind the rope, then put on the ring and squeeze it with pliers, so you can fix the rope with a thicker section.

You can also use an engraver as a fixing element, the only thing is to bend it a little with pliers.

That, in principle, is all, in this way I now pull on my clothesline.

This concludes my article!
Thank you all for your attention!
Until next time on

The tensioner (damper) is one of the important accessories. It has a protective function. Thanks to the damper, the tension of the chain mechanism is regulated, which is especially important when overcoming obstacles. It also protects the chain from damage and slipping off the sprockets. There is a large selection of soothing agents in bicycle stores today. Some reduce wobble, others prevent the chain from slipping off the sprockets, and still others prevent impacts. The cost of such devices is from several hundred rubles. It all depends on the manufacturer, functionality, installation method, strength and quality of the material. For those who want to save money, there are many ways to make a simple tensioner out of practically available materials.

Spoke tensioner

To make the simplest and most budgetary version of the tensioner, you will need very little: an ordinary knitting needle and pliers. This method has been used for a long time on many single-speed bikes. The needle is bent into a spiral using pliers and placed on the transmission. The edges of the spiral rest on the chain, pulling it back.

Due to the low cost, this version of the damper is used by many. But it doesn't look very pretty. And its effectiveness is not very high.

Reflector damper

One of the easiest to manufacture, but quite effective soothing agents. He does a great job with main task- prevents the chain from falling off. At the same time, the chain holds perfectly during a quiet ride and when ditching, splitting.

To make a chain damper with your own hands you will need:

  • an ordinary bicycle reflector (it is better if the diameter of the mount ring matches the diameter of the seat tube);
  • nuts;
  • bolt;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal.

When they found all necessary tool and materials, start manufacturing. Take the reflector, unscrew the reflector. You only need a foot. Attach it to the seat tube above the chain. It should not rub against the chain, but should be as close as possible, just a few millimeters away. After that, cut off the excess length so that it does not interfere with pedaling. This version of the damper will perfectly hold the bike chain during and during side landings.

You can screw an asterisk to the foot. You need to put such a tensioner on the feather with an asterisk down. This will help tighten the sagging bottom of the bike chain.

From the rear derailleur

If you have an old derailleur, making a chain tensioner with your own hands is easy. To do this, you need very little: your old switch, a hacksaw for metal and spanners for installation.

First, the top is cut off the old switch with a hacksaw. You only need the bottom one. It must be fixed at the place where the rooster is attached. And adjust the tension correctly.

other methods

There are a lot of ways to make a tensioner with your own hands from scrap materials. To do this, you need a small sprocket and a mount. The fastening can be a clamp from a flashlight to the steering wheel, a cut out leg from aluminum, in which holes are drilled for attaching a sprocket and bolts that will press it to the frame. Some craftsmen make bindings even with ordinary plastic cutting board... The main thing is fantasy.

Fastened, as a rule, to the tensioner on the chainstay. It is important to take into account that you need to tighten the chain at the bottom (preferably from the bottom up). After all, the upper part is always stretched when it is.


Making a homemade tensioner is easy enough. This requires very few materials and tools. And, of course, your time, desire to do something. At the same time, you will not only significantly save money, but also get a lot of pleasure from the manufacturing process itself.

To add sophistication and originality to the interior, stretch ceilings are installed in the room. This work is not easy and requires increased responsibility. But if you follow all the recommendations and have a partner, then everyone can do it himself.

Stretch ceiling features

Stretch ceilings are mounted either from PVC fabric or from polyester-based fabric, which are fixed in the profile. Their disadvantages include the fact that the canvas is easy to cut with a sharp object. But the installation of such ceilings has many advantages.

Thanks to such a ceiling, you can hide any defects on the rough ceiling and get a perfectly flat surface. When installing it, you do not need to spend efforts to remove the furniture from the room. Stretch ceilings are guaranteed to last at least 10 years. They are multifunctional, since behind them you can hide heat and sound insulation, all wires and mount any lamps in them.

PVC canvases are not afraid of fire, so they can be installed in the kitchen and in rooms with fire communications. They are not afraid of moisture, they can withstand a lot of water, bending at the same time to the floor, and not tear. And after pumping it out, the ceiling easily takes its original position.

PVC ceilings have a strength of 100 kg per 1 m 2. Since they do not collect condensation, they can be installed in rooms with high humidity. Due to the fact that when they are installed, the height of the room is reduced by only 50 mm, stretch ceilings are suitable for rooms with low ceilings. It is very easy to care for them, for this you just need to wipe them with a damp cloth.

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Mounting methods

There are 3 ways to mount a stretch ceiling. The harpoon method is used for PFC ceilings. In this case, the film must be checked, measured and correctly cut, i.e. its size should be 7% less than the area of ​​the ceiling itself.

Next, a hook in the form of a harpoon is welded along the edges of the canvas, made of the same film on a special machine. During installation, the stretching of the ceiling sheet occurs due to the fact that this harpoon hook clings to the installed profile. If necessary, the canvas can be easily removed and installed back.

The wedge or clip method is the opposite of the harpoon method. In this case, the fabric is not measured and the pattern is not made. Its size should exceed the size of the ceiling area. The canvas is stretched, and excess residues are cut off. Since this method of fastening uses a plastic molding, it is only suitable for fabric ceilings.

The staple or cam method resembles the wedge method, since the canvas is not measured, the pattern is not done, its size should be larger than the ceiling area. The difference is that the film is fixed in the profile using a special tape that provides tension.

In this method of fastening, a U-shaped aluminum profile and a bead made of wood are used, thanks to which the ceiling sheet is clamped. This method has disadvantages. First, a glazing bead may jump out of the groove. Secondly, it is very difficult without sufficient experience to reliably fix the film.

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Installing the frame

You will need:

  • laser level;
  • cord;
  • glue;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • material for the frame.

Before you start making the ceiling with your own hands, they carry out preparatory work, i.e. change the wiring, prepare the basis for the lamps. It must be remembered that the power of the bulbs should not exceed 50 W, so as not to damage the ceiling.

The installation of the frame begins with marking. For this, the height of all corners of the room is measured and the lowest of them is noted. It is from him that all subsequent measurements are carried out. Then they retreat downward from this corner by about 2 cm, so that it is more convenient to fasten the profile. And with the help of a laser or building level, a mark is made around the perimeter of all walls.

After that, the correctness of the marking is checked, in which the beginning of the line must coincide with its end. Next, the opposite corners of the room are connected using cords, they should converge in the center. For the chandelier, a bar is attached at the junction of them. A hook is fixed on it, the bend of which should protrude 20 mm below the level of the future ceiling.

After all preparatory work the profile is being installed. First, a rail is prepared for it. If it is longer than the width of the room in length, then its edges are sawn at an angle that is equal to half the corner of the room. The corners of the room are measured with a folding protractor.

In the event that the rail is less than the width of the room, one edge of it is also sawn at an angle, and the other is made exactly at 90 °. This is necessary so that it adjoins closely to the next profile rail, which is beveled for the corner from the opposite side. Then all the prepared elements for the profile are glued with glue and pressed against the wall along the marked line. After that, they are fixed with self-tapping screws or screws with a pitch of approximately 80 mm along the entire length of the profile, with an indent from its edge by 10 mm.

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Installation of the canvas

You will need:

  • PVC or fabric cloth;
  • heat gun;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • glue;
  • putty knife.

After the frame is installed around the entire perimeter of the room, installation is performed tension cloth... To do this, the room is heated with a heat gun or fan heater to a temperature of 40 ° and above, not allowing it to go down during all work. Further, without bringing the PVC film close to the heating device, you need to unwind it.

To increase its elasticity, it must be heated with a building hair dryer to 60 °.

After that, the canvas is fixed in one of the corners of the room, and then in the diagonal opposite. With the remaining two corners, the operation is performed by analogy. Fixation of the sides is carried out from the corners to the center with a step of 80 mm. Along the entire perimeter of the profile, the film is evenly stretched and fixed with a spatula. If the stretch ceiling is made on a fabric basis, then its fixation starts from the sides and ends in the corners of the room.

When using glazing or wedge fastening methods, the remaining part of the blade is cut off. All folds and stripes formed on the ceiling are straightened in a circular motion, heating with a construction hairdryer. After the installation of the ceiling sheet, decorative plugs are inserted. They are necessary in order to hide the fastening elements. Then the lighting fixtures are installed.

To fix the chandelier, a plastic ring is prepared, the outer diameter of which should be less than the decorative overlay of the chandelier itself. It is fixed to the ceiling with glue, its center should coincide with the pre-marked point at the point where the luminaire is attached. After the glue dries, a hole is made in the canvas, the chandelier is attached to the prepared hook. If you make a ceiling on a fabric base, it can be covered acrylic paint creating various effects such as clouds, sea waves, etc.