The best manufacturers of stretch ceilings. The best manufacturers of stretch ceilings: which company to choose

When starting repairs in an apartment or house, special attention should be paid to finishing the ceiling, which is the most important detail of any interior. The ceiling surface catches the eye from the very threshold.

The coating should not only be beautiful, but also have certain performance characteristics. There are a lot of finishing options, however, stretch ceilings, in Lately, firmly settled at the top of the rankings.

Let us consider in detail what products are offered by the main manufacturers.


They have gained popularity due to their excellent appearance, ease of installation and excellent properties that remain unchanged for many years. , which lasts only a few hours, there is no debris left. The surface to be closed does not require preparation, all communications and possible defects will be hidden by the material.

It is a canvas and a frame (baguette), made of plastic or duralumin, for its installation.

The canvas can be made of fabric (polyester) or PVC.

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Comparison of woven and film types:

Material, characteristics Film Textile
Size, m 1,2 — 3,2 Up to 5.5
Room temperature Not lower than +5 degrees. Withstands negative temperatures.
Installation Warming up with a gun, after installation, a smell is possible for some time. No warm up.
  • moisture resistance and moisture resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • the possibility of reuse;
  • resistance to odors and chemicals;
  • can be washed;
  • easy do-it-yourself installation;
  • the ability to mount complex structures.
  • resistance to damage;
  • you can not create complex forms;
  • do not cope well with leaks;
  • re-assembly is not possible;
  • seamless installation;
  • vapor permeability.
  • poor resistance to mechanical damage;
  • the presence of a seam.
  • a small selection of colors;
  • complex installation;
  • poorly cleaned of dirt.
General UV resistance, fire safety, environmental safety, service life of 10 years. Coatings perfectly hide possible defects
price, rub. 300-2000 700-1500

The variety of models presented on the market allows you to choose a coating for any interior.

Film ceilings are presented by manufacturers in a wide range of different shades and textures: glossy, with metallic and mother-of-pearl effects, satin and marble, perforated (imitating the starry sky when the lights are off), plain and printed. A translucent film may be used for the illumination device.

Photo printing can be applied to order using eco-solvent, ultraviolet, latex methods. The cost of such a service ranges from 1 to 2 thousand rubles. per square meter.

The ceiling, made of fabric, can only be matte. However, it can be painted with acrylic dyes, and if you are tired of coloring, repaint it.

Choosing a type ceiling covering, you should pay attention to the purpose of the room and your own wishes for decorating the surface. Having studied performance characteristics both types of ceilings, you can choose the appropriate option for your room.

Consider what the best manufacturers of these products represent in Russia.

Leading manufacturers

Important! Products offered on the domestic market must be certified in accordance with the regulatory standards of the Russian Federation.

The most famous and reputable are French companies. Their products have excellent quality, long service life and excellent appearance. Moreover, the very technology of the ceiling covering device has long been called "French stretch ceilings".

Determining which manufacturer is better is quite difficult. You should focus on the proposed textures and colors, properties, some installation nuances, as well as your own wallet.

Ceilings from France

Several large companies supply their products to the Russian market.

The best of them:

  • Barrisol

Normalu, which produces its products under the Barrisol brand, has been in production for almost 50 years. During this time, constantly improving production technologies, she received more than 80 patents.

Their collection exceeds 200 shades. Films used by Normalu have M1 flammability index according to French requirements. Its thickness is only 0.17 - 0.18 mm.

The product line is characterized by a large selection standard models, as well as acoustic, light, perforated ceilings. Photo printing allows you to create a luxurious and unique image.

The price for the products of this company is 1200 - 1400 rubles / m2.

  • CTN (Creations et Techniques Nouvelles)

This French brand has been on the market for 30 years. Its factories are also located in Belgium, Spain and the UK. CTN film has the highest category for environmental safety "A+".

Suggested coating textures:

  1. glossy
  2. matte;
  3. satin

Multi-colored films with suede effect are in great demand.

The width of the paintings is 1.4 and 2.2 m and cost between 500 and 1100 rubles / sq.m.

  • Extenzo

The production of ceilings has been established at this enterprise for about 30 years, and the products have proven themselves on the Russian market from the best side. Very durable (tensile strength 120-150 kg / cm2), resistant to various influences, the canvas will decorate the interior for several decades.

With the help of the unique Extenzo fastening system, it is possible to take care of the height of the room. Structures can be installed only 3 cm from the base surface.

  1. The color scheme includes over 100 options, several textures are also produced: matte, glossy, satin, “under the skin”, “under the suede”, metallic.
  2. With antibacterial impregnation.
  3. Film thickness: 0.15 - 0.2 mm.
  4. The width of the canvas is 1.3 - 2 m.

The average price is 900 - 1900 rubles. per square meter.


Manufacturers from Germany have also been producing successfully for a long time, their products are no less popular.

  • Pongs (Decor)

The concern has been in production for more than 40 years.

Available in 130 shades of glossy and matte materials. The width of the sheets: 1.5, 2.2 and 3 m. The thickness of the film is 0.18 mm.

Fabric materials have a small cell, they are smooth to the touch. The collection contains an interesting texture called Alupigment. Thanks to the applied metallic sequins, the fabric plays interestingly when the light is on.

Ceiling "Alupigment"

Prices start from 1000 rubles.

  • Lackfolie

The company was founded in Germany, but after 12 years of existence, the production of PVC films was transferred to the Czech Republic.

  1. Glossy canvases have a width of 1.3 m, matte counterparts are supplied in a two-meter version. Thickness 0.16 - 0.18 mm.
  2. A layer of antiseptic can be applied to the canvas, which eliminates the possibility of mold or fungus.
  3. The price of the canvas starts from 500 rubles.
  • Renolit AG

The concern has been manufacturing for 70 years, has more than 30 enterprises scattered around the world. The company's assortment includes more than 200 types of colors and textures.

The ceilings of this German manufacturer look expensive and noble. They are made from a super strong, breathable, anti-static, safety film.

The cost of 1 sq.m starts from 700 rubles. and reaches 2000 rubles.

From Switzerland

  • Clipso

Clipso can be called the ancestor of the production of fabric fabrics.

  1. This manufacturer can also be attributed to the line of French enterprises. Since the film used in the production of ceilings is produced in France.

  1. A distinctive quality of these ceilings is the ability to use them for re-installation. The polyester in the canvas is impregnated with polyurethane, which allows to increase its water resistance.
  2. The line includes acoustic models, light-transmitting, antibacterial fabrics.
  3. Clipso products have been awarded the A+ environmental category.
  4. For installation, a baguette is used, during the installation of which a plinth is not needed, since a strip of no more than 4 mm remains in the visible area.

Cloths are produced up to 5.1 m wide. The price can vary from 700 to 1500 rubles.

  • Cherutti ST

The reliability, safety used in the production and installation of the fabric, and high quality components, as well as the muted color of the fabrics, will delight you for a long time. Are completed with the patented plastic profile, preventing the possibility of sagging of the canvas, as the instructions for its installation promise:

Thanks to the double-sided impregnation of fabrics with polyurethane, as well as the application of a layer of varnish, the moisture resistance of the material is achieved.

Comparison of textures of three fabric manufacturers:

  1. In appearance, the material resembles a satin PVC texture. Mostly painted in pastel shades.
  2. The most important indicator of Cherutti products is environmental safety. It is possible to install in children's and medical institutions.
  3. Separately, I would like to mention the acoustic models of the Italian manufacturer, which provide excellent sound insulation due to the foamed sound-absorbing layer.

  1. Available in widths of 2, 3.6, 4, 4.4 and 5 meters.
  2. The price exceeds 950 rubles. per 1 sq.m.

Products from Belgian manufacturers

Belgian manufacturers offer products at a more budgetary price compared to French ones.

  • Polyplast (Polyplast Trading & Manufacturing Company (PTMC))

The company produces film and fabric types. The width of the canvases ranges from 3.2 to 5.5 m.

It should be noted that the film supplied by this manufacturer is made in China or Argentina, where the concern has factories, but it cannot be said that it is of poor quality. The price of a kit from the manufacturer Polyplast: an average of 800 rubles per square meter.


  • Malpensa S.R.L.

The company has been manufacturing for only 10 years, but managed to establish itself in this market. The product line includes glossy, satin and matte finishes.

The width of the film is 2.2 m, its thickness is 0.13 - 0.22 mm. The cost of the film: 270 - 450 rubles / sq.m.

From Holland

  • Alkor Draka

The manufacturer has been producing PVC film and ceilings for 60 years, constantly improving technologies. Production plants are located in Holland and France.

In the collection of materials, in addition to standard models, you can find marble, moire or suede textures. Film width: 1.5 m. The cost per 1 sq. m is quite high: 1400 - 1800 rubles.


Chinese ceilings are increasingly being introduced into our market. Often these films do not differ in quality and durability, but there are several factories whose products can compete with European ones.

  1. Web width: up to 5.1 m.
  2. Film thickness: 0.17 - 0.18 mm.
  3. The film is made from environmentally friendly plastic, has an antibacterial coating.
  4. The products have been certified according to ISO, received the category “A +” for environmental safety, and were assigned the class “KM1” for resistance to fire.
  5. MSD manufactures glossy, matte, mirror, pearlescent, translucent and printed film.
  6. The cost starts at 300 - 350 rubles / m2. There is currently an upward trend.

The plant of this company produces film for many well-known concerns, it has excellent characteristics.


The technologies and quality control introduced at the plant make it possible to produce ceilings that fully comply with European standards.

  1. Fabrics up to 5.6 m wide are produced. The choice of textures is quite diverse: glossy, satin, matte.
  2. Cost: from 500 rubles/sq.m.
  3. But not everything is rosy with the quality of Chinese products. Vendors often offer Chinese fakes products of European factories.

If you do not know how to determine the manufacturer, then you should look for markings along the edge of the canvas. Europeans usually put it there. When there is no European stamp on the canvases, most likely the film was made in China.

Also, if there is a European stamp, and the width of the PVC sheet exceeds 3 m (which is not found among manufacturers from Europe), this may mean the supplier is dishonest.

Important! The marking of German manufacturers is often applied to Chinese products.

Counterfeit products, which are presented as products of well-known concerns, are difficult to distinguish visually. However, over time, after installation, a fake will make itself felt.

Russian companies

  • Saros design

The company has been manufacturing since 2000. Currently, products are manufactured at 8 factories.

The technology makes it possible to produce canvases up to 5.5 m wide. Several textures are offered to customers: glossy, matte, satin. Technologies have been mastered for the production of variants with the effect of a starry sky, as well as acoustic products.

The cost, depending on the type of invoice, varies between 670 - 900 rubles / m2.

  • simplex
  • Vipsiling

The plant has been in production for a little over 10 years. The production of film and fabric canvases has been launched. The price of coatings starts from 550 rubles.

Appeared not too long ago new technology, which combines the advantages of film and fabric materials.

  • cool stretch

Ceilings made using this technology are devoid of many of the disadvantages inherent in film coatings:

  1. film installation is carried out without the use of heat guns;
  2. operation is possible at temperatures down to minus 30;
  3. lack of smell;
  4. the width of the canvases reaches 3.6 m, which allows finishing without seams in not too large rooms.

With the advent of this technology in country cottages and on the loggias, you can use the finish with a more economical material. It is worth noting that the Russian manufacturer "Simplex" offers similar seamless PVC ceilings produced using ICE technology. Cost: 600 - 700 rubles. per sq.m.

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To the question which better manufacturer stretch ceilings is hard to answer right away. There are giants on the market: French, Germans and Swiss.

Their products are time-tested, but quite decently worth it. They are breathing down their backs from Chinese and Russian companies that have been producing not so long ago, but are gradually bringing the quality of products to European standards.

In order not to have to repeat the finishing process over time, you should carefully study the characteristics of each brand, familiarize yourself with the certificates and consult with experts.

Let us consider in more detail such a topic as manufacturers of stretch ceilings. The existing set of products for arranging tension ceiling structures undeniably indicates an increase in competition between manufacturers of PVC films and fabrics for stretch coatings, and which one is better and more reliable, you can only answer after getting to know the products offered by the companies. To compile the most complete picture of a given product and its manufacturer, more than one day is required, spent in searches, clarifications and consultations. In this article, we will only try to place some informational guidelines that indicate how a quality product for the manufacture of hinged surfaces should differ and which companies have already confirmed their reliability with time and quality of their products. This is necessary, because the most frequently worried questions when choosing false ceilings are questions about the names of companies, which one is better and which canvas is still worth choosing?

A bit of history

The birthplace of the appearance of modern stretch ceilings is considered to be Western Europe, where in the 60s of the last century they were most widely used. Although similar designs using fabrics were used in ancient Rome and medieval Armenia, the modern look, tension structures purchased relatively recently. To this day, Europe deservedly remains a trendsetter for suspended coatings, constantly improving technology and quality of the material.

The functional qualities and reliability of modern structures are determined by a number of significant factors:

  • the quality of the fabric used;
  • the quality of the used load-bearing profiles for the construction of the frame;
  • availability of acceptable warranty conditions provided by the manufacturer;
  • warranty service provided installation organization installing ceilings.


In the domestic market of stretch ceilings, manufacturers of suspended ceilings from Germany, Belgium, Italy and, of course, France have settled very well. Products offered by suppliers from these countries are distinguished not only by excellent quality, but also by high cost. If the focus is on the desire not to surprise someone with the high cost of the interior, but with its accuracy, then inexpensive goods for Chinese-made surfaces are quite suitable, and there is, perhaps, no one to compete with them in terms of price. Another powerful and constantly growing group of manufacturers of stretch fabrics is represented by domestic factories and enterprises located in the near abroad: Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus.

European firms

The experience of European companies with a long history is especially valuable, as they use the latest scientific developments in the field of polymer chemistry and the latest technical achievements.

  1. BARRISOL NORMALU is a French manufacturer. The company was founded as NORMALU SA in 1969. It occupies a leading position in the production of tension products for ceilings using the harpoon method of fastening. The first stretch ceiling at the enterprise was manufactured in 1969. The appearance of the BARRISOL brand dates back to 1975, from which the growth of the constant popularity of the company began, despite the fact that it offers the consumer a rather narrow range of products. To date, the company has more than 80 patents, which indicates its constant development and desire to be a leader in the implementation of innovations in the field of suspended structures. The disadvantage for Russian customers is, perhaps, a rather long period of order fulfillment, which is about 1 month. Also, the company's products are distinguished by a fairly high price, which can be 15% higher than that of other European companies.
  2. EXTENZO is also a company from France. It appeared in 1996. Initially, the basis of its activities was only the sale, installation of surfaces and related services. EXTENZO's products have repeatedly been highly appreciated at various international exhibitions and have received many awards. The level of quality of manufactured products belongs to the elite class. Today, the company is distinguished by the fact that its products can be installed at a distance of only a few millimeters from the ceiling, while maintaining the useful volume of the room as much as possible. It should be noted the breadth of the model range, and the abundance stylistic suggestions. In the corporate catalog you can find a description of about 130 ceiling design options. Lead time for the delivery of a tension cover can vary from 3 days to 3-4 weeks.
  3. NEWMAT S.A.S. - like the previous two, the company represents France. It has existed for about 24 years, during which time it has formed a very powerful international sales network. According to ratings, this commercial organization occupies one of the first places in popularity among manufacturers of canvases. The fact that NEWMAT products deserve attention can be seen by referring to numerous pictures. The technologies of this enterprise are distinguished by creativity and novelty and are capable of surprising fashion lovers. The company's product is marked with the CE mark, confirming European conformity. The list of surface decoration options offered by NEWMAT includes natural compositions, Venetian plaster, compositions under natural wood and etc. The special NEWGRAPHIC technology is used to create images on an elastic material with a matte texture. The warranty period for such products reaches 10 years.
  4. PONGS TEXTIL is a German stretch cover manufacturer offering both fabric samples and PVC film covers. The fact that the company produces both types of products favorably distinguishes it from other serious manufacturers. PONGS TEXTIL is particularly proud of its products under the Descor brand, consisting of Trevira polyester fibers impregnated with polyurethane. These ceilings are distinguished by good fire and moisture resistance and dust-repellent properties. Another interesting thing is that Descor installation does not require an expensive heat gun, and they are installed in the so-called "dry" way. Such canvases can be independently painted in the desired color with acrylic-based paints about 10 times.

Chinese made products

You can write a lot about manufacturers of tension coatings from China, but our goal is to understand how acceptable it is as a product. In most cases, there is a set of typical difficulties with a similar product. For example, there may be no warranty documents confirming that the fabric is manufactured in accordance with environmental safety requirements and does not pose a threat to the health of the consumer. Then the buyer can only count on being lucky.

With the multiple presence of low-quality goods from China, it must be said that there are many relatively inexpensive, in comparison with European, products from the Middle Kingdom, which have remarkable characteristics. You just need to make sure that they are not made at an underground factory and that they have all the necessary documents.

Dishonest merchants, taking advantage of the ignorance of buyers, give out cheap Chinese-made canvases for goods from Europe. They are completed with frame systems made in Europe. For such a “mix”, the consumer pays as for first-class coverage, completely unaware of the fraudulent scheme. In case of problems, the eminent European manufacturer turns out to be the last one. Although if all certification documents were checked during the purchase, such deception might have been avoided.

On a note: It is useful to remember that when purchasing a stretch ceiling and ordering its installation, it is better to cooperate with the same organization, because then it will be easier to solve all technical issues.

Today, domestic manufacturers of stretch ceilings have significantly increased the level of quality of the final product. We especially highlight the quality of the frame elements. The use of high-quality raw materials delivered from Europe helped to achieve this.

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Modern man has to choose between French, Chinese, German, Italian and Russian stretch ceilings.

French stretch ceilings are considered the standard of quality. Their cost, of course, does not apply to the budget segment. In the domestic market, French goods are valued for their excellent quality. Durability and texture perfectionspecific traits manufacturer. True, there is a drawback. Product width up to 2 meters for brands such as CTN, Alkor and Draka does not allow them to be conveniently installed in large rooms.

The undeniable advantage of French products is their aesthetic appearance. In terms of durability, they can be compared with Russian counterparts. True, the French offer a longer warranty period.

The French were the first in history to give mankind the technology of using PVC (). Initially, these developments were carried out by CTN. She adequately embodied the experience of her predecessors and created a large holding company with representative offices in the UK, Spain and Belgium.

The company's products are considered the standard of reliability throughout the world. At the same time, the company brings to life the most unusual solutions of designers in the field of stretch ceilings. Own production allows the company to control the entire process of production of canvases and constantly improve. At the same time, CTN guarantees reasonable prices for buyers. Website:

In terms of fastening systems, French products are also the best, since they are fixed on an aluminum profile by means of special harpoon inserts. The aluminum profile is considered one of the strongest, and the harpoon system is the best retainer for stretch ceilings. In second place is the wedge system, in third place are glazing beads.

Among the Italian stretch ceilings, you can find attractive classic models that are not inferior in quality to their French counterparts. The representative of Italian stretch ceilings in Russia is Malpensa.

German models are cheaper than French stretch ceilings, but do not differ significantly in quality. The line of stretch German stretch ceilings is designed for 2 meters 70 cm. If you wish to purchase German models, you can do so from the official representatives of "Pongs" and "Renolit".

The most popular representative of German stretch ceilings is Pongs Textile GmbH. The company is known all over the world and produces a series of ceilings "Mattfolie", "Lackfolie" and "Descor". Per long time work (since 1913), the manufacturer offered decent quality based on modern innovative technologies.

A rich assortment of textures is the hallmark of Pongs. For the manufacture of stretch ceilings applies and. 130 different shades of stretch ceilings today this German company offers customers.

The manufacturer's pricing policy is designed for Russian citizens with medium and high incomes. By the way, Pongs products comply with environmental standards. It meets European requirements. Each product has accompanying documents from the manufacturer. The company's website is

German stretch ceilings Renolit AG» from lacquer and satin canvases have more than 140 shades. The company constantly expands the palette of colors and embodies all the promising wishes of customers.

Russian models are produced at factories in Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod. Domestic products have significant shortcomings. It is designed only for the size of the ceiling no more than 1.4 meters.

Russian canvases are 1.5 times cheaper than foreign analogues, which very often tips the scales when choosing stretch ceilings in their favor.

In Russia stretch fabrics produces "Kazan plant of artificial leather". It is the most experienced enterprise in the industry. The plant pays great attention to production control. It has its own laboratories that allow tracking every stage of product manufacturing and developing methods for improving technology.

Chinese and Russian canvases sometimes have an uneven color, smell when heated, so experts advise focusing on French products. Domestic manufacturers give a guarantee only for the seam. In fairness, it should be noted that Russian stretch ceilings are improving in quality every year.

Belgian variants are supplied to the Russian market by the company " Polyplast". The advantage of products is that there are no seams. When externally studying the surface, experts say that Belgian stretch ceilings are close to ideal.

Stretch ceilings "PTMC Polyplast" have earned the trust of customers due to the quality and reasonable price. The company specializes in the production of canvases, which are also used for the manufacture of furniture, roofing, laminate flooring and even bank cards. The diversity of the Belgian assortment is due to lacquered, satin and matte stretch ceilings with impeccable appearance, canvas width up to 4 meters.

Chinese stretch ceilings

Chinese manufacturers make attractive texture and surface pattern, which can compete with European counterparts. Another advantage - stretch ceiling can be stretched up to 5.5 meters. The fixing system for Chinese paintings is plastic. It allows you to reduce the price of the product, but does not provide high reliability. When the canvas is heated, a specific smell appears due to plastic.

When looking for coatings for home and office use, you should choose materials that will be popular within the next 5 years. In connection with the active development, there is a constant update design features and textures of stretch ceilings, so it is difficult to adapt to fashion trends.

Fabric materials are used by German manufacturers ("Descor"), Italian ("Cerutti"), Swiss ("Clipso"). Chinese companies have also copied the German "Descor" and offer their models.

Advice. Due to the availability of original models on the market, as well as a large number of fakes, you should make sure of the quality of the stretch ceiling before buying it. It is better to immediately contact specialized stores. In them, you can see the accompanying documents that confirm the conformity of the product with the declared properties, as well as study information about the manufacturer.

Stretch ceilings depending on the material used can be divided into fabric and film. Film models are classified into matte, semi-gloss (satin) and glossy.

Fabric canvases can only be matte. They have a significant advantage do not have seams. Qualitatively may differ both in structure and texture. Their surfaces are smooth, rough and matte.

The disadvantage of matte canvases is a small color gamut.. They are made from fabrics that are impregnated. The quality of impregnation affects the characteristics of the product: fire resistance, antibacterial effect, strength. In the manufacture of matte ceilings, France and Switzerland have no equal.

Glossy canvases allow you to visually expand the room. They are used in high-tech interiors. For a harmonious combination of gloss with other interior details, its combination with chrome and metal parts is required. Glossy surfaces often make the interior tasteless. Matte surfaces are more practical. They blend perfectly with any interior. Any image can be applied to them.

Advice. If you are not sure that glossy will suit you suspended ceiling, opt for matte.

The shade of the stretch ceiling should be ideally combined with furniture, wallpaper, floor. You can choose a ceiling only after you have paint on hand and a design project. Looking for suitable canvas for the ceiling send along and samples. This is the only way to find the perfect combination.

Usually shade decorative elements under the profiles matches the main color of the ceiling. However, sometimes you can buy contrasting inserts, which will be combined with other interior details. The best option in this case, there will be cream, golden and beige inserts.

Usage various finishes allows you to combine with unique interior. When choosing a ceiling for a small room, you should purchase a light stretch ceiling without seams.

Advice. On sale today there are ceilings of various shades - from bright to dark. You should be more careful with them. Bright colors are usually suitable for the bathroom and bedroom, but are unacceptable for the living room. In a room where there are too many catchy elements, you will strain psychologically. Each relaxation room is best combined with pastel and soft colors. The red ceiling visually reduces the room. It is best used in large rooms. Canvases of green and orange color have similar properties.

Thus, it is obvious that if the required amount is available, preference should be given to French-made stretch ceilings. On the second place - Germany, on the third - the models of the French firms assembled in Belgium.