Knauf plasterboard suspended ceilings. How to choose a false ceiling knauf

The complete system Knauf P 112 is full set specially selected materials needed to create false ceiling on a two-level metal frame. Finished construction The ceiling is not a structural (bearing) element of the building.

The main building elements of the ceiling:

  • plasterboard KNAUF sheet;
  • metal KNAUF profiles ceiling PP 60/27 and guide PN 28/27.

The complete composition of the complete system and the required amount of materials per 1 sq. ceiling meter, see section "Technical data".

Distinctive features of this system: the main profiles of the suspended ceiling frame, fixed using suspensions to the base ceiling, and the supporting profiles to which the Knauf plasterboard sheet is attached, are located at different levels .

In addition to the main elements, the complete system includes the necessary for solving a specific construction task technical solutions, recommendations for the production of work, as well as tools and fixtures.

All elements of the complete system P 112 are manufactured according to modern technologies, undergo strict quality control, are functionally oriented and, as part of a complete system, ensure the reliability of the entire structure during long-term operation.

Composition of the complete system

Pos. Name Unit of measure Quantity per m2
1 KNAUF-list (GKL, GKLV, GKLO) m2 1,0
2 Knauf profile PP 60/27 linear m 3,2
3 Profile extension 60/27 PC. 0,6
4 Two-level connector 60/27 PC. 2,3
5a Hanger with clamp 60/27 PC. 1,3
56 Suspension rod PC. 1,3
or instead
5v Suspension straight 60/27 PC. 1,3
5g Screw LN 9 PC. 2,6
6 Screw TN 25 PC. 17,0
7 anchor element PC. 1,3
8 Reinforcing tape linear m 1,2
9 Putty KNAUF-Fugen (Fugenfüller) kg 0,4
10 Primer Knauf-Tifengrund l 0,1

Application area

Application area

It is used in premises for various purposes, both during reconstruction and in new construction in order to:

  • finishes;
  • solving structural and planning problems;
  • elimination of irregularities in the overlap;
  • hidden placement of engineering communications;
  • increase the sound insulation of floors;
  • acoustics;
  • increasing the fire resistance of ceilings and coatings.

Mounting process

The installation process includes the following stages of work:

  • marking the design position of the suspended ceiling frame;
  • assembly and fastening of the frame;
  • installation of KNAUF plasterboard sheets (GKL) in the design position and fastening to the frame;
  • sealing joints between Knauf plasterboard sheets and, if necessary, continuous puttying of the suspended ceiling surface;
  • priming the suspended ceiling surface before applying paint or decorative coating.

Installation of suspended ceilings should be carried out during the finishing work (in winter with the heating connected), before the installation of clean floors, when all the “wet” processes are completed and the electrical and plumbing systems are wired, in dry and normal conditions. humidity regime according to SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings". In this case, the temperature in the room should not be lower than 10°C.

In conditions high humidity(bathrooms, kitchens) it is recommended to use moisture-resistant KNAUF plasterboard sheets (GKLV).

The location of electrical wiring in the space of the ceiling frame should exclude the possibility of damage to them by the sharp edges of the frame elements or screws during fastening drywall sheets.

The choice of finishing the ceiling surface is one of the most important tasks that must be solved when performing repair work. The modern construction market offers a lot of materials with which the task can be solved in several ways. As one of the options, the Knauf technology can be considered drywall ceilings. About the most important principles carrying out such work and will be discussed further.

Performing a ceiling using Knauf technologies, the result is more reliable and durable.

General description of technology

First of all, it is necessary to define what is meant by the definition of "Knauf technology". So it is customary to call one of the options for the manufacture of suspended ceilings, in which gypsum plasterboard sheets fixed on a special suspended frame are used as elements creating a plane. Taking into account the specifics of the materials used, the end result is durable and easy to manufacture.

Ceiling Specifications

Before deciding on the choice of the technology under consideration, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its most significant operational characteristics. So, some of the benefits include:

  • High speed of work. If all necessary tools are available and the qualifications of the craftsmen are sufficient, then it is possible to mount such a ceiling in a medium-sized room during the day.
  • Versatility. The ceiling according to the Knauf technology can be mounted in a room of almost any size and configuration.
  • Practicality. Plasterboard surface is easy to further processing and allows you to use any selected material. In addition, the technology implies the presence of a certain gap between the finished surface and the final coating, which can successfully level almost any ceiling defects or close communication lines.
  • Additional features. The manufacture of a plasterboard suspended ceiling allows you to lay a layer of soundproofing or insulating material, which can be far from superfluous.
  • Variability. Here we are talking about the fact that if Knauf technology is chosen as the ceiling finish, a wide variety of structures can be mounted. A single-level ceiling can be transformed with the help of spotlights, and if desired, installation of multi-level structures is possible.

As a disadvantage, it can be considered that the ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard using the Knauf technology significantly reduces the overall level of the ceiling. This factor can be decisive, especially in rooms that do not differ in size.

Materials and tools

Before carrying out work, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary tools and materials. One of the features of the technology is that the work requires the use of precise measuring instruments. The fact is that the supporting frame required for the ceiling includes many constituent elements that must be located strictly according to the level, and therefore the presence of a laser level is welcome.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase special metal profiles, from which the supporting structure will be created. For these purposes, two types of guides are required - one for mounting around the perimeter of the room (PN 27 × 28) and the second for installing other frame elements (PP 60 × 27).

You also need to purchase the required amount of drywall in advance, which is folded at the work site a few days before they begin. The fact is that drywall absorbs moisture, so it will take some time to equalize the moisture level of the material and the room. If you do not follow this rule, then the fixed sheet can lead. Among other things, you will need special fasteners "crabs", self-tapping screws and a screwdriver with a special bit.

Carrying out work

If everything is ready for work, then they must be carried out sequentially, dividing into separate stages.


One of the most important stages is the markup. As mentioned above, it is extremely important to observe the maximum accuracy of the installation of the frame, which is ensured starting with the definition of a horizontal line that will run along the entire perimeter. In the case of using a laser level, the task is simplified as much as possible. If a water level is used, then first two points are marked on one of the walls, and then they are connected with a special chopping cord.

The procedure is repeated on all four walls. If done correctly, the result is a flat, horizontal level that will serve as a starting point.

Frame installation

The ceiling frame is carried out on special “P”-shaped hangers, which must be drilled to the old ceiling.

Before installing the longitudinal and transverse elements of the frame, marking is carried out and special U-shaped suspensions are attached. You will also need to drill to mount them. The distance between the fasteners should be about 40 - 50 cm.

Then the longitudinal and transverse elements of the crate are installed, for which perimeter guides and suspensions are used. It is important to ensure that all elements are in the same plane.

At the end of the work, an even crate of metal profiles and sides of cells 40 × 40 cm should be obtained.


The final stage of work is the sheathing of the frame with drywall sheets. Everything is quite simple here, especially if a special bit with a limiter is used, which will not allow the self-tapping screw to violate the integrity of the outer layer of the material. The sheets are sewn close to each other over the entire area of ​​the ceiling, and a gap of 2–3 mm should be left between the walls and drywall.

As can be seen from the above, the technology of plasterboard ceilings "Knauf" is not something super complicated. Subject to the necessary technological conditions and the availability of basic skills in handling the tool, you can cope with the task yourself.

You can make a beautiful and durable ceiling indoors with the help of plasterboard sheets. This universal, high-quality, but at the same time, easy-to-install building and finishing material allows you to create a perfectly flat surface for finishing.

A suspended ceiling made of Knauf plasterboard sheets can be installed in both small and large rooms. Durable, but flexible building material will make any design fantasy a reality, both simple and complex curvilinear.


Suspended ceiling with fastening to the bearing base of the ceiling

P 112. The main frame profiles are metal elements fixed in different levels (two-level technology).

Suspended ceiling with fastening to load-bearing wall bases

P 131. Design on a metal frame, single-level. Unlike other complete systems, the frame consists of profiles of partition systems and is attached not to the ceiling, but to the enclosing structure of the room (walls). It is recommended to make such ceilings in rooms with limited height.

Knauf sheets

Knauf sheets have a number of unique properties, due to which they can be used in rooms of various functionality. Applications: business-class commercial buildings, high-end residential buildings, educational institutions, medical centers, cinemas, high category hotels.

Gypsum building board KNAUF (gypsum board, KNAUF-GSP) is made in the form of a rectangular two-layer cardboard structure. Between the layers of cardboard there is a gypsum core containing impurities in the form of reinforcing components.

The applied facing cardboard is used as a reinforcing frame, it is harmless and recommended for use in residential premises. At the same time, the cardboard has an increased grammage, due to which front side sheet becomes ideal for decorative finishes High Quality.

The gypsum core inside the cardboard sheets is non-flammable, fire resistant, non-toxic, and does not emit environment harmful substances.

Additives mixed with gypsum binder increase the overall strength, density, and other performance properties of the material. In addition, special adhesive components ensure tight adhesion of gypsum and cardboard.

Accessories for Knauf ceiling systems

Gimbal Specifications

Suspension type Ceiling space height Name of the complete Knauf system

Direct hangers Nonius hangers Anchor hangers
Suspension straight 120 mm
- - 5–100 mm or 15–100 mm P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)/
P 113 (P 213, P 232) / P 127
- - 5–100 mm P 111 (P 211)
Suspension straight 200 mm
for Knauf profile PP 60×27 mm
- - 5–180 mm or 15–180 mm P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)/
P 113 (P 213, P 232) / P 127
Suspension straight 200 mm
for wooden beams 50 mm
- - 5–180 mm P 111 (P 211)

120 mm
- - 15–110 mm P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)/
P 113 (P 213, P 232) / P 127
- - 15–190 mm P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)/
P 113 (P 213, P 232) / P 127
- - about 130 mm P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)/
P 113 (P 213, P 232) / P 127
Nonius clamp - - about 130 mm P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)/
P 113 (P 213, P 232) / P 127
Anchor hanger with clamp - - about 110 mm P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)/
P 113 (P 213, P 232) / P 127
Suspension combined - about 110 mm with suspension rod
about 130 mm in the system of Nonius hangers
P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)/
P 113 (P 213, P 232) / P 127
Clamp straight - - 0 mm P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)
in ceiling structures
under the ceiling
Spring suspension - - 7–27 mm P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)/
P 113 (P 213, P 232) / P 127
- - 0–60 mm P 112 (P 212, P 232, P 282)/
P 113 (P 213, P 232) / P 127
Suspension for a frame made of timber - - about 110 mm P 111 (P 211)

Suspension bearing capacity, kN


up to 0.65
in ceiling-to-ceiling constructions
Suspension straight 120 mm
for Knauf profile PP 60×27 mm
- - - - -
Hanger straight 120 mm for wooden bars 50 mm - - - - - -
Suspension straight 200 mm
for Knauf profile PP 60×27 mm
- - - - -
Suspension straight 200 mm
for wooden beams 50 mm
- - - - - -
Straight hanger with soundproof insert
120 mm
- - - - -
Suspension straight with soundproof insert 200 mm - - - - -
Nonius hanger lower part mount - - - - -
fastening with screws from 0.4

fastening with screws from 0.4
Nonius clamp - - - - -
Anchor hanger with clamp - - - - - -
Suspension combined - -
with traction

in system
vernier suspension
with traction

in the vernier suspension system

in the vernier suspension system
Clamp straight
without screws
with screws
- - - -
Spring suspension - - - - - -
Clamp for fastening Knauf profiles PP 60×27 -
- - - - -
Suspension for a frame made of timber - - - - - -

Consider the Tigi-Knauf ceilings. This technology was first proposed by the German company Tigi-Knauf, they have become very popular and are referred to by the name of this company. In Russia, they are widely used in industrial, office construction, as well as in the decoration of residential premises. The relative cheapness, speed and relative ease of installation made the Knauf suspended ceiling in demand in our market.


Such a ceiling, combined with sound and thermal insulation materials gives optimum performance.

The tiki knauf suspended ceiling kit includes sheets of certain sizes of plasterboard and a special metal carcass.

Conditions for installation

Installation of suspended ceilings made of plasterboard is recommended to begin during the finishing work, but always after the completion of the main work associated with the wet process. Also, all work on leveling the walls must be completed. If the walls are sheathed with drywall, then they must be sheathed by this time, if provided plastering work, then must be plastered.

Installation must be carried out under the condition of maintaining a dry or normal humidity regime in accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings". The temperature in the room where work is performed and where materials for installation are stored should not fall below 10°C.

Before starting the installation, an accurate calculation of the future structure is carried out, the grid construction is marked in accordance with the recommended step for this type of ceiling and the marking of the attachment of suspensions to the base ceiling in accordance with the type of load (see)

Advice. All electrical, ventilation and other communications, if they pass above the false ceiling, must be installed and their performance must be checked.

Elements for assembling the Knauf ceiling

PN 27x28

PP 60x27

Connector p60x27 or, as they are called, "crabs"


Connectors (extenders) for the profile (if the sides of the room exceed three meters)

Gypsum cardboard KNAUF sheet (GKL, GKVL, GKLO)

Fasteners (self-tapping screws, dowels for attaching suspensions and profiles to walls)

  • Self-tapping piercing screw LN 9. Used for fastening metal profiles, does not require pre-drilling.
  • Self-tapping screw TN 25. Used for fastening plasterboard sheets with a metal profile.
  • anchor element.


The weight of one square meter of the finished ceiling is about 13.5 kg, it may vary slightly depending on the sheets used. For example, in wet rooms, it is necessary to use GKLV sheets - moisture resistant, and for fire hazardous rooms, GKLO sheets are provided - fire resistant.

For one square meter finished ceiling you need:

  • profile guide knauf mon 28x27 knauf- on the entire ceiling in an amount equal to the perimeter of the room
  • ceiling profile knauf pp 60x27– 2.9 linear meters
  • connector 60x27 or, as they are called, "crabs" - 1.7 pcs.
  • hangers with clamps 60x27 and rods to them or straight suspension 60x27 - 0.7 pcs.
  • profile connectors(if the sides of the room exceed three meters)
  • drywall KNAUF - 1 m2(GKL, GKVL, GKLO)
  • fasteners(self-tapping screws, dowels for attaching hangers and profiles to walls)
  • Self-tapping piercing screw LN 9- 1.4 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screw TN 25- 23.0 pcs. Used for fastening plasterboard sheets with a metal profile.
  • anchor element- 0.7 pcs.
  • Dowel K 6/35- 2 pcs. for 1 running m profile PN 28/27.
  • Reinforcing tape(serpyanka) - 1.2 linear meters
  • putty gypsum KNAUF (Fugenfüller) - 0.4 kg.
  • Primer Knauf(Tiegengrund) - 0.1 l.

Preparation for the installation process

What tools do we need in order to assemble suspended ceilings with high quality. Prepare the following set of tools:

  • perforator
  • screwdriver

Advice. Screwdrivers are best used on batteries. It's more convenient and safer.

  • metal scissors

Important. For large volumes, you can use a grinder with a circle for metal.

  • paint pad with paint
  • roulette
  • rule with level
  • laser or water level.
  • knife for cutting drywall sheets
  • special planer for processing the edge of the sheet

Despite the impressive list of professional construction tools, mounted complete systems Knauf is quite simple, of course, if the master has an idea how to use these tools and carefully studies the technology of the ceiling structure.

Ceiling markings

  • We need a water or laser level and a lace - a paint beat. From the lowest point of the ceiling or technical protrusions on it, we beat off the level with a cord around the entire perimeter of the walls.

Advice. What is rebate used for? If you use a water level or a laser level, then simply mark the corners, and then connect them with a bevel.

  • Next, we decide at what height we want to get the final ceiling. It must be understood that from the repulsed level, the entire system will drop by the width of the profile plus the thickness of the sheet or, if desired, two sheets of drywall, that is, by 4-5 cm.

Advice. Pay attention to the location of all electrical and other process wiring in the space above the ceiling frame. Any possibility of inadvertent damage to them by the pointed edges of the metal frame or screws when attaching drywall sheets should be excluded.

Installation of the frame of the crate

  • We proceed to fastening along the entire marked perimeter of the 28X27 guide profiles using any type of fastener that is suitable for your walls.
  • We mount the Knauf 27X60 ceiling profile. The step of fastening the profile is recommended 40 cm.
    • To connect individual segments of the profile, which are installed at an angle of 90 degrees relative to each other, use a single-level connecting profile, otherwise a "crab". This element received such a name due to the similarity of its shape to the shape of a real crab.

Having installed it at the junction, special clamps are fixed in the profile cavity, while the mount itself should snap into place.

  • The “crab” is screwed to the guides using self-tapping screws (LN) with a size of 3.5x9.5 mm, which also received their diminutive names from the builders: “bugs” or “fleas”.

As a result, we should get a crate from a profile with a 40X40 cell.

  • Then we outline the places for installing suspensions. Using dowel-nails, we attach suspensions to the concrete ceiling. If the overlap is made of a different, softer material, then the suspensions can be fixed to the screws.
  • By changing the length of the fixed suspensions, we adjust the plane of our entire structure to one level. The ceiling frame is ready.
  • We proceed to sheathing the frame with GKL sheets. Sheets should be fastened from the middle to the edges or from edge to other edge. We use self-tapping screws (TN) with dimensions of 3.5x25mm. Screws are screwed strictly perpendicular to the sheets and go deep into the profile by 10 mm., Not less. And the heads of the screws should be recessed into the drywall by 1 mm.

Plasterboard sheathing

Advice. When starting to finish the mounted plasterboard ceiling, check if the screws protrude above the surface of the sheet.

  • The edge of the drywall sheet should fall on the profile, overlapping it by three centimeters. The joints of the end edges of the drywall sheets should be spaced apart with an offset relative to each other by at least a profile pitch (40 cm).

    Advice. Beforehand, the end edges of the sheets are chamfered at an angle of 22.5 ° to a depth of 2/3 of the sheet thickness using a special edge planer.

  • Using a narrow spatula, apply the first layer of gypsum putty inside the joint. The excess mixture is evenly distributed over the near-seam surface of the sheet. Further, a reinforcing tape (serpyanka) is applied to this seam along the putty, it should cover the width of the entire seam by at least 100 mm on both sides.
  • The tape should be pressed into the not yet hardened layer of putty in all places except for the deepening of the joint itself. There should be no waves or folds. After fixing the reinforcing material, it is necessary to wait for the putty to dry completely.

Sealing joints

  • When the first layer dries, we take a wide spatula and preliminarily clean the surface of the seam dry from particles of putty and its hardened streaks. Next, we apply a thin layer of putty with a wide spatula, but this time we cover a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet.

Tip. It is recommended to use a spatula of 250 mm, in this case we will get a layer of this width. The task is to smooth out as much as possible that inconspicuous bump that appeared when applying the reinforcing tape.

  • It may be necessary to putty more than once until we get a flat surface. In conclusion, grinding is carried out with ordinary fine sandpaper or a special mesh.

We examined the device of the simplest. Installation of such a ceiling in the apartment can be done independently. It is only necessary to observe the technological sequence of work.

Relatively new technology Knauf was developed and offered by the German company Tigi-Knauf, whose main activity is the production of high-quality materials for repair and construction work, including drywall sheets different types, profile, fastening elements.

The essence of the technology in the case of ceiling installation is the use of Knauf products in order to maximize the alignment of the ceiling and delicate masking of communications with minimal time and labor.

What are the requirements for the frame within the technology

Knauf focuses on several important nuances, which must be taken into account when assembling a frame for a false ceiling according to its technology. These include:

  • the use of drywall sheets produced by the company with a high level of protection against moisture;
  • installation of profiles to avoid deformation of the ceiling under the influence of mass finishing material perform in a checkerboard pattern with an overlap or apart;
  • for connection use Knauf fasteners;
  • to prevent deformation of the coating under the influence of vibrations that occur when the door is regularly opened, avoid joining the sheets in the center of the opening;
  • finished frame in without fail covered with thermal insulation tape.

Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling using Knauf technology is assembled from special profiles marked UD and CD.

Advantages of technology: why is it used

Properly planned and installed drywall constructions allow not only to complement the interior, but also to put down the necessary accents, adjust the size of the room, hide communications and electrical wiring. Installation of the ceiling using Knauf technology allows you to create practical designer ceilings with minimal effort and time. The finished design opens up more opportunities for experiments with light, demonstrates excellent heat and sound insulation.

Installation of ceilings is carried out from the materials completed in a set. It includes drywall sheets from the manufacturer with optimal dimensions and properties, a metal frame. Working with such a set is convenient even for a beginner.

Preparing to install the structure

It is allowed to mount the Knauf plasterboard ceiling only after the completion of construction and finishing works associated with wet processes. In addition, by this time the walls should be leveled and finished.

Start device process ceiling structure permitted subject to the temperature and humidity conditions. It is important that the temperature is not lower than 10 degrees Celsius, and the humidity does not exceed 60%.

The beginning of work must necessarily be the correct calculation of the ceiling with the preparation of a design project, marking. At the same stage, the operability of ventilation, electrical installation and other communications is checked.

Using a level for control and a chopping thread on the walls around the perimeter of the room, a line is marked. Given the type of drywall chosen for installation, they mark the guides with points for mounting the suspensions.

Hangers are attached with anchors or dowels in the marked areas. Further work will depend on the choice in the direction of a wooden or metal frame.

So, the technology of installing Knauf drywall on the ceiling using wooden frame assumes the following algorithm:

  1. A bar is attached to the base with a direct or quick-mounted suspension. The second option will allow you to instantly change the side of the mount.
  2. Fix the guide rail to the ceiling surface, using pads to reduce the height differences of the base.

Some features of mounting a metal frame:

  1. They connect the profiles with suspensions, not forgetting the expansion gap of 10 mm (it will protect the structure in case of temperature changes).
  2. Use a sealing tape for laying under the guide profile.
  3. Only a wall profile is used, solid guides are fixed along a long wall. The fixing step of the dowels is up to 30 cm, the carrier profile must enter the guide by at least 3 cm.

The finished frame is sheathed with sheets of Knauf drywall, again with some nuances.

Finishing GKL ceiling - what you need to know

As part of the installation of the ceiling using Knauf technology, it is necessary to adhere to the main rule: the sheets are fixed across the supporting profile with self-tapping screws at a right angle. Before installation, the sheets must be processed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe edge not pasted over with cardboard to remove the chamfer.

Installation of sheets is carried out with an assistant or using a special lifting mechanism. Sheets are fastened without joints, as already noted in a checkerboard pattern or apart. It is correct that in the longitudinal direction the sheet was laid without a gap, while in the transverse direction a small gap would form. Only in this case will it be possible to putty the joint in such a way as to obtain a perfectly even seam.

It must be borne in mind that temperature changes will affect the plasterboard surface of the ceiling - the sheets will expand and slightly deform. To avoid serious deformations, special expansion joints are provided with a step of 15 m.

So that the self-tapping screws do not spoil the finish coating with allocated hats, they are twisted with a slight immersion in the sheet to a depth of no more than 1 mm. The joints are sealed with reinforcing tape.

Finishing - stages of implementation

When designing and installing two-level ceilings in accordance with the described technology, it is recommended to increase the strength of the material through the use of finishes based on water-repellent compounds and putty mixtures.

The seams are masked using the following technology:

  • fill the joints with putty mixture using a narrow spatula, removing residues;
  • attach the seam tape;
  • cover the tape with putty with the removal of residues from the surface no earlier than after 45 minutes;
  • putty screw heads;
  • re-putty the seams with the removal of residues this time with a wide spatula;
  • polish the surface;
  • mount an aluminum corner or PVC corner in the area of ​​​​outer corners;
  • a separating tape is fixed between the gypsum board and the inner corner, after which the surface is covered with putty;
  • paint and plaster completely dried material.