How to keep healthy teeth during pregnancy. Dental care during pregnancy How to keep your teeth healthy during pregnancy

There is a folk wisdom that every child takes one tooth from their mother. Most consider this nonsense, but there is some truth in it. If a woman is pregnant, she goes to the gynecologist to ensure the baby has a healthy start. The next visit should be to the dentist. A growing child takes the necessary substances from the bloodstream, mainly trace elements and vitamins, so the teeth suffer. Therefore, the question arises, how to save teeth during pregnancy?

Preserving teeth during pregnancy

To save your teeth during pregnancy, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Visit the dentist. Everyone knows about caries, but not everyone knows that it is necessary to treat teeth before the baby is born. Because carious cavities are a pantry of reserves for various microorganisms. The infection from there passes into the bloodstream and can cause complications for both mother and baby.
    The most acceptable terms for dental treatment:
    First visit - 6-9th week of pregnancy,
    The second - at 16-18,
    The third - at 26-28 weeks,
    The fourth - at 36-38 weeks.
  2. Tooth extraction during pregnancy is carried out no earlier than 14 weeks, when the placental barrier is formed. Before the birth itself, tooth extraction is not necessary, since an open wound after tooth extraction can become a source of infection.
  3. X-ray examination of the teeth during pregnancy should not be done. If there is an urgent need, it is better to go for a CT scan.
  4. If there is toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy, namely frequent vomiting, you need to tell the dentist about it. The acidic pH values ​​of the masses of vomit destroy the balance of the oral cavity. This leads to rapid reproduction of microflora and tooth enamel is destroyed. The dentist will find the necessary means in order to preserve the enamel.
  5. If anesthesia is needed during dental treatment, it is imperative to tell the doctor about the pregnancy. He will select an approved anesthetic that does not harm the unborn baby.
  6. The filling is always chosen by the doctor. There is no need to forego fluoride-containing filling material. The lamp used for this is harmless to the fetus.
  7. You need to learn how to properly brush your teeth. Everyone remembers that during pregnancy, the sensitivity of the teeth increases. You can use a paste marked "sensitive", which is used for sensitive teeth. Professional teeth cleaning is carried out at least once every 4 months, it is better to do it after childbirth.
  8. If blood marks remain on the toothbrush when brushing your teeth, then gingivitis, that is, inflammation of the gum mucosa, may have developed. This disease is quite common. Not necessarily the teeth are not in order. In pregnant women, increased gum bleeding is the result of hormones and goes away on its own after childbirth. But it is better to consult a dentist. Treating gingivitis will prevent more serious illness- periodontitis.
  9. Difficulty coping with salivation is a reason to visit the dentist. This type of toxicity is not dangerous. With profuse salivation, you can rinse your mouth with infusions of chamomile or sage.
  10. If you have leg cramps, you should tell your dentist about it. most common cause leg cramps becomes a lack of calcium. If the calcium deficiency is not removed in due time, tooth decay will begin, since the growing baby will still take as much calcium from the mother’s bones as he needs for full development. Sources of calcium are dairy products - milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese and fish. Calcium from vegetables and fruits is poorly absorbed.
  11. It is also better to send a partner to the dentist. No matter how much a pregnant woman tries to ensure the "sterility" of the oral cavity, it is useless, because the very first kiss will return the "harmful" microflora.

Dental hygiene of a pregnant woman

How to save teeth? This question worries many. After all, there are a huge number of factors that can negatively affect not only tooth enamel, but also the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Everyone knows that visiting the dentist can avoid a lot of problems. However, in addition to traditional methods, there are also folk remedies. So how do you keep your teeth into old age?

Basic Rules

Since not everyone succeeds in preserving until old age, it is necessary to remember the golden rule: you need to brush your teeth constantly. In case of violation of oral hygiene, inflammation of the soft tissues begins. In this case, the gums begin to bleed. With irregular and improper brushing of teeth, harmful microorganisms multiply much faster. At the same time, the active activity of bacteria negatively affects the condition of enamel and soft tissues.

This is the reason why you should brush your teeth regularly. In this case, the procedure should take at least 2-3 minutes. Also, experts recommend taking decoctions medicinal herbs for rinsing. In addition, you need to watch your diet. To strengthen the gums and teeth, it is worth eating foods that contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

You can avoid the development of unwanted diseases by using folk methods. Some alternative medicines are ideal for preventing oral ailments. So, how to keep your teeth during pregnancy, lactation and so on?

Tea tree

Tea tree oil can be used to strengthen gums. From this component it is worth preparing a solution. How to do it? Cooking method medicinal product simple enough. To do this, dissolve three drops of tea tree oil in a glass of clean boiled but chilled water.

It is worth noting that such a folk remedy allows you to strengthen not only the soft tissues of the oral cavity, but also the teeth. Tea tree oil removes unpleasant odor, fights caries and periodontal disease.

Use eggplant

This vegetable is also able to improve the condition of oral tissues. How to keep your teeth healthy and strong? You can use eggplant for this. To begin with, vegetables should be peeled. It is she who is needed for the preparation of alternative medicine. It is recommended to dry the eggplant peel in the oven, and then grind it into powder. A tablespoon of the resulting mass must be poured into a glass and pour water. It is necessary to infuse the drug for 10 minutes. In the finished product, you should add a small spoonful of salt. An infusion is used to rinse the mouth.

How to remove bleeding

Teeth loose? How to save? You can use fortifying herbs for this. Oak bark is an effective tool that allows you to eliminate. To combat an unpleasant phenomenon, you can prepare an infusion. To do this, you need to grind the oak bark and lime blossom. Components should be mixed in equal proportions. Brew a teaspoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. After that, the product should stand until it cools completely. Ready infusion should be filtered. To prevent the inflammatory process, you need to rinse your mouth with a ready-made remedy three times a day.

Wine and horseradish

This is another remedy used to prevent many diseases. For cooking, you need to grate the horseradish on a fine grater and squeeze. In a glass of red wine, it is worth diluting two teaspoons of the resulting juice. After each meal, experts recommend rinsing your mouth with this remedy.

Burdock decoction

Can a tooth be saved if it is loose? To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the gums. An ideal drug is a decoction of burdock. This tool helps not only freshen your breath, but also strengthen the gums. Preparing a decoction is very simple.

Burdock should be crushed. A teaspoon of raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water and placed on the stove. Boil funds should be within a few minutes after boiling over low heat. At the end, leave the product for an hour. The decoction should be well infused. After the specified time, the drug should be filtered and can be used to rinse the mouth.

herbal collection

Many herbs have medicinal properties. Since it is not always possible to save teeth with traditional methods, it is worth considering the use of various fees. You can improve the condition of the tissues of the oral cavity by preparing an herbal rinse. To do this, you need to take rosehip petals, willow-herb flowers and mint leaves in equal parts.

The components should be crushed and then mixed. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture should be poured cold water. One glass will be enough. Then the container with the mixture should be placed on the stove and brought to a boil. Ready broth should be infused. This takes two hours. After the specified time, the product must be drained. It is recommended to add 5 grams of mummy to the infusion. Rinse your mouth with this decoction at least twice a day.


One of the most effective folk remedies is wormwood. This plant is used for the treatment of many diseases, including the oral cavity. With the help of an infusion prepared from this plant, you can eliminate bad breath.

To prepare the drug, it is necessary to grind the bitter wormwood. A tablespoon of the obtained raw materials should be brewed with two glasses of boiling water. The remedy should be infused for 20 minutes. After the specified time, it should be filtered. Infusion is recommended to use for rinsing the mouth up to 4 times a day.

Remedy for many ailments

How to keep your teeth beautiful? For this, it is necessary to take preventive measures. An effective remedy, able to protect against caries, is considered an infusion from the aerial part of an ordinary turnip. To prepare it, you need to grind the leaves of the plant and brew them with a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to insist the drug for half an hour. A mouthwash is used.

It is worth noting that the infusion of turnip leaves is considered a good remedy for the prevention of not only caries, but also bleeding gums, and periodontal disease, and inflammatory processes.

Other funds

How to keep your teeth healthy? Biology shows that these tissues can serve a person for no more than 30 years. However, it is not. Scientists have proven that teeth can be preserved until old age. To strengthen tissues, you can use the following tools:

  • Cognac. This alcoholic drink is an effective tonic. It can be used as a mouthwash. It is worth noting that cognac has a disinfecting effect, thanks to alcohol.
  • Regular edible salt. This substance can eliminate bad breath. Dissolve a dessert spoon of salt in a glass of water. The resulting solution should be used for rinsing the mouth.

on alcohol

Can the root of a tooth be saved? This is possible only in cases where the tissues of the tooth are not severely damaged. To prevent this from happening, you can use St. John's wort tincture. This drug perfectly copes with inflammation of the gums, and also eliminates unpleasant odors. To prepare, you need to pour a tablespoon of pre-chopped St. John's wort with alcohol. 1/2 liter will be enough. The container should be tightly closed and placed in a dark place for 7 days. After the specified time, the agent can be used for oral administration in a diluted form. To do this, it is recommended to dissolve 40 drops of the drug in ½ cup of water. It is worth taking the remedy twice a day for 7 days.

Plantain and lemon juice

Since it is much more difficult for a child to save teeth than for an adult, before applying any folk remedy You should consult a pediatric dentist. After all, some drugs of alternative medicine have contraindications.

As for adults, lemon juice can be used to strengthen the gums, as well as heal small sores. It is recommended to apply the mixture with a soft brush. At the same time, it is worth making sure that the product does not get on the tooth enamel, as it negatively affects its condition.

For the same purpose, plantain juice can be applied to the gums. It's much safer. Such a tool does not adversely affect tooth enamel.

Special massage

If the teeth are loosened, then daily it is necessary to eat, carefully chewing, fresh garlic. This will strengthen weak gums. Also, fresh primrose leaves or calamus root will help get rid of the inflammatory process and unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. These products are recommended to be chewed daily.

In addition to the above, it is worth enriching your diet with a variety of foods containing many useful substances. Also, experts advise taking complexes of vitamins and minerals, which include elements such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, B 6 and D 3. In addition, do not forget that some substances can harm the tissues of the oral cavity. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse products that contain acids. These components can destroy the enamel. However, the most dangerous for the teeth is the lack of calcium. Not always enters the human body right amount of this element along with food. Therefore, experts recommend the use of special dietary supplements with calcium.

As for phosphorus, this component is necessary for strengthening teeth. The substance forms salts together with calcium, the effect of which improves the condition of the tissues of the oral cavity.

The period of pregnancy always prepares future mothers for many unwanted surprises. Month after month, hormonal levels change in women, mineral reserves are depleted, and immunity weakens. And these are just a few possible causes for problems in the mouth. But this is not the end of the world, as most pregnant women claim, referring to the prohibition of painkillers. This is just an excuse to devote a few free hours for yourself and your health. Moreover, treating teeth is now a pleasure compared to the level of dentistry 10 years ago. True, pregnant women need an individual approach to dental treatment, but everything is not as scary as it seems. Let's look together for answers to the question: "Are teeth treated during pregnancy?".

For some reason, women in position consider visiting the dentist something superfluous and secondary. All 9 months they run around the clinics and take a lot of tests for the sake of the well-being of their child, and they put off taking care of their health until later. And what is the result? Even a small problem, which could take 15 minutes to solve at the dentist, by the end of pregnancy can lead to tooth extraction and chronic periodontal disease.

A woman should clearly understand that there are three good reasons why you need to go to the doctor:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body contribute to pathological processes in the oral cavity.
  2. A lack of calcium, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, will easily destroy even the most healthy teeth. Modern dental technologies help many women to keep their teeth in excellent condition in such a situation.
  3. During pregnancy, the properties of saliva change: it loses its disinfecting ability, and pathogenic microbes begin to multiply in the mouth. Also, saliva changes the pH level, and the enamel is destroyed.

Advice! Do not consider bad teeth during pregnancy a small problem that will be solved by itself. It is better to do a preventive examination, and not get lost in conjectures and worries. Seek only professionals with experience in dental care for pregnant women. They will know when, how and with what treatment can be carried out?

Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Many women, getting to the dentist, ask the same question: “Do they treat teeth during pregnancy?” Everyone would like to hear the word "no" and postpone this procedure as far as possible. But dental care during pregnancy is the responsibility of every woman. future mother who takes care of herself and her baby. You, of course, ask, where does the fruit? The fact is that inflammatory processes in the oral cavity can affect the development of the fetus not the most the best way. Even a simple carious tooth, which does not bother a woman, serves as a source of microorganisms that enter the stomach and provoke late toxicosis. Just imagine how fast the infection will spread throughout the mother's body if the purulent focus is in the root region of the tooth? Or will a strong gingivitis pass to an already born child with a mother's kiss? There are many options, and not all of them are harmless.

Normally, a woman's amount of calcium in the body is 2%. Very often, during pregnancy, she receives less of this mineral from nutrition or she has metabolic problems, and calcium is not absorbed. In this case, night cramps in the limbs will join the holes in the teeth, and the risk of postpartum hemorrhage will double. In addition, the newborn baby will be at risk of allergic reactions and rickets. Therefore, a preventive examination by a dentist should be carried out in each trimester.

A few statistics...

45% of pregnant women come into contact with a problem such as gingivitis. Their gums swell and bleed, discomfort and bad breath appear. For most of them, these problems go away on their own after childbirth, if they adhere to the recommendations of specialists.

Suitable strings of pregnancy for dental treatment

We have already seen that it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy. But when is the best time to do it? If a critical moment comes, then you need to go to the dentist immediately for help. If time endures, then the treatment is carried out in the period from 14 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, that is, in the second trimester. Starting from 14-15 weeks, the fetus is already protected by the placental barrier. At this stage of pregnancy, the use of anesthetics with a minimum content of adrenaline or radiography (in extreme cases). In the first trimester, the embryo is only being formed and organs and systems are being laid, so the use of anesthesia and any drugs is contraindicated. After 20-24 weeks, it is physically quite difficult for a woman to go through an event such as dental treatment.

On a note! In the 3rd trimester, the fetus puts a lot of pressure on the aorta. If a woman has to undergo dental treatment, then her position in the chair should be special. To exclude fainting or a drop in blood pressure, a woman needs to sit on her left side.

Diseases that can and should be treated during pregnancy

If it so happens that you need dental treatment during pregnancy, firstly, do not worry, and secondly, tell the doctor what week of pregnancy you are, about its course and about taking medications, if you take them. This will help the doctor choose the optimal and safe treatment tactics.

Advice! Protect your teeth during pregnancy early dates thorough hygiene with fluoride-containing pastes without whitening effect will help.

If you have caries...

Caries is a common hole in the tooth. At the stage of occurrence, caries is simply treated and does not require painkillers. If the process is started, then the destruction of dental tissues will reach the pulp and the removal of the nerve and more severe treatment will be required. The only limitation is arsenic. Its use is not allowed. And there are no restrictions in the choice of fillings. It is possible to fill teeth with both chemical fillings and light curing fillings using ultraviolet lamps.

Important! Toothpastes with flavors and flavors can provoke attacks of toxicosis. Repeated vomiting increases the acidity of saliva and causes the destruction of enamel.

If you have gingivitis or stomatitis...

Pregnancy gingivitis is a hypertrophied increase in the gums under the influence of hormonal disruptions in the process of preparing for childbirth. The gum tissue is easily inflamed and can completely cover the dental crowns. With this condition of the oral cavity, a woman is simply not able to follow hygiene and she needs professional help. Self-medication with home remedies will only aggravate the disease and it will all be over. complex shape periodontitis. According to the results of recent studies, women with exacerbation of severe forms of periodontitis during pregnancy, preterm labor and some pathological conditions in newborns were observed.

A timely visit to the doctor will alleviate your painful condition with gingivitis and protect your baby from exposure to toxins. The doctor will prescribe gum treatment with an antiseptic, rinses and applications to relieve inflammation, and perform professional oral hygiene.

Due to weakened immunity, women often experience stomatitis in the oral cavity. Small ulcerative lesions cause severe pain and swelling. This disease does not bring any particular danger, but it will not hurt to go to the doctor. He will advise you on a spray that is appropriate during pregnancy.

If you have periodontitis or pulpitis…

Inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis) and near the root of the dental tissues (periodontitis) is a consequence of untreated caries. The treatment of such diseases already requires the use of an anesthetic, and in order to properly seal the dental canals, you will have to take an x-ray. Modern radiovisiographic devices irradiate 10-15 times less than their ancestors. In addition, the lead apron will protect the baby from radiation.

If you suffer from dental stones ...

During pregnancy, both teeth and tartar create many difficulties. Plaque and calculus can cause bleeding gums and encourage the growth of "bad" microorganisms. This procedure is not anesthetized and is carried out using ultrasound or special instruments.

What anesthesia can be used during pregnancy?

Until now, there is a myth between pregnant women that if a tooth hurts during pregnancy, then it will have to be treated without anesthesia. This makes frightened women go to the dentist on "cotton" legs in anticipation of terrible agony in the dentist's chair. And only when they get to the doctor, they learn that a new generation of painkillers is actively used in practice to treat women in position.

Anesthetics based on articaine and mepivacaine ("Ultracaine") contain a minimum amount of vasoconstrictor components and have a purely local effect, without getting through the placenta to the child. Therefore, the torment of a toothache brings much more damage to your child than anesthesia of the teeth during pregnancy.

On a note! General anesthesia is contraindicated during pregnancy.

X-ray during pregnancy: is it acceptable?

Not every doctor will be able to “blindly” seal a crooked canal, diagnose a cyst or hidden caries. This will require an x-ray. It is allowed only after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

How are x-rays done for pregnant women:

  1. She is covered with a lead blanket.
  2. Determine the appropriate exposure and use class E film.
  3. Take all necessary pictures at the same time.

It's important to know!

It is preferable to contact the clinic, where there are modern devices with microdoses close to the normal radiation background.

Removal and prosthetics of teeth during pregnancy

The need for a tooth extraction during pregnancy is rare, but occurs if you have neglected your tooth and caries has completely affected it. The process is absolutely safe for pregnancy, except for the excitement of the patient. After tooth extraction during pregnancy, hypothermia or overheating of the damaged gum area should be avoided.

Prosthetics are considered acceptable during pregnancy, especially if the woman feels great and initiates herself. If necessary, braces are allowed.


Dental caries is diagnosed in 91.4% of women with a normal pregnancy.

Strong tooth sensitivity (enamel hyperesthesia) is observed in 79% of pregnant women.

What procedures should be postponed

  1. Implantation. Engraftment of new implants involves the use of medications, antibiotics and additional forces of the female body. This procedure is not recommended for pregnant women.
  2. Wisdom tooth extraction during pregnancy. This is a complex surgical procedure, after which it is possible to increase the temperature and take antibiotics. If the situation is not critical, then you can remove the tooth after pregnancy.
  3. Teeth whitening. The chemical constituents in the bleaching liquid cross the placental barrier and have a toxic effect on the fetus. In addition, whitening destroys enamel and increases the risk of dental diseases.

What threatens the baby with sick mother's teeth

  1. Psychological factor. Toothache negatively affects the female body and at the same time the condition of the child.
  2. Infection. Various pathogenic microorganisms can cause all sorts of complications in a child.
  3. Intoxication and inflammation. The defeat of the periodontium causes poor health, high temperature, toxicosis, disorders of the digestive system. This threatens with late gestosis for the mother and hypoxia for the fetus.

What drugs are prohibited during pregnancy

Before you are given an injection of painkillers and offered to make an application, ask what drug will be used.

  1. Lidocaine - Chemical substance for local anesthesia. Causes convulsions, dizziness, weakness and decreased pressure.
  2. Sodium fluoride is a caries treatment. It is used to strengthen tooth enamel. In high concentrations, it negatively affects the heart rate and fetal development.
  3. Imudon is a drug for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. The negative factor is unknown, since studies have not been conducted.

Carry out doctor's orders

Even if all teeth are healthy and there is no hint of even the most harmless gingivitis, all pregnant women are simply obliged to visit the dentist at registration for valuable recommendations:

  1. The ideal option is to treat your teeth at the stage of pregnancy planning.
  2. Get regular checkups with your dentist.
  3. Maintain good oral hygiene: floss, rinses, soft toothbrushes and high-quality toothpastes.
  4. Adjust the menu so that it contains enough calcium.
  5. If you suffer from toxicosis, after vomiting, be sure to rinse your mouth with a soda solution.
  6. To prevent gingivitis, rinse your mouth with herbal decoction of chamomile, oregano, mint and St. John's wort.

Women should responsibly prepare for such a happy period in their lives as pregnancy. But, if for some reason it was not possible to prepare your teeth and health in general in advance, then come to the dentist for help as early as possible and remember that treatment should be carried out at 4, 5 and 6 months of pregnancy.

100 years ago, by missing teeth, a dentist could calculate how many times a woman gave birth: with each child, a mother lost a tooth. Today, such dental arithmetic is no good. You can save your teeth if you take proper care of them and visit the dentist regularly during pregnancy. We have collected the most common questions that expectant mothers have.

How many times should you visit the dentist during pregnancy?

A preventive examination must be carried out at least three times: at a period of 6–8 weeks, at 22–24 and 32–34 weeks of pregnancy, even if you have not complained about the patients before and now they are in order. And, of course, for any problem with teeth and gums (and they appear in many expectant mothers), you should not hesitate to go to the dentist. And be sure to tell your doctor right away that you are pregnant. He will select the appropriate treatment for your situation.

Why do teeth and gums become vulnerable during pregnancy?

First of all, teeth during pregnancy suffer from hormonal changes that the mother's body experiences. Change hormonal background causes the gums to bleed. The synthesis of estrogen hormones increases the volume of circulating blood and dilates blood vessels, including those in the mucous membranes. They become loose, full of blood, they are easy to injure even with ordinary brushing of the teeth. Therefore, pregnant women often sin by the fact that, fearing to injure their gums, they brush their teeth somehow, not really leaning on the brush, and thereby leave plaque on their teeth, in which they feel at ease. pathogenic bacteria. And the immunity, weakened during pregnancy, allows them to multiply intensively. The result is caries that destroys the hard tissues of the tooth (enamel and dentin), and (inflammation of the gums). With the last problem, the tissues surrounding the tooth turn red, swell, bleed, start to hurt, the bone tissue around the tooth is destroyed, and the tooth itself is now loose.

Another significant circumstance is that the mother's body selflessly shares calcium reserves with the child, who needs this mineral for the construction of the skeleton. Calcium deficiency is experienced not only by the bones of the mother, but also by the teeth. The enamel is the first to feel the lack of an important element. During pregnancy, teeth become sensitive to sour, cold, hot. Enamel can be destroyed. Old fillings do not hold well and fall out, microbes rush to the sore spot. Caries has a new testing ground for destructive activity.

The lack of minerals and vitamins leads to the fact that the composition of saliva also changes in the expectant mother. She no longer copes with her duties and does not protect her teeth from washing out minerals. It destroys teeth and the changed ph-balance of saliva, which allows the bacteria that cause caries to multiply rapidly.

When is the best time to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Of course, ideally, it was necessary to deal with teeth at the stage of conception of the baby. But during pregnancy, you can not postpone for the period after childbirth. The 2nd trimester is considered the optimal period for dental treatment during pregnancy. But during the 1st trimester, it would be better to do only gentle treatment (for example, install not a permanent, but a temporary filling), since in these weeks only the internal organs and systems of the fetus are laid. And the future baby will painfully react to any stress that the mother is experiencing. During the 3rd trimester, the risk of preterm birth is already high. and extraction of teeth after the 27th week is carried out only when absolutely necessary. Therefore, you should not skip a visit to the dentist during pregnancy in the middle of the term.

What dental procedures should not be performed by expectant mothers?

There is a reason to postpone such procedures as tartar removal and teeth whitening using chemical pastes and gels, the installation of implants and dentures, the planned removal of eights - wisdom teeth (it requires an incision, and it is better not to do surgery now). But the rest of the services of a dentist for a pregnant woman are not prohibited. If necessary, treat caries (fillings are made of modern safe materials), periodontitis, inflammation of the teeth and gums, remove teeth (except for the planned removal of eights). You can even go to the orthodontist to install braces.

Is it acceptable to use anesthesia in the treatment of pregnant women?

Toothache is a great stress for mom and baby. Therefore, in no case do not agree to endure it in the dentist's chair. In addition, now there are effective and safe anesthetics for mom and baby. Before an injection into the gum, the doctor must anesthetize the very place where he inserts a thin needle. So you will not experience any discomfort during the treatment, which means you will not be nervous. Especially exciting mothers can take valerian preparations before visiting the dentist.

Is it possible to take an x-ray of the teeth during pregnancy?

Doctors try to take X-rays of the teeth during pregnancy only in extreme cases. It is believed that more suitable option for mom - computerized visiography (again, only in case of urgent need). The dose of radiation in the study made by this method is an order of magnitude less than that of conventional x-rays.

Do dentists allow the use of an electric toothbrush?

This device is safe and does not harm the mother and baby. It would be nice to buy another device - an irrigator. The strong jet of water that it delivers perfectly cleans the spaces between the teeth and at the edge of the gums.

What is the danger of toxicosis for teeth? Should you brush your teeth after every vomiting?

Nausea and vomiting cause a violation of the ph-balance in the oral cavity, demineralization of the teeth and the development of caries. But grabbing a toothbrush every time after an attack of toxicosis is not worth it. It is enough to brush your teeth twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. More frequent brushing wears away tooth enamel.

It is better to rinse your mouth with a soda solution after bouts of nausea and vomiting (1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of water). Soda neutralizes the aggressive effect of gastric acid on the enamel. Chewing gum without sugar will help you too.

Our expert

Edgar Gigolyan, chief physician rehabilitation dentistry clinic "Med-Light" on Ostozhenka

So that the expectant mother does not feel a calcium deficiency, she needs to include dairy and dairy products and additionally take calcium complexes with vitamin D. Often, a lack of calcium occurs against the background of gastrointestinal diseases that interfere with the natural process of absorption of the desired element. In this case, the menu and vitamins will not help - you need to be treated by a gastroenterologist.

The initial signs of a dental disease common in expectant mothers, which is called pregnancy gingivitis (inflammation of the gum tissue), may appear as early as the first trimester. But this state reaches its apogee in the last two trimesters. To cleanse the oral cavity of harmful bacteria and prevent the risk of developing chronic forms of gingivitis and periodontitis, it is necessary to regularly carry out a complete professional oral hygiene in the dentist's chair. It includes the removal of hard supragingival and subgingival dental deposits (tartar), cleaning the surface of the teeth from soft plaque, polishing the surface of the teeth and applying special compositions to their surface to prevent caries. It is advisable to undergo such a procedure 2 times during pregnancy, and after childbirth - at least 2 times a year.


Gums itch terribly! It would seem that it’s nonsense - take a brush and go ... But it wasn’t there: it’s worth touching, and they bleed. This gingivitis is the scourge of all pregnant women. If you leave everything as it is, you can lose a tooth. So what? After all, they say, how many children you give birth to, so many teeth you lose.

They say, but don't listen. Nowadays, only lazy people lose their teeth. If you properly care for your "pearls", then a Hollywood smile can be maintained until old age. Ideally, you need to put your mouth in order, of course, even before pregnancy, then nothing threatens you. If you didn’t have time to put your teeth in order or didn’t plan a pregnancy, it doesn’t matter either! Modern dentistry will help save teeth, although there are some restrictions for expectant mothers. For example, you can not take x-rays, which means that the treatment of the roots of the teeth will have to be postponed until later. First of all, it is worth doing the prevention of dental diseases. After all, the future mother's chances of losing a tooth increase several times.

During pregnancy, the concentration of calcium and phosphates in saliva decreases, so tooth enamel becomes less durable. Frequent vomiting during the first trimester increases acid levels, which upsets the acid-base balance. Hormonal changes impair blood circulation. The gums begin to bleed, sometimes they even acquire a bluish tint. With poor oral hygiene, this can lead to periodontitis.

Therefore, dentists advise brushing your teeth at least twice a day and be sure to massage your gums. To do this, take an anti-inflammatory paste, grab the tooth with your thumb and forefinger and make light movements from the tooth to the gums. This massage will improve blood circulation and help to cope with itching.

When “there are already two of you,” you want to eat more. A bun here, a cookie there. As a result, an excess of carbohydrates leads to the fact that immunity falls. The body's resistance to microbes decreases. Just microbes and cause caries. Therefore, you should not abuse foods containing sugar and glucose. Cookies are considered especially harmful. This food sticks to the teeth and helps the microbes do their job. But, if you already ate something like that, you should just brush your teeth.

But expectant mothers must eat cottage cheese. In the body, the need for calcium increases, which goes to build the skeleton of the child. If it is not enough, then the baby gets the necessary from the bones and teeth of the mother. Therefore, doctors advise taking a vitamin-mineral complex. The best source of calcium is eggshell. It must be calcined in the stove, ground into powder and added to your favorite dishes. In the last trimester, the child no longer needs calcium in such quantities. Its excess can lead to the fact that the child will gain excess weight.

You can check the condition of your teeth with the help of homemade test. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in iodine and hold it over the tooth. If the teeth remain bright, then there is no plaque, if they turn brown, then you need to brush your teeth more carefully.