Egg shells in the garden. How to fertilize the ground with eggshells? Fertilizer form and applications

Shells after cleaning the eggs should not be thrown away. For lovers of domestic plants, owners of summer cottages, they will provide invaluable assistance in carrying out useful dressings necessary for many plants. From the egg husks, a fertilizer is obtained that is environmentally friendly and natural. In order to use it correctly, you should know what its value is, how to prepare such top dressing, when to apply it.

When and why shell fertilizers are used

Eggshells contain over 90% calcium carbonate. The presence of it and other useful components: copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus ensures rapid seed germination, plant formation, strengthening of the root system, improvement of metabolic processes, photosynthesis.

Prepared shell fertilizer is used in different cases. These should include:

  • High acidity of the soil, adversely affecting the yield. Adding shells lowers the pH of the medium.
  • An insufficient percentage of calcium in plants causes a loss of color in the foliage, the death of the tops of plants, and the slow development of the root system. The amount of calcium is increased by applying eggshells along with complex fertilizers..
  • Improvement quality characteristics soil. Such a fertilizer contributes to loosening the soil, increases its aeration, access to the required oxygen. Top dressing from egg shells will not allow moisture to stagnate in the ground. With it, nutrients, trace elements will be better absorbed.

There are no strictly defined periods when plants require such top dressing. It is possible to implement them:

  • at the time of planting the crop;
  • in autumn, in spring, when they dig up the earth;
  • for periodic fertilizing plantings.

When seedlings are planted in planting cups, egg shells are laid down, while receiving both top dressing and high-quality drainage.

The shell can be used as drainage

Which crops need such top dressing, and which do not

Egg husks can serve as plant food. It is used in its pure form or insisted and made from it liquid fertilizer. It depends on the types of crops. Plants need this nutrition:

  • Garden (use crushed shells or infusion), of which it is especially needed:
    • bow,
    • carrots,
    • lettuce,
    • pumpkin,
    • swede,
    • parsley,
    • dill,
    • celery
    • watermelon,
    • melons.
  • Room (apply infusion):
    • green perennials,
    • flowering annuals,
  • Garden (apply infusion). Among them, calcium is especially required for stone fruits: cherries, plums. Fertilizer favorably affects pear, apple, currant, raspberry, gooseberry, citrus, and coniferous.

Photo gallery: which plants will be happy with fertilizer from the shell

Decorative perennials

But for some crops, such top dressing is harmful.. Fertilization with high levels of calcium can threaten various diseases for the following indoor flowers:

  • violet,
  • hydrangeas,
  • gloxinia,
  • azaleas,
  • camellias,
  • pelargonium,
  • gardenia.

A negative reaction to the addition of shells to the wells is observed in strawberries,spinach, beans, cucumbers.

Photo gallery: which plant should not be fed with ground shells

garden strawberry

Shell fertilizers: recipes, application schemes

The procedure for preparing fertilizer from shells begins with the preparation of raw materials. The duration of storage of this fertilizer will depend on the correctness of this step.

Getting the powder

Fertilizer from crushed egg peels is absorbed by the soil faster. Step by step process its manufacture:

  1. They free the shell of fresh eggs from the contents, wash it well from the inside.
  2. The shells are dried in the sun or in the oven until brittle.
  3. They are crushed in a mortar, blender or through a meat grinder.

As a result, a powder is obtained from the shell. In the future, this product is used for top dressing when introduced into dug holes, made grooves, for sprinkling the soil surface near plantings. Liquid fertilizer is also prepared from it.

The powder obtained from the eggshell is used as a fertilizer or an infusion is made from it for plant nutrition.

in shell boiled eggs there are fewer valuable substances than in the shell of raw ones, since during cooking they lose them under the influence of high temperatures.

When the shell is freed from protein residues, has no unpleasant odor, is well dried, it is placed in a cardboard box and stored in dry and cool conditions for up to a year. Putting the shell in a plastic bag should not be. Moisture gets inside it, and the powder goes rotten.

A shell that is rotten cannot be used, otherwise the plants may get sick.

Gardeners have accumulated many options for using shells:

  • shell pieces large sizes can be added directly to the barrel, which contains water, which is watered with ridges. For 2 or 3 days, while the water is in the barrel, it does not have time to go rotten, but it heats up and absorbs the necessary trace elements from the shell of the eggs.
  • The shell, divided into small parts, is added when digging the soil to a depth of 10 cm. The consumption rate per square meter is 100 pieces of shells.
  • When planting garden plants, put 2 cups of this shell powder per 1 m 2 into the holes.
  • Reduce the acidity of the soil by mixing 1 part of the shell and 1 part of the ash.
  • Liming 1 kg of soil will require 2 teaspoons of the mixture.
  • For drainage, lay a 2 cm layer of large eggshells on the bottom of the hole.
  • When adding shells to the soil when planting (transplanting) home crops, put about 1/3 teaspoon per flower container.

The shells are also placed on the surface of the earth next to the plantings to prevent the appearance of slugs.

shell liquid fertilizer

You can prepare liquid fertilizer, a universal infusion from the shell, by taking 50 g of shells or powder. Place them in a 3 liter jar, pour a liter of boiling water there. This mixture is infused for about a week. The readiness of the fertilizer is indicated by the turbidity of the solution and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.. The working solution used for top dressing is obtained by diluting the infusion of the shell with water in a ratio of 3: 1.

Plants are watered with infusion of egg husks at least once every two weeks.

Infusion is watered garden, house plants, fruit trees and shrubs so that the surface of the earth next to them becomes wet. This procedure is repeated after 1-2 weeks..

The use of eggshells as plant food allows you to turn the often discarded egg shell into a useful, necessary fertilizer that is easy to prepare at home.

Organic fertilizers are necessary for all green organisms: both garden and garden. Such dressings are natural, safe, include many nutrients and are able to accumulate and linger in the fertile land layer. Thanks to the introduction of organic matter, vegetables and fruits grow actively, and the fruits acquire good taste. This article will help you find out what is fertilized with eggshells and which plants it is not suitable for.

Egg shells are a popular organic fertilizer that is easy to make and use at home to feed seedlings. It contains a huge percentage of easy-to-absorb calcium (93%). The composition of the shell also includes a small amount of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sulfur and aluminum.

The advantage of this top dressing is that:

  • it is impossible to allow an overdose;
  • means economical and affordable;
  • fertilizer is easy to make and apply in the country or at home.

To make top dressing, it is better to take the eggs of domestic chickens: they contain more useful components. The brown shell is more useful than the white one. It should also not be subjected to heat treatment: after the procedure, some of the useful elements are boiled out.

For fertilizer 1 sq. m. area requires 45-50 crushed shells.

Why is the shell useful for plants?

Eggshell as a fertilizer for the garden, it has a positive effect on many crops. Thanks to its application:

  1. the acidity of the soil decreases;
  2. there is an active saturation with minerals;
  3. the substrate is loosened: in this state, oxygen supply is easier and better, moisture is absorbed;
  4. the susceptibility of greens to infections and attacks of harmful organisms is reduced;
  5. seeds germinate faster, develop intensively root system young plants.

Egg peeling is useful:

  • embed into the ground when digging;
  • grind into powder and powder the root zone of seedlings with it;
  • take as a basis for the preparation of nutritious infusions and decoctions.

The use of eggshells for the garden is that fertilizer prevents the emergence and spread of weeds.

Tiny shell seedling cups

Eggshells are recommended for use in the garden when picking young plants. Small cups can be made from the halves of the cleanings, where young sprouts are then moved. After the seedlings grow up, they are rooted in a greenhouse or on beds right in homemade pots.

For which crops is the fertilizer suitable?

Eggshell for vegetable garden has versatility, suitable for many vegetables (potatoes, eggplants, radishes, radishes), tree plants, bushes, ornamental plantings of open areas, potted flowers growing at home.

Garden and garden

Egg shells are a great gardening tool. It has a positive effect on such vegetable crops as tomatoes, peppers, beets, raspberries, gooseberries, currants, onions. It can be added to the hole for each seedling of tomato or pepper when transplanting in the spring: one teaspoon of the crushed substance is placed in the holes when transplanting to a new place. This will help plants form immunity to infectious lesions, accelerate their rooting.

The material also has a beneficial effect on fruit plants (apple, cherry, apricot, sweet cherry, quince, pear, melon), ornamental flowering crops.

Improved seed germination

In order for the seeds to germinate faster, it is necessary to finely crush the eggshell and feed it to the beds or containers where the seedlings are sown.

Root top dressing for garden crops

In order to prepare an effective eggshell fertilizer for the garden, you need a shell of 4-5 eggs. It must be crushed, brewed with boiling water. The container with the resulting liquid is closed, kept for a week. After exposure, the composition is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and the plantings are irrigated with it.

Drainage for seedlings and flowers

in pots for indoor plants first lay the eggshell in a layer of 2-3 cm, then cover with a soil mixture. This allows you to activate the flow of oxygen into the soil, eliminates excess fluid, and prevents rotting of the root system.

The decomposition period of organic waste is several years.

For indoor and garden flowers

Eggshells for indoor flowers are used as a liquid top dressing. They make a nutrient composition from cleaning 4-5 eggs, which are poured with three liters of warm water, kept in a shady place for a couple of days, then flowers are fed to them.

Soil structure improver

Egg peel, getting into the ground, makes it soft and loose, makes it possible to absorb more moisture and let air through to the roots. Decaying, cleanings saturate the soil with useful macro- and microelements.

What plants can be harmed?

You can not fertilize under those indoor flowers that prefer an acidic environment (gloxinia, violet, azalea, hydrangea, pelargonium, camellia). Do not add such top dressing for cucumbers, garden strawberry seedlings. They do not like her strawberries, spinach, cabbage, beans, peas, zucchini.

Feed preparation

The shell of chicken eggs is used in the form of a grated mass or tincture. Fertilizer is applied by embedding into the soil during digging, by dusting the root zone of plants on top, by means of root watering of greenery.

shell preparation

In order for the use of eggshells for a garden or garden to be useful, you need to know how to properly prepare raw materials. To this end, the shell should:

  1. wash well to exclude waste from rotten eggs;
  2. bake in the oven;
  3. grind with a meat grinder, coffee grinder or hammer.

Manufacture of liquid fertilizer

A nutritious infusion is prepared as follows: 5 shells are ground and brewed with three liters of boiling water. Let the composition brew for a week, then dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

Storage rules

Crushed organic raw materials are best stored in ajar glass or paper containers. Before preparing eggshell fertilizer, it must be carefully processed, the protein remaining on the walls removed so as not to provoke putrefactive changes and fetid fumes.

The material does not lose its positive properties within one year.

Protective agent against pests and diseases

The use of eggshells in the garden prevents the appearance of dangerous animals and insects near plantings. For this purpose, cleaning is lubricated with vegetable oil, added dropwise among the beds.

Fight against slugs and snails

To defeat harmful insects, it is advised to sprinkle the area with crushed egg husks.

The use of eggshells as a fertilizer saturates the soil with a large amount of nutrients, improves its structure, and contributes to a rich harvest. Thanks to the use of natural top dressing, oversaturation of the soil with harmful agrochemicals can be avoided.

Eggshell is an excellent natural mineral fertilizer. Rich in calcium, it improves the composition and structure of the soil, strengthens plants and helps them defend themselves against certain diseases and pests. At the same time, it is worth remembering that not all plants respond equally favorably to the introduction of eggshells, and its excess in the soil can adversely affect the growth and development of flowers and vegetables.

Eggshell as calcium fertilizer

The eggshell is 90-95% calcium carbonate, the remaining 5-10% is accounted for by various trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, etc. In total, there are up to 27 different trace elements in the eggshell.

Calcium is one of the most important trace elements for plant growth and nutrition.

The role of calcium in plant life:

  1. ensures the proper functioning of plant cells, the exchange of proteins and carbohydrates;
  2. promotes the entry of boron, manganese, molybdenum into plants;
  3. retains potassium in the roots of plants;
  4. together with magnesium and potassium, calcium reduces the intake of radioactive elements (strontium, cesium) into plants;
  5. stimulates the growth of the root system and is especially important at the very beginning of development;
  6. participates in the processes of digestibility of other important microelements, therefore its excess or deficiency negatively affects the absorption of other nutrients and contributes to the occurrence of mineral starvation;
  7. protects plants from absorption of ammonia nitrogen and some diseases;
  8. ensures the growth and development of seedlings and young plants after planting in the ground.

Most horticultural crops require calcium in certain amounts throughout their entire life period: at the end and at the beginning of the growing season, during fruit set and active fruiting.

How to determine the lack of calcium in plants

Calcium deficiency in plant nutrition can be determined by outward signs. The lack of a microelement primarily affects the development of the root system.

Negative symptoms appear to a greater extent on the young parts of the plant. Brown spotting, curvature, twisting appear. If you do not make up for the lack of calcium, in the future, newly appearing shoots will begin to die off.

At the same time, a lack of calcium leads to a violation of the absorption of other minerals, therefore, along with calcium, signs of potassium, nitrogen, and magnesium starvation can be noticed.

Signs of calcium deficiency in plants:

  • twisting and dark color leaves, their bluish hue
  • damage and death of the apical buds and roots (the tops of the shoots curl and dry out)
  • formation of rosettes of small leaves
  • highly branched roots
  • chlorotic (growth retardation and gradual discoloration of the whole plant),
  • the appearance of white stripes along the edges of the leaf (especially on turnips, rutabaga, cabbage), chlorotic spots and stripes
  • slowing down the growth of the root system and, as a result, rotting of the roots
  • thickening and shortening of the roots

With a strong deficiency, hairs form on the roots and the absorption of nutrients stops.

What eggshell to use for fertilizer

It is believed that raw materials from raw eggs are more suitable for the preparation of fertilizer, because. most of the cooking useful substances is destroyed.

  • Usually raw egg shells are washed with inside(to prevent rotting), dried or calcined in the oven and put in a cloth bag, paper bag, cardboard box or glass jar.
  • It is not worth closing the biomaterial tightly.
  • It is also better not to use plastic bags to store the shell.
  • Spoiled (rotten) eggshells cannot be used as fertilizer. Otherwise, instead of healthy nutrition, the shell will become a source of harmful bacteria.

How to use fresh shells

If it is possible to immediately prepare the fertilizer, then the film from the inner surface of the shell does not need to be washed off - this is an excellent organic fertilizer. To do this, place 5-10 shells in 1 liter of water and leave for 10-15 days. When the water starts to become cloudy and a specific smell of hydrogen sulfide appears, then the infusion is ready and can be used for irrigation. The concentrated infusion is diluted to a working solution by 7-10 times.

In order to preserve useful organic matter on the inside of the shell for a long time and do not want to wash off the film, but you need to store the shell for a long time, you can dry it in the oven. As the egg shell accumulates, it is laid out on a baking sheet and calcined until the film is completely dry. So useful organic substances will be preserved, and the shell will become more fragile for powder preparation.

Egg shell pest control

Egg shells can be used in a complex of preventive and protective measures in the fight against pests such as bears, slugs, snails, moles, shrews.

  1. To protect against slugs and snails, eggshells are crushed into powder and scattered in places where pests appear.
  2. Large pieces of shell will help from shrews and moles - the sharp edges of hard shells will prevent the spread of unwanted guests.
  3. Eggshell powder is scattered over the surface of the beds to protect against cruciferous fleas, clutches of cabbage butterflies.

Eggshell as a container for seedlings

Egg shells are convenient to use as an eco-friendly container for seedlings. To do this, try to keep the raw material as intact as possible and make drainage holes in the lower part. Further, as an ordinary container, the shell is filled with seedling soil and a seed is planted.

When the time comes to move the seedlings to a permanent place in the ground, the seedlings are planted directly with the shell. It will be enough to slightly crush it when planting, and in this form it will already serve as a valuable nutrient fertilizer.

No waste or polluting plastic!

Eggshell infusion

Eggshell infusion is conveniently used for watering indoor flowers, seedlings, young plants after planting in the ground.

How to make eggshell tincture

We have found several recipes for making eggshell infusion. The degree of concentration of the solution and the convenience of its preparation will depend on the preparation options. In general, they boil down to one thing: the eggshell is poured with warm water and infused for 5 to 14 days.

The readiness of the infusion is determined by the degree of turbidity and the appearance of a specific smell of hydrogen sulfide. Thus, a concentrated infusion is obtained. To obtain a working solution, it must be diluted with water several times. Proportions are taken "by eye".

Remember that it is always better to underfeed than overfeed your plants. Therefore, depending on the concentration of the initial infusion (the degree of its turbidity and the strength of the odor), it is possible to dilute the solution by 3-5 and even 10 times.

  1. To prepare the infusion, you can use eggshells in any form: almost whole shells, crushed or powdered.
  2. It is believed that the infusion is best prepared from unwashed eggshells with a film on the inside - this way you get both mineral and organic fertilizer in one person.
  3. If the biomaterial is to be stored for a long time, then it is better to wash the shell, dry it and grind it into powder.

How to use eggshell infusion:

  • for watering seedlings and indoor plants 1 time in 10-14 days

Egg shell decoction

Many summer residents also use eggshell decoction to feed indoor flowers and seedlings. To do this, the water left over from boiling eggs is not poured out, but cooled and used for irrigation.

eggshell powder

Eggshell powder is convenient to use for incorporation into the soil, sprinkling beds from pests and as mulch. It is advisable to grind the eggshell as finely as possible, literally to a powdery state. In this form, it will be better and faster absorbed by the soil and roots. The powder is easy to spread over the surface. You can make a simple adaptation - do it in plastic bottle holes - and use it as a "seeder".

How to make eggshell powder

There are no rules for preparing shell powder, you just need to choose the most suitable and convenient way for yourself:

  • Pass through a meat grinder
  • Scroll through a coffee grinder
  • Crush with a crush
  • Wrap in a cloth bag or towel and chop with a hammer or roll out with a rolling pin
  • Grind in a blender
  • Crush in a mortar

How to apply eggshell powder

  1. Add to the wells when planting onions, potatoes, carrots
  2. As drainage and potting mix for houseplants (1/3 tsp per pot)

What plants are useful to fertilize with eggshells

  • apple and pear,
  • Raspberry, currant and gooseberry
  • Citrus and coniferous ornamental and indoor plants

These plants include indoor flowers that prefer acidic soils:

  • Gloxinia,
  • violets,
  • Azaleas,
  • hydrangeas,
  • gardenia,
  • camellias,
  • Pelargonium

You should not add eggshells to the holes and beds to such horticultural crops as:

  • cucumbers,
  • zucchini,
  • Strawberry,
  • Cabbage,
  • Beans,
  • Spinach.

What do you think people eat most for breakfast? It's the scrambled eggs. Imagine how many shells would be collected in a year. So: the mass of the average shell is 10 grams. Now multiply the number of eggs you eat by 10. Thus, a huge mass of organic fertilizer ends up in the garbage heaps. But the eggshell is very useful. Eggshells are a pantry of nutrients that have been used for many years. Instead of throwing this resource away, use it to improve the soil in your garden, as eggshells are a good source of calcium for your plants and can help make a great fertilizer. You can easily add minerals and nutrients to the soil using crushed eggshells. They say that if there is not enough calcium in the body, you need to eat eggshells. So why not use it as a fertilizer in the garden, because growing various crops in the garden, the soil is depleted over time. Its use is so widespread that eggshells began to be used as fertilizer for plants. And this is not surprising, because such a fertilizer is environmentally friendly. Today we will talk about the use of eggshells as fertilizer for the garden, as well as for which plants it is suitable.

The composition and useful properties of eggshells

First of all, the shell can be proud of its high content of calcium carbonate - about 90%. In addition, when applied to the soil, the shell deoxidizes it well and enriches it with minerals, and also makes it looser. In addition, the shell can be used against pests as a repellent. In addition, the shell contains all the trace elements necessary for the body. Such as: copper, fluorine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, selenium, zinc and more - only 27 elements!

How to collect and store eggshells

So that you do not have any problems when collecting and storing the shell, because, as you know, the shell begins to emit an unpleasant odor after a while, you need to do this using one of the following methods:

  • with rinsing under running water in order to get rid of organic particles and the films themselves;
  • bake the shell in the oven.

When you dry the shell well, you protect yourself from the unpleasant smell that the shell from under the eggs can emit. Of course, by washing the shell, you lose its beneficial substances.

What plants use eggshell fertilizer

Eggshells are used as fertilizer for such plants:

  • Vegetables - peppers, tomatoes, beet;
  • Fruits - cherries, sweet cherries, plums, pears, peaches;
  • Berries - currants, raspberries, gooseberries;
  • Indoor and garden flowers.

Which plants should not use eggshell fertilizer?

You will not like such an additive to the soil when planting beans, peas, kale, cucumbers, spinach, zucchini, strawberries.

Ways to use eggshells in the garden

The crushed shell is used as a fertilizer when growing seedlings. It is laid in a thin layer on the bottom of the container in which the seeds will be placed. By constantly adding eggshells to the garden, you increase its fertility, as the acidity of the soil decreases.

In the course of research, scientists have found that in order to neutralize the increased acidity of the soil per 1 m2, from 0.5 to 1 kg of calcium carbonate is needed, depending on its acidity. The weight of the shell of one egg is about 10 g, knowing this, you can use simple calculations to find out how much it will be needed to fertilize your site. Eggshell powder will bring significant benefits when added to compost.

Since the eggshell contains calcium carbonate, it is used to improve seed germination. different cultures. Thanks to him, the process of consuming the proteins contained in the seeds is activated, so the sprouts appear much faster and the sprouts are stronger. We can safely say that such seedlings differ from the usual cultivation in strength, otherwise it is not unimportant when planting seedlings in open ground.

How to make shell fertilizer

In order to make top dressing from eggshells, you must:

  1. The next step is grinding. You can grind in a coffee grinder, meat grinder or mortar. If the pieces are larger, then beneficial features for soil from eggshells will not be immediately, since such a shell will decompose for a long time.
  2. Eggshell storage. This powder is best stored in a glass jar.

How to make liquid eggshell fertilizer

You can use egg shells in addition to powder and infusion. For this you need:

  1. Wash the shell and dry well. You can lay it out on paper, or dry it in the oven.
  2. Then, as in dry form, first grind. You can grind in a coffee grinder, meat grinder or mortar.
  3. Then the crushed shell is poured into a glass jar and filled with water. We cover the jar with a lid and leave it for a couple of weeks in a dark place. When you use this fertilizer in the garden, dilute this solution with ordinary water in a ratio of 1 to 3.

Such top dressing is often used when growing cabbages, onions, you can water the seedlings of peppers, eggplants, asters, beets, roses, indoor flowers.

Pest control with eggshells

A good way to use egg shells as pest control. To do this, it is not necessary to grind the shell very finely, you can simply ceiling and add ash. This method is suitable to deal with slugs in the garden. If you grind it finer, add vegetable oil and the Regent preparation, then we can save the seedlings, or rather its roots, from the bear.

Forcing plants in eggshells

When there are no plastic cups or other containers for growing seedlings at hand, do not be discouraged. You will be able to expel seedlings in an eggshell, it will serve you not only as a container, but also as a useful fertilizer, the seedlings will immediately receive the calcium they need. You can immediately plant egg cups in the garden. Most often, this method is used when breeding cabbage, peppers, tomatoes and melons. Also, this method is suitable for forcing greenery, for example, for Easter.

The use of eggshells as fertilizer for trees

When planting fruit trees, you can also use the shell, it will serve as a soil deoxidizer, can serve as drainage, and also nourishes the soil where the trees are planted with useful substances.

Using eggshells as a top dressing for indoor and garden plants can save a lot, because when buying fertilizers in a specialized store, you can not always take a high-quality preparation. A fertilizer such as shell will give a good result in any of its forms. The main thing in everything is to know the measure.

In the diet of every family in one volume or another, there are eggs. Breaking them, do not rush to throw them away, because eggshells are an indispensable natural source of calcium. The unique ingredient is not only necessary for plants, but is also perfectly absorbed by almost all types of horticultural and horticultural crops. The composition of the shell contains a complex of trace elements and nutrients.

To obtain a complete material, the eggshells are folded into cardboard boxes and left in a dry place to dry. natural way. It is necessary to first remove the protein residues and the inner matte film. After complete drying, it is crushed and put into paper bags, sealed jars or containers.

Advice! Do not use plastic bags for storage. The shell absorbs moisture and deteriorates.

The cooking process is carried out in stages:

  • the dried shell is laid out on a cloth and rolled out with a rolling pin;
  • ground in a coffee grinder or blender;
  • folded into containers with lids.

There is another universal way. The shells are baked over an open fire and ground together with wood ash. This fertilizer is even more effective for plants.

Advice! Using eggshells as drainage is a great solution for multitasking. This method will not allow water to stagnate, and the soil will receive the necessary supplements.

To obtain environmentally friendly products, the shell is indispensable, its benefits are obvious:

  • promotes soil deoxidation, used for alkalization;
  • an effective tool in the fight against pests and rodents;
  • soil structure improves;
  • the process of adaptation during plant transplantation is accelerated;
  • acceleration of the development of the root system;
  • restoration of air exchange;
  • prophylactic against diseases;
  • increased immunity;
  • soil enrichment with minerals and trace elements.

Reference! Some vegetable growers use shell halves to grow seedlings.

Useful video:

By harvesting such a natural fertilizer for the future, you can not only save money, but also provide almost all plants in the house and in the garden with top dressing. Stocks can be stored for quite a long time. And do not worry about the dosage of dry shells introduced into the soil. An excess will not adversely affect the plants.

What plants can eggshells be used for?

Organic vegetable growing is becoming more and more popular. Products grown without pesticides are in constant demand. Growing vegetables and fruits with your own hands, you can not worry about the quality of the products that fall on the table. A great way to feed garden or garden crops with the waste material that is available in almost every home is to use eggshells.

Growing indoor plants requires a lot of effort and money. Often, flower crops lose their appearance, get sick, experience stress due to temperature, drafts or transshipment. You can restore them, help restore attractiveness with the help of egg shells. It is often used in crushed form as a fertilizer for indoor flowers.

There are several ways to use:

  1. When preparing a nutrient composition for indoor plants, fertile soil is prepared and mixed with crushed shells. The recommended rate for 1 kg of soil is 50 g of crushed shells.
  2. In the case when the flowers urgently need to be fed, the shell is mixed with the top layer in the pot, which is carefully removed beforehand.
  3. Liquid fertilizers are also used. To do this, the shell can not be crushed, but put in halves in a jar and poured with water. Infuse the composition for at least 1 week, shaking occasionally. The finished solution is filtered and mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3. You can use this universal fertilizer once a month.

These popular methods are quite effective, because top dressing contributes to:

  • intensive growth;
  • strengthening the root system and immunity;
  • attractive appearance.

Advice! So that the shell does not deteriorate, does not rot and does not emit an unpleasant odor during storage, it is recommended to clean it from the inner film and rinse it before drying.

Fans of flowering garden plants know firsthand about the benefits of the shell. It is actively used in growing seedlings, planting perennials in the soil, feeding all kinds of flowers. Experienced flower growers recommend mixing the shells with mulch, sealing up when weeding. On heavy clay soils it is added along with sand and peat or humus.

For roses, big lovers fertile soils and nutrients, eggshell is used in several ways:

  • added to the pits when planting;
  • embedded in the soil around the bushes;
  • used as a remedy: the bushes are powdered from above to prevent the black leg;
  • laid out on the surface of the ground to create obstacles for snails.

Shell fertilizer has a cumulative effect. Introduced in the spring as a top dressing with regular watering will provide roses with intensive growth and abundant flowering. In autumn, it is applied during digging, flower bulbs and root crops are poured before storage.

In garden crops, the shell is also an indispensable ingredient. Accelerates fruit formation, promotes intensive growth and flowering. Used to prevent diseases and pests. When transplanting plants into open ground, stress is inevitable, so top dressing will be most welcome and will help to endure adaptation.

For a tomato, the shell is indispensable at all stages of growth, starting from seedlings. When sowing seeds in boxes, it is recommended to mix the shells in crushed form into the nutrient soil. This will provide early dates germination and survival.

Tomato seedlings grow strong, with a strong thick trunk, dark green leaves, and a powerful root system. When planting a tomato in a permanent place, the shell is also added to the holes. This will repel insect pests and serve as an additional source of nutrition. Magnesium and calcium, included in the composition, enrich the soil and stimulate accelerated growth, flowering and fruiting. Plants with strong immunity are less likely to be affected by diseases, and fruits are formed in larger sizes.

It is a proven fact that growing cucumbers is not an easy task, it requires a lot of effort and careful care. Vegetable crops are often affected by diseases. Egg shells for cucumbers will provide fairly fastidious plants with intensive development. The taste and appearance of fruits improve, the number of ovaries increases. Cucumbers love loose soil, so adding shells will improve structure and air circulation.

Many other plants love eggshells as fertilizer:

  • cabbage;
  • sweet and hot peppers;
  • eggplant;
  • Strawberry;
  • trees and shrubs.

It can be placed in compost pits, use in the treatment of trees and shrubs from insect pests. Also, the shell is brought in in areas where traces of the presence of a bear and moles are noticeable.

How to prepare fertilizer

The preparation of organic fertilizers at home is practiced by both experienced gardeners and beginners. Are used folk remedies and methods that allow growing healthy and tasty products without nitrates and chemical elements.

It is easy to make fertilizer from eggshells at home on your own. It can be prepared in advance or immediately before use.

  1. 100 g of crushed eggshells, husks onion, nettle leaves and 50 g of dolomite flour pour 1 liter of boiling water. Close the lid tightly and leave to infuse for at least 20 hours. Before use, the solution must be filtered and diluted with water at the rate of 1 part of the solution per 10 liters of water. Nettle greens can be replaced with foliage walnut, and dolomite flour - for wood ash.
  2. For emergency use, 100 g of crushed shells are poured into 3 liters of water and boiled for at least 3-5 minutes. The resulting composition is filtered and mixed with 5 liters of water.

Reference! The finished solution with prolonged infusion emits an unpleasant characteristic hydrogen sulfide odor. This is a sign that the fertilizer is ready for use.

Egg waste is also used to enrich water for irrigation with microelements. To do this, the washed and cleaned shells are placed in a container of water intended for irrigation. You can only add water throughout the season and, if necessary, add the shell. The more saturated the solution, the more water will be needed to dilute it to the required concentration.

Eggshell infusion can be effectively used both in the garden and in the garden.

Video recipe:

How to apply

The shell is a universal tool for many manipulations. You can use the shells as natural containers for seedlings. To do this, make sure that the lower part is as large as possible. Having pierced the sharp top, you need to carefully remove from above small plot. An impromptu glass is filled with fertile soil and seeds are sown in it or seedlings dive.

The advantage of this method is that you can plant plants in such "containers" along with the shell. Before planting, the shell is lightly compressed to achieve cracking. The developing root system can easily cope with the "barrier", and the shell will serve as additional fertilizer. The roots are not injured, the plant easily adapts and begins to bear fruit earlier.

Fertilizing the soil with eggshells is a popular and easy method that is gaining momentum. It is recommended to add to the soil:

  • before plowing;
  • when planting seedlings in holes;
  • when sowing seeds;
  • together with compost and other types of organic matter;
  • during the season of active growth of crops;
  • autumn, after harvest.

Reference! It doesn't matter which bird's eggshell to use. It can be not only chickens, but also ducks, geese, quails and even ostriches.

Eggshell as a fertilizer will also help to get a crop of large fragrant currants, raspberries, gooseberries.

The beneficial properties of the shell as a pest control have been proven in practice. They are used in both basal and foliar dressings. For greater efficiency, it is necessary to grind the shell to the state of flour.

To prepare an all-purpose organic fertilizer suitable for all horticultural crops, a proven and reliable method is used.

  1. A 100-liter barrel is filled 1/3 with green mass of herbaceous plants. The main requirement is that they should not have testicles, otherwise there is a risk of clogging the site.
  2. Add 500-600 g of crushed shells and 1 kg of sodium humate.
  3. Fill with water to the top.
  4. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap, leave in the sun to ferment for 2 weeks, stir occasionally.

The resulting concentrated composition is used to feed almost all types of plants. Dilute the finished solution with water in a ratio of 1:10. It is advisable to combine the feeding procedure with watering or carry out work after rain, on a wet soil surface.

Advice! Do not throw away the shells from boiled eggs, the benefits of it are no less. It is also cleaned of protein and film, washed and dried.

If the fertilizer is prepared in smaller volumes, it is enough to add 100 g of eggshell and peel of 1-2 lemons to 10 liters of water. Infuse for at least a week under the lid. The solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3, up to 1 liter of such a composition can be applied for each plant.

  • "Baikal";
  • "Bio-mineralis";
  • "Albite";
  • "Spring";
  • "Potassium humate".

Growth stimulants can be added to fertilize oppressed and damaged plants.

How to use eggshell for plant benefits

The main advantage of this product is the huge content of calcium, which is also well absorbed almost in full. This component provides good growth and resistance external factors. Also, the eggshell contains important trace elements: magnesium, iron, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus and many others.

All these elements take Active participation in the life of any living organism. For plants, they are very useful, especially during the period of active growth, as well as fruiting, so the use of "egg" fertilizer has a very beneficial effect on the yield and general condition of garden crops. Application for indoor plants is also very effective, thanks to such top dressing they will not need chemical additives.

Ammonium nitrate fertilizer application and operational data are indicated in the article.

Advantages of eggshell fertilizers:

  • High content of calcium and important minerals.
  • Inability to exceed a comfortable concentration.
  • Ideal for reducing soil acidity.
  • The budget of the method also provides a certain popularity.
  • Environmental safety, because the shell is an absolutely natural product.

All these qualities make eggshells an ideal organic fertilizer, which is also very affordable throughout the year.

You can learn how to make ammonium nitrate with your own hands by reading the article.

For domestic use, small volumes are quite enough. To do this, regularly use eggshell infusion, which can be prepared using the technology described above. Depending on the number of plants, three liters of infusion will be enough for a one-time top dressing.

What preparations for wireworm on potatoes are best used, indicated in the article.

To provide permanent effect you can make a solid sediment from such an infusion into the soil. To do this, dig a shallow hole near the plant and add a certain amount of shell. With normal watering, nutrients from such a "reserve" will nourish the roots of the plant.

What is the price of a garden gasoline sprayer, indicated in the article.

Eggshells can also serve as excellent drainage before planting. Together with pebbles and sand, it perfectly passes water and gradually releases useful substances that serve as plant nutrition. For the drainage function, the shell does not need to be ground, it is enough to knead a little in your hands. The air gap between the plates will ensure the circulation of water and prevent the appearance of mold and liquid stagnation.

Eggshells have long been known as a seedling aid. It has a very beneficial effect on tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, flower crops at the seedling stage. Gardeners have been using shells since before there were special containers and peat tablets.

It was done like this: the top of the whole egg was removed, the contents poured out ( a raw egg can be drunk or used to make scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, pastries). Drainage holes were made with a gypsy needle, an awl or a thin nail. This turns out a container in which you can put the seeds of vegetables or flowers, 1-3 pieces each.

If you are sowing seeds for seedlings in plastic cups, you can add a small amount of ground shells (3-5 grams per cup) to the substrate used.

Small pieces of eggshell will serve as excellent drainage in containers for seedlings. Simply spread the shells in a 1 cm layer along the bottom of the pot or container in which you plan to sow.

The flowers that you plant in pots at home need mineral fertilizers. As you know, they oxidize the soil, which already gave almost all the useful elements to the plant in a pot. Therefore, it is advisable to use ground shells together with mineral fertilizers. Add it at the rate of 1/3 teaspoon per flowerpot.

When transplanting houseplants, place crushed and calcined shells on the bottom of pots and containers in a layer of 2–3 cm. This will ensure good drainage and saturation of the substrate with useful substances.

Make liquid eggshell fertilizer for your houseplants. Take a jar of any capacity, fill it to the top with shells and pour boiling water over it. Insist for a week, covered with a lid. A sign of readiness will be turbidity of the liquid and its unpleasant odor. Before using the infusion for fertilizing indoor flowers, dilute it with water in proportions of 1: 3.

If an unpleasant smell bothers you, prepare this tincture in a slightly different way. Grind the shell into powder, pour 0.5 kg of the resulting substance into a jar and pour 3 liters of warm water. Infuse for a day, then use without diluting. The powder can be filled with water again to re-prepare the infusion.

After all, you can use eggshells as decorative element. Plant small plants in the shell, for example, succulents or violets, they will look very original in such improvised "pots".

There are no specific recommendations on how to use eggshells. Someone simply pours the prepared composition onto the surface of the soil and closes it with a rake. It is allowed to fertilize the soil with such fertilizer both before planting and after it.

  • Particular benefits can be felt if the component is poured into the pits with potatoes and onions.
  • As a composition that protects against pests (cruciferous fleas and clutches of cabbage butterflies), as well as minimizing the growth of weeds, a healing composition can be sprinkled on top of the soil.
  • You can use an infusion or decoction made from powder to irrigate crops.
  • A finely ground shell can simply be scattered, but it is much more reasonable to prepare a special design: make uniform holes of small diameter in a plastic bottle. Through these holes, the powder will be poured onto the beds.

The composition and structure of the eggshell

Egg shells have been used as fertilizer for a very long time. The shell of the egg mainly consists of calcium carbonate (about 95%), this compound improves the growth of the aerial part of the plant, improves the processes of photosynthesis and metabolism, and improves seed germination.

But in addition to carbonate, the composition of the shell includes iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, fluorine, selenium and other useful substances.

Calcium "pure" in natural conditions you will meet infrequently. But the components containing it, represented by bicarbonates and the salts formed from them, are a reason for the pride of many products. The content of such components is rich in limestone, chalk. The egg shell is a unique component, 95% calcium carbonate, which forms its hard shell.

This product contains 27 more elements from the periodic table of Mendeleev. Eggshell is rich in magnesium carbonate, magnesium phosphate, potassium, iron, sulfur, aluminum. If translated into percentages, it will become noticeable that they account for an insignificant share, but they will also play their role in the process of improving soil quality.

In the films contained inside the eggshell, organic matter abounds. Mucin and keratin are its brightest representatives.

We collect and store the shell correctly

As in every case, there are many nuances. It is very important to collect the required amount of shell. To ensure comfortable maintenance, it is necessary to deposit one square meter at least 30 pieces, so it is advisable to start preparing in advance. It will be optimal to use the shell of domestic eggs, but store-bought ones are also suitable.

Brown eggs are usually much thicker than white eggs, so fewer eggs will be needed. It is also advisable to use non-boiled egg shells, in which the content of useful components will be much lower.

What is the composition of fertilizer urea is indicated in the article.

In order to avoid the appearance of a specific smell and the spread of bacteria and fungus on prepared shells, it is also advisable to ignite them well in the oven or dry them on the stove. Only after the shell becomes completely dry and brittle, is it possible to further save it. To optimize this process, the following method is used.

Algorithm of actions for harvesting eggshells:

  • The shell is freed from its contents, washed and dried.
  • After collecting a certain amount of clean shells, you can dry it well on a baking sheet in the oven or near a heater.
  • The dried shell becomes more brittle, so it can be crushed and stored in a suitable container with an airtight lid.

Superphosphate fertilizer composition and operational parameters for use are indicated in the article.

The shell prepared in this way can be stored for up to a year without loss of useful qualities. You can start the harvesting season at any time that suits you, but the highest concentration of nutrients in the shell can be achieved if you use the winter socks product when the eggs are at their strongest.

Crushed shells can be used not only as fertilizers. This top dressing is given to pets, especially birds, to strengthen the bone structure. In some diseases, even people use the shell, because the calcium in it is absorbed by the body as fully as possible and does not lead to the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys. All this makes this inconspicuous product very useful in household, so it can be successfully used for a variety of purposes.

Summing up, we can distinguish the following nuances of the correct preparation of eggshells for fertilizers:

  • It is advisable to use homemade eggs.
  • It is better to take the shell from raw rather than boiled eggs.
  • Before storage, the casing is well washed and dried.
  • After that, the shell is pierced in the oven or dried in another suitable way.
  • For comfortable use, it is better to grind the dried shell.
  • Store preferably in a sealed container.
  • The maximum benefit will be when harvesting eggs in the winter.

How the mineral fertilizer potassium sulfate is used can be read from the article.

After you have accumulated a sufficient amount of suitable material, you can use it to fertilize the garden or feed indoor plants. How to do this is described later in our article.

Applications of eggshell can be classified into different methods. The easiest is to simply scatter crushed shells around the plants. It will take a little time, but there will be quite a few shortcomings here. First of all, this is the possibility of the appearance of various pests that can multiply in insufficiently dried shells, especially if you used fresh material.

What is the instruction for the use of the drug Prestige for processing potatoes, indicated in this article.

Low efficiency and a long period of digestibility of the components finally debunk this method of feeding. For the full nutrition of one square of land, it is necessary to make at least a hundred egg shells, which you will agree is quite a lot to use such fertilizer on an industrial scale.

How to cook humus in the country using accelerated technology is indicated in the article.

The second and most common method of using eggshells as a top dressing is to create a nutrient solution. This process is more time-consuming, but the benefits will not be an example of the above.

How to make an infusion from the shell for feeding:

  • The shell is finely chopped (you can use a blender).
  • Pour the required amount of crushed shells with water.
  • Insist for at least three days, periodically shaking and stirring.
  • Before use, you can strain the infusion from the sediment, and most often use everything together.

The calculation of the required amount is very simple: three liters are used for 30 pieces of "sets" of the shell clean water. It is advisable to take filtered liquid, and even better from a well or after rain. With this method, all useful substances enrich the water and the resulting infusion is much more effective than ordinary shells.

The shell is a capricious product in terms of storage. If it is stored incorrectly, after some time an unpleasant odor will appear. To avoid this, you need to follow certain rules during the collection and storage of the product.

  1. For washing the collected shells, it is better to use running water. So it will be possible to get rid of organic particles and the films themselves.
  2. It is allowed to bake the shells in the oven.

If the egg shell is thoroughly dried, then it will be stored for a long time without changing the smell and appearance. Washing has a significant drawback - most of the useful properties of the shell are lost.

How is eggshell useful for plants?

The egg shell is 93% calcium carbonate, which is easily digestible for plants due to its synthesis in the bird's body. The fats, organic substances, magnesium carbonate, proteins and carbohydrates that are part of the shell are an excellent top dressing and a source of nutrients.

The crystal structure of the shell also has a beneficial effect on digestibility. In this sense, the shell is much more convenient than lime or chalk, which are traditionally used to deoxidize the soil. As known, hyperacidity land negatively affects the fertility of plants. To cope with this shortcoming, finely crushed eggshells mixed with mineral fertilizers help.

It is recommended to use egg shells from poultry as fertilizer for the garden. The elements that make up its composition are of natural origin, since the diet of poultry includes natural products. Shop eggs are also suitable for use, but top dressing from them is much weaker, although the calcium content in the composition is higher.

About the undeniable benefits of egg shells, in whatever form it is used, ground or liquid, our distant ancestors claimed.

  • A unique product deoxidizes the soil. Acidity in the range of 5.5 - 7 is considered to be generally accepted for fertile soil cover. Only thanks to such conditions it is possible to ensure the absorption of nutrients by the root system of plants, which is important for processes such as growth and photosynthesis.
    Level 5 indicates excessive acidity and toxicity in the soil. For a number of representatives of the flora, this is detrimental. It is required to reduce the acidity index to about 6.
  • The soil composition is enriched with minerals.
  • The soil becomes looser. The areas occupied by the vegetable garden are usually located on clay and heavily structured areas. On plants, this factor is negatively reflected, because it is not easy for air to reach the roots. The result is stagnation of water in the soil, and if the weather changes, the soil cracks and the roots break off. The use of the shell leads to the fact that the aeration properties of the soil are improved.
  • Such pests of crops as the bear, slugs, and moles from the eggshell try to stay as far away as possible. To combat slugs and snails, it is recommended to take this product, pre-ground. But shrews, bears and moles are more afraid of such a product, scattered in pieces.
  • The unique product is endowed with protective properties against a number of ailments (it fights top rot, black leg). Especially suitable for tomato seedlings.

Which plants are suitable for this fertilizer

Eggshell as a fertilizer can be used in its pure form, or in the form of infusion. But the method depends on the culture for which you are going to apply top dressing.


Infusion from the shell is used to germinate seedlings of nightshade, cruciferous, various varieties of pepper, but the abuse of fertilizer can only harm young plants. The infusion is also used for adult plants.

Shredded shells are added to the wells when planting onions, potatoes, carrots, such top dressing will help not only saturate the crops with useful substances, but also protect them from underground pests. It is also sprinkled on top of vegetables to protect against slugs.


As practice has shown, it is best to use the shell as a fertilizer for indoor flowers in the form of an infusion. It should be applied no more than every one or two weeks. Water the flowers until the soil is moist.

In addition to this method, the egg shell is used as a drainage (layer up to 2 cm) and impurities in the substrate, but in a very small amount, no more than a third of a teaspoon per pot.


The infusion is equally useful for most garden plants, but experienced gardeners use it in combination with mineral fertilizers, which increase the level of soil acidity, and the shell helps to lower it.

The use of the powder prevents the appearance of a black leg on the flowers.

Taking egg shells as a basis to fertilize the soil layer is not possible for all plants.

Fertilizing indoor plants

The preparation of fertilizer is a very easy process - not expensive and not laborious, even novice gardeners and gardeners can do it.

shell preparation

Procurement of raw materials is probably the most important stage in the preparation of fertilizer; it will depend on how long you can store top dressing. It is best to use fresh homemade eggs, but last resort boiled are also suitable.

Eggs should be emptied of all contents and washed from the inside so that there are no particles of protein left that can fade, and then the shells will have to be thrown away. Then they are dried in an oven or in another place until the shell becomes brittle.

Ground raw materials are best suited for feeding - you can grind it through a meat grinder, coffee grinder, blender, etc., but as a result you should get a homogeneous mass that looks like powder.

It is this powder that is used for infusion, sprinkling of plants and adding to the wells. Large fragments are used only for drainage of indoor plants.

A universal infusion can be prepared as follows: powder from five eggs is poured into a large jar and poured with three liters of boiling water, the resulting mixture is infused for about a week until an unpleasant odor and cloudiness appear. When using such an infusion, dilute it in a ratio of 1 liter of infusion to 3 liters of water.

Storage rules

The storage rules depend entirely on how closely the harvesting rules were followed.

If the shell is free of protein residue and well dried, then it will not emit a stench, and it can be placed in a cardboard box and stored in a cool, dry place.

Under such conditions, it can be stored without loss of useful qualities for up to a year.

Although the shell has many benefits, it can be harmful, so before using this fertilizer, make sure that it is suitable for your plants.

Use for horticultural crops

Usually, the application of eggshells is combined with the annual digging of the soil. It is advisable to combine this top dressing with mineral fertilizers. To reduce the acidity of the soil, it is necessary to apply a strictly dosed amount of crushed powder. For every square meter, this is about a shell from 50 eggs. You can not immediately add the entire amount, it is better to divide the portions into three times.

As mineral fertilizer you can use shells from eggs of other poultry. Quail eggs are especially useful in this regard. This valuable product has long proved its useful properties in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases and problems. However, quail eggs are much smaller than chicken eggs, so it makes sense to use a “mix” rather than debug them separately from each other.

Seedlings in such pots are grown for a short time. It is perfect for the germination of garden flowers or greenery. You can plant a plant directly in a container, so that it is easier for the roots to germinate, you can crush the shell a little in your hands. Such "pots" will provide additional feeding during the period of active growth, as well as fertilize the soil layer.

What plants need "egg" top dressing:

  • Tomatoes.
  • Potato.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Eggplant.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Radish and radish.

Currant bushes respond well to the shell, which can also be fed with healing infusion.

The use of such an original fertilizer requires compliance with some nuances, as well as preliminary preparation of the shell itself. It is advisable to use the shells of brown domestic eggs, but in the absence of such an opportunity, any others, up to quail ones, will do. All highlights and useful advice are given in our article.

To get good shoots and a bountiful harvest, apply crushed material to the soil at the rate of 2 cups per 1 square meter of area. When digging the soil before winter, the shell can be introduced into the soil in small pieces.

You can also make an infusion of powdered shells to use as a liquid fertilizer. It will take 5-6 shells per 1 liter of water. Calculate how much shell you need, chop it and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for 5 days, stirring regularly. This infusion is very good for watering young shoots of any vegetable crops, especially potatoes.

It is also great for feeding eggplant and cauliflower seedlings, which are often deficient in trace elements. Just remember that during the germination period, the amount of such fertilizer should be moderate. But for adult plants - vegetables, any garden flowers - such top dressing will be ideal.

Features of the collection of raw materials

Start collecting material in winter. At this time, poultry begins to rush after a short break. Do not forget that the shell must be clean: the remains of the protein become rotten over time and begin to emit an unpleasant odor. Rinse the collected shell thoroughly and dry afterwards.

Studies have shown that brown shells are somewhat thicker and denser than white ones. This means that its mass is higher, which means that the content of useful substances in it is greater.

The more area you need to fertilize, the more eggshells you will need. Collect right amount it is not difficult if you have a lot of laying hens at your disposal or there are neighbors who collect the shell only for discarding and can easily give it to you. Otherwise, the collection will take a lot of time. You can calculate the total weight of the shells collected during the year using the formula: 10 g * N * 12 months - 10%, where:

  • 10 grams - the average weight of the shell of 1 egg;
  • N - the number of eggs that your family eats during the month;
  • 12 months - 12 months;
  • 10% - worthless shell, which will have to be thrown away

To use the material, it must be crushed. The degree of grinding may vary depending on the application. You can process clean dried shells in a coffee grinder, mortar or meat grinder. Another way: put the shell on a hard surface, such as a table, in a thin layer, cover with a newspaper or cloth and tap it well with a hammer, then walk with a rolling pin, as if rolling out the dough. This way you will achieve a fairly fine grind.

What plants can be harmed

Before using egg shells as fertilizer, you need to decide which plants it is not suitable for.

Excess calcium can cause a lot of diseases in indoor flowers, especially gloxinia, violets, azaleas, hydrangeas, gardenias, camellias, pelargoniums, as these plants prefer acidic soil.

It is also impossible to add grinding in the hole to plants such as cucumbers, strawberries, cabbage, beans, spinach.

Before using the eggshell as a fertilizer, it does not hurt to get acquainted with the list of those plants to which such a method promises nothing but harm.

An excess of calcium, primarily for indoor plants, can end in failure. Violets, azaleas, gloxinias, hydrangeas, camellias, pelargoniums are under attack. The explanation for this phenomenon is simple: for these representatives of the flora with acidic soil associated comfortable environment.

Using egg shells as a fertilizer for cultivated plants is a justified step. Despite the wide range of useful qualities, the product should be used carefully so as not to harm the plants.

When and why shell fertilizers are used

Eggshells contain over 90% calcium carbonate. The presence of it and other useful components: copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus ensures rapid seed germination, plant formation, strengthening of the root system, improvement of metabolic processes, photosynthesis.

Prepared shell fertilizer is used in different cases. These should include:

  • High acidity of the soil, adversely affecting the yield. The addition of shells lowers the pH of the medium.
  • An insufficient percentage of calcium in plants causes a loss of color in the foliage, the death of the tops of plants, and the slow development of the root system. The amount of calcium is increased by applying eggshells along with complex fertilizers.
  • Improving the quality characteristics of the soil. Such a fertilizer contributes to loosening the soil, increases its aeration, access to the required oxygen. Top dressing from egg shells will not allow moisture to stagnate in the ground. With it, nutrients, trace elements will be better absorbed.

There are no strictly defined periods when plants require such top dressing. It is possible to implement them:

  • at the time of planting the crop;
  • in autumn, in spring, when they dig up the earth;
  • for periodic fertilizing plantings.

When seedlings are planted in planting cups, egg shells are laid down, while receiving both top dressing and high-quality drainage.

The shell can be used as drainage

Which crops need such top dressing, and which do not

Egg husks can serve as plant food. It is used in its pure form or insisted and made from it liquid fertilizer. It depends on the types of crops. Plants need this nutrition:

  • Garden (use crushed shells or infusion), of which it is especially needed:
    • bow,
    • carrots,
    • lettuce,
    • pumpkin,
    • swede,
    • parsley,
    • dill,
    • celery
    • watermelon,
    • melons.
  • Room (apply infusion):
    • green perennials,
    • flowering annuals,
    • succulents.
  • Garden (apply infusion). Among them, calcium is especially required for stone fruits: cherries, plums. Fertilizer favorably affects pear, apple, currant, raspberry, gooseberry, citrus, and coniferous.

Photo gallery: which plants will be happy with fertilizer from the shell

Celery melons Onion Carrot succulents Decorative perennials Parsley Rutabaga Salad

But for some crops, such top dressing is harmful. Fertilization with high levels of calcium can threaten various diseases for the following indoor flowers:

  • violet,
  • hydrangeas,
  • gloxinia,
  • azaleas,
  • camellias,
  • pelargonium,
  • gardenia.

A negative reaction to the addition of shells to the wells is observed in strawberries, spinach, beans, cucumbers.

Photo gallery: which plant should not be fed with ground shells

Garden strawberries Cucumbers Violet Pelargonium

Shell fertilizers: recipes, application schemes

The procedure for preparing fertilizer from shells begins with the preparation of raw materials. The duration of storage of this fertilizer will depend on the correctness of this step.

Getting the powder

Fertilizer from crushed egg peels is absorbed by the soil faster. Step by step manufacturing process:

  1. They free the shell of fresh eggs from the contents, wash it well from the inside.
  2. The shells are dried in the sun or in the oven until brittle.
  3. They are crushed in a mortar, blender or through a meat grinder.

As a result, a powder is obtained from the shell. In the future, this product is used for top dressing when introduced into dug holes, made grooves, for sprinkling the soil surface near plantings. Liquid fertilizer is also prepared from it.

The powder obtained from the eggshell is used as a fertilizer or an infusion is made from it for plant nutrition.

There are fewer valuable substances in the shell of boiled eggs than in the shell of raw ones, since during cooking they lose them under the influence of high temperatures.

When the shell is freed from protein residues, has no unpleasant odor, is well dried, it is placed in a cardboard box and stored in dry and cool conditions for up to a year. Putting the shell in a plastic bag should not be. Moisture gets inside it, and the powder goes rotten.

A shell that is rotten cannot be used, otherwise the plants may get sick.

Gardeners have accumulated many options for using shells:

  • Large pieces of shell can be added directly to the barrel, which contains water, which is poured over the ridges. For 2 or 3 days, while the water is in the barrel, it does not have time to go rotten, but it heats up and absorbs the necessary trace elements from the shell of the eggs.
  • The shell, divided into small parts, is added when digging the soil to a depth of 10 cm. The consumption rate per square meter is 100 pieces of shells.
  • When planting garden plants, put 2 cups of this shell powder per 1 m 2 in the holes.
  • Reduce the acidity of the soil by mixing 1 part of the shell and 1 part of the ash.
  • Liming 1 kg of soil will require 2 teaspoons of the mixture.
  • For drainage, lay a 2 cm layer of large eggshells on the bottom of the hole.
  • When adding shells to the soil when planting (transplanting) home crops, put about 1/3 teaspoon per flower container.

The shells are also placed on the surface of the earth next to the plantings to prevent the appearance of slugs.

shell liquid fertilizer

You can prepare liquid fertilizer, a universal infusion from the shell, by taking 50 g of shells or powder. Place them in a 3 liter jar, pour a liter of boiling water there. This mixture is infused for about a week. The readiness of the fertilizer is indicated by the turbidity of the solution and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The working solution used for top dressing is obtained by diluting the infusion of the shell with water in a ratio of 3: 1.

Plants are watered with infusion of egg husks at least once every two weeks.

Garden, house plants, fruit trees and shrubs are watered with infusion so that the surface of the earth next to them becomes wet. This procedure is repeated after 1-2 weeks.

The use of eggshells as plant food allows you to turn the often discarded egg shell into a useful, necessary fertilizer that is easy to prepare at home.

  • Marina Kapustina

Hello! I have two higher education: economist and technologist.