What time to collect medicinal herbs. Harvesting herbs: collection calendar by months

Many summer residents collect and dry medicinal herbs. Someone likes to drink fragrant and healthy in winter, someone uses medicinal plants for hair and skin care, someone has proven recipes for herbal preparations for various ailments. Regardless of the purpose, it is important to properly collect and dry plant materials, and now is the time to remember how this should be done.

Herb collection time

Everyone has it medicinal plant- your preparation time. It is at this time that it maximally accumulates useful substances, which determine its healing action. Brief plate-calendar will help you navigate the timing of the collection of plant materials (calendar for the Middle Strip; for other geographical areas, of course, amendments are needed to take into account the climate). To enlarge the image, just click on the picture:

Herbal collection calendar (for middle lane Russia)

If the plate was not at hand or there is no plant of interest to us in it, we focus on general rules- depending on the type of medicinal raw materials.


If the raw materials are plant buds, they need to be collected in early spring (in some plants - starting from February). You should have time, “catch the moment”, when the buds are already swollen, but the leaves have not yet begun to bloom. Expanding buds no longer have value as medicinal raw materials.


The bark of trees and shrubs is also harvested in the spring - when does sap flow start. The period of its harvesting ends when the first leaves unfold. If the time of collection is chosen correctly, the bark is easily separated from the branch.


Most often, the harvesting of leaves is carried out at a time when when the plant is budding or flowering. Less often - in the fruiting phase. In plants with wintering foliage (lingonberry, bearberry), autumn harvesting of raw materials is also possible - after the berries have ripened.

Collection time depends on the type of medicinal raw materials

Flowers and inflorescences

If the flowers of the plant are required for medicinal purposes, you should wait until when they are fully developed. Sometimes buds are also used, but raw materials should never be harvested from withering and fading plants.


The above-ground part of herbaceous perennials and annuals is collected during their flowering or bud formation.

Seeds and fruits

In most cases, it is recommended to wait, when the fruits and seeds are fully ripe. However, there are exceptions. For example, ripe rose hips become soft and crumple when harvested - they are harvested slightly unripe. Kalina, mountain ash, sea buckthorn are good to collect after the first frost.

Seeds and fruits are usually harvested when they are fully ripe.

If the seeds of the plant, ripening, easily crumble, scatter, apply little trick: on a branch where valuable raw materials ripen, they put on a small linen bag and tie it so that it does not blow away with the wind. Ripe seeds will gather themselves.

Roots, rhizomes, tubers and bulbs

They are usually dug in early spring, at the time of awakening of plants; in some plants autumn- when the maximum amount accumulates in the underground organs useful substances. During the autumn harvest, they usually wait until the aerial part begins to die off (but until it completely dies off, so as not to make a mistake in identifying the plant).

So that medicinal plants are always at hand, you can grow them yourself. And it is convenient to choose seeds for your pharmaceutical garden in our catalog, which contains offers from large online garden stores. .

Every day the air is getting cooler and the sky darker. This means that it's time to keep the bright colors of autumn in our homes. Just a few simple and inexpensive accents can make any interior truly cozy and inviting. The queen of autumn, the pumpkin, will help us in this. This is a versatile material from which you can make a huge number of interesting crafts. Pumpkin decor looks mysterious and attractive. It can be infinitely varied.

Bell pepper came to Europe in the 15th century from South America and the Europeans liked it so much that, today, for example, in Hungary there is even a museum dedicated exclusively to pepper. This vegetable is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, which makes it an indispensable product. healthy eating. In this article I want to talk about my experience of growing bell pepper in open field. And about why I manage to get good harvests of this irreplaceable vegetable every year.

As a rule, bush forms of stonecrop bloom from the end of summer until the deepest autumn. Often, out of ignorance, they are all indiscriminately referred to as varieties of a prominent stonecrop, but this is not entirely true. In fact, bush stubble has a fairly similar appearance and a similar flowering period, but belong to several different types. Let's find out which tall stonecrops bloom in autumn, how to distinguish them from each other and choose the right varieties.

The smell of raspberries for me is firmly connected with childhood - the gentle hands of my grandmother and amazing delicious jam, which was given out in teaspoons and only during a cold. Even then I dreamed that I had a lot of raspberries. My dream came true, every year I harvest a double crop. The first - from ordinary raspberries and distillations of the second year of remontant. And in the fall - the second - 3-5 cups a day from remontant first years. How to care for raspberries in the fall, I will tell in the article.

Andy Chef's Chocolate Cake and Bergamot Paticière Cream are easy to make and take just 1.5 hours to bake and assemble this amazing dessert. I advise you to prepare the cake on the eve of the holiday so that it spends the night in the refrigerator, then the next day it will be even tastier. For cooking, choose full-fat dairy products - milk, cream and butter, as well as high-quality wheat flour and cocoa. From good products make the most delicious desserts.

Among compact succulents, haworthia is the No. 1 favorite. Rigid leaves in patterned rosettes look bright and bold. And at the same time, haworthias offer such a choice of species and varieties that there is a plant for any task. Some haworthias will easily decorate florariums, others will settle in succulent gardens, and still others will imitate a desert landscape in miniature. Despite the fact that each havortiya is unique in many ways, they all require the same conditions and care.

Do-it-yourself apple mustard from Antonovka, prepared at home, will outdo all industrial competitors. Mustard is thick, vigorous, mustard seeds make the texture varied. This seasoning for meat, fish, sausage is perfect, even just spread on a slice of fresh bread - it will be delicious! It is not worth harvesting a large amount for the future, it is always better to put a portion of fresh mustard sauce, in just 3 days the mustard will pick up a fortress, become burning.

Among the countless varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, there are such as, for example, Ramiro peppers, whose popularity is literally global. And if most of the vegetables on the shelves of supermarkets are nameless, and it is almost impossible to find out about their varietal affiliation, then the name of this Ramiro pepper will certainly be on the package. And, as my experience has shown, this pepper is worth knowing about it and other gardeners. That is why this article was written.

Autumn is a favorite season for many gardeners. The main crop has already been harvested and processed, but the time for rest has not yet come. There is still a lot to do in the garden and in the beds, but it is important to devote time to the flower garden. There really is something to do here, because many flowers are transplanted and propagated in the fall, and the appearance will largely depend on the preparation of the soil in the flower beds. ornamental garden in next year. About what you need to do in the flower garden in the fall, read this article.

Fruit Pie with Sour Cream Filling is an easy-to-make and delicious homemade pie that can be made in less than an hour. For the filling, you can take any fruit or fresh berries, but I advise you to give preference to sweet and dense ones, for example, as in this recipe - pears, bananas, sweet plums. For cooking, you will also need a form with non-stick coating and a low side, a cake mold with a removable bottom is suitable.

Autumn is the busiest time. It is no longer hot, in the morning there is heavy dew. Since the earth is still warm, and foliage has already attacked from above, creating a very special microclimate in the surface layer, the mushrooms are very comfortable. Mushroom pickers are also comfortable at this time, especially in the mornings when it is cooler. It's time for both to meet. And, if not introduced to each other - get to know each other. In this article I will introduce you to exotic, little-known and not always edible mushrooms similar to corals.

The leader in the healing properties of aloe vera is still inferior in popularity to the simple, almost invulnerable aloe vera. Even its popular name "agave" indicates that the plant can withstand almost any kind of care and is very durable. But aloe vera is rarely seen in the list of the most decorative types not by chance. To keep it in shape and not grow huge prickly giants, you need to know some of the secrets of the formation of this plant.

Pumpkin puree with zucchini and apples - tender, creamy, sweet and sour. Puree prepared according to this recipe is suitable for children and diet food. Babies can mix the finished puree with milk or cream, add a few tablespoons of soft cottage cheese to it. Determining the taste of pumpkin and zucchini in this dish is very difficult. The aroma of apples plays the first violin, the rest of the ingredients seem to be there, but you need to be an expert in kitchen tricks to name the vegetables that make up the puree.

If you are a busy person, but not without romance, if you have your own site and you are endowed with aesthetic taste, then explore the opportunity to purchase this wonderful ornamental shrub - Caryopteris, or Nutwing. He is also a "wing hazel", "blue fog" and "blue beard". In it, indeed, unpretentiousness and beauty are fully combined. Cariopteris reaches its decorative peak at the end of summer and autumn. It is at this time that it blooms.

Pepper ajvar - vegetable caviar or thick vegetable sauce made from bell peppers with eggplant. Peppers for this recipe are baked, and for quite a long time, then they are also stewed. Add to ajvar onion, tomatoes, eggplant. For harvesting for the winter, caviar is sterilized. This Balkan recipe is not for those who like to make preparations quickly, undercooked and underbaked - not about ajvar. In general, we approach the matter in detail. For the sauce, we choose the most ripe and meaty vegetables on the market.

We discussed the question of what a healthy lifestyle is, and today let's start laying the foundation for this most healthy lifestyle and talk about how to properly collect medicinal plants.

After all, our green healers are the most accessible thing that we have, given to us by nature itself and the Lord God. Agree, not to take advantage of such a generous gift is simply blasphemous. Of course, you need to approach this matter with intelligence, knowledge and attentiveness, and you yourself understand this. And in this article I will only talk about the very basics and some small nuances of this exciting activity, so that it becomes easy not only for me, but for any of you. So, let's begin.

General rules, without knowledge of which it is dangerous to approach the collection of medicinal plants

In general, in science one should not say “collect herbs”, but “collect raw materials”. So, let's go to procure raw materials. What is included in this concept? Yes, exactly that part of the plant, which in this particular case will be collected, which means that any part of the plant from flowers to roots can be called raw materials.

When collecting raw materials, it is necessary to adhere to the rules common to all herbs and times of collection. Namely:

  1. you need to clearly know what the plant you want to stock looks like. Otherwise, you can easily make a mistake, and the consequences of such a mistake can be very deplorable.
  2. You need to collect medicinal plants away from the city and busy highways, somewhere in the countryside with clean air and undisturbed ecology, as well as in the forest or in the meadow.
  3. You should not collect a large amount of raw materials. You only need to collect as much as you can recycle immediately when you get home. Otherwise, the plants will deteriorate, and there will be no benefit from them. Yes, and you are not the only one who needs this plant, do not be greedy, remember that you do not live alone on earth.
  4. And finally, you need to correctly calculate the time and timing of the fees, since it is on this that the effect of the medicinal plant on your body largely depends.

Now let's go in order.

How to properly collect medicinal plants, depending on what part of them is required for treatment

1. Flowers

Flowers should be collected at the time of their budding and flowering. That is, when the flower has blossomed well, has an attractive appearance and the appropriate color, and the petals are firmly held in place. With the shedding of petals, the collection of flowers ends.

2. Seeds and fruits

Seeds and fruits are harvested after they are fully ripe. If the fruits are soft, then you need to remove them with care so as not to crush. And it is better not to shake off small seeds from the plant, but to cut them directly on the branches, and then thresh them. So it will be more convenient. And, of course, part of the seeds and fruits must be left to the plant for further reproduction.

3. Greens or aerial parts of plants

The collection of leaves, stems or the entire above-ground part of the plant, called grass, is carried out during flowering. It is at this time that the growth and formation of the green part of plants ends, and the maximum amount of useful substances accumulates in the shoots, which contributes to the best effect when it is used.

There is an opinion that the leaves from the trees should be collected after the Trinity. However, the Trinity holiday is mobile. It can be in the beginning or middle of June, when the leaves are already quite large and juicy, or maybe in May, when the crown of the trees is still being formed. The correct thing to do would be to collect tree foliage around the day of the summer solstice, i.e. June 22nd. This day is considered central, and three days are counted from it in each direction. Thus, it turns out that the best time to collect foliage from trees is from June 19 to 25. In general, foliage can be collected all summer until it begins to turn yellow.

4. Kidneys and bark

The buds and bark are usually harvested in early spring when sap flow begins. The buds can be harvested when they are already swollen, but have not yet opened. The bark is harvested until early summer, until the sap flow stops.

In order to separate the bark from the branch, semicircular cuts are made at a distance of 25-30 cm, then they are connected by two to three longitudinal cuts. The resulting strips of bark are peeled off, but not completely, let them hang and dry a little, and only then you can remove it.

5. Roots, rhizomes and tubers

The underground parts of plants - roots, rhizomes, tubers and bulbs - are dug up either in early spring or late autumn, it all depends on the length of the plant's life. The underground part of annuals is harvested in autumn, in mid-October - early November, when the above-ground part has already died.

It is better to dig up the roots and rhizomes of biennials in late March - mid-April, that is, in the spring of the second year. You can do the same with perennials. But if you get the roots in the spring perennial plant if it didn’t work out, then this can be done in the fall at the end of the second and subsequent years.

Of course, many of you will say that almost everything can be bought these days, I agree. And yet, knowing how to properly collect medicinal plants is important, all of a sudden you want to do it yourself. Well, I'm waiting for all your views on this issue in the comments, every opinion is important to me. And next time I will tell you how to properly prepare decoctions, infusions and tinctures, as it turned out, not many people know how to do this correctly. And finally, I present to your attention a video on the topic.

That's it, I say goodbye until new posts, with love, your Tatyana Surkova.

Use healing properties Plants man began in ancient times. The surrounding nature became the “first pharmacy” for our ancestors, and to this day continues to serve man.

Despite the highly developed pharmacological industry, the amazing properties of medicinal plants are recognized by scientific medicine and are recommended for use.

plant collection

A person can always use the services of a natural pharmacy. Medicinal plants are herbs, trees, and shrubs. You just need to learn to recognize the right ones among the huge variety and richness of the natural floristic fund. And also know where to look, when to collect, how to process and store medicinal herbs so that they maximize their healing properties.

First of all you need to know in which part of the plant is concentrated healing power . For example, in plantain, lily of the valley, bearberry, it is in the leaves, in hawthorn, chamomile, linden, calendula, all active substances accumulate in flowers, blueberries, viburnum, strawberries are useful fruits, valerian, licorice, burnet - healing roots, birch, pine - kidneys .

Followed by find out when active ingredients most active, that is, when is it better to start collecting raw materials. Leaves and flowers are best collected during the flowering period. It is at this time that they accumulate the greatest amount of active substances.

The weather also plays a big role. To prevent the leaves and flowers from spoiling when dried, they must be dry at the time of harvest. This also applies to fruits. They should only be harvested when they are fully ripe. At this time, they are most useful.

Late fall - best time to collect roots and rhizomes. The plant has already withered, and the roots are just in the very strength. You can dig them out in any weather, because they still need to be thoroughly washed before drying.

Drying and storage

Besides you also need to know how to properly dry and store the collected raw materials.

First of all sort out herbs, clean them of debris. Also remove plants infected or damaged by pests.

Drying is best done outdoors in the shade. Since the bright sun deprives raw materials of useful substances. Perfect option- a warm and well-ventilated room.

Plants are divided into bunches and tied. Then smooth on the shelves or hang flowers down. Healing herbs are also dried using a special ventilation dryer, which is designed for drying fruits and vegetables.

For leaves, flowers and shoots it is necessary to set the temperature from 50 to 60 degrees, for roots can be increased to 70°C, but fruits will need at least 80 degrees. In this case, do not exceed the temperature of 90 ° C.

There are also exceptions. Herbs containing essential oil should be dried at 35°C. so that useful properties do not evaporate from them.

Keep healing herbs you need in a dry dark place in cloth bags or paper bags. For plants with essential oils It is better to use glass jars.

The shelf life depends on the type of herb. For example, if medicinal raw materials have volatile compounds, store no more than a year. For other species, it can vary from two to three years.

Perhaps it is easier to buy the desired herbal collection at a pharmacy. But it is much more interesting, and even more useful, to wander around the reservoirs, look in search of useful plants in forests, meadows and swamps.

Many summer residents collect and dry medicinal herbs. Someone likes to drink fragrant and healthy in winter, someone uses medicinal plants for hair and skin care, someone has proven recipes for herbal preparations for various ailments. Regardless of the purpose, it is important to properly collect and dry plant materials, and now is the time to remember how this should be done.

Herb collection time

Each medicinal plant has its own harvesting time. It is at this time that it maximally accumulates useful substances, which determine its healing effect. Brief plate-calendar will help you navigate the timing of the collection of plant materials (calendar for the Middle Strip; for other geographical areas, of course, amendments are needed to take into account the climate). To enlarge the image, just click on the picture:

Herbal collection calendar (for central Russia)

If the plate was not at hand or there is no plant of interest to us in it, we focus on the general rules - depending on the type of medicinal raw material.


If the raw materials are plant buds, they need to be collected in early spring(in some plants - starting from February). You should have time, “catch the moment”, when the buds are already swollen, but the leaves have not yet begun to bloom. Expanding buds no longer have value as medicinal raw materials.


The bark of trees and shrubs is also harvested in the spring - when does sap flow start. The period of its harvesting ends when the first leaves unfold. If the time of collection is chosen correctly, the bark is easily separated from the branch.


Most often, the harvesting of leaves is carried out at a time when when the plant is budding or flowering. Less often - in the fruiting phase. In plants with wintering foliage (lingonberry, bearberry), autumn harvesting of raw materials is also possible - after the berries have ripened.

Collection time depends on the type of medicinal raw materials

Flowers and inflorescences

If the flowers of the plant are required for medicinal purposes, you should wait until when they are fully developed. Sometimes buds are also used, but raw materials should never be harvested from withering and fading plants.


The above-ground part of herbaceous perennials and annuals is collected during their flowering or bud formation.

Seeds and fruits

In most cases, it is recommended to wait, when the fruits and seeds are fully ripe. However, there are exceptions. For example, ripe rose hips become soft and crumple when harvested - they are harvested slightly unripe. Kalina, mountain ash, sea buckthorn are good to collect after the first frost.

Seeds and fruits are usually harvested when they are fully ripe.

If the seeds of the plant, ripening, easily crumble, scatter, apply little trick: on a branch where valuable raw materials ripen, they put on a small linen bag and tie it so that it does not blow away with the wind. Ripe seeds will gather themselves.

Roots, rhizomes, tubers and bulbs

They are usually dug in early spring, at the time of awakening of plants; in some plants autumn- when the maximum amount of useful substances accumulates in the underground organs. During the autumn harvest, they usually wait until the aerial part begins to die off (but until it completely dies off, so as not to make a mistake in identifying the plant).

So that medicinal plants are always at hand, you can grow them yourself. And it is convenient to choose seeds for your pharmaceutical garden in our catalog, which contains offers from large online garden stores. .