Installation organizations that deal with fire extinguishing systems. Fire extinguishing system

Work with fire extinguishing systems requires a qualified approach with knowledge of the features of the equipment various types systems that specialists take into account when designing and subsequent installation. Mistakes made during installation can lead to irreparable consequences in the future. Professional design and installation of fire extinguishing systems in Moscow is carried out by specialists of the design and installation bureau engineering systems.

Systems automatic fire extinguishing allow extinguishing without the participation of people. It is this factor that determines the effectiveness of the method. What are these systems?

Water fire extinguishing

Most reliable in extinguishing a fire, however, the influence of liquids can be detrimental to property. Therefore, the use of water is not always permissible, for example, in libraries, warehouses of valuable objects of history, art, etc.

Among the varieties of numerous methods, water extinguishing systems are traditionally in the lead. It is possible to conditionally divide all such systems into automatic, semi-automatic (with partial participation of the operator) and simple (internal fire hydrants).

Extinguishing a fire with water mist

The modular parts of this system produce water mist, which achieves significant water savings in places where there is a shortage of it. The system is relatively inexpensive, and the installation, operation and maintenance costs are quite moderate: large water tanks, powerful pumping units, long pipelines and treatment facilities are not required. Water mist effectively extinguishes a fire within 50 seconds.

Gas fire extinguishing

The principle of operation of such installations is based on filling the volume of the room with a certain type of gas, which prevents the reaction of the flame to oxygen. The system includes:

  • ignition sensors,
  • sprayers,
  • control modules and devices,
  • gas containers.

When designing a gas system, it is very important to choose the exact location for the detectors so that they can quickly respond to the appearance of smoke or fire.

Aerosol fire fighting

The aerosol fire extinguishing system is based on the use of chemicals that do not allow combustion reactions to develop. The operation of the system does not require the use of expensive equipment.

Installation of aerosol fire extinguishing systems is carried out using special equipment and with the participation of trained workers. It is necessary to know the principles of operation and characteristics of various subtypes of aerosol systems and modules in order to design, assemble and set up equipment with high quality. Such work should be performed only by licensed, specialized organizations.

Powder fire extinguishing

Extinguishing a fire with powder abrasives has its own characteristics, which can be reduced to the following:

  • the ability to extinguish fire in vast and open spaces;
  • system performance both at very high and at low temperatures;
  • the availability of powder systems, due to the inexpensive cost of their installation.

There are also limitations in the use of this system:

  • equipment for powder extinguishing cannot be installed in crowded places;
  • after extinguishing, painstaking cleaning of the powder is required;
  • some types of large dispersions of fire extinguishing particles are harmful to the body.

All works on the design, maintenance and installation of fire extinguishing systems are responsible measures, therefore they are regulated by GOST standards and legal provisions. Personnel must be well trained, and companies need a special license. The design and installation bureau of engineering systems is just such an organization. Contact us and we will provide you with experienced specialists.

Powder fire extinguishing systems, according to experts, provide an effective level of fire safety for premises. Subject to qualityautomatic fire extinguishing design systems are suitable for any type of fire safety facilities.

As with other types of fire suppression systems, powder fire extinguishers must be installed in accordance with federal regulations. Their installation is carried out in strict accordance with the technical documentation of equipment manufacturers and with the indispensable observance of safety regulations.

SNiP 2.04.09-84, SNiP 2.04.09-84;
GOST 12.3.046-91, GOST R 51091-97, GOST 12.1.004-91;
NPB 67-98, NPB 56-96, NPB 170-98, NPB 56-96;
and a number of other standards adopted in the Russian Federation;

One of the most important conditions for the high-quality installation of fire extinguishing systems, including powder, is that the installation should be carried out exclusively by specialists. highly qualified. Installation of powder fire extinguishing is possible only if:
a valid license from a design and installation organization;
quality working drawings of the project;
technological and construction readiness of the facility;
complete set equipment and materials, according to the specification of the object;

Price installation work.

The cost of installation work fire fighting systems determined individually for each object. The type and complexity of the powder fire extinguishing system, the area and layout of the facility, the amount of equipment to be installed and the materials needed for installation - all this affects the final cost of the work. To determine the exact amount, a detailed study of the floor plans is necessary.
To order design and installation work for powder fire extinguishing systems at your facility, contact us at the numbers listed on the website or leave an online application.

The group of companies "Fire Center" has the necessary licenses of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out installation and repair work, as well as on (License of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 8-B / 02805 dated 03/19/2013). The license is valid for all types of structures and buildings.
The specialists have solid experience in the field of installation and perform them in strict accordance with the rules and regulations. The requirements of the customer must be coordinated in such a way that all standards are met and the possibility of revealing the slightest shortcomings by supervisory authorities is excluded.
From the point of view of economy, it may be optimal to order installation work for a powder fire extinguishing system, complete with related measures to ensure the fire safety of the facility, in particular, post-installation maintenance.

Modern fire extinguishing systems are high-tech and multifunctional designs. With their help, you can not only extinguish a fire that has already flared up, but also take measures to prevent fires or block the paths of its possible spread. And, of course, quality device fire extinguishing systems can reliably protect people, as well as valuables and documents from fire. Currently, most often in private homes and enterprises, automatic fire extinguishing systems are installed that work by themselves, as soon as the sensors detect a potential fire - they practically do not require any human participation. In the overwhelming majority of cases, such systems are an integral part of one large security and safety complex of devices, along with fire and burglar alarm as well as video surveillance systems.

    From 3000 rub./m 2

    From 350 rubles/m2

    From 280 rubles/m2

    From 200 rubles/m2

Varieties of fire extinguishing systems

By contacting SpetsPozhSistema, you can order from us the supply and installation of the following types of fire extinguishing systems. Note that they differ both in the substance used and in functionality.

  • Gas fire extinguishing. Considered one of the most effective ways fire fighting indoors. That is why a huge number of organizations order fire extinguishing installation services of this type, as well as its further maintenance. The main advantage of gas is that it is able to penetrate into any, even the smallest gap, filling the space behind it and depriving the fire of oxygen supply. Key element of any project gas fire extinguishing are gas-filled cylinders. The release of gas can be done in various ways - mechanical, pneumatic or electronic.
  • Powder fire extinguishing. The price of powder-type fire extinguishing is perhaps the lowest among all such systems. Another pleasant advantage of such equipment is that it is very easy to install and maintain them - the almost complete autonomy of such systems affects. However, you should not use powder fire extinguishing systems for installation in areas where people are constantly or regularly present - they are better suited for warehouses or other low-maintenance locations.
  • Water fire extinguishing. The main plus is the availability and cheapness of water, the most famous means of fighting fire. The main disadvantage is that powerful jets of water pouring from the ceiling can damage or even destroy valuable documents, electronics and other material objects no less than a raging fire. However, you can order the installation of a fire extinguishing system that uses fine water. Instead of beating water jets, they emit a dense fog from themselves, which quickly enough fills the entire space of the room, calming down and destroying the source of ignition.

Each building has its technical and functional features, which determines the class of constructive fire hazard. Guided by these characteristics and the norms of Federal Law 123, specialists carry out the design and installation of fire extinguishing systems for each specific facility.

Fire safety standards prescribe the presence of an alarm in every room of an office or administrative building. When choosing a fire extinguishing system in an office, a number of parameters are taken into account: wall materials, the availability of office equipment, the number of people, the functionality of different zones.

Fire extinguishing systems for office buildings

  • gas- installed in office buildings, headquarters, archives and other areas with a large number of documents and equipment. To extinguish the fire, a gas mixture is used that does not harm expensive equipment and papers;
  • powder- a popular system for objects of a mixed type, with a threat of burning alcohol, alkaline products, fuels and lubricants. GPGroup engineers recommend powder systems for car dealerships, shopping malls, showrooms;
  • water- used to extinguish fires in basements, common areas;
  • foamy- used on mixed-type facilities: shopping centers, office buildings, warehouse terminals. GPGroup experts recommend the installation of foam systems at facilities with flammable materials;
  • combinedbest option for objects of mixed type. A properly selected integrated fire extinguishing system in an office building will save people's lives, expensive equipment and others. material values. An example of combined networks would be a combination of powder and foam systems for restaurant fire suppression.

Benefits of cooperation with GPGroup

GPGroup specialists perform installation automatic systems fire extinguishing of all types in the objects of the old fund and new buildings.

Acting as a general contractor for large projects, GPGroup ensures the high quality of all construction and installation works, delivering turnkey facilities. Each customer receives


LLC "Architectural construction company KUB" on behalf of the General Director Rukavishnikov S.L. thanks the company "Alliance Fire Safety».

Necessary work for the installation of automatic fire alarm, warning and evacuation management systems, development of as-built documentation were completed with high quality and on time.

The installed system was the optimal solution in terms of technical and price characteristics and ensured the safe operation of our center. We look forward to fruitful cooperation in the future!

In March 2015, our company Interdesign LLC asked for services for the design, installation of automatic fire alarms (APS), warning systems and management of people evacuation in case of fire (SOUE) to the Fire Safety Alliance company.

For all the time of joint work, the Alliance of Fire Safety has established itself as a reliable partner, professionally and efficiently performing its work.

I would like to note that in addition to the obvious things - quality, deadlines, discipline - in the work of the company there is such a factor as understanding the importance of constant communication with the customer and well-functioning work of all links from the engineering service to top management.

The company's specialists always promptly arrive on call in case of problems, find and fix faults on the spot, or replace failed equipment.

It was also important for us that the Fire Safety Alliance has all the permits for the services provided and is able to assist in resolving issues and problems with the supervisory authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Thanks to the daily work of the Alliance Fire Safety Company, we are calm about the fire safety of our facilities.

The management of Stroitelnye investitsy LLC, represented by the General Director Sedov O.A., expresses gratitude to the employees of the Fire Safety Alliance for the successfully done work on performing the functions of a general contractor in the development and implementation of the following works:

  • Development of special specifications reflecting the specifics of the fire protection of the facility;
  • Works on the design of an automatic fire extinguishing installation and a pumping station;
  • Installation and commissioning of automatic fire extinguishing installation and pumping station;
  • Laying a thermal cable, integration into the general APS system;
  • Approvals in the supervisory authorities of Moscow.

I would especially like to note the responsibility shown by the company's employees in the course of solving the tasks set, the correct understanding and prompt fulfillment of the requirements, the high level of quality control of the work performed, the professionalism and experience of the company's specialists.

At the same time, more than 20 specialists worked at the facility. All issues that arose during the work were solved by the quality control department of the company. In the course of joint work, the Fire Safety Alliance has established itself as a promising company and a reliable partner capable of competently and responsibly conducting business relations.