Juniper: optimal breeding methods. How to propagate juniper cuttings in spring

A fast and productive way to propagate juniper and other members of the Cypress family is cuttings. Cutting young branches with subsequent rooting indoors can be done year-round, even in harsh February.

Obtaining ready-made seedlings with strong roots is calculated according to the timing: if planting material is needed for spring planting at the planned growing sites, then the collection of juniper branches (cuttings) and rooting is carried out in January-February. By the autumn laying of the plantation, respectively - in early summer. Coniferous species form roots for a long time, on average they appear on the 25th day of the juniper, so you should not rush with rooting time. The cuttings of coniferous species are an order of magnitude heavier and more voluminous than currant or grape "blanks", so they are cut no longer than 25 cm, and creeping juniper varieties are rooted obliquely.

It is desirable to harvest branches in the upper and middle parts of the bush, while simultaneously forming a crown and thinning out a thickened plant. Having collected the cuttings, the lower planting part is carefully rid of the needles with a clerical knife, trying not to damage the bark. It is better not to soak prepared shoots in root formation stimulants, since the tender juniper bark quickly exfoliates in water and the overall productivity of the workpieces is lost. It is more expedient to first plant the cuttings in the substrate and then, shed all the plantings with heteroauxin, sodium humate or the Zircon preparation, which will significantly increase the rate of root formation and the survival rate of twigs.

Juniper requires an acidic structure of the soil substrate, and if one is not available in home stocks, then needles cut from the bases of the cuttings, river sand are added to ordinary soil and an increased dose of mineral dressing is added.

Place containers with plantings strictly under diffused daylight, otherwise the branches will burn out and die if you put them on sunny windows. Watering a rooted plantation is done rarely, keeping in mind the intolerance of excess moisture by conifers. If possible, planting containers are fed with water through pallets to prevent moisture stagnation and superficially irrigate juniper cuttings from a spray bottle.

In the spring, rooted seedlings are transferred to an open, not sunny area under a light frame greenhouse made of non-woven material, and the autumn removal is placed in a dig and the planting is mulched with a layer wood chips, mixed with peat and pine bark. At the spring planted planting material, the greenhouse is dismantled in August and the formed young juniper is placed on their planned sites. Autumn seedlings from the dig after wintering are transferred to permanent habitats in the first decade of summer.

Junipers are a group of coniferous shrubs and trees with different appearance. They belong to the cypress family. Culture is often used in landscape design due to the abundance of forms and varieties. Many novice gardeners are interested in the features of growing juniper, in particular, how it reproduces at home. This is not at all difficult to do if you know some features.

Description and features of the plant

Junipers have an extremely long lifespan. They can grow up to 500 years. Culture is used to decorate parks, gardens, home gardens. She is planted:

The needles of junipers are mostly needle-shaped, awl-shaped, hard. The length of each needle ranges from 1 to 2.5 cm. They are located 2-3 pieces in whorls along the shoot. In older plants, the needles are small, scaly. The buds are similar to berries because they have a fleshy outer shell. They ripen in 2-3 years.

The size of the bush depends on the variety. There are pyramidal, sprawling or creeping varieties. Height reaches 1.5 m.

The culture is slowly evolving. The only exceptions are a few types of fast-growing junipers, in particular, Cossack. It has many beautiful forms that are most common in Russia, Europe and Asia.

Note! Junipers are photophilous, durable and drought-resistant plants. Most of the species are winter-hardy, not demanding on the quality of the soil and successfully develop even on poor soils. The root system is well developed. It improves the structure of the earth, loosening it and allowing air to circulate.

How juniper reproduces

Reproduction of junipers is possible in several ways. Each of them has features and disadvantages.

How to plant juniper:

  • with the help of seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush.

The last 2 methods are not suitable for all types of juniper. Layers are obtained from creeping varieties, and only a young bush can be divided.

Seed breeding is a very time-consuming process:

Because of this, the vegetative method is popular. Propagation by cuttings is the easiest and most effective way. It has a number of advantages:

  • varietal properties are fully transferred to the seedling;
  • a full-fledged bush is formed in 2-3 years;
  • seedlings quickly adapt to growing conditions;
  • cuttings show high growth rates.

Juniper has an unusual feature. The direction of growth of a new bush depends on where the cutting was cut from:

  • from the top - the plant will stretch up;
  • from the side - the shrub will begin to develop in breadth.

Many gardeners have a logical question, how to grow a juniper from a twig at home, so that it quickly takes root and grows actively. And more on that below.

How to propagate juniper cuttings

To successfully breed juniper cuttings, you need to follow the correct sequence of actions. Mistakes made at any stage will affect the further development of the shrub.

juniper cuttings

Selection and preparation of planting material

Before propagating juniper, you should correctly select planting material. Then healthy and powerful plants will grow from the cuttings.

There are several rules:

  • juniper bushes that are at least 8 years old are used to harvest cuttings so that the seedlings retain the characteristics of the donor plant;
  • cuttings are cut from the middle part of the juniper, if they want to get sprawling bushes, from the top - vertical. This nuance is especially relevant for columnar varieties, because it allows you to fully preserve the qualities of the mother plant. From one bush, you can collect as many seedlings as you need to improve the territory;
  • choose green cuttings, not lignified ones. They start work in the early morning, when all parts of the shrub are saturated with moisture;
  • when pruning, they capture a small piece of the branch on which the cutting grew, the so-called “heel”. Thanks to it, plants take root faster;
  • the best cutting length is 12 cm. It is permissible to use larger branches, but not more than 25 cm.

Important! For cuttings, sharpened and disinfected tools are used.

If transportation of the cutting is required, then after cutting it is wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag. So it can be stored for a couple of days.

How to prepare a cutting

Preparation of the cutting for rooting takes place in three stages:

  • The needles are carefully removed with a sharpened knife, trying not to touch the bark. Leave only the top for breathing.
  • The lower part is treated with a growth stimulator to increase the likelihood of rooting. Some gardeners place the cutting in a nutrient solution. For this purpose, sugar must be diluted in warm water in a ratio of 2: 1. But with this method, the bark can peel off, so it is better to use a stimulating drug in the form of a powder or paste. In exceptional cases, it is permissible to simply pour the substrate in which the cutting will grow with a solution to improve root formation.
  • After 24 hours, the cutting is transferred to the prepared soil.

The more responsibly the gardener approaches the preparation, the higher the likelihood of successful rooting.

Important! Junipers cannot be rooted in water. From a long stay in a humid environment, their bark exfoliates, which negatively affects the viability of the cutting.

How to root a cutting

To answer the question of how to propagate juniper in a quick and easy way, you should familiarize yourself with some tricks of rooting a cutting. Success largely depends on this stage.

First prepare the nutrient substrate. The soil mixture should be:

  • loose;
  • breathable;
  • moisture-intensive.

The substrate is made from sand and peat, mixed in equal proportions. To ensure good air exchange and moisture capacity, put a small amount charcoal and perlite.

Soil mixtures

How to properly propagate juniper:

  • A hole 3-4 cm deep and 1 cm in diameter is formed in the soil mixture. A cutting is placed in it, the surrounding earth is crushed with hands and watered. If several cuttings are planted in one pot, then a distance of 6-8 cm is left between them.
  • For speedy rooting, maintain a temperature of 18-23 ° C. At higher rates, the roots rot and the soil dries up, and at too low, the cuttings begin to rot.
  • The pots are removed to the greenhouse. If this is not possible, then they are simply covered with packages.

After planting, care is reduced to maintaining optimal lighting and periodic watering. The soil is moistened as it dries, avoiding excess water. Seedlings need diffused light, they develop much worse in direct sun. When growing in a bag, systematic ventilation is required. If you do not open the plants in time, then condensation will begin to collect, and the seedlings will die.

Important! In a pot, the plant should stand for 2-3 months. But the first roots appear after 25-30 days.

When growing Cossack juniper, reproduction is used not only by cuttings, but also by layering. In varieties whose crown should spread along the ground, the lower shoots are rooted. They are not cut from the bush, but tilted to the soil. The future seedling is fixed on the soil surface with a metal hook, and the place of contact is sprinkled with earth.

This procedure is carried out in the spring. Around August, roots will form on the layering. After that, it is separated from the mother bush and moved to a permanent place of growth.

Timing of cuttings

Juniper can be propagated from spring to autumn. However, experienced gardeners note that the procedure carried out at the beginning of the season gives the best results.


The timing of cuttings largely depends on when the cuttings are planned to be planted in the ground:

  • propagation of juniper by cuttings in the summer is carried out if it is planned to plant the plant in the fall. But they are harvested no later than June. Otherwise, they will not have time to take root and freeze in winter;
  • planting material is prepared in early February for planting in the ground in the spring.

In order for the plant to take root in a new place, you need to let it form a root system. This takes about 70 days. Before planting it is not worth it, because the probability of death is high.

Cuttings harvested in late autumn or late winter are transferred to the ground in spring. If they were cut into summer time, then it is important to have time to carry out the procedure before a cold snap. With the onset of early frosts, seedlings continue to be grown at home until the next season.

On a note! Transplantation is carried out immediately after the snow melts. In hot weather, the needles burn out, so there is no need to wait for a strong warming.

Means to stimulate rooting

The modern market offers gardeners a huge number of drugs to stimulate root formation. Previously, folk remedies were widely used:

  • willow water;
  • potato tubers;
  • yeast.

Now there is no need to waste time preparing solutions with your own hands. Purchased drugs are distinguished by ease of handling and budgetary cost.

The most popular are:

Do not exceed the dosage indicated by the manufacturer, because the opposite effect will occur - inhibition of the planting material.

The cuttings are immersed in the solution by about a third. The remaining liquid is used for irrigation.

Rules for planting a cutting in the ground

A lighted area is allocated under the juniper, partial shade is acceptable. The cuttings are moved into the ground along with a clod of earth and try not to damage the still fragile root system.

To plant a juniper, they dig a hole, the size of which is 2-3 times the volume of the roots. Drainage must be laid down.

The location of the seedling depends on the variety:

  • columnar juniper is placed vertically;
  • bushy - with a slight slope.

The plant is buried along the root neck, watered and mulched.

On a note! In the first years of growth, young bushes cover for the winter and protect from the bright sun. Juniper is drought-resistant, does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. It is watered about once a month.

At the beginning, it is desirable to feed with nitroammophos (50 g per 1 m²). In summer, organic and mineral fertilizers.

To decorate the garden, you should know how the juniper breeds. It's not difficult, but it needs to be followed. certain rules process. With strict adherence to the instructions, a powerful bush is sure to grow from the cutting, which has retained the varietal qualities of the mother plant.

Juniper is a popular coniferous crop for decorating a garden or park. Reproduction of juniper by cuttings in the spring allows you to quickly and easily get strong young plants.

Features of the structure and reproduction of juniper

Evergreen coniferous junipers are recognized centenarians of the plant world. The average life expectancy of a shrub reaches 500 years, and individual specimens have already celebrated a thousand birthdays. For such longevity, the genus paid with slow growth rates, late entry into the season of flowering and fruiting. The first cones on junipers appear closer to the age of 10. In the future, the maturation of cones takes two years, and the seeds themselves need long-term stratification and germinate hard.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure and reproduction of juniper in nature, these plants are difficult to renew, and in nurseries and on ordinary summer cottages vegetative methods are used to obtain new copies.

However, it must be remembered that juniper shoots have an interesting feature. Even after rooting, becoming independent plants, they retain the "habits" acquired on the parent bush. Juniper shoots, located in the upper, central part of the crown, tend to develop, grow upwards. Peripheral branches eventually turn into bushes with a flattened, squat crown.

At home, propagating juniper cuttings has many advantages. Plants obtained in this way:

  • retain all varietal properties of the parent specimen;
  • 2–3 years earlier than seedlings, they reach the size of an adult shrub;
  • better adapted to local conditions than large seedlings from the nursery;
  • compared to seedlings show better growth rates.

When and how to prepare planting material? What is necessary for the rooting of juniper, and what are the features of caring for seedlings?

How to propagate juniper cuttings in spring

You can cut a bush with early spring, that is, from the time of cutting the plant, and until autumn. However, experienced gardeners prefer to harvest cuttings in the spring, when a growth feast is observed. From April to May from the already formed part of the crown sharp knife semi-lignified shoots are cut so that a thickened base of the branch remains on the handle.

The lower part of the cutting is 3–4 cm cleared of lateral shoots and needles, and then the exposed tip is treated with a root formation stimulator. Good results are obtained by immersing a juniper cutting intended for propagation in a jar of water to which a little sugar has been added. After a day, future seedlings can be transferred to a previously prepared soil mixture.

The roots of the conifer will develop faster and best in an aerated loose substrate of equal parts of sand and. Perlite and crushed charcoal can be added to the mixture. The shrub is not afraid of the increased acidity of the soil, so it is not necessary to deoxidize it.

Before the juniper is propagated by cuttings in the spring, a small greenhouse or film greenhouse should be organized on the site or at home. Well-lit places are suitable for the plant, where the cuttings will not be afraid of prell due to stagnant moisture and cold wind. With due diligence, the shrub forms roots even in a pot covered with a bag.

Cuttings are planted in separate pots or in a common container at a distance of 5–8 cm from each other, at an angle to the ground. Planting material is buried by 3–4 cm, that is, no more than the length of the part of the shoot cleared of needles. After planting, the soil near the cuttings is compacted and watered abundantly.

Juniper loves the light, but direct sunlight inhibits the development of the seedling. Therefore, shading should be provided for the greenhouse.

Caring for cuttings during spring propagation of juniper

Further care for the cuttings during the reproduction of juniper in the spring consists in regular spraying with warm settled water and airing as moisture evaporates from the soil surface. Excessive soil moisture is dangerous! Frail root system juniper can rot, and the plant will die. Ventilation will help balance the humidity and prevent condensation.

A detailed video on how to propagate juniper by cuttings will help you not to make mistakes and get strong planting material for your summer cottage on your own.

The rooting of most varieties of this coniferous culture requires at least 50–90 days. However, do not rush to plant shrubs for permanent residence.

Usually, seedlings are left at home or in a greenhouse until next spring or transferred to open ground with a clod of earth to protect not yet too branched and strong roots from damage. Such plants must be covered for the winter and protected from the penetration of rodents.

The time for planting juniper is chosen so that young shrubs have time to adapt before the onset of cold weather. If in the spring cuttings for propagation of juniper were harvested in early dates, strong seedlings will be able to overwinter. Otherwise, plants are grown at home until next April.

This method of breeding conifer is suitable for all species and varieties. But if you have to grow young specimens with a flattened or creeping crown shape, you can try to root low-lying shoots without cutting them off from the mother bush. Semi-lignified branches are bent to the ground, pinned with a strong wire hook and sprinkled with soil. This is done, as when propagating juniper cuttings, in the spring. In the second half of the summer, the cuttings form their own root system. Such a shrub, after separation from an adult plant, can be immediately planted in the ground.

Video about juniper cuttings

Juniper - popular among summer residents coniferous plant, many prefer to plant it in compositions. To get new seedlings, it is recommended to propagate juniper cuttings at home. This method is more convenient than seed, and most importantly, the costs are minimal.

Most ornamental varieties retain their characteristics only when cuttings. Among the whole variety of juniper, there are several specimens for which propagation by seeds is contraindicated.

Successfully and quickly propagated by cuttings:

  1. Variety Meyeri (scaly look) - the owner of decorative blue-green needles with an unusual steel tint. It is a dwarf growing from 30 cm to 1 m in height, often used to create bonsai. The annual growth varies between 8-10 cm. It looks attractive due to the dense crown and hanging shoots.

    Variety Holger

  2. Holger (scaly species) is distinguished by whitish-blue needles and short stature (0.8-1 m). The shoots of the current year turn golden in color, giving the bush playfulness. It does not need a haircut, it is suitable for the garden, landscaping of roofs and terraces.
  3. Kurivao Gold (Kuriwao Gold) propagates strictly by cuttings. This is a shrub with an asymmetric crown, growing up to 2 m by the age of 10. The branches grow upward, adding 15-20 cm annually. In group plantings, 1.5 m is left between plants.

  4. Mint Julep is the result of crossing the Cossack and many beloved Chinese species. Attracts attention with wide branches covered with mint-colored needles. Feature - in winter, the color of the needles does not fade. By the age of ten, it stretches up to 3 m. It is resistant to drought, gas contamination, and severe frosts.
  5. Mordigan Gold is a variety of golden color with pronounced bactericidal properties. Nobility is given to it by horizontally divergent shoots and a golden hue of needles. Despite the slow growth, it grows in diameter up to 2 m.

  6. Wiltoni forms a creeping carpet with silver needle needles. It is hard to imagine that a modest twig purchased from a nursery can grow on all sides by 3 m or more. In addition to the main lashes, many lateral ones are formed that can give their own roots and shoots. To create a solid coniferous carpet, you need to plant 1 copy per 2 m 2. If you want to get a practical lawn in 5 years, you will have to root 2-3 plants per 2 m 2.
  7. Dream Joy is a scaly juniper with long creeping shoots. Grows up to 40 cm, crown diameter 1 m. Annual growth under favorable conditions is 17 cm. Prefers sunny areas, negatively relates to compacted soil and excessive moisture.
  8. Gold Coast is a bush up to 1 m high with yellow-green soft needles. In the shadows, it loses its brightness. It is unpretentious to soils and polluted air.
  9. Lime Glow is another member of the family with a yellow crown. The shoots, located radiantly, form a small depression in the center. Small needles become bronze by autumn.

  10. The Schlager variety is a dwarf bush up to 25 cm high. It grows unevenly in different directions. The young growth has a pleasant grassy color, which stands out on the aged needles. Suitable for decorating walking paths, rocky gardens, slopes.

Planting dates and rules for harvesting planting material

cuttings - cheap way obtaining new conifers for the improvement of the site. This method has many advantages:

  • the obtained samples retain varietal characteristics;
  • have greater viability;
  • form a strong root system;
  • take root faster and actively develop;
  • less exposed to pests;
  • accustomed cuttings are obtained 2 times more than seedlings;
  • reach the size of an adult shrub several years earlier than planting from seeds.

Juniper cuttings can be carried out from early spring to autumn. Some gardeners prefer to cut off the shoots in the spring when the period of active growth begins. From April to May, semi-woody cuttings should be cut from the formed part of the bush. A thickened base, or “heel”, should remain on the workpiece. The optimal shoot length is 12 cm, but not more than 25 cm.

In autumn, seedlings can also be obtained from cuttings. Arguments in favor of autumn planting are based on the fact that the stomata of plants due to high humidity air are closed. Branches in autumn practically do not evaporate water, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the bush and its reproduction.

To get strong seedlings, they take blanks only from mature trees or shrubs about 8-10 years old. They retain the characteristics of the mother plant.

If you cut off the upper part, then the tree will develop mainly upwards, if you separate the lower branches, then the daughter plant will begin to grow in breadth. If the crown is vertical, then cuts of juniper branches are made vertically. If the crown is bushy, then the cuttings are taken from the side parts.

Instructions for growing juniper from cuttings

A properly cut stalk must be prepared for planting:

How to root juniper without unnecessary difficulties? A few tricks:

  1. First prepare the substrate. The optimal composition for the development of a juniper branch is a mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions. You can add some crushed charcoal and perlite. But it is worth remembering that junipers do not like high acidity of the soil. Neutralize if necessary hyperacidity You can use lime, lime flour or ash.
  2. The optimum temperature for germination is from +18 to +23°C. If it is lower, the seedlings will rot. With an increase in the recommended indicators, the debate process will begin or the soil will dry quickly.
  3. In the substrate, you need to make a hole 3-4 cm deep and 1 cm wide. The cutting is carefully sent to the prepared hole, the soil is compacted, watered. If a group of cuttings is planted, then a distance of 5-8 cm is observed between them.
  4. Landings are sent to the greenhouse. An ordinary pot covered with a bag will do.

Lighting is required diffused, direct sunlight should not fall on landings. Rewetting the substrate may be required only if it dries out. Do not forget about periodic ventilation so that condensation does not occur. The first roots should appear 25 days after planting. Rooting will occur in 2 months.

Video about cutting rules.

If you want to experiment, then at the same time you can do cultivation. For better germination, planting material is stratified. Before landing on a permanent place, 3-4 years should pass.

Landing in open ground and seedling adaptation

With a juniper transplant to a permanent place of residence, you should not rush. The time of planting rooted bushes is chosen so that they have time to adapt before the onset of cold weather. Early harvested cuttings, for example, in winter in February or late autumn, can be planted in spring. Ideally, about 70 days should pass from the moment of planting in the greenhouse. If the branches were cut late, then it is better to grow juniper at home until the next spring. In some cases, landing in the fall is allowed. If the seedling was rooted in a separate pot, it can be moved to open ground and dug in without removing it from the container. Since the risk of freezing is high, you will have to use insulation.

You can already plant in early spring as soon as the snow melts. If you move later, then there is a risk of burning needles in the sun. The place is selected well-lit, slight shading is allowed. In open ground, the seedling is transferred with a clod of earth so that the root system does not suffer. The roots of a young juniper are very thin and fragile.

If the variety is columnar, then the seedling is placed vertically. If the form is bushy, then it is placed at an angle.

For planting, prepare a landing pit with a drainage layer. The approximate size is 1 * 1 m or 2-3 times larger than the soil clod. The seedling is immersed in a hole and covered with soil, leaving the root collar at the very surface. After planting, the plant is watered and mulched.

Spruce + thuja + juniper + pine

Young specimens during the first years of life should be protected from frost and bright sunlight. The plant is undemanding to moisture, can tolerate drought, but does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. It is enough to water the juniper once a month. In the spring, fertilizing with nitroammophos (45 g per 1 m 2) will be useful for the conifer; in summer, organic matter or mineral fertilizers are used. Top dressing is applied once a month if the tree or bush develops too slowly.

To successfully grow a group of conifers, a gardener needs to know how to propagate juniper cuttings. Varietal characteristics are preserved only if all the rules of reproduction are observed, starting from the time of separation of the cutting and ending with its adaptation in the garden.

Juniper is famous for its wide variety of shapes and types and is one of the most popular conifers used in landscaping.

Benefits and features of juniper

Its great popularity in the world of landscaping and landscape design juniper deserved due to the fact that:

  • can acquire the desired shape and lends itself well to a haircut;
  • grows in shaded and sunny places;
  • perfectly tolerates summer heat and cold winters;
  • strengthens the soil on the slopes;
  • has a high life expectancy;
  • takes root without problems and tolerates transplants well.

Due to the fact that the plant is easily rooted by cuttings, everyone can grow juniper on their own at home. This makes the plant affordable and allows juniper to be grown in large quantities.

Rooting juniper cuttings correctly

Many gardeners believe that it is enough to stick a small juniper cutting into the ground and after a while it will take root. Maybe so, but in most cases, this rooting method fails. In order for the juniper stalk to take root quickly and reliably, it is necessary to adhere to the main rules that are used when rooting coniferous plants.

  • Juniper can be propagated vegetatively from early spring to late autumn. But it is best to do this in April-May.
  • Cuttings from a shrub are cut with a special pruner or a sharp knife.
  • For rooting, semi-lignified one-year-old shoots from old branches of the middle part of the plant are used - they grow roots faster.
  • Cuttings must be cut with a small lignified heel.
  • Cuttings that are closer to the central trunk will grow upwards, and those cut from side branches will have a horizontal shape.
  • Before planting 10-15 cm, the cuttings are cleaned from the lower branches (by 3-4 cm), dipped in a growth stimulator and planted in moist soil, pressing the lower part of the cutting tightly to the ground.
  • Juniper does not tolerate sunlight during rooting and it is desirable to shade the landing site.

It should be remembered that it is possible to keep cuttings under cover only until the roots appear.After rooting (after a month and a half), the shelter must be removed, otherwise the plants will be lethargic and weak.

Soil for rooting cuttings

Ordinary garden soil is not suitable for rooting juniper cuttings. It is necessary to choose a moisture-permeable loose earth. Many nurseries prefer a mixture of peat and sand. Peat passes air well and does not have a large amount of nutrients, which is very important when rooting, and sand perfectly absorbs moisture. Conifers prefer acidic soil, therefore, ash and eggshells cannot be added to planting mixtures.

The soil in a greenhouse or greenhouse should always be slightly damp. To achieve this result, it is desirable to carry out daily spraying of plants and land mixture. When transshipping juniper or landing in a permanent place, preference should be given to rich, fertile soil, although this conifer grows well on poor land.

Propagation of juniper by cuttings-layering

Creeping species of juniper successfully propagate not only by rooting cuttings, but also by layering. Young branches are pinned to the ground and sprinkled with soil. Before next year such a branch will give its roots and be able to continue growing on its own. It is only necessary to carefully separate it from the mother plant and plant it in a permanent place. If the rooted cutting-layer is small, then it is planted on a separate bed, with the onset of heat, and in the fall a sunny place is already chosen for it. Try to create a small conifer nursery on your site, which will help you build beautiful landscape compositions and save money on buying plants.