What to feed the peppers after. What to feed peppers? Organic and mineral fertilizers

Bell pepper grown in our country in the most different regions. Despite the fact that the culture is thermophilic, gardeners in Siberia, the Urals, regions of the North-West of Russia, not to mention the more southern territories, get good yields when cultivated in greenhouses.

Applying top dressing, summer residents remove large and juicy multi-colored fruits, as if proving to nature that everything can be grown in harsh conditions. Here we will talk about the right top dressing.

Plants from the numerous nightshade family, which include pepper, require special care. Full-fledged fruits will form and ripen only if the plants have enough nutrition, the necessary trace elements and vitamins.

Therefore, when growing a crop, attention is paid to the nutritional value of the soil, making all the necessary fertilizers in advance. Each summer resident uses the options available to him, as some use mineral fertilizers, while others seek to grow crops without “chemistry”.

There are various schemes for applying fertilizers to the soil before planting peppers:

  • about 20 grams of potassium salt and 40 grams of superphosphate;
  • 30 grams of superphosphate and the same amount of ash.

The components are mixed and brought in for digging, the amount is indicated for one square meter soil. It is also recommended to fill the ridges with mullein or rotted compost in the fall.

When planting peppers in the wells, you can add about 100-150 grams of humus. In well-fertilized soil, plants will be comfortable; at the initial stage of the growing season, they will not experience nutritional deficiencies.

IMPORTANT! All fertilizers, and especially nitrogen fertilizers, must be applied strictly according to the norms, avoiding an overabundance of components. This will negatively affect the development of peppers and yields.

Immediately after planting the seedlings on the ridges or in the greenhouse, fertilizing is not carried out. Optimal time the first "lunch" - 15-18 days after transplantation. At this time, you can use organic matter, but during the period of mass flowering and fruiting, peppers need potassium and phosphorus.

Signs of a Nutrient Deficiency

The recommendations of experts are always of a general nature, and first of all, the gardener should observe the plants. The appearance of peppers, the color of leaves, stems can tell you what elements are missing in the nutrition of seedlings.

  1. bad growth, blanching and yellowing of the leaves from the main vein to the edges, falling off - all these signs indicate a nitrogen deficiency. This component is vital for plants, but at the same time, oversaturation with nitrogen should be avoided, since then the peppers will intensively increase their green mass.
  2. An excess of nitrogen can lead to the fact that peppers will not be able to properly absorb other necessary trace elements, such as calcium. With its deficiency, gray or yellowish dots appear on the leaf blades, growth points begin to die off, it grows poorly root system. The leaves become awl-shaped, curled, peppers slow down growth.
  3. The appearance of bluish spots on the leaves, and then a change in color from green to purple-red, is a signal that the peppers do not have enough phosphorus. The leaves begin to curl, the stem becomes thinner, the flowering of plants slows down. Usually, phosphorus deficiency appears in the middle of the growing season, when the first fruits have already been removed, and the next flowering (pepper fruiting comes in waves) is very late.
  4. The twisting of the leaves and the appearance of a light border on the contours shows that the peppers need urgent potassium supplementation. Such phenomena can occur in the first wave of flowering, and later. The yellow border on the leaves dries up, falls off, and spots appear on the fruits of the pepper.

ON A NOTE! Often, potassium deficiency is manifested in peppers that are cultivated on peat or sandy soil.

Having noticed some negative changes in the state of plants, it is necessary to determine their cause as soon as possible (most often it is a lack or excess of some components) and eliminate it.

So, with an excess of nitrogen, the application of phosphorus and potash fertilizers is required, and with a supersaturation with potassium, they give ammophos top dressing. But more often there is a deficiency of components, and in these cases it is necessary to replenish the nutrition of plants:

  • with nitrogen starvation they give a diluted mullein (1:10),
  • the lack of phosphorus is compensated by the introduction of superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate will help with a lack of this important substance for peppers;
  • with a lack of iron or zinc the best option there will be the use of Kemira Lux or Kemira Combi formulations for feeding (spraying).

It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of fertilizers and follow the instructions. Top dressing is applied immediately after the plants have been watered, and after that the soil is gently loosened (if there is no mulch).

It is advisable to alternate organic and mineral components, also alternate root dressing and spraying.

When to feed

The fertilizer application schedule is largely determined by the type of soil, its fertility, as well as the condition of the plants themselves. Peppers planted in small greenhouses can be fed less frequently - once every three weeks, for greenhouse plants standard scheme- once every 14 days.

You can take your time with the first top dressing if the peppers grow well after planting and if the soil has been well seasoned with all the nutrients from autumn and spring.

After two weeks, you can feed the peppers with diluted mullein or bird droppings (1:10 and 1:20). The next top dressing will most likely be already during the appearance of the ovaries (in two weeks) and it is better to use superphosphate and potassium sulfate for it (a tablespoon of the first component and a teaspoon of the second are diluted in a bucket of warm water).

Good results are given by foliar top dressing - spraying on peach leaves. Options:

  • to stimulate the growth of peppers, you will need to dilute a teaspoon of urea (the amount is given per bucket of water);
  • boric acid is used to improve flowering and stimulate ovaries (take a teaspoon per 10 liter container);
  • during the period of fruit formation, spraying the bushes with a solution of superphosphate is suitable (a teaspoon of fertilizer is required for half a bucket of water).

Wood ash is often used as a component of the spray formulation.

Top dressing of peppers during fruiting

The first fruits of pepper reach the state of technical maturity by about 90-100 days from the moment of germination. But the timing depends on the variety, while ripening takes up to 15-20 days.

At this time, peppers need additional feeding, as they will have a new flowering, the formation of ovaries, fruits. As fertilizers are used:

  • wood ash (scattered on the surface of the soil);
  • potassium salt and superphosphate (for 10 liters of water you need to take two teaspoons of the components);
  • sodium humate solution (1 gram per bucket of water).

A very good help is the "green" fertilizer, thanks to which the peppers receive all the necessary nutrients. For cooking, grass is half placed in a barrel (nettle, clover, dandelion is suitable), everything is poured with water, closed and insisted for up to 10 days. You can add ash (up to 5-6 liters). The infusion is stirred regularly.

After the specified time, the composition is diluted in water (a liter of infusion per bucket) and peppers are watered.

The use of folk remedies

The use of compositions for feeding, which are made at home and without "chemistry", allows gardeners not only to save on the purchase of expensive drugs, but also to grow an environmentally friendly crop.

The difficulty is that often the preparation of mixtures is carried out "by eye", and therefore it is better to take smaller dosages than to allow an excess of components. Among the most popular means:

  • ash (this component breaks all records, as it is used not only for top dressing, but also for protecting garden crops from pests and diseases);
  • yeast;
  • boric acid (compositions with its use have already been given above);
  • banana peel;
  • ammonia;
  • potassium permanganate.

Gardeners also use coffee grounds, egg shells, dairy products, onion peel.

Ash is used in the most different options:

Used for watering plants water solution iodine (10 grams per 10 liters of water), an infusion on eggshells, and potassium permanganate is also diluted in water.

IN Lately many summer residents began to actively practice the use of dressings, which are based on ordinary baker's yeast. Apply "live" products, as well as yeast in the form of a dry powder. In all recipes, it is required to observe the dosage, as well as to infuse the solution.

  1. About 100 grams of yeast (“live”) are taken into a bucket of warm water, then the mixture is infused for about a day and a half and the peppers are watered.
  2. Water (5 liters) is poured into the container, a little is added - up to 2 grams of ascorbic acid, sugar (two tablespoons are enough) and a spoonful of dry yeast powder. Everything is mixed, left for a day, after which it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and watered with flowering peppers.

Banana lovers should know that the peel of these fruits contains a large amount of potassium. And this component is necessary for peppers during flowering. Therefore, the peel should not be thrown away, but it is better to dry it, then grind it into powder and add it when planting peppers in the wells.

Also, experienced summer residents do not throw away the eggshell, collect it and in the spring bring it into the soil for digging. Infusion on the shell is applied under plants to improve the structure of the soil and saturate it with nutrients.

Whey diluted in water also helps against infections. In addition, this mixture contains a very large amount useful pepper trace elements, so it is perfect for plants during the fruiting period as a top dressing.

The introduction of fertilizer compositions to enrich the soil with useful components allows you to grow healthy plants with a high degree of resistance to unfavorable factors environment.

Pepper is one of those vegetable crops, which react very painfully to their lack in the soil. For these purposes, both chemical and organic compounds are used. There are also folk remedies for the growth of peppers, after feeding which plants increase immunity to diseases, harmful insects and increase productivity.

Popular folk remedies

The main thing to know when using nutrient mixtures is the frequency of application and dosage. If you use highly concentrated compounds, then instead of benefit for plants there will be only harm. Among folk remedies used for feeding peppers, options based on banana peel, iodine and yeast, bird manure, eggshells, herbal infusions deserve special attention.

Manure and bird droppings

To make up for the lack of nitrogen in the soil, experienced vegetable growers often use manure or bird droppings. This is one of the highly effective top dressings for the growth of pepper seedlings, it is added to the soil 1 time before planting young bushes.

It is possible to prepare a working solution both from dry raw materials and from fresh ones, adhering to a ratio of 1: 2.

A nutrient mixture is prepared in a plastic container; metal containers are not suitable here. Dung is placed in a bucket and filled with water. Fertilizer is taken out to a sunny place and allowed to brew for 2-3 days. When using it, it is important to know the norm: 0.5 liters of diluted solution is enough for one seedling (1 cup of infusion per 10 liters of water).


Given natural remedy is a source of magnesium, calcium, nitrogen, potassium and other mineral components that are vital for plants. Due to this content of nutrients, wood ash is used to cultivate acidic soil. Even when applied in small dosages, the likelihood of fungal infections on plantings is significantly reduced.

At home, ash top dressing is prepared as follows:

  1. Measure 200 g of the product and dilute in 10 liters of water.
  2. Mix thoroughly and let it brew for 3-5 days.
  3. Before use, the resulting infusion is filtered.

The ash obtained as a result of the burning of birch chips, sunflower stalks, Jerusalem artichoke has a high efficiency. In the ashes of coniferous plants contains a lot of phosphorus, from deciduous - calcium. In peat ash, the concentration of potassium is low, and lime is high. In order not to destroy the nitrogen that was added when nitrogen-containing compounds were introduced into the ground, it is not necessary to use such mixtures simultaneously with ash. It is good to use it at the beginning of the growing season and at the stage of budding. Alternatively, the soil is first shed with water, and then the ashes are scattered under each plant.

banana peel

From natural fertilizers for sweet peppers, it is good to use banana peels, which are high in potassium. Namely, this chemical element is responsible for the fleshiness and sweetness of the fruits of the southern culture.

A nutritious infusion is prepared from a banana peel at the rate of 2-3 peels per 3 liters of water. They are pre-crushed, poured with liquid and infused for 2-3 days. Before watering the peppers, the infusion is filtered. You can also burn them into ashes or cut them into small fragments and lay them in the ground.

Iodine and yeast

  1. Wet alcoholic yeast (100 g), sugar (150 g) are poured into a suitable container and water (5 l) is poured.
  2. Expose the mixture in the sun and let it brew until the fermentation process is activated.
  3. ¼ l of infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water and used for watering bushes at the root.

Using iodine to feed sweet peppers gives the same high result as yeast.

Alternatively, iodine in an amount of 10 g is added to water to moisten the soil (10 l). They also include milk or whey (1 l). The working solution is used to process young bushes.

Herbal infusions

Sweet pepper is responsive to top dressing with nettle infusion, which can be applied every 10 days. It's absolutely safe remedy, but to increase its effectiveness, a mineral composition such as ammophoska is added. To prepare a complex nutrient mixture, you must:

  • fill a suitable container with crushed raw materials;
  • fill completely with water;
  • set oppression on top of the nettle;
  • place the container with the future infusion in a sunny place;
  • at the end of the fermentation process (after 2 weeks), when the grass sinks to the bottom, the solution is filtered and ammophoska is added.

For a general healing effect, pepper is fed at the rate of 0.5 liters of diluted nettle infusion (1 liter of product per 10 liters of water) per bush.

From eggshell

Raw materials ground in a blender or coffee grinder are used as fertilizer. It must be brought to the state of powder, which is used to prepare the infusion. The shell crushed from 2 eggs is poured into 3 liters of water and allowed to brew for three days. Stir the solution periodically. Before use, the strained infusion is diluted clean water in the proportion of 1 cup of the product per 3 liters of liquid.

The benefits of eggshells for plants are the high content of calcium carbonate, almost 95%.

Due to this, the growth of the aerial part of the bush is significantly improved, the process of photosynthesis and metabolism is better, and rapid germination of seeds is also observed.

Bone or fish meal

This complex mineral fertilizer has a prolonged action - the decomposition period is 8 months. It contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus. Such a long-term additive can be used as a separate fertilizer or included in compost. Make it before planting bushes at the rate of 1-3 tbsp. l. per well to improve the taste and commercial characteristics of the fruit. To provide future plantings with components useful for growth and development, you need to add bone or fish meal to the soil along with fresh organic matter during autumn work.

Feeding rules

Sweet pepper is fed on different stages vegetation:

  1. The first procedure is performed when the first leaves appear in the sprouts.
  2. The second procedure is done when the plant has three pairs of leaves to improve its growth.
  3. The third time the fertilizer is applied 7 days before the planned day of planting in a permanent place.
  4. Fourth time 10 days after planting in the ground.
  5. Fifth time at the stage of budding.

Before applying nutrients, the soil must be watered. To avoid stressful situations for plants, water for moistening should be taken settled and warm.

Cold liquid will only provoke the development of dangerous diseases. It should not be allowed to get on the leaves of the culture, otherwise there is a high probability of burns on them. It is best to choose the time for the feeding procedure in the morning or evening. Upon completion, the soil must be loosened for the effective development of the root system. Oxygen starvation of the roots adversely affects the development of plantings.

Sweet pepper, although it is a capricious southern crop that reacts almost immediately to a lack of nutrients in the ground, with the proper approach, is able to bear fruit for a long time and abundantly. The main thing is to adhere to the frequency of feeding and dosages.

To get a good and rich harvest of any garden plant is the goal of every summer resident. Not an exception - and. To achieve a positive result, a number of measures are applied that are aimed at ensuring better conditions necessary for a good vegetable growing season. One of the most important is pepper nutrition. He, like all crops, needs nutrients that provide not only rapid growth, but also increase the plant's resistance to many diseases and sudden climate changes.

Pepper fertilizers should have a minimum concentration of chlorine or its complete absence, since the vegetable does not tolerate the influence of this substance. This stage of caring for a vegetable, like top dressing, must be approached with special care. How to properly combine the necessary minerals? What and when is the best time to apply? What fertilizer do peppers need?

Feeding the vegetable is necessary from the first days of the appearance of sprouts. From this time until the period when the fruit begins to form, the vegetable needs phosphate fertilizers to a greater extent. Pepper under the influence of this mineral begins to grow better, metabolic processes improve, the plant is saturated with the necessary amount of energy for rapid development. Phosphorus is part of the RNA and DNA of pepper and its right amount- the key to success in growing and the way to increase productivity. Even if phosphorus enters the plant body in excess, it does not harm the culture. The plant consumes the required amount.

One of the best and most affordable fertilizers of this group of minerals is. It contains about 20% phosphorus. In double superphosphate, the level of this mineral reaches 45%. Another phosphate fertilizer with a 40% share is Superphos. They dissolve easily in water and are well absorbed by plants. Such a fertilizer of peppers (tomatoes, eggplant) will allow you to get a good harvest on time.

For the first time, seedlings must be watered immediately after germination with a solution of 30 g of superphosphate, 7 g of urea and 10 l. water. At this stage, this is the most ideal combination for the rapid growth of seedlings. A few other ways to create a nutrient solution are as follows:

  • Phoscamide and superphosphate . Mixed for 15g. and 10g/bucket of water. Watering should be moderate and no more than two times with a break of 7 days.
  • Superphos, ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate . The proportions of these minerals are determined from the ratio 15g/20g/30g. For good dissolution and achieving the required concentration, it is enough to take a container with a volume of 10 liters. (clean bucket).
  • Kemira-Lux. Complex fertilizer (phosphorus - 20%, potassium 27%, nitrogen - 16%). One of the most effective phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for pepper. It is enough to dissolve about 2 tablespoons in 10 liters. liquids. As practice shows, just one feeding is enough, but if necessary, you can repeat it after a week and a half.

What is the most commonly used outdoor pepper fertilizer?

The soil for pepper seedlings should be well cultivated, friable and free of acid content when it comes to open soil.

It should be remembered that the best predecessors for pepper are onions, cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbage, zucchini, carrots. You can not plant a vegetable on the same bed two or more times, and also, after potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes. This can affect the quality and quantity of the crop.

Top dressing of pepper in the ground is carried out immediately before the transfer of finished seedlings to a permanent place of vegetation. During this period, organic fertilizers must be applied. It is best to prepare a mixture of 5-10g. superphosphate, 300 g of humus (peat), potassium salt 10 g. These proportions are observed per 10 liters. It is recommended to add 100 g of wood ash to each well to protect the plant from diseases and pests. Also, wood ash is useful for better development of the plant in a new place.

In total, about 5 feeding of pepper bushes is carried out during the growing season. Two weeks after planting seedlings in the soil, summer residents carry out top dressing of pepper in open ground for the first time. In this case, nitrogen fertilizers are used. It is very important to monitor the plant at the beginning of its active growth. If a white coating appears on the leaves or their tips turn yellow and dry, this is a sign of a lack of nitrogen.

The first feeding of pepper is very important, and it should not be neglected, even if the plant develops normally and there are no external signs his weaknesses.

At the time of the formation of the ovaries, the second top dressing is carried out. During this period, the plant needs the most potassium. It is better to use Kalimagnesia or potassium sulfate. They do not contain chlorine, which is so harmful to peppers. Potassium magnesia is best used on light soils. The main advantage of this fertilizer is that it contains magnesium (about 9%). It has a good effect on the development and strengthening of the root system. Potassium magnesia is applied to the soil under the root at the rate of 30g. to a bucket of water.

The third feeding of pepper is carried out during the period of active flowering. The plant needs the most nitrogen. Its deficiency is indicated by darkened, wrinkled leaves. Often, with a lack of nitrogenous supplements, the lower leaves dry. Nitrogen can be applied through drip irrigation systems, or you can simply disperse it dry throughout the garden. Some summer residents recommend the use of foliar top dressing of pepper (spraying the leaves). The best nitrogen-containing fertilizers for pepper growth: ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, carbamide (urea).

During the period of fruit formation, the fourth top dressing is carried out. Calcium is added to the complex of nourishing mineral-capable agents. It is necessary for the formation of weighty, juicy and fleshy fruits. The best is calcium nitrate. It must be applied during the period of fruit formation. It is recommended to use foliar top dressing at the rate of 20 g/10 l. water. Count on 1-1.5 m 2 area. Calcium nitrate can be prepared at home.

To do this, collect necessary components(ammonium nitrate, slaked lime, water). In a 3 liter metal container you need to add 300 grams of ammonium nitrate and 0.5 liters. water. On low heat, keep this substance to a boil. At this time, when the boiling period passes in small portions, it is necessary to pour slaked lime (no more than 140 g).

The fifth top dressing of pepper in the open field is carried out during active fruiting. During this period, it is very important to introduce a complex of mineral substances superphosphate under the root of the plant. Also very important aspect active formation of fruits are frequent watering, especially on dry days. About 8-10 days before harvest, watering must be stopped.

Top dressing of pepper with nettle

Very often summer residents and gardeners resort to folk dressings of pepper. Their recipes are passed down from generation to generation. widely known folk method is top dressing of nettle pepper. To prepare the infusion, young nettles are needed, the stems of which have not yet formed seed material. Plants should be free from damage and painful lesions. Preparing sourdough is very easy:

  • A 10-liter bucket must be more than half filled with nettles and pressed tightly. Then pour water and place about 40 g of yeast to speed up the fermentation process. The mixture should be stirred.
  • Next, several heavy stones are placed on the resulting mass, emitting a press.
  • After 2 days, the mixture is stirred. The same manipulations should be carried out every three days.
  • The infusion will be ready after the nettle sinks down, approximately 18 days should pass.

Feeding with nettle infusion is allowed every 10 days, regardless of the application of other fertilizers. Many gardeners consider nettle the best top dressing for sweet peppers, they are also used for top dressing. Nettle fertilizer can also be combined with bread and dandelions. You can use the methane fermentation method (cover the container with nettles until the maximum tightness with plastic wrap for about two weeks).

Fertilizers for peppers in the greenhouse

For growing peppers in a greenhouse, both organic and. Reviews of some summer residents say that along with organic matter, a number of diseases can be introduced and, in this case, the plants will certainly be infected with them. No, it's not.

It should be noted that properly prepared organic fertilizers, in compliance with the proportions, guarantee an increase in the quality and quantity of the crop.

  • From the moment of planting in protected ground, seedlings are fed every two weeks. It is recommended that, before fertilizing peppers in the greenhouse, lightly moisten the soil with warm water. You can apply foliar top dressing by spraying. To do this, it is preferable to use the method of diluting chicken manure in a bucket of water, in compliance with the ratio of 1:10. This fertilizer is well absorbed by the plant when temperature regime not more than 25 and not less than 22 degrees Celsius. If granulated bird droppings are used, its proportion to water is 1:20 (about 0.5 kg of droppings is enough for 10 liters of capacity).
  • Slurry is used as root dressing for Bulgarian peppers in the greenhouse. Diluted in water in a ratio of 1:5. 4-6 liters are enough per square meter.
  • Every 7 days it is recommended to alternate organic and mineral complex fertilizers for peppers. This will allow you to get earlier and big harvest. Ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are widely used in the greenhouse.

Pepper fertilizer in the greenhouse should be carried out about 6-7 times (3 main top dressings and 3-4 additional ones through organics).

Timely fertilization of bitter (spicy) is the key to successful vegetable cultivation.

Feeding and caring for pepper, video

The yield of most garden crops depends on the nutrition that a person provides them. Bell peppers are no exception. Like other vegetables, they need certain nutrients, so it will be useful for every gardener to learn how to feed peppers in the greenhouse and in the open field, from seedlings to adult plants.

You can properly feed peppers as mineral fertilizers. industrial production, and organic, but homemade. You need to use them the more often, the poorer the soil on which these delicious vegetables grow, because they differ in an enviable "appetite".

Mineral fertilizers

Those gardeners who have been growing sweet peppers in their beds for a long time actively use ready-made mineral mixtures for dressing, which include certain components. This is very convenient, because at each stage of development of this culture, it needs different chemical elements. For example, in the initial stage of growth, bell pepper especially requires nitrogen and potassium, so for the first time take the following mixtures to feed the seedlings:

  • Kemira-lux (20 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water);
  • GUMI Kuznetsova (2 tsp diluted in 10 liters of water).

Even during this period, you can use a mixture of potassium sulfate (3 tsp), ammonium nitrate (2 tsp) and superphosphate (3 tbsp). Dissolve it in 10 liters of water. For the 2nd and 3rd top dressing, use such complex pepper fertilizers as: Crystalon (20 g of powder per 10 liters of water), Agricola, Gomel, Uniflor-growth, Nitroammophoska.

organic fertilizers

You can also feed sweet peppers with organic matter collected in your home. Below you will find recipes for using organic fertilizers.

Manure or bird droppings

If you have pets, use fresh manure diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and bird droppings - 1 to 20. Leave to infuse for a day and water the plants with the resulting liquid during their intensive growth.


Wood ash is another organic fertilizer that you can't do without when growing bell peppers. Young plants will need it already when planting on beds or in a greenhouse, so when you transplant seedlings, put a handful of ash in each hole. In the future, water them with an aqueous solution of this fertilizer, which is prepared in the ratio: 5 tbsp. l. ash in a bucket of warm water.

Fertilizing pepper with ash should be carried out separately from fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, both mineral and organic, since they are mutually exclusive.

kitchen waste

In addition to traditional manure and ash, feel free to use kitchen waste to feed bell peppers: stale bread, eggshells, dried banana skins, unusable dairy products.

  • There is a lot of potassium in bananas, so powder from dry skins can be added to the soil already at the stage of planting seedlings, and then water adult plants with tincture of fresh skins (infuse for 3 days 2-3 pieces in 3 liters of water).
  • milk and eggshell contain calcium in a form easily absorbed by plants, so make a nutritional tincture out of them for your pets. Take 3 or 4 egg shells, crush them into a powder, pour it into a 3 liter jar, pour hot water and leave for 3 days. Water the seedlings with the resulting solution.
  • You can fertilize pepper with a fresh infusion of herbs that are easy to find in any garden: nettle, wood lice, dandelion and plantain. Cut them into small pieces, fill with a bucket of warm water, leave for a week, and then pour peppers with this liquid (1 liter under each pepper bush).


Feeding peppers with iodine has several goals at once: it stimulates growth, increases productivity, improves the taste of fruits, and prevents diseases. To feed the peppers, 1-2 drops of the usual alcohol tincture of iodine, dissolved in 1 liter of water, are enough. Another 0.1 l of fresh whey can be added to this liquid.


Feeding peppers with yeast is an agricultural technique that is not yet known to all gardeners, but very useful for sweet peppers themselves, since yeast contains a lot of useful substances: nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, minerals and especially vitamins.

Yeast tincture has a double effect: it perfectly stimulates the development of the root and aerial parts of these vegetables, and also activates the reproduction of beneficial soil bacteria.

Both fresh and dry yeast are suitable for feeding peppers. Prepare fertilizer as follows:

  1. Take 1 kg of fresh yeast.
  2. Fill them with 5 liters of heated water.
  3. Leave to infuse for approximately 1 day.
  4. Dilute the infusion in 5 buckets of water and use it for irrigation.

Prepare dry yeast nutrition in much the same way. Take 1 sachet and dissolve it in 1 bucket of warm water. Add to it 2 tbsp. l. sugar and leave for 2 hours. Then add 0.5 liters of yeast liquid to 10 liters of warm water. Such vitamin dressing does not need so much, it is enough to fertilize the peppers 2 times during the entire growing season.

It should be noted that it is necessary to prepare yeast top dressing with the addition of ash, since yeast contributes to the fact that potassium in the soil becomes unavailable for absorption by plants.

How to determine what peppers are missing in appearance

Peppers will only grow and develop successfully if the soil contains exactly the nutrients they need and if they are balanced. Determine shortage or excess chemical elements can already appearance plants. If peppers:
  1. The leaves have turned pale green, yellowing appeared on them, and there are few flowers on the plants themselves, which means that they lack nitrogen. Pour them with mullein solution.
  2. Yellow-gray speckles appeared on the leaves, and they began to curl into a tube - calcium deficiency. Stop feeding them nitrogen and potassium.
  3. The leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off, and the ripening fruits are too small - this means that there is a lot of calcium in the soil. Apply nitrogen to the soil.
  4. Pale green leaves - lack of nitrogen. Water the plants with urea or mullein.
  5. Dark green leaves with a reddish or bluish tinge - phosphorus deficiency. Add superphosphate to the soil.

Do not forget to keep an eye on your wards and be attentive to their needs, and for this they will delight you with an excellent harvest of tasty and juicy fruits.

Feeding schemes

Feed bell pepper according to the following scheme:

  1. In the first true leaf phase.
  2. When the 3rd pair of leaves appears.
  3. 1 week before planting in the ground.
  4. 10 days after planting.
  5. In the budding phase.
  6. During fruiting.

These are the main steps for feeding pepper at home. Let's consider in more detail how to fertilize peppers in different periods vegetation.

Seedlings after picking

Very young peppers do not need a highly concentrated fertilizer; for now, a weak solution is enough for them. Therefore, to feed peppers after picking, which is carried out 1 week after this procedure, use the following mixture:

  • ammonium and potassium nitrate - 1 g;
  • superphosphate - 3 g.

Dissolve it in 1 liter of heated water and gently pour under each bush. Spend 2 more such stimulating top dressings with an interval of 1 week, but in this case, increase the proportion of potassium to 8 g. Also at this time, you can fertilize the culture with liquid mineral complexes or ordinary black tea. Take 1 tbsp. l. sleeping tea leaves and fill it with 3 l hot water. Infuse it for at least 5 days, and then start watering.

How to feed seedlings of peppers for growth at home

Feed your peppers 2 times each month during intensive growth with synthetic commercial fertilizers and organics. At this time, they must be provided with a sufficient amount of nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. For the first feeding of peppers, which is carried out in the 2-leaf phase, use azophoska and nitroammophoska in the amount indicated in the instructions. From organic fertilizers, an aqueous solution of chicken manure (at a concentration of 1 to 20), manure (1 to 10), and ash (1 to 50) accelerates growth well. The second top dressing is carried out after 2 weeks. At this time, the peppers should already have 3 pairs of leaves.

What is the best way to feed peppers after planting in the ground or greenhouse

Fertilizing at planting time is the first step in feeding young pepper plants. Before planting the seedlings, put some wood ash in each hole to help the plants take root quickly. The first feeding of pepper after landing in a permanent place should be carried out after 10-14 days have passed. Rooted seedlings, in order to grow, first of all need nitrogen, so feed it with ammonium nitrate, mullein, bird droppings, fermented grass according to the recipes described above.

You can use ready-made mineral mixtures:

  • GUMI Kuznetsova;
  • Ideal;
  • Crystal;
  • Sudarushka;
  • Orton Micro Fe.

The following top dressing of pepper in the open ground should also be carried out with an interval of 2 weeks. To feed peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, use the same formulations.

How to feed peppers during flowering

Potassium is the element that stimulates the formation of flowers and ovaries, therefore, when feeding already flowering peppers, it is necessary to focus on potash fertilizers. Use carbamide as well as dry potassium. Dilute urea for dressing in 1 bucket of water (1 tsp).

A solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is also suitable. Take 1 tbsp. l. first fertilizer and 1 tsp. second and stir in a bucket of water. Perfectly stimulate the formation of ovaries and dry mixes:

  1. Ecohuminate;
  2. Summer resident.

Scatter them near each bush in the amount indicated on their packaging and water the plants immediately.

During the fruiting period of pepper and for the rapid ripening of fruits

Bulgarian peppers are especially in need of nutrition during the fruiting period, as they spend a lot of energy on the formation and ripening of fruits. Fertilizers for peppers must also be applied in order to make the fruit ripening process faster and more even. Fruiting peppers require phosphorus and potassium, so for a good harvest, feed them with superphosphate along with potassium salt at intervals of 2 weeks. In August, feed the culture with mullein infusion (1 to 20).

Basic feeding rules

Some gardeners who are not very experienced in growing peppers believe that the more fertilizer is applied to the soil, the more abundant the crop will be in the end. But it is not always the case. If the land is oily, rich in humus, and the peppers growing on it develop normally, do not get sick and bear fruit well, then there is no need to apply fertilizers, because an excess of nutrients is as harmful as their deficiency.

Use any pepper fertilizer in the open field and greenhouse only if the plants are sluggish, stunted, have few flowers, and the fruits are small. Especially do not abuse fresh manure and bird droppings - an excess of nitrogen will cause the pepper to grow a lush green mass, and there will be very few fruits on it.

Dilute all fertilizers in heated settled water. Cold and chlorinated is not suitable. Follow the sequence: first water the earth, and then apply fertilizer. After each time, loosen the soil to break up the crust that has formed.

Feed the plants no more than once every 10 days, but at least once a month. Alternate mineral fertilizers and feeding peppers with folk remedies.

When fertilizing, try not to get on the leaves, as too concentrated a solution can cause pepper leaves to burn.

Expert opinion

Maria Vlasova


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Feeding sweet bell peppers in the ground or in a greenhouse is a mandatory event, without which it is problematic to count on a good harvest. It is very important to apply fertilizers in doses and according to a certain scheme, without overfeeding the plants.

All types of peppers need nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus for good nutrition. Elements for feeding pepper can be taken from mineral or organic mixtures. The second condition for a good harvest is the type of soil: culture grows well on sandy or loamy soils. On this type, the root system receives enough oxygen, does not rot.

The best predecessors for pepper crops are:

  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • beet.

It is not advisable to plant after potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, as these crops are affected by common diseases.

Growing seedlings

In open ground, pepper from seeds will germinate for a long time, so they begin to germinate it in winter - January, February. You can check the quality and germination of seeds long before fruiting.

The seeds are folded into a cotton cloth, poured with warm water, so that they are slightly covered, waiting 3-4 days. During this time, sprouts should appear. If they are delayed, then it is better not to use such seedlings, because it will continue to lag behind in development.

Next, the sprouts are planted in containers. The first thing you can feed peppers is growth stimulants. They are sold in gardening stores. When preparing the soil, you need to water it with a stimulating solution. The soil for growing seedlings should contain:

  • peat - they use special peat cups, but this is costly;
  • garden soil treated with a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection;
  • compost or rotted manure.

In such a mixture, seedlings are located before transplanting into the ground. If the pepper does not grow well, you need to increase watering and expose plastic glasses to the light. On organic fertilizer, after three months, the pepper should be ready for planting - have a strong stem and 6 - 7 leaves.

Video: The subtleties of feeding pepper seedlings

How to feed bell pepper seedlings

After the appearance of leaves, you need to dive seedlings. Plastic glasses with a volume of 500 g will do. Holes need to be made in the bottom so that water does not stagnate and the roots do not rot. The best substances than to fertilize pepper after picking are superphosphate, potassium sulfate and carbamide (urea).

Important! Top dressing is carried out not immediately after picking, but after 2 to 3 weeks. It is categorically impossible to use potassium chloride - pepper does not like it

Order of conduct:

  • Pour the soil under the seedlings with warm water.
  • Make nutrient solution: for 10 liters of water - 30 g of superphosphate, which must be dissolved during the day, 10 g of urea, 30 g of potassium sulfate (sulphate).
  • Spray seedlings before watering, pour under each plant 50 ml solution, again pour clean water.
  • Spray the bushes so that drops of the solution do not damage the leaves.

To protect plants from fungus and pests, solutions of trace elements are used - iodine, boric acid, zinc sulfate.

How to feed seedlings of peppers after transplantation

Transplanting bell pepper in open ground is poorly tolerated by the plant. Therefore, it is better not to remove the earth from the roots. The soil needs to be watered well, wait until it is completely saturated, press down the glass from the sides and get the root along with a clod of earth.

In this form, plant in a prepared hole. To improve aeration on heavy clay soils you can mix sand into the soil.

Now it's time to think about how to feed the pepper for growth in the new conditions. When the seedlings adapt, you can begin to feed. This will happen in 2-3 weeks. To gain green mass, pepper fertilizers must contain nitrogen. You can prepare a mixture of superphosphate and urea:

  • add 5 g of superphosphate to a 10 l bucket of water;
  • wait a day until completely dissolved;
  • mix 10 g of urea.

Under every bush pour 1 l solution. Make sure that it does not get on the leaves - so far they are weak and can burn from urea.

A complex additive for plant nutrition can be the Sudarushka universal fertilizer from the garden-garden series for peppers.

The second dressing of bell pepper

The second top dressing of pepper in the open field should be carried out during the period of fruit set. Before flowering, it is necessary to fertilize the earth well with a potash composition so that the culture does not drop flowers.

The yield and quality of fruit ripening, their taste will depend on the presence of potassium in the soil.

How to feed sweet bell pepper for productivity:

  • potassium sulfate - 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water;
  • potassium magnesia - 10 g per bucket;
  • potassium salt - potassium oxide, suitable for a neutral pH of the soil on which it likes to grow, 20 g per square meter dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Still a good fertilizer for peppers will be superphosphate, which contains potassium and phosphorus.

If the leaves show signs of chlorosis, and this can happen with a lack of nitrogen or iron, then first for 6 - 8 days in a row spray the leaves with a solution of urea - 5 g of the substance per 10 liters of water. If the situation improves, then nitrogen is poorly retained in the soil and foliar feeding can be increased.

Iron deficiency can be eliminated with a solution of trace elements. At the same time, feed the plants with iodine, zinc, boron, copper. This will help prolong fruiting and maintain immunity.

Organic matter for a good harvest

Since the culture of bell pepper does not like acidic soils, then it must be periodically alkalized. Suitable for this:

  • furnace ash;
  • dolomite flour;
  • phosphate rock;
  • bone or fish meal.

All these substances contain calcium, which also improves the taste characteristics of the fruit. Sweet peppers will become even sweeter.


Wood ash is a rich source of phosphorus and potassium. It is not recommended to burn plastic or other waste with wood. It can harm human health after eating the fruit.

To the mineral top dressing of peppers, you can add watering with an ash solution:

  • take one glass of ash;
  • fall asleep in a bucket of water;
  • insist 2 days.

Watering under the root of 0.5 l for each bush. In dry form, it is applied in autumn for digging - 1 cup per sq. m.

Dolomite flour

Contains calcium and magnesium. Gently affects the soil, which allows plants to better adapt. Reduces acidity, which is good for the absorption of other fertilizers for sweet peppers, since calcium promotes the growth of the root system, and magnesium improves photosynthesis and nitrogen absorption.

Phosphorite flour

Contributed once every 3-4 years. Has a long decay time. All this time excretes into the soil useful material. It is desirable to apply in the fall, since before planting the additive will not have time to decompose sufficiently, and the plants will experience phosphorus starvation.

Phosphorite flour is the very fertilizer that can be used to feed peppers in August-September. After harvest make 20 kg per hundred square meters of land and dig. For the next 5 years, you can forget about the need to deoxidize the soil.

Bone or fish meal

It is considered a long-term additive, which can be used to fertilize peppers during the fruiting period for a good harvest. Contains calcium and phosphorus. Can be used alone or in compost.

Completely decomposes in the ground in 8 months. If you add to the soil under peppers in the fall, along with fresh manure, you can get a good harvest on next year. Both substances will have time to go into a form available for plant nutrition.

Yeast for plant nutrition

If the bell pepper does not grow well, perhaps the reason lies in the quality of the soil. The access of oxygen to the roots is limited. To improve the structure of the soil, you can apply yeast top dressing of pepper 2 times during the fruiting season.

Yeast is a fungus that has lost the ability to reproduce with mycelium. The composition includes vitamins, trace elements, amino acids. The main work will be performed by microorganisms.

To prepare a nutrient solution you need:

  • dilute 200 g of yeast in 1 liter of warm water;
  • add 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • insist 2 - 3 hours;
  • before watering pour the solution into a 10 liter bucket of water.

Under every pour the seedling before picking a glass of solution. An adult plant needs a liter.

Important! Do not apply yeast top dressing more than 2 times, as microorganisms "eat" the elements intended for plants

Yeast promotes the growth of soil bacteria that digest organic matter and improve soil aeration.

Folk remedies for feeding peppers

In addition to traditional means of feeding pepper crops, folk recipes are used:

  • tinctures of black bread on the water;
  • crushed eggshell, infused with water;
  • banana peel, dried in the oven and crushed;
  • dairy products - yogurt or whey;
  • tinctures of dandelion, coltsfoot, plantain.

Wood ash can be added to all recipes.

Video: How to feed peppers

Foliar spraying

Top dressing of pepper can be carried out foliarly. To do this, use a solution of urea, which quickly enters the parts of the plant, nettle infusion.