The minimum wage will be raised from June. Minimum wage

Every citizen of Russia who is officially employed and works out the full time period determined by law should not have a salary below the minimum funds necessary for his life. Such a requirement is embedded in the so-called concept, which is abbreviated as the minimum wage, which is formed from the first letters of the definition and stands for the minimum wage. And the minimum wage of workers, in turn, is closely linked to such a concept as a living wage.

Articles of Russian labor legislation prohibit employers from paying wages that are less than the minimum wage officially established by the authorities at the federal and regional levels. At the same time, the authorities require employers to regulate labor relations with employees precisely with the help of the minimum wage, reviewing this indicator, as a rule, at least once a year. As for the current minimum wage, it has not changed since 2015 and now this figure is 7,500 rubles. A quite reasonable question arises: will the minimum wage be raised in 2017?

Minimum wage from January 1, 2017

Olga Golodets, the chief federal official in charge of the social bloc in the government of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of September 2016, speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum, said that it was quite possible to raise the minimum wage in 2017 to the level of 8,800 rubles. At the same time, she argued this statement with the stabilization of the Russian economy and the way she said that a Russian who graduated from high school cannot receive a salary at the level of 7,500 rubles. Moreover, according to statistics, 12 percent of the country's able-bodied population has wages within the minimum wage.

The increase in the minimum wage in 2017, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, in addition to wages, will also affect the increase in social benefits, as well as sick leave and maternity payments.
It should be noted that the statement of a high government official was on the eve of the elections to the State Duma and it can be assumed that it was made for populist reasons, since later in the draft state budget for 2017 completely different intentions and figures for the increase in the minimum wage proposed by the government suddenly appeared.

Minimum wage since January 2017

The draft budget of the country for the next year, which was submitted by the government for approval by deputies of the State Duma, does not provide for an increase in the minimum wage from January 2017 and the minimum wage will remain the same at 7,500 rubles. The change is planned from July 1, and at the same time, the minimum wage in 2017 increases by only 4 percent to the level of 7,800 rubles. That caused quite justified dissatisfaction of the deputies of the State Duma and such a situation developed that it took their speedy intervention. Therefore, starting from the new year, the State Duma committee dealing with labor and social policy issues acted as a lobbyist for raising the minimum wage. It is quite possible that his efforts will be crowned with success and the necessary adjustments to the budget will be made.

In addition, the newly elected deputies of the State Duma are arguing to oblige regional budgets, when calculating local minimum wages, to take the living wages of their regions as a basis. If these proposals are taken into account by the central and regional authorities, then in the new year Russian regions The minimum wage, according to expert data, may increase up to 20 percent. This is quite in line with the expectations of the citizens of the Russian Federation, since, due to what the minimum wage will be in 2017, it also affects the calculation of social benefits, such as disability benefits, payments in case of pregnancy and childbirth. Thus, the positive consequences of raising the minimum wage affect a significant part of not only the working, but also, for various reasons, non-working population of the country.

Minimum wage in Moscow in 2017

The minimum wage in Moscow is set by the city government. At the same time, it is coordinated in the process of tripartite negotiations between the Moscow government and trade unions and employers. As a result of rather complicated negotiations in 2015, a compromise agreement was reached on a phased increase in the minimum wage for Muscovites. According to the schedule for a phased increase in wages, in the fourth quarter of 2016, the minimum wage for Muscovites should be 17,300 rubles. Since the agreement stipulates that the minimum wage should increase in the future up to the subsistence level, which, according to calculations approved by the Moscow authorities in September 2016, is 17,561 rubles, in 2017 the minimum wage in Moscow should increase by 261 rubles.

The minimum wage in the Moscow region in 2017

If Muscovites, although not significant, will receive an increase in the minimum wage next year, then the workers of the Moscow region are deprived of this as well. Moreover, the agreement signed by the government of the Moscow Region, trade unions, and employers in the region in 2015, which established a minimum wage of 12,500 rubles, does not provide for its increase. Therefore, in the new year in the Moscow region, the size of the minimum wage, apparently, can change only as a result of the recalculation of the regional minimum wage. However, information on such a recalculation has not yet been received.

Perhaps you will be interested.

From October 1, 2017, the minimum wage in Moscow will increase by 1,100 rubles - from 17,642 rubles to 18,742 rubles. This is provided for by the draft tripartite agreement between the Government of Moscow, the Moscow Association of Trade Unions and the Moscow Association of Employers of December 15, 2015 No. 858-PP and the Decree of the Moscow Government of September 12, 2017 No. 663-PP.

How the minimum wage is related to the living wage

The minimum wage in Moscow is tied to the subsistence level. If the cost of living becomes higher, then from the next month the minimum wage also increases (clauses 3.1.1, 3.1.2 of the Decree of the Government of Moscow of December 15, 2015 No. 858-PP). Living wage in the II quarter of 2017 in Moscow was equal to 18,742 rubles - Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 12, 2017 No. 663-PP. In this regard, from October 1, 2017, the minimum wage is 18,742 rubles.

What does the metropolitan minimum wage include

The new minimum wage from October 1 (18,742 rubles) should already include all types of bonuses and additional payments to employees, except for additional payments:

  • for work with harmful and dangerous working conditions
  • for overtime work;
  • for work at night;
  • for work on weekends or holidays;
  • for the combination of professions.

It is also important that with the new Moscow minimum wage from October 1, 2017, you need to compare the amount before deducting personal income tax. That is, if the employee worked the full norm of working hours for October. This means that he will receive at least 16,305.54 rubles “in his hands”. (18,742 rubles - (18,742 rubles x 13%).

How to apply the new minimum wage

Any subject of the Russian Federation (including Moscow) may set its own minimum wage. But it cannot be lower than the minimum wage approved by federal law (Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). From July 1, 2017, the federal minimum wage is 7,800 rubles.

If the salary in Moscow for accrual for October, November and December 2017 turns out to be lower than the minimum wage (18,742 rubles), then the employee must be paid extra. And since October 1, 2017. There are two ways to set up a surcharge:

  • increase salary;
  • establish in a local act (for example, a separate order or Regulation on wages) an additional payment to the minimum wage. That is, to directly prescribe that employees are given an additional payment up to the regional minimum wage. Then there is no need to revise salaries and change employment contracts.

An employee whose salary in Moscow is less than the new minimum wage may demand:

  • additional payment for the period of validity of the new minimum wage from October 1, 2017;
  • compensation for delayed payment from October 1, 2017 (Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The minimum wage in Moscow since October 1, 2017 does not affect the amount of benefits. Benefits are calculated from the federal, not the regional minimum wage.

If the salary is less than 18,742 rubles

If the Moscow salary for October, November and December 2017 is lower than the minimum wage, then the employer may be held administratively and criminally liable. A fine in the amount of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles can be imposed on an individual entrepreneur or director of an organization, and from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles on an organization. (part 1 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

For a repeated violation, directors can be fined from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. or be disqualified for a period of one to three years. Penalty for individual entrepreneurs for repeated violation: from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, for a company - from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles. (part 4 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Refusal of the employer from the new minimum wage

Any employer has the right to refuse the application of the Moscow minimum wage. To do this, you need to draw up and send to the local branch of the Committee on Labor and Employment reasoned refusal. The term is 30 calendar days from the date of publication of the tripartite agreement on the regional minimum wage (Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, the refusal must be motivated, that is, you will need to indicate the reasons why your organization does not want to pay its employees the regional “minimum wage”. As such reasons, one can indicate, for example, “crisis”, “few orders”, “risk of mass dismissal of employees”. In Moscow, you need to send a refusal to the tripartite commission at the address: 121205, Moscow, st. New Arbat, 36/9.

An employer who refuses the minimum wage in Moscow in time has the right to adhere to the federal minimum wage. Now it is 7800 rubles.

However, please note that paragraph 8 of Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer to attach a set of documents to the refusal, among which are proposals on the timing of raising the minimum wage of employees to the amount stipulated by the agreement. That is, even a timely refusal does not mean that you will not have to pay the new minimum wage, established from October 1, 2017. The employer simply has the right to delay its introduction.

Also, Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives the Moscow authorities the right to invite representatives of an employer who has refused to accept a new minimum wage from October 1, 2017, for consultations. That is, the rejection of the Moscow minimum wage threatens to clash with administrative resources.

Not only individual entrepreneurs, but also many citizens of the Russian Federation are trying to carefully monitor various changes in Russian legislation. One of the important issues is the minimum wage. And far from an idle question is whether this indicator will be indexed next year? What will be the size of the minimum wage from January 1, 2017 in Russia? How will the minimum wage affect wages and benefits?

All these issues are very relevant, because the minimum wage affects not only wages, taxes, but also various payments, such as unemployment benefits and sick leave. In our article, we will consider the size of the minimum wage from January 1, 2017 in Russia and how this will affect payments and benefits to citizens.

Minimum wage from January 1, 2017 in the Russian Federation

The size of the minimum wage from January 1, 2017 in the Russian Federation will not be increased. MPs State Duma did not begin to increase the minimum wage from January 1 next year. At the same time, most accountants are used to the fact that the increase in the minimum wage occurs at the beginning of the year.

From January 1, 2016, the minimum wage was increased, and its value, in accordance with Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 14, 2015 No. 376-FZ, amounted to 6204 rubles. In 2017, from January 1, there will be no increase in the minimum wage.

The previous increase in the minimum wage, in accordance with Article 1 of Federal Law No. 164-FZ dated June 2, 2016, to 7,500 rubles, took place in July 2016. This led to changes in the amount of benefits.

From January 1, 2017, due to the fact that the minimum wage remains at the level of 7,500 rubles, the amount of benefits will not change.

Minimum wage from January 1, 2017 and wages

In accordance with Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the minimum wage is the minimum wage that an individual entrepreneur or organization must pay to employees for the full month they have worked. At the same time, the employee may receive an amount less than the minimum wage (for example, due to the deduction of alimony or personal income tax).

Thus, starting from January 1, 2017, the employer will not be able to pay the employee less than 7,500 rubles.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, smaller size The minimum wage cannot be a total salary, which includes:

  • remuneration for work;
  • compensation payments (including surcharges and allowances);
  • incentive payments (bonuses).

That is, from January 1, 2017, the total amount of the above payments cannot be less than the minimum wage - 7,500 rubles.

Minimum wage from January 1, 2017 and benefits

To calculate the amount of benefits from January 1, 2017, the minimum wage in the amount of 7,500 rubles should be taken into account. It affects the amount of benefits in two situations:

1. The length of service of an employee in an enterprise or organization is less than six months.

2. The employee's salary is below the minimum wage.

Minimum wage from January 1, 2017 and regional authorities

From January 1, 2017, local authorities in the regions have the right to set their own minimum wage in a special agreement. Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a rule indicating that the size of the regional minimum wage may be higher than the federal one.

The regional minimum wage can be waived. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a reasoned refusal and send it to the local branch of the Committee on Labor and Employment.

Responsibility of the employer for wages below the minimum wage

Note that if from January 1, 2017 the employee's salary is less than the minimum wage - 7500 rubles, then the employer may be held liable in the form of fines. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the following fines:

  • for an organization (with primary detection) - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles;
  • for an organization (with secondary detection) - from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles;
  • for the director or chief accountant of the organization (in case of initial detection) - a warning or a fine from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • for the director or chief accountant of the organization (in case of secondary detection) - a fine from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

According to the norms of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the director or chief accountant of an enterprise may be disqualified for a period of one to three years.

Increase in the minimum wage from July 1, 2017

The increase in the minimum wage is planned from July 1, 2017. The minimum wage should increase by 300 rubles, and its size will be 7,800 rubles. The relevant bill provides for the indexation of the minimum wage by 4%. This is due to inflation forecasts in 2017.

In conclusion, we add that it was previously planned to introduce a minimum wage from January 1, 2017 in the amount of 8,800 rubles. But in the end, officials refused such an increase and left the minimum wage at 7,500 rubles.

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Minimum wage (SMIC)- this is the minimum possible wage that the company can accrue to its employee. Also, this value is used in calculations when determining the amount for the payment of unemployment benefits and temporary disability. An employer cannot charge his employee a wage below the minimum level, otherwise he will incur a fine.

The current value of the minimum wage depends on several indicators:

  • nationwide pricing policy;
  • the needs of residents and non-residents working on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • increase in state production efficiency indicators;
  • reducing the unemployment rate;
  • current inflation rate.
From July 1, 2017, the minimum wage will be 7,800 rubles for Russian citizens per month (). This law December 20, 2016 signed by Vladimir Putin. Earlier it was reported that the increase would be 17.33% already in January, but in fact it is only 4% and July 2017.

From January 1, 2017, there will be no increase in the minimum wage, it will remain at the same level of 7,500 rubles.

From July 1, 2016, the minimum wage is 7,500 rubles for Russian citizens per month ( , ), the State Duma approved the law on raising the minimum wage on May 17, 2016, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the law on June 2, 2016), this is 1296 rubles higher than the previous figure.

Minimum wages by region

With changes and additions from 07/01/2016

Region of the Russian FederationThe size of the minimum wage in 2016
Central Federal District
Belgorod region8694
Bryansk region6500
Vladimir region6204
Voronezh region6204 (for public sector organizations)
8787 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Ivanovo region8645
Kaluga region
Kostroma region7500 (for public sector organizations)
at the subsistence level (for non-budgetary organizations)
Kursk region7500 (for public sector organizations)
at the subsistence level (for non-budgetary organizations)
Lipetsk region6000 (for public sector organizations)
(for non-budgetary organizations)
Moscow region12500
Oryol Region9778
Ryazan Oblast6350 (for public sector organizations)
7500 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Smolensk region6200
Tambov Region6240 (for public sector organizations)
7500 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Tver region7500 (for public sector organizations)
7280 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Tula region11000 (from 08/01/2016) (for public sector organizations)
13000 (since 08/01/2016) (for non-budgetary organizations)
Yaroslavl region6000 (for public sector organizations)
8021 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Moscow city17300
Northwestern Federal District
Republic of Karelia7213 (for public sector organizations in the northern regions: Belomorsky district, Kalevalsky district, Kemsky district, Loukhsky district, Kostomuksha)
5796 (for public sector organizations in other districts)
at the subsistence level (for non-budgetary organizations)
Komi Republic6500
Arhangelsk region7500
Vologodskaya Oblast7500
Kaliningrad region10000
Leningrad region7800
Murmansk region13650
Novgorod region6204 (for public sector organizations)
at the subsistence level (for non-budgetary organizations)
Pskov region7500
Saint Petersburg11700
Nenets Autonomous Okrug6204
Southern Federal District
Republic of Adygea7500
Republic of Kalmykia7500
Krasnodar region7500 (for public sector organizations)
at the subsistence level (for non-budgetary organizations)
Astrakhan region7500 (for public sector organizations)
7350 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Volgograd region7500 (for public sector organizations)
not less than 1.2 subsistence minimum (for non-budgetary organizations)
Rostov region7500
North Caucasian Federal District
The Republic of Dagestan7500
The Republic of Ingushetia7500
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic7500 (for public sector organizations)
at the subsistence level (for non-budgetary organizations)
Karachay-Cherkess Republic7500
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania7500
Chechen Republic8252
Stavropol region8588
Volga Federal District
Republic of Bashkortostan7500 (for public sector organizations)
8900 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Mari El Republic9251
The Republic of Mordovia7500
Republic of Tatarstan6204 (for public sector organizations)
7309 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Udmurt republic7500
Chuvash Republic7500 (for public sector organizations)
6988 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Perm region
Kirov region7500
Nizhny Novgorod Region7500 (for public sector organizations)
9000 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Orenburg region7500
Penza region7500
Samara Region7500
Saratov region7500 (for public sector organizations)
7900 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Ulyanovsk region6500 (for public sector organizations)
10000 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Ural federal district
Kurgan region7500 (for public sector organizations)
7620 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Sverdlovsk region8862
Tyumen region7700 (for public sector organizations)
9300 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Chelyabinsk region6100(for public sector organizations)
8300 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - YugraThe minimum wage, taking into account the district coefficient and the percentage bonus to wages
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug12431
Siberian Federal District
Altai Republic7500 (for public sector organizations)
8751 (for non-budgetary organizations)
The Republic of Buryatia7500
Tyva Republic7500 (for public sector organizations)
not lower than 6300 (for non-budgetary organizations)
The Republic of Khakassia7500
Altai region7500 (for public sector organizations)
9400 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Zabaykalsky Krai6044 (for public sector organizations)
8095 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Krasnoyarsk region6204 (for public sector organizations)
9544 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Regions of the Far North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory16130 (Norilsk, Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district)
14269 (Severo-Yenisei region)
19009 (Evenki municipal district)
15313 (Turukhansky district)
15200 (Yeniseysk)
Irkutsk region7774 (for public sector organizations)
9717 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Kemerovo region13617
Novosibirsk region9030 (for public sector organizations)
9390 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Omsk region6204 (for public sector organizations)
7135 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Tomsk region7500 (for public sector organizations)
8581 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Far Eastern Federal District
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)15390
Kamchatka Krai16910-19510
Primorsky Krai7500
Khabarovsk region11414-15510
Amurskaya Oblast7500
Magadan Region18750 (for public sector organizations)
20250 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Sakhalin region16838
Jewish Autonomous Region7500
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug6204
Republic of Crimea6204 (for public sector organizations)
7042 (for non-budgetary organizations)
Sevastopol6204 (for public sector organizations)
7343 (for non-budgetary organizations)


Minimum wage table for wages by years

The period from which the minimum wage is establishedThe amount of the minimum wage, rubles / monthThe normative act that established the minimum wage
from January 1, 2018 Law Project
from July 1, 20177800 Article 1 of Law No. 460-FZ dated 12/19/2016
from July 1, 2016 7500 Article 1 of the Law No. 164-FZ of 06/02/2016
from January 1, 20166204 Article 1 of Law No. 376-FZ dated 12/14/2015
from January 1, 20155965 Article 1 of Law No. 408-FZ dated 01.12.2014
from January 1, 20145554 Article 1 of Law No. 336-FZ dated 02.12.2013
from January 1, 20135205 Article 1 of Law No. 232-FZ dated 03.12.2012
from June 1, 20114611 Article 1 of the Law No. 106-FZ of 06/01/2011
from January 1, 20094330 Article 1 of Law No. 91-FZ dated 08.24.208
from September 1, 20072300 Article 1 of the Law No. 54-FZ of 04/20/2007
from January 1, 20061100
from September 1, 2005800 Article 1 of the Law No. 198-FZ of December 29, 2004
from January 1, 2005720 Article 1 of the Law No. 198-FZ of December 29, 2004
since October 1, 2003600 Article 1 of Law No. 127-FZ of 01.10.2003
since May 1, 2002450 Article 1 of the Law No. 42-FZ of April 29, 2002
from July 1, 2001300
since January 1, 2001200 Article 1 of the Law No. 82-FZ of 06/19/2000
from July 1, 2000132 Article 1 of the Law No. 82-FZ of 06/19/2000

Minimum wage for taxes, fines and penalties

Can the salary or salary be less than the minimum wage?

Indeed, it is worth distinguishing between the employee's salary and wages, as a rule, these can be different amounts. According to Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation salary includes:
  • Official salary- a fixed amount of remuneration of an employee for the performance of labor (official) duties of a certain complexity for a calendar month, excluding compensation and incentive payments.
  • Compensation payments- additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in territories subjected to radioactive contamination, and other compensation payments.
  • incentive payments- additional payments and allowances of a stimulating nature, bonuses and other incentive payments.
Thus, since wages may include several groups of payments, the official salary can be set by the employer below the minimum wage, but only on the condition that, taking into account compensation and incentive payments, the total amount of wages will not be lower than the minimum wage. If an employee receives only one salary, then in this case its value also cannot be lower than the minimum wage.

It should also be said that the wages paid to the employee may be lower than accrued. For example, if an employee has worked for less than a month or has not fulfilled his job duties. In this case, the monthly salary paid may be lower than the minimum wage.

Without exception, all Russians are immensely worried about their financial situation in the coming year, because the current situation in the country does not give a reason to relax and forget about the material side of life. According to the election campaign of the United Russia party, the size of the minimum wage in the coming 2017 should be increased to 8,800 rubles. However, not all so simple… Latest news about what the real minimum wage in 2017 you will learn from this article.

What is MRO

The minimum wage stands for the minimum wage in the Russian Federation. This figure is calculated based on the required subsistence level per person and is used to calculate the amount of medical compensation in case of illness, for maternity payments (see what it will be), and also, importantly, when paying taxes. However, practice shows that the minimum wage in the Russian Federation and the cost of living do not coincide at all, and clearly not in favor of the population.

The discrepancy between the minimum wage and the living wage

Unfortunately, the size of the minimum wage does not really correspond to the level established on the territory of Russia. This is a violation of labor legislation, but at the moment the country simply does not have the money to solve this problem. The instability of the economy and the precarious position in the political arena affects the most vulnerable segments of the population most of all.

Increase in the minimum wage from July 1, 2017 in Russia

Even before the autumn elections, representatives of the United Russia party said that next year we should expect an increase in the minimum wage to 8.8 thousand rubles, which significantly brings this figure closer to the subsistence level in the country. There were opinions that sufficient funds had already been allocated in the federal budget for this. But later it turned out that such a significant increase in the minimum wage is not to be expected - the country simply does not have the funds for such a sharp increase in wages. Therefore, it was decided to make an increase from July 1, 2017, so far only by 4 percent (instead of the initially promised - 17.1%), because the minimum wage for 2017 will be 7.8 thousand rubles, which is 300 rubles more than in 2016.

Of course, this increase is very small. But it is worth remembering that the rapid increase in the level of minimum wages greatly “burdens” employers, who sometimes simply have nowhere to get enough money to bring wages at their own enterprise to the required minimum.

Dynamics of changes in the minimum wage 2000-2017 in the Russian Federation

It should be noted that not all regions will increase with the same force. The reason for this is the different level of the subsistence minimum in these regions.