Country question. How to get into the “Housing Problem” or “School of Repair” and make free repairs

September 09, 2015

What remains behind the scenes of programs about the alteration of apartments and cottages? What is hidden from the audience? The Teleprogramma magazine publishes the diary of Evgenia Velengurina, a participant in the Country Answer show (NTV)

What remains behind the scenes of programs about the alteration of apartments and cottages? What is hidden from the audience? The Teleprogramma magazine publishes the diary of Yevgenia Velengurina, a participant in the Country Answer show (NTV).

The beginning of this story came from the ceiling. Literally! A beam collapsed in the dacha and almost knocked me down. Realizing that it was impossible to live in such conditions and that the house urgently needed repairs, I decided to write a letter to TV.

Everyone who has a dacha in the Moscow region, deep down, dreams of getting into one of the design reality shows. The most popular are Dachny Otvet on NTV and Fazenda on First. The "answer" is large-scale: together with the repair, people change windows and insulate the walls. "Fazenda" is no less popular, but offers participants a more modest renovation.


First, our family sent a letter to Channel One. According to the rules, a photo of the dacha and family must be attached to the application for participation. It was decided to make a general shot in which we would appear as such stars. The whole evening we fought over the perfect family photo. Very tired and quarreled. "Happier, even happier!" - commanded the father, after these words I wanted to hit him with that same beam.


Week after week went by, but there was no call back. Then we decided to send a ready-made application to the Country Answer program. And - about a miracle! - just a few days later we got a call and were invited to a casting.


The word “casting” sounded more threatening to us than the exam and interview combined. The task was very simple. All family members within 10 - 15 minutes should have interestingly told about themselves, home, profession, hobbies and family traditions. Realizing that this was our chance and there would be no second, we gave everything 100. Of course, we had to embellish a little ... Do you ski? Say that you are an avid extreme. Do you cross stitch? You will be a craftswoman. Do you keep the forest clean? Call yourself an environmentalist.


After all, casting takes place not only people, but also at home. The requirements are simple at first glance. The house should be located no further than 50 km from Moscow, the presence of communications is welcome. The room for repair should not be less than 16 squares, but not more than 35.

Pictured left: after refurbishment. Right: before renovation.

Main character

The producers of the project were most interested in our attic - the strangest and rather ridiculous room in the house. In the course of numerous reconstructions, it acquired an absolutely fantastic appearance. The height of the ceiling in it varies from 1.5 to 5 meters, and the number of partitions and nooks and crannies cannot be counted at all. “An excellent task for our architect Andrey Volkov,” the producer immediately noticed ... As a result, our efforts and the “efforts” of the attic were not in vain. A week later, the phone rang: “You were selected to participate in the project!”


To begin with, the architect Andrey Volkov and the producer of the show came to us to listen to the wishes. We have listed everything we can.

- We, please, a chalet with climate control, a fireplace ... Yes, and don't forget to add a balcony! - we got bold.

I wanted to wish as much as possible, so to speak, in reserve - with the hope that at least half will come true. The architect listened attentively to us, but planned only what fit into the budget led only by him. Already at the next stage, Andrei Volkov had to draw the project and approve it from the producers. This usually takes a few more weeks. And only after the alteration is approved, and the estimate is signed, the “magic of television broadcasting” begins.

Project designer Andrei Volkov presented his own painting to the participants of the show.

Oh times...

"Country Answer" is on the air for an hour. During this time, on the screen, peeling little rooms turn into luxurious ones. modern interiors. It seems to viewers that all this happens in just a couple of days. It actually takes months!

Usually the heroes participate in three shooting days. One is assigned to the dossier, where they show all family members and talk about their hobbies. We had to demonstrate what we so fervently talked about at the casting. In vain, probably, they exaggerated their talents so much ... My husband had to dive in a scuba diver's suit into a local pond to demonstrate how he removes debris at the bottom in an extreme way.

... About manners!

The second day was devoted to filming a big interview with Andrey Dovgopol and the start of the renovation. We felt like real TV stars. A film crew of ten people came to us. Soffits blinded our eyes, we were filmed from two cameras at once, and the stylist periodically corrected the makeup.


The third day of shooting was waiting for us in the distant future - after the end of the alteration. But we did not leave the cottage. Immediately after the host said goodbye to us and closed the gate, we had to sign a lease for the premises, which on paper were now called "decorations". For a few more days we prepared the house for repairs. We had to pack and prepare sleeping quarters for the workers. Only after that our family handed over construction team keys and left the house with a heavy heart.


Repair turned out to be a very unpredictable process. According to the plan, the workers were to install skylights. But when the repairmen opened the roof, it turned out that it needed to be seriously strengthened. And in the winter, such work cannot be done. And the repair was postponed for six months - until spring. In May, repairs began again. But life again made its own adjustments. There was a crisis in the country - and the estimate, as it turned out, was greatly reduced. During the repair, we have changed three teams of workers. We have already begun to worry that the project will not be closed at all. Otherwise, we’ll be left with an attic torn to a brick. However, everything worked out. True, instead of the planned 2 - 3 months, the rework at our dacha ended up taking exactly a year.

To prove that the family of participants is closely watching the environment, the head cleared the bottom of the pond closest to the dacha.


According to the terms of the project, we were not supposed to appear at the dacha during the alteration. But curiosity still took over. Several times our family came to visit the neighbors, from where they could see how new skylights appeared on the roof. Neighbors periodically informed us: last week a car arrived with the inscription "Warm ceiling", and this one - "Furniture". So we could keep abreast of the progress of work by traffic flow.

finish line

And now it has come, the long-awaited day of the final. Finally, we will see something for which we have come a long way. During this time, we did not miss a single episode of the show and tried on design solutions with great excitement. Yes, we didn't like it all. “What if the wallpaper is pink?” - now and then handed over the nerves of his father. We decided to thoroughly prepare for the final shooting. Parents were very afraid that they would be confused and forget the words. In order not to lose face, they spent hours repeating phrases similar to tongue twisters "progressive design decision"and" extruded polystyrene foam ".


By tradition, the project participants, in gratitude to the presenter and the designer, give cakes with the inscription "Country answer". We decided to break the tradition and ordered a cake with the inscription "Country greetings". And in order to finally strike everyone on the spot, the father ordered a T-shirt with a portrait of the host Andrey Dovgopol. The director even praised us for creativity.

The Velengurin family presented the host Andrey Dovgopol with a cake with the inscription "Country greetings". Evgenia is holding balloons.


Drum roll - we find ourselves in our attic. Previously, it was upholstered with clapboard best traditions Soviet country houses and crammed old furniture, which was "written off" from a city apartment. Spotlights and new stylish lighting blind at the same time. It is very difficult to immediately evaluate the alteration. Covered by emotions from a long wait. The room was very competently and professionally insulated and renovated. It was simply impossible to do repairs of this level on our own. And now we are already thinking: why not take part in another reality show? I have nothing to wear. I'll go write a request in "Take it off immediately!"

"Country response"
Sunday/ 11.50 (NTV)

Photo: Vladimir Velengurin.

Please fill in this field


It happened when I was in 9th grade. The teacher asked my grandfather to take part in the career day. He had to talk about himself, his work in front of my class. Grandpa thought that talking about work would be boring for him, so he decided to talk to the guys about morality in love. At the same time, the grandfather immediately said that the conversation would be purely male, so if the girls want, they can go home, he lets them go. The teacher was not in the class at that moment, so almost all the girls went home happy. Grandfather told how he met his grandmother, how she cooked borscht and baked pies for him when they lived in Japan. He also told that all the embassy workers adored her pies. Needless to say, how surprised the teacher was when she learned that the girls, released by their grandfather, went home after the second lesson. But the boys, after meeting with their grandfather, seemed to have been replaced. They have become polite! Here is such a story.

Watch "Dachny otvet" on NTV channel!

The Country Answer program tells how to make country life as comfortable as possible

Man has always had a strong desire for nature. It drowns out the hustle and bustle of human life, worries, problems. She brings peace and tranquility. It is not for nothing that many city dwellers strive to escape at least for a while from the hustle and bustle of the city and its noise and be alone with themselves, being at the mercy of nature. But imagine life outside the city without comfort and coziness in modern world impossible. And far from all modern summer residents imagine how to turn their country house and country cottage area in a space convenient for living and recreation.
Especially for them - program "Country response" on NTV.

"Country response" on NTV

The basis of the TV show "Country Answer" is the improvement of some area or country house. The owners express their wishes regarding what they would like to change in their country house. Designers are invited to come up with a project, and "Country Answer" embodies it.
  • Audience: summer residents and those who like to spend weekends outside the city or even live there.
  • Airing time: Sunday, 12.00
  • Hosts: Daria Subbotina, Olga Prokhorova (since September 2009) - they are happy to look for successful solutions to all dacha issues.

    "Country response" is an exhaustive answer to questions about a comfortable life outside the city.

    1. How to improve the house? Dachny Otvet offers a variety of solutions from foundation laying to roofing, from capital construction to accessories. The program discusses options for how to increase the area small house to have a great veranda.

    2. How to ennoble the site? The program gives recommendations on how to improve the dacha space, landscape design, plants.

    3. Modern technologies in construction. Viewers are introduced to various modern materials and technologies used in the construction industry.

    4. Fashion trends in country life."Country answer" often goes beyond Russian traditions. In the piggy bank of "Dachny otvet" on NTV there is an issue about the alteration of the site in Japanese style: oriental plants, tea house and Japanese SPA corner. In contrast to our climate, projects are being developed that remind the heroes, for example, of the sea.

    5. Questions for specialists. Lawyers, for example, explain the intricacies of drawing up various legal documents related to construction, including explaining the process of obtaining a particular permit, privatizing a site or a house. The designer will recommend plants suitable for the Russian climate.

    6. How to give new life old things. The program has a section that tells how to remake any obsolete thing, for example, a lamp, a bench, a candlestick and much more.

    7. Useful tips. The Country Answer program is a piggy bank useful tips. How to choose Construction Materials to bring your ideas to life? What can be created or altered in your country house and how can you avoid unnecessary expenses?

    "COUNTRY ANSWER" - the site of the program

    You can find hundreds of ideas for improving the space in your country house and around it on the official website of Dachny Otvet on NTV - Here you can watch the most interesting releases, discuss them in the forum. On the Dachny Otvet website there are sections “Announcements”, “About the transfer”, “Partners”, “Designers”, “Things”, “Away”.

    In the "Country Answer" on NTV there is a section "House of the Star", in which the presenter visits the dachas of celebrities. TV viewers have always been indifferent to the life of stars, and such excursions into the world of comfort and luxury give rise to new ideas and projects in them. The Country Answer website offers the most interesting stories with movie stars, music, culture, and politics.

    On the project website in the "Application" section, you can apply for the repair or construction of a house and alteration and improvement personal plot. To do this, you need to fill out the form offered on the site and send photos. In the "Issues" section, you can watch the best videos of the program.

    A home for a person is peace of mind, peace, security, family. Everyone can make their home and the space around it more comfortable and cozy, only sometimes you need someone's help, ideas, ways to implement them. "COUNTRY ANSWER" on NTV helps the viewer in this, and now many of the dreams of those who have country houses capable of being realized.

  • What Russian does not like free repairs! Especially if it gives you the opportunity to show yourself on TV. To do this, you need to come to the program "Country Answer". How to become a member, how much it costs - everyone who wants to find a cozy house in the village should know all these nuances.

    Brief information about the show

    Several years of convincing success of the "Housing Problem" program prompted the management of the NTV company to create a similar project dedicated to the country estates of Muscovites. The program was called "Country Response" and was released at the end of 2008.

    Today it is a popular Sunday hour show, which consists of the following parts:

    • First, the film crew introduces the audience to the main characters - the dacha and its inhabitants. This is a background that shows the state of the house before the repair according to the original design project;
    • Now it's time for the actual rebuilding. Described in detail modern materials and technology that will be the highlight of the estate. Each stage of the repair is covered;
    • Attention is again switched to the family of the owner of the house. Leading inquire about the wishes to the builders and the designer;
    • Showing the final finish. The designer decorates a piece of furniture with his own hands. The audience is supposed to be able to replicate his actions at home;
    • The hosts are invited to the rebuilt dacha, they are presented with souvenirs from the NTV company.

    How to get to the "Country Answer" on NTV?

    Contest for participation in the transfer very tall: According to the representatives of the TV channel, several hundred applications come in a day. However, most of them have to be weeded out, because The selection criteria are very strict:

    • Only owners of suburban estates . The transfer team will not come to the deep province;
    • It is necessary to have an interesting family history worthy of occupying several tens of minutes of airtime. The presence of photographs, medals and other evidence will be additional arguments in favor of the contestants;
    • Family members should look good on screen. Selection is not only on appearance, but also on the ability to move correctly;
    • Ability to communicate with people, stress resistance and a sense of humor. The presence of all these qualities is checked during a personal conversation with candidates;
    • Security with all necessary communications, such as sewerage, heating, electricity. The latter is subject to special requirements: the network must withstand from 5 kW of power;
    • Availability of free housing for temporary residence: for a major overhaul, you will need to leave the cottage for 60-70 days.

    Legal side of the issue

    All transformations that will happen to the estate in case of participation in the transfer fall under the scope of Chapter 4 Housing Code RF "Reconstruction and redevelopment of residential premises".

    For refurbishment or redevelopment the owner will be required to present such documents:

    • Application for work;
    • Papers confirming the ownership of real estate;
    • Technical certificate;
    • Written consent of all persons permanently residing with the owners, as well as the tenant of the dwelling (if any) and members of his family;
    • A document confirming the positive decision of the architectural heritage protection authority (if required).

    For consideration of the application government bodies given 45 days. Once a decision has been made, it will be communicated to the applicant within three business days.

    In case of refusal, the authorities are required to indicate the reason for such a decision (most often this is the failure to provide the necessary papers or the lack of grounds for reorganization).

    Service cost

    For carrying out redevelopment to the owners of the cottage don't have to pay a dime. However, the possibility of other expenses and risks cannot be ruled out:

    • If housing is the only one, then it is necessary to take into account the cost of living in rented housing. Two months of repairs will cost the family 80-100 thousand rubles (subject to hiring a two-room Moscow apartment);
    • The vision of a guest designer may seem too bold to the owner of the house. The alteration of the entire premises or its individual elements can take from several tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles;
    • A risk that is rather theoretical. The TV company may mistakenly produce works that violate someone's property rights or the current legislation. The burden of returning the premises to their original state will be placed on the homeowners. Subsequently, the costs can be recovered from the perpetrators in court, but this is time, and time is money.

    In all other respects, you don’t have to worry: participation in the program promises solid pluses. Free repairs can increase the value of a property by 20%. The resulting value can be obtained by selling the cottage.

    "Country answer": take part

    Candidates for the show will have to provide the following details about themselves and their home:

    1. Personal data (name, age, etc.) of the applicant;
    2. Method of using the premises (for seasonal or permanent residence);
    3. Owner of real estate (in whose name the certificate of state registration is issued);
    4. The presence of encumbrances of the right (rent, mortgage, shared ownership);
    5. Persons permanently residing in the house;
    6. temporary residents;
    7. Description of the location of the house (distance from the Moscow Ring Road, the nature of the road surface, the presence of an access road);
    8. Date of construction of housing;
    9. Specifications: total living area, ceiling height, availability of ancillary facilities;
    10. Level of physical deterioration (can be found in the technical data sheet for the property), the nature of the finishes, the level of furnishing;
    11. Provision of public services;
    12. It is also worth indicating which particular premises are allowed to be redone (total footage up to 35 m 2).

    For each housing question, the NTV company gives a “Country Answer”. How to become a member, how much it costs and other questions can be found on the website. There is no fee to participate in the program, but in order to get into it, you need to meet the most stringent criteria. Only ideal families with beautiful story, living in the nearest suburbs, have a real chance to get on TV.

    There are six repair programs on TV. "My District" figured out how to become the hero of such a program.

    “Every day, the project receives several applications,- says Olga Savchenko, chief designer of the "School of Repair" on TNT. - many owners one-room apartments fit. The program goes to apartments from 65 square meters».

    But even if the apartment is suitable, it’s not a fact that the application will be selected - you still have to go through a casting. At the casting, the camera is asked to tell about yourself, about the apartment, about the reasons for participation and wishes for repairs. Many are nervous, their application is rejected.

    For Andrei Belkovsky, the casting was easy. The main thing is to tune in to a benevolent mood. The Belkovskys said that in 2009 they had a daughter. The doctors advised them to spend more time outdoors. But in country house, which is 60 years old, has not been repaired for a long time. Andrey decided to apply for the “Country Answer”.

    The next stage of selection is the coordination of the repair project with the designer. He must inspect the housing and decide if he can come up with something interesting that the participants would also like. Sometimes candidates are weeded out at this stage.

    Filming, in which the owners need to participate, takes two full days. At the beginning, they film how they spend time in the house, at the end - how they react to changes. Many episodes are filmed multiple times.

    The only moment that is really filmed once and from the first take is the first entry into the room. “You are not forced to admire,” says Belkovsky. “It’s just that before entering they are instructed on what words it is better not to use.”

    Not everyone likes the final renovation.“After they were repaired, we made our own,” says Anastasia Trofimova, who in 2006 was remodeling the nursery at the School of Repair. Some parts of the interior fell off, the walls were not repainted.

    Not everything went smoothly for the Belkovskys either. They shortened and welded the battery incorrectly, a leak appeared. The owners noticed it only after three months. “Despite this, I consider participation in the program a gift of fate,” says Andrei. “Complaining when you got a free repair is ugly.”


    At least three living rooms in an apartment or house. The exception is the Clean Work program.

    Freight elevator (if the apartment is not on the first floor).

    Electricity, cold and hot water, working plumbing.

    Seating for all workers and members of the film crew (15-30 people). If not enough, then you need to bring the chairs.

    The area of ​​the living room must be at least 14 square meters, the kitchen - from 9 square meters.

    The room in which they are asked to make repairs must be inhabited.


    Housing issue, NTV

    What they do: overhaul in the apartment.

    How long it takes: 2-2.5 months.

    Requirements for the house: within 40 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, preferably a new building
    Requirements for an apartment: from 70 square meters, preferably with an atypical layout.
    Where to apply:

    Country answer, NTV

    What they are doing: a major overhaul in a country house.
    How long it takes: 1-2.5 months.

    Requirements for the house: from 70 square meters, within 40 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road
    Where to apply:

    Repair School, TNT

    What they do: cosmetic repairs in the apartment.
    How long it takes: 5-6 days.
    Requirements for the house: new building; to get from the subway to the house could be on foot in 15 minutes.

    Requirements for the apartment: from 65 square meters.
    Where to apply:

    Prodecor, TNT

    What they do: decorating one of the rooms of the house.
    How long: 5 days.
    At the time of finishing, one of the family members (the one who decided to surprise the other) may be present in the apartment.
    Requirements for the house: new building,
    Requirements for the apartment: from 65 square meters, typical layout, ceiling height no more than 4 meters
    Where to apply:, you need to attach a two to three minute video about yourself, the room and wishes for repairs.

    Fazenda, Channel One

    What they do: repairing a room in the country, repairing a gazebo, swimming pool.
    How long it takes: 1 month.
    Requirements for the house: no further than 30 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.
    Where to apply:

    Clean work, REN TV

    What they do: renovation of rooms in apartments and country houses
    How long: 1 month
    Requirements for the house: dachas within 50 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, apartments in Moscow, Podolsk, Khimki, Balashikha and other cities closest to Moscow

    Requirements for the apartment: economy class, ceiling height of at least 2.5 meters

    Room requirements: 10 to 50 meters
    Where to apply:

    And also read how a Muscovite was made for free!