Foam crumb - ease of use, reliability of operation. Insulation of the house with foam plastic Insulation with foam plastic will there be an effect

Options for insulating the attic with foam or a coating based on it, the pros and cons of using the material on the top floor, choosing a quality product.

The content of the article:

Attic insulation with foam plastic is the use of a modern sheet heat insulator for effective protection buildings from heat loss. Depending on the purpose of the technical floor, the slabs are laid on the floor or under the roof cladding. It is not recommended to carry out these works in parallel due to the cessation of the flow of warm air from the lower rooms. Below we will consider the methods of creating insulating layers on all surfaces of the room.

Features of thermal insulation of the attic with foam

Through the roof, the house loses a large percentage of thermal energy, so the thermal insulation of the technical floor has always been taken seriously. Currently, foam plastic is often used for such purposes - plates made of expanded polystyrene granules treated with saturated steam. The fragments are filled with air, which is a natural insulator.

The product is available in various modifications, which allows it to be used in various situations. Rigid slabs are used for thermal insulation of the floors of the upper floor, less dense ones are laid under the roof. The method of insulation is selected depending on the plans of the owner. His decision is influenced by such factors as the purpose of the room, the requirements for the temperature inside the attic, the composition of the insulating "pie".

Foam fixing features:

  • On wooden floors, the samples are placed between the lags and are not fixed with anything.
  • TO concrete floors and gables material is glued.
  • To insulate the roof, it is laid between the rafters and fixed with planks or special corners.
The panels have good water repellency, so the ceiling of the lower room must be covered with vapor barrier film and the room itself is well ventilated. The membrane will not allow moisture to condense on the ceiling and eliminate the appearance of dampness and mold. For the same reason, it is convenient to insulate attics with foam at the stage of building construction.

In stores, the product is sold under the PS or PSB brand with the addition of an alphanumeric designation. For example, PSB-S-25 means self-extinguishing foam with a density of 25 kg/m 3 .

Advantages and disadvantages of attic insulation with foam

The use of foam to finalize the roof and base of the technical room is beneficial and has many advantages:
  1. It has excellent thermal insulation properties. Foam layer reduces noise in living rooms Oh.
  2. The moisture absorption rate of the product is very low. It can be used to insulate the attics of buildings located in damp areas. Low hygroscopicity will allow laying the material without membranes.
  3. The insulator does not change its dimensions with temperature fluctuations. This quality is especially appreciated on the technical floor, where the temperature in winter and summer is very different.
  4. During operation, no shrinkage occurs, cold bridges do not appear. Fungus and mold do not form on its surface.
  5. It is possible to install polystyrene foam in the attic at any stage of building a house and during its operation.
  6. The service life of the coating is tens of years.
  7. Sheets are easily cut to obtain elements of non-standard shapes and sizes.
  8. Panels are produced with high precision, which makes it easier installation work. It also reduces turnaround time finishing works very low weight of the material.
  9. High-density foam can be laid on the floor of an exploited attic without an external coating.
To be fair, it is necessary to list the shortcomings that may appear during the insulation of the upper floors:
  • Under the action of an open fire, the foam melts, releasing a large amount of toxic smoke. It cannot be used for thermal insulation of fire hazardous buildings.
  • When forming warm attic the effect of a thermos is created, so there must be forced ventilation in the room.
  • Mice love to settle in the thickness of the coating.
  • At high temperatures (for example, in summer), it releases volatile substances that are harmful to the body.
  • Styrofoam quickly deteriorates under the sun's rays. Therefore, when buying, check the place of its storage.

Styrofoam insulation technology

Installation of the product on the floor and roof of the upper floor includes compliance with all technological nuances: determining the required number of panels, performing operations in a certain sequence, checking the quality of materials. Utility room in the upper part of the house can be protected in a cold or warm way. The difference lies in the insulated surfaces. In a cold attic, the foam is laid only on the floor, in the warm attic - only between the rafters. In the latter case, a positive temperature is provided by warm air penetrating through the unprotected ceiling from the living rooms of the house.

Materials and tools for attic insulation

It is only possible to insulate such a critical section of the house as an attic quality material. It is impossible to check in the store that the characteristics indicated on the foam plastic packaging are actual, but it is not difficult to determine a fake.

Simple procedures will help to control the quality of the goods:

  1. Examine the foam panels. In high-quality granules of the same size, evenly distributed in space, there are no voids between them. However, fragments that are too large indicate the presence of pores through which heat escapes. In addition, such a product absorbs water well.
  2. The material must be perfectly white. It gets a different color when using low-quality raw materials.
  3. Styrofoam should be stored in polyethylene film packaging. There are options for selling products by the piece, but their surface must have the appropriate stamps and markings applied at the factory.
  4. The label contains basic information about the product - manufacturer, dimensions, characteristics, applicability.
  5. Panels have same sizes, deformations are not allowed. If you can agree with deviations in length and width, then different thicknesses should alert you.
  6. The leaves have no odor at all.
  7. High-quality plates are soft and plastic. After pressing, the surface quickly returns to its shape. Rigid products are obtained as a result of a violation of technology. They don't hold heat or moisture well.
  8. If you are allowed, break off a piece and inspect the fracture site. If the foam is of high quality, the granules of the material will be damaged when broken. In a fake, a fault line will pass between them. Do not evaluate the quality by the ends of whole sheets, cuts at the factory are made very carefully with special devices and do not reflect the real structure of the product.
  9. Weigh a cubic meter of panels. Quality products weigh at least 16 kg.
  10. When determining the required coating thickness, be guided by the recommendations of SNiPs, but in any case, the sheets must be more than 100 mm. The size depends on the design and material of the attic and the climate zone in which the building is located.
On the top floor, you can use certain foam modifications designed for indoor use. These include self-extinguishing products that do not support combustion, having the letter "C" in the designation.
  • PSB-S-15 50-100 mm thick - foam plastic with a density of 15 kg / m 3, designed for roof insulation and unloaded floors.
  • PSB-S-25 50-100 mm thick - foam plastic with a density of 25 kg / m 3, for thermal insulation of gables.
  • PSB-S-35 with a thickness of 50-100 mm - foam plastic with a density of 35 kg / m 3, for laying on the base of an attic of medium load. Flooring to protect the coating is optional.
Adhesives for the product are divided into 2 groups: universal and special. Regardless of the purpose, they must meet the following requirements:
  • The tool is intended for gluing material indoors and emits a minimum amount of harmful fumes. The level of toxicity is listed in the certificate of conformity of the goods, stored by the seller.
  • The substance securely holds the panels throughout the life of the insulator at any temperature that is possible in the attic.
  • It contains additives that prevent the appearance of mold.
  • The composition of the adhesive does not contain gasoline, solvents, ethers that can destroy the structure of the insulation.
  • Dry mixtures must be stored in closed warehouses. Buy goods in sealed bags.
When buying, use the following recommendations:
  1. Check the availability of a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion and a quality certificate.
  2. Do not buy a product that is on sale. It often expired.
  3. Refuse the offers of dubious manufacturers.
  4. It is advisable to purchase adhesives that have a long curing time. You get extra time to adjust coverage.
  5. Buy funds with a margin. The package contains reference information about its consumption on perfectly flat surfaces. In case of fixing on stepped bases, more glue will be needed.
  6. For fastening to the gables, it is convenient to use glue-foam. It is sold ready-to-use in cans, but application requires a special device. It dries very quickly - within 12 minutes.
To create an insulating layer on the roof and floor, you will need sheets various sizes and geometry. To quickly cut blanks, use a tool such as knives - kitchen, wallpaper or stationery. The main thing is that it be sharp. You can warm up the tool before use.

An electric jigsaw cuts material of any thickness, but the ends of the workpieces will be uneven. Nichrome wire, heated to redness, is used to make curvilinear blanks. The ends of the sheets are very high quality.

Installation of foam on the floor

The main option for creating an insulating layer on a concrete surface is gluing foam.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • Clear the attic of unnecessary things.
  • Inspect the concrete floor for cracks, nicks, and other defects. Fill in problem areas cement mortar.
  • Check the flatness of the surface with a long ruler. Cut off all protruding sections.
  • Prime the base. Check the levelness of the floor and fix it with a self-levelling compound. Perform further work after the base has completely dried.
  • Apply glue to the foam. The method of coating depends on the condition of the floor.
  • For gluing to a flat surface, grease the sheet with glue first with a flat trowel, and then remove the excess with a notched trowel. If the base has differences in height, apply glue to separate sections of the foam: along the edges, at a distance of 1-2 cm from the ends - with a strip 20 mm high and 3-4 cm wide; in the middle of the sheet - in 4-5 sections with a diameter of 10-12 cm. Leave the sides clean.
  • Place the panel on the base and press down. After laying, press the following products to the neighboring ones. Glue that is squeezed out through the joints should be removed immediately.
  • Periodically check the levelness of the surface with a ruler and level. You can move the tiles on the floor for 20 minutes until the adhesive sets.
  • Place small samples cut from blanks last.
  • Check for cracks. If found, fill them with scraps.
  • Mount the second row of insulation with an offset so that there is no one joint line.
  • After insulating the attic floor with foam plastic, cover it with a vapor-permeable membrane with an overlap of 10-15 cm on adjacent sections and on the walls. Glue the joints with reinforced adhesive tape.
The need to create a protective layer for insulation depends on the purpose of the technical floor. In case of intensive use, the coating is plastered with mixtures intended for foam.

Follow these procedures:

  1. Stir the dry mix with water in the concrete mixer in the proportion specified by the manufacturer.
  2. Cover the base with a fine building net and fix it with a grout.
  3. After the mixture has hardened, apply a layer of plaster 10-15 mm thick.
Wooden floors are held on logs - power beams that can be used to attach walking decks to them. Therefore, in this case, the bases of operated attics can be insulated with low-density foam, which reduces financial costs.

The heat-insulating shell is formed as follows:

  • If there is a finishing and subfloor, remove the top row of boards.
  • Clean the cavity between the lags from dust and dirt.
  • Bend or remove any fasteners that could damage the waterproofing film.
  • Cover the base with a film with an overlap of 10-15 cm on adjacent pieces and on the walls. The foam does not let water through, but in the event of a roof leak, moisture can get through the gaps between the sheets to the ceiling, and then to the lower room. Close the joints with adhesive reinforced tape.
  • Replace the dismantled finishing floor or assemble a wooden walking deck.

Fixing foam to the roof

To insulate the roof, sheets are placed between the rafters. This option is very popular, because. no need to change the roof structure and load the frame with additional elements.

Before insulating the attic with foam, make sure that the roof meets the following requirements:

  1. Drainage takes into account the slope of the structure.
  2. The height of the attic allows you to attach a vapor-tight film to the rafters from the inside.
  3. There will be space for ventilation between the roof lining and the insulation.
To prevent leakage of heat energy through the roof, perform the following operations:
  • Process it all wooden structures antiseptic agents.
  • Outside, cover the rafters with a waterproofing film without tension and fix with a stapler to wooden structures. Lay the panel with an overlap of 10-15 cm on adjacent pieces. Seal the joints with special adhesive tape. If the cover has been mounted for a long time, lay the membrane from the inside of the attic.
  • Perform the installation of the crate and lay roofing material. After finishing work, a gap of 50-60 mm should remain between the cladding and the film. Free space is necessary to protect the rafters and battens inside the attic from possible roof leaks. The moisture that has got on the film will be removed by circulating air through the technological gaps of the lining.
  • Cut pieces of styrofoam and place them between the rafters. The dimensions of the panels should be slightly larger than the distance between the rafters so that they hold themselves on friction. Plates can be mounted in 2 rows, but place the lower elements with overlapping of the junction of the upper ones. Leave gaps of 20-30 mm between the foam and the vapor barrier film for ventilation. Plates can be fixed with thin rails or special corners.
  • Check the absence of gaps between the sheets and near the rafters. If found, seal them with scraps of material or mounting foam.
  • Cover the panels from below with a second vapor barrier film, which will keep moist air out of the wooden structures. Do not stretch the membrane. Fasten it to the rafters with a construction stapler.
  • Glue the joints with adhesive tape.
  • It is not necessary to clad the attic from the inside with boards or shields.

Fastening foam to gables

The method of attaching the product to the vertical wall of the attic depends on the design and material of the partition. Plates are attached to boards and shields in the same way as to a roof; they are glued to a concrete and brick wall. It is convenient to fix the foam with foam glue. The procedure is performed using a special gun.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Fix the container with the substance in the device.
  2. Apply foam along the perimeter of the sheet and diagonally.
  3. Attach the insulator to the wall and press down.
  4. Repeat the operation for all sheets. After laying, press the new products to the already fixed ones.
  5. It is allowed to fasten the panels in a day for insurance with dowels with a wide head.

Using Styrofoam for Attic Insulation

To reduce costs, the attic can be insulated with crushed polystyrene - rounded balls 2-7 mm in size. Bulk mass is obtained from waste and recycled products, which helps to reduce the cost of insulation. During crushing, the granules partially lose their shape, but the heat-insulating characteristics of the substance do not change. The crumb is sold in bags of 0.5 or 1 m 3.

Usually insulated in this way wooden floors. This is due to the presence of lags that help create pockets for filling. To work, you will need a special blowing machine or, in its absence, a garden fan. Under the influence of a powerful air flow, the balls penetrate into hard-to-reach places, so the insulation layer takes all the irregularities of the enclosed space.

The work takes place in the following sequence:

  • Prepare the base, as in the previous insulation options. Availability waterproofing film necessarily.
  • Lay a dense membrane on top of the logs with an overlap of 15-20 cm on adjacent cuts and on the walls. Seal the joints with strong adhesive tape.
  • Fasten the film to the joists in a taut state with the help of rails, which should be laid across the power beams. The distance between them is 40-50 cm.
  • Prepare a powerful garden vacuum cleaner. Near one wall, make a hole in the film, install a hose into it and slide towards the second wall parallel to the lags. Leave a gap of 0.5 m between the end of the hose and the wall.
  • Install the suction hose in the foam bag and turn on the vacuum cleaner.
  • When the mass fills the entire space between the hose and the wall, move it another 0.5 m and repeat the operation.
  • Through the film, you can control the density of the coating. When pressed, the insulation should bend only a small amount. The rigidity of the layer should be the same over the entire area.
  • After filling the space between the lags, go to the next section.
  • Seal the cut with adhesive tape.
  • Similarly, you can insulate the space between the rafters under the roof.

The use of foam concrete for thermal insulation of the attic

This type of insulation is used in attics with very uneven concrete floor slabs. In this case, it is necessary to first level the surface with a thick layer of screed, and then lay the insulation. To avoid unnecessary costs, use a special solution that simultaneously levels and seals the floors.

The order of work is this:

  1. Prepare the base for insulation, as in the previous sections. Don't forget the waterproofing film.
  2. Mount the base surfaces by which it will be possible to control the horizontalness of the coating.
  3. Pour the sand-cement mixture (60 kg), plasticizer (0.5 kg), granular foam plastic (60 l), water (8 l) into the concrete mixer and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Check the quality of foam concrete. All granules must be coated with cement. The finished solution should resemble a thick dough.
  5. Pour the mixture onto the floor and level with a long ruler based on beacons.
  6. After it dries, the attic insulation is completed.
How to insulate the attic with foam - look at the video:

Light weight and simple technical process allows one person to insulate the attic. Polyfoam reliably protects the house from heat loss if the installation technology is followed. To ensure an acceptable result, take this problem seriously.

Styrofoam can insulate a house, apartment, garage, barn, extension and even a bathhouse. But the latter must be insulated carefully, observing some rules. But are there construction objects that cannot be insulated with foam plastic? Yes, there are. Styrofoam cannot be used to insulate a basement and a building with a ventilated facade. Why?

The advantages of polystyrene foam as a heater are very wide. But its capabilities, as a material with certain physical and chemical properties, have some negative nuances. What are the pros and cons of styrofoam? This article is about this. But first, the positives.

The benefits of foam

One of the thinnest insulation

Among all heaters, ordinary foam, also known as polystyrene foam, has almost the lowest thermal conductivity. What does it mean? This means that its thickness as a heater will be the smallest compared to other materials. Here is a list of these materials in ascending order of their ability to conduct heat:

  1. Penoizol (50 mm).
  2. Polyfoam insulation (75 mm).
  3. Mineral wool (125 mm).
  4. Wood (340 mm).
  5. Brick wall(900 mm).
  6. Concrete (2132 mm).


  • in parentheses is the thickness of the materials at which their equality as heat insulators is achieved;
  • penoizol is a liquid material that consists of several components. When mixed, it swells and hardens. At the same time, it acquires a porous light structure similar to hardened mounting foam. Its main disadvantage is toxicity. Therefore, it can only be used for warming non-residential premises. Usually, it is poured into a specially prepared cavity inside the wall.

The lightest insulation

Finding out the weight of polystyrene foam boards is very simple. All manufacturers indicate the density of the material on the packaging:

  • 15 kg / m 3;
  • 25 kg / m 3;
  • 35 kg/m 3 .

And the density of one cube is its weight. That is, one cube weighs 15, 25 and 35 kg, respectively. By the way, this way you can check the quality of the material you buy. If the package says 25 kg/m 3 , and the checked package of sheets weighs less, don't hesitate. You have been a little misled.

Sometimes the manufacturer bypasses this point. For example, in a package with a declared density of 25 kg/m 3 there will be sheets with a really lower density. But this package will have some beautiful name of its own. And a pack of sheets with a real declared density will be called differently: "Warm House", "Standard" or "What else is there." But, in any case, the lighter the pack, the lower the density of the insulation. Remember this.

For work, you can use foam of any density. The main thing you need to understand is that the lower it is, the more fragile and fragile the sheet will be in your hands. And the use of such sheets, for example, on the first floor of a building is highly discouraged - the facade can easily be damaged upon impact. Therefore, the denser the sheet, the better.

One of the cheapest heaters

This is really the most inexpensive industrial material for insulation. At the same time, two types of it are used in construction practice:

  • sheet foam;
  • foam chips or balls.

Today, the sale price for both of these species is approximately equal. Most likely, this is due to an increase in demand for balls. Most often they are used for roof insulation. The cement-sand mixture is mixed with balls and poured onto the floor. It turns out warm, durable and inexpensive.

Styrofoam is a very versatile insulation

Here are its main areas of application:

  • wall insulation;
  • roof insulation;
  • floor insulation;
  • insulation of the basement of the house.

Wall insulation with foam sheets has become a classic today. The result is very warm, relatively inexpensive, strong enough and reliable. In terms of operating time, expanded polystyrene covered with a layer of plaster can serve for a very long time. Manufacturers guarantee the service life of the facade of polystyrene boards without overhaul for 30 years. They say that in Germany, foam-insulated houses are insured for longer periods. Up to 100 years.

When insulating the roof, polystyrene chips or balls are most often used as part of a cement-sand mixture.

Extruded polystyrene foam is used for the floor and plinth. It differs from the usual foamed manufacturing technology, greater density and strength. But it also has a much higher price.

A little more positive about polystyrene foam

Styrofoam is the most convenient and pliable building material in work. It can be cut with a knife or hacksaw. You can easily make any hole or recess in it. This property is very much used by builders in the design of curly elements of the facade of the building. It is very easy to make cornices, ledges, window frames and other architectural elements from such a convenient material.

Due to its lightness, the foam element can be glued to the facade in any place. Well, after the glue has dried, it can be easily further processed, for example, with a drywall planer.

These were the strengths of the foam insulation. But, like any other material, it has its weaknesses. What are the disadvantages of polystyrene foam and why can't it be used to insulate a basement or a ventilated facade?

Disadvantages of foam

In order to make the right decision, in addition to everything positive, it will be very useful to know some of the negative aspects inherent in expanded polystyrene. There are several.

Styrofoam is a combustible material

Whatever the manufacturer says on the packaging, when in contact with fire, polystyrene foam burns and melts. Therefore, you need to make sure that the fire does not get close to it. The consequences can be very dire.

That is why it is impossible to use expanded polystyrene on a ventilated facade. Direct contact with air and the void between the insulation and the surface of the facade create all the conditions for good combustion. Emptiness, by the way, works as an additional draft of air.

Styrofoam releases hazardous substances

In the process of natural aging - destruction, polystyrene foam releases styrene monomer from itself. Its smell can be clearly heard if you put a pack of foam sheets in a closed room. After a while, a characteristic unpleasant odor will appear in the room. That is why it is impossible to make foam insulation inside residential premises. But, unfortunately, few people know about this.

By the way, that's why you need to carefully and carefully insulate the bath with polystyrene foam. When heated to 90 degrees Celsius, the release of volatile compounds dangerous to human health becomes very large.

Styrofoam is hygroscopic

That is, it draws moisture into itself. Whatever they say, he does it, though not quickly, but confidently. Therefore, insulate raw cold cellar regular styrofoam would be a very bad idea. It is better to use extruded polystyrene foam for these purposes. It has a different internal structure due to which it does not pull moisture.

To test this statement, you can put a piece of ordinary foam and extruded plastic into the water. After a while, you will receive two materials of different moisture content. One will be heavy and wet, and the second dry and light.

Styrofoam works as a vapor barrier

This is another serious minus, which few people think about at the design and construction stage. It manifests itself especially well in houses that are built entirely of polystyrene foam blocks.

A person in the process of breathing exhales warm water vapor with air. This steam must come out of the room. The main direction of steam movement is up and to the sides. The ceiling and walls work as a kind of steam vent, they "breathe". In a building insulated with polystyrene foam, good forced ventilation must be made. Otherwise, in winter it will be possible to collect water on the windows with buckets, and the room will be very humid.

Styrofoam is a good home for mice

This is a proven fact. Small gray rodents live well in ordinary polystyrene foam. For them, this is a kind of paradise - warm, soft and safe. Whatever happens, it is necessary to limit the contact of the insulation with the places of possible entry of rodents as much as possible. This can be done with mineral wool or metal inserts. Rodents do not like mineral wool, and they cannot gnaw through a metal insert. They also do not live in extruded polystyrene foam.

In this article, it turned out to list the main positive and negative properties of the foam. As a heater, polystyrene foam has a very wide range of positive qualities. But as a material, it has significant disadvantages. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the use of polystyrene foam in the insulation of housing itself in a balanced and thoughtful way.

By the way, the name itself - "polyfoam", came to us from the times of the Soviet Union. At that time, the first import supplier of polystyrene foam boards was a company with the word "Penoplast" in its name. It turned out like with a copier - the name of the company became the designation of a whole class of copiers. The same thing happened with styrofoam.

It is POSSIBLE to insulate a house profitably, quickly and reliably

How to insulate a house? - a question that almost every resident of Melitopol and the region who lives in a private house asks himself.

The topic of insulation is especially relevant today, when energy prices are rising, and with them the cost of a communal apartment. In addition, all people who live in an uninsulated house are aware of other unpleasant problems: cold walls, fungus, poor sound insulation, heat loss. The result - health problems, discomfort, additional waste of the family budget for heat.

Of course, all these difficulties can be solved by insulating walls, floors and roofs. But choosing methods of insulation, the average Ukrainian involuntarily faces another problem - the price of materials and work often turns out to be "unbearable".

How to be? Refuse insulation and hope for a subsidy or take a loan and pay high commissions to the bank for many years.

To date, there is a technology that offers a very simple and affordable solution - insulation of houses with foam chips.

What is the essence of such insulation?

During the insulation process, granular foam is blown into the internal cavities of the walls of the house.

Styrofoam chips are polymerized round crushed balls with a diameter of 2-4 mm, which are made from crushed polystyrene foam waste. The original properties are preserved during the crushing process. "Crusher" is used as a moisture-resistant, heat and noise insulating building material. Insulation made of foam chips is of high quality and reliable. Insulation with foam chips is considered the most reliable cold-resistant method of thermal insulation of floors, walls or ceilings.

How does the warming process take place?

Holes with a diameter of 55 mm are drilled in the walls, their number can vary from 20 to 30 pieces, depending on the area of ​​wall insulation. Very important point- the minimum layer for pneumatic laying of a foam ball should be at least 5 centimeters. After all the holes are made, the foam balls are blown into the cavity under strong air pressure and compacted. Filling the air cavities of the walls is carried out using a special blower. This technology allows you to completely fill any hollow structures. Under the influence of air flow, balls with a diameter of less than 4 mm evenly fill all the bumps and cracks.
Insulation with foam plastic occurs in one working day, and can be performed regardless of the season. Most often, work of this kind is carried out in spring, summer or autumn, however, if necessary, and during the period of winter cold, there is no strict binding to the time of year.
The uniformity, softness and elasticity of the foam balls contribute to the fact that they can take any shape of the filled space. They are an excellent substitute for other traditional heaters (expanded clay, polystyrene, mineral wool), since the latter do not completely fill the required space and eventually move away from the insulated surface, which can lead to the appearance of cold bridges and, as a result, the appearance of a dew point.

The advantages of choosing this type of insulation:

1. Saving the family budget
The cost of "crushed" and work with it is significantly lower than the "usual" methods and materials for insulation.

2. Time saving
Private house, with an area of ​​100 m2, is insulated in one day!

3. Attractive properties of foam chips
- thermal insulation (complete filling with small granules of an air cushion in a warmed place removes any cold bridges);
- sound insulation (granules have a rough surface, which does not conduct sound vibrations well);
- environmental friendliness (the material is non-toxic and safe for people);
- depreciation abilities (when squeezing, the balls do not lose their structure and quickly return to their previous shape);
- operational qualities (operating temperature range from -190°C to +87°C);
- moisture resistance (lack of absorbent properties, the material does not absorb moisture and
does not prevent the exit of excess moisture from the wall);
- fire resistance (granules are treated with a refractory substance fire retardant);
- simplicity of work and transportation (has small weight and as much as possible fills necessary space);
- Has no smell and does not cause allergic reactions.

Thus, the technology of insulation with foam chips becomes best solution when choosing a warming, high-quality and economical material among the majority of traditional substitutes.

Currently, during the construction of buildings, internal and external energy-saving cladding is very often performed using bulk materials. The world market offers a huge selection of such options for insulation. This article will analyze what types of bulk insulation are for walls and ceilings, which types of insulation backfills are better to choose for walls, and which ones are for floors and ceilings.

Types of bulk insulation

Manufacturers of bulk granular heat insulators present a fairly large selection of materials. Bulk insulation is made from paper, stone, resin, polymers and even clay. Let's see what are the advantages and disadvantages of certain types, and also describe the main technical characteristics.

To replace the insulation in the house was carried out correctly, you need to have some experience. The recommendations of experts will help in this. It is necessary to mix everything in the right proportions, choose a hygroscopic material, and foam crumb can also be used.

Expanded clay

It is likely that this is the most ancient and well-known type of raw material. IN modern construction expanded clay can be safely called the "classic" of bulk heat insulators. This type has a good advantage - light weight and porous structure. It is produced by firing alloy clay and is an environmentally friendly raw material. Expanded clay does not burn and practically does not absorb moisture, does not enter into any chemical reactions, mold does not start in it, mice do not live.

The main disadvantage is that, with the possible absorption of moisture, expanded clay does not give it well - it is very difficult to dry a wet insulation layer.

There are three types of this raw material:

  • expanded clay sand (screening);
  • expanded claydite crushed stone;
  • expanded clay gravel.

It should be noted that this bulk heat insulator is much cheaper than its competitors. It can be mixed with sawdust, while the layer of insulation should be slightly larger, since wood has a slightly lower resistance to heat transfer.

Granulated polystyrene foam

We often hear this loose insulation under a different name - polystyrene foam. If you look closely at a sheet of expanded polystyrene, you can see that it consists of many balls. If they are well loosened, then their density decreases, and the volume increases.

This type of heat insulator is mainly used when filling voids in already finished structures. The crumb is simply blown in using a special device, and it is very important to bring the process to maximum compaction. The disadvantage of this raw material is that over time it can shrink.

Its use is possible for warming the floor, ceiling, sloping roofs. But there is still controversy about the use of expanded polystyrene in this area:

  • on the one hand, it is a lightweight material that is used for insulating walls and roofs or is used as an additive to concrete (polystyrene concrete);
  • on the other hand, they warn of its toxicity and flammability.

This material in the form of a heater began to be used relatively recently, and its properties have not yet been fully studied. Expanded polystyrene does not absorb moisture, but it is very afraid high temperatures air.


Many do not even know what vermiculite is, despite its natural origin. The basis of this thermal insulation material is mica, which explains its layered structure. During the production of vermiculite, the addition of chemical additives and impurities is avoided, which allows its frequent use in the insulation of loggias, balconies, and residential premises.

When this heat insulator is covered with a layer of 5 cm, heat loss is reduced by 75%, and with a thickness of 10 cm, heat loss is guaranteed to drop by 92%. The service life is unlimited because it does not contain any perishable impurities. The insulation is non-flammable and non-toxic.

Even when heavily wet a separate section this insulation will evenly distribute moisture over the entire area, and then completely bring it out. Thanks to this "smart" property, all the consequences of wetting the heat insulator are minimized. Mold and pathogens will not develop in it, and the load on the foundation from structures with this type of insulation will be minimal.

And also it can be mixed with sawdust in a 50/50 ratio.


Sawdust is called particles of recycled wood obtained by sawing, outwardly they look like small dust. These bulk heaters have been traditionally used for more than one century. And yet, due to their tendency to absorb moisture, sawdust rots over time. Many are mixed with other materials such as clay or vermiculite. It is important to know that only small sawdust can be used as a heater, which are obtained by processing wood on modern high-speed machines.

Cellulose insulation - ecowool

This loose insulation is a mixture of shredded newsprint (81%), antiseptics (12%) and flame retardants (7%). In the world construction market, this type of heat insulator was first used about a hundred years ago, but in Russia it became known about ten years ago. The main antiseptic component is boric acid, and as a flame retardant (fire-retardant element) - borax. Thanks to these substances, ecowool fully justifies its name. The material is non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

The minus of ecowool is the rapid absorption of moisture, which leads to shrinkage of the insulation, therefore, in regions with high humidity its use is not recommended. Cellulose insulation is great for construction complex structures, since the fibers of the material fill all the voids in the energy-saving finish.

Foam glass in granules

Foam glass is produced from broken glass, which is crushed into tiny particles, melted down, then mixed with coal. As a result, carbon dioxide escapes from this alloy, which forms air bubbles in the foam glass structure. The manufacture of this heat insulator is quite expensive, as a result of which it is very rarely used in private construction. But it is often used in industrial facilities or in the construction of high-rise buildings.

This material is found in two fractions - in the form of granules and crushed stone. Its advantages are that it does not absorb water, does not burn, does not let steam through, and has high compressive and flexural strength.

Most often, this loose insulation is used for the ceiling due to its light weight. Foam glass can be used for the manufacture of cement mortars, for example, when pouring a screed or foundation, replacing ordinary crushed stone.

Aerated concrete chips

It is a mixture of porous gravel and sand, made by crushing aerated concrete blocks and waste. His factions are always different sizes(reach up to three centimeters) and often varied irregular shapes, but this does not affect the quality of insulation in any way - the shape of the filled layer does not change.

Used not only as bulk insulation, but also as an additional bedding for sound insulation in walls and ceilings. Perfectly maintains optimal humidity and air exchange. Often this material is used instead of expanded clay in lightweight concrete mixes, for example, when pouring a foundation. In this case, this component additionally insulates the foundation and protects it from swelling.

The cost of aerated concrete chips is low, which does not prevent its use as an inexpensive drainage and insulation of road surfaces. The only drawback is the dusting of small pieces when backfilling.


It is produced by melting volcanic ore (sour glass) at a temperature of 1000 degrees. When the ore is heated, the water in its structure evaporates, and the material acquires a porous structure. The volume of raw materials sometimes increases up to 90%. Ready granules do not absorb moisture, but pass steam. For better insulation with this raw material, it is treated with bitumen, then the particles stick together and turn into a single insulating layer of any shape.

The main characteristics of this bulk insulation is that it does not burn, does not absorb moisture, passes steam, and is chemically inert. During insulation, the disadvantage is the impossibility of using membranes, as they become clogged with perlite dust.

Granular penoizol

In everyday life, it is also called thermowool or foam insulation crumb. This heat insulator is based on hardened urea resin. The manufacturing process consists in crushing the polymerized material into fractions of 10-15 mm in size. Such granules retain elasticity. The benefit of such a heater is that when it is crushed, the volume of the crumb increases several times.

His appearance penoizol is similar to snow flakes, at first glance it can be easily confused with polystyrene foam, but it is still different from it. Its structure is smaller and rather soft, it is very light in weight - it is suitable for warming both walls and ceilings. It is non-flammable and does not absorb moisture.

In order to fill this heat insulator correctly, you need to use the help of a special blowing machine, since it will take much longer manually.

Raw material features

Having become acquainted with the main types of bulk insulation, we can summarize that it is always secondary raw materials. It is produced by processing various waste materials ranging from cellulose to minerals. Loose heat insulators in most cases are pure ecological raw materials. Their common disadvantage is the need to make a facing partition: the insulation is poured between it and the main ceiling, for example, a wall.

They have firmly entered almost all spheres of modern industry and the national economy. Most of the artificially synthesized materials are widely used in the construction industry as a heater.

One of the most common polymers for a wide range of uses is, better known as foam. The material is used in the form of plates, sheets or complex structures. Small fractions of polystyrene are also in great demand - polystyrene foam chips.

Due to low cost, availability and good consumer and technological qualities, the material has found many applications - from raw materials to create various decor, to the base of lightweight concrete.

Production and main types

Styrofoam chips can be obtained in two ways:

  • primary. For this, polystyrene beads are foamed using a special technology. As a result, the so-called “primary” is obtained - granules of a certain size. This technology is quite expensive and the resulting raw materials have practically not been widely used in the construction industry;
  • recycling. This is a secondary production method, which is based on pieces of foam packaging and other polystyrene foam residues. The raw materials are placed in special devices - crushers, which grind the waste to a homogeneous fraction. The crumb diameter can be set in the device settings. The resulting fraction is called "secondary" or "crushed". The low cost of production allowed this type of raw material to receive the most widespread use in many areas.

Main Applications

Styrofoam crumb, the use of which is due to the size of the fraction and the method of production, is widespread in the construction industry.

The main use of "crushed" is the basis for lungs and. In the manufacture of polystyrene concrete, a certain amount of granules is gradually added to the solution, and the entire mixture is placed in a concrete mixer. The resulting solution is poured over the floor, making a warm and light screed. With the help of a polymer concrete screed, the floor is not only significantly insulated, but consumption is also saved. concrete mix, and taking into account a significant decrease in the total mass of the solution, the load on the foundation decreases.

The second way to use "crushed" is pneumoinsulation. Waste is converted into a liquid composition, which is pumped under slight pressure into the inter-wall space of houses. This method is considered the most effective when warming old private houses.

It was these structures that were built with an additional air chamber between inner wall and outdoor. In Soviet times, it was not a tribute to fashion, but a significant savings building material, since a layer of 10-15 centimeters was equivalent to one more row brickwork. Unfortunately, it was almost impossible to use the full potential of the invisible layer - the construction technologies of those times did not allow making the air chamber airtight and in winter time the house lost most of the heat precisely because of this design.

The warming process itself is as follows:

  • first, experts are studying the possibility of warming the house in this way;
  • then, at regular intervals, holes are drilled in the outer wall with a puncher;
  • through a hose under slight pressure, liquid polystyrene foam is supplied into the cavity, which fills the inter-wall space;
  • openings are closed with special plugs.

Despite the advantages of this use of molten foam chips, the method has some disadvantages. The most significant of them is the lack of ventilation, which leads to the accumulation of moisture in the form of condensate, gradually destroying the supporting wooden structures of the house.

The third popular way to use crushed polystyrene foam is to fill the space between walls with dry granules during construction. without mixing with cement mortar. The result is high-quality insulation with the possibility of unhindered ventilation. Compared to standard facade cladding with foam boards, this method is much cheaper.

Additional application of granules

Expanded polystyrene granulated is used not only in construction, but also in other industries. First of all, this furniture manufacturing. There, the crumb is used to fill frameless models of armchairs, sofas or poufs.

The next industry is the direct production of other configurations, as well as packaging materials and fixed formwork in monolithic construction. Some manufacturers use exclusively "primary", others add some of the "crushed".

One of the promising uses of granular foam is as an absorbent for outdoor septic tanks. Tests have shown almost complete absence odor and higher efficiency compared to modern bacteria-based preparations.

As additional directions, granular raw materials are used for various items decor. Synthetic foam-based snow has become very popular and quite widespread. One of the hits of the last two or three years has been ball plasticine, the basis for which is fine-grained polystyrene foam and a binding gel.

Brief summary

Granulated polystyrene foam, the use of which is not limited only to the manufacture of polymer concrete, has become widespread in other areas due to its low cost and unique properties. Depending on the size of the fraction and the method of obtaining, the cost cubic meter granules can vary greatly. The most expensive is considered a fine-grained granule"primary" polystyrene foam, and most affordable option- a large "crush".