How to arrange a blind area in your house yourself. Pouring a concrete blind area around a private house

The blind area of ​​​​the foundation is an important element of the house, which extends its life twice and more. And this element is quite within the power to make even a beginner in the construction industry - no engineering education or great practical experience is required (although this will be useful).

Table of contents:

The functional purpose of the blind area at home

Many owners of private households do not quite understand the importance of the blind area - there is an opinion that a properly erected foundation, in compliance with all building codes, does not need any additional element. But experts say that the design in question is functional, and should be present in every home. The main functions of the foundation blind area include:

Well, do not forget about the decorative component of the design in question - it is much more pleasant to contemplate the finished building with a neat space around the entire perimeter of the house than to be content with dirt, dust and snow drifts.

Builders divide the foundation blind area into three main types:

  1. Rigid- are made of concrete, asphalt or cement-pouring mortar, which is spilled over rubble. The rigid type of blind area of ​​the foundation refers to monolithic structures.
  2. semi-rigid- are performed by constructing a multi-layer cushion, on top of which paving slabs, porcelain stoneware are laid, laid out with cobblestones.
  3. Soft- the simplest in execution, the essence of the process is to pour a layer of crushed stone over a pre-created multi-layer cushion.

The listed types of blind area of ​​the foundation perform all the functions that are inherent in the design in question. But it is worth knowing that each of them has different term exploitation:

It is worth mentioning the decorative component of the blind area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foundation - you must agree, made of paving slabs, this element of the structure will not differ in any way from a beautiful one, it will fit perfectly into the general landscape design site.

How to make the simplest foundation blind area

It is believed that the easiest way is to make a concrete pavement 60 cm wide around the perimeter of the entire house. In order for the work to bring the desired result, and the life of the blind area to be as long as possible, it is worth knowing some rules for completing the task:

  1. Carefully calculate the width of the blind area - it should not be flush with the roof eaves, but it cannot be made smaller than this ledge. The general formula for calculating the optimal width of the blind area is the eaves / ledge of the roof + 20 cm.
  2. The entire structure of the concrete blind area must be monolithic, that is, go continuously along the perimeter of the house - this will protect the basement / subfloor from moisture penetration.
  3. It is imperative that during the construction of the blind area it is necessary to provide for slope equipment - this will serve as a drain of water from the building.

In general, the structure under consideration consists of two layers. The first is the so-called underlying layer, which consists of clay, sand or gravel. The task of the underlying layer is to create a dense and absolutely even base for the main coating. And the second layer is the coating that performs the task of water resistance and resistance to the negative effects of water. The underlying layer is usually made in 20 mm, the coating is 10 cm.

Well, now the main question - step-by-step instruction concrete foundation pavement construction:

  1. Under the future blind area you need to markup. To make it easier and more accurate, you will have to climb onto the roof and mark the projected points of the protruding cornice with a plumb line (by this time you already need to get off the roof). Further, we add 20 cm to these points on the ground and get the width of the blind area.
  2. We remove soil around the entire perimeter of the house. Many do this even at the stage of building the building itself, but even if it is decided to make a blind area to an already completely residential building, then you just need to do the process again. The depth of soil removal specifically for the concrete blind area should correspond to 20-25 cm.

Note:many experts recommend that after removing the soil, treat all visible roots of trees and shrubs with special chemical solutions. Whether to follow their recommendations is a purely voluntary matter, but by applying chemical solutions it is quite realistic to protect the blind area of ​​the foundation from destruction.

  1. Formwork is installed from boards 20 mm thick. It is placed along the outer edge of the future blind area, you will definitely need to fix it - this is done with the help of wooden (or metal) stakes.

  1. We lay a 10 cm layer of sand on clean soil and carefully tamp it down. To get a really dense base, you can moisten a layer of sand with water. But it is to moisten, and not to shed - in this case, the sand will be safely compacted into the ground, and the principle of arranging the underlying layer will be violated.
  2. The next layer is crushed stone, which can be of fine or medium fraction. The layer thickness is 5-7 cm, it is also compacted.
  3. Now it's the turn of laying the reinforcing structure. Some craftsmen make it themselves, using metal rods and wire for this, connecting the grate with a step of 100 mm. You should not waste time and effort on this work - a ready-made reinforcing mesh with a step of 100 mm is sold at retail outlets and has a quite adequate cost.

Note:the next step should be the arrangement of an expansion joint that will prevent the blind area itself and the basement of the house from destruction during the "landing" of the house. The width of the expansion joint should be 100-150 mm, it is filled either with a mixture of sand and fine gravel, or with two layers of roofing material.

Before you start pouring the concrete solution, prepare the wooden slats, which must be pre-treated with any protective solution (for example, bituminous mastic). These rails must be installed on the edge every one and a half to two meters as the blind area is poured with concrete. Wooden slats are located across, set at the desired slope and are called an expansion joint. Please note that when pouring them with concrete, even the minimum visibility of wood over the blind area should not be allowed.

It remains only to pour the concrete solution, level it and cover it with any cloth that needs to be moistened at least once a day with a small amount of water. Such a "compress" will prevent cracking of the surface of the concrete blind area during the solidification of the main solution. If the construction of a concrete blind area is carried out during the rainy season, then it is not necessary to cover it with something - just natural moisture will do all the work.

The drying time of the concrete blind area is 7-10 days, after which you can remove the formwork and sweep the resulting concrete surface.

How to make a blind area of ​​​​the foundation of paving slabs

In this case, the process will be somewhat more complicated and painstaking - only the layers will need to be done many times more. And yet, even experts believe that the blind area of ​​paving slabs is subject to novice builders - it is important to strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

First, you need to dig a trench according to a pre-made markup (how to do this is described a little higher in the same article). The depth of the ditch is 25 cm, the soil in it must be well tamped. Next, a layer of clay is poured - it should be 10 cm, after pouring, we work with a manual rammer. The next layer is sand, 3-5 cm thick, which is also rammed after laying. Then a layer of waterproofing material is laid - it is advisable to use geotextiles for this.

Note:between clay and sand it is necessary to lay a pressure rail or corner. This is necessary to drain water, which inevitably gets to these layers from the joints between paving slabs. And one more thing - immediately, when laying the first layer of the entire “pie”, make an external slope of at least 1.5 degrees.

Secondly, after laying / tamping a thin layer of sand and laying a waterproofing material, crushed stone of fine or medium fraction is poured and is also well tamped. The crushed stone layer should be 2-3 times thicker than the bottom layer of sand - this will ensure high-quality drainage of the entire sub-base system.

Thirdly, another layer of sand is poured onto the rubble and it must be thick - at least 10 cm. It needs to be compacted, but not as carefully as the previous ones. At the end of all the work, the resulting “pie” design is thoroughly spilled with water - there is no need to achieve standing puddles on the sand, but it is necessary to achieve a uniform wet consistency.

In principle, the most time-consuming work is completed, it remains only to lay paving slabs. This is done with a rubber mallet, gently pressing each tile into the thickness of the sand and leveling along the laying.

The blind area of ​​​​the foundation of paving slabs should look like garden path, so be sure to lay out a row of imitation curbs - for this, paving slabs are simply placed “on the rub” and are also pressed into the thickness of the sand.

Note:before buying paving slabs for the blind area of ​​​​the foundation, consider the already created landscape design personal plot and house exterior. And even if all the landscaping work is postponed “for later”, it is worth deciding on the style in advance - paving slabs on the market are presented in a wide range of colors and shapes.

Do-it-yourself foundation blind area is not a complicated process and even somewhat fascinating. The fact is that it is on the blind area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foundation that you can learn how to make the right substrate for concrete pouring - this will also come in handy for other construction work on the site.

After the construction of a house or any other building, the priority is to build a blind area around the perimeter of the building. This protective layer, encircling the building along its border, and serving to divert water from the house at a certain distance. It performs a number of useful functions that ensure the protection of the foundation and long-term operation buildings in general. The purpose of this article is to show how you can make a blind area around the house with your own hands, choosing the most suitable option for it.

  1. Foundation protection. Being properly laid, the blind area prevents the penetration of rain and melt water to the foundation of the building. This helps to maintain the integrity of the foundation, which can be broken by moisture penetrating into the ground and freezing.
  2. Increasing the thermal insulation of the foundation and at home in general. The blind area creates an additional insulating layer that reduces the impact of negative temperatures on the soil around the building.
  3. The blind area complements the building, giving the house completeness. Often appearance blind areas are selected so that it is in harmony with the structure.
  4. Practical application in the form of a footpath. Thus, the possibility of convenient movement around the building or between neighboring buildings is achieved.

Types of blind area

Before you start making a blind area, you need to decide which of its types you will use. We list the possible options:

Tip: It is not recommended to use porcelain stoneware as a blind area cover. When placed in the top layer of concrete, it will have a different coefficient of expansion with temperature fluctuations than concrete. The result may be rupture or cracking of porcelain stoneware.

Construction rules

When building a blind area around the house, you should be guided by several mandatory rules:

Advice: Wooden slats used to make expansion joints, be sure to cover with some kind of water-repellent material to prevent them from rotting. It can be bitumen diluted in kerosene, drying oil, mastic, etc.

We make a blind area from concrete

This is a building classic that is used for most buildings. The concrete pavement around the house must be made in accordance with all the rules applicable to this type of structure. It is quite reliable and simple design.

What is required for construction:

  • bayonet shovel, which will remove the soil;
  • cord for marking;
  • building level for correct exposure formwork and ensuring the angle of inclination of the pour;
  • Master OK;
  • rule for smoothing the solution;
  • sand;
  • boards for formwork and expansion joints;
  • crushed stone;
  • water;
  • ready-made concrete mortar or cement;
  • roofing material or bitumen to create expansion joints;
  • container for mixing the solution, if it will be made independently.

The procedure for the manufacture of a blind area of ​​​​concrete

Now consider how to fill the blind area around the house with a concrete solution.

1. Marking the construction site. At this stage, pegs are driven in along the perimeter of the building, located at equal distances from the walls of the building. A distance of 1.5-2 m is maintained between the pegs. A cord is pulled, limiting the width of the future formwork.

2. By means of a bayonet shovel is removed ground layer to a depth of 30 cm. As a result, a trench should form between the foundation and the stretched cord. To improve the waterproofing properties of the blind area, it is recommended to lay a layer of clay on the bottom of the trench.

3. The trench bottom is compacted. For this purpose, it is best to use a rounded log.

Tip: If plant roots remain in the trench, then the bottom of the trench is additionally treated with special chemicals to destroy them. Such processing will not allow plants to destroy the already finished formwork.

4. Formwork is placed along the perimeter of the trench. For its manufacture, you can use boards, pieces of flat slate and other materials. Boards can be fixed to the pegs with self-tapping screws, and other materials are fixed with spacers.

5. Sand is backfilled into the trench with a layer of 10 cm, which is desirable to moisten with water and compact.

6. Crushed stone is laid on the sand, but gravel can also be used. Backfill layer - 6-8 cm.

7. Across the trench, with a step of 2 meters, boards are placed on the edge, which will compensate for the temperature shifts of the concrete layer. In addition, the boards will play the role of beacons during concreting.

8. A reinforcing mesh is laid on the crushed stone or a frame is made of reinforcement with a cell of 10 cm. If reinforcement is used, then all joints are interconnected by welded joints or wire.

9. Concrete mortar is poured in compliance with the appropriate slope. Using the rule, the solution is smoothed between wooden beacons.

10. While the solution has not solidified, ironing of its surface is carried out. To do this, the concrete surface is sprinkled with cement and smoothed with a trowel. This helps to reduce the porosity of the finished surface.

Making a soft blind area

The so-called soft blind area around the house can be independently made using the following materials and tools:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • cord and pegs;
  • crushed stone;
  • clay;
  • sand;
  • roll waterproofing material.

A crushed stone blind area around the house is usually done in cases where the owners do not plan to regularly repair this structure, as well as with insufficient financial resources. She has enough simple design and set up time is kept to a minimum.

Manufacturing procedure

1. The site is marked and the cord is pulled over the driven pegs.

2. A trench is dug between the cord and the wall of the house, having a depth of 30 cm.

3. The trench is lined with a layer of clay of at least 10 cm. The clay is well compacted.

4. A roll waterproofer is laid on the clay. A thick euroroofing material is best suited. It must definitely go on the wall by 10-15 centimeters.

Important: Do not lay the waterproofing membrane with an interference fit, as expanding water and soil movements can break it in the cold. Let better material is located freely and has several folds.

5. The water insulator is covered with a small layer of sand.

6. The rest of the space up to the surface of the trench is covered with rubble.

It is advisable to make such a blind area if water does not get on it from the roof. Otherwise, the water will form gullies in it.

We looked at how to make a soft blind area around the house. . If desired, you can ennoble the design, making it more attractive. A layer of rubble on top can be covered with sand, and paving slabs can be laid on top.

Blind area insulation

A warm coating will increase the temperature in the basement, making it more comfortable to stay in them. For work, it is better to use extruded polystyrene foam, popular in the construction environment. It has a high density and cuts well.

The insulated blind area around the house is made in the following sequence:

  1. Formwork is installed by analogy with a concrete blind area.
  2. A 15 cm trench is covered with dry sand.
  3. The sand is covered with roofing material, which goes to the wall.
  4. Sheet insulation is cut with a knife to the specified dimensions and placed on top of the roofing material. Ensures that there is no movement of the material. A heater of the same thickness and one structure is used.
  5. A reinforcing mesh is placed on top of the insulation.
  6. The last layer is concrete.

Such insulation of the blind area with extruded polystyrene foam does not outwardly differ from the usual concrete pouring, but is more desirable for houses with heated basements or with shallow foundations, as well as for heaving soils.

Making a blind area around the house yourself is a great way to relatively inexpensively and efficiently protect your buildings from the harmful effects of moisture. When the work is done independently, there can be no neglect of the subject of construction.


The blind area surrounding the house plays a very important role in ensuring long and comfortable use of the house. It provides protection for the foundation structure and the soil around it from water ingress. The accumulation of moisture near the house when snow melts or during precipitation can erode the topsoil and reach the foundation. If she manages to seep to the sole of the foundation and damage it, then its bearing capacity and strength will be reduced, which as a result can cause the destruction of the house. It is especially important to correctly use a shallow base, in which the sole is close to the surface, which is why moisture can easily reach its depth.

The width of the blind area should be as wide as possible, as it should protect the base.

As a result of soaking, the strength of the sole decreases, and it begins to sag unevenly, destroying the foundation. However, even in the case of using recessed bases, it is also necessary. It must always be done, regardless of the design of the base, type of soil and other conditions.

Preparing to create a blind area around the house

How to make a high-quality one so that it lasts as long as possible and becomes a reliable protection for the foundation? To do this, you need to choose the right material. good quality and strictly follow the technology.

First of all, you need to choose a width. Since it must protect the base, its width should be as wide as possible.

The scheme of the blind area around the house.

In addition to the protective function, the blind area around the house is also erected as a path along the perimeter of the building. This must also be taken into account when choosing its width so that in the future you do not have to walk on it sideways. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the most optimal width a correctly made blind area around the house that meets all norms and requirements is within the order of 1-2.5 m.

The blind area around the house must be done with a certain slope, due to which water will drain away from the walls of the building. Building codes define the value of the slope, equal to 50-100 mm per 1 m of width. This means that the edge of the blind area around the house, whose width is 1 m, will have a height of 50-100 mm near the wall of the house, and its other edge will be flush with the ground. The resulting descent is good for draining water from the building: water will flow down it quickly enough, but it is difficult to walk along such a blind area. However, if you make the angle of inclination smaller, then the water will drain much more slowly or even linger on the surface, but it will be much more convenient to walk. A compromise between efficiency and comfort is considered to be a slope of 15 mm per 1 m of width. When walking, such a slope is almost not noticeable, and the water flows down completely and does not linger on the surface.

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Materials and coating for the blind area around the house

Scheme of the blind area device.

In order to properly make a blind area around the house, you need to prepare the appropriate materials. There are several popular options for its manufacture, which use various materials, but the most common is a blind area made of concrete.

The manufacturing technology is quite simple. First of all, the area for the blind area is cleared, after which the reinforcement bars with a diameter of 6 mm or more are laid in the form of a grid. The rods are connected to each other by means of a knitting wire. Next, formwork is installed, made of wooden planks. At the end, the formwork is poured with concrete mortar.

To independently make a blind area around the house, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • shovel;
  • Hydraulic level;
  • Wheelbarrow for transportation of crushed stone and removal of soil;
  • Manual tamper;
  • Waterproofing materials;
  • insulation;
  • Sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • clay;
  • Reinforced mesh with 10x10 cells or reinforcement bars.

Before starting work, it is advisable to perform the necessary preparatory actions, for which you should organize free access to the house from all sides, as well as prepare the tools and materials listed earlier.

The next stage is the execution of marking work. It is most convenient to carry out this procedure using wooden or metal pegs (driven in around the perimeter of the future) and a cord pulled between them. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the blind area has the same width at all points (as a rule, around private houses with a width of 1 m).

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Do-it-yourself concrete blind area around the house: step by step instructions

Scheme of the construction of a concrete blind area.

From the blind area, made in accordance with all norms and rules, depends on the durability of the foundation, as well as the amount of money and time spent on the construction of the structure itself. It is better to take care of creating a blind area immediately after the completion of the construction of the house.

The blind area around the house consists of 2 structural layers. The first of these is the underlying layer. The main task of this layer is to create a compacted even base for the coating. Material used: sand, clay or small gravel. Layer thickness - up to 20 mm. The choice of material for the underlying layer depends entirely on the material of the second layer, i.e. coatings. The main task of the coating is resistance to the damaging effects of moisture and water resistance. Material used: clay (it can be used both as a base layer and for creating a coating), asphalt mix, concrete, small cobblestone. Layer thickness - up to 100 mm.

Scheme of the device of the concrete blind area.

This is true for any type of blind area around the house. Next, the instructions for the blind area device will be given using the example of the most popular option - concrete.

To prepare a concrete mixture, it is necessary to take M400 cement, crushed stone and sand in proportions of 1: 4: 2.

Make markings for the future blind area around the house. The minimum width of the structure was described earlier. Remove and compact the earth around the perimeter of the building. Usually the soil is removed at the zero cycle of construction work. When constructing a blind area, it is necessary to prepare the ground exactly for the width of the future structure in accordance with the markings made. In this case, it is necessary to take into account what material will be used in construction. For the ground, you need to take it out to a depth of about 25 cm (“on the bayonet of a shovel”).

The next step is the manufacture of formwork from boards. For formwork, boards with a thickness of 20 mm are used. A small layer of clay is laid on the compacted earth. The clay is leveled and compacted. A layer of sand about 10 cm thick is laid. The sand must be carefully compacted, for which it should be additionally spilled with water. Try not to overdo it. Remember that the bottom is clay. Especially carefully you need to compact the sand at the foundation. Now you need to lay the crushed stone with a layer of 60-70 mm.

For any building, regardless of its purpose, it is necessary to make a blind area. This will allow surface water to be diverted from the foundation of the house, and it will not collapse from the negative effects of moisture.

A do-it-yourself blind area around the house can be made by any home craftsman, its width should be in the range of 0.6-1.2 meters, and in order to improve water drainage, it is recommended to make a slight slope, up to 10 degrees.

Before you make a blind area around the house with your own hands, it is necessary to investigate and take into account the geological features of the site, the device of the drain, depending on this, its width is determined. As an outer coating, any material can be used, in this case, it all depends on the imagination and capabilities of the owner.

The cheapest and affordable option blind area device is the use of clay.

It is laid around the house, the layer thickness is 10-15 cm, after which it is covered with a hard coating. Clay is a good waterproofing agent and does not allow moisture to penetrate to the foundation of the building; various materials can be used as a top coating.

A cheap and affordable option is to use crushed stone, which must be rammed when laying. A more reliable option is to lay a layer of rubble on top cement mortar. Thus, the protection of the foundation from excessive moisture is significantly improved, and it is much easier to care for such a coating.

The most expensive, but also the most quality option, is the use monolithic slab, the thickness of which is about 6-8 cm. But this method cannot be applied to clay soil and soil that is saturated with water, since very often you will have to patch holes and repair the blind area with your own hands.

Another option for the blind area, which can also be done by hand, is the use of reinforced slabs.

What happens if the blind area is not done?

In the presence of frequent and heavy precipitation ground water rise, and with surface waters will freely penetrate the foundation of the building. Because of this, the foundation will begin to collapse, which leads to the appearance of cracks not only in it, but also in the walls of the building.

If the house is built on heaving soils, then the consequences will be even more serious. After drinking the soil with water, during frosts, it begins to expand unevenly and put pressure on the building structure. To prevent this from happening, in such cases, it is necessary not only to make a blind area with your own hands, but also to insulate it.

When deciding what the width of the blind area should be, it must be borne in mind that it should extend beyond the overhang of the eaves by approximately 20-25 cm. Its width is usually about 80 cm, but it can be less or more than this value.

Along the edge of the blind area, it is necessary to make a storm drain, along which water will be drained, and in order for it to be drained more efficiently, the slope of the blind area should be 5-10 degrees.

If you do all the work with your own hands, then you need to take into account the fact that some experts recommend making a blind area along with the construction of the foundation, but you must strictly follow the technology of work.

Main functions

This building has several functions.

If you look at the functions of the blind area, it becomes clear that it should be solid, without cracks and should fit snugly against the building. Its depth should not be more than half the depth of soil freezing in your region, otherwise it will not fulfill its functions, but will simply turn into a continuation of the foundation.

How to do it yourself?

In order for the blind area to effectively perform its functions, it must protrude at least 25 cm beyond the roof overhang. If the roof covering protrudes 50 cm beyond the wall, then the width of the blind area must be at least 75 cm.

In order to do everything yourself, you will need:

  • cement, crushed stone, sand;
  • formwork boards;
  • polyurethane sealant;
  • trowel or spatula;
  • rule;
  • solution container;
  • shovel.

Fig.1. Types of blind area on a sand and gravel cushion.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, markup is performed and the location of the blind area around the entire perimeter of the house is marked. After that, with the help of a bayonet shovel, the top layer of soil is removed so that the roots of the plants do not have a negative effect on the structure.
  2. Boards are installed around the perimeter, they will not allow the solution to spread, the boards are fastened in the required position with the help of pegs and self-tapping screws.
  3. To ensure normal water drainage, it is necessary that the blind area has a small angle, this must be remembered during the work.
  4. The cavity that was freed from the top layer of soil is covered with sand. It must be filled with a little water and tamped. A layer of crushed stone or broken brick is poured on top.
  5. Now it is necessary to make a solution, after which it is poured, a rule is used to level the concrete. To prevent concrete from cracking, it is recommended to make expansion joints every 1.5-2 meters, which are filled with polyurethane sealant.
  6. 15-20 minutes after you poured the concrete, you need to iron it. This is done with dry cement, which is sprinkled over the entire surface, and then it is smoothed out with a spatula or trowel.

    Ironing allows not only to strengthen the top layer of concrete, but also makes it smoother and more beautiful. If you plan to lay paving slabs from above, then ironing is not necessary.

  7. Within 2 days after the concrete was poured, you can safely walk on it.

It's very simple, but nonetheless robust design. Work sequence:

  • clay 10-15 cm thick is laid at the bottom of the trench, it is well rammed and a slope is made;
  • PVC film is laid on top, it is necessary to ensure waterproofing;
  • lay on top of the film 10-15 cm of coarse sand;
  • From above, we cover everything with a layer of rubble so that the rubble does not sink into the sand; geotextiles or similar material can be placed between them.
  • to make everything look beautiful, crushed stone is poured a little below the soil level, and rolled grass is laid on top.

If a blind area around the house is made of tiles or paving stones, in this case the sequence of work is the same, but there are some features. Since there is a slope, so that the tiles do not move out, it is necessary to install a curbstone.

The blind area at home is one of important aspects in creating a long and comfortable operation of the house itself. It creates protection for the foundation and the soil around the circumference from moisture. After heavy rains or snowfalls, or snowmelt, water may accumulate near the building. It can also run off the roof. Moisture can have a devastating effect on the top layer of soil and reach the foundation. If this happens, then the bearing potential of the foundation will be seriously weakened. As a result, the entire structure collapses.

When creating a drain, creating a blind area is a must. The drain will create a defense for the soil from water falling from the roof, but does not protect against precipitation.

It is extremely important to correctly build a blind area when you have a foundation at a shallow depth. Its sole is quite close to the surface, and water can easily reach the very depth of its occurrence. Then the strength of the sole will disappear, the sole itself will sag, and the foundation will lose its shape and begin to collapse.

A blind area should also be created with an equipped deep foundation.

To create a strong durable blind area, you will need to correctly select high-quality materials and strictly observe the technological aspects of construction.

Tile pavement.

Determining the width of the blind area

The main task of the blind area is protection. And its width is the parameter that should be obtained as much as possible. Its recommended minimum value is 80 cm. And the maximum figures are already a purely master's business. There are no standards here. The desired width will ensure the absorption of moisture into the soil far from home.

When determining the width, it is worth considering another blind area task - walkway around the building. The blind area should provide free movement along this path: no walking sideways or close to the wall. Taking into account this factor, the width should be set in the range of 100 - 250 cm.

The blind area should be formed with a slope. So the water will drain from the walls of the building. According to Soviet standards, the slope parameter is as follows: 5 - 10 cm per 100 cm wide. That is, the edge of the blind area, the width of which is 100 cm, will reach a height of 5–10 cm at the wall of the building. Its other edge will be on the same level with the ground. So it's a pretty steep descent. It is optimal for fast and efficient water drainage. But moving along such a blind area will turn out to be problematic. If the angle of inclination is reduced, the flow rate will drop significantly, water can generally accumulate on the surface. Although the movement along the blind area will be comfortable.

Under the condition of an ideal blind area surface (evenness, smoothness), a slope of 1 cm is acceptable. However, it will be difficult to move on such a surface in winter time- very slippery.

If a material with a rough surface is used for the assigned tasks, the minimum slope value is 1.5 - 2 cm.

When a blind area is created around a non-residential building, for example, the recommended angle at the entrance is as follows: 2 - 3 cm. So the surface will receive high-quality protection from rainwater. It will rapidly drain, penetrating into it and not freezing in the cold. And your garage will not have puddles and ice.

Material selection

This issue should be taken very seriously. Exists different variants materials for creating a blind area. The most popular is reinforced concrete.

When it is applied, the work is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Clearing the site for future construction.
  2. Reinforcing bars (minimum diameter - 6 mm) form a grid. Its cells are as follows: 30 x 30 cm. The cells are connected with knitting wire.
  3. Formwork installation. Boards are used for this.
  4. Formwork pouring.

Before creating a blind area, its foundation is being prepared: along the perimeter of the building along the width of the blind area, the upper soil layer is removed - approximately 13 cm. At the walls, the depth should somewhat exceed the specified parameter. The poured concrete mixture should flow towards the house, slightly squeezing it. Any other blind area fasteners to the structure are not required.

Then they mark up blind area borders. Pegs come into play. They're slamming in. There is a cord between them. The bottom of the trench is covered with a sand layer of 5 cm. Concrete will rely on it.

If in working area sandy soil, the use of sand can be excluded. On this layer are placed formwork, reinforcing cage, followed by pouring concrete. Reinforcing elements must be totally concentrated in the concrete base. To do this, the base rises a little.

Concrete is created in the following proportions:

  • cement M400: 1 share,
  • sand: 2 shares,
  • crushed stone: 4 or 5 shares.

Concrete pavement.

radioactive materials

If you intend to build a blind area from ash - the result of coal combustion at thermal power plants, be vigilant. Ash can be a source of radiation. And this will have a detrimental effect on the health of residents.

As a rule, coal mining is carried out in Russian mines. There is a very high level of radiation. Radiation checks are not carried out at TPPs. An important factor there is the ash content of coal. Therefore, by purchasing ash and using it in construction activities, you run the risk of seriously deteriorating your health. To reduce the risk, purchase ash with a dosimeter. This device will calculate its radiation level.

Also in the category of radiation materials is a cinder block. It also contains ash. There are known cases of determining a very high level of radiation in residential premises created from such blocks.

Extremely rarely, increased radiation is also found in foundation blocks and reinforced concrete slabs. In construction activities, instead of cinder blocks, sawdust blocks can be used. This option is completely environmentally friendly.

Metal can also give off radiation. This applies to both black and colored varieties. A dangerous background is most often present in remelted metal. The echo of Chernobyl speaks here. A lot of metals were exported from this zone and melted down. And there is some chance that buying metal product for the blind area, you get the "element" of Chernobyl. When buying, also act with a dosimeter.

Work on the covering for the blind area

After the concrete mixture has completely hardened, a coating can be laid on it. Very often the coating is formed from curly paving elements (FEMs), or from granite paving stones.

The first differ in their quality and appearance. Acid-resistant bricks with parameters of 12 x 25 x 5 cm are considered high quality options. They perfectly cope with the loads from frequent movement and walking, as well as natural conditions.

Standard FEMs do not have the required strength. This negatively affects the time of their service. It stretches to 5 years. After this period, their original appearance is completely lost. Such a coating should last at least 10 years.

Paving stones are a great option for covering. Its strength is high, service life is decent, there is a rich color range. It can be used as a mosaic, to form intricate patterns. Its main drawback is associated with its huge price.

Cover example

The nuances of self-creating a blind area around the house

In this work, attention should be paid to the following nuances:

  1. Do not build a blind area immediately after the construction of the basement. When backfilling is performed, the trench is filled with soil previously removed from it. That is, black soil, clay, etc. are used. To a certain extent, there is subsidence of any soil. He needs time to fully subside. If you build a blind area immediately, without waiting for this subsidence, then in case of moisture penetration into the soil, it will begin to sag, changing the shape of the blind area. And cracks form on its surface. To prevent such a picture, backfill with sand that easily passes water. When you correctly water and level it, the blind area can be created after 24 hours. Although this construction is better to start after the construction of the building box or 8-12 months after the work on the foundation.
  2. For coverage porcelain tiles should not be used. It has a smooth slippery and traumatic surface. In addition, she has a very modest lifespan. After all, it is laid directly on the concrete plane, which expands in the cold. And this coating will soon burst.

FEM laying principles

To lay this material, use a mixture created from a bucket of cement (grade M400) and 3-4 buckets of sand, as well as 70 grams detergent. The last component protects the created composition from subsidence.

There is a more economical version of laying - on sand. But the service life of the coating in this scenario will be short-lived. When moisture penetrates the sand, the material will sag, and it will need to be re-layed or completely replaced.

Another economical option with similar characteristics is laying on a dry mix. So the pleasant appearance of the surface will hold a little longer. Therefore, the first proposed option remains the most optimal.


Creation of blind area protection

As known, the main task blind areas - protective. But it is also desirable to defend this structure itself from water coming from the roof. Here it is necessary to arrange a high-quality outlet in the format of gutters. They will be organized along the entire perimeter of the roof. So the water will first be in the gutters, along them it will go to the drain pipe. As a result, it will still be on the blind area, but the height of its runoff will be drastically reduced. The impact on the surface of the blind area will also decrease.

According to the old standards, the withdrawal technology was used for buildings with more than two floors. Today, the withdrawal is arranged in any private houses.


It does not interfere with the blind area to additionally insulate. So the soil will freeze less in the cold. For such purposes, castling is carried out in the concrete composition: expanded clay is used instead of crushed stone.

Another good insulation technique: pour the blind area in two layers., A heater is arranged between them, for example.

Final requirements for the blind area:

  1. Optimum width for efficient drainage and comfortable walking: 1-2 m.
  2. The optimal slope according to the same criteria: 1.5 cm (per meter of width).
  3. Creating the foundation, it is necessary to dig a trench with a slight slope towards the residential building. The blind area should be in close contact with the house throughout the depth.
  4. The optimal and safe material is reinforced concrete. It guarantees excellent results in terms of strength and durability.
  5. The best option for coating is acid-resistant brick - FEM. It fits on concrete mix.
  6. No matter how many floors are listed in the erected house, a high-quality drainage system is needed. It will seriously increase the operational life of the blind area.

An example of a finished blind area with a drainage system.

Video instruction

Alexander Kvasha's video on creating a do-it-yourself blind area is not only one of the most popular. The authors of the material did not turn off the possibility of commenting, so the viewers were able to actively criticize the material presented and analyze the errors in detail.