A collection of interesting facts. Striptease: from ancient times to modern burlesque When and where did striptease appear

Know the name of the pole for dancing. But since this type of dance has not yet gone deep into the masses, the word "pylon" for the average layman may be an unfamiliar and incomprehensible term associated with a disease or an unknown drink. Let's fix the situation!

Pole for dancing - pylon

The cultural name for the dance pole in Russia is "pylon". This is a word of foreign origin, used in architecture and literally meaning "support", "column", "pole". If used originally Russian meaning, then it is best to choose the word "pole" as an analogue. But, it is not so attractive in terms of advertising, so it's still a pylon. But in America they are not shy about calling words by their proper names. "Pole dance" - literally means "dance on a pole, stick, vertical support, pole." "Pole" - a support in a simple everyday sense, like a staff or a pole. As a fitness direction "pole dance" appeared about 15 years ago, and all its previous history is directly related to striptease and ritual prostitution (in the culture of ancient peoples). As we know, these professions rarely use aesthetic names for anything.

Spiral, out of the checkbox

Chinese pole

As you know, pole dancing is divided into several categories. One of them involves owning your own body at the level of acrobatics. In ancient and modern China, similar numbers on a pole could be seen in any circus. The poles were made from bamboo to be strong, flexible and very tall. Climbing a flexible bamboo pole to a height is much easier than climbing a wooden pole with a diameter around your arms. Therefore, Russian circus performers preferred numbers on ropes, and fun on poles was arranged only during fairs.

Modern Chinese acrobats show miracles of flexibility, which even the achievements of professional pole dancers cannot yet be compared with. The difference is that the pylons are made of polished metal pipes, and Chinese poles have a rubberized coating. Thanks to this special coating, the acrobat has a good grip when fully clothed. In this regard, the Chinese are very conservative.

Khamb - Indian pole

In addition to metal poles for fitness, there are also wooden supports. They are most common in India. There, to this day, there is the practice of "mallakhamb", which is called hatha yoga on a pillar. Khambas (poles) come in different thicknesses, but most often have a larger diameter than the pylon. Another difference is that khambs have a rounded pommel that can be used to fix the legs or as a place to sit. There is a theory that the mallakhamb is an analogue of the Russian pillar tradition, which in ancient times the "White Magi" brought to India. Practicing on a wooden pole requires exposure, this is the only way to ensure the best adhesion of the body and support. In historical sources, you can find information about the old Russian fun, when half-naked fellows climbed an ice pillar to its top to show their prowess. Many analogies can be drawn. The official purpose of mallakhamb is the physical development of a warrior. It is believed that constant practice not only trains the body in every possible way, but also helps to control intuition, emotions and one's own thoughts.

Now you know the name of the pole dance pole (pylon, if you forgot), as well as the Indian pole for training warriors, you will find more information in the video tutorials on our website.

Once, in the famous Parisian cabaret "Moulin Rouge", during the dance, the beautiful Mona threw off all her clothes. For obscene behavior, the girl was arrested and fined 100 francs, which caused protests and riots in France. It happened on February 9, 1893. Then both the cancan, which was later called the prototype of striptease, and striptease were considered extremely vulgar dances, and an equal sign was put between performers and prostitutes.

Over the years, striptease has become, if not an acceptable phenomenon in society, then at least permitted by the law of many countries, and erotic dances have become an integral part of culture. Moreover, in Lately a kind of striptease pole dance - dancing on a pole (pole) - is developing as an independent direction in sports.

However, despite the fact that France is considered the birthplace of striptease after the “incident” at the Moulin Rouge, many historians are sure that the nude dance appeared long before the 19th century in Egypt, only they treated it not as entertainment, but as a solemn ritual ...

In fact, the origins of modern striptease could stand Egyptians Or rather the Egyptians. The tradition of being naked to melodious singing was associated with Osiris, the god of life force and nature. It looked like this: the girls began their dance with a round dance, after which they took off thin silk cloaks and other robes. The rite ended with prayer and sacrifice (interestingly, the “victims” were, as a rule, fruits and bright flowers - according to the Egyptians, this should have placed God in their favor).

Known for their craving for love pleasures ancient Greeks also contributed to the development of striptease. The inhabitants of the ancient Greek polis of Corinth were taught the "science of frank dance" in special schools, where, along with mathematics and music, they were taught this skill. Such girls were called getters, reapers of the goddess of love Aphrodite, who, with the help of their dances, brought men to ecstasy. The secret of their skill was in their clothes: the fold on the chiton was located so that at the right moment the clothes quickly slipped off the body, and the reapers remained completely naked.

Severe Middle Ages brought a lot of trouble to lovers of vicious dances and their performers. And the matter was not limited to the payment of a fine. The inquisitors continually accused seductive dancers of witchcraft and applied the death penalty to them by burning at the stake. However, this did not prevent naked beauties from arranging erotic performances, and with the Renaissance, strip dancing became an integral part of any mass holiday, even if it took place at the papal court. However, with the decline of the Renaissance, such dances were recognized as forbidden, but this only kindled the general interest of the public in this art form. Forbidden fruit is sweet, where to go 🙂

Age of Enlightenment did not change the attitude of the masses to striptease. Frank dancing was still considered forbidden, and places where striptease was practiced practically disappeared from the streets of European cities. Only the elite could admire the naked beauties. Most fortunate, of course, the artists of that time: completely legal grounds they invited young girls to their homes under the pretext of creating masterpieces. Surprisingly, many of them really created these very masterpieces, depicting young and sensual persons, who wore only earrings and beads from their clothes.

But years passed, and in Europe came times of freethinking. In many cities of Europe, variety shows began to open, where girls entertained gentlemen with erotic dances. That's just the maximum that a visitor to such a variety show could see - a strip of bare skin between a nylon stocking and a vulgar skirt. But everything changed instantly in 1893 during the performance of Mona, who threw off all her clothes in front of the public. In the same year, striptease appeared in Chicago, where a cabaret dancer was naked. And of course, one should not forget about the "merits" of Mata Hari - at the end of the performance, the dancer remained almost completely naked.

Gradually, striptease began to be perceived not as vulgarity, but as a kind of frank art that can inspire a man to any feat. It was a sophisticated striptease on the verge of insanity, when the word "stripper" has ceased to be considered a synonym for the word "prostitute". And in time of World War I examples are known when refined beauties called on soldiers for patriotism with the help of their dances of “languid exposure”.

The golden dawn of the burlesque show fell on 1920s. The heroines of burlesque began to move away from the traditional concept of this art, and their role in burlesque was completely reduced to a striptease. The actresses paid great attention to the technique of striptease and its performance. Burlesque and striptease have become synonymous words.

Modern striptease is more than just a dance of naked beauties to music. This is a subtle combination of plasticity and theatre, beauty and choreography. IN modern world the concept of "striptease" has ceased to be associated with something forbidden, and the emergence of various strip dance schools has given a powerful impetus to the development of this art direction, which attracts the views of millions of men and women around the world.

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Hotel rooms for couples only, imprisonment for purchasing pornography… For decades, iron hypocrisy reigned behind the Iron Curtain. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a wave of the sexual revolution swept across Russia. Photographer Evgeny Kondakov was present at the same time - and recorded with the help of his development cameras new freedom mores.

In the mid-1980s, the Iron Curtain still divides Europe and the world, while television begins to practice détente. In a joint broadcast of American and Soviet TV channels, citizens from hostile blocs talk to each other. TV Bridge. talk to women” was the name of the program. It's about everyday things.

An American woman wants to know how Soviet advertising works, and if everything in it also "revolves around sex." A quarter of a century has passed since this transfer, and the Soviet Union itself has already ceased to exist. However, the answer of Lyudmila Nikolaevna Ivanova, an employee of the Moscow hotel "Leningrad" and the head of the "Committee Soviet women”, every Russian knows today. "We don't have sex in the Soviet Union," she said.

Of course, the communists also had sex. However, they shyly called it "making love." When the Soviet Union collapsed shortly thereafter, sexual freedom began to make its way in Russia as well. Strip clubs began to open everywhere, prostitutes caught clients right in front of the main KGB building.

Today it is no longer a problem to find a suitable strip club or order a stripper and a female show for the Bachelor Party. You can view the personal pages of artists in and choose the most suitable for the men's evening.

Photographer Evgeny Kondakov, collaborating with the magazines Paris Match, Time and Spiegel, using his camera captured the sexual revolution taking place in Russia.

Evgeny Kondakov: Well, yes, people, of course, have always multiplied, but it was not supposed to talk about it. Many things were forbidden. It was impossible to buy a Playboy magazine anywhere, and for watching an erotic film directed by Tinto Brass, one could end up in jail. A man and a woman could rent a hotel room together only if they proved that they were husband and wife. Recently I was in Iran, and the situation is the same there today. And in their own four walls, most people had little room to arrange a sex life for themselves.

- Why is that?

There were communal apartments in which many Russians lived in big cities. Several families shared one among themselves, where each had only one room. One woman who lived with her son told me about how she constantly went to the kitchen when his girlfriend came to visit him. There, in the common kitchen, she was washing clothes at that time. And so it continued until the neighbors began to tell jokes about her forced washing.

- How did you come to this topic? Where and when did the first photographs appear?

During Gorbachev's perestroika, I worked for the Moskovskiye Novosti newspaper, which supported reforms in the country. The editorial office was located in the center on Pushkinskaya Square. In 1990, people appeared there for the first time selling erotic literature right on the street. They were dirty little books on cheap paper. But they sold like hot cakes. This has not yet been seen in Moscow - a guide to the technique of sex! And another book had the following title: "The Forbidden Made Available."

Then came the first Russian magazine for men called Andrey. Its editor-in-chief ran around Moscow and asked young women if they were ready to act in the nude and even on the street made a visual assessment of their bust.

One photo shows the presentation of the magazine "Andrey" in 1995, in which a semi-nude model participates. Most of the audience are very young people.

Adults didn't have time for such things. They had other concerns as they did not know how to feed their families. This is the big difference between the West and Russia. The sexual revolution in Europe coincided with a rise in living standards. But with us it was the other way around, and society was disintegrating. Masses of people lost their savings, and a few people became very rich. This led to the commercialization of sex. Prostitution, of course, existed in the Soviet Union - probably for the party elite, in a hidden form. And then she suddenly appeared everywhere: prostitutes stood at the parliament, in front of the building of our editorial office, and even on the Lubyanka, where the headquarters of the secret service is located.

How did you end up at a pool party organized by Alfa-Bank, owned by oligarch Mikhail Fridman?

It wasn't difficult, back then it was a common way to present products, and it was then about a new credit card. At that time, strip shows were on every corner. Even in the respectable Metropol Hotel - today they do not believe me when I tell about this - half-naked girls walked everywhere, and buns were sold there in the form of a penis.

How did people react to such things?

When the first striptease club, Dolls, opened, men went there with their wives and were dressed as if they were attending a premiere at the Bolshoi Theater.

The distribution of roles seems rather one-sided: in fact, all the time in your photographs there are naked women and men in suits having fun.

Striptease former gymnast and master of sports Anna Delos brought the most common desire to earn. However, unlike other girls, she did not leave this occupation either after a year or two, and has continued to dance for almost ten years. Today she has her own show on the pylon, with which she works not only in clubs, but also at private events. At 26, the ex-athlete does not even think about looking for herself in something else. With what contingent she has to communicate, how much money she can earn in one night at the club and how the stripper's personal life develops, Anna Delos told AiF.ru.

Will I shoot or not?

When I performed for the first time, until the last moment I thought: “Will I take off my bra or not?”. At that moment, I experienced wild adrenaline, but at the same time I perfectly understood that I had no right to let my employer down. Then I undressed only out of a sense of responsibility to the person who got me into the club. Of course, now all the experiences are long gone. I calmly go on stage, moreover, I enjoy what I do.

Striptease and family

For my relatives, I do dancing and acrobatics. They know that I have my own show and that you do not need to come to it. For competitions - please, for work - no. Still, in a strip club, I have to be as sexy as possible, my task is to interest a man, if I know that my family is sitting somewhere at the next table, I just can’t be liberated.

I discuss my work with my parents, I can complain about some guest or, on the contrary, tell how someone praised me. But the question of whether I perform topless or not, of course, is not raised. I don't see any point in this.

compliments every day

In most cases, the guests are friendly towards the girls. Every evening someone confesses their love to me and showers me with compliments. Of course, boors also come across, someone is in a bad mood, and someone decided to raise their self-esteem at the expense of girls who cannot answer. “Get out of here”, “don’t come near me” are the most harmless phrases that can be heard. But since I have been working in this area for many years, I have learned to abstract, it is impossible to offend me. If I see that a conflict is brewing, I just silently turn around and leave. It’s not worth answering an aggressively minded person, you can get it in the face.

Hard rules

From the side, you might think that the club is such a wonderful place where everyone has fun, and the girls who dance striptease also relax and have a great time. In fact, any institution has a huge set of rules that every dancer should read and learn. Any violation will result in a fine or dismissal. For example, you can not be rude to a guest. Another taboo is intimacy with a client, although in some clubs in Moscow this is allowed, but where I work it is absolutely not. When all the dancers go out to the welcome parade, you must be sure to smile. You stand with a stone face - a fine. If you do not applaud after the end of the show - again a fine. I forgot to do a manicure - again a fine. Did not come to work - a big fine. Despite this, some girls are constantly skipping, by the end of the month they have accumulated such a debt that it is easier to go to another club.

Big and small money

I have a salary as I perform with a show program. But ordinary dancers do not. They receive interest from private dances, communication with the guest. Earnings completely depend on the girl herself, the more active you are, the more it is.

I must say right away that all the stories about how strippers are given apartments and cars remained somewhere in the 90s. I have not encountered such things. There is no question of any easy money in our sphere. Absolutely all guests count money. But Russian men are still the most generous. Foreigners against their background are tight-fisted and do not like to leave a tip, they will sit and wait until the last change.

There are good nights when many guests agree to go to a private dance with you, then for a few hours of work you can get more than 20 thousand rubles.

I have the right to perform at the club five times a week, but I am against working to the limit. If the season is high, you can see me on stage 4 times, when the season is low - 3. In addition, I can take more corporate parties, I can take less. If you load yourself in full, then you can really earn 500 thousand rubles a month. The standard income is about 300 thousand. However, I get this kind of money only because I have my own show. The earnings of an ordinary dancer are much more modest. If the girl is new, inexperienced, then 3000 rubles per night. To some, that kind of money may seem normal. But do not forget that you need to pay for a taxi from this amount, because the metro does not work at night, as well as makeup and hair - it's about 1500. You can't prepare yourself for going on stage - there are professional stylists for this purpose. If you don't want to get fined, use their services.

poor girl

There is a separate category of clients who like to read notations: “How did you get to such a life, why are you here, find yourself another job, etc.” I usually react to such things gently and with humor: “You liked my show, but I gave you pleasure, let this be my mission.” But sometimes, if a person is too intrusive, I can answer harshly: “What are you doing here? You came here to spend, and I earn.

Continuous expenses

Girls come to the club casting every day, it happens that even several people at once. But not all remain. Someone already on the first night understands that this is not their place: there are too many restrictions and requirements. You can't sit in the dressing room all night. Some are simply shy of men. They do not want to be the first to approach the guest, they expect that they will be approached, and this rarely happens. If you don’t earn money, you will leave very soon, because our profession involves huge expenses for yourself: hairdo, makeup, manicure, pedicure, fitness, beautician, stage costumes. This is a giant list of expenses. For example, my most expensive suit costs 150 thousand rubles. Individual work with a choreographer who puts on my numbers, and renting a hall - 5 thousand rubles per hour. Shoes (strips) - 8 thousand, if they are decorated with rhinestones, then all 15! And they last for a maximum of a month, since the load is very strong. In addition, you should have several pairs of such shoes for different looks.

No wonder those who remain in this profession are trying to find the most different ways earn. For example, I knew a girl who took hypnosis courses. Clients voluntarily gave her all the money they had with them. It is impossible to rob a man, there are cameras all around, for such things in good clubs they are fired, but here he gives you everything himself - you won’t find fault. Girls in this regard are very inventive - they attend seduction and NLP courses. It's a whole business.

Know when to stop

Men often treat dancers. This is allowed by the rules of the club. But not all girls have a sense of proportion, they do not understand that if you drink with guests every time, then this will not lead to anything good. Some people just fall asleep. It is important to remember that you came to the club not to have fun, but to earn money.

I don't drink at work, also because I just can't dance. Tricks on the pole should be done with a sober head, since you work at height, it is dangerous. I have repeatedly witnessed how inexperienced girls after alcohol simply fell to the floor while performing complex elements. A terrible sight. Besides, you spend the whole evening walking in high heels, talking to men, and they don't like drunken women.

Not 18 anymore

Youth does not give any privileges in our profession. But everyone stubbornly continues to think that young strippers are in higher demand. I am often asked: “Do you understand that at the age of 30 no one will need you?” This is complete nonsense! Firstly, the guest usually does not understand how old you are, after all, subdued lights and makeup do their job. The second point: when you are young, you do not understand how to interest a client, how to approach, start a conversation. These skills are developed over the years, so an experienced dancer will always have higher earnings.

Chest and lips are natural

Another stereotype that has nothing to do with reality is that all men love big breasts. No, they love natural breasts and do not allow girls with the fifth size, which clearly appeared on the stripper's body thanks to the efforts of the surgeon. The same attitude to pumped up lips, hair extensions and even eyelashes. Many girls now remove everything that they once enlarged and do not know how to do it without consequences.

Anna Deloc. Photo: From the personal archive / Alena Berezina

no husband

I have never had an affair with guests, because I take a sober look at things: men come to a strip club to relax and unwind, and not to find a wife and future mother of their children.

When I first started doing striptease, I constantly heard from others that no decent man would marry a girl like me. But in fact, these words have nothing to do with reality. I was called to marry more than once, there is no end to the fans. Many have nothing against an affair with a stripper. But I myself am not yet ready for children and marriage.

Stripper and acrobat

I don't see anything offensive in the word stripper. Of course, when I meet people, I am in no hurry to tell them about what I do in the first minute. Not because I'm shy, but in order not to frighten a person. Usually I say that I work as a dancer in the show, if the reaction is adequate, then I reveal all the cards. Some tense up at the word pylon, of course, I present my work to them as an acrobatic show, in fact, it is.


Some girls are building another business in parallel, I still want to achieve heights in this business. My task is to show people how different striptease can be, so that they do not think that it is dirty, vulgar and disgusting. I already have my own show program, where not only striptease, but also acrobatics, gymnastics, and even tricks. I perform at birthdays, bachelor parties, corporate parties. The plans include a full-fledged show for 1.5 hours, which will run separately from the club program, perhaps even on a completely different stage. I expect that the audience will be not only men, but also couples. Conventionally, it is in the same line with Crazy Horse and Moulin Rouge. Although I wouldn't compare. Alas, there is such a stereotype that a striptease is when some girl takes off her bra, nothing interesting. And some strippers themselves believe that in this profession the main thing is to undress. In fact, modern men are no longer surprised by bare breasts. Now, in order to interest the viewer, you need to think through and work out each number to the smallest detail, and I do it with pleasure.

Elina told us her story. Photo from the site: striply.com.ua.



We agreed to meet with Elina in a cafe. A tall, pretty girl quickly entered the establishment with a graceful gait. It is impossible to immediately guess what she is doing - she is dressed modestly, her make-up is discreet. Who would have thought that the beauty has been dancing striptease for a dozen years ... Now Elina directs her own show ballet, acts as a Go-Go (sometimes topless) andorganizes erotic shows at the request of the audience.

The dance story of our heroine began a long time ago. At the age of 6, her mother gave her to ballroom dancing. Elina devoted about 7 years of her life to them. She says that she did not take first and second places in competitions below. But in adolescence, the girl began to grow rapidly, she soon became taller than all the boys of her peers. On the eve of important competitions, Elina's partner was given to another girl, along with costumes sewn by her mother for the performance. Not surviving the loss, she retired from ballroom dancing.

When the girl was 18, she saw a ballet show in a nightclub and literally fell in love with their performance. Elina realized that she wanted to go on stage. She found the choreographer's phone and they took her to ballet, although at the beginning it was free.

Later, the team broke up, for several years the dancer performed in clubs (Palladium and Yo!). Then she was offered to participate in an erotic show program at the Gulfstream institution. For Odessa then it was a novelty. Elina agreed to dance, stripping down to her underwear. And then she became interested in moving on. In addition, they offered good money for striptease ...

- Tell us about the feeling when you undressed for the first time?

The first time I undressed with my husband on a nude beach, he loved it. I didn’t have any complexes about this, but it was strange to strip naked in front of people. It was something like a restriction of my freedom and I had to get rid of it. I remembered the first time I jumped with a parachute. Then you had to make up your mind and take a step, otherwise you could not dare. Also on the beach, I just undressed without thinking, not letting myself stop. First shock, then normal. Such a psychological break. Then I started to regularly go to the nude beach and nudity was not a problem.

In general, then in the "Gulfstream" I was paid about $ 300 (in 2003 it was good money). They gave me the number "Pirate", very beautiful. Then I began to undress all the time, I didn’t have the feeling at all that it was somehow wrong, although I often noticed people had the wrong attitude towards strippers. Probably, some imposed ideas work ...

- Yes, associations of a stripper-prostitute work in the society. Why do you think?

Definitely it is. It's thanks to the strip clubs. I've been watching this business since '96. "X" opened first, then "Lighter", then "Rasputin", then "Axis" and others, weaker ones. Any girls who are ready to work topless are recruited there. They go to rehearsals, learn to do pole tricks, spins. It's just that if you're ready to get naked, come in at 8pm and leave at 8am, dance in the club all night, then you're welcome.

The work is distributed as follows: the DJ announces the girl, she dances 2 tracks for exactly three minutes. The first track is just a dance, the second is undressing. Then the next girl comes out and they work in circles all night. After the stripper has worked on the stage, she goes out into the hall, sits down to the client and does whatever she wants with him so that he orders a private from her, and then ... there’s someone who is much more. All in order for him to order a private dance, because she has 50% of it - on average, this is about 150 hryvnias. If they didn’t take her to privates, then she didn’t earn anything - she just worked for free all night. In some clubs, of course, there are rates - 50 or 100 dollars, so, purely for travel. Work every day.

- You worked in a strip club?

Yes. Somehow there was little work and I was called to the "Lighter", so to speak, for the mass character. Two girls in a row can't work all night, you need at least 10 people. I was told that one exit would be paid at 100 hryvnias, but I didn't work there for long. There was another group there. Of course, I earned, they shoved tips ... 700 hryvnia - I calmly had a thousand per night, but there was a time when I didn’t earn anything and it didn’t suit me. Then I arranged for my acquaintances, non-resident girls who needed to dance and earn money, came to visit them and realized once again that this was not mine. Strip clubs are the place to sit on your hands unfamiliar men, seduce them, persuade them ... Simple and sincere, most likely, will not survive there.

- How does an interview in a strip club go?

I think it's purely formal. If there is strictness in the institution, then they will talk to the girl, see for the first time how she works. But, in principle, if there are no girls, then those who wish come and say: "Hello, I want to work for you" and that's it. If a girl does not know how to move at all, then she will be assigned to an experienced one to work out. But in general, anyone can walk around, twist the booty of the “eight”, the most important thing in the club is to be able to speak.

- That is, the most important thing for a stripper in a club is to be able to breed in private?

Yes, imagine: a man sits down and all the girls want him to take them to private and 15 people come running. Therefore, there are some rules. For example, one girl cannot sit with a client for a long time - she sat for 5 minutes and must leave. If in these 5 minutes you managed to charm him, you got your money.

- Among the strippers in the clubs there is a hierarchy, the highest caste?

There are girls who have been working for a long time and, thanks to their experience, sit down to the client, say a few words and go to private in a couple of minutes, but there are inexperienced ones, that's all.

- That is, there is no hazing?

There are different teams. Somewhere they can shove their hair into the wall. But in general, if you behave normally, then they communicate with you normally. There is no obvious hazing. In addition, administrators also do not just sit there, they monitor and control everything. But, of course, someone can’t stand it and leaves, someone is hypocritical and sucks up ...

- Do tender friendships develop among strippers under such conditions?

It's calm. This is possible in any group.

- But it's still a non-standard team ...

Of course ... Sometimes there are girls who smoke, swear, communicate like: "Hey, bitch." Many allow this and consider it cool and fashionable. Naturally, everyone thumps - this is consumption. You drink and get a percentage of the booze that they treat you to, and they drink too much. Even if they ask not to pour them a lot, they still get drunk ...

- And what about ransom girls for the night? This is the deposit to the topic of prostitution?

There is such a moment. For a thousand or two hryvnia (this is payment for the girl’s work time), you can buy her out and take her, for example, to a restaurant. But this is a very dumb topic, because the club is not responsible for what is happening at this moment.

How do girls agree to this?

The girls want money. It happens that they buy out several at once, then it is easier for them. Therefore, when they are redeemed, they always try to offer to take a girlfriend. And one can go if the client somehow endeared himself.

- Do you know stories when ransoms ended badly? Horror stories between girls go similar?

It ends badly, I'm sure. There was one situation in my memory, I don’t remember how the girl left there. She argued with the client, and he told her: "Why did you go with me? I thought you and I would smoke in the corridor?!" And so often happens. Either the girl sees that there is no way out, she has to do what he wants. In many successful clubs this is encouraged.

- Prostitution flourishes in successful clubs?

Girl dancing. What does a man do? Excited. This is absolutely normal. Naturally, what does a man want? Get satisfaction. Some adequate men are silent and understand that this is just a dance, they go and solve these issues in their own way. And there are men who begin to load and say: "What are you turning me on and leaving me like that, decide it." Or there were situations when I offer private, and they answer me: "And why do I need this? I will get excited and then what? Will you continue?". Here it is the work of a stripper in clubs. You need to be able to dance, earn money and delicately evade claims. And others… No one knows what they are doing in private booths…

- But at least they can masturbate in the club?

I think about half do it. I haven't seen it in person, but I think so.

Famous improved Soviet image Photo: striply.com.ua

- And who comes up with unusual "official" services from the crazy menu?

Probably, the leadership with the girls and come up with. Standard - dance on the table in front of the client, this is plus 100 hryvnia. You can dance with a stripper on stage, you can buy a piece of a girl's costume, you can take two to a private party, or you can wash yourself in a special shower with a dancer on stage ... Anything that comes to mind can be included in the services.

- Can you refuse a client?

Yes, if a girl for some reason does not want to work, then she will not receive money. This is her own business and no one will force her. If she knows that this is some kind of crazy and will paw her, then no one will drag her.

- Who are the average customers of strip clubs?

Offended by their wives, men who lack love.

- Are they rich people who can freely afford a trip or men who save up for pleasure?

There are all sorts, but the majority are people with average earnings. They do not need and can afford to spend about two thousand hryvnia per night. But there is one more thing - the richer a person, the stingier he can be. There are people about whom you know that they do not have a lot of money, but they give you everything without any problems, and the rich will rinse their brains out and then give nothing back.

- What do the dancers themselves think about the clients?

If it's a strip club, then it's simple. Gives money - a cool client, does not give - a goat. If about the customers for the event, then I just try to resolve issues in a businesslike way, without imposing and creating the illusion of friendship. I work with honest people. It may be that you are ordered, but on the same evening they call and cancel. Then you lose money. I don't work with these anymore. And as for the clients - those that I pull into the dance, they also come across different. There are adequate ones who sit down and enjoy it, but there are insane ones who want to loosen their hands or start twitching, dancing and not letting them work. So I just quietly say in my ear: "Calm down" and usually it works. Although there was one who grabbed me, put me on his shoulder to carry somewhere, but I gracefully got out of the situation without spoiling the number. By the way, I noticed one thing - I look for decent people during the performance, but I never look for a specially cute boy. Sometimes I even pull out grandfathers. I once thought about it after I accidentally pulled out a cute boy, it was so nice. I don't know why, I don't always do this...

- Have you seen the stars among the clients?

Sergey Bezrukov was once in the Gulf Stream at our show. He came with company. When I danced for him, someone joked that I was taking an exam at GITIS. In general, there were often stars. They behaved very dignified.

- What do you feel when you dance? Pleasure or do you use some kind of detachment technique?

Simultaneously. In general, those people who are successful in this area do not think that everyone is looking at him and appreciating him. This thing works - what you think is what people will see. You know how they say that a thief's hat is on fire. The same is true here. It happens that you are dancing, and some girl is standing below, looking angrily, taking apart the bones, you catch her look and start to worry, you lose all sensations. Therefore, you need to dance for yourself, as if you are just preparing food in the kitchen at home.

- Did you experience sexual arousal on stage?

I personally don't. I have a very aesthetic approach, no vulgarity and vulgarity can be seen in the movements. This is especially important for me - grace and intelligence in the dance. One girl and I arranged the first lesbian duet in Odessa. There were parties where we stripped naked and kissed on the bed. But I never felt sexually aroused. I felt emotional excitement, I felt very good, but this pleasure was aesthetic - that everything is harmonious and beautiful.

- Do you want to be as beautiful outside of work?

Unlike many girls, no. When I leave work, many simply do not recognize me, I look completely different. I don’t try to drag myself into clothes, put on a hairpin with a platform, I look absolutely normal. The main thing is to be comfortable - jeans, a jacket, flat shoes. I can't imagine how it is possible to be like that both on stage and in life.

- Are you still married?

We divorced. When I was on a flight, I fell in love with another boy, arrived and immediately divorced. That is, I was married for 5 months, although we met for three years. After that, I realized that I did not like being married. I prefer to live with a person in civil marriage so more freedom. If you want, you can leave, there will be no red tape or division of property. Now I have a loved one.

- How did your men feel about your occupation?

Absolutely normal.

- Aren't you jealous?

It was a little sometimes, but this is a matter of normal relations. If a man feels that there is sincerity and trust, he is loved, he is the only one who knows that I do not give reasons, then everything is fine. It's just work. In addition, I have never had a man who would be very rich and could fully provide for me. Perhaps, in this case, I would not have worked, but simply taught. Although I am horrified to imagine myself without a stage. Some part of me lives only there.

- And what is the first reaction of men when you say that you are dancing a striptease? Asked to dance private?

Yes, it usually does.

- Did you learn how to dress beautifully?

I danced before striptease for many years. Naturally, I understood how to take something beautiful off of myself. It wasn't a problem.

- What is your education? Have you ever had a "day" job?

I graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Narxoz. In my second year, I realized that I would no longer work in my specialty. Since I received my diploma, I have not taken it in my hands again. Then I tried to get a job in my specialty - as a manager, but I was not interested in it and, besides, I realized that it interfered with my dancing. So I stopped looking for a job. There were also thoughts imposed by society that dancing cannot be a profession ... In addition, I did not graduate from the corresponding institution, and therefore did not consider myself a professional and could not feel confident. Only 10-13 years later I realized that dancing is my job and there will be no other. I don't want to feel like a beginner in another field, I want to be a professional dancer. There is nothing that I could not do on stage - I am not talking about perversions now, but about dancing and acting.

- How did you organize your show?

After the closure of Gulfstream, regular customers began to invite us to events. I did not think to continue to dance striptease, did not spin, but it went by itself. I was known as a dancer, PJ-ku, that I can work a strip. Then girls began to appear who could not do anything, I began to train them, give them work, share. I took responsibility, negotiated, sometimes gave costumes. Gradually, she began to take symbolic money for this, something about 50 hryvnias. She began to train girls, worked together. When the girl had experience, she went to solo numbers. I was offended, but I won’t sue a person if she wants to perform on her own or decided to leave the dance. You won't be intimidated by this. In general, there are three people in the city who have been working in striptease for a long time - Helen, Sheri and me. They also faced "scammers". I would like to teach two or three girls, adequate, cute, so that they do not throw me. And so the idea to make a ballet was born. I noticed that banquets do not take striptease, I lose these opportunities. And bald bands often perform at events, in unwashed suits, torn tights and pimply boys. We made three very beautiful costumes for 5 thousand dollars and are already working. At first we wanted to perform only at cool banquets, but now I realized that for now we will take on everything, and we will make costumes cheaper.

How are the numbers generally assigned? And why do stripteases often dance to ancient pop music?

Usually I hear the music and immediately see the idea of ​​the performance. If there is no idea, then this number is bullshit. The idea does not always come immediately, you have to squeeze it out, but it must be done. It happened that I was driving and I heard a great song on the radio and I saw a number in front of my eyes instead of the road. There was one time that almost got into an accident. Since then, I have not listened to the radio while driving. And girls choose music, these are their tastes. But here the theme also plays a role, because the number "Little Red Riding Hood" cannot be danced to inappropriate music.

- How are things going with male striptease in Odessa?

Everything is fine. There are about nine good people. Some guys were ordinary fitness instructors, and then they staged a corporate party and it went so well that they began to do it.

- And what is more expensive: male or female strip?

Equally. It’s just that we don’t have men’s clubs yet, although there are women’s days.

- How much can you earn on a striptease?

Overnight, my maximum was $700, and I never counted in a month. In general, they usually consider it for one job, regardless of whether it is permanent employment in a club or once invited to a bachelor party before the wedding. By the way, I really like them.

- Why?

This is an easy job - come, work, leave, forget.

- Aren't you afraid to ride them alone?

And I don't think bad. Who is afraid, he attracts. I have one girl I know, she is always afraid of something, just a little, she immediately spreads panic and her constant problems.

- Do you often get booked for a bachelorette party?

It doesn't happen very often. But sometimes when we dance, we can choose for ourselves who to pull out - a boy or a girl.

- And who responds more adequately?

It happens that at some banquet, the guy's friends ordered a striptease for him, but they forgot to warn his girl. I had one situation when a girl with claws attacked me. I dodged, she scratched me a little, but I continued to dance. I think that it is very important to finalize the performance, no matter what happens, but it happens that the girls get lost at once.

What other incidents happen?

Sometimes, she broke her heel, sometimes she forgot to remove the plaster from her back, such a huge one. But the most terrible incident is when the string from the tampon hangs. I once saw a partner, came up, whispered, covered her, she fixed the problem.

- Is there an injury in your work?

There was a moment in Amsterdame when I was dancing the can-can and I fell down. One dancer accidentally tripped me. Then I tore a ligament, severely clogged my thigh and knee, and since then I have had obvious problems with my joints.

But you didn't stop dancing...

I have tried many times to finish dancing because of knee problems. But I started having nightmares. I dreamed all the time that I was at work, I had to dance a number that I didn’t know or I didn’t have a suit. And then I start dancing - and the nightmares pass. For the past few years, I feel like I have to finish. I think, well, here next year exactly everything! Especially in the clubs it's smoky, I don't smoke, it's hard for me. But they continue to invite me, money is still needed and I love to dance.

- How old is the youngest and oldest striptease dancer?

The youngest is 17 years old, and the eldest ... It's hard to say, probably 33 - this is a dancer who has already given birth and has come back into shape. By the way, many dancers continue to dance after giving birth. Here is such a thing - at night on the stage, where the light music of a person with a good figure will look normal.

- Don't you think that the attitude towards striptease is better abroad, your career would go uphill?

Yes, there is a better attitude to many things and in general life is better. I had many opportunities, but somehow I will miss you a lot. I really like it here.