When you can't, but really want to. How to open a vape bar in Russia legally

Vaping - inhaling a vapor of e-cigarettes filled with liquids of different flavors - has gone from a strange habit ridiculed on the Internet to the mainstream in less than a year. Today it is a classic new market - rapidly growing, unregulated and with a low entry price. However, regulators are already on the threshold: in early October, the Ministry of Finance proposed introducing an excise tax on electronic cigarettes and liquids containing nicotine. After talking with market participants, Inc. came to the conclusion: if you wanted to open a vape shop - do it as soon as possible.

Marketplace: do what you want (for now)

The number of vape shops in Russia is growing at an incredible pace. The Vapemap.ru website provides links to more than 1,400 vaping-related establishments, including more than 1,000 offline and online stores, as well as vape bars, vape cafes, and showrooms. Almost all of them have appeared in the last couple of years. Activity seethes not only in Moscow. In St. Petersburg, according to Vapemap, there are more than 160 vape shops, in other million-plus cities - several dozen. The Vape Expo international conference in Moscow gathers dozens of companies and hundreds of visitors every six months, and no one has long been surprised when a passerby drowning in clouds of smoke smells like cherries or peaches, and not tobacco.

Each market has several stages. First, many outlets open, then the market grows larger, leaving the largest retail chains, several manufacturers and distributors between them, says Yuri Grebenkin, franchise manager of the Vape Studio vape shop network, which includes 22 stores in 18 cities of Russia. In his opinion, the vaping market will come to such a state in about two years, but for now there is room for new players on it.

Now the Moscow networks of vape shops Vardex, Vape.ru, Babylon Vapeshop and the Vape Flava franchise, the Kaliningrad-based Vape Studio, are developing more actively than others. Among the manufacturers of devices known SvoёMesto, Pons and major manufacturers of electronic cigarettes. And the number of manufacturers of liquids exceeds a hundred.

The market is definitely not oversaturated. People can try themselves in any branch of this business, - says Kirill, the manager of the Union Vape vape shop near the Kurskaya metro station in Moscow (he asked not to give his last name).

The most popular direction for newcomers to the vaping market is e-liquid trading. This market grew by 70% in 2015 compared to 2014, and the first quarter of 2016 showed even more stunning results - 120%, Alexander Chuprun, managing partner of GooVape, said in his report at Vape Expo. - Liquids can be bought from both Russian and foreign manufacturers or distributors, retail prices for them vary from 300 rubles to 20 thousand rubles per bottle, depending on the class, quality and impudence of the seller. On average, it is liquids that bring 60–70% of revenue to a vape shop.

Entry price: from 300 thousand rubles

The price depends on what you will sell - liquids or devices. It is desirable to decide on this at the initial stage. Liquids are easier to sell: you can even start with an online store on Instagram with costs from 300 thousand rubles. However, competition is higher here, and reliable suppliers are not easy to find.

Devices will require more investment, and possibly discovery own production. It makes sense if you want to reduce your dependence on currency risks and offer the market unique products. Reselling Chinese devices is also an option, but keep in mind that there are many such offers on the market.

Otherwise, the process of opening a vape shop is the same as in the case of any other offline store. Unless, of course, you decide that you need offline. Keeping an online store is more profitable, but customers can go to a real point, try new tastes, and a loyal community will form around you.

Vaping is not just a market, but a whole subculture. To organically fit into it, it is better to deal with slang in advance. At a minimum, you should learn the meanings of such words:

Vaporizer - electrical appliance vaping with heating element

Atom, atomizer - a heating element, due to which liquid turns into vapor

Mechmod (mechanical mod) - a power source for an electronic cigarette that supplies current to the atomizer

Box mod - a battery pack with an electronic board that regulates power and voltage

Drip is a method of vaping in which liquid is dropped directly into the evaporator.

Liquid, or potion - liquid for electronic cigarettes

According to EY, in 2015 in Russia among vapers there were 70% of those who smoked both conventional and electronic cigarettes, and 22% were ex-smokers.

In the regions, this is a common way to quit smoking cigarettes and remove side effects, says Yuri Grebenkin. In his opinion, the more popular a healthy lifestyle becomes, the more people will want to try electronic cigarettes.

The transformation of vaping from a way to get off nicotine into a fashion fad is another driver of the market. According to an EY study, 35-40% of vapers in the world prefer to buy devices and liquids in specialized electronic cigarette stores, rather than in tobacco shops or supermarkets.

Vape devices have become so advanced that they allow you to use them with pleasure. It is convenient for people to wear them, smoke, refuel and generally use these things, - explains Yuri Grebenkin.

Yet the market potential for growth is not infinite.

The number of customers is not falling yet, but sales are already growing not so fast,” notes Zakhar Alekseev, manager of the Siganiga vape shop in Krasnodar. He blames the crisis. - When people have less money in their pockets, spending on everything goes down, including vaping.

Most vape shops in the middle price category are kept in many respects at the expense of regular customers. The core of the audience has yet to be attracted and retained. So if you are not afraid of the potential risks of the market, then it makes sense to hurry up with the opening.

How to open a vape bar and earn half a million rubles a month

Vape, as an element of a special subculture, has rapidly gained popularity, turning from funny toy, which tobacco companies did not perceive as a competitor, into a full-fledged product. Soon an entire industry began to work around him.

However, not only representatives of concerns that own the rights to this invention, or retailers can make money on vapes and vapers. Experts believe that the niche of thematic establishments for vapers - bars and cafes with a large selection of accessories and devices, as well as associated services - has at least two important advantages. It is less competitive than traditional bars and cafes, and the growing number of vapers guarantees a steady flow of customers.

The first vape bars in Russia began to appear in the capital, but already now establishments are actively opening in the provinces. One of them is the Mortar Vape vape bar in Barnaul, and its owner Ekaterina Oseledchenko spoke about the specifics of her business.

Borrowed a model

Vape bars, in fact, do not differ from hookah bars, but at the same time they are focused on the use of electronic cigarettes. The first such establishments opened in London and New York. The mission of the companies was "to educate traditional cigarette smokers about the benefits of vaping, to create a vibrant space that will be comfortable for cultural representatives."

At the end of 2016, there were about 200 vape bars in Moscow. In the provinces things were somewhat different. Even in million-plus cities, the number of establishments was measured not in hundreds, but in tens. In small ones regional centers the niche was practically free.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “I decided to open the Mortar Vape vape bar in Barnaul in the spring of 2016. At that time, there were vape shops in the city where you could buy a device or conduct a tasting of compositions for electronic cigarettes, but this format no longer seemed sufficient to us. I wanted to create a thematic institution where vapers could not only “vape” without any restrictions, without fear of reprisals or dissatisfaction with other visitors to the institution, but also get together, drink coffee or drinks from the bar, listen to music and just have a good time.”

It took Ekaterina a little more than three months to open the establishment. The first task that had to be solved was the selection of premises for the bar. It was supposed to be in the city center, not far from the potential audience. It should be noted that Mortar Vape is aimed at young people from 20 to 30 years old. Therefore, the choice of a hall located near a transport interchange near three universities at once became very successful.

The second important and very capital-intensive task that our heroine faced before opening was the development of corporate identity and naming.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “Firstly, we had to move away from vape shops so that the bar would not be associated with a store of a similar orientation. It was daunting task. The vape shop niche is more developed, so it was quite difficult to find a unique design and choose a name whose elements would not coincide with anything already in use.”

The development of the design and the name took almost a month. The renovation took two months. It was not cosmetic, but a real full-fledged repair and equipment was installed - additional hoods, a bar counter, commercial equipment, a stage for concerts, and furniture was purchased.

Branding covered all elements of the bar. A uniform was developed for the staff, logos were applied to all the dishes in the bar. Quite expensive and high-tech signs are installed at the entrance and in the VIP zone. Their design is a separate pride of the owner.

Specialists were involved in the development of the design of the premises and naming, but the name was later invented independently. Mortar Vape is an expression from American construction slang, it means "a tank of solution." Ekaterina believes that it managed to successfully beat the theme of electronic cigarettes and a large number of different flavors of liquids that are offered in the institution.

Simultaneously with the arrangement of the premises, our heroine was looking for suppliers of high-quality vapes, liquids and consumables. The choice was between Chinese, European and American manufacturers. We settled on the latter - the highest quality, but at the same time quite expensive.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “The market is filled with the same electronic cigarettes and devices with aliexpress, but vapers have their own gradation of these devices. In youth terms, vaping with a Chinese electronic cigarette is “not cool”, but having an American device is quite prestigious. As a result, the most solvent audience from the entire niche comes to us. In addition, we are insured against risks. The network is filled with videos that very clearly show how Chinese devices explode in the hands of users.

Special attention was paid to the selection of personnel. They were looking for people among professional vapers, because a person must understand the topic, devices, manufacturers, liquids, consumables. A person must be able to use a vape and speak the same language with a client. To date, the company has 11 people.

Shows and battles

Initially, the model of the bar was presented to the owners as follows: young people could come to the bar, try the device or liquids and buy the ones they liked. Along the way, the client could drink coffee or strong drinks. However, after some time it became clear that it was necessary to work more carefully on the internal content of the institution.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “The youth had to be entertained with something. Clients from this niche cannot be retained by simple gatherings, as, for example, older people. We began to arrange various concerts, rap battles and other interesting events for young people. By that time, I already had experience (Ekaterina Oseledchenko is the owner and head of the oldest company in Altai, specializing in organizing business events. - Ed.). We found partners - a recording studio, which took over the selection of such entertainment content. It should be noted that the goal was achieved. During concerts, which are held several times a week, the bar is full. On such days, 100-110 people come to visit us. Larger room with an area of ​​110 square meters can no longer accommodate."

The main method of promoting the establishment, according to the owner, is the reputation of a trendy youth vacation spot, which vapers tell each other about. The institution does not have large advertising budgets. The group on the VKontakte social network is also working well, in which about one and a half thousand participants are currently registered. With the help of this communication channel, concerts, the arrival of new liquids with different tastes and devices, contests and promotions are announced. The group received special attention. There are several reasons for this.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “Firstly, our audience is mainly users of this social network. Secondly, the social network is a fairly trusted resource that search engines “love”. Therefore, we easily managed to reach the top of Google for a number of queries that are important to us. Thirdly, the development and support of the group does not require any large financial investments. This is important, as cost minimization is very important for a new business.”

Ekaterina does not hide the cost structure that was required to open the bar. Funds in the amount of one and a half million rubles were spent to start the project. 500 thousand were taken on credit. Most of them went to rent, repair, development and implementation of corporate identity, purchase and installation of equipment. According to our heroine, the project should pay off within two years. Now Mortar Vape brings from 300 to 500 thousand rubles of monthly revenue. Operating costs currently amount to about 150 thousand rubles, another 100 thousand are invested in goods - alcoholic beverages, devices, liquids and Consumables for vapes. By the way, the sale of some of the listed items is carried out with a fourfold added value.

The company's development plans are quite ambitious. Ekaterina talks about two directions: the launch of the production of her own line of vape liquids with original flavors and flavors, and the imminent start of franchise sales.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “I am sure that the franchise will be in demand among potential partners - it is easier to use a ready-made product than to solve rather laborious tasks on your own. The franchise will allow you to get a ready-made operating business with minimal costs and proven work schemes. Now the proposal is being developed, the amounts of royalties and “input” contributions are being specified.”

Bar Mortar Vape in facts and figures

Starting investments

1 million 500 thousand rubles.

Corporate identity development and naming

100 thousand rubles.

Renovation of premises, purchase of equipment and furniture

700 thousand rubles.

Premises for rent

30 thousand rubles.

Acquisition of cash registers and automation

100 thousand rubles.

Initial purchase of goods

400 thousand rubles.

Various organizational and associated expenses

About 150 thousand rubles.

Operating costs including restocking

250 thousand rubles.


Within 30%.

Payback period of the project


Vape (electronic cigarette, device - slang) is an electronic device that creates a highly dispersed aerosol (steam) intended for inhalation (inhalation). Can be used both as a nicotine delivery device (ENDS) and for inhaling flavored vapor without nicotine. Steam is created by evaporation of a specially prepared liquid from the surface heating element and looks like tobacco smoke. The device can be made in a variety of forms, including those similar to a conventional cigarette or smoking pipe. The established terms for the process of using electronic cigarettes are vaping or vaping.

Disclaimer. The editors of Thirst magazine declare that this material is not an advertisement for vaping, vaping accessories or a call to use them. Vaping will not help you achieve social recognition, sports or personal success. In addition, vaping cannot be regarded as harmless or less harmful than smoking tobacco. The material describes exclusively the business model of the institution that sells vapes and accessories to them.

Vape as an element of a subculture, and how a business is rapidly gaining momentum. The niche is considered relatively free and “warmed up”.

Along with the massive transition to electronic cigarettes (steam generators), there was also a need for places where vapers could comfortably spend time with friends. Compared to hookahs, such establishments are more democratic, much easier to organize - the "anti-tobacco" law has not yet touched on "soaring". What you need to consider, how to open a vape bar so that it generates income? Below we will consider this with numbers and examples, but first we will understand: how safe is this business?

Vape in terms of legality

E-cigarettes are not subject to No. 15-FZ (23.02.2013). Restrictions apply only to smoking tobacco cigarettes, and, accordingly, tobacco smoke. This question arose almost immediately, the answer to it is contained in the Letter of the Ministry of Health No. 24-4-7000984 (04/29/2013). All measures of administrative responsibility provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses for violation of the law relate exclusively to tobacco consumption, which includes: inhalation of smoke from its combustion, sucking, sniffing

As for electronic cigarettes, there is no tobacco in them, and tobacco smoke is not formed during “soaring”. The consumption of nicotine, as such, has not yet been banned, although a significant part of the mixtures ("slurry") does not contain it at all. For this reason, not a single ban affects them, regardless of where the “vaporizer” is located.

The only point that you need to pay attention to: Article 16 No. 15-FZ prohibits the production, wholesale and retail sale of products that imitate tobacco cigarettes. In other words, you cannot sell gadgets (inhalers) made in this form, by the way, using them is not prohibited! The legislative norm looks, to put it mildly, strange (if not funny). It turns out that the product itself can be produced and sold, but its imitation is impossible? Since vaping devices for the most part do not look like cigarettes, there are no problems in this regard.

Vape bar as a type of business

The motto of any vape bar is not food and drinks, but mood! This is a stylish, trendy place to hang out. What is its attraction? Let's list the distinctive features of the institution.

  1. Age of the main contingent: from 18 to 35 years. For young people, the element of novelty is important. They are attracted by the opportunity to relax, relax in an environment where everyone is present for one reason, so to speak - among like-minded people. It is uncomfortable to “float” on the street, although it is not prohibited by law. Not very literate, but vigilant citizens may well mistake a “vaper” for a drug addict and call the police.
  2. In fact, the establishments are very similar to hookahs, with the difference that the latter are distinguished by a pronounced oriental flavor. A vape bar tends to have a simpler entourage. The room is designed like a sports bar, or in high-tech style, which is usually cheaper. In addition to the main elements: racks, showcases with liquids for vaping, a TV, game consoles, board games, and music are offered.

It is very important to find the right people to work in a bar or cafe. Most often they are "caught" among the fans of "vaping" from the visitors themselves. The staff should be well versed in "drips", "mechmods", "boxmonds", "pornocoils" and the list goes on; skillfully “wind spirals”, explain the process to beginners, recommend a suitable device, and liquid.

From the reviews, we can conclude that this is more of an interest club, cozy place for relax; to eat, play, "soar" - not an end in itself. Therefore, friendly staff, the opportunity to try different tastes, to learn are very much appreciated. Competitions and master classes are widely practiced. A survey of the Internet showed that there are already a lot of them open, especially in large cities (Table 1).

The amount of investment directly depends on the type of institution, the full-size format involves the creation of several zones:

  • "fresh" - a zone where tea, coffee, juices, cocktails, smoothies, sandwiches are served;
  • "Vapetek" - the main hall where they try, buy, and hold events;
  • alcohol bar - for lovers of strong drinks, cocktails;
  • "lounge" - where you can retire with a girl (or game console).

The appearance of the institution, the nature of the prevailing public depends on their presence (priority). The main characteristics of operating bars in Russia and neighboring CIS countries are quite close to each other (Table 2).

Table 2. Comparative set of services, prices for "gadgets" for vaping and "liquid" in vape bars.

Location and institution name

"Smokelab Vape"


Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening date

about 6 months

3-4 months

Number of visitors (seats)

8 tables in 2 halls, bar counter; up to 50 people

10 bar stools, common area for 20 people

24 seats

Prices for devices, rub.

from 3500 to 16 500

"Drips": from 1,200 to 1,800; "mods": from 1,700 to 4,900;

From 2,300 to 16,300

The price of liquids, in ruble equivalent

from 1700 (30 ml); from 2500 (60 ml)

from 200 to 1700 (30 ml);

average about 500

minimum - 300 (30 ml) Russian production up to 900 - American

from 1800 rubles (60 ml), average price 900 rubles (30 ml)

Range of liquids

300 species; made in USA, Canada, France

No data; judging by the price tags, "slurry" of Russian and Chinese origin predominates

200 species from 30 American


76 types from 12 American companies


device repair service

have a franchise

vape station (device for 4 people)

winding a spiral from 200 rubles.

Catering services

own kitchen, 3 persons, alcohol

without food and alcohol

there is a kitchen


"fresh" zone, alcohol bar

Average check

1500 -2500 rubles

800 - 900 rubles per person

Formats of establishments, investments, payback

Two main formats are common.

1 Combination of catering and vape services — a cafe where you can have a drink, a snack and a steam bath at the same time in a comfortable environment. A separate room for "vapers" is not required - there is no tobacco smoke, but still the area should be large. If this is an institution with its own cuisine, then its organization is not much different from the activities of other cafes and restaurants, with all the ensuing requirements for them.


Bar "Vaport" on Taganka, Moscow. The interior is a standard set: low tables, soft leather sofas, side poufs. It works around the clock, there is music, a DJ, they play "mafia", they hold parties, Vape Tricks competitions. A powerful hood is provided, there is a separate hookah room. They cook simple but good food: street food, burgers, salads (average bill 1300 rubles), 3 people work in the kitchen. Cocktail: 250-350 rubles for 300 ml. Entrance: strictly 18+, by magnetic cards.

The amount of investment in such a project can be estimated from the proposals in the Investors Club. For example, here are the numbers of one of the business plans presented there for opening a bar on the Garden Ring:

  • initial investment: 5 million rubles, payback period - up to 8 months;
  • rental price: 200,000 - 250,000 rubles / sq.m.;
  • planned income after passing the break-even point: 700,000 rubles / month in summer, 1,000,000 in winter;
  • the project includes: design, repair, arrangement of a separate hookah bar, PC game consoles

2 Club for "vapers"- a place to spend time, involves the organization of games, joint viewing, competitions in cloud chasing ("evaporation" beautiful figures).


Smokelab Vape Club, Omsk. Opening a vape bar as a club is much easier and cheaper. So, its owners say that the entire project cost 1.7 million rubles. A feature is the affordable cost of liquids and devices (Table 2). For those who do not want to "mess" with the kitchen and alcohol, there is good exit: put a hot dog machine, a pizza vending machine in conjunction with an inexpensive coffee machine. Additional income is provided by the sale of related products: batteries, drip tips, charging cords, replaceable evaporators, coils. When registering a business, then you can choose the types of activities according to OKVED in the field of entertainment (Fig. 1).

Establishments in the "club" format are often opened by the owners of stores selling vape products, placing them next to the outlet. Social networks are the main channel for attracting customers. So, "Smokelab Vape" has only 20 places, has more than 400 subscribers in VK, 700 in Instagram. Almost every such bar has an online store where they sell goods of different price categories and production. The most "running" price is considered to be about 500 rubles. (30 ml). A typical business plan for opening an online store contains the following data:

  • total investment: 600,000 rubles, of which:
  • purchase of devices, liquids, accessories (China) - 420,000 rubles;
  • advertising company - 100,000 rubles;
  • ordering a site with full functionality (SRM) - 50,000 rubles;
  • optimization, website promotion - 20,000 rubles;
  • domain maintenance, SSL certificate, dedicated number — 10,000 rubles.

The margin on Chinese goods is 250 - 300%. With site traffic of 4,200 people / day, the average number of sales reaches 20, with an average check of 2,000, the daily income is 42,000 rubles. (

I entered the business in 2009, starting with stationery. My father suggested that I open a company called Doctor Eraser and start selling stationery wholesale to corporate clients. Things slowly went on, our company began to grow and is still developing.

Then I thought, why not try to develop some direction myself. I tried to deal with car accessories, ordered components from China, was engaged in the sale of spare parts, but I can’t say that this topic inspired me.

In August 2015, I met vaping. In general, vaping has been gaining popularity in Russia for five years already, but it came to our city, Naberezhnye Chelny, just about a year and a half ago. Of course, at first the people did not care about the new phenomenon. But then interesting devices began to appear, and a real party began to grow around vaping. On this wave, I opened my vape shop.

Difficulties when opening a vape shop

The development of a vape shop has its own characteristics and difficulties. One of the most annoying is the surrounding people who are not connected with the vape community, do not understand vaping and are afraid of it. We try to rent premises not in shopping centers, but in premises intended for house shops, and below I will tell you what the benefits are. But there is a minus in this: the tenants, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, do not like flavored steam. They themselves smoke right on the balconies without going outside. However, smelly cigarette smoke suits them, but candy and peach vapor do not. That's why just recently my store was idle for four whole days - just our landlord took the keys and closed the premises. Now we are in a new office, which is awaiting renovation.

The second difficulty is the lack of a clear pricing policy for vape shops and suppliers. For example, one large Chelny vaper store purchased a large batch of liquids at a reduced purchase price and put a retail price tag on them, much lower than the average market price. Prices differ not only in different cities but also between stores in the same city.

Another problem is the reluctance of vape shops to openly cooperate. The same large store buys a large batch from a supplier, receives a discount from him for a large volume. What he does next: he throws in the same difference and offers other vape shops to buy liquids from them at the same price at which we can buy from the supplier himself. They say it's a vaping coalition. If it's a coalition, then everyone should have the same purchase price. This is my opinion, of course.

Every vape shop faces promotion problems. It doesn’t even make sense to go to offline advertising - they won’t let you through. I also tried targeted advertising on VKontakte - it did not work. Blocked: promotion of unhealthy lifestyles and smoking.

You need to be very careful with deliveries in the early stages. If you order less, then the price is higher. You need to order more to get the discount. Accordingly, the purchase price rises, and the delivery price. Roughly speaking, the extra $ 50 will need to be paid only for shipping. You can negotiate with some Chinese, they make delivery at their own expense, but here you need to buy for 100 thousand. Free 100 thousand rubles are not always found. The way out is to buy in Russia. Our price will be 200-300 rubles higher than the Chinese, but it arrives faster. This step has to be taken in order not to disrupt the delivery schedule. For example, the goods may be delayed at the border, so you have to look for a supplier nearby. The solution is this - as soon as the product has arrived, it is immediately necessary to purchase the next one. I don’t have such a large volume and turnover yet, so I have to maneuver between suppliers.

Same problem with liquids. Not all fluid manufacturers provide test kits. In general, reviewers are best in this matter. Reviewers are given everything. Even if a successful reviewer opens a store, he earns more not from sales, but from advertising.

Vape shop promotion

While working on my Bearded Vape shop, I made several decisions that help me grow my business. Despite the problems in advertising, word of mouth works very well in this area. That is why China wants to go to Russia. In our country, unlike, for example, other countries, vaping is developing as a movement. Therefore, the rumor about all the new products and interesting places spreads by itself.

Another successful step at the start is dumping. To attract new customers, I began to reduce prices. To do this, of course, I was looking for the lowest prices from suppliers - I need to earn money on something. The second plus was the placement of the store not in a shopping center, but in premises intended for house shops. With us, each client can fill himself with any liquid and try it. In the shopping center, both the environment and the guards will prevent this.

In addition, there are fewer restrictions on the sale of electronic evaporators and liquids in Russia. For example, in America, this is stricter, you can only sell liquids with tobacco flavors. There are restrictions on tanks (reservoirs for liquid) - no more than 2 milliliters. In Russia, it is generally difficult to ban vaping, because all the ingredients, except for nicotine, are used in the confectionery industry: this is the well-known sweetish glycerin, propylene glycol, and flavoring and aromatic additives. Fruit flavors, for example, are used in yogurt, so when you vape yogurt liquid, it's like eating yogurt.

The development of the vape shop

Like any entrepreneur, I have plans. First, finally make repairs in the new room. Secondly, equip places. Maybe there will be drinks, because when you soar for a long time, you want to moisten your throat. I plan to add sweets, such as cheesecakes. There is also an idea to add a liquids bar - this is a small wall with bottles in which liquids with mono flavors are attached, which is accompanied by recommended “recipes” and the ability to mix liquids to your liking. Now we are working on a CloudShop-based . We hope it will allow us to customize the reservation of liquids and electronic vaporizers.

Do you use CloudShop for sales tracking and want to talk about your business? Feel free to write to [email protected] website - we will definitely tell our partners and customers about your business.

Every day there are more and more vape lovers. As a business idea, the sale of vaping products is considered very promising. There is no strong competition in this area. Along with the constantly growing number of vaping fans, the need arose to create establishments where vapers could gather and communicate with like-minded people. Opening a vape bar is much easier than, for example, a hookah bar - smoking bans do not yet apply to vaping. How to open your own vape bar so that it becomes profitable? Below we will consider this issue in more detail, but for now we will consider the legality of organizing such a business.

Anti-tobacco law No. 15-FZ (23.02.2013) does not affect the use of electronic vaporizers. Prohibitions apply to the use of tobacco cigarettes and the spread of tobacco smoke. Administrative liability, approved by law, occurs only for tobacco use - sniffing, chewing and inhaling smoke. Electronic cigarettes do not contain tobacco products. No tobacco smoke is generated during the use of the electronic vaporizer. The use of nicotine is not prohibited.

Most e-liquids do not contain nicotine. Therefore, the use of electronic cigarettes is not affected by the law and no matter where the vaper is located.

The only caveat that exists in the sale of electronic evaporators is that it is forbidden to wholesale and retail products that look like an ordinary cigarette. Considering that the use of such products is not prohibited, it is not surprising that such a legislative norm is puzzling. It turns out that it is possible to produce tobacco cigarettes, but not imitation? But almost all models of electronic evaporators do not resemble tobacco products, so problems with their implementation rarely arise.

Vape bar as a business project.

  1. The main slogan of any vape bar is: “ We do not sell food and drinks, but mood!". This is a trendy place for like-minded people to relax. What attracts a vape bar to its customers?
    Let's get acquainted with the features of vape bars:
    The main clientele are young people aged 18-35. Young people are eager to get acquainted with all sorts of new products. Most of all they like to relax in the company of like-minded people, in a comfortable environment. Using the vaporizer outdoors is inconvenient. Although this is not prohibited by current legislation, vigilant people can consider the vapers to be a drug addict and call law enforcement representatives.
  2. The atmosphere of vape bars is not much different from ordinary hookah bars. The atmosphere of hookah bars is most often made in oriental style, while the atmosphere of vape bars is laconic. The design of the room is done in a high-tech style or similar to the setting of sports bars. In addition to the main components - racks and showcases with liquids for vaping, vape bars contain indispensable attributes - a TV, a game console, board games, listening to music.
  3. The main component of the success of a vape bar is competent staff. Vape bar employees should have professional knowledge in vaping, advise visitors on the choice of liquids and vaporizers.

After reading numerous reviews of vape bar visitors, we can conclude that the purpose of visiting vape bars is to vape, chat with like-minded people, try out new flavors of liquids and learn all the tricks of vaping. The desire to have a bite to eat, play a console or watch TV fades into the background. Therefore, friendly staff is so important for vape bars, able to explain all the subtleties of visiting these establishments. Vape bars also host competitions and master classes between vapers, during which they exchange all the intricacies of vaping with each other. Based on the results of the requests search engines you can see that such establishments are opening in large cities. Opening vape bars is becoming an increasingly popular business line.

The amount of investment and payback period of a vape bar.

The amount of starting capital directly depends on the format of the vape bar. A full range of services involves dividing the bar into several zones:

  • « Fresh» - an area where visitors are offered: tea, coffee, sandwiches and light snacks, juices, smoothies;
  • « Vapetek» - a recreation area for bathers, in which they hold events, soar, acquire new tastes of liquids;
  • « Bar» - for vapers who love strong alcoholic drinks and cocktails;
  • « lounge» - a privacy zone for couples in love or fans of game consoles;

Services, prices for "gadgets" for vaping and liquids in different vape bars in the country.

The specifics of the institution and the target audience of visitors depend on the presence of certain zones.
There are two formats of vape bars:

To open an online store, the initial investment is about 600000 rubles. This amount is made up of the following costs:

  • Procurement of electronic devices and liquids — 420000 rub.;
  • Advertising promotion - 100000 rub.;
  • Website creation - 50000 rub.;
  • Promotion and optimization of the resource — 20000 rub.;
  • Dedicated number. Domain maintenance, SSL certificate - 10000 rub.

Chinese goods have a low cost, so the margin on them can reach 300% The daily income of an online store can reach 42,000 rubles. daily. From this it follows that with a competent approach, investments in an online store pay off in about a month and a half.


Opening a vape bar is considered a promising business project, regardless of its format. You don't need much space to store vaporizers and related accessories. Additional profit can be service maintenance vaping equipment. After the entrepreneur has decided on the format of the club, he needs to start an advertising campaign in in social networks. It is best to start informing the public about the opening of the institution three months before the date of its opening. During this period, you will have time to gain a sufficient number of subscribers and tell them about the specifics of your institution. During this advertising campaign, you will be able to determine the interest of potential customers in certain positions of the assortment, as well as arouse their interest in the opening institution.