The concept of classroom. Introduction

Classroom functions.

Forms of holding class hours.

Classroom preparation.

Conducting a classroom.

The concept of "class hour".

One of the main forms of extracurricular educational work has been and remains the class hour. Classroom hour- this is a form of educational work in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relations to the outside world. V.P. Sergeeva

A class hour is a form of frontal educational work that is flexible in composition, which is a specially organized communication of the class teacher with the students of the class during extracurricular time in order to promote the formation of a class team and the development of its members E. N. Stepanov

Based on the above definitions of the class hour, certain features can be distinguished:

This is a form of educational interaction that is flexible in its composition and structure;

This is a form of communication between the class teacher and his students, the priority role in organizing which is played by the teacher.

The experience of successfully working class teachers testifies to the great pedagogical potential of this form of educational work. In the process of preparing and conducting class hours, it is possible to solve the following pedagogical tasks:

1. Creation of conditions for the formation and manifestation of the individuality of the student, his creative abilities.

2. Enriching the consciousness of students with knowledge about nature, society, man.

3. Formation of the emotional-sensual sphere and value relations of the child's personality.

4. Assimilation of knowledge, skills, cognitive and practical-creative activity by children.

5. Formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

2. Functions of the class hour:

The class hour performs a number of educational functions: (N.E. Shchurkova)

· educational(class hour allows you to expand the circle of knowledge of students that are not reflected in the curricula. This is information about events in the country and abroad, interesting people and problems. Maybe information from different fields of knowledge, phenomena of social life, psychological problems children, in a word, about everything that worries the children). Sample topics: “How did etiquette appear”, “Our Constitution”, “Problems modern society».

· orientation(discussion of moral problems and values, i.e. the formation of certain attitudes among students to objects of the world around them on the basis of moral and spiritual values, in the development of a moral assessment of events and phenomena). Sample topics: "Who to be?", "What to be?"

· guide(this function of the classroom provides for the organization of the activities of pupils, the impact on their behavior, so that knowledge turns into convictions). Sample topics: International Year of the Child could end with a collective decision to collect books for toddlers from the Children's Home.

· formative(the function is manifested in the development of students' skills to think over and evaluate their actions and themselves, in the ability to conduct a dialogue, negotiate, defend their opinion with reason).

Most often, the class hour simultaneously performs all four of these functions: it enlightens, orients, directs, and shapes students. These functions, if possible, should be reflected in the formulation of the purpose of the educational event.

There are the following types of classes:

1. Moral class hours whose goals are:

Ø Enlightenment of students in order to develop their own moral views, judgments, assessments;

Ø Study, comprehension and analysis of the moral experience of generations;

Ø Critical reflection and analysis of one's own moral actions, actions of peers and classmates;

Ø Development of moral personal qualities (kindness, desire to help people, the ability to admit mistakes, defend one's point of view and respect other people's opinions)

2. Intellectual-cognitive class hours whose goals are:

Ø Development of cognitive interests

Ø Development of skills and abilities to realize their individual capabilities, the desire for self-improvement.

3.Themed class hours are aimed at:

Ø Development of students' horizons

Ø Spiritual development and formation of interests and spiritual needs in children

4.Information class hours aimed at:

Ø Formation of students' involvement in the events and phenomena of the socio-political life of their country, their city, district

Ø Application of knowledge gained in the lessons (for example, Moscow studies, natural history)

Ø Formation of a personal attitude to what is happening in the classroom, school, neighborhood, city, country

Ø Development of research skills

3. Forms of class hours:

A class hour can be held in the form of a class meeting, conversation (moral, ethical), debate, meeting with interesting people, quizzes in various fields of knowledge, KVN, travel games, it can be an excursion or a thematic lecture. Maybe an emergency class meeting or replacement for one reason or another of one form of conducting a class hour with another.

Forms of the class hour can be very different. Their choice depends on the level of development of the team, the characteristics of the class, the age differences of the children, the professionalism of the teacher, etc.


- explain to children the basic rules of tactful behavior.


Consider the rules of tactful behavior in various situations.

At the end of the lesson, make cards with the children on which the basic rules will be written.

Event progress


Teacher. When we talk about an ideal friend, one of the mandatory qualities that he must have is tact. And this is not surprising. It is easy to communicate with a tactful person. He will never burden you with unnecessary requests, will not be intrusive, will not interfere with your plans, and will not even joke inappropriately. Tact is the ability to pay close attention to inner world your interlocutors, the desire and ability to understand them, be happy for them or sympathize. This is a quality that is brought up in a person independently. Only he himself can understand what can and cannot be done. It is possible to learn to be tactful, but only for this you must make your own efforts, otherwise time will be wasted. You want other guys to respect you and appreciate your friendship. That is why today we will talk about how to become a tactful person.


Teacher. Tactfulness is the ability to see the border and not cross it both in personal and in business relations. If a person crosses it, then he can undeservedly offend his interlocutor. When talking to another person, certain criteria must be taken into account. You will never talk to a stranger as with a friend or with the teacher as with his relative. Therefore, there are several points that you must definitely consider. What do you think it could be?

The guys answer.

Teacher. Let's note these criteria:

- age difference;

- social status;

- place of conversation;

the presence or absence of strangers.

Why do you think it is important to observe these criteria when communicating with a person?

The guys answer.

Teacher. Let's take everything in order. The first rule to know is to take into account the age of your interlocutor. This is important for several reasons: firstly, if he is older than you, then this imposes on you a certain responsibility for your words. For example, you are talking to your neighbor in the stairwell, how will you address him - on you or on you?

The guys answer.

Teacher. Addressing you indicates your respect for your neighbor. And if you talk to your younger brother, then you will talk to him in " plain language”, that is, to speak more slowly and in simple short sentences so that the child understands you.

When talking, you should also take into account the social position that your interlocutor occupies. What do you think is called a social position?

The guys answer.

Teacher. Social position is the place that a person has taken in society due to his merits: knowledge, talent. Social position largely determines how other people will relate to him. For example, you differently you will treat the doctor in the clinic and your classmates. When you are ill, you go to the doctor, and he, with his knowledge, tells you what medicines you need to take in order to get well. And classmates cannot tell you anything on this issue, because they do not know. It is knowledge in the field of medicine that allows the doctor to occupy a higher position than those people who do not have it.

It is also important to consider the place of the conversation: if you and your friends are alone at home, then you can afford to talk loudly and not hold back your emotions, but if you are in a public place, then there are limitations.

In addition, you must remember whether there are strangers around you. For example, you are talking with your classmate and you see some kind of flaw in her appearance (she tore her tights, soiled her sleeve). Do you think you can tell her about it in front of others?

The guys answer.


The guys answer.

Teacher. You know the saying “Think first, then speak”. So, each person first builds his speech in his head, and only then he pronounces it. If you interrupt him, then he can get completely confused and even lose his thought. When a person tells something, he is absolutely confident in his words, and if they begin to interrupt him with the words “nonsense” or “nonsense”, then confidence disappears. The most important thing is that the person who interrupted him cannot even argue his statement. And a tactful person will never allow himself such things.


Teacher. Have you ever noticed how long you look at a person who walks past you? Probably not. But in vain, because sometimes we keep our eyes on it for so long that it is considered indecent. most acceptable norm counts as 5 seconds. During this time, you can fully appreciate appearance passerby. Otherwise, it will turn out that you are looking at it, and few people like it. A tactful person will never closely examine the appearance of his acquaintance and criticize him if he does not like something. Of course, if you think that your friend overdid it with her hair or clothes, then you can ask her to step aside with you and ask if she really intended it that way. But you need to do this only in private, because by asking her such a question in front of outsiders, you will put her in a rather awkward position.


The guys answer.


Teacher. Tact is a sense that allows you to quickly determine the reaction of your interlocutor to the statement. Imagine that you are talking to a friend with whom you went to the dance class together. And a week ago she broke her leg and now she can’t perform in any way. You tell her about your last performance at school. Say that it was the best performance of your group, and suddenly you see tears in her eyes. She is crying because she also wanted to perform on stage, but due to her injury, she is unable to do so. You must understand that it is not very pleasant for her to listen to this. If you made some mistake and you see that it offended your interlocutor, then be sure to apologize for your words. Everyone can make mistakes, but admitting their guilt is not. By the way, only a tactful person can apologize in time.


Teacher. Tactfully it is necessary to treat not only strangers, but also your relatives. Of course, they react to your remarks in a completely different way and they can forgive you everything, but they can just as easily be offended by you as strangers. Imagine that in the evening at a family dinner you begin to criticize the dish prepared by your mother. “Too salty or spicy, tasteless” - such statements should never come from your side. After all, mom tried very hard to cook dinner for you, otherwise you will easily offend her. The only thing that can be said is to thank for the cooked dinner, no other comments are needed. Often, a real monster lives in the room of the guys - by the name of a mess, and in most cases, mothers periodically fight with it. Imagine that you come home, go into your room, and there is cleanliness and order. But you need a disk that was in one of those "heaps". Instead of thanking your mom, you start to resent her for messing things up. What to do in this situation?

The guys answer.

Teacher. First, really thank your mom for cleaning your room. Then ask her where she put the disk. This will calmly solve all problems. If you want to avoid situations like this, get in the habit of cleaning your room yourself. You are adults and you can handle it well. So you immediately kill two birds with one stone: make it easier for your mother to do homework and you will always know where everything is.


Teacher. None of us are immune from mistakes. A tactful person carefully monitors himself and tries not to make mistakes, but he should not notice the mistakes of others. Imagine that you are invited to a birthday party. At the table, one of the guests reached for a salad, and accidentally spilled the juice, and stained the snow-white tablecloth. What do you think a tactful person should do in this situation?

The guys answer.

Teacher. He just doesn't notice it. After all, the guest himself is uncomfortable that this happened. He probably sits and scolds himself for being hungry at all and reaching for a bowl of salad. Therefore, you should not further aggravate the situation and draw the attention of other guests to this small but rather unpleasant incident. In this situation, the guest just needs to contact the host, and not attract attention himself. Often tact is manifested precisely in not noticing the missteps of other people. After all, it would be unpleasant for you yourself if you stumbled, and everyone else laughed at your mistakes, it would be better if they did not notice anything. Therefore, you must follow this rule.


Teacher. Any well-mannered person will never eavesdrop on other people's conversations. But sometimes we can get into situations that are out of our control. What if you accidentally became the "third wheel"? Imagine that you are talking to your friend and suddenly his phone rings. On the other end of the wire is your mutual acquaintance with a friend, only your friend has a good relationship with him, and you have a bad one. A friend answers the phone, and you unwittingly become a witness to the dialogue. Of course, you will hear only part of the entire conversation, the other part will be available only to your friend. And yet, do you enjoy listening to someone else's conversation? How to behave in this situation?

The guys answer.

Teacher. It's best if you go out and let your friend talk on the phone alone. Then he will not be embarrassed that he is talking to a person who is not very pleasant to you, and you will be calm. If this is not possible, then occupy yourself and try not to listen to the conversation. When your friend is done talking, don't ask him what he was talking about, even if you are terribly interested. If necessary, your friend will enlighten you, if not, then you should not climb.


Teacher. We have already said that self-love is inherent in every person, so we all love to talk about ourselves. A tactful person will always listen to a story about how you once won first place in a school drawing competition. Even if you talk about it at 40. Of course, by this time there should be many other achievements, but that's not the point. Every person has some quality, some talent, which he cherishes very much. It is this talent that sets him apart from the crowd. And since every person is talented in something, it means that everyone has something to tell. It is not uncommon for people to exaggerate their merits when talking about their personal accomplishments. What should a tactful person do when he hears for the tenth time the story of how his friend “caught a poisonous snake with his bare hands”, although it was a small one?

The guys answer.

Teacher. A tactful person will act as if he is hearing the story for the first time and is sincerely happy for the narrator. You need to be able to spare someone else's pride, but never allow yourself to bother people with such conversations. The ability not to overload others with stories about one's own person is not common to everyone, but everyone can bring it up. To do this, you need to carefully monitor what exactly you say. Imagine that you are telling someone the story of some of your achievements, and in response to you: “Yes, we have already heard it a hundred times!”. What do you think should be done in this situation?

The guys answer.

Teacher. If your acquaintances allowed such statements, then your story is really fed up, so you should apologize to them and say that this was a special occasion that you remember very much. And then just move the conversation to another topic.


Teacher. Parents can instill a sense of tact, but in most cases you need to educate it in yourself. How to do it? The best way is to learn to put yourself in the place of your interlocutor: if you are joking, then think about how you would react to such a joke addressed to you; if you give advice, think about whether it is needed. You need to try on your actions as often as possible in order to develop a sense of tact in yourself. You need to remember the rule: treat people the way you would like them to treat you.


Teacher. You already understood that being a tactful person is difficult, but important. Some of the rules seem incomprehensible, because you have not thought about such things before. Remember that tact is not only the ability to see the border, but also not to cross its lines. And now let's summarize our lesson and write down the basic rules of a tactful person:

- always listens carefully to the interlocutor, without interrupting him or cutting off the words "nonsense", "nonsense", "nonsense";

- will never closely examine the appearance of the interlocutor and criticize him;

- will never give advice to those people who did not ask for them;

- tries not to interfere in other people's conversations;

- never put another person in an awkward position, noticing the oversight that he made;

- always tolerates the manifestation of self-love by other people, but he tries to talk a little about himself;

- always the first to admit his guilt if he made a mistake in something.

There are not so many of these rules, but by observing them, you will develop a sense of tact in yourself, and this is one of the main features of a cultured person and a good friend.

The educational function is that the class hour expands the circle of knowledge of pupils in ethics, aesthetics, psychology, physics, mathematics, literary criticism and other sciences. The subject of a classroom hour can also be knowledge from the field of technology, the national economy, as well as information about events taking place in a village, city, country, world, that is, any phenomenon of social life can become an object of consideration. Sample topics: "How etiquette appeared", "Our Constitution", "Problems of modern society", etc.

Orienting function The orienting function consists in the formation of a certain attitude among schoolchildren to the objects of the surrounding reality, in the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. If the enlightening function involves getting to know the world, then orienting its assessment. These functions are inextricably linked. So, it is difficult or even impossible to instill in children a love for classical music, which they have never heard. Often classroom hours help students navigate social values. The topics of such class hours: "How to become happy?", "Who to be?", "What to be?", "About masculinity and femininity", etc.

The guiding function The guiding function of the class hour provides for the transfer of a conversation about life into the area of ​​real practice of students, directs their activities. This function acts as a real impact on the practical side of the life of schoolchildren, their behavior, their choice of life path setting life goals and their implementation. If there is no certain direction in the process of conducting a classroom hour, then the effectiveness of its impact on pupils is significantly reduced, and knowledge does not turn into convictions. For example, a class hour on the theme "International Year of the Child" might end with a collective decision to collect books for toddlers from the Children's Home.

Class hours are held for various educational purposes: Creating conditions for the formation and manifestation of the individuality of the student, his creative abilities. Enriching the student with knowledge about nature, society, man. Formation of the emotional-sensual sphere and value relations of the child's personality. Formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.



Introduction………………………………………………………………….. 2

Class hour and its characteristic features ……..…………..……....5

Educational goals and objectives of the class hour ……..……………...…..6

Classroom Functions ……………………………..………..………… 7

The main components of the class hour ……………………………..….. 8

Methodology for organizing a classroom hour ………………………………………9

Technological aspects of the organization

class hour ……………………….…………………………….. 9

Class plan structure ………………………...…….11

Tips for organizing a class hour …………………...….11

Forms and types of class hours …………………………………….......12

Class hour - an hour of communication ……………………………..........13

Class meeting ………………………………………..........16

Thematic class hour …………………………....….......17

Situational class hour ……………………...................... 18

Information class hour …………………………........20

cool watch on the development of intelligent

students' skills …………………………………………..........21

Schedule of class hours ………………………………………………..21

Consistency in educational work …………………………...……22

Methodological support for the preparation and conduct of class hours …………………………………………………………………....... 26

Drafting thematic planning class hours ……........27

Pedagogical analysis of educational activities (cases) ... .......... 29

Annex 1 Forms from A to Z …………………………………..... .31

Annex 2 Forms of conducting class hours …………….......37

Annex 3 Methodology for creating a school Dictionary of Ethics ...... 40

class hours on the topic "Culture of student behavior" ...... .......... 45

Appendix 5 Approximate topics of classroom hours for the development of intellectual skills of students ……………………………..…...47

Appendix 6 Pedagogical Council "Class hour in the system of personality-oriented education" ……………….………......48

Appendix 7 Class activity analysis schemes ………..........59

Appendix 8 Working materials on the preparation of thematic planning of class hours from grades 1 to 11 ………………….…..... 63

A class hour is a form of educational work in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system to the outside world.

NOT. Shchurkova


The complex and multifaceted process of education is carried out using a variety of forms. Their choice depends on the content of the educational work, the age of the students, the skills of the teachers, the characteristics of the class, and other conditions in which the process of education takes place.

The form of organization of education is a way of organizing the educational process, reflecting the internal connection of various elements of this process and characterizing the relationship between educators and pupils. In a broad sense, the forms of organization of education characterize the organization of education as a whole, and not individual educational activities. In this understanding, it is legitimate to talk about upbringing in the process of education as one of the forms of organizing upbringing, about out-of-class and out-of-school educational work.

In the educational process, there is a wide variety of forms of work with the children's team. (Annex 1, "Forms from A to Z") . Purposeful, systematic, cyclical use of them, high-quality preparation and implementation will certainly affect the effectiveness of the collective creative work or the direction of educational work, and indeed the whole process. This is especially important for the main forms of educational work, which include the class hour.

What is the role and place of the class hour in the system of out-of-class educational activities of the school, in the education of the class team?

In the current period of radical transformation of educational practice, the need for coverage is obvious. classroom problems. In the current situation of the development of Russian education, it is treated differently: in some educational institutions class hours were canceled, classifying them as stagnant authoritarian forms of educational work. In others, on the contrary, they decided to spend it every day, setting aside the first lesson of the school day for communication between the class teacher and his class. We have to admit that neither one nor the other variant of the attitude to the class hour is pedagogically expedient. In the first case, teachers simply lost the specially allotted time for communication with their students, and in the second, this time turned out to be too long to use it strictly for its intended purpose, and teachers began to spend additional training sessions instead of hours of communication. Of course, today teachers are concerned not only and not so much with the frequency of class hours, but with the content and methods of their organization.

Schools, having gone through periods of "educational vacuum", the lack of systemic work, are currently faced with a number of problems that occur to one degree or another in educational institutions:

    lack of consistency, frequency of class hours;

    lack of thematic planning of class hours from grades 1 to 11;

    insufficient mastery of class teachers in the technology of conducting class hours, analysis and evaluation of the performance of the class team;

    poor possession of the skills of organizing the activities of the class team in planning, preparing and conducting class hours.

The main and, perhaps, the only most important form of frontal "educational work" - the class hour - gradually lost the signs of a collective educational event. At class hours, not only the problems of academic performance and life activity were solved, but also events were held in the “directions of education”. They provided one of the few opportunities for students to communicate and contact their teacher outside of class. But the need for communication between students, as the need for students to address the teacher as an older, helping comrade, has been preserved.

Bringing children together for upbringing and education is an inevitable form of working with them both today and in the future. It is impossible to get away from it, because association - in various forms - is always more advantageous than the most impeccable individual work with a student.

The main advantageous difference- a humanistic approach to the association, where the main value is the interests of the individual, which are always priority in relation to the interests of the association and, paradoxically, due to this, they ensure the overall success of the association, expressed in the most effective achievement of a common goal.

Second distinguishing feature - in the process of achieving a single goal of activity. This is due to the differentiation of means to achieve it. Translated into ordinary language, this means different ways of solving a common problem for individual members of an association or microgroups that exist within it.

Third feature- the need to take into account the desire of a certain number of participants in the association to a common goal, due to the conscious needs of each of them to obtain the desired result for themselves personally, which, nevertheless, is important for others.

The fourth feature- the task of the educator (teacher, leader) is considered as a non-violent and imperceptible organization of conditions for the formation of such interpersonal relationships that are most favorable for the successful achievement of the goal.

So class time (hour of education, educational hour, class teacher hour) continues to be one of the most important forms of organizing frontal educational work. The main thing is to ensure purposeful, orderly business communication between the class teacher and students, to create a healthy moral atmosphere.

Consequently, the class hour can and should serve to solve educational problems. True, at a completely different organizational level.




Types and forms of class hours

Report for the methodological association of educators and class teachers "Rodnik"

E.Yu. Govyzha, teacher

Belogorsk, 2014

The classroom hour is one of the main forms of education at school, in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relations to the outside world.

The classroom has the following functions:

1) educational - makes it possible to expand the range of knowledge of students that are not reflected in the curricula. This knowledge may contain information about events taking place in the country and abroad. The object of discussion can be any phenomenon or event.

2) orienting - contributes to the formation of attitudes towards the outside world, the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. Helps to evaluate the phenomena occurring in life.These two functions are closely related, since students cannot be taught to evaluate phenomena with which they are unfamiliar.

3) guide - designed to translate the discussion of a phenomenon into the framework of the real experience of students.

4) formative - forms the skills of students to think about and evaluate their actions and themselves, the skills of conducting a dialogue and building a statement, defending their opinions.

Classroom types:

Moral class hour


1. Enlightenment of students in order to develop their own moral views, judgments, assessments

2. Study, understanding and analysis of the moral experience of generations

3. Critical reflection and analysis of one's own moral actions, actions of peers and classmates

4. Development of moral personal qualities (kindness, desire to help people, the ability to admit one's mistakes, defend one's point of view and respect someone else's point of view)

Intellectual-cognitive class hour


1. Develop students' cognitive interest

2. To develop the ability to realize their individual capabilities, the desire for self-improvement

Thematic class hour


    Develop students' horizons

    Contribute to the spiritual development of students, the formation of their interests and spiritual needs

Information class hour


    Formation of students' involvement in the events and phenomena of the socio-political life of their country, their city, district

    Application of knowledge gained in the lessons of history and civics

    Forming your attitude to what is happening

    Development of research skills

The class teacher chooses the content and form of the class hour based on:

Age and psychological characteristics of schoolchildren

The goals and objectives that he sets

Moral ideas, interests, needs of students

Forms of class hours:

Conversation (aesthetic, moral)


Meeting interesting people

Quizzes in various fields of knowledge



Interactive games

Travel Games


When preparing and conducting an educational event, it is necessary to focus on the following system of actions:

Define a topic, formulate a goal

Make a plan (script)

Select appropriate material, visual aids, musical arrangement, etc. on the topic

Give the task to the students for preliminary preparation (if it is provided by the plan)

Determine the degree of expediency of participation in the class hour of other teachers or parents

New forms of class hours:

    Class hour - alphabetical (The teacher calls the letter and asks what the topic of the class hour for this letter is of interest to the children)

    Class hour - the game "Revelation" (can be used as a game at the classroom hour of the spiritual and moral direction)

Let everyone who wants to tell about his friend from the “only good news” class - what is remarkable about this person, what he did, whom he helped, what are his interests, his incredible deeds, habits, addictions. It is only necessary to comply with one condition. During the story, you can not give the name and surname of this person. It’s good if the guys guess who they are talking about, and it’s also good that in the process of telling the story, the students voluntarily or involuntarily voice their values, views on people, and interests.

    Class hour "Mailbox"

In a box with a slot, students put questions printed or written in any way so that if the author of the note wishes, he can remain incognito. The class teacher answers those of them that he can answer, but if the questions require special preparation, and the answers to them are very important for the students, then a second class hour may be held the next day.

    One-to-One Chat Hour

An hour of heart-to-heart talk or an hour of secret preparation for some event that everyone should not know about.

    Class hour "Question to question"

The class is divided into 2-3 teams, 3 people are selected to the jury. Each team asks the other team a question on a pre-announced topic, the beauty of the question and originality, accuracy, imagery, humorousness of the answer are evaluated by the jury on a 5-point scale.

Topic: "Do I owe my parents?"

Possible questions:

If parents constantly lose their temper, scream, blame - what is happening to them and can this be forgiven?

What will you buy your parents from the first paycheck?

How would you raise your children if you had them?

The most wonderful qualities of your parents.

    Hour of mystery

In an atmosphere of complete secrecy, so that no mouse or fly will know, the class prepares for some kind of event. It can be a concert for the anniversary of your favorite teacher or for some school holiday; preparation of a performance, an amateur gift, a newspaper or a competition.

    Tolerant class hours

"You're still great..."

Participants are paired up. The first one turns to the partner with the phrase: “They don’t like me because ...”, The second, having listened, should react, starting with the words: “Anyway, you are great, because ...” Then the participants switch roles.

"Stand in someone else's shoes"

1.Participants are invited to think and answer the question:
- What would your life be like if you were: a mouse caught in a mousetrap and not knowing how to get out; a teenager whom peers do not accept in the game; a man stranded on a desert island?

2. Participants are invited to choose one of these characters to try to play a role, feel in his place and describe their feelings, state.

3.Participants are invited to introduce themselves: a midget among people; a man among the Lilliputians; newborn baby; a deep old man; blind; deaf.

4. Participants need to portray one of the characters and describe their feelings, state.

5. Participants should talk about the feelings they had while watching the scenes enacted.


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    Master class for school deputy principals for educational work: Organization and planning of work; From the experience of the school in Voronezh / Auth. T.M. Kumitskaya, O.E. Zhirenko M.: 5 for knowledge, 2007.

    Savina L.M., Siverina O.A. Non-traditional forms of educational work at school - Volgograd: Publishing house "Panorama", 2006.

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