Class hour relationships between classmates. Homeroom: Resentment

Irina Malahinskaya
“Me and my classmates are one team!”


Help children get to know each other better, learn something new about their classmate.

Emphasize the uniqueness of each participant.

Teach teenagers to take care of themselves, respect and accept themselves.

Build a positive relationship with other people.

Nobody can love another

if you haven't loved yourself before.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

Necessary materials: leaflets, felt-tip pens, musical accompaniment, ball of thread, ball.

Implementation plan.

Participants sit on chairs arranged in a circle.

I. Introduction

Introduction to the problem.

Required time 5 min.

Educational psychologist: Good afternoon! I am very glad to see you in class today.

The rules for working in group:

1. In a circle, everyone is equal. You can express any opinion without hurting the dignity of each other.

2. The rule of sincerity in communication.

3. Activity rule.

4. The rule of listening. When one speaks, everyone else listens.

5. The rule of a raised hand (if you want to say something, raise your hand, if someone speaks, then everyone is silent).


Required time 15 minutes

Exercise "Badge"

Warm up

Exercise "Greet a friend"

Guys, I invite you to say hello to each other in an unusual form:








Yes, guys, a good greeting helps to establish friendly relations with the interlocutor, improve well-being in the group. But it is simply impossible to live without good friends!

Exercise "Magic ball"

Material: a ball of thread.

Instruction. Each of you now has the opportunity to tell us your name and tell us about yourself. Your passion, hobby, your motto for life, etc.? How many friends do you have? Do you appreciate your friends? Do you have a best friend?

My name is ... and I am very ... (Hold the free end of the thread tightly in your hand and throw the ball to the person sitting opposite).

My name is Yulia Evgenievna… I am a teacher-psychologist. This means that I help to understand what prevents them from achieving their goals, and I can support a person in a difficult situation. I enjoy working with people, children, families, I have many different games and exercises for you.

Thus, the tangle is passed on and on until all participants are part of one gradually growing web. Then talk to the participants about anything that can help promote group cohesion. Ask them: “why do you think we made such a web?”.

Look what a web we got! What do you think, thanks to what or to whom?

After this conversation, you will need to dissolve the web again. To do this, each child must return the ball to the previous one, calling him by name and, perhaps, retelling his story about himself. This continues until the ball comes back to you. Perhaps sometimes the thread will get tangled - in such cases it is possible to comment on the situation with humor, saying that the members of the group are already closely related to each other.

Time spending: 10-15 minutes

Exercise "Magic Lake"

For the exercise, you will need a box in which the psychologist puts a small round mirror in advance.

All participants sit in a circle and close their eyes.

Psychologist. Now you will pass the box to each other. Whoever receives this box must open his eyes and look inside. There in "little magical lake", you will see the most unique and inimitable person in the world. Smile at him.

After everyone looks into the box, the psychologist asks the students questions:

How do you understand the meaning of the word "unique"?

Who is the most unique and inimitable person in the world?

How did this person respond to your smile?

How should we treat the unique and unrepeatable person?

Psychologist. We found out that each person is a unique and inimitable personality, one-one of a kind. Therefore, we must carefully, with love and respect treat ourselves and others, value our own life and the life of each person, accept ourselves and others as we are, that is, treat ourselves and others with tolerance. Similar in meaning to the word "tolerance" is the word "tolerance". Let's listen to this word: "To-o-le-e-ra-a-nt-ness".

Exercise "Praise yourself and others"

The participants are divided into two subgroups. One a subgroup forms the outer circle, the other the inner circle. Students stand facing each other.

Psychologist. If we do not learn to find positive qualities of character in ourselves, to talk about them to the people around us, we will not see anything positive in another person either.

Therefore, now everyone should tell the partner what you like about him. The partner, after listening to you, should say: "And besides, me."- and keep complimenting yourself.

For example, Sasha says Faith: "Vera, you are very good person I love that you always help others in need." Vera continues: "And besides, I'm persistent, generous." Then Vera should praise Sasha.

After exchanging compliments, the students in the outer circle move clockwise and repeat the task with a new partner.


What did you feel (and when you spoke (but) compliments to other members?

How did you feel when you were complimented?

Was it easy to praise yourself?

The exercise "You - well done, because." (10 min.)

In a circle, a soft toy heart is launched from hand to hand. Everyone who has a heart in their hands addresses the hero by name, says to him: "You - well done, because."- and names some positive quality or useful skill of the hero. At this time the leader (psychologist or class teacher) draws up a sheet with the sun, writing down all the named positive qualities of the child in the rays of the sun.

farewell ritual "I wish for myself and others."

The ball is passed around. The participant who holds the ball in his hand answers the questions below, says good wishes to himself and others, then passes the ball to a neighbor.

Questions to students:

What did you learn about the concept of "tolerance"?

How does the attitude towards oneself affect the attitude towards other people?


"Magic Ball"

What did you like about the lesson

What did you not like about the lesson?

Exercises "Applause in a circle"

Instruction: We did a good job today, and I would like to offer you a game in which the applause is quiet at first, and then becomes stronger and stronger.

The host begins to softly clap his hands, looking and gradually approaching one of the participants. Then this participant chooses the next one from the group, to whom they both applaud. The third chooses the fourth, and so on. The whole group applauds the last participant.

Classroom hour in grades 6-8

Relationships in the team.

How to prevent conflicts?


social teacher

O.A. Novikov


Class hour is devoted to methods of effective communication.

Many children in adolescence do not have the skill to peacefully resolve conflicts. The consequence of these conflicts is the nervousness of children, the inability to withstand stress for a long time, the habit of aggression.

During the class hour, the concepts of "conflict", "conflict situation" are analyzed, the causes of conflicts are clarified, and options for constructive conflict resolution are proposed. Objectives: - to explain to children the concepts of "conflict" and "conflict situation", to consider ways to prevent conflicts; - to promote the formation of a positive attitude towards people; - Encourage children to cooperate and mutual understanding.

Target: To teach children to treat each other with respect, to learn some rules of conflict-free communication and a way out of conflict.

Equipment: sheets of white paper, felt-tip pens, cloud-shaped leaves for each student, the sun.

Registration: epigraph on the screen (slide number 1):

"Those who can't make soup make porridge."

Guys, have you ever had to "brew porridge"? What was it? (Possible responses of children: “got something wrong”, “quarreled with everyone”, “got into a difficult situation”, etc.)

And there is another saying with the word "porridge": "You can't cook porridge with you." Who are they talking about? (Children: “about stupid, lazy, intractable”, “about such a person with whom it is impossible to agree.”)

If a team cannot work together, relationships are constantly sorted out in this team, grievances accumulate, clashes occur. How to avoid them? How to stop "disentangling" the mess that was made during such clashes? We will talk about this during a class hour called “How to prevent conflicts?”. (slide number 2)

There is one interesting phenomenon in human relations. Scientists conducted a psychological experiment, which made it possible to reveal WHAT people want to cultivate in themselves and see in others. And here is the data that was received.

People wanted to develop qualities in themselves: (slide number 3)

Confidence, decisiveness - 46% of respondents

Endurance, balance - 30%

Purposefulness, willpower - 30%

Tolerance - 12%

Goodwill - 10%.

But everyone around people would like to add: (slide number 4)

Kindness, humanity - 50% of respondents

Honesty, decency - 30%

Mutual understanding, sympathy - 22%

Tolerance - 16%

Generosity - 12%

So, people want more firmness for themselves, and more softness for those around them. But after all, those around us expect mutual understanding, kindness, decency from us, and we are moving firmly in a different direction. As a result, mutual dissatisfaction, tension, conflict arise. As we can see, conflicts arise according to the most different occasions, but the reasons are similar for everyone: a mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate. What is conflict? (slide number 5) (answers guys)

- (slide number 6) A conflict is a clash, a contradiction that gives rise to hostility, fear, hatred between people. What is the harm of conflicts?

First, human dignity suffers from conflict. Secondly, for every minute of the conflict, there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, when the work does not go well, and in general everything falls out of hand. Thirdly, physical health suffers - nerves, heart, blood vessels are affected. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to prevent such conflicts. Correct behavior during conflict will keep you healthy, make you calmer and happier not only for you, but also for others.

- (slide number 7) What do you think caused the conflict?

For a conflict to arise, the presence of two people, the presence of two points of view (the so-called internal conflict) and the subject of the dispute are sufficient. Like diseases, conflicts are better prevented than cured. We will learn to warn conflict situations. There are many ways to do this. Communication is the basis of conflict resolution. Every day we have to decide one way or the other. challenging tasks. When communicating, very often difficult situations arise, and finding a way out of which is sometimes also difficult. But it is necessary.

Exercise Clouds. (slide number 8)

I suggest that you close your eyes (so that the opinions of others do not crush) and raise your hand to those who have never called anyone an offensive word. The results of the survey are known only to the teacher.

I distribute to all the children sheets cut out in the form of a cloud on which the child writes offensive word told to him.

I collect clouds and attach them to the sun.

Let's look at what we got. "What can happen now?" (Children answer that a thunderstorm is approaching the class, the clouds have covered the sun.)

The teacher asks the children to tell how they felt when they were called names, and what they did in response to the offender. The most typical reactions are written on the board in two columns.

Actions Feelings

I just stepped aside. I wanted to cry.

I said that you can't call names. I wanted to hit the offender.

In the left column we get several constructive solutions.

I suggest you find a way out of this situation so that the weather becomes clear again. Children offer their own options for getting out of a conflict situation: “I didn’t mean to offend you, I’m sorry”, “I was wrong”, “Let's make peace”, etc. d.

Ways to prevent conflicts (slide number 9)

One of the ways to prevent conflicts is soft confrontation.- this is a strong objection, expressed in a mild form. So you can defend your position, and not offend the other person.

The other way is called "constructive suggestion"This is an attempt to find a compromise, ie. output that could suit everyone.

I offer you several situations that need to be resolved. (slide number 10)


1. (slide number 11) Ira is offended: “Yesterday you, Vitya, walked towards me and did not say hello. It's not polite". Vitya is surprised: “Why should I say hello? You saw me first, so you should have said hello.” Who is right? (Who is more cultured is the first to say hello.)

2. (slide number 12) Nastya says: “It is not at all necessary to say hello to all your friends. Here we have a neighbor so harmful that I don’t want to wish her health. What am I supposed to pretend? Is Nastya right?

3. (slide number 13) They called you names. What is your reaction? a) I’ll get off with a joke (I defiantly bow and thank you for the “good” words). b) I will thank you in kind (I will review). c) Complain to the elders.

4. (slide number 14) You do not like that your desk mate never brings textbooks to school and uses yours. How will you act.

5. (slide number 15) Everyone in your company smokes. You don't want to start. But the guys laugh at you. How can you be?

6. (slide number 16) At recess, you gave your friend your brand new, just bought mobile phone. He went with him into the corridor, and you stayed in the classroom. When you went out into the corridor, you saw that a friend was collecting the broken case of your phone from the floor. It turns out that he was pushed by the guys running past, and he dropped the phone, and he himself is not to blame for anything. You know your parents will scold you. What to do? How not to spoil the relationship with a friend? How to explain everything to parents?

Groups are given leaflets describing the conflict situation.

Playing situations (call 2 people per situation) (slide number 17)

In this exercise, you will work in pairs. One will play the role of the culprit of the conflict, and the other the role of the victim.

1. (slide number 18) They told you at the kiosk that they had hot pies, you bought it, but the pie turned out to be cold. You return the pie to the seller and say ... (Children's statements.)

2. (slide number 19) A friend said that he told someone your secret ... (Statements of children.)

3. (slide number 20) A friend took your favorite trousers from you for the evening, and in the morning returns them torn. You say ... (Children's statements.)

Everyone wants to be a little better. This I know for myself. But there are many opportunities to learn to live without conflict. One of the ways is the ability to give compliments. Let's learn to say nice words to each other.

Game "Compliment"(slide 21)

2 students are called - a boy and a girl. Taking one step forward, they compliment each other.

In the speech of a cultured person who knows how to communicate, there must be words of politeness. Politeness is an essential quality of communication.

Let's play "Speech etiquette"(slide 22)

Two teams (groups) play.

1. Name the words of greeting. ("Hello", " Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, “Good evening”, “Greetings”, “Hi”, “Salute”.)

2. Make a request. (“Can you tell me ...”, “Could you tell me ...”, “Please tell me ...”, “Let me ask you ...”, “Could you ...”, “Be kind. ..")

3. What are the best words to start dating? (“Let me introduce you ...”, “Let me introduce you ...”, “Meet ...”, “What is your name?”, “Are you familiar?”, “Let me introduce you.”)

4. How is it customary to apologize in a cultural society? (“I offer you my deepest apologies”, “Let me apologize”, “I can’t help but offer you my deepest apologies”, “I’m sorry for….”)

5. Do you have a few words of comfort and encouragement in reserve? (“Don’t be upset”, “There is no reason to worry”, “There is nothing wrong with ...”, “Everything will be fine”, “Calm down.”)

6. Words of gratitude. (“Thank you”, “Thank you”, “Let me thank you”, “Thank you in advance”, “Thank you”, “Please accept my thanks.”)

7. How to say goodbye so that people will be pleased to meet you again? (“Goodbye”, “I hope to see you again”, “Good journey”, “See you tomorrow”, “All the best”, “Always glad to see you”, “It was nice to meet you.”)

You will probably agree with me that an argument, as a rule, does not bring either satisfaction or truth. No wonder they say: "Of the two quarreling, the one who is smarter is to blame." Of course, it is best to settle the quarrel at the very beginning. To do this, you can compromise, that is, either give in, or persuade the one with whom you are quarreling to give in. The first is usually easier. Try during a quarrel to try to imagine yourself in the place of your opponent - and you will understand that he also has reasons to defend his arguments.

Let's try to play sketch, in which two friends quarrel. (slide 23)

Two students come out.

1st conversation option.

Oh hey, where did you cut your hair like that?

What don't you like?

So in general, no one has a haircut for a long time - you look like a pensioner.

Look at yourself in the mirror!..

I would like to note that generalizations like “no one at all”, “no one does this” only provoke the development of a dispute.

2nd version of the conversation.

This haircut just doesn't suit you.

Do you really think so?

Well, yes, I'm your friend, but who else will honestly tell you?

What should I do?

Come to me, I'll try to style your hair differently.

Let's go to.

In this case, sincerity and willingness to meet halfway helped to avoid a quarrel.

Test (slide 24)

Please answer the test questions.

“How do you usually behave in a conflict situation?”

If you tend to this or that behavior, put a certain number of points after each answer number that characterizes the style of behavior. If you act like this

often - 3 points

case by case - 2 points

rarely - 1 point

Question 1 . How do you usually behave in a dispute or conflict situation?

  1. I threaten or fight
  2. I try to accept the opponent's point of view, I consider it as my own.
  3. Looking for compromises.
  4. I admit that I'm wrong, even if I can't believe it completely.
  5. I avoid the enemy.
  6. I want to achieve my goal no matter what.
  7. I'm trying to figure out what I agree with and what I categorically disagree with.
  8. I'm going to compromise.
  9. I give up
  10. I'm changing the subject.
  11. I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.
  12. I'm trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand how it all began.
  13. I will give in a little, and thereby push the other side to make concessions.
  14. I offer peace.
  15. I'm trying to turn everything into a joke.

(slide 25)





















Calculate the number of points under the numbers ...

Find out the number of points by type.

Define Your Style (Most Spell Points)

A. is a "hard type of conflict and dispute resolution." You stand your ground to the last, defending your position. By all means, strive to win. This is the type of person, I'm always right.

B. is a "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that you can always agree. During a dispute, you always try to offer an alternative, looking for a solution that would satisfy both parties.

V. - "compromise" style. From the very beginning, you agree to a compromise.

G. - "soft" style. You "destroy" your opponent with your kindness. You willingly take the opponent's point of view, giving up your own.

D. - "outgoing" style. Your motto is "leave on time". You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.

Draw conclusions from testing.

Having received the results of the test, perhaps one of you has discovered something new in yourself. But don't take it as something permanent. This is an occasion to reflect and further change your point of view, yourself.

Good advice box(slide number 26)

Light up on the screen.

Guys, listen to some tips that will help you look at the process of communication in a new way.

Council the first. Treat other people the way you would like them to treat you. How do you understand it? (Student answers.)

Tip two. Remember the law of "mirroring": as you are to people, so they are to you. What needs to be done to “mirror” the best? (Student answers.)

Tip three. See only the good in people. In all people without exception. How do you understand this advice? (Student answers.)

Council the fourth. Don't be offended. What is the point of this advice? There is a Russian proverb: "Whoever remembers the old, that eye is out." (Student answers.)

Tip five. “But, going to bed, ask yourself, / Whom and what did you please during the day?” How do you understand these lines of poetry? (Student answers.)

So, everyone can avoid conflict, and in any situation it is possible. Look kindly at each other, smile, forgive all insults.

(slide 27)

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their fates are like the histories of the planets.

Each has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets like it.

(E. Evtushenko.)

- And the person who is next to you is different from you. This does not mean that he is worse than you: he is simply different, with his own individual characteristics, with his strong and weaknesses personality.

(slide 28)

Final exercise "Gift"

Here in the classroom, for each of you there is small gift. Remember your number, under the same number you will find your gift. And remember: nothing is accidental. What your gift will say is meant for you. Everyone finds a piece of paper in the room (in the form of a heart, an asterisk, etc.) with their number, on the back of which a wish is written. Wishes

1. To control the situation, you must remain calm.

2. In a dispute, be able to listen to the interlocutor to the end.

3. Respect other people's feelings.

4. Any problem can be solved.

5. Be attentive to the people with whom you communicate.

6. Don't be angry, smile.

7. Start your day with a smile.

8. Be confident.

9. Open your heart and the world will open its arms.

10. Look at your abuser - maybe he just needs your help. 11. Be charming and kind.

12. Apologize if you're wrong.

13. Don't forget to express your gratitude.

14. Keep your promises.

15. Do not constantly criticize others.

16. Be sympathetic to the thoughts and desires of others.

17. Sincerely try to look at things from the point of view of your interlocutor.

18. Never tell a man that he is wrong; if you're wrong, admit it.

19. The only way to win an argument is to avoid it.

20. If you do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.

21. In life there is the main thing and not the main thing, do not waste your energy on trifles.

22. Do not judge anyone so that you will not be judged.

23. Do not look for external enemies: to understand what hinders your development, look inside yourself.

24. Don't get emotional.

25. Remember, everyone is worthy of respect, because he is a person. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

26. Get to know yourself better. Find interesting qualities in yourself - this will help to attract peers and maintain an objective judgment of other people.

27. Do not notice the minor flaws of a friend. You, too, are not deprived of them.

28. Develop the ability to understand humor. Try to laugh it off if someone is being ironic about your appearance or academic performance.

29. Be able to listen to a friend, learn to conduct a dialogue, and not to speak monologues.

I would like to end our lesson with the following words (Slide 29):

“A person who does not do a very good deed runs the risk of being alone and causing condemnation of others. And vice versa, there are actions that elevate people in the eyes of others. In both, being faced with a choice, before doing something, think about the consequences. And let the decision be right.”

If we avoid conflicts, we will be friends. Well, friendship begins with a smile (Slide 30).

Literature. 1. Antsupov A. Ya. Prevention of conflicts in the school community. - M.: Publishing Center "VLADOS", 2003. 2. Bilyk N. I. Companion of the class teacher: 5-7 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. 3. Direkleeva N.I. cool watch on the subject of morality. - M.: 5 for knowledge, 2006. 4. Cool hours (quizzes, conversations, competitions, games): Grades 7–8 / Ed. I. A. Zaitseva, N. A. Dogadova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005. 5. Class hours: Grade 9 / Avt. N. G. Kolodezneva and others - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2006. 6. Savchenko E. V., Zhirenko O. E. Class hours: 5–9 classes. - M.: VAKO, 2007. 7. Class hours on the topics of etiquette: grades 5–11. - M.: Globus, 2007.

Class hour "Conflicts in our life".

Class hour is devoted to ways of effective communication. Many children are simply not taught how to resolve conflicts peacefully. The causes of conflicts between adolescents are their nervousness, inability to withstand stress for a long time, and the habit of aggression.

Clarification of the concept of "conflict", "conflict situation", understanding the causes of conflicts, mastering the skills of constructive conflict resolution - this is the content of the class hour.


to acquaint children with the concept of "conflict" and "conflict situation", with ways to prevent conflicts;

to promote the formation of a positive attitude towards people, the desire to master the skills of communication and social interaction;

encourage children to cooperate and mutual understanding.

Developing - the development of the skills of moral self-knowledge, introspection and self-esteem.

Educators - to form friendly relations between classmates.

RECEPTIONS: word of the teacher, oral communication of students, collective form of cognitive activity, theatricalization, work with the test, processing of test results, comparative analysis, reflection.

Conduct form: hour of communication.

Design: An epigraph on the board "Those who cannot cook soup, make porridge", tablets with an unfinished sentence: "The cause of the conflict was that ...... ..", "Ways to prevent conflicts: mild confrontation, constructive proposal."

Organizing time

Motivation: at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher sets a situation-provocation. 2 students come to the board. They are given a game task: quickly and beautifully draw a building. The students begin to draw. The teacher stops the game and asks to start over because the students made a mistake. So he stops the game several times, interrupts the students and puts forward more and more new claims: the building should be voluminous, not flat, the roof should be modern, etc. The teacher then gives the student the opportunity to complete the drawing. After that, he reports that all the same, the artists did the task incorrectly, for example, they painted a residential building, but it was necessary to have a school. Therefore, there are no winners in the game.

Did you like this game?

The students are upset after completing the assignment.

What happened in this situation? (conflict)

Why didn't the drawing work? (student comments: poorly explained, not understood, etc.)

What was not done before work began? (did not discuss the rules for the execution of the drawing)

Could the conflict have been avoided? (can)

How? (student answers)

Today I want to talk to you about the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve them. What does the word "conflict" mean? What associations does it evoke in you?

STUDENTS - Quarrel, door slamming, fight, argument, tears, shouting, hostility, etc.

K.R. - Let's listen to what definition of this word is given in the dictionaries of the Russian language.

· Clash of opposite sides, opinions, forces; serious disagreement, sharp dispute. Complication in international relations, sometimes leading to an armed clash.

· Collision, serious disagreement, dispute.

(Ozhegov S.I.)

Topic conversation.

Cl. hands Guys, have you ever had to "brew porridge"? What was it?

Sample answers of children: I messed up something, quarreled with everyone; got into a difficult situation, etc.

Class hands And there is another saying with the word porridge: "You can't cook porridge with you." Who are they talking about?

Children: about stupid, lazy, intractable, about such a person with whom it is impossible to agree.

Class hands Read the epigraph for the class hour. How would you explain its meaning?

Those who are not capable of communication and understanding find themselves in confusing situations.

Those who cannot get along with people are constantly creating difficulties for themselves and others.

If they cannot work together in a team, any business there turns into a mess.

Class hands If a team cannot work together, relationships are constantly sorted out in this team, grievances accumulate, clashes occur.

How to avoid them? How to stop "disentangling" the mess that was made during such clashes? We will talk about this during the class hour.

Now raise your hands, who has ever been involved in a conflict situation?

Let's remember why your conflict situation arose. What was the cause of the particular conflict?

To do this, I suggest that you complete the sentence written on the board: "The cause of the conflict was that ......"

Children's answers:

My friend and I both wanted to be leaders in the company. We have completely different personalities. I didn't like his behavior. We started rooting for different football teams. Etc.

Cl. hands As we can see, conflicts arise for a variety of reasons, but the reasons for all are similar: mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate.

K.R. Here's how to schematically reflect the growth of the conflict







But what is conflict?

Conflict is a clash, a contradiction that gives rise to hostility, fear, hatred between people.

Group work: discussion

Mom decided to check her daughter's school diary. When she took the diary in her hands, a piece of paper folded several times fell out of it. Mom unfolded the sheet and saw that it was a note. Reading the note, she was caught by her daughter, who had returned from her friend. The girl snatched the note from her mother's hands. She screamed at her daughter. The girl slammed the door and closed herself in the room.

Answer the questions:

Who is involved in the conflict?

Who is to blame for the conflict?

What are the positions of the parties to the conflict?

Two 9th graders decided to hold a football match between themselves. At the appointed time, the guys gathered at the school stadium. There was only a goalkeeper 9 "A" class. Nobody knew why he was missing. His classmates asked him not to start the game and wait for a while. But the players of 9 "B" began to demand to start immediately. It was clear that without a goalkeeper, the 9 "A" team would definitely lose. A dispute ensued. Passions ran high. One of the guys accidentally stepped on the foot of the captain of the opposing team. He could not restrain himself and, swinging, hit the offender in the face. The blow was so strong that the guy fell. Comrades rushed to his defense. A fight started. The fight was stopped by a teacher passing by. As a result, the game never took place, the mood was spoiled. The next day there was an unpleasant conversation in the director's office.

Answer the questions:

What is conflict?

Why did the conflict arise?

What could be the ways of development of this conflict and its consequences?

A group of teenagers gathered to listen to music. Opinions were divided: some wanted to listen to pop music, while others were fans of "metal". An argument ensued that could escalate into a major quarrel. Suddenly, one of the teenagers, remembering the cartoon about the cat Leopold, loudly shouted: “Guys, let's live together!” Everyone was laughing and having fun. We quickly agreed to listen to our favorite music in turn: first pop music, then metal. Everyone was very pleased.

Answer the question:

How did you manage to avoid conflict?

Let's talk about our own behavior in a conflict situation.

Ask the children to answer the test questions.

“How do you usually behave in a conflict situation (when you quarrel)?”

If you are characterized by this or that behavior, put a certain number of points after each answer number that characterizes your behavior. If you act like this

often - 3 points

case by case - 2 points

rarely - 1 point

Question 1. How do you usually behave in a dispute or conflict situation?

1. I threaten or fight

2. I try to accept the point of view of the enemy, I consider it as my own.

3. Looking for compromises.

4. I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot believe it completely.

5. I avoid the enemy.

6. I wish you to achieve your goal no matter what.

7. I'm trying to figure out what I agree with and what I categorically disagree with.

8. I'm going to compromise.

10. Change the subject.

11. I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.

12. I'm trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand how it all began.

13. I will give in a little, and thereby push the other side to make concessions.

14. I offer peace.

15. Trying to turn everything into a joke.

On the desk:

Calculate the number of points under the numbers ...

Find out the number of points by type.

Define Your Style (Most Spell Points)

A. is a "hard type of conflict and dispute resolution." You stand your ground to the last, defending your position. By all means, strive to win. This is the type of person, I'm always right.

B. is a "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that you can always agree. During a dispute, you always try to offer an alternative, looking for a solution that would satisfy both parties.

V. - "compromise" style. From the very beginning, you agree to a compromise.

G. - "soft" style. You "destroy" your opponent with your kindness. You willingly take the opponent's point of view, giving up your own.

D. - "outgoing" style. Your motto is "leave on time". You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.

We draw conclusions from testing.

Having received the results of the test, perhaps one of you has discovered something new in yourself. But don't take it as something permanent. This is an occasion to reflect and further change your point of view, yourself.

Practice game.

Exist different ways exit from the conflict.

In the course of this game, we will look at some of the ways out of the conflict.

Let's split into groups.

Distribute tasks (the most typical conflict situations are selected).

Discuss the conflict situation, offer to find a way out of this situation.

Situation #1

The class is conditionally divided into two microgroups (groups), in which both there and there, there are strong leaders, activists, excellent students. Throughout the academic year, there is competition between them for grades, for teacher respect, for authority in front of the class, for superiority. All this is expressed in lessons in sharp jokes, in ridicule at each other. During the breaks there were “skirmishes”, quarrels and even there were cases of fights. This situation stresses the whole class. How can children constructively resolve this situation?

Situation #2

Came to class new girl. He has a very good appearance, dresses well, studies well, is distinguished by eccentricity and originality. The girl immediately took a leading position in front of her classmates - boys. Naturally, the girls in the class do not like this situation. At first, the “new girl” was warned that if she imagined this way, then she would not study in this class. But nothing has changed. She was met on the street, and a substantive conversation took place. She, in response, stated that she was not interested in the opinion of girls. How to achieve understanding?

Situation #3

At recess, you gave your friend your brand new, newly bought mobile phone. He went with him into the corridor, and you stayed in the classroom. When you went out into the corridor, you saw that a friend was collecting the broken case of your phone from the floor. It turns out that he was pushed by the guys running past, and he dropped the phone, and he himself is not to blame for anything. You know your parents will scold you. What to do? How not to spoil the relationship with a friend? How to explain everything to parents?

There are many ways to resolve a conflict situation:

Before entering into an argument, calm down, think it over, weigh everything.

Count to ten in your mind.

Be wiser.

Find out the cause of the quarrel, try to explain about possible moral injuries.
















K.R. Respect for people, knowledge of the rules for arguing, discussion, communication rules help prevent unnecessary conflicts. But there are also special rules for preventing conflicts. Here are the rules (posted on the board poster with these rules, the guys get to know them).







K.R. Guys, today we talked about the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve them.

Do you find discussion of this topic useful, and will it change your behavior in conflict situations?

  1. Methodological development of a class hour for students in grades 7-11 Topic: "Conflicts in our lives"

    Methodical development

    ... (loss of family, loss of self). During cool hours « Conflicts in our life» discusses the significance of this topic for ... you can continue the topic our cool hours? (Slide show #13) Slide #13 " Conflicts in our life or win...

  2. Classroom hour

    The military is still going on somewhere conflicts, terrorist attacks, crimes are committed, ... right. move cool hours:- Today we will talk about our society. Remember ... not only on examples from our life. Let's take a look at the artwork...

  3. Classroom hour

    Children are victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, environmental, man-made disasters, natural ... separate. Cool hour on the topic: "The rights of the child" Cool hour on the topic: " Our rights and ... knew more about laws our life. Books will also help you...

Topic. The world of relationships - through the eyes of teenagers

Tasks: to strengthen the spiritual connection of generations; improve self-knowledge skills; prepare for family life; learn to overcome conflicts; cultivate a sense of compassion, the ability to come to the rescue; develop creative skills.

Preparatory work: selection of literature on the topic; preparation of trainings, tests; printout of handouts; creative tasks; exhibition design.

Members: classroom teacher; students; psychologist.

Event progress

Patience is the best skill.


Classroom teacher. If people had such a moral quality as tolerance, then there would be much less evil in our lives. What is tolerance?


— This is a respectful and benevolent attitude towards beliefs and beliefs, traditions and habits, as well as the behavior of other people.

“This is the achievement of human understanding without threats, insults and coercion, without extreme measures of any kind of pressure.

- Tolerance is one of the necessary qualities of a culture of personality.

Classroom teacher. The value of this quality can hardly be overestimated for the communication of people in everyday life. It is well known that the relationship between parents and children is often difficult, and sometimes dramatic. This question is not bypassed even by works of world literature. different periods("Fathers and Sons", "The Forsyte Saga", "The Thorn Birds"). Why is the main prestige of the family destroyed so often - its spiritual connection, spiritual kinship between parents and children? Why does misunderstanding occur at school?


- If young children are calm about the dissimilarity of the two worlds - children's and adults, take it for granted, then it is already much more difficult for teenagers to do this because of their growing up and the fact that they are somewhere in the middle of these worlds.

Growing up, we compare these two worlds, pretend to be adults, try to join the world of adult values, often at the same time realizing our inadequacy, realizing that the level of our claims is not always justified. We ourselves suffer from the inconsistency of these feelings, often we cannot cope with them, therefore contradictions and conflicts with the adult world arise. Although I know that in order to extinguish the conflict, you must first describe what happened, then show that you are experiencing the current situation, and only then say what you want and why.

- In relationships with adults, our greatest desire is to free ourselves from the control and guardianship on the part of parents, teachers, adults in general, who teach, establish rules and procedures.

The psychologist conducts the training "We find out the relationship" with the guys.

A win-win method for resolving disputes

1. Find out whose problem it is and what exactly it is.

2. Look for as many solutions as possible.

3. Evaluate different solutions.

4. Together with your parents, think about what is the best solution.

5. Be sure to follow the agreements reached.

6. Agree with your parents that you will look for another solution if things do not go the way you wanted.

Classroom teacher. Here you guys have one of the main rules of tolerance - you must not forget that parents and teachers are representatives of the adult world as a whole. And in this world, they are endowed with certain powers, which you must realize, accept and which you must treat with understanding and a sense of patience.

Student. But sometimes adults are just not up to us. They prefer not trusting relationships and mutual understanding, but unquestioning obedience and peace (parents), pressure by authority and absolute discipline (teachers). I'm not saying there are many, but there are examples.

Classroom teacher. So what do you want from the adult world?

(Examples of students' answers are given. The guys answered this question anonymously in advance using a computer, so there is no handwriting problem, and the class teacher can use this material when holding a parent-teacher meeting.)

Allocate time yourself (lessons, sports, meetings with friends).

So that my mother does not look at me suspiciously after every meeting with my friend.

Do what you love, and not what your parents dictated in childhood (only because they themselves could not fulfill their childhood dream).

Just talk to your mom at least once heart to heart.

Talk to me mom

Tell me, who am I so stubborn?

And why am I again, again

Am I saying the same word?

You ask me a question, I - "no" in response,

As if there were no other words.

You say... Morning already...

But it warmed my heart.

Do not answer every day the parents' on-duty question “Well, how is school?” If only they changed the wording. Or they didn't pronounce it in a hurry.

Green melancholy in the house...

The question is still the same: “Did you run again?”

I was with a friend yesterday.

His father made the boat himself.

And he promised to take us in the summer

On a hike, to the river, for mushrooms.

And I want to ask:

"Tell me dad

Are you with us too?"

I want to be consulted and considered. I want to have a voice in my family.

Do not listen to constant shouting.

Most of all, I am “exhausted” by words that degrade my dignity (am I really that stupid, is there really nothing good in me?). As the saying goes: "I even have my floors, but don't call me a washcloth." After all, I am quite silent and patient by nature.


It seems to me that adults, having become parents, simply forget about how difficult it was for them as a child. They treat their children the way their parents treated them.

- I think that adults often transfer the style of communication at work to their families.

- Often adults take out their irritation on children, which has arisen in them due to official, family and other troubles (parents - on children, teachers - on students).

- A certain part of adults is convinced that all educational moments and conflict situations can be solved with a shout and force. Children are subjected to moral and physical humiliation. Up to 50,000 children are known to run away from home every year. Most of the guys complain about the abuse. They experience a constant feeling of fear, they hear threats, they get slapped on the back of the head, they are raped.

Psychologist. If something like this happened to you, your loved ones and even people you don’t know, then you can always contact (or advise others to do this) to social educator schools, a psychologist, a class teacher, a district policeman, call the police or call the "helpline" number (tells the number of the local "helpline"). And you need to help the victim overcome the feeling of fear, shame and mistrust.

The psychologist conducts the "Telephone Helpline" exercise with the students.

The psychologist acts as a victim, and 2-3 students in turn act as attendants on the “helpline” (the subscriber and the consultant sit with their backs to each other), the consultation time is 3-4 minutes. At the end of each consultation, the student talks about his feelings at the “moment of helping”. The task of the class is to choose the most effective consultant based on the results of the exercise and justify their opinion.

Principles of operation of the "helpline":

- convey to the subscriber the confidence that he has applied to a place where he will be understood and helped;

- determine the severity of the situation, the amount of time during which at least a partial decision must be made.

Principles of counseling (according to K. Rogers):

- unconditional acceptance of the personality and its experiences;

- lack of assessments in relation to it;

- empathy: understanding inner peace man, deep empathy for him.

The subscriber is given the opportunity to speak, while the consultant listens without interrupting, without interfering and collecting all the primary information. Neutral remarks, "yes" are allowed.

The consultant helps the teenager to highlight the key semantic points, specifying the source of the most negative emotions(“What is it about that that upsets you?”) Then it is necessary to establish all the positive aspects of the teenager's personality, increase his self-esteem, strengthen his self-confidence, while establishing a circle of friends and relatives who could help. Next, a plan of action is developed to overcome the critical situation, with which the teenager agrees. In conclusion - support and maximum approval of the subscriber.

students(one of the consultants):

- I came to the conclusion that if the guys asked for help more often, then many critical situations could have been avoided.

- And I would like to note the obvious discrepancy between the teachings of some adults and their specific actions. For example, setting an example of cruelty, the adult world receives it in return.

The guest of the meeting, a member of the school drama circle, reads the story "Cruelty" by V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

On a summer day, five-year-old Yasha went with his father to the pond to swim. It was nice to splash in warm water, pour hot sand.

A small puppy was running along the steep bank of the pond. Suddenly he slipped and fell into the water. Near the sheer wall, the pond is very deep. It was painful for Yasha to listen to the plaintive squeals of a small puppy. He seemed to be calling for help. But the boy could not swim. He begged his father:

— Dad, save the puppy... He will drown.

The father replied:

You can't save everyone...

The puppy yelped and drowned. It became quiet over the pond. Yasha cried.

Many years later. Yasha became an adult - Yakov Ivanovich. He built himself a house. He had a five-year-old Ivas. It was a bitter winter. The ground cracked from the cold. One evening a snowstorm began. Someone knocked on the window.

- Who's there? asked Yakov Ivanovich.

“Let me in, good people, to get warm… we are travelers… We are freezing.” Save...

“You can’t save everyone,” Yakov Ivanovich said quietly, and said aloud:

“Dad, why didn’t you let them in?” Ivas asked. “They will die from the cold.

“You can’t save everyone,” my father said again. Ivas cried.

Students. In the relationship between adults and children, not only coldness is often observed, but hostility and cruelty towards even their children (not to strangers, as in the story), which gives a response - aggression.

Psychologist. When children believe that parents or teachers make unreasonable demands on them, this causes protest, and it often manifests itself in the form of aggression. There are guys who have an excessive expression of aggressiveness in interpersonal relationships with others and not only in relation to adults, but also to peers.

Exist different kinds reactions:

1. Physical aggression is the use of physical force against another person.

2. Indirect aggression is directed in a roundabout way to another person (sometimes not directed at anyone in particular).

3. Irritation - readiness for the manifestation of negative feelings. At the slightest excitement, a person can flare up, be rude.

4. Negativism is an oppositional manner in behavior. Both passive resistance and active struggle against established customs and laws are manifested.

5. Resentment is envy of others for real and fictional actions.

6. Suspicion is expressed in distrust and caution towards people. Sometimes a person is convinced that other people are planning to harm him.

7. Verbal aggression is an expression of negative feelings both through the form (scream and screech) and through the content of the response (threats, curses).

8. Feelings of guilt - the subject is convinced that he is a bad person, he is doing evil, and he feels remorse.

I suggest you test yourself for aggressiveness.

Bassa-Darky Questionnaire

(the method is designed to determine the level of aggressiveness in adolescents)

Instruction: you will be asked a series of questions. After reading each of them, think and put in the answer sheet opposite the question number your answer option (only “yes” or “no”). Try to be sincere.

1. At times, I can't handle the urge to harm others.

2. Sometimes I gossip about people I don't like.

3. I get easily irritated but calm down quickly.

4. If I am not asked in a good way, I will not fulfill the request.

5. I don't always get what I'm supposed to.

6. I know that people talk about me behind my back.

7. If I do not approve of the behavior of friends, I will let them feel it.

8. When I happened to deceive someone, I experienced excruciating remorse.

9. It seems to me that I am not capable of hitting a person.

10. I never get irritated enough to throw things.

11. I am always indulgent to other people's shortcomings.

12. If I do not like the established rule, I want to break it.

13. Others can almost always take advantage of favorable circumstances.

14. I am wary of people who treat me a little more friendly than I expected.

15. I often disagree with people.

16. Sometimes thoughts come to my mind that I am ashamed of.

17. If someone hits me first, I will not answer him.

18. When I get irritated, I slam doors.

19. I am much more irritable than it seems.

20. If someone imagines himself to be the boss, then I always act against him.

21. My fate upsets me a little.

22. I think that many people do not like me.

23. I can't resist arguing if people don't agree with me.

24. People who dodge work should feel guilty.

25. Whoever insults me and my family asks for a fight.

26. I am not capable of rude jokes.

27. I am furious when I am mocked.

28. When people build bosses out of themselves, I do everything so that they do not become conceited.

29. Almost every week I see someone I don't like.

30. Quite a few people envy me.

31. I demand that people respect me.

32. I am depressed by the fact that I do little for my parents.

33. People who constantly harass you are worth getting punched in the nose.

34. I am never gloomy with anger.

35. If they treat me worse than I deserve, I don't get upset.

36. If someone pisses me off, I don't pay attention.

37. Although I do not show it, I am sometimes envious.

38. Sometimes it seems to me that they are laughing at me.

39. Even if I'm angry, I don't use strong language.

40. I want my sins to be forgiven.

41. I rarely fight back, even if someone hits me.

42. When it doesn't work out my way, I sometimes get offended.

43. Sometimes people annoy me with their mere presence.

44. There are no people whom I would truly hate.

45. My principle is "Never trust strangers."

46. ​​If someone annoys me, I am ready to say everything that I think about him.

47. I do a lot of things that I later regret.

48. If I get angry, I can hit someone.

49. Since childhood, I have never shown outbursts of anger.

50. I often feel like a powder keg about to explode.

51. If everyone knew how I feel, I would be considered a person with whom it is not easy to work.

52. I always think about what secret reasons make people do something nice for me.

53. When someone shouts at me, I start shouting back.

54. Failures make me sad.

55. I fight no less and no more often than others.

56. I can remember cases when I was so angry that I grabbed a thing that came under my arm and broke it.

57. Sometimes I feel ready to start a fight first.

58. Sometimes I feel that life is treating me unfairly.

59. I used to think that most people are telling the truth, but now I don't believe it.

60. I swear only out of anger.

61. Sometimes I express my anger by banging my fist on the table.

62. If, in order to protect my rights, I need to apply physical strength I apply it.

63. Sometimes I express my anger by banging my fist on the table.

64. I am rude to people I don't like.

65. I have no enemies who would like to harm me.

66. I do not know how to put a person in his place, even if he deserves it.

67. I often think that I lived wrong.

68. I know people who are able to bring me to a fight.

69. I don't get upset over little things.

70. It rarely occurs to me that people are trying to anger or insult me.

71. I often only threaten people, although I am not going to carry out threats.

72. In Lately I became bored.

74. I usually try to hide my bad attitude towards people.

75. I'd rather agree with something than argue.

Results processing

Indices of various forms, both aggressive and hostile reactions, are determined by summing up the responses received.

1. Physical aggression: yes answers to questions 1, 25, 41, 48,

55, 62, 68; “no” answers to questions 9 and 17.

2. Indirect aggression: “yes” answers to questions 2, 10, 18, 34,

56, 63; answers "no" in questions 26, 49.

3. Annoyance: “yes” answers to questions 3, 19, 27, 43, 50, 57, 64, 72; answers "no" in questions 11, 35, 69.

4. Negativism: “yes” answers to questions 4, 12, 20, 28; "no" answers in question 36.

5. Resentment - "yes" - 5, 13,21,29,37,44,51,58.

6. Suspicion: "yes" - 6, 14, 22, 38, 45, 52, 59; "no" - 65, 70.

7. Verbal aggression: "yes" - 7, 15, 23, 31, 46, 53, 60, 71, 73; "no" - 39, 66, 74, 45.

8. Guilt: “yes” - 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 47, 54, 61, 67.


From 30 to 65% of matches with the key on any of the scales indicates a person's normal reaction to certain life situations. Deviations in one direction or another indicate the inadequacy of the reaction of the subject.

When considering the general index of aggressiveness (scales 1, 2, 7) or hostility (scales 5 and 6), we can assume the expected type of aggressiveness or hostility of the subject to the irritating factor.

Classroom teacher. So, some of you have noticed the presence of aggressiveness in your behavior. This means that you do not include elements of tolerance in the process of your communication. Children usually refer to their character. But after all, tolerance is not just a complaisant character, it is also the work of your soul and mind, your understanding of life, adulthood, and finally, which you strive for so much. Let's think together what hinders mutual understanding (on your part, we have already talked about adults!) Parents and children.


- I would say that obedience and friendliness are far from the main features of our attitude towards parents. We are friendly with friends, other representatives of our environment. But we often forget about it, having crossed the threshold of our own house. But parents are the most dear and close thing that we have in this world. After all, it is not in vain that people say: “Do not be perceptive in people, be friendly at home.”

We believe that parents have an obligation to take an interest in our affairs. And how often do we take an interest in their affairs and problems?

And we should not just be interested, but try to show participation, support kind word and deed.

I admit that we teenagers are too categorical in our judgments and demands.

We must be kinder. Kindness will melt the ice of any relationship.

Despite all the negative aspects that are noted in the relationship between adults and children, we cannot but admit that most parents take constant care of their children, and this costs them considerable fatigue and health. Instead of understanding and tolerance, we make too high and often unreasonable demands on our parents. And this manifests itself both morally and materially (which is worth our constant “buy, well, buy”), and if we get something, we take everything for granted, forgetting to express our gratitude and appreciation to them.

Sometimes children think more about how prestigious their parents and their family are (some are even embarrassed by their parents!), than about spiritual kinship, about the humanity that their parents have (honesty, hard work, love for children, selflessness).

Speaking about the fact that the grandmother is "greedy", we, unfortunately, do not always understand that this comes from the habit of saving, protecting what is acquired by hard work.

And how often do children burden themselves with such an obligation (!) How to inform their parents where they are and with whom they spend their free time?

Parents in relation to us make certain decisions. And we must put up with this, because at this stage they are responsible for us and our future.

- And I have a mother in my life!

She is persistent, stubborn,

Goes straight through life, boldly.

(That's how I always could!)

We are different:

We quarrel - she forgives.

I'm wrong - I'm taking over

So that the kitchen shines in the evening!

And again in the house of peace, tranquility ...

I want to give you my advice:

Only he knows consent

Who understands everything and concedes.

- So we got the original rules of our relationship with our parents. Whether we like it or not, all life follows the rules. In addition, we ourselves dictated these rules. Now all that's left is to do it.

Classroom teacher. You become adults. The day is not far off when your children will make the same demands to you that you spoke about today. And the rules of your behavior sounded quite serious today. Mutual claims may be many, but there is one golden rule that will ensure your success as a parent in your future adult life: "Treat your parents exactly the way you would like your children to treat you."

(Children inspect and comment on the exhibits of the exhibition "Our Friendly Family": pedigree, world of hobbies, merits, awards, skills, recreation, family holidays, traditions in photographs, drawings, souvenirs, albums.)

Target: Formation of effective communication skills in children.

Children's age. 12-13 years old.

Conduct form. Conversation with elements of training.

Location. Classroom, desks line the walls. Students sit on chairs arranged in a circle.

Decoration, class material, props. Winged expressions about communication on paper sheets. "The greatest luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication" Antoine Saint Exupery. "Don't hang out with the devil, you'll end up in hell" Russian proverb. "Don't judge others, look at yourself!" Russian proverb. “Take off your burrs first” is a Russian proverb. “Don’t judge people, but notice yourself!” Russian proverb.

Tables of syntonic and conflictogenic communicative behavior. The results of a survey of children on problems that have arisen in communication. Medium size rubber ball.

Leading. Good afternoon! Guys, in order to get a little distraction from educational problems and tune in to a new type of activity, let's play a little. I will toss the ball up, and at this time you clap your hands loudly once. When I pretend that I tossed the ball, but in fact it remained in my hands, there is no need to clap. Your task is to carefully observe my actions and behave as directed. (the game lasts 2-3 minutes)

The next game will involve passing the claps around in the order in which you sit. It is necessary to repeat the exact number of claps, their rhythm and pass it on to the neighbor. This game will show your readiness for activity. We play silently, we do not name the names of the gaping players, but we give them the opportunity to correct the situation themselves. (the game lasts 1-2 minutes)

Leading. To continue our communication, let's clarify the rules of conduct. You can add to them if you see fit.

  1. Do not interrupt the speaker.
  2. Speak in the first person.
  3. Do not argue, but express your point of view.
  4. Speak when the host allows.
  5. Listen carefully so that your statement is on the topic of conversation.

Any additions to the rules?

(proposed rules discussed)

Leading. Let's take these rules as a basis

Let's talk about how you, studying together for five years, learned to communicate with each other? Or does communication need to be learned? Let's go in order.

What is communication anyway?

The facilitator summarizes the discussion of this issue. Communication - business or friendship so it is written in the explanatory dictionary. Communication, general- one-word words. As a rule, people with common interests communicate: music, dancing, sports, reading fiction, theater, philately, fishing, etc. - it is socially acceptable communication. But after all, some people have other interests that unite them, are common. For example, bad habits: smoking, drinking, stealing - This is socially unacceptable communication. There are laws that punish smoking in public places, drinking alcohol, stealing, and so on.

Not for nothing there is a proverb "Tell me who your friend is, I'll tell you who you are."

What else does folk wisdom say about communication?

Children's answers. "With whom you will lead from that and you will type"

“The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar”, etc.

Leading. It was a conversation about friendship. How is friendship different from business?

Leading. It can be said that business conversation- this is a communication of people who have different interests, but perform some common task for all. What kind of communication prevails in your class?

(Children express their point of view)

Leading. During the lessons, communication is business-like, and during breaks and after school hours, mostly friendly.

Now, if we take business communication, what factors influence what is pleasant to communicate with a person or not?

(Children express their point of view)

Leading. So let's sum it up.

It's nice to communicate when a person:

  • neat
  • polite
  • benevolent
  • fair
  • honest

and everyone now, probably, thought about himself, is it pleasant to communicate with me? This is a very important question. You have to learn to answer honestly. And if someone has not yet learned to evaluate their behavior critically, classmates will help.

From the questionnaires filled out on the eve of the class hour, the following conclusion was made:

(the number of students is called) believe that (the surname, name of the student is called) humiliates their dignity.

Then the surnames and names of those who were called “rudely addressing them with an offensive nickname, etc. are called. according to the results of the survey.


There is biblical wisdom that speaks very clearly about the right relationship between people "treat others the way you want to be treated." And how much wisdom is in proverbs and sayings, for example, "what a hello, such an answer." Before your eyes are other proverbs about proper communication. All this suggests that it is important to be able to communicate with people and not only with people. The person who breaks the rules of communication always loses. He brings negativity to others and in return receives the same negativity. But he is alone, and there are many people around. Imagine how much negativity one rude person gets. Such people often get sick. Well-meaning people are much less likely to get sick. Knowing how to communicate properly is simply beneficial!

Here are the rules of communication offered by a psychologist Arkady Egides.

Conflictogenic communicative behavior

Syntonic communicative behavior

Don't have to, but did
Active expression of gratitude, despite the fact that it is not expected
Removing guilt from a partner, self-accusation
Invitation to Discussion
Acceptance marks
Active publicity
Positive for the eyes
Made beyond the contract
Positive rating
Humor without an address and humor on oneself
An invitation to joint decision-making
Let yourself be interrupted by active listening
Giving your fellowship generously
Focus on the partner the attention he needs of people

Leading. The famous French pilot and writer Antoine Saint-Exupery, reflecting on the communication of people, expressed the idea that became known to the whole world, “The greatest luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication.” How do you understand this catch phrase?

(Children, according to the established rules, express their point of view)

Leading. Proper communication is truly a luxury! People sincerely share their kindness, attention, respect, politeness with others and receive kindness, attention, respect, politeness in return.

Now tell me, please, what new did each of you learn from our meeting?

(Children take turns talking about the new knowledge gained in the classroom, about their impressions)

Leading. Thank you all for your work. All the best.

Anonymous questionnaire questions.

  1. Do you have friends in the class? Name it.
  2. Does it ever happen that you don't want to go to school because of a quarrel with your classmates?
  3. Who starts fights in class?
  4. Which of your classmates, from your point of view, humiliates your human dignity?
  5. Who in the class refers to others rudely, using offensive nicknames?
  6. Do you refer to others by their nickname?
  7. Do you consider being rude to people a sign of a good upbringing?