Class hour on the topic classmates. Class hour "How to avoid conflict with classmates

Conversation on the topic: Relationships with classmates "

Goals: give students an idea of ​​what should be the attitude of classmates to each other, how to create a learning team; to form the ability to live in it; to reveal the content of the concepts of "collective" and "school mates".

Equipment: the topic is written on the board, memo.

The course of the conversation introduction

Read the topic of our class hour. Who can explain what a team is? (Children's statements.)

A team is a group of people united by a common work or study, common interests or views. Classroom can become a team. The people who are part of the team are comrades.

Schoolmates are classmates who cooperate in their studies and help each other in self-education. School mates show mutual assistance in studies, in the classroom and at home, in preparing homework, they spend breaks together, and after school they have free time according to their interests.

So, everything that is done together, by joint efforts, unites the students of the class.

Making sense of relationships in the classroom (conversation-dialogue)

Think about whether there is business cooperation in our class.

Analysis of Mutual Aid in Learning:

1. Do you help your classmates learn at school and at home? (Students give their own examples.)

2. Are there instances in the classroom when the need for instructional assistance arises?

3. Did any of you ask for help and did the one you turned to help? (Children's statements.)

Analysis of mutual assistance in self-education:

1. What good deeds of your classmates did you observe during the lesson, recess, after lessons, including interesting answers at the blackboard? (Children remember and give their own examples.)

2. Do other students interfere with you in class? What bad actions of classmates do you see at recess or outside of school? (Children give examples.)

3. How do you act in these situations? (Students are listening.)

4. Do you spend free time with your classmates on interests? What do you do? (Children's answers.)

5. Who in the class can be called a friend? How does he show camaraderie? (Children give examples.)

Physical education minute

Let's do everything like me

Let's all do it like me. (Two claps.)

Come on, all together, all at once. (Two claps.)

Everyone does it together with us! (Two claps.)

Let's all stomp like me. (Two stomp.)

Come on, all together, all at once. (Two stomp.)

Everyone does it together with us! (Two stomp.)

Let's all say how I ... ("Hurrah!")

Come on, all together, all at once. ("Hooray!")

Everyone does it together with us! ("Hooray!")

Game "Finish the phrase"

I like it when my friends...

I don't like it when I...

It's a pleasure for me to tell my friends...

To my friends, I always...

I can be friends with people who...

You can be friends with me because...

Conclusion. Do you think our class can be called a team? But life in a cool team would be impossible without mutual understanding.

(Write the word on the board.)

Mutual understanding is consent. It is associated with the ability to think before doing or saying something. Do not agree with something - tell me why you are against it, but do not fight.

Practical part

We will learn to defend our opinion and negotiate. Let's work in pairs. Play the situation: one of you wants

during the break, play "Brooks", and the other - checkers. How do you agree?

(Students work in pairs. Then, at the blackboard, listen to several pairs who were able to agree.)


♦ Remember the law of our life: one for all and all for one.

♦ With a good friend, it's more fun when you're lucky, it's easier when you're in trouble.

♦ Be polite to your comrades: do not give them nicknames and nicknames when talking, do not shout, do not forget to say “magic words” (“thank you”, “please”, etc.), say hello when you meet, say goodbye when parting.

♦ If you know interesting games or know how to do something, teach others. In games, don't be rude, don't shout.

♦ Do not argue with a friend over trifles, do not quarrel, try to work and play together.

♦ Don't snitch. If a friend is wrong about something, tell him right away; stop a friend if he is doing something bad.

♦ Play with kids, don't offend them; if they quarreled, reconcile them, separate the fighters.

♦ Don't be arrogant if you're good at something; do not get angry and do not lose heart if something does not work out for you. Rules for communicating with classmates

Show attention to your friends and classmates, try not to offend them with your words and actions;

Never laugh at the physical defects of people;

Always and in everything help the younger and the weak;

Do not forget to thank for the service rendered to you;

Do not invent offensive nicknames for anyone;

If you yourself suffer from a nickname attached to you, do not respond to it; maybe then your offender will remember your name;

If a friend has lent you something, give it back to him within the promised time, without waiting for him to remind you of it;

Always keep the promises you make;

Never promise what you cannot deliver;

Treasure your word: your friends should know that you can rely on you in everything, that you always keep your word;

Always be precise: inaccuracy is first of all impoliteness;

Never eavesdrop on other people's conversations or read other people's letters;

Never show disrespect, arrogance, insolence, rudeness or rudeness to people.


What is friendship?

What do you need to do to have many friends?

Classroom hour"Conflicts in our life".

Class hour is devoted to ways of effective communication. Many children are simply not taught how to resolve conflicts peacefully. The causes of conflicts between adolescents are their nervousness, inability to withstand stress for a long time, and the habit of aggression.

Clarification of the concept of "conflict", "conflict situation", understanding the causes of conflicts, mastering the skills of constructive conflict resolution - this is the content of the class hour.


to acquaint children with the concept of "conflict" and "conflict situation", with ways to prevent conflicts;

to promote the formation of a positive attitude towards people, the desire to master the skills of communication and social interaction;

encourage children to cooperate and mutual understanding.

Developing - the development of the skills of moral self-knowledge, introspection and self-esteem.

Educators - to form friendly relations between classmates.

RECEPTIONS: word of the teacher, oral communication of students, collective form of cognitive activity, theatricalization, work with the test, processing of test results, comparative analysis, reflection.

Conduct form: hour of communication.

Design: An epigraph on the board "Those who cannot cook soup, make porridge", tablets with an unfinished sentence: "The cause of the conflict was that ...... ..", "Ways to prevent conflicts: mild confrontation, constructive proposal."

Organizing time

Motivation: at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher sets a situation-provocation. 2 students come to the board. They are given a game task: quickly and beautifully draw a building. The students begin to draw. The teacher stops the game and asks to start over because the students made a mistake. So he stops the game several times, interrupts the students and puts forward more and more new claims: the building should be voluminous, not flat, the roof should be modern, etc. The teacher then gives the student the opportunity to complete the drawing. After that, he reports that all the same, the artists did the task incorrectly, for example, they painted a residential building, but it was necessary to have a school. Therefore, there are no winners in the game.

Did you like this game?

The students are upset after completing the assignment.

What happened in this situation? (conflict)

Why didn't the drawing work? (student comments: poorly explained, not understood, etc.)

What was not done before work began? (did not discuss the rules for the execution of the drawing)

Could the conflict have been avoided? (can)

How? (student answers)

Today I want to talk to you about the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve them. What does the word "conflict" mean? What associations does it evoke in you?

STUDENTS - Quarrel, door slamming, fight, argument, tears, shouting, hostility, etc.

K.R. - Let's listen to what definition of this word is given in the dictionaries of the Russian language.

· Clash of opposite sides, opinions, forces; serious disagreement, sharp dispute. Complication in international relations, sometimes leading to an armed clash.

· Collision, serious disagreement, dispute.

(Ozhegov S.I.)

Topic conversation.

Cl. hands Guys, have you ever had to "brew porridge"? What was it?

Sample answers of children: I messed up something, quarreled with everyone; got into a difficult situation, etc.

Class hands And there is another saying with the word porridge: "You can't cook porridge with you." Who are they talking about?

Children: about stupid, lazy, intractable, about such a person with whom it is impossible to agree.

Class hands Read the epigraph for the class hour. How would you explain its meaning?

Those who are not capable of communication and understanding find themselves in confusing situations.

Those who cannot get along with people are constantly creating difficulties for themselves and others.

If they cannot work together in a team, any business there turns into a mess.

Class hands If a team cannot work together, relationships are constantly sorted out in this team, grievances accumulate, clashes occur.

How to avoid them? How to stop "disentangling" the mess that was made during such clashes? We will talk about this during the class hour.

Now raise your hands, who has ever been involved in a conflict situation?

Let's remember why your conflict situation arose. What was the cause of the particular conflict?

To do this, I suggest that you complete the sentence written on the board: "The cause of the conflict was that ......"

Children's answers:

My friend and I both wanted to be leaders in the company. We have completely different personalities. I didn't like his behavior. We started rooting for different football teams. Etc.

Cl. hands As we can see, conflicts arise according to the most different occasions, but the reasons are similar for everyone: a mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate.

K.R. Here's how to schematically reflect the growth of the conflict







But what is conflict?

Conflict is a clash, a contradiction that gives rise to hostility, fear, hatred between people.

Group work: discussion

Mom decided to check her daughter's school diary. When she took the diary in her hands, a piece of paper folded several times fell out of it. Mom unfolded the sheet and saw that it was a note. Reading the note, she was caught by her daughter, who had returned from her friend. The girl snatched the note from her mother's hand. She screamed at her daughter. The girl slammed the door and closed herself in the room.

Answer the questions:

Who is involved in the conflict?

Who is to blame for the conflict?

What are the positions of the parties to the conflict?

Two 9th graders decided to hold a football match between themselves. At the appointed time, the guys gathered at the school stadium. There was only a goalkeeper 9 "A" class. Nobody knew why he was missing. His classmates asked him not to start the game and wait for a while. But the players of 9 "B" began to demand to start immediately. It was clear that without a goalkeeper, the 9 "A" team would definitely lose. A dispute ensued. Passions ran high. One of the guys accidentally stepped on the foot of the captain of the opposing team. He could not restrain himself and, swinging, hit the offender in the face. The blow was so strong that the guy fell. Comrades rushed to his defense. A fight started. The fight was stopped by a teacher passing by. As a result, the game never took place, the mood was spoiled. The next day there was an unpleasant conversation in the director's office.

Answer the questions:

What is conflict?

Why did the conflict arise?

What could be the ways of development of this conflict and its consequences?

A group of teenagers gathered to listen to music. Opinions were divided: some wanted to listen to pop music, while others were fans of "metal". An argument ensued that could escalate into a major quarrel. Suddenly, one of the teenagers, remembering the cartoon about the cat Leopold, loudly shouted: “Guys, let's live together!” Everyone was laughing and having fun. We quickly agreed to listen to our favorite music in turn: first pop music, then metal. Everyone was very pleased.

Answer the question:

How did you manage to avoid conflict?

Let's talk about our own behavior in a conflict situation.

Ask the children to answer the test questions.

“How do you usually behave in a conflict situation (when you quarrel)?”

If you are characterized by this or that behavior, put a certain number of points after each answer number that characterizes your behavior. If you act like this

often - 3 points

case by case - 2 points

rarely - 1 point

Question 1. How do you usually behave in a dispute or conflict situation?

1. I threaten or fight

2. I try to accept the point of view of the enemy, I consider it as my own.

3. Looking for compromises.

4. I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot believe it completely.

5. I avoid the enemy.

6. I wish you to achieve your goal no matter what.

7. I'm trying to figure out what I agree with and what I categorically disagree with.

8. I'm going to compromise.

10. Change the subject.

11. I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.

12. I'm trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand how it all began.

13. I will give in a little, and thereby push the other side to make concessions.

14. I offer peace.

15. Trying to turn everything into a joke.

On the desk:

Calculate the number of points under the numbers ...

Find out the number of points by type.

Define Your Style (Most Spell Points)

A. is a "hard type of conflict and dispute resolution." You stand your ground to the last, defending your position. By all means, strive to win. This is the type of person, I'm always right.

B. is a "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that you can always agree. During a dispute, you always try to offer an alternative, looking for a solution that would satisfy both parties.

V. - "compromise" style. From the very beginning, you agree to a compromise.

G. - "soft" style. You "destroy" your opponent with your kindness. You willingly take the opponent's point of view, giving up your own.

D. - "outgoing" style. Your motto is "leave on time". You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.

We draw conclusions from testing.

Having received the results of the test, perhaps one of you has discovered something new in yourself. But don't take it as something permanent. This is an occasion to reflect and further change your point of view, yourself.

Practice game.

Exists different ways exit from the conflict.

In the course of this game, we will look at some of the ways out of the conflict.

Let's split into groups.

Distribute tasks (the most typical conflict situations are selected).

Discuss the conflict situation, offer to find a way out of this situation.

Situation #1

The class is conditionally divided into two microgroups (groups), in which both there and there, there are strong leaders, activists, excellent students. Throughout the academic year, there is competition between them for grades, for teacher respect, for authority in front of the class, for superiority. All this is expressed in lessons in sharp jokes, in ridicule at each other. During the breaks there were “skirmishes”, quarrels and even there were cases of fights. This situation stresses the whole class. How can children constructively resolve this situation?

Situation #2

There is a new girl in the class. He has a very good appearance, dresses well, studies well, is distinguished by eccentricity and originality. The girl immediately took a leading position in front of her classmates - boys. Naturally, the girls in the class do not like this situation. At first, the “new girl” was warned that if she imagined this way, then she would not study in this class. But nothing has changed. She was met on the street, and a substantive conversation took place. She, in response, stated that she was not interested in the opinion of girls. How to achieve understanding?

Situation #3

At recess, you gave your friend your brand new, newly bought mobile phone. He went with him into the corridor, and you stayed in the classroom. When you went out into the corridor, you saw that a friend was collecting the broken case of your phone from the floor. It turns out that he was pushed by the guys running past, and he dropped the phone, and he himself is not to blame for anything. You know your parents will scold you. What to do? How not to spoil the relationship with a friend? How to explain everything to parents?

There are many ways to resolve a conflict situation:

Before entering into an argument, calm down, think it over, weigh everything.

Count to ten in your mind.

Be wiser.

Find out the cause of the quarrel, try to explain about possible moral injuries.
















K.R. Respect for people, knowledge of the rules for arguing, discussion, communication rules help prevent unnecessary conflicts. But there are also special rules for preventing conflicts. Here are the rules (posted on the board poster with these rules, the guys get to know them).







K.R. Guys, today we talked about the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve them.

Do you find discussion of this topic useful, and will it change your behavior in conflict situations?

  1. Methodological development of a class hour for students in grades 7-11 Topic: "Conflicts in our lives"

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Class hour 6 "b" class

"My classmates"

Purpose: to promote the development of the ability to understand another person, the establishment of friendly relations between students, the development of a sense of the team.
Form of conducting: ethical conversation.
Event progress
Classroom teacher. Today we will try to take a closer look at our classmates and discover them in a new way. A romantic fairy tale will help us. Why do you think?
(Children's guesses.)
Yes, miracles happen in a fairy tale, its heroes appear in an unexpected, sometimes transformed form. In their actions and words, the essence of a person is clearly manifested. So we're off to a fairy tale.
(As you read the tale, the heroes of the tale are compared with the guys from the class.)
Tale of a hunter In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a hunter.
- How would you like to see this hunter? Which children from the class would you choose for this role? Why?
The hunter was young, kind, cheerful, and although he did not live well, he never lost heart, he generously shared what he had with anyone who needed his help. And then one day, carried away by hunting, he went too far into the forest and ended up in a dense forest kingdom. All around stood some kind of frozen trees, motionless was the grass, as if petrified bushes. The sun did not break through the thicket, and the forest paths were shrouded in shadow and cold.
The hunter felt uncomfortable and, although he was a brave man, he wanted to quickly find himself in a more friendly place. But he did not know the way back, and his legs somehow did not obey, involuntarily carried him further through this strange forest. Having strayed for several hours and despairing of getting out, he suddenly found himself in a large clearing, where a huge herd of forest dwellers was resting. But the herd was also strange: lions, tigers, wolves, fallow deer, foxes, hares and many other animals different countries and continents were together, peacefully located on the same clearing. And these animals themselves were also unusual. Some kind of suffering, dreary expression united them, in their poses one could feel sadness and hopelessness.
The hunter felt that he could not kill any of these animals, although he was very hungry. Trying to explain his feelings to himself, he went out into the clearing. The animals immediately felt the stranger and immediately surrounded him. But there was no hostility in their intention. The hunter sensed a kind of hidden pleading in the expression of their eyes turned to him. There was definitely some secret kept here, which was very important to unravel. He sat down on a hill and, peering intensely into the eyes of the animals, began to think intently. And then a long-forgotten story of my grandfather flashed through my mind about a monstrously evil sorcerer who turns all living things into frozen images, and people into animals. This sorcerer is merciless, he does not tolerate goodness in life. No one has been able to see him, only traces of his evil, and no one knows the secret of counteracting this evil.
- So you are people! .: the hunter escaped with horror.
The animals bowed their heads sadly, and it seemed to the hunter that their human features were more clearly defined. He began to peer intently, trying to guess and unravel the face and appearance of a person in each of the animals. Here, in the form of a bunny, a sly, cheerful, with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, probably a kind and gentle girl ...
- Which of your classmates, guys, is similar to this image? What can you add, how to expand the characteristics of the named girls? Help the hunter, the outcome of the tale depends on it.
Here is a little angular, but very nice for his soulfulness, a boy in the form of an elk.
- And here, what guys would you name? Why? Tell us more about them.
A strong, brave, courageous, but somewhat stern man was seen by the hunter in the eyes of a tiger.
- Which classmates would be named here? Why?
Lightweight, slim and beautiful girl implied in a high fallow deer. - Which classmates are similar to this image?
As soon as the hunter mentally imagined the appearance of the last animal, the unexpected happened: the animal heads turned into human faces. What a joyful meeting took place in the clearing, and what sadness tore the heart of the hunter! After all, people did not finally acquire a human appearance, they only had faces and the ability to speak. But one cannot live in the form of a man-beast, one must seek salvation from the spell of a sorcerer. All night the savior and the rescued spoke in the clearing of the outlandish forest. Each told his story, told that he knew about the secrets of witchcraft.
- Who wants to get involved in a fairy tale and, having chosen an image for himself, tell "his" story?
(If there are such guys, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to speak out. This will allow children to discover new things in classmates.) - And who wants to tell about the secrets of witchcraft? (When the guys speak out, the fairy tale continues.)
It became clear to everyone: in order for the spell to finally disappear, their savior still has a difficult and difficult path to go. But the hunter now knew what to do, and understood that he was no longer alone. He will not be left in trouble. And trouble could happen. He had to go at night along the narrow path of this terrible forest far inland, into the domain of the evil sorcerer. On this path, anger, deceit, cruelty of the invisible servants of the owner of the forest lay in wait for him. They guarded the road to the top of a steep mountain, where a wonderful shell oozes in a deep cave in a special depression. At midnight, its wings opened to the amazingly melodic sound of the surrounding bells, and a beautiful little pearl appeared to the gaze, the rays of which illuminated everything around with a gentle blue glow. The radiance of the pearl contained all the good beginning of "life. Its rays were life-giving and powerful, they destroyed evil witchcraft and gave victorious power to good. The pearl cannot be destroyed, it is stronger than any force of evil, and therefore the sorcerer tried to make it inaccessible to people. The light of this pearl only he could destroy witchcraft.” And the hunter moved forward along the cherished path, towards this light, surrounded by human animals thirsting for salvation.
Walls rose on the way, waterfalls fell, abysses yawned, marsh marshes champed. But here everyone was for one and one for all, they believed each other and hurried to help. And their unity won: holes made their way in the walls, in front of the waterfalls they themselves turned into a dense wall and overcame them, a bridge was erected over the abyss, there was a trace in the swampy swamp. And his companions served as steps up the mountain. The top of the mountain was already inaccessible to the sorcerer. The power of the pearl acted there, and everyone who remained below was no longer afraid of the sorcerer. Whatever he turns them into, the hunter will break the spell.
When the melody of the bells rang out, the shell doors opened, everything lit up with blue light. The hunter carefully took the pearl, picked it up, and a kind light illuminated everything around. Evil sorcery fell, the sorcerer was destroyed by the power of good. It became light as day, the forest came to life, people who found their human form laughed, hugged, rejoiced. In the rays of goodness, everyone was happy, easy.
- Well, how do you like our fairy tale, guys? As you know, "a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows." What's the lesson? (Children's answers.)
Yes, guys, together, in a team where one for all and all for one, reliably, joyfully, easily. You and I should always think about great friendship. After all, in a team, such concepts as “I”, “you”, “we” are very closely intertwined, go together. Why do you guys think? Let's do some kind of interview.
(Those who wish go to the teacher's table (there should be no more than 5-6 people). They are asked any questions about class life, about problems in the class, in relationships. If the students are not immediately able to join in such an interview, the teacher can help them. ) So, guys, our team is a friendly “we” that acts, decides and represents a single attitude to everything that we encounter in our collective life. But this "we" is made up of very different "I". And each "I" seeks to help "we" become stronger, stronger, brighter and more interesting. So? Therefore, each "you" is always together with the "I" And merges into the common "we". Do you agree?
Let's think about the following situations.
Situation 1
The class prepared carefully and for a long time for the song contest: they made costumes, rehearsed. On the day of the competition, 5 people did not come. .
- What do you think, for what reason could the guys be absent?
- What experiences fell on the class, and also on the lot of those who were absent?
- How will these guys meet with the team?
Situation 2
The class was preparing for the concert. The guys - they came up with a lot of things themselves and so that everyone could take part in some kind of business, posted a colorful announcement with the program
and with an invitation to everyone to get involved in the work. Seryozha really wanted to show tricks at the concert, but was too shy to sign up. He did not perform at the concert.
- What did the team not take into account?
- What can you advise Serezha?
Conclusion: we must not forget everyone, pay attention to everyone. Do not forget a draw (Children's reasoning.)
"I" is the duty of "we".
Situation H
Petya and Kolya were friends. They were always together, helped each other and rejoiced at the success of a comrade. And suddenly they quarreled. The guys tried to find out the reasons And reconcile them. "What's your business?" Petya said to the guys' questions. And Kolya silently turned away.
- Are the boys right?
- What can the team do?
(Children's reasoning.)
Conclusion: climbing with questions is not always convenient and tactful, but the class can come up with some situations that will help the guys make peace. These may be joint assignments. a common cause in which both will participate, or some kind of group communication that will help the boys to establish contact.
So, guys, “we” must always take into account each “I”, and our “I” must always remember about “we”, - Explain how folk wisdom reveals this idea:
"People, like stones in a river, grind each other."
- Can our class be called a team?
- Why?
And what can you say about the statement of V. Sukhomlinsky that the team should teach each student “by eyes, by movements, by speech, to recognize grief and joy, grief and anxiety, anxiety and confusion in the surrounding people. If you do not cultivate this quality, a person will grow up as an insensitive blockhead.
- Do you think we can teach everyone what V. Sukhomlinsky is talking about?
Let's strive for this, then there will always be friendly relations in our class.
Game "All together".
A circle is drawn on the floor in such a size as to puzzle the children with a difficult but solvable problem: how they all fit in the outlined space. In order to complicate the task, you can invite children to make an island of newspapers that can neither be torn nor parted.

Game "Applause in a circle"
Classroom teacher. We have very good class and each of you deserves a round of applause. I want to offer you a game in which the applause is quiet at first, and then it gets stronger and stronger. The game proceeds as follows.
You become in a common circle. One of you starts: he walks up to someone in the class, looks into his eyes and gives his applause, clapping his hands as hard as he can. Then they both choose the next student, who also gets a round of applause - they both come up to him, stand in front of him and applaud him. Then the whole trio chooses the next contender for a standing ovation. Each time, the one who was applauded has the right to choose the next one. So the game goes on and the applause should get louder and louder.
(The game is interesting because, as a rule, the applause of the whole class goes to children who are not leaders in the class, more often they are outcasts.)


state budgetary educational institution
Rostov region "Kamensk-Shakhtinsk boarding school"

Classroom hour

How to avoid conflict with classmates»

6th grade class teacher

Orlova O.S.

2017 Class hour "How to avoid conflict with classmates"

Target: the formation of conflict-free relationships in the classroom through the education of respect for each other.



    self confidence;

    honesty and openness;

    sense of humor;

    make decisions quickly;


    Motivation: at the beginning of the lesson, the class teacher sets a situation-provocation. Calls 2 students to the board and gives them a game task: quickly and beautifully draw a building. The students begin to draw. The teacher stops the game and asks to start over because the students made a mistake. So he stops the game several times, interrupts the students and puts forward more and more new claims: the building should be voluminous, not flat, the roof should be modern, etc. The teacher then allows the students to complete the drawing. After that, he reports that all the same, the artists did the task incorrectly, for example, they painted a residential building, but it was necessary to have a school. Therefore, there are no winners in the game.

    Conversation with the class.

Did you like this game? (Students are upset after completing the task)

Why? What happened in this situation? (Conflict)

So we come to the topic of our class hour. We will talk about conflict, or rather about how to avoid it.

Why didn't the drawing work? (The teacher did not explain well, the children did not understand, etc.)

What was not done before work began? (We did not discuss the rules for drawing)

Could the conflict have been avoided? (Can)

How? (student answers)

What tasks will we solve during the class hour?

    Let us clarify the concept of conflict;

    expand our understanding of the main types and causes of conflicts;

    get acquainted with different ways way out of conflict situations;

    Main part

Classroom teacher. So, the conflict, ways to resolve it - the topic of our conversation. Is this topic important to you? Why? (Students' statements). Let's read the words that are the epigraph to the class hour:

Count to ten before you say

Before offending - count to a hundred,

Before you strike, count to a thousand.

(Old folk wisdom)

During the class hour, we will try to agree or refute this statement. To begin with, I suggest that you complete individual tasks.

    Individual work

1 group. Reception "Associative series"

Choose association words for the word "conflict". (Swearing, tears, fights, bruises, fists, quarrels, insults, murders, family destruction, job loss, prison, etc.)

2 group. Situational workshop

You have leaves in the form of clouds on the tables. On the cloud, write one conflict that you were a part of.

(Guys write words. The teacher at this time attaches the sun and its rays to the board. After writing the words, the students attach leaflets-clouds to the board)

It's sunny now, it's clear. But here comes the clouds. What will happen now? (a thunderstorm has come: lightning flashes, thunder rumbles, etc.) Yes, guys, we live in a world where the sunlight of mutual understanding is often obscured by gloomy clouds of grievances, a cold wind of suspicion blows, lightning of conflicts sparkle ...

How do people in conflict feel? (1 group talks about associations)

What is the character of all these words? Associations, as you can see, are of a negative nature of relationships, cause negative emotions. How to keep the beautiful weather in our soul, live in peace and joy? How not to “wet” in the rain of misunderstanding and how to help others in this? The behavior of people in conflict situations is studied by a special science - conflictology. At present, this science is gaining more and more practical importance. Perhaps in the near future such a subject will be studied at school. And we will try to solve some issues right now. And in the course of solving our questions, we will remove the clouds from the board that have covered the sun from us. So, the topic is defined, the tasks are set. Now we have to study the theoretical material. I suggest you work in pairs.

    Work in pairs. Definition construction. Working with dictionaries

The concept of "conflict" can be found in different spheres of human activity. Consider what is said about the conflict in terms of literature, psychology, corporate culture, using dictionaries.

1 pair: Give the definition of the word "conflict" according to the explanatory dictionary.

Conflict, according to the explanatory dictionary, an intractable contradiction associated with confrontation and sharp emotional experiences. The conflict arises as a result of incompatibility of ideas about the situation, about the act, about the methods of action. The conflict ends if the parties are satisfied with the gain (or loss) or recognize that the continuation of the conflict is meaningless.

2 pair: Define the word "conflict" in terms of literature.

Conflict is a confrontation, a contradiction between the forces depicted in the work: characters, characters and circumstances, various sides of character.

3rd pair: Define the word "conflict" from the point of view of psychology.

Conflict is defined in psychology as a lack of agreement between two or more parties - individuals or groups.

4 pair: Define the word "conflict" in terms of corporate culture:

Conflict is a confrontation, a contradiction due to a lack of agreement, which leads to the transformation of relations .

Classroom teacher: Now we have learned what conflict is, and I am filming first cloud. Based on the definitions that you gave to the word "conflict", we can conclude that conflicts are different. Situations are written on your sheets, analyze them, answer how the conflict occurs, who is involved in the conflict.

    Intrapersonal and it is expressed in a person's personal doubts, dissatisfaction with himself and his life. This kind of conflict occurs in the soul of the person himself, when he cannot figure out what he wants. Indeed, inside him, too, there is a clash of interests, aspirations and plans. For example: you were allocated money for just one purchase, but you liked two things. What are you experiencing then?

    interpersonal between individual and group - This is a clash of individuals with different views, values, character traits and can arise when a person takes a position that is different from the position of the group. The girl Masha receives a note: “Masha + Vasya = Love”. No one admits that he wrote. And then the girl starts insulting everyone around.

    Intergroup conflict. A class can consist of many groups, between which conflicts can arise. A group of teenagers gathered to listen to music. Opinions were divided: some wanted to listen to pop - music, while others were lovers of "metal". A dispute ensued. Passions ran high...

Classroom teacher: The most common type is interpersonal conflict. It manifests itself as a clash of personalities with different views, values, character traits. On the sheets-clouds you have already written in what conflicts you had to take part. Now let's think about the real reasons for the quarrel or conflict with others. What causes conflicts to flare up? Inability to get what you want or need; different points of view on the same issue, etc. Let's act out the scene in groups.

Situation (the team is defending the side of some girl)

    Kolya offered to leave the physics lesson, there would be a test.

Classroom teacher: You guys did a great job, I think we can clean some more one cloud. How does the conflict happen?

Growing conflict:

Respect for each other decreases, the measure of tension increases

5. Aggression

4. Humiliation

3. Opposition

2. Discontent

1. Disagreement

What is the harm of conflicts? First, human dignity suffers from conflict. Second, for every minute of conflict, there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences. Thirdly, the work is not going well and in general everything falls out of hand. And finally, physical health suffers - nerves, heart, blood vessels are affected. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to prevent various conflicts. Correct behavior during conflict will keep you healthy, make you calmer and happier not only for you, but also for others. Like diseases, conflicts are better prevented than cured. There are many ways to do this. One of them is communication - the basis of conflict resolution. When communicating, very often difficult situations arise, and finding a way out of which is sometimes also difficult. But it is necessary. And now let's see what you would do in the following situations.


    At one of the breaks, a classmate Sasha approached Diana and asked to see your mobile phone and started calling him without his permission.

Well done guys, you did a great job with the staging, so I'm cleaning up some more one cloud. Now answer the question of the test: You were called names. What is your reaction?

a) I’ll get off with a joke (I defiantly bow and thank you for the “good” words)

b) I will thank the same (I will call)

c) Complain to the elders

Class teacher: Well done guys, you think right. So we approached the question: “What can be the ways to resolve the conflict?”, to which you have already given an answer.

    Constructive (humor, concessions, compromise, cooperation, awareness of the position of the parties)

    Destructive (threat, violence, rudeness, humiliation, personalization, breakup)

    Ignoring (avoiding the problem)

I think I can take some more one cloud We have learned a lot of new things. Entering into a conflict, people adopt a certain strategy. Pay attention to the table that lies on your tables. See what position people can take during a conflict.








Sacrificing one's own interests for the interests of others

Decision avoidance

The desire to achieve one's own at the expense of another

Finding a solution that suits both parties



People who are insecure

Meek, weak, yielding people

People who are confident, aggressive, ambitious

Strong, mature, self-confident people


Sparrow - afraid of losing the relationship, yields silently

Ostrich- hides his head in the sand, moves away from the conflict

Hawk– he incites conflicts and decides in his favor

Pigeon- enters into a conflict, but tries to resolve it peacefully, without harming anyone

Now each group must find a way out of this situation:

    You want to walk longer today, but your parents do not allow it, a conflict situation has arisen between you.

    You like to watch loud music, and your parents prefer silence in the house, and you often have conflicts with them about this.

Well done, you can now apply a different strategy if you are suddenly involved in a conflict. And I'm still cleaning one cloud. What do you think the results of conflicts are?

    Victory - defeat - one side is satisfied, but the other is not satisfied.

    Defeat - defeat - both sides are not satisfied with the result.

    Victory - victory - both sides come to an agreement.

Conclusion. Conflicts can be destructive or constructive. When handled correctly, it can be useful - it leads to change. If wrong, it leads to resentment, misunderstanding and even violence.

Conflict management rules

    Don't interrupt. Listen.

    Don't make assumptions.

    Don't get personal and don't insult.

    Really work on solving the problem. Offer multiple solutions to the conflict until you reach an agreement that suits both of you.

    End on a positive note.

I think that you will remember these conflict management rules and apply them to solve the problem that has arisen. I decided to remove last cloud. Our sun again shines brightly for us, clearly. I want each of you to go to the blackboard now, take off a ray of sunshine and read his wish (children read phrases in the rays of the sun). It is impossible to live in a society without contradictions, people will always differ in their views, tastes and preferences. But these contradictions cannot be brought to conflicts. In order to maintain mental, mental and physical health, you need to learn how to prevent conflicts, and if the conflict has already flared up, you need to be able to get out of it. And remember what it takes

Count to ten before you say

Before offending - count to a hundred,

Before you strike, count to a thousand.

(Old folk wisdom)

Do you agree with me? So, folk wisdom teaches us to avoid conflicts? And at the end of our meeting, I want to give you these emoticons. May the smile always be with you. And on the back, I wrote you six beautiful rules, the observance of which will help you, perhaps, avoid conflict.

    Be genuinely interested in other people.


    Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.

    Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

    Talk about what interests your interlocutor.

    Inspire your interlocutor with the consciousness of his significance and do it sincerely.


1. To control the situation, you must remain calm.

2. In a dispute, be able to listen to the interlocutor to the end.

3. Respect other people's feelings.

4. Any problem can be solved.

5. Be attentive to the people with whom you communicate.

6. Don't be angry, smile.

7. Start your day with a smile.

8. Be confident.

9. Open your heart and the world will open its arms.

10. Be charming and kind.

11. Apologize if you're wrong.

12. Look at the offender - maybe he just needs your help.

13. Don't forget to express your gratitude.

14. Keep your promises.

15. Do not constantly criticize others.

M.A. Tartyshnaya. 50 ideas for the class teacher. Phoenix Publishing House, Rostov-on-Don, 2007.

M.A. Aloeva, V.E. Eremin. 100 ideas for school friends. Extracurricular activities, grades 5-11. Publishing house "Phoenix", Rostov-on-Don, 2008.

N.F. Dick, E.P. Sgibnev. Resting - learning, learning - developing. A book for class teachers of grades 5-8. Phoenix Publishing House, Rostov-on-Don, 2007.

Introspection of the class hour "How to avoid conflict with classmates"

Class: 6-a

Conducted by: Orlova O.S.

Purpose: the formation of conflict-free relations in the classroom through the development of a respectful attitude towards each other.

    Formation of a tolerant and respectful attitude towards classmates.

    Teaching non-confrontational communication skills.

    Creating conditions for the formation in students of a sense of compassion, desire and ability to listen, help.

    Cohesion of the children's team.

The above goals and objectives contribute

    development in children of such personal qualities as:

    self confidence;

    honesty and openness;

    sense of humor;

    the ability to establish and maintain harmonious relationships;

    make decisions quickly;

    successfully overcome crisis situations.

    the formation of constructive interaction skills, such as:

    the ability to communicate safely and effectively;

    the ability to understand and express their feelings;

    ability to resist pressure.

The topic chosen for the class hour is relevant. Having started the class hour with an expression of folk wisdom, the faces of the students remained indifferent. But when it came to completing the task, the class discussions about doing it all quickened immediately. Everyone wanted to express their point of view. They recalled various examples from their lives.

In the future, the guys worked in groups, each of them had an individual task. After discussing the result, they proceeded to work in pairs, constructing the concept of “conflict” in them from different points of view, then they disassembled and discussed the result.

Later considered different kinds conflicts and explored ways to resolve them concrete examples by losing them. The guys jointly searched for solutions and ways out of various conflict situations acquiring practical experience of overcoming the conflict. Developed rules-wishes contributing to the resolution of conflict situations.

This experience gained by the guys will be useful to them in their lives. Conflicts are inevitable in the conditions of our modern life, therefore, in order to avoid them, or, at least, to behave correctly in conflict situations, it is necessary to be able to avoid resolving the contradiction that has arisen, to find a compromise when the conflicting parties come to an average solution or, if it is possibly resolve the conflict. That is what this event was aimed at.

Communication with peers is a special area of ​​a teenager's life. It is known that the influence of his comrades, classmates, both positive and negative, can be very great. However, the psychological mechanisms of such influence are often incomprehensible to both teachers and parents. They are determined by the uniqueness of the developmental processes taking place at this age, associated with the transition from childhood to adulthood. Communication with peers is a special area of ​​a teenager's life. It is known that the influence of his comrades, classmates, both positive and negative, can be very great. However, the psychological mechanisms of such influence are often incomprehensible to both teachers and parents. They are determined by the uniqueness of the developmental processes taking place at this age, associated with the transition from childhood to adulthood. Adolescence characterized by the emergence of a new level of self-awareness, conditionally called by psychologists a sense of adulthood. It is expressed in the desire to be and be considered an adult. Compared to primary school age, this is a completely new position in relation to oneself and the world around. Adolescence is characterized by the emergence of a new level of self-awareness, conditionally called by psychologists a sense of adulthood. It is expressed in the desire to be and be considered an adult. Compared to primary school age, this is a completely new position in relation to oneself and the world around.

Friendship Friendship is a disinterested personal relationship between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. The hallmarks of friendship are trust and patience. People who are related by friendship are called friends. A prerequisite for the existence of friendly relations is the absence of interpersonal competition among friends, a relatively equal position in the social ladder

Shabalina Maria Alexandrovna I think that school friendship is the strongest friendship, because it is for life. It is very important not to lose it. That is, parting with school friends after grade 9 or 11, and then meeting with them, chatting, calling up, etc.

School is not only a constant flow of new knowledge, but also a real test of strength, including a test of friendship. Everyone makes friends in different ways: for someone, a friend is a person with whom it is fun and pleasant to spend time, for another - someone you can always rely on, who is yours in any trouble right hand, for which it is sometimes so pleasant to hold on, knowing that you are not alone with your experiences and sad thoughts!