Recent research shows that. Translation of "recent studies show that" in Chinese

Marijuana for Alzheimer's. Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Research (USA) found that the main psychoactive substance in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and several other active compounds destroy beta-amyloid plaques on laboratory-grown neurons. Beta-amyloid is a toxic protein that accumulates in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. The disease progresses due to cellular inflammation in the brain, which is also weakened by the psychoactive substances of marijuana. The main merit of the study is that it opens up new horizons in the study possible effects marijuana.

Our brain memory is 10 times larger than we thought. We value our brains for their ability to store and process large amounts of information. But research by a group of American scientists from the University of California found that real opportunities the brain is ten times larger than previously thought. Scientists have proven that the human brain is capable of holding as much information as the world's Internet space can hold. To come to this conclusion, the scientists built a 3D model of the hippocampus of brain neurons (the hippocampus is a part of the limbic system of the brain involved in the consolidation of short-term memory into long-term memory), in which transitions and synapses are repeated twice in 10% of cases. Scientist Terry Sezhnowsky called it "a real bombshell" in the field of neuroscience.

Painkillers exacerbate chronic pain. Recent studies have shown that just 5 days of morphine treatment in rats resulted in chronic pain that lasted for months. The opioid drugs affected the behavior of glial cells in the experimental animals: these cells are supposed to protect the nerves of the spinal cord and brain from damage, but after repeated use of morphine this does not happen, and increased sensitivity to pain appears. If the results of the study are similar in the case of humans, this would explain the dependence on strong painkillers: by helping on a superficial level, drugs prolong and increase pain in the long term.

Sugar is like a drug. Our habits affect how our brains work in strange ways. For example, even such signals nervous system how "stop" and "go" change under the influence of sugar addiction. Like other drugs, sugar addiction affects how the brain controls electrical signals associated either with the pursuit of pleasure, or with the suppression of this desire. It turns out that sugar cravings are not just appetite and taste preferences, but the result of brain changes caused by powerful chemical effects. This is another study that proves that we underestimated the effect of sugar on our body. By the way, another scientific paper from last year looks at genetic memory damage caused by fructose. Most likely, the topic of our brain's dependence on sweets will become one of the most relevant in science in the near future.

Happiness is in the genes? In one of the largest studies to date, examining the relationship of mood and human condition with genetics, scientists came to the conclusion that the roots of our psychological worldview lie in the genome. More than 190 researchers from 17 countries have analyzed the genome data of almost 300,000 people. The results showed themselves in a set of genetic variations associated with subjective feelings of well-being — that is, the thoughts and feelings we have about the level and quality of our lives, which psychologists define as a central component of happiness. Similarly, genetic variations have been found associated with depression and neurosis. The next question is how these variations interact with our environment, and whether depression can be detected by genetic testing before its clinical manifestation.

Prevention of Alzheimer's disease: first steps. Last year's research has opened up new avenues for developing drugs to prevent Alzheimer's disease, and possibly other neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease. Employees at Baylor College of Medicine, scientists at the Texas Children's Hospital and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine are working together to find ways to prevent the accumulation of toxic proteins in the human brain - that is, to work ahead of time, and not destroy already formed tau proteins. This is a big breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer's because the main research so far has been focused on treating the advanced stages of the disease.

How sleep apnea affects the brain. Sleep apnea is a sudden stoppage of breathing that can last 20-30 seconds, and sometimes longer. Sleep apnea is often associated with an increased risk of stroke, depression, and traffic accidents. Research has shown that restless nights with sleep apnea trigger a kind of chemical rollercoaster, throwing out the neurotransmitters GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) and glutamate. As a result, sleep apnea sufferers are more sensitive to stress, have trouble concentrating, and are prone to frequent emotional swings.

Walk for happiness. Among the many studies studying the beneficial effects of walking on the emotional state of a person, one of the recent works can be distinguished. So, scientists say that walking improves mood, even when we do not expect and do not plan for such an effect. In the course of three experiments, in which more than a hundred people took part (who did not suspect that the process of walking was one of the objects of study), it was found that in just 12 minutes of walking, the cheerfulness, energy, attentiveness and self-confidence of the subjects increased, compared with the same time spent sitting. An important and pleasant conclusion: the fight against depression and depression does not require financial investments and visits to a specialist. Sometimes it’s enough just to leave the house and go for a walk.

Social networks and social opportunities. Most of the work in psychology related to social networks, study their influence on the emotional state of a person: for example, is Facebook a trigger for a good mood or provokes depression. In the past year, studies have emerged that focus on how Facebook manages our relationships. On the one hand, social media seems to be a great tool to expand our communication capabilities, surpassing the so-called Dunbar number - the number of permanent social connections that a person can maintain. But no: according to scientists, the Dunbar number is still in force, and our brain is able to control no more than 150 relationships (that is, to know and remember character traits and other characteristics of a person). So the expansion of social connections thanks to social networks is rather conditional - no matter how many “friends” you have, your brain is able to “make friends” only with a narrow circle.

Sticker reminders are still the most effective. No new technology will replace the usual reminders for us, written on a piece of paper and fixed somewhere in plain sight, say scientists who have devoted an entire study to this topic. Today, our life is becoming richer and more intense, so such practical knowledge, confirmed by scientific experiments, is simply necessary.

The latest research from nutrition scientists is helping us debunk myths and find the sweet spot in nutrition to stay lean.


There are many low-carbohydrate diets: Atkins, Protasov, Protein, Kefir, etc. None of them can last forever. Recent studies show that those who include carbohydrates in their diet lose an average of 2.5 kg more.

New rule: Eat 3-5 servings of grains. It can be oatmeal in the morning, cereal for lunch and rice in the evening. Grains are great for providing us with fiber and energy. Eliminating them from your diet is unwise! Even for a few days!


What this opinion is based on: The latest study of the English university Surrey University showed that slimmers who consumed 2 eggs daily for 12 weeks lost weight and lowered their cholesterol levels by as much as those who did not eat them.

"Cholesterol in eggs is low compared to the saturated fats of meat," says Bruce Griffin, lead author of the study and nutritionist.

New rule: Egg yolk contains protein, calcium and iron. Eat it - it's part of your healthy diet. It is worth avoiding really fatty and useless food - sausage, sausages, mayonnaise ...


What is the basis of the new rule: Research conducted in the 90s found that frequent snacking throughout the day reduces appetite. A new study by Canadian scientists is published in the journal Nutrition. They found no difference in weight between women who snack often and those who eat strictly 3 meals a day.

New rule:"Make as many meals as you see fit," says Eric Doucet, author of the study. The main basis for losing weight is your daily caloric intake.


What is the basis of the new rule: A recent study by the International Journal of Obesity found that meal times are not important for weight loss. What matters is WHAT you eat. Healthy dinner at 10 pm - why not?

New rule: Eat late if you like, but don't exceed your calorie limit. Remember that a strong feeling of hunger leads to overeating in the future.


What is the basis of the new rule: Alcohol contains calories, which is why losing weight is often prohibited from drinks with a degree. But scientists have found that women who do not prohibit themselves from alcohol lose weight faster. "Alcohol slows down digestion and inhibits the breakdown of nutrients, so your body doesn't absorb some of the food," says Dr. Lu Wang, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and lead author of the study.

New rule: Can't cut alcohol completely? Well, you don't need to! A glass of white or red wine, a glass of quality beer... Alcohol helps keep your weight in check. Hooray!


What is the basis of the new rule: A study from St. George's University in London shows that if you set hard limits on yourself, you will end up "going on a binge."

New rule: It is necessary to allow yourself delicious food in your opinion, but in small quantities. Decide in advance what you want today and how much you can afford. “Today I am happy with one piece of chocolate, although until recently I could have eaten half a bar ...

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You live in the world and think that you have already seen a lot of everything. And then suddenly you find out that the ancient Romans brushed their teeth with urine, and you realize how much more unexpected and curious you can find out.

We are in site learned a lot of new things and share with you a portion of interesting things that will allow you to see the world in a new light.

14 Urine Was Used As Mouthwash In Ancient Rome

It is widely known that human urine is used to wash clothes. But few people know that urine was also used by the ancient Romans for health purposes and was used as toothpaste. It was believed that it makes the teeth white, smooth and shiny, and also perfectly removes plaque.

13. More than 90% of US banknotes contain traces of cocaine.

Bulls do not distinguish red and see the whole world in black and white. The bull reacts not to the color, but to the movement of the rag. The destroyers of this myth conducted an experiment: they installed 3 stuffed animals with rags different colors, and the bull raced towards the moving cloth, regardless of its color.

10. 8 hours of sleep is not the norm.

The duration of sleep in a person is individual and depends on factors such as genetics, age, health status and external circumstances. In addition, recent studies have shown that life expectancy, happiness levels and productivity are higher in those people who sleep between 6.5 and 7.5 hours per night.

9. The number of nerve endings in the female breast has nothing to do with its size.

In the 16th century, European doctors recommended smoking to get rid of bad breath. In addition, many useful properties. For example, it was used as medicine with migraines, toothache, colic, joint pain and other body disorders.

Of course, in the future, these "magic" properties of tobacco were refuted. Research shows a direct link between smoking and high mortality rates. Therefore, do not forget that tobacco smoking has an extremely negative effect on health, leading to many diseases and early death.

5 Genetically Modified Tomatoes Have The Flounder Gene

4. Most of the oxygen comes from the ocean, not the trees.

Recent studies show that it is possible to correct gene disorders in the body of a particular person with the help of drugs, and what we eat can affect our DNA.

When scientists launched the Human Genome Project in 1990, they hoped that, among other things, they would be able to solve the mystery of the genetic origin of diseases. And they succeeded... in a way.

As it turned out, the more we study the influence of genes on health, the less our real knowledge about this subject. Despite numerous tests and risk assessments, we still cannot say for sure who will get sick and who will not.

The reason is that heredity rarely paves a direct path to a particular disease, moreover, it may not pave it at all. We now understand that family history is just one piece of the puzzle in the overall picture of illness.

Family matters

Let's start with what is known for sure. In 9 out of 10 diseases that are the leading causes of death in the United States (this coincides in many respects with statistics in other developed countries - translator's note), the main ones being cancer and heart disease, the role of genes is obvious.

In some cases, this role is huge. Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are an ideal example of a direct link between genetic material and disease. Approximately 60% of women with this type of mutation develop breast cancer. This is one of the few transparent cases where genetics offers a real chance of early and most effective intervention.

Such cases are rare. In general, heredity makes up only a small proportion of the overall risk assessment of the disease. If we again take cancer as an example, then according to experts, only 5-10% of all cancers are due solely to heredity.

For diabetes and cardiovascular disease, the influence of genes is even more blurred, because external causes play an important role in their occurrence and development. Undoubtedly, the doctor must first know the patient's family history, but this is far from the only risk factor that he will have to analyze.

Of course, we know that people who have never smoked die from lung cancer, and those who did not suffer from overweight die from a heart attack. On the other hand, each of us at least once met a person who, despite bad habits, is still quite healthy.

However, these are more exceptions than the rule. Scientific research time and again prove that external factors are important. And even very much.

Who rules

The individual sequence of our genes may be less important than their expression, which, in turn, depends on epigenetic markers that turn genes on or off and thus rule our health.

And here we are in for a surprise: epigenetics is not predetermined, it depends on external factors.

Take, for example, DNA methylation (the addition of a methyl group). This is one of the many processes by which the body keeps gene expression under control. Failures in methylation can lead to blocking of some protective functions of genes, and this, in turn, can contribute to the development of a disease, such as cancer.

Such failures, however, do not occur spontaneously and are reversible. Science is now considering the possibility of medical intervention in such processes to prevent disease. Early diagnosis of failures and blocking of dangerous epigenetic changes through drug therapy is one of the new routes of assistance being considered by scientists today.

This is far from the only way to interfere in the genetic program. Research shows that many factors, such as diet, exposure to toxic substances, physical activity levels, can affect how DNA shapes the state of our body.

Conclusion: Bad genes require expression to do their dirty work. In other words, you need external factor, which will start the process of development of the disease. But you can turn them off on the contrary. The same applies to "good" protective genes.

Lifelong changes...and longer

It is clear that proper nutrition This is one of the golden rules of health. Everyone knows about it. However, very few people realize that nutrition is a serious epigenetic factor, that is, it can affect their DNA or even the DNA of their offspring.

Yes exactly. The way you eat will affect the DNA of your future children and grandchildren. Modern research prove that epigenetic changes are not reversed for subsequent generations.

Scientists are only just beginning to understand how far epigenetic changes extend, but the role of nutrition is already clear. And thanks to a new field emerging before our very eyes, nutrigenomics, scientists may soon be able to create individual nutrition programs based on a personal list of genetically determined risks.

Imagine that someone has a genetic predisposition to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer - how to eat right?

To begin with, eliminate one product, namely, sugar. The latest research shows that addiction modern man is the most dangerous factor for health. The list of diseases triggered by refined white sugar is endless, and the most harmful of the harmful sugary foods is sweet soda.

Translation (abridged) by Marina SOLODOVNIKOVA