Lean cabbage rolls: recipes with vegetables and cereals. Lenten cabbage rolls with vegetables Lenten dishes recipes cabbage rolls

The main difficulty in cooking cabbage rolls is cabbage. If you take young cabbage, the leaves of which are well separated from the head, then you do not need to process it. If the cabbage is old, then the leaves can be blanched, as indicated in the recipe, or you can completely freeze the whole cabbage, then slightly defrost and use part of the leaves.

Lenten cabbage rolls: recipe


  • Cabbage leaves - 6 pcs.
  • Rice - 12 tbsp. l.
  • Mushrooms - 200 g.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Green onion - 1 bunch.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Hot water - 1/2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Black pepper


Boil the rice until tender, drain the water. Fry the mushrooms with finely chopped onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, salt and pepper. Blanch cabbage leaves: Heat water in a saucepan to a boil and lower them into boiling water for 1 minute. Take out the leaves and pour over cold water- now they are elastic enough and will not break. Mix rice with mushrooms and put the stuffing in the middle of the cabbage leaf.

Wrap the cabbage leaf in an envelope. You can wrap the envelope with cooking string for strength. Put the cabbage rolls into the pan. mix hot water and tomato paste. Pour the stuffed cabbage with the resulting sauce in a frying pan. Simmer under the lid over low heat, first on one side for 10 minutes, then turn over and simmer for another 5 minutes on the other side. Serve lean cabbage rolls with finely chopped green onions.

Have a nice meal!

Today we will tell you three recipes on how to cook lean cabbage rolls without meat. After all, not only minced meat with rice, but also buckwheat, millet, mushrooms, and vegetables can serve as a filling. This would be appropriate both on the Christmas table and in Lent.

Stuffed cabbage is a dish of Eastern European cuisine, which is a stuffing wrapped in boiled cabbage leaves. There are several versions of where this dish came from. Some say - Ancient Greece, the second China, the third allude to Turkey and Armenia. Today, in principle, it doesn’t matter how many hundreds of years ago and on which continent someone came up with wrapping meat in. The only important thing is that lean cabbage rolls are one of the indispensable dishes in Lent.

Usually cabbage rolls are prepared from white cabbage, but in Lately housewives also use Savoy. A head of cabbage is boiled until the leaves are medium soft, then the filling is wrapped in these leaves - rice or other cereals with meat, vegetables, mushrooms. Detailed recipes for lean cabbage rolls without meat, read below.

Recipe for lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat or rice and mushrooms

Ingredients for lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms

  • cabbage - 1 head
  • buckwheat or rice - 1 cup
  • mushrooms 500 g champignons or a handful of dried mushrooms
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • tomato paste/ tomato juice

How to cook lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat (rice) and mushrooms

  1. Preparing cabbage. Mine, remove the upper damaged leaves, cut out the stalk with a knife. We lower the head of cabbage into a pot of boiling salted water for 10-15 minutes. Remove the upper leaves as they are ready (they should become medium soft) and put in a deep bowl to cool. As soon as the leaves have cooled, cut off the thick part of the stem so that the leaf remains intact.
  2. Some suggest using only large leaves for cabbage rolls. But there are housewives who believe that the smaller the stuffed cabbage, the tastier it is. And that real cabbage rolls should not be thicker than a finger.
  3. Preparing stuffing for cabbage rolls. Buckwheat (rice) groats are washed and boiled until half cooked. Throw on a sieve and dry. At the same time, we clean the onions, carrots, champignons. If you use dried mushrooms, you should soak them in water beforehand, preferably overnight.
  4. We cut vegetables, sauté in vegetable oil along with mushrooms. Then the resulting mixture is mixed with buckwheat (rice), salt, pepper. And wrap the stuffing in cabbage leaves. If the filling is too crumbly, you can add one egg.
  5. We lay out the finished cabbage rolls in a heat-resistant form (if you plan to bake them in the oven) or in a cast-iron frying pan / pan (if you cook on an open fire), having previously greased the bottom with vegetable oil. Fill with water with diluted tomato paste, water with tomato juice, water from dried mushrooms, or just clean water(so as not to interrupt the taste of mushrooms) so that the liquid covers the cabbage rolls completely.
  6. We cover the pan or form with a lid and put on a small fire or in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 60-90 minutes.

Recipe for lean cabbage rolls with millet and garlic

Ingredients for lean cabbage rolls with millet and garlic

  • cabbage - 1 head
  • millet - 1 cup
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • pepper
  • garlic
  • vegetable oil

How to cook lean cabbage rolls without meat with millet and garlic

  1. We cook cabbage, as in the first recipe. Remove the stalk and boil the leaves in salted water for 10-15 minutes. After - cut off the thickening from the cabbage leaves.
  2. We wash the millet and cook until half cooked. We cut onions, carrots and sauté in vegetable oil. Mix porridge with vegetables, salt, pepper. Wrap the stuffing in cabbage leaves.
  3. Cabbage rolls are laid on the bottom of a pan or a heat-resistant form greased with vegetable oil. Fill with water so that it covers the cabbage rolls completely. We put on a small fire or in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for 60-80 minutes.
  4. Separately, we prepare garlic sauce for cabbage rolls with millet. To do this, you need to crush the peeled garlic cloves in a garlic press or grate on a fine grater, and mix with vegetable oil. Pour the prepared cabbage rolls with this sauce.

Recipe for lean cabbage rolls with potatoes

Ingredients for lean cabbage rolls with potatoes

  • cabbage - 1 head
  • potatoes - 6-8 potatoes
  • semolina - 1-2 tablespoons
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • vegetable oil
  • tomato paste or juice

How to cook lean cabbage rolls without meat with potatoes

  1. We cut the stalk from the cabbage, boil it for 10-15 minutes in salted boiling water. We take out the semi-soft leaves, cut off the thickening.
  2. For the filling, peel the potatoes and grate them. Leave for a while to glass the liquid, drain it. Add semolina, sautéed onions to the potatoes. Salt. Mix thoroughly. Wrap the stuffing in cabbage leaves.
  3. We put the finished cabbage rolls with potatoes on the bottom of the pan or refractory form greased with vegetable oil. Pour water with tomato paste or juice so that the liquid covers the cabbage rolls completely. Close the lid and put on a small fire or in the oven (200 degrees) for 60-80 minutes. You can serve lean cabbage rolls with potatoes with mushroom gravy.

How to cook mushroom gravy for lean cabbage rolls with potatoes

  1. For gravy, you will need 100 g of dried mushrooms, 2-3 tablespoons of flour, vegetable oil. Soak dried mushrooms in advance (preferably overnight). Then boil in the same water in which they soaked for about an hour and a half.
  2. Cut boiled mushrooms. We clean the onion, separately fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add mushrooms to it, salt and simmer together for about 10 minutes.
  3. We prepare dressing from flour, vegetable oil and mushroom broth. To do this, heat the pan with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add flour, fry, stirring. Slowly, while still stirring, add the mushroom broth. Then we put mushrooms with onions in this yushka. Boil all this and keep on fire until the sauce thickens.
  4. Often lean cabbage rolls are fried in a pan before being stewed. But the cabbage rolls, which immediately fall into the pan or into the baking dish, are called lazy. We believe that lazy cabbage rolls are not only tastier and healthier, but this recipe is also more suitable for moms who already have enough worries.

1. We prepare cabbage leaves. We cut off the stalk from the cabbage, lay the head of cabbage in a large pot of water. We are waiting for the water to boil. It needs to be salted (a teaspoon is enough). The fire must be reduced, cover the pan with a lid. Checking the degree of readiness of the top sheet with a fork, we disassemble the cabbage into leaves. Do not drain the water, we will stew cabbage rolls in it.

2. Rice must be cooked until half cooked. I cooked it in a slow cooker, the ratio of rice and water should be 1: 1, do not forget to salt the water. Put the rice on a plate to cool.

3. Now we are preparing the filling. Finely chop mushrooms and onion. We send mushrooms to a preheated pan, salt and simmer until almost all the water is gone. We shift the mushrooms to another container and fry the onions in the same pan. When the onion begins to turn golden, combine it with mushrooms.

4. Pour the cooled rice into the pan, mix and let the filling fry for 5 minutes over medium heat. Check for salt and spices.

5. Let's start preparing the gas station. In the water where the cabbage was cooked, add a little more salt, bay leaf, ground red pepper, allspice, coriander (or ground, or seeds). Tomato paste or ketchup (your choice) is also sent to the water.

6. From each cabbage leaf, you need to cut off a solid longitudinal vein to make the cabbage rolls softer. After that, we boldly begin to put the filling and wrap the duckies, bending the edges of the sheet inward. Well, or whatever you like.

7. Be sure to put cabbage leaves on the bottom of the bowl (cauldron, pans) so that nothing burns. Put all the cabbage rolls in a container, cover with leaves on top too. Then fill everything with dressing so that it covers the leaves by 2-3 cm.

Lenten cuisine has many mouth-watering dishes. Doves are one of them. Replace minced meat with rice and vegetables and a hearty meal will please the family with excellent taste.

Ingredients for 5-6 servings of lean cabbage rolls:

1 medium head of cabbage (with young it will be tastier);
180 g of round grain rice;
200 g carrots;
180 g onion;
1.5 cups vegetable broth;
1 lavrushka;
dill and parsley (several branches equally);
ground pepper;
vegetable oil (or without it);
1-2 tbsp. l. tomato (paste);
salt to taste.

How to cook lean cabbage rolls

1. Boil rice in a separate bowl and rinse.

2. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot.

3. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of oil into a saucepan, heat, pour vegetables and fry carrots until soft - about 6 minutes. Those who fast without oil can not fry onions and carrots, but simply stew them in water.

4. Add rice to the vegetables in a saucepan, put lavrushka and seasonings, simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes - this will be the stuffing for cabbage rolls. Cool her down.

5. Disconnect the leaves from the cabbage, place in boiling water, salt and boil for about 4 minutes. Send the cabbage in a colander to completely glass the water.

6. Put a spoon or two of minced rice and vegetables on each leaf of cabbage. Collapse cabbage rolls - "envelopes".

7. Put them tightly in a saucepan, pour vegetable broth, season with salt and pepper (to taste). Put on fire. As the liquid begins to boil, add the tomato paste. Stew lean cabbage rolls for 1 hour.

8. Before serving, chop the greens and sprinkle the food on top.

Fantasize with fillings, add any other vegetables or mushrooms, beans and delight your loved ones with healthy vegetable cabbage rolls!

Dinner Angel!

Most cabbage roll recipes contain minced meat, but this does not mean at all that it will not work without it. delicious dish. There are many products that are suitable as a filling, so lean cabbage rolls can be cooked quite often and not worry that homemade ones will be reproached for a monotonous menu.

Take only for lean cabbage rolls fresh vegetables and greens

If you fast or keep low calorie diet, then the stuffing from cabbage rolls can be prepared from different vegetables and cereals in various combinations. Most often, mushrooms, buckwheat, carrots, millet, rice, barley, onions, eggs, herbs, and potatoes are used for this.

Lenten dishes are not at all as boring and monotonous as it seems at first glance. I came across recipes where they advised me to wrap stewed zucchini, eggplant, peas, corn, green beans in cabbage.

Such lean cabbage rolls also turn out delicious, because the set of products is good. Moreover, for me, any cabbage rolls are the same rolls in which you can wrap any filling, diversify your food, even decorate the table with them. whether it's a regular dinner or a festive one.

The dish will be especially successful if, as my mother says, you make a beautiful roast (or sauce)! You will definitely need to try to make meatless cabbage rolls with an unusual filling, but for now I will talk about those recipes that have already been tried and approved by the family.

Tried to replace white cabbage Beijing. I was highly recommended this recipe, but did not like this replacement. There were expectations that the cabbage rolls would turn out more tender, it turned out the other way around - “rubber” cabbage. Maybe I did something with a violation of technology, but I don’t experiment anymore, now I cook cabbage rolls only from white cabbage.

Lean cabbage rolls with potatoes and mushrooms

Instead of potatoes, you can use boiled and mashed beans, peas or lentils (the cooking process and other ingredients are the same). Incredible yummy, be sure to try it!

What are we preparing from:

How to cook lean cabbage rolls with potato and mushroom filling:

  • Boil the potatoes as if they were mashed potatoes, adding a little salt to the water, until cooked, drain the liquid, knead with a crush.
  • Finely chop one carrot or three on a coarse grater, chop the mushrooms, chop one onion. We combine vegetables in a large frying pan, add oil, simmer (fry) for 10 minutes over medium heat.
  • Add the vegetable mixture to the puree, mix well, salt.
  • Cabbage leaves are removed from the head, removed sharp knife hard veins, put in boiling water for 3 minutes (you can add a teaspoon of vinegar, then the cabbage rolls are easier to form, the leaves will not tear, the cabbage will turn out soft, but not brittle).
  • We spread the potato-mushroom filling on cabbage leaves, form cabbage rolls.
  • We prepare a fry for lean cabbage rolls: stew the remaining carrots and onions (previously finely chopped) in a pan with the addition of oil and tomato paste.
  • We put tightly lean cabbage rolls in a stewpan or a tall saucepan, on top - roasted tomato. Pour vegetable broth (broth from cabbage leaves), add salt, pepper. We put the dishes with cabbage rolls on medium heat for 25-30 minutes, simmer under the lid). Greens are added either at the very end of cooking, or immediately before serving. Who loves with sour cream - eat with it, it turns out very tasty!

Lean cabbage rolls with mushrooms and millet

I want to note right away that cereals in the recipe can be replaced with buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, and mushrooms with pickled cucumbers (yes, I was surprised myself, but it turned out great!). Prepare in the same way.

Stuffing for lean cabbage rolls can be prepared from cereals, vegetables and mushrooms

What are we preparing from:

  • cabbage - 10-15 leaves;
  • millet - 1 cup;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • bulbs - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - to your taste, a few cloves;
  • fresh tomatoes- 3 pcs., tomato paste - 2 tablespoons or tomato juice - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil, spices, salt.

How to cook lean cabbage rolls with mushrooms and millet

  • We wash the grits several times until the water is clear so that it does not stick together in a boiled form, cook until cooked (about 20 minutes).
  • We remove the cabbage leaves from the head, remove the dense core of the leaf, put the leaves in water (with a pinch of salt) for 5 minutes to soften. Do you want to get a supple sheet for stuffing? Add quite a bit of vinegar (0.5-1 tsp) to the water, then it can be rolled up as you like, and it will not tear!
  • We make vegetable frying: chop the onion with garlic and carrots, fry for 5 minutes with vegetable oil, add tomato paste (juice or fresh tomatoes), simmer for another 5-10 minutes.
  • Mushrooms cut into pieces, fry for 10-15 minutes over medium heat with vegetable oil.
  • We prepare the filling: we combine millet, mushrooms, half the roast, add pepper, add some salt, mix everything well.
  • Wrap stuffing in cabbage leaves.
  • At the bottom of a deep dish for stewing, we first lay out a couple of cabbage leaves, then - lean cabbage rolls, and on top - the remnants of frying.
  • Pour a little water or the broth in which the leaves were boiled into the pan (so that the cabbage rolls are only covered), put the dishes on medium heat, simmer for 20-25 minutes.

Lenten cabbage rolls

The finished dish can be decorated with chopped herbs, add sour cream before serving.

Thus, lean cabbage rolls can be cooked with many cereals and vegetables, combining them with each other in the filling. Vegetable lenten dishes are tasty and healthy, bon appetit!