Onion Secrets. Growing onions from seed

Onions are able to heal not only the human body, but also the beds on which it is planted. It is for this reason that gardeners love to grow it so much, and for the same reason, today we will talk about how to grow onions from seeds.

What are the benefits of planting onions from seeds

Most summer residents and rural residents are accustomed to using onion sets for planting, since the harvest from it is very good, and you don’t have to bother with seedlings. However, planting onions with seeds has a lot of advantages:

How to choose onions for growing: which variety to choose

Planting onions and how to do it correctly largely depends on the variety chosen, because it is the variety that affects the method of cultivation, as well as the time of seeding into the ground. So, all 60 varieties of onions are divided into two main types:

To obtain onions from seeds in one season, you can use hybrid Dutch varieties that have a bright color - red, white or tan. Such bulbs have a rounded shape and good density, they are also stored for a long time - almost until spring. Among the hybrid varieties, it is worth giving preference to "Spirit F1", "Stardust F1" (this bow is distinguished by the presence of a large number of feathers), "Red Baron" (very fruitful, lasts a long time).

Among the varieties of domestic breeding for growing from seeds are suitable:

  • Danilovsky 301;
  • Myachkovsky 300;
  • Strigunovsky;
  • Khavsky annual;
  • Siberian annual;
  • Odintsovets;
  • Pink early;
  • Golden.

Important! Perennial varieties should not be used for annual cultivation, as this cultivation usually results in deformed bulbs.

When to sow onions for seedlings

The answer to the question of when to sow onion seeds depends on the method of planting onions with seeds, of which there are three at once:

  1. Sowing seeds directly into open soil in early spring. This is done immediately after the soil begins to thaw from the snow. Thanks to this, the seeds have enough time to grow into full-fledged onion heads by the fall of this year.

  2. By growing seedlings. This method is more troublesome, since the seeds are soaked and germinated to seedlings at home. This task should be started as early as February, which will allow planting seedlings of annual onions in April in April. open ground.
  3. Winter sowing. In this case, onion seeds are sown in the soil in autumn, while it is important that the ground is already a little frozen. True, with unstable weather conditions, it is very difficult to get a crop from seeds sown in autumn. The fact is that even a slight thaw can stimulate the germination of seeds that will die already at the onset of the next frost and will not be able to give you a harvest in the spring.
  4. But no matter when and how you are going to plant onions, the beds for it should be prepared in the fall. To do this, you just need to dig up the soil well, remove weeds from it and fertilize it with compost (peat can also be used on beds with onions).

    Did you know? Bulb heads can have the most different sizes, which largely depends on the variety, method of cultivation, soil and favorable conditions. The record weight of the bulb was 8.49 kg, and it was grown in Britain.

    How to prepare seeds before sowing

    Planting onions on the head begins with the preparation of seeds. First of all, they must be checked for germination, which is important to do a month before sowing. To do this, only 15-20 seeds are taken from the pack, which are wrapped in a damp cloth and left in a warm place for 2 weeks. Based on the result, it will be possible to predict your future onion crop.

    However, even if the seeds showed a good shoot, they also need to be treated for fungal diseases. To do this, all the seeds are poured into a cloth bag and dipped for 15 minutes in boiling water, and then for another 1 minute in cold water. In the same bag or piece of cloth, the seeds must be kept for another day at room temperature, constantly moistened with water.

    When and how to transplant onions: planting scheme

    During sowing, onion seeds are placed in furrows, between which it is worth keeping a distance of 5 cm. At the same time, it is necessary to retreat 10 cm from the edge of the bed. Seeds are buried to a depth of 2 cm.

    Seeds in the furrows should be located at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other. After sowing, they are covered with soil, which must be lightly compacted and watered well. From above, the bed is covered with polyethylene, which will contribute to the germination of seeds. During germination, the cotyledons, which appear in the form of roots, and not loops, should be removed, as they will die anyway.

    Did you know?Onions are the most common vegetable in the entire planet.

    When the seedlings grow up, it should be thinned out. This must be done in such a way that there is a space of 2 cm between the plants. According to the same scheme, it is recommended to plant seedlings that were grown at home.

    Is onion care necessary, and how does it manifest itself?

    How to grow onions from seeds without care? Of course, the bow needs some attention, although it requires very little. Basic onion care is manifested in three main directions.


    Watering onion seedlings from May to June can be done only once a week, if the weather is very dry, you can increase it up to twice a week. At the same time, up to 10 liters of water must be poured for each meter of the bed. But excess moisture in July can damage the bulbs, which begin their formation during this period, so watering should be stopped. The only exception will be a very hot summer, when you still have to carry small portions of moisture to the beds with plants, trying not to damage the green onion feathers.

    Removing weeds from the beds

    Weeding beds with onions is necessary regularly, since when pulling out a large weed, you can pull out or damage the bulbs themselves. So that weeds break out easily, the beds can be pre-watered. It should be remembered that when removing weeds, loosening the soil should be partial, since deep loosening can also harm the bulbs, especially in the early stages of growth.

    Control of diseases and pests

    The most effective fight with pests - this is the strengthening of the plant itself due to additional dressings. To do this, you can use a solution of urea, a spoonful of which is diluted in a bucket of water. With this solution, you can water the beds instead of water, while spending about 4 liters of feed per meter of the bed.

Most rural residents traditionally grow onion sets. This method guarantees the harvest of large bulbs, and the planting material is used sparingly, because the size of the sowing allows you to distribute it over the garden at the right distance. Not everyone can grow this crop from seeds in one season, and the main reason for failure is the wrong choice of variety. But you can get excellent yields when sowing black onion, correctly selecting varieties and hybrids, and the cost of seed will be much less than when buying a set.

In addition to reducing costs, this method of cultivation has other advantages. Firstly, onions from seeds are not prone to bolting, unlike sets, which require special storage conditions. Secondly, it is rather difficult to grow high-quality sets on your own, as well as to keep it until spring planting. But to obtain seeds, great efforts are not required: it is enough to plant several large bulbs in the garden in the spring and collect flower stalks after ripening.

The downside is that only a limited number of varieties are suitable for annual cultivation, especially given the seedless method of cultivation. In addition, some of them, although they give large marketable bulbs, can only be stored until January. And one more thing: when sown in open ground, seedlings need enhanced care, since the sprouts are very thin, weak, and easily clogged with weeds.

Variety Selection Criteria

When choosing a variety or hybrid of onions, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • maturation periods. Early varieties form a bulb in 90 days, in mid-season the vegetation lasts 110 days, late ones require from 120 to 130 days to ripen. As a result, some are intended for summer use and for greens, others are grown exclusively for turnips;
  • the number of primordia in one plant. Small-sized (small-nested) varieties most often produce only one bulb, less often two, and are grown on a turnip. Polygermous form at least five pieces in the nest and give a lot of feathers for greenery;
  • root size. Bulbs weighing up to 50 g are considered small, medium ones reach 120 g, large ones grow up to 400 g and more.

The taste of the onion also matters. As you know, it is spicy, semi-sharp and sweet, used mainly in salads. The characteristics of the variety are always indicated by seed producers on the packaging, and careful study of this information will help to avoid mistakes when choosing.

The best varieties and hybrids of annual onions

There are many varieties of onions, both domestic and foreign selection. Below are only the most popular of them, suitable for cultivation in our latitudes and time-tested.

NameVariety characteristics

One of the most productive varieties Dutch selection. In one season, it forms very large (about 500-600 g) bulbs of an elongated shape, golden in color. The scales are dense, juicy, have a delicate sweet taste. The variety is single-germ, belongs to salad, can be stored until about January. Diseases are affected very rarely, quickly adapting to bad weather conditions. It is recommended to grow it by direct sowing, without seedlings.

Refers to salad. Forms large bulbs of purple color, with dense scales, juicy and bright taste. Bulbs grow up to 100 g, and with proper care and 120 g. The growing season lasts 110 days, the variety adapts well to various weather conditions. Most often cultivated as an annual, although sevkom can also be propagated. Unlike other lettuce species, Red Baron is perfectly preserved until the new harvest.

An early maturing low-growing variety with beautiful elongated bulbs. The upper scales are red-brown in color, the inner ones are bright Pink colour. The taste is sharp, the mass of root crops is from 50 to 65 g. It grows well in compacted plantings, tolerates drought well, pleases with consistently high yields. It is recommended to grow through seedlings

Mid-season and very productive. The bulbs are light yellow in color, round, rather dense. With a seedless method, the mass reaches 100 g, when growing seedlings - from 200 to 300 g. It is practically not affected by downy mildew, and is also resistant to other diseases. It tolerates temporary drought and temperature drops, it is perfectly stored until late spring. Juicy bulbs have a pleasant sweet taste

A popular domestic low-bud variety. Vegetation lasts 130-140 days, bulbs with direct sowing gain a mass of 150 g, when grown by seedlings - up to 300 g. Root crops are very dense, oval, straw-yellow in color. The taste is spicy. The variety is valued for its stable yield and undemanding care, excellent maturation, resistance to downy mildew. Keeping quality is high - the bulbs are perfectly stored until June

Lettuce early ripe variety. The bulbs are dense, purple on the outside, white on the inside with blue veins. The shape of the root crops is round, the average weight is 80 g. This variety is valued for its yield and excellent semi-sharp taste. Not suitable for long-term storage, used mainly fresh

It is considered one of the best winter varieties. Seeds winter well in the ground, germinate early, form large, very dense and juicy bulbs of a semi-sharp taste. The color of the scales is white, the average weight of root crops is 90-100 g. Suitable for summer and autumn use, stored until January

Domestic variety, small nested, early. Forms flat-rounded dense bulbs weighing 120 g of semi-sharp taste. The outer scales are golden in color, inside the bulbs are white and very juicy. Subject to agricultural technology, it gives consistently high yields in all weather conditions. Keeps well and is disease resistant

Early maturing variety. Bulbs of light yellow color are rounded, weigh from 80 to 120 g, have a semi-sharp taste. The advantages of the variety include excellent maturation, plasticity in cultivation, resistance to mechanical damage. Root crops are perfectly stored until the new harvest.

Very early variety suitable for winter sowing. It is characterized by increased cold resistance, gives excellent yields in the northern regions, forms a lot of juicy greenery. Forms flat-round bulbs weighing 80-120 g, with a semi-sharp taste. Valued for resistance to shooting and long-term storage without compromising taste

Mid-season, universal purpose. The bulbs are dense, rounded, weighing up to 300 g, with a sharp taste. The color of the outer scales is dark golden, inside the bulb is white and juicy. It is grown up by direct crops in soil and seedling. It tolerates adverse conditions very well, is rarely affected by diseases, and is perfectly stored until late spring.

Hybrid varieties of onions are also gaining popularity, despite the higher cost of seeds. This is due to the fact that hybrids are more disease resistant, store better and give good yields even on poor soils. The most demanded is the products of Dutch breeders.

Hybrid varieties of annual onions


Early maturing hybrid intended for universal use. Forms rounded, white bulbs, weighing 80-90 g, pleasant semi-sharp taste. It normally tolerates small cold snaps and dry periods, gives a stable harvest, is stored until December

Mid-season and cold hardy. The shape of the bulbs is round, the color is dark golden, the weight is from 50 to 100 g. The hybrid is three-legged, forms a lot of juicy greenery, is practically not affected by Fusarium and pink rot. Bulbs have a semi-sharp taste, well stored

High-yielding, mid-season. The bulbs are round, bronze-colored, juicy, weighing from 120 to 150 g. The hybrid is sparse, usually forms one bulb, less often two. It is stored well, it is rarely affected by diseases, it has a semi-sharp taste.

An early maturing hybrid recommended for growing in the central and southern regions. Shows excellent productivity even in dry years, stored until the next harvest. The bulbs have a semi-sharp taste, have a rounded shape, the average weight is about 100 g

Very reliable mid-early hybrid for central latitudes. Forms oval bulbs weighing 75-90 g, light brown in color, with a semi-sharp taste. Valued for friendly ripening and uniformity of root crops, excellent adaptation to weather conditions

Delicious hybrid salad type. The bulbs are round, red, white-pink inside, juicy. The average weight is 200 g, the taste is semi-sharp. Valued for productivity and quick adaptation to various growing conditions. Stored until February

Mid-season hybrid. The bulbs are golden, rounded, with a very developed root system. Average weight 80-100 g, good flake density, high palatability. Valued for resistance to adverse weather conditions and excellent maturation of the bulbs. Keeping quality is good, the onion retains juiciness and pleasant taste for a long time

A new Dutch mid-season hybrid. Forms large (200-250 g) golden-brown bulbs. Forms a large amount of greenery, when grown, root crops protrude from the ground by a third, which facilitates harvesting. Valued for high productivity, resistance to drought and disease. Has a very long shelf life without compromising taste

A few secrets of annual onion cultivation

High-quality seed is one of the most important conditions for obtaining marketable bulbs, but mistakes made during cultivation can reduce the result to zero. There are certain secrets of onion farming that every gardener needs to become familiar with.

The most important thing is to choose the right seeds. Black onions lose their germination very quickly, and if the expiration date on the package expires in the year of planting, the seeds are already considered old and only 20-30% can sprout. It is best to sow the seeds collected the previous autumn, then the similarity will be at least 90%. With the high cost of varietal seeds, this is of great importance in terms of economy.

Onion seeds germinate long enough, and when grown in a seedless way, some of the sprouts are clogged with weeds and die. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to pre-treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate and soak for a day in water. Growth stimulant can be added to the water.

After soaking, the seed is dried to flowability and sown in the ground. As a result of such actions, the seeds hatch faster, and the weeds do not have time to drown out the sprouts.

For the formation of bulbs, loose nutritious soil and an open sunny place are needed. The best onion precursors are legumes, cucumbers, cabbage and potatoes. The bed should be prepared in the fall: it is dug up well, fertilized with rotted compost, and mineral fertilizers are added. On dense soil, the bulbs are small, often do not ripen completely and are affected by rot.

In order for the onion to be well stored, watering is stopped no later than 3 weeks before harvesting.

The last time the onions are watered a couple of weeks before harvesting.

Harvested in warm, dry weather, and then dried for another week under a canopy. Under these conditions, everyone can grow large marketable bulbs from seeds.

Video - Onion varieties from seeds in one season

One of the most useful, and therefore popular garden plants is onion, and all of its types - onion, leek, shallot, batun, slime and others. Onions are planted for forcing to obtain greens in winter time, it is added to salads, soups, side dishes, meat, fish and vegetable dishes. In this article, we will tell you when to sow onion seedlings, how to grow onion seedlings at home, when and how to plant them in the garden.

When to plant onions for seedlings in 2019

In order for the onion to grow healthy, it is necessary to determine the days favorable for its sowing, and for this you need to refer to the lunar sowing calendar.

In 2019 auspicious days for sowing onions for seedlings are:

  • in January - 10, 11, 15, 16;
  • in February - 6-8, 12, 13, 17;
  • in March - 10-12, 15, 16;
  • in April - 7, 8, 11, 12;
  • in May - 2, 4-6, 18, 19, 27, 28.

Growing onions through seedlings

Soil for onion seedlings

In areas with a short summer, it is better to grow onions through seedlings, since this method can significantly speed up the development of plants. Since seedlings aged 50-60 days are planted in the ground, sowing onions for seedlings should be done approximately in the middle or end of February. Usually turnip onions are grown in two years: first, nigella (seeds) are sown on sevok (small onion), and on next year turnip is grown from sevka. But some varieties of onions have time to ripen in 130 days, so it makes sense to grow a turnip out of them in one season, and, to speed up the process, grow onions through seedlings.

You should know that mainly sweet and semi-sharp varieties are suitable for the seedling method, for example, such as Amphora, Lyubchik, Veselka, Mavka, Annual Siberian, as well as Exhibition, Sterling, Candy, Stardust and others hybrids.

The best soil for growing onion seedlings is soddy land with humus in equal proportions. Those who are not looking for easy ways can prepare soil from sifted garden soil and sifted compost with the addition of coconut substrate and vermiculite.

A couple of weeks before sowing, the substrate must be warmed up for 5 minutes in microwave oven turned on at full power, or roast for 15 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200 ºC, or you can simply spill the soil with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After disinfection, cover the substrate with a film and hold it until sowing in a warm place.

In the photo: Planted onion seedlings

Preparing seeds for sowing

Since onion seeds lose their viability quickly, be sure to check their expiration date when buying. Before sowing, the seeds must be processed: they are placed in a gauze bag and dipped in a solution of 1 g of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water for 45 minutes, after which the seeds are kept for 18 hours in Epin's solution, prepared according to the instructions, and then dried to flowability.

You can carry out pre-sowing treatment of seeds in another way: two weeks before sowing, put the seeds to warm up on a central heating battery or on another non-flammable heating device, and immediately before sowing, hold the seeds in a potassium permanganate disinfectant solution, rinse and dry.

Planting onion seeds for seedlings

For growing seedlings, it is more convenient to use boxes or cassettes with cells into which the prepared substrate is poured. In the cassette, seeds are sown 3-4 pieces in each cell, and when sowing in a box, nigella is laid out on the surface of leveled soil at a distance of 1 cm from each other, sprinkled on top with a layer of soil 5-7 mm thick, lightly pressed and sprayed from a sprayer with a solution of 15 drops of Energen in 250 ml of water, then cover with a film and place in a warm dark place. Before emergence, which may appear after 5-6 days, the crops are kept at a temperature of 18-25 ºC.

Growing seedlings of onion Exhibition

This variety with large bulbs weighing up to half a kilogram and a sweeter taste without bitterness was bred by Dutch breeders. The only drawback of the variety is the short shelf life. In warm regions, this onion is grown by sowing directly into the ground, but in middle lane, in the Urals and Siberia, Exhibition onions are grown through seedlings.

Exhibition onions are sown for seedlings in late February or early March, after soaking the seeds for several hours in warm water. After that, the seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth and kept in a warm place for 2-3 days, not allowing the cloth to dry out. Then the seeds are disinfected for 8 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate, heated to 40 ºC.

In the photo: Sprouting onions in tablets

In a box, the seeds of the Exhibition variety are sown at a distance of 4-5 cm between the rows and planted to a depth of 1.5 cm, after which the crops are covered with a film and kept until germination at a temperature of 20-25 ºC. But if you are not constrained by living conditions, then it is better to sow this variety in separate pots.

leek seedling

Leek seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate, then kept for a day in warm water, dried, and then laid out on the surface of the nutrient soil, only lightly sprinkled with soil on top and sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle.

When to plant leeks for seedlings? Late winter or early spring. Covered with a film, the crops are placed in a warm place in anticipation of germination. Care of crops at this stage consists in daily airing and removal of condensate from the film.

Buy onion seedlings - is it worth it?

Onion is an unpretentious plant, and it is not difficult to grow seedlings from nigella, so there is no point in buying onion seedlings. And, frankly, it is unlikely that you will succeed, because among the ads there are offers for the sale of seeds and sets, but no one offers to buy onion seedlings.

Growing conditions for onion seedlings

Growing onions from seeds won't tire you out. As soon as the first shoots appear, the crops are freed from cover, transferred to the light and the temperature is lowered to 10-12 ºC. After a week, the temperature is raised to 16-18 ºC during the day and to 6-10 ºC at night. As soon as the onion seedlings get stronger, they are thinned out in such a way that a distance of at least 2-3 cm is maintained between the seedlings.

Watering onion seedlings

Water the onion seedlings with settled water at room temperature as the topsoil dries. Should not be allowed complete drying of the substrate, as well as its waterlogging.

In the photo: Growing onion seedlings in cassettes

Feeding onion seedlings

Before planting in open ground, onion seedlings should receive at least two top dressings with an interval of two weeks with a solution mineral fertilizers- 20 g of superphosphate, 5 g of potassium chloride and 10 g of urea are diluted in 10 liters of water. You can feed onion seedlings diluted in a ratio of 1:10 with infusion of chicken manure.

Onion seedlings Exhibition responds well to fertilizer with a solution of 1 g of saltpeter in 1 liter of water.

Illumination of onion seedlings

Since the sowing of onions for seedlings is carried out at the end of winter, the emerging shoots will almost certainly lack lighting, because at this time the day is still short. And seedlings need a twelve-hour daylight hours, otherwise it will begin to stretch.

To avoid deformation of the seedlings, an additional light source is placed above them at a distance of 20-25 cm - a phytolamp, an LED or fluorescent lamp, which, from the moment of germination, must work continuously for three days, and then at least 12 hours a day - for example, from 7 to 19 hours. The use of incandescent lamps for artificial lighting does not give the desired result.

Pinching onion seedlings

Growing seedlings of onion Exhibition involves pinching, or rather pruning, at the stage of development of the third leaf - the leaves of the seedlings are shortened by two-thirds of the height. This is done so that the seedlings do not lie down and do not break.

Diseases of onion seedlings and their treatment

During the seedling period, with normal care, onions are rarely affected by diseases or pests, but nevertheless, this kind of trouble happens. Of the pests, seedlings can be annoyed by an onion fly, to combat which solutions of insecticides such as Aktara, Muhoed, Zemlin or other similar preparations are used.

In the photo: Onion seedlings planted in the ground

Seedlings can hit blackleg, developing against the background of systematic waterlogging of the soil, and peronosporosis, or downy mildew - fungal diseases, the pathogens of which die when seedlings are treated with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid, and in the development phase of 4-5 leaves, seedlings are best treated with Ridomil Gold MC.

On the whole, at proper care onion seedlings are rarely sick, and the onion fly at home appears infrequently.

Planting onion seedlings in open ground

When to plant onion seedlings in open ground

From mid to late April, when 50-60 days pass from the moment of sowing and 3-4 leaves develop in the seedlings, they are planted in open ground if it is already well warmed up by this time. Two weeks before planting, the seedlings begin to harden, taking them out to the balcony, veranda or garden, first for 10-15 minutes, but increasing the duration of the session daily, until the seedlings adapt to the conditions in which they will soon find themselves.

How to plant onion seedlings in the garden

The site for the onion should be open, sunny, located away from bushes and trees that can obscure the growing onion from the sun's rays. The soil on the site must be prepared in advance, in the fall. For onions, sandy loamy soils are optimal, in which it is necessary to add 2 buckets of compost or humus, 2 liters of wood ash and 50-60 g of complex mineral fertilizer for digging for each m².

In the photo: Onions in the garden

In the spring, before planting, the surface of the site is leveled, furrows are made on it 4-5 cm deep at a distance of 30 cm from each other and they are well shed. Seedlings need to be inspected and sorted - only developed and intact seedlings can be planted on the garden bed. The leaves of the seedlings are cut to a third of the length to reduce the evaporation of moisture from them. The roots are also shortened, after which they are lowered into a mash, consisting of mullein infusion and clay.

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Onion is a very popular vegetable crop, distinguished by its usefulness, widely used in the preparation of a large number of dishes, as well as for medical and cosmetic purposes. One of better ways Obtaining onions is their cultivation from seeds. In this case, the seeds grown by you will be the most suitable, since they will be obtained from bulbs of the same climatic zone, and, therefore, will be better adapted to its conditions.

It is quite possible to grow onion seeds correctly at home, you just need to follow certain recommendations.

To obtain high-quality seeds, it is necessary to prepare healthy bulbs for their cultivation. For this purpose, even heads of medium size are selected. At the same time, specimens with damage and rot are very carefully rejected. Store the bow at a temperature of 2-7 degrees, avoiding hypothermia, which blocks the appearance of arrows.

Planting bulbs for seeds is based on the need for 120 days for a full cycle of seed formation and maturation, that is, approximately by the end of April. At the same time, 30 days before planting, to prepare the growth process, the bulbs are placed in a room with a temperature of about 15 degrees.

Planting is carried out at a depth of 5 cm in a fertilized bed, divided by row spacing of 25 cm, with a distance between the bulbs within 15-20 cm. To accelerate growth, the necks of the bulbs are cut before planting.

Growing seeds requires careful care - weeding and abundant watering, especially during the period of growth and flowering. And to protect plants from various diseases, the beds are disinfected with a solution of Bordeaux liquid.

After the arrows appear, stakes are driven in, between which twine is stretched in several rows. This design helps support the plants.

Collection and storage of seeds

An important step in obtaining seeds is their collection. The signal for the beginning of this process is the opening of seed boxes on the umbrella.

Arrows are cut with secateurs, tied into bundles and hung under a canopy for full maturation. Under the suspended bunches, a paper or cloth bedding is spread, on which ripened seeds (nigella) will fall asleep. To speed up the process, the bundles are shaken. To extract the remaining seeds, the inflorescences are ground and winnowed.

The collected seeds are filled with water. Defective seeds, as well as husks, float to the surface. They are drained together with water, and the remaining seeds are dried at room conditions.

Dry seeds are stored in paper or cloth bags.

Growing onion seedlings from seeds

This process includes the following sequence of actions.

On the eve of sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water for 8-10 hours, then thoroughly dried.

Sowing is done at the end of March or at the beginning of April in pots or boxes to a depth of 1 cm, with a distance between rows of 4-6 cm. The norm provides for 20 g per 1 sq.m. The temperature to be provided is 18°C ​​- 25°C.

Planted seeds should be watered and weeded, and to create favorable conditions they are covered with plastic wrap. Later, after the emergence of seedlings, the temperature range is reduced to 14°C -16°C. During the germination period, top dressing should be carried out. After about two months, the seedlings are ready for transplanting into the ground.

Planting onion seedlings in the ground

Before planting, seedlings are carefully separated from each other. They are closed to a depth of 1 cm with a distance between rows of 30 cm, and between seedlings - 5 cm. Planting is completed by watering and then mulching with peat. During the development of plants, they are thinned out, watered and loosened. At the end of July, to provide the bulbs with maximum warmth, the mulch is raked off, and watering and fertilizing are stopped. After the feathers have completely withered, they begin to harvest the onions.

According to Magomedrasul Ibragimbekov, an onion specialist, early ripe and hybrid varieties are more suitable for growing onion from seeds.

Suitable species are Chalcedony, Stuttgarter Riesen, Grandfather, Master and some others.

I think that everyone, without exception, plant onions in their gardens, because not a single dish can do without this vegetable, it is used everywhere in and, as well as second courses.

Today we will talk about different varieties of onions, for example distinctive feature this type of bow exhibition is its large and beautiful appearance, and most importantly, the taste is quite pleasant and sweet.

What needs to be done in order for the bulbs to grow large and how to care for and grow this crop, let's talk about this further. What other varieties of onions do you know and what do you usually sow?

If you have not yet sown others vegetable crops such as , and or maybe , then hurry up, there is not much time left.

First, I propose to answer all this question. Knowing the answer to it, you can easily plant the seeds correctly in the ground, and the seedlings will surely grow stronger and healthier. I remind you that you can make Moon calendar, knowing the phases of the moon, or you can already use the ready-made version, which you can view and download for free

Since onions are a plant whose fruits do not grow on the surface of the earth, but inside the soil, this means that, in order to determine correct timing, we must remember one basic rule, I remind you of his gardeners and gardeners.

Important! That all the tops are planted on the growing moon, but with the roots it will be the other way around - on the waning moon.

I suggest you consider the table regarding onions.

Best of all, but again, depending on which area you live in, sow Exhibition onions in such months, for residents of the Moscow region this is the beginning or end of February, but for residents of Siberia and the Urals, the beginning or middle of March.

But leeks for seedlings, if you live in the northern regions, sow in April, and if in the south, then in May.

Onion sets per head should be planted on such days .... In general, it is difficult to say now, depending on what spring will be like. The main thing you must understand is that the earth should be well warmed up to a depth of 10 cm to 12 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is possible to produce at the end of April for the Moscow region, and for Siberians and Urals this is the beginning of May. This information also applies to Chernushka's onion.

Care and cultivation of onions from seeds for seedlings at home

Growing exhibition onions through seedlings

To begin with, I want to show you the description and the packaging itself for this vegetable. Perhaps you see for the first time, and do not believe that the heads can reach a weight of about 800 grams. Indeed, this is so if you know all the rules and take into account all the recommendations of gardeners and gardeners.

In fact, there are many ways that you can grow onions from seeds, and all of these options have a place to be, let's look at the most common ones. And you can just choose the one that is convenient for you.

Seed disinfection

Follow the disinfection procedure, for this, dilute the manganese, you need to take 1 liter of water per 1 g of the substance and pour the seeds there, hold them for about 7-8 hours in this solution. The water should be around 40-45 degrees Celsius no less.

Seed preparation and germination

In order for you not to look at each seed for germination, I suggest germinating immediately in order to see the first sprouts. Lay down a paper towel, fold it into two or three layers, and moisten well with water. Spread the seedlings over the surface.

Cover with another napkin from above and also moisten with water. Leave for a couple of days and maintain humidity, after 3-4 days you will see the first shoots. Remove the napkin and you yourself will see everything.

As you can see, such a plan should turn out to be sprouts. The rest can still ascend, wait a couple of days.

Soil preparation

Now the most important thing is to prepare the soil for seedlings, take either a store-bought soil mixture, or do it yourself. Take rotted mullein (1 tbsp.), As well as humus (9 tbsp.) And sod land (9 tbsp.). Or you can generally make it from garden soil, plus sand and humus or sawdust.

Planting seeds in cups or other containers

It is a rich harvest that indicates that there was a fairly strong and healthy seedling. To do this, you must correctly determine the planting capacity, you can make it yourself, or you can buy special cups or pots at the gardening supermarket.

Place the sprouted seeds in cups, put one sprout in each pot to a depth of 1 cm. Bury with earth and moisten lightly with water.

top dressing

Care and watering

A little time will pass and you will see small green shoots, they are very thin and tender in fact. They are easy to gobble up like two and two.

Therefore, when the greens grow a little, make a support so that it does not fall, from ordinary sticks, which you can also make by hand or purchase.

Grow onions in a sunny place, water abundantly and fertilize periodically with mineral fertilizers.

I also want to offer you one landing option. Quite an interesting way exists in my opinion, it is called a diaper or a snail. Either polyethylene is used, or even a substrate that goes under parquet floors or laminate. The main advantage of this approach is the place, it needs very little indoors.

Perhaps you have already heard about this, and if not, then watch this video and learn with the owner of the channel.


Like any culture, Exhibition onions should be hardened, especially before transplanting into the ground. After about two months have passed, you will have to take it outside or often ventilate the room. And the soil mixture itself is also fertilized with potassium nitrate in proportion to 1 g, 1 liter of water is taken.

Rules for planting onions in open ground

Well, as soon as everything is ready and it's time to land on open ground, remember one thing important rule, plant onions, where there will be a lot of light. And the soil must be without manure, otherwise the plant will die or rot.

In the garden you will need to make small holes about 20 cm apart.

For more details and details, you can see in this story:

How to plant leeks for seedlings? Proper sowing of seeds and care in the open field

For most gardeners and gardeners, it has become a novelty to grow on their own. personal plot variety of this bow.

Leek is quite interesting in taste and can be used for almost all kinds of dishes. The false stalk is mainly eaten.

Proper soil and tare definition

For this crop, take soil from such components for growing seeds for seedlings. The proportions are 25o g of dolomite flour + 50 g of double superphosphate + 30 g of urea and plus 40 g of potassium sulfate.

Disinfection and germination of seeds

For this purpose, use a solution of potassium permanganate, but remember that the water must be warm. Keep in this liquid for 7-8 hours.

As with all senets, including onion prey, you will need to pre-soak the seeds in a humid environment. To do this, simply use a cloth moistened with water, after a while sprouts will appear. The room temperature should be 20-25 degrees.

Sowing seedlings and care

The plant should be watered only with warm water, also feed with compost with water occasionally in proportions of 1:10. Or use special mineral fertilizers.

Be sure to harden off the culture, after you are ready to transplant it into open ground, do it a week in advance.

Important! After transplanting into open ground, it is important that the earth is already warm enough.

Landing is no different from the Exhibition bow. Plant them in grooves, make the distance between rows about 20 cm.

Regularly weed and water the onion so that it pleases you with a super harvest, fight weeds and pests.

How to sow black onion?

In principle, there is nothing special about how and when to plant this healthy vegetable; the rules for planting and caring for this plant are the same as for other types of onions discussed in this article. Therefore, you may well use all the recommendations in this article.

Onion nigella is mainly planted from germinated seeds immediately in open ground. That's why I made this video for you. In it you will learn all the tricks and subtleties of this business, and also learn the secret why you need to add salt to the furrows, this will help you achieve an excellent collection of large and healthy bulbs.

Onion sets per head in open ground

Well, there's still one left. important point, this is such a view as sevoc. Many people know him firsthand. As I already mentioned above, you must determine the specific planting date yourself, depending on what kind of spring it will be, as soon as the soil warms up at a depth of 6-10 cm degrees to 12 degrees Celsius. Therefore, if you navigate by the weather, when early spring sevok should be planted at the end of April.

The main points in planting this type of onion are such recommendations. Most importantly, you need to correctly mark out the beds, which you can easily make with your own hands.


It is recommended to dry the purchased sevok for a start, but immediately before planting, soak 2 tablespoons of salt in 2 liters of water in a saline solution, and then disinfect. To do this, place it in a warm solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes and rinse again. Like this preparatory work to come, it's really easy.

Location selection

Now you need to decide on a landing site. As you know, onion is a fairly light-loving plant, so you need to plant it in a sunny place and the ground should be open. Luchok loves fairly loose and nutritious soil.

Therefore, the bed itself for digging must be equipped with ash and add 1 tbsp for each square meter azo facets.

Interesting! It will be a great solution if you place the onion next to the carrots, this is a great neighbor. Thus, they will mutually protect against pests.

Since the correct placement of the bulbs during planting increases the germination of the sowing and improves the quality of the product, it is necessary to make the correct layout of the beds.

For this purpose, take an ordinary board 20 cm wide, the length should be about 80-100 cm, i.e. the width of your garden. And with the help of a nozzle on a drill, make through holes, about 3 cm in diameter.

Thus, a uniform marking is obtained with the same distance between the holes in a row of 10 cm and between rows of almost 20 cm. It is such an aisle that is very convenient to process with a flat cutter.

The planting depth of the sowing in the ground should be about 4 cm. And then close the holes with earth with a rake.

Important! If you plant much deeper than the sets, then the first shoots will be delayed and the onion can probably form a more retracted shape. And planting at a shallower depth can lead to the fact that the roots will lack nutrients.

Well, in the end, you need to moisten the soil well with a watering can with a rain nozzle. The onion has an increased demand for watering, especially the first months after planting, that is, this is the period when it rapidly grows green leaves, and only then its heads are poured. During this period, especially monitor the soil moisture, do not allow it to dry out.

On this, dear friends, I have everything. Share your feedback and wishes. Come to my page more often. Smile, because spring is coming, and there is summer. Bye everyone! See you later!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova