Calculation of kilowatts of heating by area calculator. Thermal calculation of the heating system

In the process of building any house, sooner or later the question arises - how to calculate the heating system correctly? This actual problem will never exhaust its resource, because if you buy a boiler of less power than necessary, you will have to spend a lot of effort to create secondary heating with oil and infrared radiators, heat guns, and electric fireplaces.

In addition, monthly maintenance, due to expensive electricity, will cost you a pretty penny. The same thing will happen if you buy a high-power boiler that will work at half strength, and consume no less fuel.

Our calculator for calculating the heating of a private house will help you avoid the typical mistakes of novice builders. You will receive as close to reality the value of heat losses and the required heat output of the boiler according to the current data of SNiPs and SPs (sets of rules).

The main advantage of the calculator on the site is the reliability of the calculated data and the absence of manual calculations, the whole process is automated, the initial parameters are maximally generalized, you can easily see their values ​​\u200b\u200bin your home plan or fill in based on your own experience.

Calculation of a boiler for heating a private house

With the help of our calculator for calculating heating for a private house, you can easily find out the required boiler power to heat your cozy "nest".

As you remember, in order to calculate the heat loss rate, you need to know several values ​​\u200b\u200bof the main components of the house, which together account for more than 90% of the total losses. For your convenience, we have added to the calculator only those fields that you can fill out. without special knowledge:

  • glazing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • the ratio of the area of ​​​​windows and floor;
  • outside temperature;
  • the number of walls facing the outside;
  • which room is above the calculated one;
  • room height;
  • room area.

After you get the value of the heat loss of the house, a correction factor of 1.2 is taken to calculate the required boiler power.

How to work on the calculator

Remember that the thicker the glazing and the better the thermal insulation, the less heating power will be required.

To get results, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. Choose one of the proposed types of glazing (triple or double glazing, conventional double glazing).
  2. How are your walls insulated? Solid thick insulation from a couple of layers of mineral wool, polystyrene foam, EPPS for the north and Siberia. Maybe you live in Central Russia and one layer of insulation is enough for you. Or are you one of those who builds a house in the southern regions and a double hollow brick is suitable for him.
  3. What is your window-to-floor area ratio, in %. If you do not know this value, then it is calculated very simply: divide the floor area by the window area and multiply by 100%.
  4. Enter the minimum temperature in winter period for a couple of seasons and round up. Do not use the average temperature for winters, otherwise you risk getting a smaller boiler and the house will not be heated enough.
  5. Do we calculate for the whole house or just for one wall?
  6. What is above our room. If you have a one-story house, select the type of attic (cold or warm), if the second floor, then a heated room.
  7. The height of the ceilings and the area of ​​​​the room are necessary to calculate the volume of the apartment, which in turn is the basis for all calculations.

Calculation example:

  • one-story house in the Kaliningrad region;
  • wall length 15 and 10 m, insulated with one layer of mineral wool;
  • ceiling height 3 m;
  • 6 windows of 5 m2 from a double-glazed window;
  • the minimum temperature for the last 10 years is 26 degrees;
  • we calculate for all 4 walls;
  • from above a warm heated attic;

The area of ​​our house is 150 m2, and the area of ​​windows is 30 m2. 30/150*100=20% window to floor ratio.

We know everything else, we select the appropriate fields in the calculator and we get that our house will lose 26.79 kW of heat.

26.79 * 1.2 \u003d 32.15 kW - the required heating capacity of the boiler.

DIY heating system

It is impossible to calculate the heating circuit of a private house without assessing the heat loss of the surrounding structures.

In Russia, as a rule, long cold winters, buildings lose heat due to temperature differences inside and outside the premises. The larger the area of ​​the house, enclosing and through structures (roof, windows, doors), the greater value heat loss comes out. The material and thickness of the walls, the presence or absence of thermal insulation have a significant impact.

For example, walls made of wood and aerated concrete have a much lower thermal conductivity than brick. Materials with maximum thermal resistance are used as insulation ( mineral wool, expanded polystyrene).

Before creating a heating system at home, you need to carefully consider all the organizational and technical aspects, so that immediately after the construction of the “box”, you can proceed to the final phase of construction, and not postpone the long-awaited settlement for many months.

Heating in a private house is based on the "three elephants":

  • heating element (boiler);
  • pipe system;
  • radiators.

Which boiler is better to choose for a house?

Heating boilers are the main component of the entire system. It is they who will provide heat to your home, so their choice should be treated with particular care. According to the type of food they are divided into:

  • electrical;
  • solid fuel;
  • liquid fuel;
  • gas.

Each of them has a number of significant advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Electric boilersdid not gain great popularity, primarily because of the rather high cost and high cost of maintenance. Electricity tariffs leave much to be desired, there is a possibility of a power line break, as a result of which your home may be left without heating.
  2. Solid fuelboilersoften used in remote villages and towns where there are no centralized communication networks. They heat water with firewood, briquettes and coal. An important disadvantage is the need for constant monitoring of fuel, if the fuel burns out and you do not have time to replenish supplies, the house will stop heating. In modern models, this problem is solved due to the automatic feeder, but the price of such devices is incredibly high.
  3. Oil boilers, in the vast majority of cases, run on diesel fuel. They have excellent performance due to the high efficiency of the fuel, but the high cost of raw materials and the need for diesel tanks limit many buyers.
  4. The best solution for country house are gas boilers . Due to their small size, low gas prices and high heat output, they have won the trust of most of the population.

How to choose pipes for heating?

Heating mains supply all heating devices in the house. Depending on the material of manufacture, they are divided into:

  • metal;
  • metal-plastic;
  • plastic.

Metal pipes the most difficult to install (due to the need for welding seams), are susceptible to corrosion, are heavy and expensive. The advantages are high strength, resistance to temperature extremes and the ability to withstand high pressures. They are used in apartment buildings, in private construction it is not advisable to use them.

Polymer pipes from metal-plastic and polypropylene are very similar in their parameters. The lightness of the material, plasticity, no corrosion, noise suppression and, of course, low price. The only difference between the former is the presence of an aluminum layer between two layers of plastic, due to which the thermal conductivity increases. Therefore, metal-plastic pipes are used for heating, and plastic pipes for water supply.

Choosing radiators for the home

The last element of a classic heating system is radiators. They are also divided according to the material into the following groups:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum.

Cast iron batteries are familiar to everyone since childhood, because they were installed in almost all apartment buildings. They have high heat capacity (cool down for a long time), resistant to temperature and pressure drops in the system. The downside is the high price, fragility and complexity of installation.

They were replaced steel radiators. A wide variety of shapes and sizes, low cost and ease of installation have influenced the ubiquitous distribution. However, they also have their drawbacks. Due to the low heat capacity, the batteries cool down quickly, and the thin case does not allow them to be used in networks with high pressure.

V Lately space heaters are gaining popularity aluminum. Their main advantage is high heat transfer, this allows you to warm up the room to an acceptable temperature in 10-15 minutes. However, they are demanding on the coolant, if alkalis or acids are contained in large quantities inside the system, then the life of the radiator is significantly reduced.

Use the proposed tools for calculating the heating of a private house and design a heating system that will heat your home efficiently, reliably and for a long time, even in the harshest winters.

Autonomous heating for a private house is affordable, comfortable and varied. You can install a gas boiler and not depend on the vagaries of nature or failures in the central heating system. The main thing is to choose the right equipment and calculate the heat output of the boiler. If the power exceeds the heat needs of the room, then the money for installing the unit will be thrown to the wind. In order for the heat supply system to be comfortable and financially profitable, at the design stage it is necessary to calculate the power of the gas heating boiler.

The main values ​​\u200b\u200bof calculating the heating power

The easiest way to get data on the heat output of the boiler by area of ​​​​the house: taken 1 kW of power for every 10 sq. m. However, this formula has serious errors, because it does not take into account modern building technologies, the type of terrain, climatic temperature changes, the level of thermal insulation, the use of double-glazed windows, and the like.

To make a more accurate calculation of the heating power of the boiler, you need to take into account a number of important factors that affect the final result:

  • dimensions of the dwelling;
  • the degree of insulation of the house;
  • the presence of double-glazed windows;
  • thermal insulation of walls;
  • building type;
  • air temperature outside the window during the coldest time of the year;
  • type of wiring of the heating circuit;
  • the ratio of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbearing structures and openings;
  • building heat loss.

In houses with forced ventilation, the calculation of the heating capacity of the boiler must take into account the amount of energy needed to heat the air. Experts advise making a gap of 20% when using the obtained result of the thermal power of the boiler in case of unforeseen situations, severe cooling or a decrease in gas pressure in the system.

With an unreasonable increase in thermal power, it is possible to reduce the efficiency of the heating unit, increase the cost of purchasing system elements, and lead to rapid wear of components. That is why it is so important to correctly calculate the power of the heating boiler and apply it to the specified dwelling. You can get data using a simple formula W=S*Wsp, where S is the area of ​​the house, W is the factory power of the boiler, Wsp is the specific power for calculations in a certain climatic zone, it can be adjusted according to the characteristics of the user's region. The result must be rounded up to a large value in terms of heat leakage in the house.

For those who do not want to waste time on mathematical calculations, you can use the gas boiler power calculator online. Just keep the individual data on the features of the room and get a ready answer.

The formula for obtaining the power of the heating system

The online heating boiler power calculator makes it possible in a matter of seconds to get desired result taking into account all the above characteristics that affect the final result of the data obtained. In order to use such a program correctly, it is necessary to enter the prepared data into the table: the type of window glazing, the level of thermal insulation of the walls, the ratio of floor and window opening areas, the average temperature outside the house, the number of side walls, the type and area of ​​​​the room. And then press the "Calculate" button and get the result of the heat loss and heat output of the boiler.

To ensure a comfortable temperature throughout the winter, the heating boiler must produce such an amount of heat energy that is necessary to replenish all the heat losses of the building / room. Plus, it is also necessary to have a small power reserve in case of abnormal cold weather or expansion of areas. We will talk about how to calculate the required power in this article.

To determine the performance of heating equipment, it is first necessary to determine the heat loss of the building / room. Such a calculation is called thermal engineering. This is one of the most complex calculations in the industry as there are many factors to consider.

Of course, the amount of heat loss is affected by the materials that were used in the construction of the house. Therefore, the building materials from which the foundation is made, walls, floor, ceiling, floors, attic, roof, window and door openings are taken into account. The type of system wiring and the presence of underfloor heating are taken into account. In some cases, even the presence household appliances which generates heat during operation. But such precision is not always required. There are techniques that allow you to quickly estimate the required performance of a heating boiler without plunging into the wilds of heat engineering.

Calculation of the heating boiler power by area

For an approximate assessment of the required performance of a thermal unit, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is sufficient. In the very simple version for central Russia, it is believed that 1 kW of power can heat 10 m 2 of area. If you have a house with an area of ​​160m2, the boiler power for heating it is 16kW.

These calculations are approximate, because neither the height of the ceilings nor the climate are taken into account. For this, there are coefficients derived empirically, with the help of which appropriate adjustments are made.

The indicated rate - 1 kW per 10 m 2 is suitable for ceilings 2.5-2.7 m. If you have higher ceilings in the room, you need to calculate the coefficients and recalculate. To do this, divide the height of your premises by the standard 2.7 m and get a correction factor.

Calculating the power of a heating boiler by area - the easiest way

For example, the ceiling height is 3.2m. We consider the coefficient: 3.2m / 2.7m \u003d 1.18 rounded up, we get 1.2. It turns out that for heating a room of 160m 2 with a ceiling height of 3.2m, a heating boiler with a capacity of 16kW * 1.2 = 19.2kW is required. They usually round up, so 20kW.

To take into account climatic features, there are ready-made coefficients. For Russia they are:

  • 1.5-2.0 for northern regions;
  • 1.2-1.5 for regions near Moscow;
  • 1.0-1.2 for the middle band;
  • 0.7-0.9 for the southern regions.

If the house is in middle lane, just south of Moscow, apply a coefficient of 1.2 (20kW * 1.2 = 24kW), if in the south of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory, for example, a coefficient of 0.8, that is, less power is required (20kW * 0.8 = 16kW).

Calculation of heating and selection of a boiler is an important stage. Find the wrong power and you can get this result ...

These are the main factors to be considered. But the values ​​found are valid if the boiler will only work for heating. If you also need to heat water, you need to add 20-25% of the calculated figure. Then you need to add a "margin" for peak winter temperatures. That's another 10%. In total we get:

  • For home heating and hot water in the middle lane 24kW + 20% = 28.8kW. Then the reserve for cold weather is 28.8 kW + 10% = 31.68 kW. We round up and get 32kW. When compared with the original figure of 16kW, the difference is two times.
  • House in the Krasnodar Territory. Adding power for heating hot water: 16kW+20%=19.2kW. Now the "reserve" for the cold is 19.2 + 10% \u003d 21.12 kW. Rounding up: 22kW. The difference is not so striking, but also quite decent.

It can be seen from the examples that it is necessary to take into account at least these values. But it is obvious that in calculating the power of the boiler for a house and an apartment, there should be a difference. You can go the same way and use coefficients for each factor. But there is an easier way that allows you to make corrections in one go.

When calculating a heating boiler for a house, a coefficient of 1.5 is applied. It takes into account the presence of heat loss through the roof, floor, foundation. It is valid with an average (normal) degree of wall insulation - laying in two bricks or building materials similar in characteristics.

For apartments, different rates apply. If there is a heated room (another apartment) on top, the coefficient is 0.7, if a heated attic is 0.9, if an unheated attic is 1.0. It is necessary to multiply the boiler power found by the method described above by one of these coefficients and get a fairly reliable value.

To demonstrate the progress of calculations, we will calculate the power of a gas heating boiler for an apartment of 65m 2 with 3m ceilings, which is located in central Russia.

  1. We determine the required power by area: 65m 2 / 10m 2 \u003d 6.5 kW.
  2. We make a correction for the region: 6.5 kW * 1.2 = 7.8 kW.
  3. The boiler will heat the water, so we add 25% (we like it hotter) 7.8 kW * 1.25 = 9.75 kW.
  4. We add 10% for cold: 7.95 kW * 1.1 = 10.725 kW.

Now we round the result and get: 11 kW.

The specified algorithm is valid for the selection of heating boilers for any type of fuel. The calculation of the power of an electric heating boiler will not differ in any way from the calculation of a solid fuel, gas or liquid fuel boiler. The main thing is the performance and efficiency of the boiler, and heat losses do not change depending on the type of boiler. The whole question is how to spend less energy. And this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwarming.

Boiler power for apartments

When calculating heating equipment for apartments, you can use the norms of SNiPa. The use of these standards is also called the calculation of boiler power by volume. SNiP sets the required amount of heat for heating one cubic meter air in typical buildings:

Knowing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment and the height of the ceilings, you will find the volume, then, multiplying by the norm, you will find out the power of the boiler.

For example, let's calculate the required boiler power for rooms in a brick house with an area of ​​​​74m 2 with ceilings of 2.7m.

  1. We calculate the volume: 74m 2 * 2.7m = 199.8m 3
  2. We consider according to the norm how much heat will be needed: 199.8 * 34W = 6793W. Rounding up and converting to kilowatts, we get 7kW. This will be the required power that the thermal unit should produce.

It is easy to calculate the power for the same room, but already in a panel house: 199.8 * 41W = 8191W. In principle, in heating engineering they always round up, but you can take into account the glazing of your windows. If the windows have energy-saving double-glazed windows, you can round down. We believe that double-glazed windows are good and we get 8kW.

The choice of boiler power depends on the type of building - brick heating requires less heat than panel

Next, you need, as well as in the calculation for the house, to take into account the region and the need to prepare hot water. The correction for abnormal cold is also relevant. But in apartments, the location of the rooms and the number of storeys play a big role. You need to take into account the walls facing the street:

After you take into account all the coefficients, you will get a fairly accurate value that you can rely on when choosing equipment for heating. If you want to get an accurate heat engineering calculation, you need to order it from a specialized organization.

There is another method: to determine the real losses with the help of a thermal imager - a modern device that will also show the places through which heat leaks are more intense. At the same time, you can eliminate these problems and improve thermal insulation. And the third option is to use a calculator program that will calculate everything for you. You just need to select and / or enter the required data. At the output, get the estimated power of the boiler. True, there is a certain amount of risk here: it is not clear how correct the algorithms are at the heart of such a program. So you still have to at least roughly calculate to compare the results.

We hope you now have an idea of ​​​​how to calculate the power of the boiler. And it doesn’t confuse you that it is, and not solid fuel, or vice versa.

You may be interested in articles about and. In order to have general idea about the mistakes that are often encountered when planning a heating system, see the video.

Calculation of the heating boiler power, in particular gas boiler, it is necessary not only to select boiler and heating equipment, but also to ensure the comfortable functioning of the heating system as a whole and eliminate unnecessary operating costs.

From the point of view of physics, only four parameters are involved in the calculation of thermal power: the air temperature outside, the required temperature inside, the total volume of the premises and the degree of thermal insulation of the house, on which heat losses depend. But in fact, everything is not so simple. The outdoor temperature varies with the seasons, the requirements for indoor temperature are determined by the mode of living, the total volume of the premises must first be calculated, and the heat loss depends on the materials and construction of the house, as well as the size, number and quality of windows.

Calculator of gas boiler power and gas consumption for the year

The calculator presented here for the power of a gas boiler and gas consumption for a year can greatly facilitate your task of choosing a gas boiler - just select the appropriate field values ​​and you will get the required values.

Please note that the calculator calculates not only the optimal power of a gas boiler for heating a house, but also the average annual gas consumption. That is why the “number of residents” parameter was introduced into the calculator. It is necessary in order to take into account the average gas consumption for cooking and getting hot water for domestic needs.

This setting is only relevant if the cooker and water heater you also use gas. If you use other appliances for this, for example, electrical ones, or even don’t cook at home and do without hot water, put zero in the “number of residents” field.

The following information was used in the calculation:

  • duration of the heating season - 5256 hours;
  • duration of temporary residence (summer and weekends 130 days) - 3120 hours;
  • the average temperature for the heating period is minus 2.2°C;
  • the air temperature of the coldest five-day period in St. Petersburg is minus 26°C;
  • soil temperature under the house during the heating period - 5 ° C;
  • reduced room temperature in the absence of a person - 8.0 ° C;
  • warming attic floor- a layer of mineral wool with a density of 50 kg / m³ and a thickness of 200 mm.