Distance of the built-in hood from the gas stove. What should be the optimal distance from the stove to the hood

When using kitchen stoves, it is necessary to clean the atmosphere of the room from harmful products released during combustion. Therefore, the presence of an exhaust device in the kitchen is really vital. But at what distance from the stove do you need to install a kitchen hood? The efficiency of the device functioning and ensuring the cleanliness of the air surrounding the cook depends on such a parameter.

Distance between the bottom of the device and hob entirely depends on two criteria - the option of placing the equipment and the type of plate.

The type of the hood itself, its components, as well as the size of the air duct does not determine the required installation height, except for situations with a low ceiling, when it is simply impossible to mount the hood higher for structural reasons. The power rating of the equipment should always be taken into account, adding or subtracting 10 centimeters from the average design height installation. By the way, about the other rules for installing the hood -.

Horizontal hood

The height of the hood depends only on the type of stove, in which the plane that sucks steam is located horizontally. The patterns of placement of this type of equipment depend on many parameters, the main of which are the characteristics of the device, model, type of plate:

  • Hang the device over the gas burners at a distance of 65-85 cm;
  • Above the electric stove - 60-80 cm.

When mounting an inclined hood model, it is required to adhere to the following recommended heights:

  • 55-65 cm when there is a gas burner below;
  • 35-45 cm if food is cooked on an electric stove.

Naturally, no one forbids installing the hood where its operation will be as convenient as possible. However, all the recommended values ​​are not taken from the ceiling. When calculating them, you should always take into account several important criteria:

  • Kitchen area;
  • Its layout;
  • Interior;
  • Power of the installed hood;
  • Housewife growth.

If necessary, the height of the equipment can be easily increased, but it must not be lowered below the minimum distance. Such an installation will complicate the operation of the equipment - the hood will interfere with the housewife, who will soon get tired of banging her head against her.

Important! By placing the hood too low, you determine that it will always heat up. It is better not to allow this, otherwise the equipment will quickly break down.

Installation height above the electric stove

By itself, any cooker hood is a design that allows you to forcibly suck in polluted air, clean it with high quality, taking away all kinds of fumes, incomplete combustion substances, smoke components, food odors and other suspended impurities formed above the stove when cooking products.

The design of the exhaust unit significantly determines the height of the equipment, the conditions for its installation. By mounting features the following hoods are produced:

  • The suspension system is completely flat, the device is attached under wall cabinet kitchens directly overhanging the stove;
  • The device is built-in type, when the body is mounted inside a cabinet suspended above the stove;
  • The most common wall option- fastening is carried out on the wall adjacent to the slab;
  • Corner-type equipment is convenient in a situation where it is convenient to place it in the corner of the kitchen, if there is a stove there;
  • The island version of the device is used in spacious rooms where it is required to fix the hood in the center of the kitchen to the ceiling.

When installing a kitchen hood over an electric stove, it is required to be guided by the fact that it is undesirable to place it below 60 cm from the hob. Although this parameter is not critical, since there is no risk of blowing out the flame. Therefore, the minimum distance is quite variable.

At what height should the hood be installed above the gas stove?

Many years of practical experience different models hoods has led to the emergence of recommendations that determine the minimum allowable height of the equipment above gas burners.

Different manufacturers in the instructions for the equipment oblige consumers to comply with certain installation conditions. For instance:

  1. The hood of the Metida60W brand, manufactured by Shindo, has a capacity of 420 m 3 / h and should be installed at a distance of 75 cm from the burners. It is not recommended by the manufacturer to use the device if there is no cookware on the operating burners covering the open flame.
  2. Hood of the Bosch DWW09W650 brand has a declared capacity of 650 m 3 / h. It has a telescopic design for air intake, it is allowed to lower it to the stove, but not closer than 65 cm from the burner.
  3. The Russian installation of the brand Saturn M60 has a capacity of 245 m 3 / h. Manufacturers recommend mounting it higher than 75 cm from the burner.

In general, the distance between the cooking zones and the bottom of the unit is determined by the following requirements:

  • Eliminate the likelihood of spontaneous combustion;
  • Provide convenience for the housewife;
  • Ensure complete intake of contaminated air.

However, in order to optimize the functioning of the equipment, it is necessary to clarify this value. It is imperative to ensure the convenience of the housewife, therefore, take into account her height. In some cases, the installation height of the hood should be increased by purchasing more powerful equipment.

Installing the socket

The height of installation of the hood above the stove, determined in a practical way, affects the location of the socket into which the device will be connected. Most often, the outlet is installed directly above the hood body. Although a good option would be to fix the outlet a little higher (10-30 cm) from the line of hanging kitchen cabinets.

Do not forget that it is necessary to displace the hole for the future outlet by 20 cm relative to the axis of symmetry of the device, since this is where the exhaust channel will be located.

The installation of the hood needs to comply with some nuances that guarantee the effective functioning of the equipment:

  1. The air receiver must completely cover the working surface, since only in this case will it be able to completely capture the vapors from it.
  2. When purchasing and installing a hood, be sure to take into account the dimensions of the niche where it is supposed to be mounted.
  3. Ideal when the cooker hood is slightly wider than the hob.
  4. The hood must certainly be equipped with good lighting and not make a lot of noise.
  5. The hoods are equipped at the factories with a short electrical cord, which is why it is advisable to install the outlet near the equipment.
  6. The air duct of the installation must certainly have a minimum of right angles - this affects the efficiency of the air intake.

Do-it-yourself video installation of the hood

We are publishing a video that shows how a craftsman independently fixes the acquired hood over the gas burners of the kitchen stove. A detailed commentary from the author of the video allows you to understand all the intricacies of the editing process and get a visual representation of the sequence in which this work is required.

The height of the location of any hood and its competent installation ensure long-term operation of this equipment. Read the instructions carefully before attaching. It contains the dimensions of the equipment, describes the installation methods, options for connecting to the ventilation channel of a multi-storey building.

In contact with

Set household appliance supplemented with assembly instructions. The fact is forgotten in vain. To set up equipment differently is to swim against the current. The manufacturer does not guarantee the performance of the products. And with kitchen hoods, the number belongs to the category of deadly tricks. The grease filter collects flammable substances, being suspended low, it will simply ignite. On the other hand, the distance from the stove to the hood should not be too small, otherwise some of the pollution will sweep past the portal in a stream, stick around the ceiling and walls. Ventilation, even forced ventilation, is ineffective.

Typical examples

Avoiding reinventing the wheel, we will choose one of the released types of hoods, and we will start to hang up the purchase.

Shindo Traditional Cooker Hoods

Dealers, ordinary people call the product the best, guided by the price / quality ratio. For 1950 rubles, you will take a device with a capacity of 270-420 cubic meters (three speeds) with the ability to work for recirculation. Traditional flat kitchen hood 60 cm wide. The heroine's name is Metida 600 White, the manufacturer prefers to call the model Metida 60 W. Here are some characteristics of a traditional kitchen hood:

  • Depth 50 cm.
  • Height 13.2 cm.
  • Air duct diameter 12 cm (note, the value does not correspond to corrugated or smooth round ducts).
  • Relatively low level noise 48 dB.
  • Average engine power 120 W.
  • Possibility to install a cheap S.C.A.N. (price 240 rubles). For Krona, the accessory costs two and a half times as much. Please note before buying, clarify the difference!
  • Incandescent backlight lamps (short-lived, inexpensive, uneconomical).

According to the manufacturer, the service life of the hood is 7 years, with a 2-year manufacturer's warranty. One subtlety. It is recommended to remove the shipping fasteners after purchase, Shindo insists that remove the protective film it does not follow. You must first check the functionality of the product.

Installation rules differ little from standard ones:

  1. The height of the hood above the electric stove is 65 cm.
  2. The hood height above the gas hob is 75 cm.

Please note that an open flame without dishes should not burn under the portal. Guaranteed to disable the device. Considering the above considerations, avoid installing an incandescent lamp, the power rating of which exceeds that specified in the passport for the purchased equipment. Cooker hood Metida 60 W is designed according to electrical protection class I and needs to be grounded.

It is forbidden to turn on equipment without an aluminum grease filter, with a carbon one - a real confusion. Shindo claims an acrylic piece complements the kit, the dealer says otherwise. Call the manufacturer for inquiries. It is unpleasant if they are trying to earn extra money by reducing the configuration. The grease filter is periodically washed, otherwise the performance of the device is impaired, possibly a fire.

Installation of kitchen hood Shindo Metida 60 W

Three options for equipment installation are allowed:

  1. Recirculation. It is sufficient to suspend the hood at the recommended height. Plug the two air duct outlets with special plugs. The air will be discharged through a special grill of the body of the traditional Shindo Metida 60 W cooker hood.
  2. On the rear wall of the case there is a hole that allows you to cut through the wall and discharge the combustion products into the ventilation shaft located behind it. You will need an air duct, the size is not clear (the manufacturer is tactfully silent). The hole in the upper edge of the case is closed with a special plug.
  3. The third option is common. At the top of the case round hole 12 cm. An exhaust duct is connected to it, led by air ducts to the ventilation shaft. The hole on the rear wall is closed with a special plug.

We read the instructions, the final clarity did not come. We found out at what distance the hood is installed from the stove (standard numbers), did not understand which air ducts can be used. The kit includes a transition flange, from experience, let's say: the accessory determines the dimensions. Rather corrugation of 125, 150 mm, or round plastic duct 125 mm. It is not said directly anywhere. The manufacturer who made an omission receives a C, the main thing is that the suspended height of the hood outlet is not indicated anywhere. The equipment is great. Consumers are praising these traditional cooker hoods.

Elikor fireplace hoods

In the segment of prices below 2000 rubles, there are no other fireplace extracts, except for Elikor. Saturn M 60 is sold for 1600 rubles. The capacity of the device is 245 cubic meters per hour. Most likely due to the mediocre characteristics, the manufacturer refuses to pay attention to the brainchild, on the official website of the company there is not a word about the product. Accordingly, there is no installation instruction on the network, we will use the generalized one located in the Service Center → Installing the hood section.

  1. The height of the hood above the electric stove is 65 cm.
  2. The hood height above the gas hob is 75 cm.
  3. The duct diameter is 120 or 150 mm. Moreover, the first among the standard denominations is not available. However, here it is like in Greece, so it is easy to find corrugated air ducts Russia or VPA 120 (Formik), which are just suitable for this case.

According to the instructions, installation is carried out with a plastic duct. But in nature there are no such standard sizes of round products. You will have to use a special reducer (adapter), for example, Vents 120/125 mm worth 70 rubles. Details are important to ordinary buyers who love to do their own work, but the company's designers are professionals! - lack of time to work out simple details, to make life easier for an ordinary buyer. And this concerns not only Elikor. Remember, Shindo also missed out on little things. This is understandable. Developing instructions for installing a cooker hood for each country with all the features is an archetypical task. But our domestic Elikor could strain. One designer can do it during a work shift, but customers will be satisfied.

The instructions say: there is an adapter in the kitchen hood kit, there is a flexible phrase "depending on the model". And what does the installation kit for Elikor Saturn M 60 depend on? Understand correctly, the equipment is good, the manufacturer gives a guarantee for the motor for 5 years, but take a pig in a poke, counting on eternal chance. It would be better to pay for a detailed instruction. If you break the workday of one designer into sold items of the product, you get a ridiculous amount of about 1 ruble. Are you willing to pay for such work, or is it better to spend your own time looking for the right parts?

Nothing is said about the geographical location of the outlet, judging by the mandatory requirement for the presence of grounding, the equipment belongs to the first class of electrical protection. Additionally, it is recommended to put a 6 A machine in the circuit; it is forbidden to cut off the plug for the installation of the equipment. Valuable, albeit general information.

Elikor gets a five for the equipment, and much less for escorting the goods.

Bosh cooker hoods

Bosch pleased buyers with detailed instructions, so we take the first umbrella (chimney) hood that we come across and see what happened to the installation. A clear, well-thought-out classification is pleasing to the eye. Traditional flat kitchen hoods are called visor hoods, it is appropriate, taking into account the shape, method of installation. This product belongs to the wall (DWW 09W650, price 7700 rubles).

This model is 90 cm wide with a capacity of 650 cubic meters per hour. The first question is, at what height should the hood be installed. We are looking for instructions through a special site service. There are a dozen copies, one in Russian. The installation instructions are combined with the operating instructions.

We see a clear drawing, given the overall dimensions, other dimensions, housings, installations. At what distance to hang the hood from the hob is shown:

  1. Gas stove - 65 cm.
  2. Electric stove - 55 cm.

The rules for installing a telescopic kitchen hood cabinet are given. The figure depicts the slots used in recirculation operation. The socket installation height is given, the grounding requirements are given. An explicit four. Five demands to say options for installing air ducts, dimensions. An unforgivable omission.

General installation instructions are given below. The upper segment of the telescopic cabinet is used for exhausting combustion products through the back wall with wall penetration. Are given minimum requirements to the diameter of air ducts 150 mm. Below the five ... Drilling of the wall for any installation option is described in detail. A competent technician will carry out the installation, understand what is the distance to the hood from the outlet or hob. Success to everyone!

When cooking on the stove, vapors containing fat, combustion products and other products rise from the surface of the cookware. harmful substances to be deleted. This is the purpose of a household cooker hood, which is mounted directly above the hob. In addition to smoke and excess moisture, it also removes odors, including unpleasant ones, that are formed during the cooking process. The hood provides direct air exchange in the kitchen room, pushing the trapped air volume, previously passed through the set of filters, directly outside the room or into the general ventilation system. The key issue when installing the air intake is to determine the correct suspension height above the slab.

At what distance from the stove should the hood be installed

Why is the distance from the hood to the stove so significant? The fact is that with a correctly selected height, the device will work most efficiently, in permissible temperature conditions and will be able to last as long as possible.

REFERENCE! If the appliance is hung too low and obstructs access to the kitchen utensils, cooking will be uncomfortable.

Standards for the distance from the plate to the hood

There are two main configurations of hoods, the requirements for mounting height differ: horizontal and inclined. Let's consider each of the options separately.

The horizontal hood is located parallel to the plane of the hob. For electric, including induction models, the suspension distance should be within 65-75 cm.

If we talk about gas stoves, then due to the presence of open fire in the burners, the requirements for the installation height of the exhaust equipment are more stringent. The distance to the filter bed should be between 75 - 85 cm.

Inclined models are mounted at an obtuse angle to the plane of the slab. This allows you to significantly reduce the distance from the hob to the nearest exhaust point and make the working space above the stove more convenient. However, the inclined shape of the equipment will require more power with the same air purification quality.

In this case, the distance between the hood and the electric stove is reduced to 35–50 cm, and in the case of gas burners, the suspension height is allowed within 55–65 cm.

There are several other types of hoods on the market:

  • dome;
  • island;
  • T-shaped;
  • corner.

As a rule, they differ from horizontally oriented models only in terms of decorative design and fastening features. At the same time, the requirements for the distance to the tiles remain the same.

When choosing the exact distance during installation, it is necessary to be guided by the information from the operating instructions for a particular model, as well as the features of the kitchen and the wishes of the owners. In some cases, it is necessary to place the air intake device below the recommended values, for example, due to low ceilings, or, conversely, higher.

Factors to consider when calculating the distance from the stove to the hood

What factors must be taken into account when determining the minimum distance between the plane of the plate and the hood? First of all, it is the type of tile. You should also take into account: the size of the kitchen, features of its layout and design, the configuration and power of the hood, the anthropometric data of the user.

REFERENCE! The power of the hood should provide tenfold air exchange in the kitchen room with a small margin. Air exchange performance is one of the main technical characteristics these devices, on which their power depends.

Performance can be determined using the following formula:

P = V * 10 * k (m3 / h),

- P - productivity (air exchange rate);
- V is the volume of the room, equal to the product of its length, width and height;
- K - safety factor, taking a value of 1.3.

The dependence on the temperature of the working burners is obvious - the higher the heat, the further the lower part of the filter device should be located. An open fire increases this distance by an average of 10 cm.

The height of the user of the stove is also an important factor affecting the determination of the mounting height of the air intake. A tall hostess is unlikely to feel comfortable if the lower part of a horizontally oriented hood is at eye level. In such a case, it makes sense to provide a mount higher than recommended in the standard situation. The second way out of the situation for tall users is to choose an inclined type hood.

IMPORTANT! To compensate for the increased suspension height, it is advisable to select a model with a higher capacity to provide the same level of air purification.

Reducing the distance to the hob less than the recommended one can be allowed only in exceptional cases: if the design features or low ceilings the premises do not allow compliance with the norms. This will inevitably lead to an increase temperature regime and a reduction in the service life of equipment, an increase in the likelihood of its premature failure. There is also a growing risk that, with prolonged use, the lighting elements located on the bottom of the hood can often overheat and burn out.

Ultimately, the correct suspension height should provide.

Ventilation and airing in the kitchen is of great importance, so hoods are installed above the stove in good civilized kitchens. Together with this, the task arises - to calculate at what height to hang the hood so that it works as efficiently as possible and does not spoil appearance premises.


There are some rules and guidelines related to the safety and efficiency of the hood. On the one hand, it should absorb odors as much as possible, and on the other hand, the distance between it and the stove should not interfere with the work of the housewife and create a fire hazard. We suggest you look at the standards for installing hoods in the table.

The height range is indicated for a reason. When choosing the exact level, you will be guided by three factors:

  • extraction power;
  • design, room configuration;
  • the height of the person who most often stands at the stove.

At your own discretion, you can slightly increase the installation height, but you cannot reduce it.

Firstly, it will make it difficult to work at the stove, the cook will constantly bump his head, it will be uncomfortable for him to look into the pots. Secondly, the hood can be very hot, and in some cases there is a possibility of ignition of the soot deposited on the filter.

The instructions usually indicate what should be the distance from the stove to the hood, which greatly simplifies the choice. In addition, if a specialist deals with this issue, he will advise you on how best to install the entire system, including the location of the outlet and air duct.

When choosing a hood, it must be borne in mind that manufacturers in most cases indicate in the technical passport the ideal parameters at which a free air flow passes through the blades. In fact, the efficiency of work will be less due to the resistance of the filters (for recirculation units) or insufficient section of the ventilation ducts (in the case of installing exhaust-type systems). In the first case, it will be enough to calculate the productivity according to the classical formula P = Qx12, where Q is the volume of the kitchen in cubic meters, and the number 12 corresponds to the recommended air exchange per hour and increase the value obtained by 30-40%.

If the household appliance operates in an exhaust mode, then it will not be entirely correct to calculate its performance in terms of the volume of the room. The fact is that no matter how large the kitchen is, the hood will let only a certain amount of air pass through itself - it all depends on generated pressure, as well as sections and configurations ventilation duct... According to the existing SNiP, the exhaust lines have a cross section of no more than 150x150 mm, which means that if you need to remove 500 cubic meters air, the exhaust unit must create a pressure of at least 8 Pa. If we take into account the complex configuration of ventilation shafts, as well as obstacles in the form of fragments of bricks that have fallen during construction, protruding outgrowths of mortar and sills at the junction of reinforced concrete blocks, then throughput channels will decrease by more than 10-20%.

You can calculate the parameters of the hood using special formulas (the technique can be easily found in the vastness of the network), or you can use the graph of the dependence of performance on the pressure of the unit and the section of the exhaust duct. One such diagram is shown below.

Choosing a hood for performance, you should rely on the maximum pressure and the section of the ventilation duct

Installation features

Measure the distance between the hood and the hob from the lowest edge of the hood to the cooking zones. It should be fixed strictly according to the level, since there will no longer be an opportunity to adjust the position in the future.

Before you hang the hood, you need to pay attention to two more important issues related to the choice of location. Care must be taken to discharge gases into the ventilation shaft and to connect the device to the power supply. In this regard, the location of all communications must be accurately indicated on the kitchen plan.

If you enter new apartment or do overhaul, then it is necessary to draw up a plan taking into account the installation of all electrical appliances in the house, including the hood. If we are talking simply about replacing some equipment in the kitchen, then you will have to adapt to the prevailing circumstances.

Expert opinion

The judgment that the hood should provide 12-fold air exchange in the kitchen can be considered very controversial. I would like to remind you that this unit is an element of local ventilation and is not intended to serve the entire kitchen space - for this purpose, the housing is equipped with a general ventilation system. Such a misconception often leads to the acquisition of a more noisy and expensive system of increased power, while a much less efficient unit can cope with the removal of smoke and steam from the stove.

Another equally common mistake is the integration of an exhaust duct into a ventilation shaft. Firstly, the cross-section and hydraulic resistance of the common building supply and exhaust ventilation ducts will allow removing no more than 250-300 m 3 / hour, so the lion's share of the productivity may remain unclaimed. Secondly, excessive pressure in the riser will create inconvenience in the apartments located above.

The third fact, which causes a lot of controversy, is the influence of the hood power on the installation height. It would seem that the lower the performance of the unit, the lower it must be installed (of course, strictly observing the recommendations for the lower boundary of the placement). Of course, these judgments are not devoid of rational grain, however, the effectiveness of a household appliance to a large extent depends on the correct selection of its size, as well as compliance with real operating conditions. Practice shows that the installation height should be such that the vertical deviation of the outer dimensions of the stove and hood is within 5-10 degrees. For the minimum permissible installation height, this corresponds to 10-15 cm horizontally.

When choosing a hood, it is necessary to take into account both the height at which it will be installed and the dimensions of the stove.

Hood configuration

When choosing a hood, be sure to pay attention to its size and power. It must completely cover hob, then the work will be effective. For very tall people, you can choose a model made at an angle. In this case, it will be more convenient for you to approach the stove.

You may have noticed that the hood is higher above a gas stove than above an electric one. This is due to the fact that a live flame burns on gas burners. Soot accumulating on the hood filters can ignite if the appliance is hung too low. The distance above the electric stove can be reduced, since it is less fire hazardous.

The installation height can be adjusted depending on how the installation is performed. There is a special classification of hoods according to the type of installation:

  • dome and chimney hoods are attached to the wall;
  • island is fixed to the ceiling;
  • corner is mounted in the corner of the kitchen;
  • flat - with the top part fixed in a hanging cabinet, and with the back side against the wall;
  • built-in - installation is carried out completely in a hanging cabinet.

If your kitchen is small, we recommend installing a flat or built-in model. They fit well in any room and are powerful enough to eliminate kitchen odors. In addition, on many flat models, the bottom panel is pulled out, which allows you to increase the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe device.

When you decide to purchase a cooker hood, we recommend that you measure the width of your stove, check the area of ​​the kitchen and the height of the ceilings. It is also necessary to take into account how many people live in the apartment, how often you cook food at home, whether someone in the family smokes. Knowing all these parameters, you can choose the optimal model, and then easily determine the height at which it should be hung.

The exhaust device is a necessary element of the kitchen. It is used for room ventilation. When the cooking process is in progress, food can burn, and then unpleasant odors appear. It will not be difficult to remove them using modern technology.

If you decide to get a cooker hood, important point will correctly calculate the distance from it to the stove so that odors are removed as efficiently as possible.


To ensure the required air purity in the room, comfortable for a person, ventilation must be installed in accordance with all accepted norms and standards. For different types of plates, there are two types of hoods: inclined and normal (straight). The recommended distance from the hood to the stove directly depends on the type of kitchen panel and the design features of the equipment for a particular kitchen.

Minimum distance above the table top gas stove for a conventional hood is seventy-five centimeters, above an electric stove - sixty-five centimeters. If we consider an inclined hood, then the indicators will be fifty-five centimeters for gas and thirty-five centimeters for inclined ventilation.

The distance rate is chosen by the person who will cook, so it may also depend on the owner's height, type of kitchen, ceiling height.

It is allowed to change the height of the hood by 5-10 centimeters from the minimum distance. Right choice the distance between the cooker hood and the tabletop of the cooker affects the efficiency of work, safety of operation and the long-term use of this household apparatus... After all, incorrect installation of the device below the required level entails heating and, consequently, the failure of the unit.

By type of construction, hoods are divided into three types:

  • flowing;
  • circulating;
  • mixed.

The process of operating the air intakes of the flow-through structure is as follows. The duct pipes are connected to the general ventilation system, the polluted air goes through the pipes to the general ventilation, and clean and pleasant air enters the room where food is prepared through open doors and windows. Circulation models are not connected to the general house system, in them the air is cleaned in internal system unit filters and returns to the kitchen.

This device is equipped with a high-performance motor that increases the coefficient useful action unit. Such structures are usually installed in old houses or in kitchens, where the worktop of the hob is located at a distance from the ventilation duct.

Mixed suction units have design features previous types, they have an air duct that works in conjunction with an air filtration system. It is convenient to use such a ventilation system in winter to keep warm in the kitchen and in the apartment. The disadvantage of such an air intake is that when the device is turned off, due to its design, it blocks ventilation. Therefore, there is a forced need to open windows for ventilation. Also, due to the powerful motor, the installation is very noisy when used, the same applies to circulation models.

How does the size of the equipment affect?

The dimensions of the ventilation of the kitchen are different, it is worth considering this when choosing a hood. It should be installed after measuring the kitchen itself.


  • calculate the size of the room;
  • determine the position of interior items in the kitchen;
  • measure the dimensions of the slab;
  • take into account the height of everyone living in the apartment;
  • select the desired type of ventilation and efficiency;
  • consider where the device will be installed.

Built-in hoods are installed directly above a gas or electric stove to ensure maximum efficiency. Such models are located inside the kitchen interior object.

Such a ventilation system is invisible in the kitchen; only the surface into which the air enters can be visually seen. From different types built-in ventilation telescopic are especially popular. These hoods have a powerful motor with a maximum capacity of 1000 cubic meters. m / hour. To install models of this type, you will need a wall cabinet without a bottom. The dimensions of the cabinet and ventilation must match.

When installing ductwork, it is recommended to avoid unnecessary bends in the pipe to avoid power loss. Need to install check valves exhaust ventilation so that polluted air does not get back into the room. Installation of this type of hood begins with the assembly of the cabinet or box. The box is made of wood. The assembly of the box is carried out as follows: the top of the box and its side parts are fastened immediately, and after that the dimensions of the box and the hood are compared. Then the lower part of the cabinet is mounted, where the hole for the air duct is cut. For quiet operation, it is recommended to use plastic air ducts.

What to consider when installing?

If you have a compact cooking room, then by purchasing a voluminous ventilation structure, you risk creating inconvenience for yourself and your family. In this case, it will be advisable to take a built-in hood and install it in a cabinet on the wall, if it is above the hob or in another element of the kitchen interior. The main thing is that it is located above the stove top. The air inlet must be sized according to the size of the plate over which it will be installed. If the dimensions are smaller, then the air intake will not take place completely, therefore, the air will not be cleared. But if the air intake device is slightly larger than the stove, then it's okay, it's even better.

Dimensions and characteristics affect the height of the hood above the hob. Low power systems should be installed at a height of at least seventy-five centimeters. If the capacity of the air intake exceeds five hundred and fifty cubic meters. m / hour, then the distance from the cooking surface to the edge of the device should be increased.

The angle of inclination of the ventilation will also affect the height above the stove. If it is equal to zero, then no changes in height need to be made. But if an angle appears, then the distance from the lower edge of the hood to the surface of the plate should be about sixty centimeters. Exhaust unit working on a stove where the temperature reaches high values. Due to its large dimensions and improper installation, greasy stains can accumulate on the hood, then it will become dirty by itself. You should be aware that dirt and stains are highly flammable and, therefore, if the hood is incorrectly installed and dirty, a fire can occur.

Ventilation like any electrical appliance, needs food. When installing, it is necessary to take into account whether the outlet is blocked or not, as well as the distance to it. At the factory during production exhaust devices they are equipped with a short electrical cord. The most rational option is that the socket should be ten to thirty centimeters higher than the unit and displaced twenty centimeters relative to the axis of symmetry of the device. This is important due to the fact that the air exhaust pipe will go directly along the axis of symmetry.

The air duct of the device has its own design; for the most efficient air intake, it must have a minimum number of right angles, and also must not be pinched anywhere, have distortions. It is necessary to clean the air duct, as it tends to clog. With a blockage, the flow area decreases, so the air does not enter in full. This reduces the efficiency and performance of the device.

Ventilation installation is a responsible occupation, how the entire system will work, its efficiency and productivity depends on the correct installation. What should be considered during installation? The first step is to decide what kind of ventilation will be: circulating, flowing or mixed. After that, you need to determine the type of ventilation: direct (normal), inclined or built-in. Each of them has its own installation method and its own tricks, and each of them also has its own pros and cons.

Direct hoods

Conventional hoods are often trapezoidal or rectangular in shape. Installed over a gas or electric stove. As a rule, the unit is mounted on a wall, as it has big sizes so it is not an easy task to install it in a closet. You need to pay attention to the availability of the outlet. The lower edge of the ventilation must be at least sixty-five centimeters higher than the slab and below ninety centimeters, so that the efficiency of the hood is not lost.

The ventilation hole also deserves attention, not in all houses the designers install the holes in the way that is convenient for the residents. There is a way out of the situation, this is the use of a flexible corrugated pipe or rigid plastic pipe for air ducts. It is recommended to stretch the corrugation to reduce the noise level. The hood must be firmly attached to the wall; you should first prepare the wall by drilling holes in it with a puncher and inserting dowels. After firm fixation of the unit, the further installation of the air duct takes place.

Inclined hoods

The main thing in the installation of inclined ventilation is to check if it interferes with the opening wall cabinets... For small rooms, a fifty centimeter hood will suffice. If the room is often dirty or large in size, it is recommended to install air intakes larger than eighty centimeters. If the model of the hood has an air exhaust function, then you need to additionally install ventilation pipe and seal the seams that appear.

If the unit operates autonomously without venting, only access to the mains is needed. The distance between such a hood and the hob should be more than sixty centimeters if the stove is gas, and fifty centimeters if it is an electric stove.

How to measure and install?

Vibrations of the pipe are possible during operation. To avoid deformation, it is recommended to leave some space between the exhaust pipe and the ceiling. You can install it either independently or resort to calling the wizard. Installation ventilation system produced in several stages. A measuring tape measures the required height from the plate to the expected start of the hood. With the help of a special level, a line is drawn parallel to the horizon. It is the limiter of the height at which the lower part of the air intake housing will be located.

After drawing a line, you need to find its center and draw a perpendicular straight line from it using a level- this line defines the place where the duct will be located. Next, we measure the apparatus and roughly compare its dimensions with the lines already marked. If the upper edge of the unit rests against the ceiling, then the air duct will need to be shortened so that the air intake housing does not fall below the mark where it cannot function normally.

Next, we measure the distance from the bottom edge of the device to its upper mounts on the case. Let's draw perpendicular lines to the lower horizontal, and connect the ends of these lines to each other to get two parallel lines (upper and lower). On the upper horizontal, we measure the distance from the center, noting the location of the unit mounts. Using a drill or punch, you need to drill holes in the wall, insert dowels into them, into which screws will be screwed in the future.

It is recommended to install the device on the wall from its top, after installing the top. Align the device horizontally and finally fix it to the wall. At the very end of the work, a corrugated pipe or a plastic channel is attached to the air intake. It is recommended to hang the air intake after thorough preparation of the kitchen, after all the measurement procedures and after reading the relevant documentation. At each plant, an installation and operation manual is attached to the exhaust unit, which indicates the parameters for the installation of a specific type of device.