Homemade fixtures for t 25.

A plow is a special agricultural device, which is characterized by the presence of a wide metal plowshare. With its help, the main processing of the soil is carried out - plowing. This device is characterized by a rather high cost, so many farmers create it with their own hands in our case at T 25.

Our result

The production of this unit is carried out in three ways. This allows a person to choose the most suitable option for himself, according to his abilities. For the manufacture of attachments, drawings are very often used. If you do not have blade bending rolls, you can use a method that does not require this.

Blade size

During the formation of the plow body, it is necessary to take into account the fact that during the raising of the earth layer, the height of which is from 20 to 25 centimeters, the plow will withstand very large loads. This results in the casing surfaces being subjected to abrasion. That is why the working parts of this attachment to the tractor must be made of steel, the thickness of which is from 3 to 5 millimeters.

Regardless of the method of manufacturing the unit, it is necessary that its plowshare be removable. This will allow it to be sharpened with high quality before plowing the land. Most often, alloy steel is used for this purpose. When using carbon steel, it is necessary to beat off the cutting parts of the plowshare on the anvil before plowing, and then sharpen.

With the right selection of material, you can ensure a high level of performance of attachments to the tractor. Do-it-yourself plow on t25 in this case will work reliably and for a long time.

Equipment manufacturing methods

Homemade unit can be made in two ways.

  1. In the first case, a steel pipe is used to make the dump, the diameter of which is 55-60 centimeters, and the wall thickness is 0.4-0.5 centimeters. Initially, a template must be made from thick cardboard. For this purpose, appropriate drawings are used. If you have sheet bending rolls at hand, then the workpiece is given the necessary shape as simply as possible. The blade blank is cut with scissors. When feeding it to the rollers, an angle of 20 degrees is maintained. After bending it, the refinement is done with a hammer.
  2. The second option is a rather time-consuming way of making the unit with your own hands. For its manufacture, it is necessary to heat the workpiece in a forge or any other convenient way. Next, it is bent along the matrix. For this purpose, the blade from the attachments of the T 25 tractor is most often used. Sheet steel is used as a raw material for the production of the body. The next step is to apply the template to the pipe while maintaining an angle of 20 degrees. The contour of the dump can be drawn with chalk. Next, you need to cut it off. For this purpose, gas welding is most often used. Processing the contour is done on emery. If the need arises, then the contour of the blade is finalized with a hammer.

Making a homemade plow with these two methods is quite simple. This procedure will be within the power of even the most inexperienced masters. More detailed instructions on the manufacture of attachments can be seen in the video, which is located on our website.

Manufacturing technology

Initially, the elements of the unit are made of thick cardboard. To do this, you must also use the drawings. In order to make the homemade plow as correctly as possible, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate angles. If the parameters of the unit are suitable for you, then it is necessary to manufacture it from metal.

After manufacturing metal elements plow, it is necessary to use a steel sheet for their assembly, the thickness of which will be from 2 to 3 millimeters. It is necessary to step back from the edges of the sheet and set aside a corner on it. In order to make a plow with your own hands, you need to install the plowshare on a metal sheet.

  • The correct manufacture of attachments for the T 25 tractor requires the use of welding to fasten the plowshare to the metal sheet. Next, you need to hold the side shield of the rack under the plowshare. This is done in such a way that it is located in a vertical position and goes beyond the edge of the plowshare by about 7 centimeters. It also needs to be attached to the metal sheet and share. For this purpose, welding is most often used.
  • In order to properly make a plow for the T 25, it is necessary to try on the blade to the plowshare. It requires the most dense docking with the canvas. The share blade and top edge must be at the correct angle. Otherwise, they will need to be finalized with a hammer.
  • In order to properly manufacture homemade unit for T 25, it is necessary to attach the spacer bar to the side plate by welding. If you don't know how to do it, you can watch the video on our website. The shield, ploughshare and side sheet must be welded together.

The work of a homemade plow

In order for the plow for the T 25 to be able to independently hold the furrow, a two-wheeled block is adapted to it. The width of the furrow wheel should be 4-5 centimeters, and the diameter should be 32 centimeters. The diameter of the field wheel should be 20 centimeters. The axle for the plow wheels on the T 25 tractor is made from a pipe, the size of which is ¾ inch.

On the one hand, the pipe must be bent 90 degrees and a sleeve welded to it, on which the furrow wheel will be installed in the future. On the other side of the pipe, the field wheel is mounted. The wheel axle is made composite. The pipe itself is attached to the ridge of attachments by welding.

Plow setup

On the video you can see the work of the plow (second option)

The depth of plowing the soil with a plow for a tractor is from 20 to 24 centimeters. Exactly the same distance should be between the field wheel and the toe of the share. If you provide the ability to move the field wheel vertically, then the plow can be adjusted to the depth of plowing and the width of the soil during work. If you do not know how to provide the ability to move the wheel, then you can watch a video about this on our website.

Making attachments yourself is not very simple, but still possible. The main thing is to choose the right material and adhere to the production technology as accurately as possible.

The plow is an essential tool in agriculture, which is used for plowing the soil due to metal dumps and plowshares. Often the purchase of a unit for tractors of the old model is useless due to the impossibility of interaction between hydraulic attachment systems and attachment attachments. A homemade plow on the T-25 is not complicated in terms of the structure of the hull. Each farmer can make such a unit on his own.

Do-it-yourself attachments for the T-25 tractor

For the T-25 tractor, there is a large selection of trailed attachments, so we will not only talk about homemade plows. If the user is not able to purchase factory units, then there are several ways to self-assemble. Detailed Instructions on making all types of attachments with your own hands, as well as video tutorials will help you assemble the device correctly and reliably.

homemade plow

The manufacture of attachments is carried out in several ways. If there are no special rollers for bending metal sheets at hand, then use more simple ways manufacturing. The plow must withstand heavy loads, so when assembling, alloy steel with a thickness of at least 3-5 mm is used, which is protected from corrosion.

An important detail of the unit is the plowshare, which must be made durable, adjustable and removable in order to be able to vary the depth and avoid structural damage.

The first case of assembly involves the manufacture of a blade from metal pipe with a diameter of 55-60 cm. The thickness of the steel should be at least 0.4 cm. The template for cutting out structural parts from steel is made according to the drawings from thick cardboard. Rolls for bending steel sheets will speed up the manufacturing process. The blanks are cut out of cardboard exactly to size and fed onto the rollers at an angle of 20°. After bending, the structural details are easily brought to the desired shape with a hammer on the anvil.

The second method is laborious and does not involve the use of rollers. The stockpile is heated in blacksmith's forge for further processing. Here, it is preferable to use a ready-made blade from old equipment for the T-25. The cut templates are applied to the blade at an angle of 20°, preliminary marking is carried out with chalk on a surface cleaned with emery. Otherwise, the process repeats the first method, and a gas welding machine is used to cut parts.

Welding work is carried out when the plowshares are fastened with a blade and a metal sheet, under which a shield is placed. The blades of the plowshare must be at the right angle, as well as the top edge. Welding is also carried out to connect the details of the plow structure to each other. In order for the plow to hold the furrow, its design provides for a wheeled unit, the height and angle of which vary with a notched sleeve. The diameter of the wheel must be at least 20 cm. This process is covered in more detail in the training videos. homemade plow.

After assembly and a little adjustment, the plow should work properly if you have observed the correct angle of inclination of the shares relative to the location of the blade.

Do-it-yourself potato digger

Making a potato digger for the T-25 tractor is a less time-consuming process than assembling a plow, but it is carried out strictly according to the schemes. The mechanism of its operation is simple: the plowshare opens the soil, the elevator captures the tubers, passes them through the grate, clearing them of the ground and dumps the peeled fruits.

The frame of the unit is made of metal sheets, which are best connected not with fasteners, but by welding. The elevator casing is installed on the frame and fastened through the holes that need to be drilled. When fastening to the frame, it is important to use bolts that will allow you to change the angle of inclination of the elevator and the plowshare with which it will be fastened. The plowshare is made of thick alloy steel and is shaped like a bucket, the corners of which need to be rounded.

Tuning the T-25 is an interesting and creative challenge. The owners of this unique and multifunctional product strive to make it beautiful, practical and convenient. Tractor tuning can be carried out in the conditions of a home workshop, without contacting specialists in a car service. Do-it-yourself work will not only save a considerable amount of money, but also have a good time, transforming the equipment from the outside and from the inside. Let us dwell on the directions in which the conversion of the domestic T-25 tractor is being carried out.

External alteration of the T-25

At one time, the product was created to perform various agricultural tasks. At the same time, minimal attention was paid to his appearance. Over the years of operation, all parts have lost even the gloss that was induced at the manufacturer. It is quite clear that the owners of the T-25 tuning begin with an external change in the tractor.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • roulette;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • spray gun;
  • soldering iron;
  • liquid primer;
  • car paint.

Using these tools, you can make appearance tractor following changes:

  • Replacement of individual parts of the cabin, wings, rims. They are made independently or purchased in a store. If necessary, adjustment of parts is carried out. Significantly improve the look of the tractor front and rear bumpers made of thick pipes.
  • Body painting. There are many solutions here. The main rule is the compliance of the coloring with the requirements of the traffic police. The tractor can be painted in one or more colors. Airbrushing is allowed.
  • Installation of new optics. This will not only change the appearance of the unit, but also increase the safety of its movement on the road. The car is equipped with new headlights, brake lights and turning lights. Within acceptable limits, an LED strip is used.

When carrying out external alteration of the unit, it is necessary to observe the principle of reasonable sufficiency.

Excessive passion for bright colors can spoil the look of the tractor.

Tuning the cabin of the tractor T-25

The salon is the place that is visible only to the operator. The desire of the owner to make the cabin not only convenient and comfortable, but also practical is quite understandable.

Potato digger for T 25 is one of the most popular types of attachments. Most farmers prefer to make this equipment with their own hands. The potato planter is no less popular. With the help of these devices, fields of small and medium areas are usually cultivated.

You can buy equipment at any agricultural market or in specialized stores. But there is a category of farmers who prefer to make various units with their own hands. The homemade potato digger was no exception. To make this unit is quite simple, anyone can do it. In this article, we will look at factory models of potato diggers suitable for the T-25 tractor and tell you how you can make them yourself.

Overview of devices for planting and harvesting potatoes

The T-25 tractor belongs to the 0.6 traction class. This suggests that the maximum load on the hydraulic attachment system should not exceed 600 kilograms. Therefore, a single-row potato planter is best suited for this model. Of the most popular attachments, the following models can be noted:


This is a single row potato digger that is best suited for the T-25. Thanks to their design features Suitable for light to medium soils.

The main working tool is a plowshare, consisting of three segments. The depth of tillage is 25 centimeters, this is quite enough for digging up root crops. To minimize damage to tubers, the conveyor is equipped with a protective sheath.


The simplest hiller for potatoes from domestic producers. The whole design consists in the operation of the rotor and the plowshare. With the help of a plowshare, the root crops are removed to the surface, and the rotary mechanism throws them to the side.


This is a single-row potato planter, which ensures the planting of tubers to a depth of 120 millimeters. Of the features of this equipment, two containers can be noted: one is for seed potatoes, the other is for fertilizers.

The productivity of this device is about 0.3 hectares per hour, while the tubers will be at a distance of 250 millimeters from each other. To work with this unit, about 18 horsepower is needed, which is suitable for the T-25 tractor.

Homemade potato digger for T-25

Making a potato digger with your own hands is not so difficult, the main thing is to prepare the necessary drawings. This will greatly facilitate the assembly process of the equipment.

The principle of operation of these agricultural units is quite simple. The plowshare opens the top layer of soil and the earth, together with the tubers, is sent to the conveyor belt. While moving along the conveyor, the soil crumbles and peeled potatoes remain. The equipment is attached to the rear hydraulic suspension of the tractor, in our case, it is the T-25.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the mechanism, you still have to work hard to create it. Therefore, it will be useful to prepare preliminary drawings. The entire manufacturing process can be divided into several stages for convenience. Let's look at each in detail.

First you need to create a solid foundation. In order to make a frame, you need to take four metal channels and connect them together metal corners. For the reliability of the structure, it is recommended to weld the joints with a welding machine.

The elevator casing is attached to the frame with bolts, for this it is necessary to drill holes for the fasteners in the frame. The connection of the casing and the frame with bolts allows you to change the angle of inclination of the elevator and the plowshare that is attached to it. It can be made from disk circular saw. In order for the tubers not to be damaged when digging out, it is necessary to round the edges of the plowshare.

Then you need to make a composite editorial node. It is made in the form of two metal cylinders: a "glass" and a bushing. They serve to connect the shafts - drive and driven. The shafts must have free play and are driven by gears. Hubs must be welded to the gears, they can be made from scraps of a metal pipe.

The next knot to make is the cleaning drum. Perhaps this is one of the most difficult knots to manufacture. This design is based on two roller-type chains. Each should contain 94 links. Chains are put on metal pins and fastened with steel disks for greater strength. The chains are driven by a drive shaft.

The roller-chain system must slide on a special slider, which performs a supporting function and protects the mechanism from damage. It is recommended to make a slider from PTFE.

The input axle for mounting with the T-25 tractor is done as follows. In the side walls of the casing of the elevator, a hole is made for the pin. A gear with a bearing, two bushings and a spacer ring are installed on the stud. After that, the axle is passed through the second hole and fastened with nuts.

Such a single-row potato digger is very popular in small farms. It is optimally suited for the T-25 tractor.

Homemade potato planter for T-25

To make this device, you have to try. Planting potatoes is a more complex process than digging them up. Therefore, appropriate equipment is required. It is quite difficult to make it, but the result is a functional device with pretty good performance. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare drawings of the main components and think over the scheme of their connection.

The frame can be made from five pieces of metal channel. Two pieces of longer length will serve as sidewalls, which will be held together by three crossbars. The connection is made by electric welding. A fork is welded to the front of the frame, and two metal pins are installed. This is a three-point mounting scheme for the hydraulic hitch of the T-25 tractor.

From the sides, support posts with closing discs and metal plates of the seed tube are installed. A trunk is installed on the back, which can be made from three boards.

Then, to the frame, with the help of support plates, a hopper for root crops is mounted. You can make it from durable plywood and cover it with moisture-resistant paint. The volume of the bunker depends on your preferences. Recommended capacity 0.17 cu. meters.

Next to the bunker, it is necessary to equip a place for the gardener. This homemade potato planter model requires two people. One controls the tractor, the other throws the tubers from the bunker into the seeders.

Attached to the bottom of the frame is a wheelbase and a holder for soil looseners. For a potato planter, you can use ready-made wheels or make homemade, cylindrical shapes. Hubs with bearings are welded to the wheels and mounted on the axle.

The baking powder holder must be made from a square rod. At the ends of the bar there are special clips designed for the cultivator's paws.

The next assembly to be made is the seeders. To do this, you need a steel pipe, 100 millimeters long and with a wall thickness of at least 3 mm. From below, a furrow cutter made of a six-millimeter steel sheet is welded to the pipe.

Remember that using thinner metal is not desirable. This node bears the main load and thin steel will simply bend.

The principle of operation of such a unit is quite simple. The potato planter is attached to the hinged system of the T-25 tractor. Seed potatoes are poured into the bunker, with a large planting area, a supply of potatoes is placed on the trunk. Furrow cutters are set to the required depth.

The tractor, moving at the forward speed, opens the soil with furrow cutters, into which the tubers are thrown through the sowers. The frequency of planting potatoes directly depends on the speed of the tractor and the efforts of the gardener. After that, the furrow is closed with a layer of earth using closing discs.

The result is a fairly functional unit, with which you can process small and medium fields. The only thing you should think about yourself is the mechanism for adjusting the furrow cutters and closing discs. Alternatively, you can use simple system bolted connections.

Holes are drilled in the racks, which serve as a measure of depth. Soil looseners are attached to these holes with bolts. For such a scheme, drawings are not needed.

Remember that the load capacity of the attachment of the T-25 tractor does not exceed 600 kilograms. Therefore, when making potato diggers and potato planters, consider the weight of the materials used.