Get generous. Get a generous harvest in the fall will help timely picking seedlings in the spring

Raspberries are a favorite berry of many gardeners. It is valued not only for its amazing taste and aroma, but also for its unpretentiousness in cultivation and care. Experienced gardeners recommend planting raspberries in the fall, when the survival rate of seedlings is highest.

Pros and cons of planting in the fall

Raspberry seedlings are planted both in spring and autumn. But landing in the fall is preferable for a number of reasons:

  • autumn weather is optimal for good rooting of seedlings;
  • raspberries planted in autumn next spring grow well green mass and give the first harvest;
  • a large selection of different varieties;
  • with the advent of autumn, there is more free time for planting raspberries.

Remontant raspberries are planted according to the same rules and terms as simple ones.

The disadvantage of autumn planting is that it is necessary to plant raspberries about a month before the first frost. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the weather forecast and not be late with the landing dates.

Selection of raspberry seedlings

Choose healthy seedlings that match the declared variety.

  1. Do not buy seedlings in spontaneous markets. Purchase them from nurseries or specialty garden stores.

Purchase raspberry seedlings from nurseries or specialty garden stores.

  1. A healthy seedling has 2 to 5 shoots. What length and thickness they are does not matter, since when planting they are shortened by 10–35 cm.
  2. Pay attention to the base of the seedling - there should be replacement buds from which young shoots will grow (at least three).
  3. If root system open, it should be well branched and quite powerful. Roots should be elastic. Dry and rotten roots are a sign of poor-quality seedlings.

Pay attention to the root system of a raspberry seedling: the roots must be elastic, at the base of the seedling there must be replacement buds

  1. Do not buy seedlings whose roots are wrapped in plastic wrap. Even in healthy-looking seedlings, due to prolonged waterlogging, the process of decay may begin in the root system.
  2. It is best to buy seedlings grown in containers (closed root system). The roots are not damaged during transplantation, the substrate has all the necessary nutrients, and such plants can be planted at any time from spring to autumn.

Raspberry seedlings grown in containers, the best planting material

I prefer to buy seedlings grown in containers. Such seedlings do not have regrading, they are convenient to transport. Well, in my opinion, that there is no need to rush to land in open ground- in the container, the seedling feels great. All the seedlings bought in containers have taken root well.

How to plant raspberries in autumn

In order for seedlings to successfully overwinter, it is necessary to observe the terms and rules of planting.

Landing dates

Depending on the climatic conditions of the region and on the variety of raspberries, they choose optimal timing landing.

The main condition is to plant seedlings 20–30 days before the onset of frost. IN different regions Russia has its own landing dates:

  • in middle lane Russian raspberries are planted from early September to October 20;
  • in the southern regions, landing is carried out from mid-September to last numbers October;
  • in the northern regions, you need to have time to plant raspberries in early September or transfer the planting to spring time.

These landing dates are indicative. The weather is changeable, and each autumn can be different from the previous one. Carefully follow the weather forecast and choose the timing of planting seedlings this year.

Site selection

Raspberries in one place grows up to 10 years. Therefore, it is necessary to select and prepare a site according to certain rules:

  1. Plant raspberries in a sunny spot. In the shade of trees, the berries will be small and the yield will be low.
  2. In winter, a frosty wind can destroy raspberry stems, and in spring it can knock down the ovaries. Therefore, plant it along the fence or along the buildings on the south side.
  3. Raspberries grow well on fertile loamy and sandy soils.
  4. The plant is moisture-loving and does not like drought, but without stagnant water. The soil likes well-drained and breathable.

Step-by-step instruction

Having chosen a site, proceed to planting seedlings. As a rule, raspberries are planted in two ways:

  • bush;
  • trench.

Bush method

With this method, raspberries are planted in pits.

  1. Dig planting pits, where the depth and diameter are 40x40 cm. The distance between rows is 1.8–2 m, between adjacent pits is 0.7–1 m.

Plant raspberries according to the scheme: between rows - 1.8 m, between adjacent plants - 0.7 m

  1. Add a bucket of manure or compost to the hole.
  2. Mix the excavated earth well with mineral fertilizers: 20 g potassium sulfate, 30 g superphosphate and 250 g wood ash and fill the hole halfway.
  3. Straighten the roots and place at the bottom of the pit. Deepen the root neck by 2-3 cm.

Deepen the root neck by 2-3 cm

  1. Fill the roots with the remaining soil, slightly lifting and shaking the seedling so that the earth evenly fills the voids between the roots.
  2. Firm the soil around the seedling with your hands and water well.
  3. Cut off the top of the seedling, leaving a shoot 20–30 cm long.
  4. Mulch the planting site with sawdust, leaves, plant debris, etc.

With the bush method, a raspberry seedling is planted in a hole

trench method

This method is more labor intensive. But it allows you to get a higher yield, since the nutrients are evenly distributed throughout the raspberries.

  1. Make a mark with two pegs and a rope. Dig a trench 40–50 cm wide and 40 cm deep.

Dig a trench 40–50 cm wide and 50 cm deep

  1. Lay a nutrient layer at least 10 cm high at the bottom of the trench. This can be rotted manure mixed with the ground, branches, fallen leaves, weeds and other organic debris. This layer, decomposing, will be the source of nutrition for raspberries for 4-5 years.

Lay a nutrient pad at the bottom of the trench

  1. From above, pour a layer of excavated garden soil or peat 10 cm high. Thanks to this layer, the process of decay of organic matter will be accelerated and it will protect the roots of the seedlings from contact with decaying residues.
  2. Start planting seedlings in the trench, keeping a distance of at least 40–50 cm. Gently straighten the roots and cover the seedling with soil. It is more convenient to plant raspberries in a trench with a partner: one person holds the seedling, the other pours the earth.

It is more convenient to plant raspberries in a trench with a partner

Compliance with the terms and rules for planting seedlings in the fall will allow you to plant raspberries, which will give a good harvest for many years.

Secrets of King Solomon. How to become rich, successful and happy Scott Stephen

A generous person receives much more than he gives.

Other pours generously, and more is added to him; while the other is thrifty beyond measure, and yet grows poorer. A charitable soul will be satiated; and whoever makes others drink, he himself will get drunk.

Proverbs 11:24-25

Generosity is one of the human qualities that we most admire. Whether a child donates their allowance to a disaster or a businessman donates millions to charity, we appreciate such deeds and admire their nobility. But social approval and admiration are by no means the only benefits of generosity. In addition to sincere joy from helping others, Solomon argues that the generous will never know the need, but will prosper and multiply their wealth, they say, he who generously gives will return everything with interest (Proverbs, 11:24-25). Does this seem impossible to you?

Psychologists say that the two most important driving forces in human life are the desire for profit and the fear of loss. Solomon assures us that generosity affects both of these forces. How much would you pay for a magic wand, one wave of which could provide you financially for the rest of your days? And Solomon gives you this wand, and all that is required of you is to become truly generous.

What does Solomon really mean when he talks about generosity? The word he uses generally denotes a person who willingly sacrifices a large part of his fortune for the needs of others, without expecting anything from them in return. Despite the fact that he means primarily material generosity, you should not limit yourself to it alone. Being truly generous means being attentive to the true needs of others, whether in what form this attention is expressed: in money, deeds, or in emotional support and participation.

But what happens to those who are not generous? Solomon claims that poverty awaits them. And not necessarily material poverty, but mental poverty. After all, they are always dissatisfied with what they have, and constantly crave more. They become poor in spirit. Generosity is born in your soul. And it should be manifested not in words, but in deeds.

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March for summer residents is associated with the beginning of the season and worries about planting and sowing. Experienced vegetable growers know that not only proper care and watering decides the fate of the future harvest, but also the timeliness of planting and picking. Determine the best days for this will help moon calendar gardener and gardener for 2108.

March favorable days for picking eggplant, tomato, peppers in 2018: the effect of changing the phases of the moon on plants

All life on the planet earth is directly connected with the moon. Even people feel its influence. And the plants are even more dependent on it. most useless for garden work the days of the full moon, new moon and eclipse of the heavenly body are considered.

During this period, you can weed, fight pests or just take a break. But on the days of the waning and growing moon, it makes sense to start planting seedlings. March 2018 auspicious days for picking eggplant, tomato and pepper will be:

  • 24 - the beginning of the waning of the moon, which will last until the end of the month. These days, seedling care, soil fertilization and greenhouse ventilation will be effective;
  • The 25th is suitable for treating trees and planting annual flowers for seedlings;
  • March 26 is suitable for the prevention of various diseases and pests;
  • 27 - picking seedlings of pepper, tomatoes and eggplant. In addition, fertilizing and loosening the soil will be effective;
  • The 28th also favors picking and sowing, as well as cuttings and fertilizing the soil;
  • March 29 is suitable for preparatory work in the greenhouse and its ventilation;
  • 30 - transplantation of any plants, including indoor and cuttings of trees;
  • It is better to devote the 31st to the selection of planting material.

March favorable days for picking eggplant, tomato, peppers in 2018: recommendations for growing seedlings

Seedlings do not tolerate excessive watering. It is dangerous for plants, as it leads to various diseases. Avoid stretching the shoots, and their thinning will help right choice places. Seedlings love lighted places, without drafts. Therefore, it is good to place containers with plants on sunny windows. There are situations when all windows are on the north side. This means that it will be necessary to illuminate the crops in the morning and evening hours. Fluorescent and modern diode lamps are suitable for this.

Soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate for a day will help speed up the process of seed germination. After that, the seeds are dried, transferred to a damp cotton cloth and covered with the same cloth. After swelling, the seeds are placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for three nights in a row, and taken out for a day.

You should always remember that a lot depends on the quality of the seed, so buy only proven seeds or treat the collected ones yourself and check for germination, informs the Wordyou portal. Seedlings should be dived very carefully so as not to damage the root. To do this, the plant is taken out of a container with a lump of earth. In the pots where the picking of plants is made, there should be good drainage. Otherwise, the shoots may die. Water only as needed, but do not allow the soil to dry out.

Two weeks after transplanting, the seedlings need to be fed and the ground loosened. So the roots get more oxygen, which will help grow strong and healthy seedlings.

Tall blueberries will delight you with delicious juicy berries only when proper care. It is important to know how to plant blueberries in the country and properly care for them. She grows on acid peat and well-drained soils.

Choose seedlings with a closed root system. The phase of full fruiting begins from the age of 4, therefore, from a 3-year-old seedling, a good harvest can be expected already in the first summer after precipitation. The only disadvantage of such 3-5-year-olds is the high price.

First, try your hand at growing blueberries on inexpensive annual seedlings from a nursery in your area. Before planting blueberries, think carefully about where to place them. Choose a well-lit, protected from the piercing northern winds.

It is better not to plant blueberries under the canopy of trees. She doesn't like shading. In addition, this tall plant, depending on the variety, grows up to 2 m in height, and its crown diameter is over 1.5 meters. Blueberries do not grow well in previously fertilized lands.

The ideal solution is to buy a special substrate for blueberries with a pH of 3.5-4.5. But you can organize excellent conditions for development and good fruiting on your own. To do this, you need to collect low-lying black peat, mix it with earth from coniferous forests and pine needles in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.

planting hole for blueberries 60X50 cm is needed, the bottom and walls are loosened. 50 grams of sulfur can be added to the soil mixture. It is needed to acidify the substrate. Instead, you can water the plant with a solution citric acid(three teaspoons per bucket of water).

Into the landing pit do not apply any fertilizer. Tall varieties blueberries should be planted at least 1 meter apart, preferably in checkerboard pattern.

How to plant blueberries from a container?

Watering is carried out as the topsoil dries, especially in the first year and during the laying of flower buds in July and August. Useful in hot summer spray with cold water.

Blueberries practically do not need fertilizers; in spring, you can fertilize 1-2 times with nitrogen fertilizer in a light concentration.

The most beautiful and delicious berry- it's a strawberry. If it is properly looked after, then the harvest will be large. Not everyone knows how to properly care for her. This article will tell you what and how to do.

It is better to plant strawberries in sunny places so that they are sweet. Water abundantly so that the berry is juicy. But do not overfill, otherwise it will be watery and tasteless.

You can transplant strawberries in the spring, well-fertilized land. It is better to plant bushes in the late afternoon, so that the sun does not damage, and so exhausted plants. Before planting, the bushes should be cleaned, old leaves removed, leaving only three things. Straighten roots.

Planting strawberries in the ground in the fall also has its advantages. The advantage is that in the summer it will already be possible to collect bountiful harvest. And strawberry bushes planted in spring will give the first harvest only next year.

In hot weather, strawberries should be watered at least three times a week. Be sure to loosen the soil after watering. Pick off mustaches and weeds.

To protect strawberry bushes from pests and diseases, calendula and marigolds can be planted between the rows. And parsley will scare away slugs.

Good for mulching strawberries. Pine needles are suitable for this. They must be laid under each bush with a layer of five centimeters. Mulching will protect the berries from dirt and retain moisture.

Strawberries greatly deplete the earth. Therefore, it is better to transplant it every 3 to 4 years to a new place. And plant new bushes all the time. Remove the old ones and throw them away. An old bush will not give a good harvest.

The amount of harvest directly depends on the quality of the bushes purchased for planting in the ground. It is better to take bushes planted in small pots or containers. When transplanted, such bushes will take root better and faster.

In mid-May, the first flower stalks appear. At this time, you need to feed the bushes. You can fertilize with humus, ash or potash fertilizers. In order to have more strawberry inflorescences, you can treat it with a solution of boric acid. In proportion to one ten-liter bucket of water, 1 teaspoon. During the flowering of strawberries, it is imperative that the site is clean of weeds, carefully watered, and the soil without a crust is loosened. After all, loosening the soil is “dry watering”, which all plants love so much. And which is very useful for good growth.

It is better to start watering strawberries from mid-April or the end of April. One bucket of water per square meter. Such watering should be done once a week. The water should be at a moderate temperature, not cold. In summer, in the heat, it is better to water every other day. It is better to water early in the morning or in the evening when it is not so hot. You need to water very carefully so that water does not get on the leaves and flower stalks. During flowering it is good to use drip irrigation. For this, a drip tape is used, which is laid in a labyrinth and connected to a water source.