The most famous autists. Famous autists

Autism is not a disease that can be cured. Autism is a way of perceiving the world and interacting with other people. Autistic people see, hear and feel the world differently. It is rather difficult to give a clear definition of autism, because the spectrum of signs is very wide. But one thing is certain: people with autism are lateral thinkers, task-focused, and highly creative. Maybe obsession in the creative world is what makes some people stand out and excel others.

It cannot be argued that most creative people are autistic. But one thing is certain, many of them have autistic features in one way or another. Celebrities with autism brilliantly manifest themselves in various fields - both professionally and personally.

Autistic Celebrities We Admire

Albert Einstein

Einstein did not receive an official diagnosis during his lifetime. At least, there is no mention of this in the available sources. However, biographers, studying his life, suggest that he had difficulties in socialization. Albert began to speak late, as a child he loved loneliness, he repeated the phrase he heard many times. As an adult, he wanted his wives to play the role of parents. Perhaps the great scientist knew about his diagnosis, but did not want to disclose it.

Tim Burton

American writer, film director, animator and producer. It also has no official diagnosis. However, Tim Burton himself and his wife Helena Bonham Carter think that the director, known for his quirky and eccentric films, falls on the autism spectrum. At one time, Bonham Carter played the role of the mother of autistic boys. During filming, she recognized the actions of her husband as a child, which he told her about. Burton himself, in an interview with the Daily Mail, said that when he watched documentary about autism, I recognized myself as a child.

Matt Savage

This young jazz prodigy has been diagnosed with penetrating developmental disorder. He was three years old. Surprisingly, in early childhood he did not like music and could not stand the noise. At the age of six, Matt mastered the piano, and at eight he performed at a concert with jazz master Dave Brubeck. Today Savage is 26 years old. He is a member of the jazz group "The Matt Savage Trio", actively tours the world, writes music, releases CDs, received many awards at music competitions. The most notable award received at the age of 11 was the Bösendorfer piano. He was the only child to receive such an honor.

Woody Allen

A talented film director and an outstanding comedian actor. He was diagnosed with autism as a child. In addition, difficulties in socialization are complicated by numerous phobias. He is afraid of dogs, heights, death, bugs. It is difficult to contact him. Woody Allen admits that he has so many oddities that the actors agree to work with him only during periods of lack of demand.

Courtney Love

Songwriter, singer, guitarist, actress. She was diagnosed with mild autism at the age of nine. She had a troubled childhood - hippie parents traveled a lot, and she often changed schools. No wonder she has a history of drugs and antisocial behavior. It is impossible to say whether her extravagant acts are related to autism, but her talent and self-expression in music speaks of an extraordinary mind.

Kim Peak

He learned to read early. Books are the only thing that interested him. Peak read avidly. As a child, he could quote the contents of 12,000 books. It is to quote, not to paraphrase. He read a page of text in 7 seconds. He did this not line by line, but simultaneously. Possessing a photographic memory, Peak could reproduce a geographical map, a musical score, a picture that he saw. Kim Peek became the prototype of the main character of the film "Rain Man". The director of this film, Barry Levinson, raised the issue of autism. With his light hand Autistic people became known as "rain people".

What is the secret to the success of famous autists

Scientists are trying to understand what is going on in the minds of these strange people. Who knows, maybe someday they will come up with pills that will push the boundaries of mental capabilities. In the meantime, we can only admire the phenomenal abilities of autists.

We cannot say that they have achieved fame and recognition of millions precisely because of this peculiarity. However, an unusual mindset makes them closer to genius. Oddly enough, but all outstanding personalities have one or another deviation from the norm.

Paradoxically, it is precisely the difficulties in communicating and understanding other people that often help in creative advancement. First, like any difficulties, they harden a person and endow him with unexpected abilities. Secondly, they shift the accents of its perception. He doesn't think like "normal people" who don't face these kinds of problems; he notices something special, looks at life from a different angle, different from the views of the majority.

August 9, 2011, 11:28

The problem of autistic people was raised by the talented director Barry Levinson, who, with his film Rain Man, made the world look behind the curtain of icy jets that fence off autistic patients from this world. The rain metaphor turned out to be a good one, even though the title of the film "Rain Man" is just "Raymond" - the name of the autistic protagonist, which is how his younger brother pronounces it. The range of symptoms of autism is very wide, and it is quite difficult to give a clear definition of this disease, we cannot say with certainty that this or that famous person has suffered or is suffering from autism. And, nevertheless, it is obvious that the behavior of some famous people is clearly marked by autistic traits: one can recall Bill Gates, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and even Steven Spielberg. Undoubtedly, these people brilliantly showed themselves in professional activity and in the area of ​​personal interests, which is why they are often called autistic savants. It seems that Albert Einstein guessed that he belongs to the category of unusual people, because he once said: “Don't be upset because math is difficult for you. I assure you, for me this is generally a Chinese letter. Famous people with autism List famous people, suffering or suffering from autism, is replenished all the time. Undoubtedly, we are talking about very talented and successful people, but is their giftedness and success really due to autism? Below we give the names of people whose behavior or lifestyle can be assumed (though with a certain degree of doubt) signs of autism. * Virginia Woolf- They say that this writer always worked on her works while standing. * Andrew Jackson- Seventh President of the United States. * Daryl Hannah- As a child, this actress suffered from dyslexia with accompanying signs of autism. * Woody Allen- Brilliant actor and filmmaker. * Bob Dylan- A musician who exhibited autistic tendencies. * Andy Kaufman- Famous comedian and actor. * Vincent van Gogh- An eccentric and exceptionally gifted artist. * Andy Warhole- The lifestyle features of this talented artist suggest that he was autistic. * Courtney Love- Widow of Kurt Cobain, leader of Nirvana. At the age of three, she was diagnosed with the initial stage of autism. * Hikari Oe- Famous Japanese composer. * Dylan Scott Pierce- An animal artist whose behavior exhibits traits of high-functioning autism. * Donna Williams- Australian writer, author of the dilogy “Nobody Anywhere”, “Somewhere Somewhere”. At the age of twenty, she was diagnosed with Autism. * Albert Einstein- (one of the most frequently mentioned alleged autistics), he spoke late, was a lonely child, threw violent tantrums, silently repeated previously spoken sentences. Needed his wives to play the role of parents when he was an adult. Celebrities with Asperger Syndrome Famous people include many whose behavior is characterized by symptoms associated with Asperger's syndrome. And, although most of them have not been officially diagnosed with this mental disorder, there are clearly signs of autism in their behavior, for example, an obsessive desire to follow a certain daily routine or perform stereotypical actions. This form of autism, as a symptom of Asperger's, can be assumed in the following famous personalities: * Harry Truman- Since Truman's parents showed clear signs of autism in the behavior, it is believed that he suffered from this mental disorder. * Abraham Lincoln- The 16th President of the United States suffered from depression and anxiety attacks, symptoms that many researchers have linked to autism. In addition, Lincoln often had nervous breakdowns. * Dan Ackroyd- Once this actor said that he suffers from Asperger's syndrome, but no one took his words seriously. * Satoshi Tajiri- They say that the behavior of the creator of Pokémon shows all the main signs of autism. * Vernon Smith- Nobel laureate, economist. * Isaac Newton- Newton grew up sickly and uncommunicative, prone to daydreaming. He studied poorly, was a weak boy, suffered from epilepsy. famous autistic savants Savants are people with exceptional abilities. Some of them are known all over the world. * James Garfield- They say that the twentieth president of the United States could write with both hands at the same time: with his right hand in Latin, and with his left hand in ancient Greek. * Leonardo da Vinci His striving for perfection sometimes became an obsession. It is claimed that he spent twelve whole years to paint the Mona Lisa's lips. * Kim Peek- Thanks to Hollywood, he became known to the whole world as the Rain Man. Of course, only a few famous people whose behavior is characterized by autistic features are named here. The more we learn about this state of mind, the more autistic we can recognize among celebrities. I apologize in advance, because I did not find many photos

Some of these famous people with autism may surprise you. Among autists there are very famous people who have achieved a lot in various areas of life and art.

Anthony Hopkins was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (also known as Asperger's Disorder) is a mental condition that is associated with disorders social development, asperger's autism), this disease was accompanied by very strong anxiety and at the same time extraordinary diligence.

singer Courtney Love The diagnosis of autism was made in childhood, although she was quite smart and developed, she had a hard time in the school team.

Autistic sculptor Alonso Clemons, whose IQ is somewhere between 40 and 50, creates incredible realistic 3D animal sculptures.

Composer and pianist Matt Savage learned to play when he was only six years old. By the time he was 11, his musical career was so successful that he was performing all over the world.

Kim Peak he is known for being able to remember any book he read, while he cannot even button a button on his shirt - motor skills are not developed. In total, Kim Peak knows by heart 12,000 books.

Famous director Stanley Kubrick suffered from autism. He is considered a cinematic genius, with an extraordinary obsession with making films.

Pokémon Creator Satoshi Tajiri was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. He has been called "reclusive" and "eccentric" by his peers, but his offbeat brain is the inspiration behind one of the most famous franchises of all time.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Austrian composer, bandmaster, virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist. According to contemporaries, he had a phenomenal ear for music, memory and the ability to improvise. Mozart is widely recognized as one of the greatest composers: his uniqueness lies in the fact that he worked in all musical forms of his time and in all achieved the highest success.

Bill Gates

American entrepreneur and public figure, one of the founders and the largest shareholder Microsoft. He is also co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In the period from 1996 to 2007 and in 2009 - the richest man on the planet according to Forbes magazine.

His fortune in September 2009 was estimated at $50 billion. Bill Gates is one of the world's biggest philanthropists: between 1994 and 2010, he donated more than $28 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Marie Curie (1867 - 1934)

Polish-French experimental scientist (physicist, chemist), teacher, public figure. Twice winner of the Nobel Prize: in physics (1903) and chemistry (1911), the first double winner of the prize in history. She founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw. The wife of Pierre Curie, together with him was engaged in the study of radioactivity. Together with her husband, she discovered the elements radium (from the Latin radiāre “radiate”) and polonium.

Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

An English writer, a forerunner of realism in British literature, a satirist, wrote the so-called moral novels. Her books are recognized masterpieces and captivate with their artless sincerity and simplicity of the plot against the backdrop of deep psychological penetration into the souls of the characters and ironic, soft, truly "English" humor. Jane Austen is still rightfully considered the "First Lady" of English literature. Her works are required for study in all colleges and universities in the UK.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (1830 - 1886)

American poet.

Dickinson's poems have no analogues in contemporary poetry. Their lines are short, titles are generally missing, and unusual punctuation and capitalization are common. Many of her poems contain the motif of death and immortality, the same plots permeate her letters to friends. Emily Dickinson is regarded by critics as one of the greatest American poets.

Vincent Willem van Gogh (1853 - 1890)

Netherlands. Vincent Willem van Gogh, March 30, 1853, Grotto Zundert, near Breda, The Netherlands - July 29, 1890, Auvers-sur-Oise, France.

World famous Dutch Post-Impressionist painter.

Japanese game designer, creator of the Pokemon series of games, manga and series. He was included in the list of the top 100 game designers according to IGN.

Thomas Jefferson (1743 -1826)

A prominent figure in the American War of Independence, one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence (1776), the 3rd President of the United States in 1801-1809, one of the founding fathers of this state, an outstanding politician, diplomat and philosopher of the Enlightenment. The main events of his presidency, successful for the country, were the Louisiana Purchase from France (1803) and the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806).

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Theoretical physicist, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, Nobel Prize winner in physics in 1921, humanist public figure. He lived in Germany (1879-1893, 1914-1933), Switzerland (1893-1914) and the USA (1933-1955). Honorary doctor of about 20 leading universities in the world, a member of many Academies of Sciences, including a foreign honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1926).

An outstanding Russian mathematician who was the first to prove the Poincaré conjecture.

IN In March 2010, the Clay Mathematical Institute awarded Grigory Perelman a $1 million prize for proving the Poincaré conjecture, the first ever award for solving a Millennium Problem. In June 2010, Perelman ignored a mathematical conference in Paris, which was supposed to present the Millennium Prize, and on July 1, 2010, he publicly announced his refusal of the prize.

Autism is a mental disorder associated with impaired brain development. From childhood, autistic people find it difficult to make contact with others, love loneliness and are completely immersed in their world. There are no tests in the world that could detect this syndrome, so the diagnosis can only be confirmed by observing a person's behavior. As a rule, it is possible to notice the symptoms of the syndrome in a child up to three years. Such children often do not respond to their name, they practically do not talk, although they know how to talk. It is easier for them to respond with a gesture than to speak words. Signs of autism - a tendency to arrange several times and so neatly folded things; constant repetition of the same phrases. Autistic people, as a rule, are not able to distinguish emotions and very rarely show them themselves. They do not care about the feelings of others, even the closest people. But still, as strange as it may sound, this syndrome has its advantages. Autistics, plunging into their world, get hung up on one lesson. If such a person is carried away by something, he will learn the object of his passion deeper and deeper, while healthy man even at the stage of hobbies, he can switch to another occupation. It is this quality of deep knowledge of a narrow focus that allows people with autism to achieve high results in their work. To make sure of this, the editors hotshow life prepared a list of famous people with autism syndrome.

One of the most titled footballers and striker of the Barcelona football club was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome (a form of autism).

The great scientist in the field of mathematics, physics, Nobel laureate, author of the theory of relativity - Albert Einstein - was also autistic. As a child, he did not show interest in communicating with peers, shunned them and preferred loneliness. Until the age of 5, he practically did not speak at all, and until the age of 7 he methodically repeated the same phrases. He did not fit into the school system of education, and therefore was expelled from school at the age of fifteen. He entered the Polytechnic Institute, but even there there were tense relations with professors. After graduating from the institute, he could not find a job for two years.

The main opening of the television show "Britain's got talent" in 2009 - Susan Boyle - suffers from autism.

Susan was offended by her peers for being different from them. The woman worked for several years as an assistant cook under the state program. She received disability benefits, and existed at this expense. She has never been married, according to her, she has never even kissed. But with participation in a television show, her life has changed dramatically. Although she didn't win the grand prize (Susan couldn't handle the stress of the filming process and the attention of the public), she fulfilled her dream of becoming a singer. For 6 years, Susan has released 6 albums, each of which became a hit. Her first album went platinum 14 times, as it sold 14 million copies worldwide.

Now she is included in the list of the most popular singers in the world. By the way, they plan to shoot a biopic in which leading role Meryl Streep will play. Since autism syndrome can be identified by observing a person's behavior, modern psychologists, after analyzing, they attribute this diagnosis to many historical figures - Abraham Lincoln, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Charles Darwin, Socrates, Virginia Woolf, etc.