It's all about being successful. How to be successful

No matter how old you are, where you are from and what you do for a living, there is one thing that unites us all - this desire to be successful. What is success in life, everyone defines for themselves in different ways, for some it is a happy marriage, but still many associate success in life with fame and fortune.

We all want to be successful so that we can live a comfortable life, have financial freedom, drive a nice car, and live in a nice house. However, while this success can be achieved, it is not always so easy.

There are many tips and strategies on how to be successful in life, but no better way succeed than follow that in the footsteps of those who have already done so. Here are 13 success tips from the most successful and famous people in the world:

Thinking big

The biggest danger for all of us is not to set our goal too high and not reach it, but to set it too low and reach our mark. Michelangelo Buonarroti

Find what you love to do and do it

You can be sure that you are on your way to success if you do your job and don't get paid for it. Oprah Winfrey

Learn how to achieve balance in life

There is an inexorable conflict at work in life and in business, a constant struggle between peace and chaos. Neither can be mastered, but both can influence. How you go about that is the key to success. Phil Knight

Don't be afraid of rejection

Failure is just an opportunity to start again, this time more intelligently. Henry Ford

Have an unwavering resolve to succeed

I was determined to compose what I could. And no hours, no amount of labor, no amount of money will hold me back from giving the best that is in me. And I've been doing this ever since, and I won. I know. Bernard Sanders

Be a man of action

I noticed a long time ago that successful people rarely step back and let circumstances control them. They go ahead and manage and create these circumstances themselves. Leonardo da Vinci

Avoid conflict

The most important and only component in the formula for success is the ability to get along with people. Theodore Roosevelt

Don't be afraid to present new ideas

A person with a new idea, calm down only by implementing it. Mark Twain

Believe in your ability to succeed

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. Walt Disney

Always maintain a positive attitude

Nothing can stop a person with the right attitude to achieve his goal; nothing on earth can help a person with a wrong attitude. Thomas Jefferson

Don't let discouragement stop you

Don't let the feeling of despondency prey on you and you will succeed in the end. Abraham Lincoln

Get ready to plow

If you are not ready to go beyond the limits of the average person in your work, you simply will not prepare a place for yourself at the top. James Cash Penny

Be brave to follow your intuition

Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out yours. inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know who you really want to be. Everything else is secondary. Steve Jobs

How to be a successful person? This question is one of the most exciting in modern life. They think and talk about success, make films and write books, a huge number of psychological trainings are held on the topic of achieving success. Therefore, a large body of knowledge has accumulated in this area. Psychologists and non-professional researchers have drawn conclusions about the essence of success, the qualities of a successful person, and what hinders life achievements, detailed recommendations and algorithms for achieving success have been written, tactics and strategies for conquering and conquering life's peaks have been developed. Some of these recommendations will be discussed below.

To become successful, you must first understand what success is in your understanding. After all, the definitions of this concept for different people can differ significantly. For whom success means money and fame, for someone it means professional achievements and recognition of talents, and for someone it means having a loved one, family and children. Other options are possible, some of which may seem strange to everyone except those who aspire to them.

And yet there are some universal indicators and definitions of success and a successful person. A successful person is one who does what he likes, receiving both money and pleasure from his profession. This is the one who achieves the intended goals. The one who thinks outside the box and goes the untrodden paths to the top. And he gets there much earlier than others.

How to achieve success? Even the longest and most difficult journey begins with the first step. The technology for achieving success is simple: you take the first step, then the second, then the third, and so on. Sometimes you have to stop, sometimes you have to take detours. This is fine. If not, you do not miss the main thing and do not turn off the intended path.

The sequence of actions to achieve success:

  1. Set specific goals. “I want to earn a lot” is a very vague desire. You need to understand exactly how much you want to earn in order to feel that you have achieved success in life.
  2. Set deadlines for achieving these goals. “Doubling revenue in a year” is a specific goal with clear deadlines.
  3. Consider different variants implementation of the intended. In order to double your income, you can go to work in another company where they pay just such a salary, you can work two jobs, or you can open your own business or even change your profession. Think about which option is easier to implement and which will bring you more pleasure.
  4. Plan specific steps. For example, to go to work in another company, you need to make contacts with those who work there, find out what requirements are placed on candidates, tighten those points that do not match, write a resume, etc.
  5. Be flexible. If something from the planned did not work out, look for other ways and means to achieve the goal.
What determines success and why does someone succeed in achieving everything that is planned and even more, while someone fails to achieve anything? There can be many reasons, but the main one is not fate-villain at all. Obviously, to achieve success, a person needs certain qualities of character, as well as some skills and good habits. Consider what can help you be a successful person:
  • Perseverance, in everyday life often referred to as stubbornness. Luck is not at all a synonym for success, and on the way to the desired goals, small and large failures will surely await you. Perseverance will help you move on and not lose heart.
  • Self confidence. This quality is not given to everyone from birth and is not always acquired through school and home education. But without it, success cannot be achieved, so you have to develop it. The simplest and most powerful recommendation for those who suffer from self-doubt is to behave and act like a confident person, no matter how scared you are. Others will believe that you can handle everything and eventually convince you of this.
  • Independence. Your thoughts, as well as your actions, should not depend on the opinions of others or on stereotypes imposed on you by this or that system - society, authorities in the profession, a complex of your own attitudes. Think globally and always try to look at the situation from the outside.
  • Creativity. A creative approach to business is useful not only for lyricists, but also for physicists. It helps to find new ways and unexpected solutions that will lead to success in the future.
  • Stress resistance. A person who is active and goes through life with leaps and bounds often has to be in a psychologically uncomfortable environment. And not only is, but to work: to think, analyze, make the best decisions. Therefore, such a quality as resistance to stress is very, very useful to him.
  • Self-criticism. With all your real or feigned self-confidence, you must not forget that you are not perfect. You can be wrong, including in a big way. The ability to be critical of one's actions, as well as understanding one's own weaknesses and shortcomings can become your weapon in the fight for primacy.
  • The ability to focus on the essentials. Life, like work, is many-sided and varied. There is always a chance to be distracted by something secondary and waste time and other resources. If you can constantly keep your main goal in mind, remember it in the maelstrom of events, then your chances of achieving success are very high.
  • Cheerfulness of spirit and optimism. Without it, nowhere. It is unlikely that someone, striving for success, imagines himself in the form of a grump dissatisfied with everything in the world, sitting on a bag of money. positive attitude important at all stages of life and professional path, without the ability to look at things in a positive way and see the good around you, it is very difficult to survive. And even more so not to survive, but to live with pleasure. After all, a successful person is not only one who has achieved fame, wealth and recognition, but one who knows how to enjoy it all. Including when all the achievements are only in the plans.
  • Love and even passion for the occupation of a lifetime. To be a successful person, you need to passionately love what you do. Only if this condition is met, you can get something significant in return from your destiny. If you choose the business of a lifetime, based only on its financial benefits, then you, of course, can achieve some success in it. Your successes may even be significant, but still you most likely will not make a breakthrough in your field. After all, you will not give yourself to your profession with all your heart, but will use it only to obtain life's benefits. And it won't give you pleasure. Thus, one of the important conditions for success will not be met.
In addition to the qualities that a successful person needs, there are qualities and character traits that are completely unnecessary for him. Here are some of them:
  • Low self-esteem and self-doubt
  • Fear of failing
  • Lack of flexibility in thinking
  • Fear of any change
  • The habit of looking for someone to blame
  • Looseness and inability to concentrate
  • Lack of motivation
A future successful person must get rid of these qualities. This will be the first step on a long road to success.

Without earning a ruble, you will not earn a million

First of all, be realistic and stop dreaming about goldfish, magic wands and other fabulous "helpers". At the heart of any success is not some special magic button, but your own work. Stories about great businessmen who achieved unprecedented heights from scratch are very popular, but they are few in a million. Moreover, and there always at the forefront was daily hard work.

Either you are degrading or you are growing.

A person learns all his life. Therefore, those who read the last book at school or institute, and now consider that this is nothing, are deceiving themselves. Especially if you work in a sales business or in the service sector - thematic literature is a must. After all, these are not empty words, but concrete examples actions leading to success. In addition, the reader always stands out from the rest.

Don't neglect other people's experience

The same applies to professional seminars and conferences. It is surprising when a company pays employees to participate in training programs, and they turn up their noses and think about wasted time. Of course, not all seminars are ideal, but in each one you can find absolutely useful knowledge and skills. And then successfully apply them in everyday work, increasing their performance.

Feel free to turn off the path

It is very important not only to follow your own path to your goal, but also the ability to turn off it. And even take a step back if you see that something is not working. A good example is when a promising employee becomes a leader, but cannot cope with his duties and has to be demoted again. Many do not withstand such maneuvers and quit. On the other hand, those who accept this turn of the career and stay, work several times more efficiently. It's hard, but it's a 100% gain compared to retired staff.

Patience and Hardening

If you are an outsider and come to the company as a department head, and you are told that you will have to work for a couple of months in a regular position first, what will you do? It will be a mistake to “bend your fingers” and boast of your work experience. And many do just that, even choosing an organization with a lower salary as a result, but with a guaranteed little boss chair. And no growth prospects. Growth, which always means patience and courage.

Help newbies

When Maxim Batyrev started working in the sales department, he couldn't even send a fax. And I was too shy to ask. Therefore, when it was necessary to send an invoice to the client, he went to him himself on the other side of the city. The misunderstanding, of course, was quickly resolved, but since then he has personally instructed each employee. After all, what one person can do doesn't necessarily mean another can.

Don't hang out with the weak

When you play chess with an inept opponent, you will never play better. And, of course, it is very difficult to win against the pros, but each game will be worth its weight in gold. This is what happens in life. So it is at work. There are many whiners and lazy people, and everyone will want your communication, because they always need free ears. But what is the use of this friendship for you? Keep real hard workers and leaders - they always have something to learn.

Play by the rules

Every company has rules and laws - from ethics and discipline to business rules - that must not be violated. And the point is not so much that you can get a fine or a reprimand, but an honest attitude towards superiors and colleagues. Even the most deserving employee can be fired if he ceases to adhere to common values. Of course, everyone can make mistakes. But you need to clearly understand that if the first time was an accident, and the second a coincidence, then there will most likely not be a third forgiveness.

Do not sit on the leader's neck

There are many subtle psychological issues in boss-subordinate communication. One of them, a very common one, is an example of a mutual error. Often this happens when the head of the former subordinates is just taking over the position. He begins to do all the work for them, sincerely believing that he understands everything much better, otherwise he would not have been made a boss. In the end, this leads to a drop in all indicators of the department.

Therefore, the responsible employee should try to do all his work himself. And even more so, do not manipulate the boss with the phrases: “You will do it much better” or “Show us an example, otherwise we can’t do it without you.”

Take care of your appearance

Working in any field, a person communicates with other people. Especially if it's a big company appearance each employee is part of her image. In the piggy bank of Maxim Batyrev there is such an “extreme” case. One new worker exuded an unpleasant smell, but did not notice it himself. Hints were made to him, but they did not dare to say directly. This seemingly comical incident broke every working day for several months, until the boss himself decided on an important conversation - and the problem was resolved.

You can hover in any higher spheres, but you definitely shouldn’t neglect how other people see you. Mind and ability are the most valuable qualities, but do not forget the saying that you are always met by clothes.

Move towards success and read even more super tips from Maxim Batyrev in the book "

Success is one of the most sought after topics in psychology. Just tons of books have been written about this, and glossy magazines “chew” this topic literally in every issue. What are the secrets of the psychology of success? How to become and are there ready-made recipes? Let's try to find out.

First, it should be noted that everyone defines the concept of "success" for himself. For some, these are purely career achievements, for others - the creation of a strong family, and for others - the realization of their talents. At the same time, many people who have achieved success have common features. So what do you need to know the secrets of the psychology of success? How to become successful and what is the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one?

10 characteristics of a successful person

It is also important that a person surrounds himself with self-confident people with an active life position, such persons awaken our faith in ourselves. If you contact insecure people, you can subconsciously feel their complexes and fears.

This is not the end of the secrets of the psychology of success. human? The theory of psychology says that each of us can achieve success. 80% of success is being in the right place at the right time. Naturally, our personal qualities are also of great importance.

Many people are often interested in the question of how to become successful in everything. It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve huge achievements in all spheres of life, and is it worth spraying on everything at once? It is best to concentrate on one or several activities - the one who stubbornly goes towards his goal will be lucky.

Psychologists also advise never to be afraid of change. If you want to change something, get ready for the fact that you may have to act outside the box, so do not be afraid of even the most drastic changes in your life. Do not do what is easy, but do only what you think is right.

Success is a purely individual concept. There are also other secrets of the psychology of success. How to become successful? To achieve great things, first of all, focus not on success, but on the very process of achieving it.

And the author of several books Dave Kerpen. In essence, you just need to take into account the needs of others and win people over. Here is a short list of seven ways to be successful in everything you do.

1. Listen first and never stop listening.

Listening is an essential skill in professional and personal relationships. Ernest Hemingway said: “When people are talking, listen carefully. Most people never listen." It's a sad but true fact that most people around you are so busy saying their own thoughts (or waiting to be spoken out) that they don't have time to listen to you. And here lies the paradox: if you are different from the majority and really sympathetic to listen to others, then people are imbued with you and ultimately help you get what you want.

2. Help others

Another paradox that works. If you want to achieve something from a person, do not ask him about it, but help him solve his problem. If you don’t know what exactly the person wants, then just ask “How can I help you?”. Many people only want to help themselves, so your sincere desire to help someone else succeed will set you apart from the crowd. Those you really help will be more than willing to help you in return. Be the first to help others without expecting anything in return, and you will be rewarded in full.

3. Be yourself: real, open, vulnerable

Oprah Winfrey once said: “I could not even think that, being just myself, I would be so enriched. If I had known, I would have acted like this much sooner.” It is difficult for adults, and especially men, to be open and vulnerable in dealing with those whom they do not know well enough. Many also find it difficult to figure out how to be open online, at work, and with new acquaintances. However, this complexity pays off in full because, being yourself, you enlist the trust of others. When people trust you, they are willing to go to great lengths for you. Open up to people, take risks, and you will be rewarded.

4. Tell, don't sell

We have already said that it is important to listen and help others if you want to get support from people. After all, it's just as important to say exactly what you want. But no one likes "pushing". Whether you're promoting a product, service, idea, or yourself, don't "sell." Instead, focus on telling a great story. Captivate the audience, describe in all colors the future that will happen if you get what you want. If your story is impressive, people will want to be a part of this amazing story and will work hard to captivate others with this story.

5. Add passion to communication

Passion infects those around you. But at the same time, the lack of passion extends to others with the same force. If you're not passionate about what you're talking about, why should anyone help you? If you want something, then you have to "sick" it more than anyone else. If you don't have that kind of passion, then it probably doesn't matter that much to you. Of course, not everyone has the energy and extroversion needed to convey passion. However, it is not necessary to be a ball bouncing from wall to wall to convince others of anything. You just need to unleash the passion in the way it comes naturally to you.

6. Surprise and delight others

It's like if you enter a casino, there is always one of the machines that somewhere in the background is semaphoring, as if telling the world that another person just hit the jackpot. Psychologists call this the “reward variable.” You don't know when you will win, but you have positive excitement even if you don't win yet. When you surprise and delight others, you don't just make them happy, you remind them that you are the person who can make them happy again and again. Classic examples: giving flowers to your wife "for no reason"; promise to the client delivery next week, and deliver the next day; inform a randomly selected person that they have won a free gift. If you find your own way to make communication with you extraordinary (especially if people do not expect it), then over time you will achieve impressive success.

7. Use the four most important words in business and life

Say "I'm sorry" when you make a mistake. Say "Thank you" as often as you can. These words are so simple and yet people forget their importance. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone knows about it. The problem is not that mistakes are made. The problem is when you make a mistake and are too proud or afraid to appear weak to apologize. Just say "I'm sorry." Let the other person forgive you, and you can move on and get what you want. Conversely, sincere gratitude generates a powerful emotional charge that opens many doors.

Thanks for reading this. Curious to know what you think of these seven truths. Share your opinion with the Community in the comments.