Plumbing types. Plumbing - types and applications


The main goals of the project stage:
— development project documentation necessary to obtain a positive expert opinion
(if necessary) and building permits;
— development working documentation, which is required by the Contractor for the organization of production and maintenance
building- installation work;
- development of budget documentation.

Obviously, construction cannot begin without project documentation!

The list of capital construction projects that do not require project development is small and is specifically defined (Article 49 of the State Civil Code of the Russian Federation):

In most cases, the project may not be developed if, in accordance with Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a construction permit is not required:

17. Extradition no building permit required when:
1) construction of a garage on the land provided by to an individual for purposes other than implementation entrepreneurial activity, or construction on a land plot provided for gardening, dacha farming;
2) construction, reconstruction of objects that are not objects of capital construction (kiosks, sheds and others);
3) construction on the land plot of buildings and structures for auxiliary use;
4) changes in capital construction objects and (or) their parts, if such changes do not affect the design and other characteristics of their reliability and safety and do not exceed the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction, established by the urban planning regulations;
4_1) overhaul of capital construction objects;
5) in other cases, if in accordance with this Code, the legislation of the subjects Russian Federation on urban planning activities, obtaining a building permit is not required.

Following the letter of the law in the above cases, the decision on the need to develop the project is made by the Developer. In order to avoid misunderstandings, in each case it is necessary to clarify the requirements of the local Rules for land use and development of the municipality and the Town Planning Regulations.

The main documents regulating the scope of project activities

Project documentation: a set of text and graphic design documents that define architectural, functional, technological, constructive and engineering solutions, the composition of which is necessary for conformity assessment decisions taken design task, legal requirements, regulatory legal acts, documents in the field of standardization and sufficient for the development of working documentation for construction.

working documentation: a collection of text and graphic documents, ensuring the implementation of those adopted in the approved project documentation technical solutions capital construction object, necessary for the production of construction and installation works, providing construction with equipment, products and materials and / or manufacturing building products.
Note. The working documentation includes the main sets of working drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials, estimates, and other attached documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set.

Regulatory framework for design

Question regulatory framework technical regulation for the implementation of design work is inextricably linked with the organization of technical regulation of the entire construction industry. The hastily adopted methodological base of technical regulation has not been fully implemented and does not meet the needs of the professional community. Changes occur almost daily, it is already outdated at the time of publication and has not yet been updated, and here it sees one of its tasks - to inform its colleagues and site guests about new technical regulation documents and, as far as possible, add them to our Library.

More information on this topic HERE.
Design- the process of creating a project, prototype, prototype of a proposed or possible object, state.

In engineering - the development of design, engineering and other technical documentation intended for construction, the creation of new types and samples. During the design process, technical and economic calculations, diagrams, graphs, explanatory notes, estimates, calculations and descriptions are carried out.

Project- a set of the specified documentation and materials (of a certain property), the result of the design. The project of any object can be individual or typical. When developing individual projects, standard design solutions are widely used.

In information systems Design- this is the initial phase of the project, which includes the following stages: conceptual, modeling, design and technological preparation.,

Types of design

  • Engineering systems (ventilation, gas pipelines, electrical networks and other infrastructure) -Engineering design
  • Transport and transport infrastructure (Roads, bridges, etc.) -Transport design
  • Buildings and other ground objects -Architectural design
  • Industrial facilities -industrial design
  • landscape design
  • Techniques and equipment -technical design
  • outdoor and interior design - design engineering
  • other objects.
  • General information about design

    Types of design according to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation are divided into:

    • Territorial planning
    • Architectural and construction design

    Architectural and construction design is carried out by preparing design documentation for capital construction projects and their parts, which are being built, reconstructed within the boundaries of the property owned by the developer land plot, as well as in cases of major repairs of capital construction facilities, if during its implementation structural and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of such facilities are affected (hereinafter also - overhaul).

    Project types

    Depending on the specifics of the tasks set, the developed projects can be divided into several main types:

    • New construction projects.
    • Projects of reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, modernization.
    • Strengthening, restoration, overhaul projects.

    Project documentation and working documentation. Staged design

    At present, in connection with the entry into force of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008, the design stages are not provided, but the concepts of "project documentation" and "working documentation" are introduced .

    • The main project document is project documentation, consisting of text and graphic parts. Project documentation (with the exception of some cases) is sent by the developer or customer for state expertise and, if there is a positive conclusion from the state expertise, is approved by him. It should be emphasized here that the volume of project documentation is usually insufficient for the construction of an object: it lacks the necessary specifications and the required level of detail. The design documentation contains only the main technical solutions that make it possible to assess their safety, as well as to prove technical capability(and in some cases - and economic feasibility) of the investment project.
    • For the implementation in the process of construction of technical solutions incorporated in the project documentation, a working documentation, consisting of text documents, working drawings and specifications of equipment and products. Since there is no single document regulating the composition and content of working documentation, it is necessary to be guided by the relevant SPDS standards when developing it. However, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation in its letter states that "the scope, composition and content of the working documentation should be determined by the customer (developer), depending on the degree of detail of the decisions contained in the design documentation, and indicated in the design assignment." In our opinion, it is advisable to supplement and specify the requirements of the SPDS standards in the design assignment with the requirements of the customer, but at the same time ensure the consistency of these requirements with the SPDS standards.

    Since the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content do not contain a requirement to develop working documentation only after the development of project documentation, it can be concluded that project documentation and working documentation can be developed in parallel, but the development of working documentation cannot precede the development of project documentation. documentation. From this we can give the following explanations regarding the stages of design:

    • Single stage design is carried out with the parallel development of project documentation and working documentation. Previously, the design document developed during the one-stage design was called the "working design" (WP) and consisted of the approved part of the working design and working documentation. These two components of the working draft correspond to the currently accepted concepts of "design documentation" and "working documentation", respectively.
    • Two-stage design is carried out with the consistent development of project documentation and working documentation. Previously, the design documents developed during the two-stage design were called "project" or "feasibility study" (stage 1) and "working documentation" (stage 2). These two project documents also correspond to the currently accepted concepts of "design documentation" and "working documentation", respectively.
    • Three-stage design(pre-project proposal, project, working documentation) - for objects of V, IV categories of complexity and for objects of III category of complexity according to individual projects, with an insufficient list of initial permits.


    Letter No. 19088-SK/08 of June 22, 2009 In accordance with paragraph 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content

    The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, in accordance with numerous appeals, as well as in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) reports.

    Instructions on the procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SNiP 11-01-95), approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1995 No. 18-64 with the entry into force of the specified resolution is not is to be applied. The procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of justifications for investments in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SP 11-101-95), approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated June 30, 1995 No. 18-63, is also not subject to application.

    Unlike the previous regulatory documents, the Regulations do not provide for the stages of design: “feasibility study”, “project”, “working draft”, but the concepts “design documentation” and “working documentation” are used.

    Taking into account the fact that Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results” dated March 5, 2007 No. 145 provides for the procedure for conducting an examination in relation to documentation developed in the scope of the “design documentation” stage, the customer must prepare it in accordance with the specified provision, and submit it for the state examination.

    In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Regulations, working documentation is developed in order to implement architectural, technical and technological solutions in the construction process. In addition, the regulation does not contain instructions on the sequence of development of working documentation, which determines the possibility of its implementation, both simultaneously with the preparation of project documentation, and after its preparation.

    At the same time, the volume, composition and content of the working documentation should be determined by the customer (developer), depending on the degree of detail of the solutions contained in the design documentation, and indicated in the design task.

    According to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, with the simultaneous development of design and working documentation by the decision of the customer and with the consent of the expert organization, all documentation can be submitted for state expertise. At the same time, the amount of payment for the state examination of non-residential capital construction projects and (or) the results of engineering surveys is recommended to be carried out from the base (in 2001 prices) cost of developing project documentation (working documentation, if it was submitted for examination) and (or) survey work, in the amount not exceeding the values ​​established by the customer when determining the initial (maximum) price of the tender (auction) for the performance of the specified work.

    Due to the change in the requirements for the composition of sections of project documentation provided for by the Regulations, the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia recommends, when determining the cost of design work, to accept the distribution of the base design price calculated using reference books of base prices for design work, depending on the design stage in the following sizes:

    • project documentation - 40%
    • working documentation - 60%.

    Depending on the specifics of construction projects and the completeness of the development of design and working documentation, the recommended ratio of the base design price can be adjusted by agreement between the design work contractor and the customer.

    In addition, if the design assignment provides for the simultaneous development of design and full or partial development of working documentation, then the total percentage of the base price is determined by agreement between the customer (developer) of construction and the person preparing such documentation, depending on the architectural, functional and technological , design and engineering solutions contained in the project documentation, as well as the degree of their detail.

    Pursuant to paragraph 6 of the Regulations, an order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia was prepared to approve the rules for the implementation and design of text and graphic materials included in the design and working documentation, which is being registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

    Prior to the entry into force of the said order, it is recommended that the execution and execution of text and graphic materials included in the design and working documentation be carried out using the previously adopted standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction, the standards of the Unified Design Documentation System insofar as it does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning.

    At the same time, the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia informs that with the release of this letter, the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated 08.08.2008 No. 19512-SM / 08 has become invalid.

    S.I. Kruglik

    Composition of design documentation and working documentation

    The general composition of project documentation is regulated by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and specified in the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008. According to these documents, project documentation for industrial and non-industrial facilities (except linear objects) generally consists of 12 sections

    • Explanatory note
    • Scheme of the planning organization of the land plot
    • Architectural solutions
    • Structural and space-planning solutions
    • Information about engineering equipment, engineering and technical support networks, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions (includes 7 subsections: power supply system; water supply system; drainage system; heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks; communication networks; gas supply system ; technological solutions)
    • Construction organization project
    • Project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects
    • List of measures for environmental protection;
    • Measures to ensure fire safety;
    • Accessibility measures for persons with disabilities
    • Estimate for the construction of capital construction facilities
    • Other documentation in cases stipulated by federal laws

    The composition of the working documentation is determined by the relevant SPDS standards and specified and supplemented by the customer's instructions in the design assignment

    Initial data for design

    The Town Planning Code (clause 6, article 48) provides for the obligation of the developer (customer) to transfer to the designer the following initial data:

    • Town-planning plan of the land plot
    • Results of engineering surveys (as a rule, they consist of the results of engineering and geodetic surveys, engineering and geological surveys, engineering and environmental surveys)
    • Specifications for connection to engineering networks

    In fact, for the development of project documentation, as a rule, the following additional initial data are required:

    • Letter of permission from the Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (for objects located in the zone of protection of immovable historical and cultural monuments).
    • Approved design brief.
    • Approved technological task (for objects with special technology)
    • Inventory floor plans of the surrounding buildings.
    • Dimensional drawings (for reconstruction objects).
    • Conclusion based on the results of the survey of foundations and structures (for objects of surrounding development in cramped conditions of construction and for reconstruction objects).
    • Initial data and requirements for civil defense and emergency engineering measures.

    Reference literature:

    • Basic requirements for design and working documentation GOST 21.101-97
    • GOST 2.004-88 ESKD. General requirements to the implementation of design and technological documents on printing and graphic output devices of a computer
    • GOST 2.101-68 ESKD. Product types
    • GOST 2.102-68 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents
    • GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents
    • GOST 2.108-68 ESKD. Specification
    • GOST 2.109-73 ESKD. Basic requirements for drawings
    • GOST 2.113-75 ESKD. Group and basic design documents
    • GOST 2.114-95 ESKD. Specifications
    • GOST 2.301-68 ESKD. Formats
    • GOST 2.302-68 ESKD. Scales
    • GOST 2.303-68 ESKD. lines
    • GOST 2.304-81 ESKD. Drawing fonts
    • GOST 2.305-68 ESKD. Images - views, cuts, sections
    • GOST 2.306-68 ESKD. Designations of graphic materials and the rules for their application on the drawings
    • GOST 2.307-68 ESKD. Application of dimensions and limit deviations
    • GOST 2.308-79 ESKD. Indication on the drawings of the tolerances of shapes and the location of surfaces
    • GOST 2.309-73 ESKD. Designation of surface roughness
    • GOST 2.310-68 ESKD. Application on the drawings of designations of coatings, thermal and other types of processing
    • GOST 2.311-68 ESKD. Thread image
    • GOST 2.312-72 ESKD. Conditional images and designations of seams of welded joints
    • GOST 2.313-82 ESKD. Conditional images and designations of one-piece connections
    • GOST 2.314-68 ESKD. Instructions on the drawings on the marking and branding of products
    • GOST 2.316-68 ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings
    • GOST 2.317-69 ESKD. Axonometric projections
    • GOST 2.410-68 ESKD. Rules for the execution of drawings of metal structures
    • GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules
    • GOST 21.110-95 SPDS. Specification of equipment, products and materials
    • GOST 21.113-88 SPDS. Accuracy designations
    • GOST 21.114-95 SPDS. Sketch drawing rules general types non-standard products
    • GOST 21.203-78 SPDS. Rules for accounting and storage of original project documentation
    • GOST 21.501-93 SPDS. Rules for the implementation of architectural and construction working drawings.
    • RESOLUTION dated February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content";
    • Instruction on the procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SNiP 11-01-95);
    • Instruction on the composition, procedure for the development, approval and approval of design estimates for the overhaul of residential buildings (MDS 13-1.99);
    • Temporary instructions for the development of design estimates for automated control systems as part of projects for livestock complexes (VSN 117-83).

    Project documentation- in accordance with Article 48 [[Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation|Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation is a documentation containing materials in text form and in the form of maps (schemes) and defining architectural, functional-technological, constructive and engineering solutions to ensure construction, reconstruction of capital construction objects, their parts, overhaul, if during its implementation the structural and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of capital construction objects are affected.

    Types of work on the preparation of project documentation that affect the safety of capital construction facilities should be carried out only by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities that have certificates of admission to such types of work issued by a self-regulatory organization. Other types of work on the preparation of project documentation can be performed by any individuals or legal entities.

    The person who prepares the project documentation may be the developer or an individual or legal entity engaged by the developer or customer on the basis of an agreement. The person who prepares the project documentation organizes and coordinates the work on the preparation of the project documentation, is responsible for the quality of the project documentation and its compliance with the requirements of technical regulations. The person preparing project documentation is entitled to perform certain types of work on the preparation of project documentation independently, provided that such person complies with the requirements for the types of work, and (or) with the involvement of other persons meeting the specified requirements.

    In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”, project documentation for capital construction facilities for industrial and non-industrial purposes consists of 12 sections:

    • Section 2 "Scheme of the planning organization of the land plot."
    • Section 3 "Architectural solutions".
    • Section 4 "Constructive and space-planning solutions".
    • Section 5 "Information on engineering equipment, on networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions"
      • a) subsection "Power supply system";
        b) subsection "Water supply system";
      • c) subsection "Water disposal system";
      • d) subsection "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks";
      • e) subsection "Communication networks";
      • f) subsection "Gas supply system";
      • g) subsection "Technological solutions";
    • Section 6 "Construction organization project".
    • Section 7 "Project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects."
    • Section 8 "List of measures for environmental protection".
    • Section 9 "Measures to ensure fire safety".
    • Section 10 "Measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities".
    • Section 11 "Estimates for the construction of capital construction projects."
    • Section 12 "Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws."

    Design documentation for linear capital construction facilities (hereinafter referred to as linear facilities) consists of 10 sections:

    • Section 1 "Explanatory note".
    • Section 2 "Project of the right of way".
    • Section 3 "Technological and Constructive decisions linear object. Artificial constructions".
    • Section 4 "Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility."
    • Section 5 "Construction organization project".
    • Section 6 "Project for the organization of work on the demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility."
    • Section 7 "Measures for environmental protection".
    • Section 8 "Measures to ensure fire safety".
    • Section 9 "Estimate for construction".
    • Section 10 "Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws."

    working documentation- in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content" this is documentation that is developed in order to implement architectural, technical and technological solutions in the construction process.

    The composition and content of the working documentation should be determined by the customer (developer), depending on the degree of detail of the solutions contained in the design documentation, and indicated in the design assignment.

    In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2009 No. 19088-SK / 08, in contrast to the previously existing regulatory documents, the design stages are not provided: “Feasibility Study”, “Project”, “Detailed Design”, but the concepts “Project Documentation” are used ” and “Working documentation”.

    According to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, with the simultaneous development of design and working documentation by the decision of the customer and with the consent of the expert organization, all documentation can be submitted for state expertise.

    In connection with the change in the requirements for the composition of sections of project documentation, provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87, the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia recommends, when determining the cost of design work, to accept the distribution of the base design price calculated using reference books of base prices for design work, depending on the design stage in the following sizes: project documentation - 40%, working documentation - 60%.

    Depending on the specifics of construction projects and the completeness of the development of design and working documentation, the recommended ratio of the base design price can be adjusted by agreement between the design work contractor and the customer. In addition, if the design assignment provides for the simultaneous development of design and full or partial development of working documentation, then the total percentage of the base price is determined by agreement between the customer (developer) of construction and the person preparing such documentation, depending on the architectural, functional and technological , design and engineering solutions contained in the project documentation, as well as the degree of their detail.

    Structural diagram of the State expertise of project documentation for capital constructionInstructions on the composition, procedure for the development, approval and approval of design estimates for the overhaul of residential buildings (MDS 13-1.99)

  • Temporary instructions for the development of design and estimate documentation for automated control systems as part of projects for livestock complexes (VSN 117-83)
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 (as amended of February 15, 2011) "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content" (as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 427, of December 21, 2009 N 1044, dated 13.04.2010 N 235, dated 07.12.2010 N 1006, dated 15.02.2011 N 73)
    Letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2009 N 19088-SK / 08<О применении Положения о составе разделов проектной документации и требованиях к их содержанию;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 N 145 (as amended on March 31, 2012) "On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results"
  • Staged design

    The design assignment should include a section indicating the stages of design. Typically, the design includes one (working draft) or two stages (design and working documentation). One-stage design is performed for typical, repeated or simple objects.

    In one stage, a working draft is developed with a summary estimate. In a one-stage working project, which provides for the construction of an enterprise according to standard or reusable projects, its technological part is not revised. Basic information on production technology is set out in the explanatory note to the working draft.

    A one-stage working project for the construction of technically simple enterprises has the same content as a two-stage one, but is presented in a somewhat abbreviated form.

    If the work is carried out in two stages, then at the first stage a project is developed with a consolidated cost estimate, after the approval of which documentation is drawn up with estimates, according to which construction and installation work is carried out.

    The production process for the manufacture of printed products is carried out in an industrial building. A significant part of technological operations and equipment with electronic control requires a constant microclimate in the premises and a constant temperature of working solutions.

    The standard project for the construction of a printing enterprise was developed by Giproniipolygraph. It defines the following composition of the complex project:

    1) General explanatory note, containing the results of comparing options, on the basis of which design decisions are made. It indicates the need for production in fuel, water, electricity, labor resources and information about meeting this need. The results of economic calculations and evaluation of technical and economic indicators are given. Comparison of technical and economic indicators with indicators of domestic and foreign enterprises is given.

    2) Technological solutions: The main technological solutions must contain a production calculation program; a brief description and justification of decisions on production technology; data on the labor intensity of manufacturing products; proposals for the mechanization and automation of technological processes and production management; comparing them with advanced technical solutions of domestic and foreign practice; proposals for the organization of product quality control; the composition and assessment of the progressiveness of the selected equipment and its load indicators; substantiation of the number of production personnel for the enterprise as a whole and for individual workshops.

    Basic drawings for production technology:

    Schematic diagrams of technological processes;

    Technological layouts by workshops indicating the placement of large equipment and vehicles;

    Freight traffic schemes (for large enterprises);

    Schematic diagrams of mechanization, automation and computerization of production processes;

    Schematic diagrams of informatization linkage of subsystems;

    Block diagram of a complex of technical means.

    The technological part of the project includes as sections: electrical, communications and signaling, heat supply, pneumatic transport, measures to protect water bodies and soils, the air basin. These sections are developed by the relevant specialists;

    3) Building solutions will include the architectural and construction part, water supply and sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

    4) Organization of construction.

    5) Estimated documentation includes a consolidated estimate, object estimates, a summary of costs, local estimates.

    6) Project passport. It lists the design work performed by specialized design organizations.

    7) Working documentation of a two-stage project. According to the production technology, working drawings for construction and installation works are carried out.

    Technological working drawings show all the equipment, indicate the places of inlet and outlet communications (electricity, water, gas supply, sewerage, etc.) that are tied to the building structures (columns, main walls). According to the bindings, equipment is mounted, engineering networks are brought to consumers.

    All engineering sections of a complex project are developed according to technological tasks, as well as according to the tasks of city organizations, which indicate the places and conditions for connecting to city engineering networks.

    The working draft contains:

    1) a general part with the rationale for the adopted design decisions;

    2) technical and economic part;

    3) master plan and scheme of traffic flows;

    4) technical part, including energy issues;

    5) organization of labor and production management system;

    6) building part with plumbing drawings;

    7) organization of construction;

    8) the estimated part.

    The core part of the working project is technological solutions (technological part).

    On the basis of the developed technological processes for the manufacture of products in the working project, calculations are given to determine the quantities of the main and auxiliary equipment, measuring tools and technological equipment required to complete the production program.

    As a result, statements are compiled for fixtures, measuring tools. Main and auxiliary equipment, main and auxiliary materials, composition of main and auxiliary workers, MOP, administrative and engineering personnel. The choice of equipment and specification are final, as they are used to order equipment after the approval of the working design and working documentation.

    In the working project, auxiliary systems should be developed: transport and storage, maintenance, product quality control, labor protection of workers. Preparation and management of the production process.

    Based on the calculated areas of the production departments in the working draft, the layout of the workshop and the layout of the equipment are carried out.

    All materials prepared during the design period are presented in the explanatory note to the project.

    The approved working design is the basis for the start of construction financing.

    After the appearance in 2008 of the "Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation", the design stages were canceled. It was replaced by the concepts of working or project documents. To understand the difference between project documentation and working documentation, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the concepts themselves.

    Project documentation should be understood as the main project document, created from parts with graphics and text. It is sent to the developer for state examination - examination - in order to approve the papers.

    The working documentation includes official papers containing texts or graphics, as well as the specification and drawings of equipment necessary for making technical decisions in the course of work.

    The main differences between project documentation and the so-called working

    Let's outline the main differences:

    The formation of basic working documents is necessary for the implementation of various solutions, including technological, architectural and technical ones. The definitions of such documentation do not say anything about the sequence of its development, and therefore this can be done both with the design documents and after them.