Skyrim Legendary Edition - codes for ingots or ore. Pickaxe in Skyrim: description, location, tips for using Cheat code for an ancient Nord pickaxe in Skyrim

The Dragonborn add-on made a lot of changes, but the main one was the addition of a new type of ore - stalhrim. You will learn how to add it using the console command in any quantity.

Crafting in Skyrim has always been one of the most exciting activities. Although it gave a huge advantage, the process of creating items is quite balanced. It is quite simple, because you can create good things from the very first arrival in Whiterun, although it is very difficult to collect reagents for Daedric items. In SkyrimLegendaryEdition, codes help you get this or that item through the console, but this greatly simplifies the game and can make the passage less interesting. Therefore, for those who first get acquainted with this legendary game, it is better to limit yourself to Skyrim codes for ore or others expendable materials, adding them via console commands will have almost no effect on gameplay.

If you decide to use the console, then it is worth clarifying that in Skyrim Legendary Edition codes are entered using the same commands as in the original version. The only exception is that to add items from add-ons in each ID you need to enter not 00, but 04, which corresponds to the Dragonborn add-on. It is the last for the fifth part of TES. In the legendary edition skyrim code s for ingots and any items from the original version are entered with the normal ID without any changes. The only exceptions are new types of ore from additions. In the world, they exist only in very limited quantities, therefore, in SkyrimLegendaryEdition, codes and only codes will allow you to craft the items you need.

Stalhrim mining and crafting

With the advent of the Dragonborn add-on to Skyrim, the code for the ebony ingot has ceased to be relevant. Although ebonite is still needed to improve and craft top items, it has been replaced by a new type of ore - stalhrim. This is a special breed that can only be mined in Solstheim. A special pickaxe is needed to mine ore, so if you threw it away upon arrival on the island, then you can’t do without a console. To add an ancient Nord pickaxe in Skyrim, the code must be entered taking into account the addition, therefore in the legendary edition instead of "XX" there will be the numbers "04". To add an item, you need to open the console and enter the command "player.additem040398E6 N", where "N" is the number of items.

If you don't feel like messing with stalhrim mining and entering a code for an ancient Nord pickaxe in Skyrim, then you can immediately add yourself ready-made ore. To do this, you need to use the same command, but change the item ID to XX02B06B, where instead of "XX" there will be the number "04". All other codes for ingots in Skyrim will be entered without taking into account the expansion number, and the ID numbers of the ore and ingots will begin with "00".

All those codes that will make the game easier for you

To open the console, press [~] (tilde) and enter the following cheat codes:

tgm - invulnerability mode

tcl - walk through walls

tmm 1 - open the world map (all points on the map)

killall - kill all (friends/enemies) in line of sight

psb - get all spells, dragon calls and talents

qqq - exit the game

advlevel - raise the level. Does not add ability points

tfc - "free" camera mode

tdetect - theft without consequences. Turn off NPC vision.

tcai - disables and enables artificial intelligence. Once cast, everyone stops fighting.

set timescale to 0 - stop time. Default: 20. If you enter 10000 instead of 0, then one day will pass in a few seconds

SexChange - change gender to the opposite. Your face won't change :)

Showracemenu - open the character creation window, where you can change: race, gender, appearance and name of the character. After changing the race, in early versions of the game, your character level will become 1. It will also reset all pumped skills. In version of the game, after changing the race, the level of the character remains the same. Don't forget to save your game before using this command command

player.setav invisibility 1 - enable invisibility. After that, neither enemies nor friends will notice you. To disable invisibility instead of 1 enter 0

player.modav carryweight X - Increase the character's maximum carry weight by X

player.setav speedmult X - set movement speed X%. Applied after running while holding down the key. Default: 100%.

player.setscale X - increase the height of your character, where X: 1 - 100%, 2 -200%, etc.

setgs fJumpHeightMin 100 - 100% jump height (default).

player.setav Stamina X - set max. amount of stamina in X units. If set to a high value, the character will not get tired while running.

player.setav attackdamagemult N - increase weapon damage by N times

player.setav leftweaponspeedmult N - increase the attack speed of the weapon in the left hand by N times

player.setav weaponspeedmult N - increase the attack speed of a weapon in the right hand and two-handed weapons by N times

player.setav LeftitemCharge N - charge the weapon in the left hand for N charges

player.setav RightitemCharge N - charge the weapon in the right hand for N charges

player.additem 0000000F N - get N gold

player.additem 0000000A N - get N lockpicks

player.placeatme 0010BF90 - Summon a Spectral Horse. Can be used indoors

player.setcrimegold 0 - Remove the bounty on your head

player.addspell 00092C48 - Lycanthropy. Skill for turning into a wolf / werewolf. Appears in the "Talents" section. Use the [z] key to activate. You can't cancel the skin. The reverse transformation into a person will occur automatically, after a certain period of time

player.addspell 000B8780 - vampirism. Adds the Sanguinare Vampiris disease. 3 days after infection, you have a 10% chance that you will become a vampire. If after 3 days after using this code in the section "Magic" - "Active Effects" appears "Vulnerability to fire" - you are a vampire. And if nothing happened - use the player.removespell 000B8780 command, after which again player.addspell 000B8780

player.removespell 000B8780 - will be cured of vampirism, the disease "Sangvinare Vampiris", which appears at the first stage of transformation (after being bitten). After turning into a vampire, this code does not work.

setstage 000EAFD5 10 - recover from vampirism. Always heals, but only works once, since healing happens after the quest is completed (this code ends the quest)

player.moveto (without brackets) - teleport to the specified object (character)

coc qasmoke - will move to the test location. Everything is here game items and devices for the manufacture of any items

coc riverwood - exit the test location, move to "Riverwood". If you enter another name instead of "riverwood", then a teleport to the specified location will occur. How to find out the names of locations for teleportation, read a little below.

player.setpos [axis] [number] (without brackets) - move your character to the specified coordinates. Instead of an axis, you must specify x,y or z. And instead of a number - offset along the selected axis

prid (without brackets) - select an object by its ID. An analogue to the following action: open the console - click on the object. After this command, the inscription "" (object ID) should appear in the console. After that, you can apply all the cheats written below without selecting the object. With this cheat code, you can select a very distant object and apply the necessary action to it. For example, resurrect someone or view the contents of the inventory.

In order for the following codes to work, you need to approach the creature (animal or character) or the required object from the front, open the console and click on it with the mouse, while the inscription "" (object_ID) should appear in the console. Then enter these cheats:

stopcombat - stop combat with the specified friendly character

Before using this command, apply player.setcrimegold 0 If there are several enemy NPCs near you, then to stop the battle, you need to apply this cheat to everyone at once, without closing the console.

If at least one NPC attacks you (you did not apply this code to him), then all others will begin to attack.

If all else fails - take the attackers out of the city (before that, it is recommended to turn on the tgm invulnerability mode) - use the tcai command (so that everyone freezes and does not move anywhere) - take a comfortable position (so that everyone is in sight) - without closing the console apply the stopcombat command to everyone in turn. After the command has been applied to all characters, enter tcai and tgm again (if you enabled these modes).

All characters hostile to you are shown as red dots on the compass at the top and until these dots disappear they will attack you.

On constant enemies (monsters and story NPCs), those who always attack you, this command does not work.

kill - kill selected character/animal

resurrect 1 - resurrect

resetai - restore default dialogs - erase the memory of the selected NPC. This command must be used only if you killed someone, resurrected and after that he refuses to talk to you

openactorcontainer 1 - open the inventory of the selected creature. You can exchange items

removeallitems - Clear the inventory of the specified character. equipitem item_id - equip the selected character with the specified item (see item IDs below). With this cheat, you can dress any character, give him weapons and put on armor.

inv - show the contents of the inventory (list) of the selected object

duplicateallitems player - copy all items from the inventory of the specified NPC or object to your inventory

resetinventory - reset the contents of the inventory. Equip the selected character in the default outfit, the original

setownership - get ownership of the specified item

unlock - open the lock of the specified object

disable - hide the specified object

enable - show the object that was hidden with the disable cheat

markfordelete - delete the selected object or character. Attention! Using this code, you can remove not only some kind of chest, but also invisible objects that can be selected with the mouse and which are necessary for the normal functioning of the game. Be careful when using this command. Objects created by you are deleted immediately, and others - after saving and loading the game. There are no reverse commands. It is not recommended to use this command, as you may remove a wall, floor, or entire building. It is recommended to use the disable command to remove items as it only hides the item and does not remove the object.

Taking control of an NPC

With the help of the following cheats, you can take control of any monster or character. Do everything strictly in the specified sequence. switch to "third-person view" [f] (it won't work otherwise); we approach the required character or monster; open the console, click on it with the mouse and enter the following code;

and close the console.

To return to the normal game and take control of your main character, enter in the console: TC and player.TC

Notes: After taking control of an NPC, you can only move it and cannot attack. If you press attack, then your main character will attack, and not the one under your control. How to make NPCs attack is unknown. If you find a solution to this problem - write in the comments.


In Skyrim, almost any character can be made your partner, companion. To do this, do the following:

Approach the required character;

Open the console and click on it (highlight);

Enter setrelationshiprank player 3

Enter addfac 0005C84D 1

After that, this character will have a dialogue: “Follow me. I need your help."

Strengthening skills

All of the codes below increase a particular skill by (base value * N%). That is, if you have a base weapon damage of 15 units, and you entered 200 as a value, then the initial damage will be (15 + 15 * 2) = 45 units. To turn off the modifier, enter 0 as the value. The exact same formula is used to calculate the duration of spells.

Example: player.setav DestructionPowerMod 100 - increase the damage of all destruction spells by 100%

OneHandedPowerMod - one-handed weapon

TwoHandedPowerMod - two-handed weapon

MarksmanPowerMod - bows

BlockPowerMod - shield

SmithingPowerMod - blacksmithing

HeavyArmorPowerMod - heavy armor

LightArmorPowerMod - light armor

PickPocketPowerMod - Pickpocketing

LockpickingPowerMod - hack

SneakPowerMod - Stealth

AlchemyPowerMod - alchemy

SpeechcraftPowerMod - eloquence

AlterationPowerMod - change

ConjurationPowerMod - sorcery

DestructionPowerMod - destruction

IllusionPowerMod - illusion

RestorationPowerMod - restoration

EnchantingPowerMod - enchantment

Note. Changes to these modifiers are displayed in the description of spells and weapons.

Remove squares when entering cheat codes

Go to the game folder and find the following file:

Skyrim\Data\Interface\fontconfig.txt We replace the following line:

map "$ConsoleFont" = "Arial" Normal

map "$ConsoleFont" = "FuturaTCYLigCon" Normal

Note. If after that the fontconfig.txt file does not want to be saved or offers to save a copy of this file, then do the following: in the properties of this file, check if the “Read Only” checkbox is ticked; if it's worth it, remove it, change the file, save it and check this box back.

Set the English language in the console

Go to C:\Users\<имя_пользователя>\Documents\My Games\Skyrim and open the Skyrim.ini file. After the lines:


add (not replace) the following line


Now in the console you will have English instead of Russian.

Note. If after adding this line the language in the Skyrim console remains the same or you cannot find the Skyrim.ini file (start folder or not), then delete the line sConsole=ENGLISH (if added) and set the default English language in the operating system.

Leveling up all skills

With the help of these cheat codes for Skyrim, you can quickly upgrade all the skills and get all the perks. To do this, we need the following cheats:

advskill N X - increase skill N by X experience points. The main team for pumping all skills and perks

player.setav N X - set X skill level N. This cheat does not add "ability points", but is necessary when your skill level reaches 100

player.setlevel N - set character level N (1-255). Can be used to lower a character's level after applying the advskill cheat

List of all skill names for advskill and player.setav commands

Usage example:

advskill Destruction 100 - Increase "Destruction" by 100 experience (not levels)

player.setav Block 50 - set skill level 50 "Block"

Alchemy - alchemy

Alteration - change

Conjuration - sorcery

Destruction - destruction

Enchanting - enchantment

Illusion - illusion

Restoration - restoration

Marksman - Shooting

Block - block

HeavyArmor - heavy armor

LightArmor - light armor

Lockpicking - Hacking

Onehanded - one-handed weapon

Twohanded - two-handed weapon

Pickpocket - pickpocketing

Smithing - blacksmithing

Sneak - stealth

Speechcraft - eloquence

To pump all the perks of all skills, do the following:

With the help of the advskill cheat (description above), we raise any skill to level 100

Then apply the code player.setav [skill name] 0 (without brackets) - set the level of the specified skill to 0

Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have upgraded all the perks.

If after that you still don’t understand how to add “ability points” to level up perks, then enter this several times (in turn):

advskill destruction 999999

player.setav Destruction 0

After these manipulations, you will receive the required number of "ability points" and will be able to spend them on pumping all the perks available in Skyrim.

To change the amount of magic, lives and stamina, use the following cheats:

player.setav Health X - set max. number of lives in X units

player.setav Magicka X - set max. amount of magic in X units

player.setav Stamina X - set max. quantity of stock in X units

Armor sets (sets)

To get the necessary set of armor, enter the cheat codes in the following form:

player.additem [armor_code] [amount] (no brackets)

Example: player.additem 00013938 1 - get 1 glass boots

Dwemer armor set:

0001394D - armor

0001394E - gloves

0001394C - boots

0001394F - helmet

00013950 - shield

Daedric Armor Set

0001396B - armor

0001396A - boots

000D7A8C - fire suppression boots - +50% fire resistance

000D7A8B - Boots of Silence - Silent Movement

000D7A8A - mammoth boots - +50 pts. thunderstorms

0001396D - helmet

0001396C - gloves

0001396E - shield

000D7AF9 - ground shield - +70% electricity resistance

000D7AF6 - heat shield - + 70% cold resistance

0010DFA3 - shield of denial - + 22% magic resistance

Glass armor set

00013938 - boots

00013939 - armor

0001393A - gloves

0001393B - helmet

0001393C - shield

Imperial armor set

000136D5 - armor

000136D6 - boots

000136D4 - bracers

00013EDC - helmet

000135BA - shield

Elven armor set

000896A3 - armor

0001391A - boots

0001391C - gloves

0001392A - gilded armor

0001391D - helmet

0001391E - shield

Leather armor set

0003619E - armor

00013920 - boots

00013921 - bracers

00013922 - helmet

Draconic Shell Armor Set

00013965 - boots

00013966 - armor

00013967 - gloves

00013969 - helmet

00013968 - shield

Draconic Scale Armor Set

0001393D - boots

0001393E - armor

0001393F - gloves

00013940 - helmet

00013941 - shield

Ebony Armor Set

00013960 - boots

00013961 - armor

00013962 - gloves

00013963 - helmet

00013964 - shield

Orc armor set

00013956 - boots

00013957 - armor

00013958 - mittens

00013959 - helmet

00013946 - shield

Forsworn armor set

000D8D50 - armor

000D8D4E - boots

000D8D55 - bracers

000D8D52 - helmet (horns)

Nightingale armor set

000FCC0F - armor

000FCC11 - gloves

000FCC0D - boots

000FCC12 - hood (helmet)

Blade armor set

0004F912 - shield

0004B28F - helmet

0004B288 - boots

0004B28D - gloves

0004B28B - armor

Wolf Armor Set

000CAE15 - armor

000CEE7C - boots

000CEE7E - gloves

0004C3D0 - helmet

Stormcloak officer armor

0008697E - armor

00086981 - boots

00086983 - gloves

00086985 - helmet

Ancient nordic armor

00018388 - armor

00056A9D - boots

00056A9E - helmet

00056B17 - gloves

Thieves Guild Armor

000D3AC4 - gloves

000D3ACE - hood

000D3ACC - armor

000D3AC2 - boots

Thieves Guild Leader Armor

000E35D7 - armor

000E35D9 - hood (helmet)

000E35D8 - gloves

000E35D6 - boots

Unique armor with bonuses

0007C932 - "The Robe of the Archmage" (armor) - + 100% to the speed of magic recovery; all spells cost 15% less magicka

000F9904 - Scholar's Circlet (helmet) - All spells cost less magicka

000FC5BF - Bloodlust Thrarch (Shield) - Hitting with a shield deals 3 damage. damage over 5 seconds

000E41D8 - "Shield of Ysgramor" - + 20% magic resistance; +20 pts health

000295F3 - "Yngol's Helmet" - + 30% cold resistance

Accessories with bonuses

000С8911 - "Amulet of Akatosh" - + 25% to the speed of magic recovery

0002D773 - "Goldur's Amulet" - +30 units. magic, health and stamina

00100E65 - "Necklace of immunity and diseases" - 100% immunity to diseases

000C891B - "Mary's Amulet" - Restoration spells cost 10% less magicka. Essential for a wedding.

Masks (helmets) with bonuses

00061CB9 - "Krosis" - + 20% to hacking, archery and alchemy skills

00061C8B - "Morokey" - + 100% to the speed of magic recovery

00061CA5 - "Nakrin" - spells of the school of destruction and restoration consume 20% less mana; +50 mana

00061CC9 - "Vokun" - spells of the school of illusion, change and witchcraft consume 20% less mana

00061CC2 - "Otar" - resistance to fire, electricity and cold increases

00061CC0 - Ragot - +70 stamina

00061CAB - Volsung - 20% discount on all products; breathing underwater; +70 load capacity

00061CC1 - "Khevnorak" - immunity to diseases and poisons

00061CCA - "Wooden Mask"

00061CD6 - "Konarik" - When health is low, gives a chance to heal the wearer and deal damage to nearby enemies

Weapon sets

To get the necessary weapon, enter the cheat codes in the following form: player.additem [weapon_code] [amount] (without brackets).

Example: player.additem 000139A8 1 - get 1 glass bow

glass weapons:

000139A3 - one-handed ax

000139A4 - two-handed ax

000139A9 - one-handed sword

000139A7 - two-handed sword

000139A8 - mace

000139AA - war hammer (two-handed)

000139A5 - bow

000139A6 - dagger

Daedric weapons

000139B4 - ax

0001DDFB - inferno ax - +30 units. fire damage; sets the target on fire

0001DFCB - ax of thunderstorms - +30 pts. electrical damage; takes 15 units. of magic

000139B5 - bow

0001DFEF - Bow of Petrification - Chance to paralyze the target for 6 seconds

0001DFE6 - Inferno bow - +30 pts. fire damage; sets the target on fire

0001DFE9 - winter bow - +30 pts. cold damage; takes 30 units. stamina

0001DFF2 - bow of storms - +30 pts. electrical damage; takes 15 units. of magic

0001DFFC - Sacred Bow - Undead level 40 and below flee for 30 seconds

000139B6 - dagger

000139B7 - two-handed sword

000139B8 - mace

000139B9 - sword

000139B3 - battle ax

000139BA - war hammer

imperial weapons

000135B8 - sword

00013841 - bow

Dwarven weapons

00013994 - ax

00013995 - bow

00013996 - dagger

00013997 - two-handed sword

00013998 - mace

00013999 - sword

00013993 - battle ax

0001399A - war hammer

Elven weapons

0001399C - battle ax

0001399E - dagger

0001399F - big sword

000139A0 - mace

000139A1 - sword

0001399D - bow

000139A2 - war hammer

Ebony Weapon

000139B1 - sword

000139AD - bow

000139B2 - war hammer

000139B0 - mace

000139AC - battle ax

000139AB - ax

000139AF - two-handed sword

000139AE - dagger

Orc weapons

0001398B - battle ax

0001398C - ax

0001398D - bow

0001398E - dagger

0001398F - two-handed sword

00013990 - mace

00013991 - sword

00013992 - war hammer

Forsworn Weapons

000SS829 - ax

000CADE9 - sword

000CEE9B - bow

000AE087 - heather geys (5 extra damage to nords)

nightingale weapon

000F6527 - blade

000F652C - bow

Blade Weapons

0003AEB9 - sword

Ancient nordic weapons

0002C66F - sword

000236A5 - two-handed sword

0001C864 - hammer

0002C672 - ax

dragon weapon


XX 014fcb - Dragonbone Dagger

XX 014fce - Dragonbone Sword

XX 014fcf - Dragonbone battle ax

XX 014fcd - Dragonbone mace


XX 014fcc - Dragonbone two-handed sword

XX 014fc3 - Dragonbone Ax

XX 014fd0 - Dragonbone warhammer

XX 0176f1 - Dragonbone bow

Unique weapons with bonuses

000F1AC1 - "Dragon Scourge" - +40 units. damage to dragons and +10 HP. electricity damage vs all

000F5D2D - "Pale Blade" - +25 units. cold damage; subtract 50 stamina from the target; weaker creatures and humans flee for 30 seconds

000956B5 - "Vuutrad" - Especially deadly against elves

000B3DFA - "Crayon's Eye" - A fiery explosion deals 40 damage. damage in a 4.5 m radius and sets targets on fire

000A4DCE - "Bloody Thorn" - Fills a soul gem if the enemy dies within 3 seconds

00053379 - "Fierce" - +15 units. cold damage; takes 15 units. enemy's stamina

000F8317 - "Cooler" - +30 units. cold damage; chance to paralyze the target for 2 seconds

0001C4E6 - Ax of Sorrow - Subtracts 20 damage. enemy's stamina

00035369 - "Staff of Magnus" - Absorbs 20 damage. magic per second, if the enemy has no magic - absorbs its health

0010076D - "Staff of Hevnorak" - For 30 sec. deals 50 damage. lightning damage per second. applied to the surface

000AB704 - "Staff of Holdir" - Calms weak enemies for 60 sec. or captures their souls if they die

000E5F43 - "Staff of Jurik Goldurson" - inflicts 25 damage. damage and takes 50 damage. of magic

00094A2B - "Phantom Blade" - +3 units. extra damage by ignoring armor

000AB703 - "Curse of the Red Eagle" - Sets undead level 13 and below on fire, and turns them to flight for 30 seconds

0009FD50 - "Rage of the Red Eagle" - +5 units. fire damage and sets the target on fire

000B994E - Valdar's Lucky Dagger - +25% Critical Chance

0006A093 - "Staff of Tandil" (staff) - Creatures and people of level 12 and below do not fight for 60 seconds


Additional weapon damage was indicated for a first-level character without upgraded skills. All descriptions and names were taken from the game. "Yurik Goldurson's Staff" - that's what it is called in the game, not "Yurik". Perhaps this is a localization error. Only the latest (most powerful) weapon versions were added.

Unforgeable Armor

Example: player.additem 000D8D50 1 - Get 1 Rogue Armor

Light armor

Forsworn Armor

000D8D50 - Outcast Armor

000D8D4E - Outcast Boots

000D8D55 - Outcast Gloves

000D8D52 - Forsworn Headwear

Armor Penitus Oculatus

000D3EA0 - Armor Penitus Oculatus

000D3EAA - Penitus Oculatus Helmet

000D3EAB - Penitus Oculatus Bracers

000D3EA7 - Penitus Oculatus Boots

Linwe's Armor

00108544 - Armor Linvi

00108546 - Hood Linvi

00108545 - Linvi gloves

00108543 - Boots Linvi

fur armor

0010594B - Fur armor (Pt.1)

0010594D - Fur armor (Pt.2)

0010594F - Fur armor (Pt.3)

0006F393 - Fur armor (Pt.4)

0006F398 - Fur boots

000A6D7F - Fur boots

0006F39B - Fur bracers

000A6D7D - Fur gloves

0006F39E - Fur helmet

Stormcloak Officer's Armor

0008697Е - Stormcloak officer's armor

00086983 - Stormcloak Officer Bracers

00086981 - Stormcloaks officer's boots

00086985 - Stormcloak officer's helmet

Thieves Guild Armor

000D3AC3 - Thieves Guild Armor

000D3AC4 - Thieves Guild Gloves

000D3AC5 - Hood of the Thieves Guild

000D3AC2 - Boots of the Thieves Guild

(Improved Armor: Thieves Guild Enhanced Armor - Only one piece of armor can be exchanged after the quest "The Scoundrel's Caprice")

000D3ACC - Thieves Guild Armor

000D3ACD - Thieves Guild Gloves

000D3ACE - Hood of the Thieves Guild

000D3ACB - Thieves Guild Boots

Guild Master's Armor

000E35D7 - Armor of the head of the Guild

000E35D9 - Hood of the Guildmaster

000E35D8 - Guildmaster Gloves

000E35D6 - Boots of the Guildmaster

nightingale armor
Each piece of armor has multiple variants with different IDs

0005DB85 - Nightingale boots

000FCC0E - Nightingale Armor

000FCC10 - Nightingale gloves

000FCC13 - Nightingale hood

Armor Tsuna

000C0165 - Tsuna Armor

000C0166 - Tsuna Boots

Armor of the Dark Brotherhood

000D2844 - Shadow Armor

000D2845 - Shadow Boots

000D2843 - Gloves of Shadows

000D2842 - Hood of Shadows

0005ABC4 - Hood of Shadows with mask

Dark Brotherhood Ancient Armor

000E1F15 - Ancient Shadow Armor

000E1F14 - Ancient Shadow Boots

000E1F16 - Ancient Gloves of Shadows

000E1F17 - Ancient Hood of Shadows

Heavy armor

wolf armor

000CAE15 - Wolf Armor

000CEE7C - Wolf boots

000CEE7E - Wolf Gloves

0004C3D0 - Wolf helmet

Falmer armor

000B83CB - Falmer armor

000B83CD - Falmer Boots

000B83CF - Falmer gloves

0004C3CB - Falmer helmet

0005C06C - Falmer Shield

Armor of Blades

0004B28B - Blade Armor

0004B288 - Boots of Blades

0004B28D - Gloves of Blades

0004B28F - Helm of Blades

0004F912 - Shield of Blades


000295F3 - Yngol Helm

000F9904 - Scholar's Circlet

0002AC61 - Skin of the Savior

Unforgeable weapons

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 0009F25D 1 - Get 1 Celestial Steel Dagger

Domain Blades

A player receives such blades when he becomes a thane in a particular holding. All indicators of such blades vary depending on the level of the player, namely: material (10 options), type (7 options for each material) and enchantment (8 more options). Thus, the player can get one blade from a huge number of different options, which will each have its own ID.

heavenly weapons

0009F25D - Celestial steel dagger

0009F25C - Celestial steel sword

0009F260 - Celestial Steel Battle Ax

Blade Weapons

0003AEB9 - Sword of Blades

000F1AC1 - Dragon Bane

Forsworn weapons

000CADE9 - Sword of the Outcasts

000CEE9B - Forsworn Bow

Weapons from Volundrud

0008ADFB - Ceremonial ax

0008ADFC - Ceremonial sword

0008FFDE - Okin

0008FFDF - Edouge

Ancient and good ancient nordic weapons

0002C66F - Ancient Nordic sword

0002C672 - Ancient Nord Battle Ax

0005BF14 - Good Ancient Nordic Sword

0005BF15 - Nice Ancient Nordic Battle Ax

nightingale weapon

0007A917 ---| Nightingale Blade

000F6524 ---| Nightingale Blade

000F6525 ---| Nightingale Blade

000F6526 ---| Nightingale Blade

000F6527 ---| Nightingale Blade

0007E5C3 ---| Nightingale Bow

000F6529 ---| Nightingale Bow

000F652A ---| Nightingale Bow

000F652B ---| Nightingale Bow

000F652C ---| Nightingale Bow


00029B91 - Greatstaff of Soothing

00046E0B - Magic Staff of Gatnor

000B3DFA - Crayon's Eye

000E57F0 ---| Spider Control Wand

000C19FF ---| Spider Control Wand


0003B562 - Longbow

0006B9AD - Dravin's Bow

000AB705 - Bow of the Hunt

000C0186 - Froakie's Bow

000F82FC - Mage's Beach Bow

00013985 - Hunting bow

One-handed weapon

000F5D2D - Pale Blade

00013983 - Balgruuf's battle ax

000AE087 - Heather Geis

00079B1D - Sacrificial Blade

000426C8 - Sharpening

000ECD54 - Alesandra's Dagger

00043E1E - Borvir's Dagger

0001C1FE - Dagger of the Dragon Priest

000ECD53 - Dagger of Rundi

000C1989 - Blade of the Bolar

0009CCDC ---| Blade of Woe

000964C9 ---| Blade of Woe

000D0758 - Fang of Cavozein

0001C492 - Wren

000A4DCE - Bloodthorn

0003B0B7 ---| Lunar Steel Sword

0003B0BA ---| Lunar Steel Sword

0003B0BD ---| Lunar Steel Sword

00053379 - Fierce

0009F25E - Sword of Vilkas

000AB85D - Sword of Queen Freydis

00068976 - Hjalti's sword

000F71DD - Soul Sword

You can only get the sword by completing the Deadly Field quest, and only if both brothers are still alive. - cooler

0001F25A - Knife

0001F25B - Fork

Two-handed weapon

0006AF63 - Trollscourge

0002ACD2 - Volendrang

000956B5 - Wuutrad

000223FB - Forester's friend

000461DA ---| Giant's Cudgel

000C334F ---| Giant's Cudgel

Other from other

000461DA ---| Serrated Pickaxe

000C334F ---| Serrated Pickaxe

001019D4 ---| Serrated Pickaxe

000E3C16 - Pickaxe

0002F2F4 - Cleaver

List of small arms

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 0001398D 1 - Get 1 Orc Bow

Crafted Weapon


0001398D - Orc Bow

00068C57 - Nordic Hero Bow

00013995 - Dwemer bow

0001399D - Elven Bow

XX 026232 - Nordic Bow (Dragonborn)

000139A5 - Glass bow

000139AD - Ebony Bow

XX 026231 - Stalhrim Bow (Dragonborn)

000139B5 - Daedric bow

XX 0176F1 - Dragon Bone Bow (Dragonborn)


XX 000801 - Crossbow (Dawnguard)

XX 00B647 - Dwemer Crossbow (Dawnguard)

Special Weapon


0003B562 - Longbow

00013985 - Hunting bow

000302CA - Ancient Nordic bow

00013841 - Imperial Bow

00038340 - Falmer Bow

000CEE9B - Forsworn Bow

0005D179 - Flexible Ancient Nordic Bow

000F82FC - Mage's Beach Bow

00083167 - Flexible Falmer Bow

Unique weapon


000C0186 - Froakie's Bow

0006B9AD - Dravin's Bow

000CC392 - Angi's bow

000A5DEF - Goldur's Blackbow

000AB705 - Bow of the Hunt

XX 00CFB6 - Zephyr (Dawnguard)

00017059 - Death of Firiniel

XX 02C01A - Dwarven Black Bow of Destiny (Dragonborn)

XX 018ED5 - Stag Prince's Glass Bow (Dragonborn)



0007E5C3 - Nightingale Bow

XX 000800 - Bow of Auriel (Dawnguard)



000CAB52 - Practice Arrow

000E738A - Rusty Arrow

00038341 - Falmer Arrow

000CEE9E - Outcast Arrow

0001397D - Iron Arrow

00034182 - Ancient Nordic Arrow

0001397F - Steel arrow

XX 017720 - Riekling Spear (Dragonborn)

000139BB - Orc Arrow

000139BC - Dwemer Arrow

XX 02623B - Nordic Arrow (Dragonborn)

000139BD - Elven Arrow

XX 0098A1 - Solar Elven Arrow (Dawnguard)

XX 0098A0 - Elven Blood Curse Arrow (Dawnguard)

000139BE - Glass Arrow

0007B932 - Arrow of the Dwemer Sphere

000139BF - Ebony Arrow

XX 026239 - Stalhrim Arrow (Dragonborn)

0010b0A7 - Summoned Arrow

000EAFDF - Nordic Hero Arrow

000139C0 - Daedric Arrow

XX 0176F4 - Dragonbone Arrow (Dawnguard)


XX 00590C - Test Bolt (Dawnguard)

XX 000BB3 - Steel Bolt (Dawnguard)

XX 00D099 - Dwemer Bolt (Dawnguard)

List of two-handed weapons

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 0001359D 1 - get 1 iron two-handed sword

Crafted Weapon


0001359D - Iron two-handed sword

00013987 - Steel two-handed sword

0001398F - Orc two-handed sword

00013997 - Dwemer two-handed sword

0001399F - Elven two-handed sword

XX 01CDAF - Nordic two-handed sword (Dragonborn)

000139A7 - Glass two-handed sword

000139AF - Ebony two-handed sword

XX 01CDB6 - Stalhrim Two-Handed Sword (Dragonborn)

000139B7 - Daedric two-handed sword

XX 014FCC - Dragon Bone Two-Handed Sword (Dawnguard)


00013980 - Iron ax

00013984 - Steel ax

0001398C - Orc Ax

00013994 - Dwarven Ax

0001399C - Elven Ax

XX 01CDAD - Nordic Ax (Dragonborn)

000139A4 - Glass ax

000139AC - Ebony ax

XX 01CDB4 - Stalhrim Ax (Dragonborn)

000139B4 - Daedric Ax

XX 014FC3 - Dragon Bone Ax (Dawnguard)


00013981 - Iron warhammer

0001398A - Steel war hammer

00013992 - Orc warhammer

0001399A - Dwarven warhammer

000139A2 - Elven warhammer

XX 01CDB3 - Nordic warhammer (Dragonborn)

000139AA - Glass war hammer

000139B2 - Ebony warhammer

XX 01CDBA - Stalhrim Warhammer (Dragonborn)

000139BA - Daedric War Hammer

XX 014FD0 - Dragon Bone War Hammer (Dawnguard)

Special Weapon


000236A5 - Ancient Nordic two-handed sword

0005BF13 - Good ancient Nordic two-handed sword

0009F25E - Celestial steel two-handed sword

0010C6FB - Silver two-handed sword


0001CB64 - Ancient Nordic Ax

0005BF12 - Good ancient nordic ax

0009F25F - Celestial steel ax

0005BF12 - Ax-Bloodsucker


XX 00DD55 - Warhammer of the Dawnguard

Unique weapon


XX 026B0B - Storm Fang (Dragonborn)

XX 01AEA4 - Bloodskal Blade (Dragonborn)


000223FB - Forester's friend

000BE25E - Executioner's Ax


000D2AFE - Curse of the Aegis

0006AF63 - Trollscourge

XX 01A578 - Defender's Baton (Dragonborn)

000C334F - Giant's Cudgel

Quest weapon


000946FC - Balgruuf's two-handed sword


00022265 - Shagrol's Warhammer



0004A38F - Ebony Blade


0001C4E6 - Ax of Sorrow

000956B5 - Wuutrad


XX 011BAD - Dawnguard Rune Hammer

0002ACD2 - Volendrang

Daedric Artifacts

The Daedric Artifact IDs below must be used in the cheat code as follows: player.additem [amount] (no brackets)

Example: player.additem 000240D2 1 - get 1 dagger "Mehrunes' Razor"

000240D2 - "Mehrunes Razor" (dagger) - Chance to kill the enemy when dealing damage

000233E3 - "Mace of Molag Bal" (mace) - Subtracts 25 damage. stamina and magic. Fills a soul gem if the enemy dies within 3 seconds

0004E4EE - "Shine of Dawn" (sword) - +10 units. damage. When killing undead, there is a chance of a fiery explosion that drives away or destroys nearby undead

000EA29C - "Ebony Blade" (two-handed sword) - The target does not perceive a weapon attack as an attack

0001C4E6 - "Ax of Sorrow" (two-handed ax) - Subtracts 20 points. enemy's stamina

0002ACD2 - "Volendrang" (two-handed hammer) - Subtracts 50 units. stamina

0002AC6F - "Wabbajack" (staff) - Random effect on each use

0001CB36 - Sanguine Rose (staff) - Summons a Dremora for 60 seconds

00035066 - Skull of Corruption (staff) - +20 pts. damage. Dreams gathered from sleeping humans increase damage to 50


0002AC61 - "Skin of the Savior" (light armor) - + 50% resistance to poisons and + 15% magic

00052794 - "Ebony Mail" (heavy armor) - You move more quietly, and enemies who get too close take 5 points of poison damage per second

000D2846 - "Mask of Clavicus Vile" (heavy helmet) +10 to eloquence. Magicka recovery rate +5%. Favorable prices +20%

00045F96 - "Spell Breaker" (shield) - After blocking, absorbs up to 50 damage. spell damage


0002C37B - "Ring of Namira" - +50 units. reserve of strength. Consuming corpses increases your health and regeneration rate.

0002AC60 - "Ring of Hircine" - Additional transformation for rewolves

0001A332 - "Ogma Infinum" (book) - After reading, you can get +5 to the following skills (only 1 of 3 lines is randomly selected):
Blacksmithing, Block, Shooting, One-Handed, Two-Handed, Heavy Armor, Hacking, Light Armor, Sneak, Pickpocket, Speech, Alchemy, Illusion, Affliction, Destruction, Restoration, Enchantment, Alteration

00063B27 - Azura's Star - Infinite Soul Gem

00063B29 - "Black Star" - Soul Stone

0003A070 - "Skeleton Key" - Infinite master key

The screams of dragons

Using the psb cheat code "get all spells, dragon screams and talents" or add only the necessary screams using the cheat:

player.teachword - learn a shout (list of all shout IDs below) Example: player.teachword 20e17 - learn the first word of the "Fire Breath" shout

To learn the 3rd word of the dragon's cry, you first need to learn 1 and 2, otherwise it will not work. To learn "Iceform" level 3, you must enter the following:

player.teachword 602A3 - first word

player.teachword 602A4 - second

player.teachword 602A5 - third

Dragon shout ID for the player.teachword code (no brackets) first word / second / third - the name of the shout (use only 1 of 3):

46B89 / 46B8A / 46B8B - Dragon's Call

13E22 / 13E23 / 13E24 - Unrelenting Force

602A3 / 602A4 / 602A5 - Ice mold

6029A / 6029B / 6029C - Thunder Call

20E17 / 20E18 / 20E19 - Fire Breath

48ACA / 48ACB / 48ACC - Time dilation

2F7BB / 2F7BC / 2F7BD - Swift Charge

60291 / 60292 / 60293 - Friendship with animals

3291D / 3291E / 3291F - Elemental Rage

32917 / 32918 / 32919 - Ethereal

5D16C / 5D16D / 5D16E - Frost Breath

5FB95 / 5FB96 / 5FB97 - Disarmament

3CD31 / 3DC32 / 3CD33 - Clear Sky

51960 / 51961 / 51962 - Call of Valor

44251 / 44252 / 44253 - Dragonslayer

60297 / 60298 / 60299 - Death sentence

60294 / 60295 / 60296 - Aura Whisper

6029D / 6029E / 6029F - Kin World

3291A / 3291B / 3291C - Fright

To use Dragon Shouts, you first need to activate them with the help of Dragon Souls. That is, kill the dragon or add the required amount using the cheat:

player.modav dragonsouls N - Get N dragon souls. This cheat sets the total number of absorbed dragon souls, and does not add N pcs.

To activate dragon screams, press -- Magic -- Shouts -- select the desired scream you want to activate -- press [r] -- Ok. Now you can use this shout.

player.setav shoutrecoverymult 0 - dragon shouts have no cooldown, cooldown to reuse. If you entered this code after using the shout, you will need to wait until it is restored, after which it will be possible to use this shout all the time without waiting for it to be restored.

In order to get things from the game, you must enter into the console: player.additem N

Mass Paralysis - 00021876
Curse of the Undead - 000218f2
Fire Arrow - 00096598
Ice Spike - 00096599
Lightning - 0009659a
Candle Light - 0009659b
Oakflesh - 0009659c
Zombie Revive - 0009659e
Pet Call - 0009659f
Courage - 000965a0
Rage - 000965a1
Magic Light - 000965a2
Stone Flesh - 000965a3
Corpse Revive - 000965a4
Summon Flame Atronarch - 000965a5
Soul Capture - 000965a7
Fire Rune - 000965a8
Frost Rune - 000965a9
Storm Rune - 000965aa
Mute Footsteps - 000965ab
Calm - 000965ad
Fear - 000965ae
Quick Heal - 000965af
Scaring Undead - 000965b0
J'zargo's Fire Cloak - 000967e3
Life Detection001019ae - 001019ae
Shalidor's Works: Destruction - 001076e7
Shalidor's Works: Illusion - 001076e8
Shalidor's Works: Change - 001076e9
Shalidor's Works: Restoration - 001076ea
Shalidor's Works: Sorcery - 001076eb
Shalidor's Works: Magic - 001076ec
Iron Flesh - 000a449b
Water Breath - 000a449c
Paralysis - 000a449d
Ebony Flesh - 000a449e
Exile Daedra - 000a449f
Summon Frost Atronach - 000a44a0
Summon Storm Atronach - 000a44a1
Ghost - 000a44a3
Order of the Daedra - 000a44a4
Terrible Zombie - 000a44a5
Expel Daedra - 000a44a6
Dead Thrall - 000a44a7
Fire Thrall - 000a44a8
Ice Thrall - 000a44a9
Storm Thrall - 000a44aa
Fire Cloak - 000a44ab
Frost Cloak - 000a44ac
Cloak of Lightning - 000a44ad
Fireball - 000a44ae
Ice Storm - 000a44af
Chain Lightning - 000a44b0
Firestorm - 000a44b1
Buran - 000a44b2
Encouragement - 000a44b5
Rabies - 000a44b6
Invisibility - 000a44b7
appeasement - 000a44b9
Routh - 000a44ba
Mayhem - 000a44bb
Harmony - 000a44bc
Hysteria - 000a44bd
Call to Arms - 000a44be
Scaring Lesser Undead - 000a44bf
Neighbor Healing - 000a44c1
Repel Lesser Undead - 000a44c2
Circle of Protection - 000a44c3
Higher Healing - 000a44c4
Repel Undead - 000a44c5
Scare Elder Undead - 000a44c6
Rage - 000a44c7
Random Scroll - 000a44c8
Random Scroll - 000a44c9
Cure Wounds - 000b64b3
Protective Circle - 000e0cd5
Dragon Skin - 000e0cd6

Spider Scrolls

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem XX 019534 10 - get 10 explosive fire spiders

Spider Scrolls (a code name for a group of items introduced in the expansion The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.) are magical items that can be crafted using the Fill Chamber, a device located in the White Ridge Barrow in Solstheim. The name of the items received does not contain the word "scroll", but they are placed in this category of inventory. Spider Scrolls can be equipped in each hand.

A creature of this category looks like a spider, which Dovakin holds in his hand before throwing. The creation and final use of spiders does not require the cost of magic, however, each individual spider scroll (like an ordinary scroll or spell tome) is a one-time use and disappears after the creature is put into operation.

fire spiders

XX 019534 - Explosive Fire Spider (Throws a spider that explodes when an enemy approaches, dealing fire damage.) + Recipe: Ruby, Damaged Albino Spider Belly

XX 01952C - Hidden Fire Spider (Throws a spider that attacks all approaching enemies with fire.) + Recipe: Ruby, Salt, Albino Spider Belly

XX 014480 - Leaping Fire Spider (Throws a spider that attacks the nearest enemy by itself and explodes, dealing fire damage.) + Recipe: Ruby, Albino Spider Belly

ice spiders

XX 0206D3 - Explosive Ice Spider (Throws a spider that explodes when an enemy approaches, dealing cold damage.) + Recipe: Sapphire, Damaged Albino Spider Belly

XX 0206D9 - Hidden Ice Spider (Throws a spider that attacks with cold on all approaching enemies.) + Recipe: Sapphire, Salt, Albino Spider Belly

XX 0206DB - Leaping Ice Spider (Throws a spider that attacks the nearest enemy by itself and explodes, dealing cold damage.) + Recipe: Sapphire, Albino Spider Belly

Thunder spiders

XX 02095F - Explosive Lightning Spider (Throws a spider that explodes when an enemy approaches, dealing shock damage.) + Recipe: Amethyst, Damaged Albino Spider Belly

XX 020960 - Hidden Storm Spider (Throws a spider that strikes lightning at all approaching enemies.) + Recipe: Amethyst, Salt, Albino Spider Belly

XX 020961 - Jumping Lightning Spider (Throws a spider that attacks the nearest enemy by itself and explodes, dealing shock damage.) + Recipe: Amethyst, Albino Spider Belly

poisonous spiders

XX 01707B - Explosive Poison Spider (Throws a spider that explodes when an enemy approaches, dealing poison damage.) + Recipe: Emerald, Damaged Albino Spider Belly

XX 01CAB0 - Hidden Poison Spider (Throws a spider that poisons all approaching enemies.) + Recipe: Emerald, Salt, Albino Spider Belly

XX 01445E - Leaping Poison (Throws a spider that itself attacks the nearest enemy and explodes, dealing poison damage.) + Recipe: Emerald, Albino Spider Belly

Other spiders

XX 016E1C - Controlling Spider (Creatures and people affected by the spider fight on the side of the hero for 30 seconds.) + Recipe: Any Soul Gem, Albino Spider Belly (Note: One spider is created per run. Any soul gem except Stars of Azura will work. , as they cannot be parsed.)

XX 02749D - Oil Spider (Summons a spider that emits a puddle of flammable oil.) + Recipe: Dwemer Oil, Albino Spider Belly (Note: Craft one spider per run.)

XX 027490 - Glowing Spider (A spider that accompanies the hero and attacks enemies.) + Recipe: Glowing Mushroom, Albino Spider Belly (Note: Was not included in the game.)

XX 0274A5 - Pack Spider (Summons a spider, up to one at a time, that can carry items.) + Recipe: Bone Meal, Albino Spider Belly (Note: Was not included in the game.)

At the same time, up to 6 spiders can exist in the applied form. Occupying separate slots, spiders can coexist with a summoned creature - or two if Dovakin has the ability of the Witchcraft skill - Twin Souls.
Allied spiders fighting on a par with Dovakin are summoned indefinitely. Unlike basic units, an exploding spider lasts until the moment it explodes, and an activated control spider thrown at an enemy lasts 30 seconds.
Spiders follow the hero when changing locations, including fast travel.
If you deal damage to at least one of the spiders, then they all become hostile and attack.
Explosive spider species can be knocked back by shouting "Unrelenting Force".
Located south of Bloodskal Mound, all Container Eggs containing the Abdomen of an Albino Spider respawn, but only once.
When using a flawless gem, 6 spiders are created, not 3 (out of the others, 2 and 1, respectively).
Luminous and pack spiders can be obtained in the development room, which can be accessed using the coc qasmoke console command.

Books of spells. Part 1

What's happened ( XX

Spells of Change

Candlelight - 0009e2a7
Oak flesh - 0009e2a8
Magic light - 000a26e2
Stone flesh - 000a26e3
Life Detection - 000a26e7
Iron Flesh - 000a26e4
Telekinesis - 000a26e5
Transmutation - 00109112
Water breathing - 000a26e6
Death detection - 000a26ea
Ebony Flesh - 000a26e9
Paralysis - 000a26e8
Dragon Skin - 000d2b4e
Mass paralysis - 000dd646
Equilibrium - 000f4997

Witchcraft Spells

Summoned Sword - 0009e2a9
Call Pet - 0009e2ab
Zombie Revive - 0009e2aa
Bound Ax - 000a26ed
Bone Man's Challenge - XX 0045b0
Summon Flame Atronach - 000a26ec
Fire Pet - 000b45f7
Corpse Revive - 000a26eb
Soul Capture - 0009cd54
Exile Daedra - 000a26ee
Bound Bow - 000a26f1
Summon Frost Atronach - 000a26ef
Summoning the Foggy Man - XX 0045b1
Ghost - 000a26f2
Daedra Command - 000a26f6
Dremora Lord Summon - 0010fd60
Summon Storm Atronach - 000a26f0
Calling a furious man - XX 0045b2
Terrible Zombie - 000a26f7
Expel Daedra - 000a26f8
Fire Thrall - 000a26fa
Dead Thrall - 000a26f9
Ice Thrall - 000a26fb
Thunder Thrall - 000a26fc
Ghost Arrow - 000b3165

Books of spells. Part 2

In order to get these items, you must enter in the console: player.additem <количество>.
What's happened ( XX?)00e8d6 in ID? Look in the sections, where I explain what it is and what needs to be done to get this or that thing.

Destruction Spells

Flame - 0009cd51
Frostbite - 0009cd52
Sparks - 0009cd53
Fire Rune - 000a2700
Fire Arrow - 000a26fd
Frost Rune - 000a2701
Ice Spike - 000a26fe
Lightning - 000a26ff
Thunder Rune - 000a2702
Chain lightning - 000a2708
Fireball - 000a2706
Fire Cloak - 000a2703
Frost Cloak - 000a2704
Ice Storm - 000a2707
Lightning Cloak - 000a2705
Ice Lance - 0010f7f3
Incinerate - 0010f7f4
Lightning Discharge - 0010f7f5
Wall of flame - 000a2709
Wall of Cold - 000a270a
Storm Wall - 000a270b
Blizzard - 000a270d
Firestorm - 000a270c
Lightning Storm - 000a270e

Illusion Spells

Clairvoyance - 000ff7d1
Courage - 0009e2ad
Rage - 0009e2ac
Calm - 000a2711
Fear - 000a2712
Mute footsteps - 000a270f
Rabies - 000a2714
Encouragement - 000a2713
Invisibility - 000a2715
appeasement - 000a2717
Escape - 000a2718
Hysteria - 000a271c
Call to arms - 000a271b
Harmony - 000a271a
Cataclysm - 000a2719

Restoration Spells

Treatment - 0009e2af
Small Charm - 0009e2ae
Quick Treatment - 000a271d
Healing Hands - 000a271e
Necromancer Healing - XX 00e8d5
Steady Charm - 000a2720
The fire of the sun XX 003f51
Scare Lesser Undead - 000a271f
Heal Wounds - 0010f64d
Great Charm - 000a2722
Treatment of neighbors - 000a2727
Undead Healing - XX 00e8d6
Repel Lesser Undead - 000a2725
Aura of Stendarr - XX 003f4e
Scare Undead - 000a2721
Vampire Scourge - XX 003f4d
Circle of Protection - 000a2728
Higher Healing - 000dd643
Repel Undead - 000a2726
Scare away the elder undead - 000a2729
Curse of the Undead - 000dd647
Protective circle - 000fde7b

Ingredients, Soul Stones, Potions, Arrows

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 00039BE5 10 - get 10 full health potions


00039BE5 - fully restores health

00039BE7 - fully restores magic

00039CF3 - fully restores stamina

00073F34 - "Deadly Poison" - 65 units. poison damage

00039D12 - Enchanter's Elixir

00039967 - "Blacksmith's Elixir"

Soul Stones

0002E4F4 - large (empty)

0002E4FB - large (Large)

0002E4FC - great (empty)

0002E4FF - great (Great)

0002E500 - black (blank)

0002E504 - black (Great)

00063B27 - Star of Azura (blank)

00063B29 - Azura's Black Star (blank)


00038341 - Falmer

00034182 - ancient nordic

000236DD - dart (can only be obtained after completing the main storyline)

00020F02 - rusty iron

00020DDF - iron

000139C0 - Daedric

000139BF - ebonite

000139BE - glass

000139BD - elven

000139BC - Dwemer

000139BB - orcs

0001397F - steel

XX0176f4 - dragon


0005ACE5 - steel

0005ACE4 - iron

0005ACE3 - silver

0005AD93 - corundum

0005AD99 - orichalcum

0005AD9D - ebonite

0005AD9E - golden

0005ADA0 - mercury

000DB8A2 - Dwarven metal

0005ADA1 - purified malachite

0005AD9F - refined moonstone


0003ad52 - Bear Skin

0003ad53 - Skin of the Cave Bear

0003ad54 - Polar Bear Skin

0003ad6d - Sabertooth Hide

0003ad6e - Snow Saber Skin

0003ad74 - Wolfskin

0003ad75 - Snow Wolf Skin

0003ad8e - Goat skin

0003ad8f - Cowhide

0003ad90 - Deerskin

0003ad93 - Horseskin

000d4b35 - Fox Skin

000d4be7 - Snow Fox Skin

000fe6a9 - Werewolf Skin


00063B46 - amethyst

00063B47 - diamond

00063B45 - pomegranate

00063B43 - emerald

00063B42 - ruby

00063B44 - sapphire

0006851E - flawless amethyst

0006851F - flawless diamond

00068521 - flawless pomegranate

00068520 - flawless emerald

00068522 - flawless ruby

00068523 - flawless sapphire


0003AD5B Daedra Heart

0003ADA3 - dragon scales

0003ADA4 - dragon bones

000E7ED0 - hawk feathers

0003AD60 - Salt of the Void

Ingredients Pt.1

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 00106E1B 10 - Get 10 Abesin Perch

abesinian perch- 00106E1B (Cold Vulnerability, Fortify Stealth, Poison Vulnerability, Fortify Cooldown)

Scarlet Nirnroot- 000B701A (Health Damage, Stamina Damage, Invisibility, Magic Resistance)

Belyanka- 0004DA22 (Cold Vulnerability, Fortify: Heavy Armor, Magic Recovery, Magic Drain)

demonic mushroom- 0004DA23 (Health Damage, Health Lingering Damage, Paralysis, Health Recovery)

fighting fish- 00106E1A (Health Damage, Skill Up: Change, Slow, Carry Weight Increase)

swamp pod- 0007E8B7 (Electricity Resistance, Lingering Magic Damage, Paralysis, Health Regeneration)

big horns- 0006BC0A (Stamina Recovery, Stamina Boost, Slowdown, Stamina Regeneration Damage)

bearded moss- 00057F91 (Magic Damage, Health Boost, Magicka Regeneration Damage, Skill Boost: One-Handed)

heather heart- 0003AD61 (Magic Recovery, Fortify Skill: Block, Paralyze, Fortify Magic)

thistle branch- 000134AA (Resist Cold, Deplete Stamina, Resist Poison, Fortify: Heavy Armor)

Grapes Jazby- 0006AC4A (Magic Vulnerability, Fortify Magic, Magic Regen, Health Drain)

giant lichen- 0007E8C1 (Electricity Vulnerability, Health Drain, Poison Vulnerability, Magicka Recovery)

Saber eye- 0006BC07 (Stamina Regen, Health Depletion, Magic Damage, Health Regen)

Namira's Rot- 0004DA24 (Magic Damage, Skill Up: Hacking, Fear, Health Regeneration)

blue ermine- 00077E1C (Health Regeneration, Skill Up: Conjuring, Health Up, Magic Regeneration Damage)

Dwemer Oil- 000F11C0 (Magic Vulnerability, Fortify Illusion, Magic Regeneration, Magic Regeneration)

Roasted Sleat Skin- 00052695 (Stamina Regeneration, Disease Healing, Poison Resistance, Health Regeneration)

Pearl- 000854FE (Stamina Recovery, Fortify Blocking, Magic Recovery, Electricity Resistance)

Spriggan resin- 00063B5F (Magic Regeneration Damage, Skill Up: Enchantment, Skill Up: Blacksmithing, Skill Up: Change)

Troll fat- 0003AD72 (Resist Poison, Fortify Two-Handed Weapon, Frenzy, Health Damage)

Ice ghost teeth- 0003AD6A (Weakness to Cold, Fortify: Heavy Armor, Invisibility, Weakness to Fire)

Killer Fish Caviar- 0007E8C5 (Poison Resistance, Fortify: Pickpocketing, Lingering Damage to Health, Stamina Boost)

Nirnroot- 00059B86 (Damage to Health, Damage to Stamina, Invisibility, Magic Resistance)

Red ermine- 00077E1D (Magic Recovery, Magic Drain, Magic Boost, Health Damage)

Mud Crab Claw- 0006BC00 (Stamina Recovery, Disease Healing, Poison Resistance, Fire Resistance)

Saber Fang- 0006BC04 (Stamina Recovery, Fortify Heavy Armor, Fortify Blacksmithing, Poison Vulnerability)

hawk beak- 000E7EBC (Stamina Recovery, Cold Resistance, Carry Weight Increase, Electricity Resistance)

Witch's Claw- 0006B689 (Resist Magic, Lingering Damage Magic, Fortify: Enchant, Fortify Trade)

Bone flour- 00034CDD (Stamina Damage, Fire Resistance, Fortify: Conjuration, Stamina Drain)

Crown of Blood- 0004DA20 (Fire Vulnerability, Fortify: Block, Poison Vulnerability, Magic Resistance)

moon moth wing- 000727DF (Magic Damage, Fortify: Light Armor, Health Regeneration, Invisibility)

Monarch Wing- 000727E0 (Health Regen, Trade Art Up, Stamina Lingering Damage, Magic Damage)

blue butterfly wing- 000727DE (Damage Stamina, Fortify Skill: Conjuration, Damage Magicka Regeneration, Fortify Skill: Enchantment)

Egg- 00023D77 (Magic Resistance, Magic Regeneration Damage, Water Breathing, Stamina Lingering Damage)

Lavender- 00045C28 (Magic Resist, Stamina Boost, Magic Drain, Skill Up: Conjuration)

purple ermine- 00077E1E (Stamina Regeneration, Fortify Skill: Stealth, Lingering Magic Damage, Cold Resistance)

moon sugar- 000D8E3F (Fire Vulnerability, Cold Resistance, Magic Recovery, Magic Regeneration)

fierce mushroom- 0004DA25 (Stamina Damage, Frenzy, Health Regeneration, Skill Up: Blacksmithing)

little gem- 00085500 (Stamina Regeneration, Fortify One-Handed Weapon, Fortify Recovery, Cold Resistance)

small horns- 0006BC0B (Vulnerable to Poison, Fortify: Recovery, Lingering Damage to Stamina, Damage to Health)

bear claws- 0006BC02 (Stamina Regen, Health Boost, Skill Boost: One-Handed, Magicka Regeneration Damage)

Honeycomb- 000B08C5 (Stamina Regen, Fortify: Block, Fortify: Light Armor, Deplete Stamina)

Mora tapinella- 000EC870 (Magic Recovery, Health Damage Lingering, Stamina Regeneration, Skill Up: Illusion)

frosty miriam- 00034D32 (Resist Cold, Fortify Stealth, Drain Magic, Damage Stamina Regeneration)

frost salt- 0003AD5F (Fire Vulnerability, Cold Resistance, Magic Recovery, Fortify: Conjuration)

sea ​​acorn- 0007EDF5 (Magic Damage, Water Breathing, Health Regeneration, Skill Up: Pickpocketing)

fly agaric- 0004DA00 (Fire resistance, Fortify two-handed weapon, Frenzy, Stamina regeneration)

fire salt- 0003AD5E (Cold Vulnerability, Fire Resistance, Magicka Regeneration, Magicka Regeneration)

Ingredients Pt.2

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 000BB956 10 - Get 10 Orange Dragonflies

orange dragonfly- 000BB956 (Stamina Regen, Drain Magic, Fortify Pickpocket, Lingering Damage to Health)

Giant's Finger- 0003AD64 (Stamina Damage, Health Boost, Carry Weight Boost, Stamina Regeneration Damage)

Nightshade- 0002F44C (Health Damage, Magicka Regeneration Damage, Stamina Lingering Damage, Skill Up: Destruction)

spider egg- 0009151B (Damage to Stamina, Damage to Magicka Regeneration, Fortify Skill: Hacking, Fortify Archer Art)

Veil of haze- 0006BC0E (Stamina Recovery, Fortify Destruction Skill, Carry Weight Increase, Magic Resistance)

soothsayer feathers- 0003AD66 (Magic Damage, Fortify: Conjuration, Frenzy, Electricity Weakness)

hawk feathers- 000E7ED0 (Cure Disease, Fortify Light Armor, Fortify One-Handed, Fortify Stealth)

creeping vine- 000B2183 (Magic Recovery, Stamina Regeneration Damage, Carry Weight Increase, Magic Weakness)

Vampire Ashes- 0003AD76 (Invisibility, Magicka Recovery, Health Regeneration, Disease Healing)

Cotton grass- 0003F7F8 (Resist Magic, Fortify Magic, Fortify Skill: Block, Fortify Art of Trade)

Bee- 000A9195 (Stamina Recovery, Stamina Depleted, Stamina Regeneration, Electricity Vulnerability)

bee nest- 000A9191 (Resist Poison, Fortify Light Armor, Fortify Stealth, Fortify Destruction)

Wheat- 0004B0BA (Health Regen, Health Boost, Stamina Regeneration Damage, Magic Lingering Damage)

glowing dust- 0003AD73 (Magic Damage, Magic Regeneration Damage, Fortify Destruction, Electricity Resistance)

glowing mushroom- 0007EE01 (Electricity Resistance, Fort Skill: Destruction, Fort Skill: Blacksmithing, Fort Health)

Daedra Heart- 0003AD5B (Health Regeneration, Stamina Regeneration Damage, Magic Damage, Fear)

silver perch- 00106E1C (Stamina Regeneration, Stamina Regeneration Damage, Health Depletion, Cold Resistance)

blue dragonfly- 000E4F0C (Electricity Resistance, Fortify Skill: Pickpocketing, Health Recovery, Fear)

Cyrodiil Spadetail- 00106E19 (Damage to Stamina, Fortify: Recovery, Fear, Health Drain)

snow berries- 0001B3BD (Resist Fire, Fortify Enchantment, Resist Cold, Resist Electricity)

canine root- 0006ABCB (Damage Stamina, Fortify One-Handed, Fortify Archer, Paralyze)

Salt- 00034CDF (Magic Vulnerability, Fortify: Cooldown, Slow, Magicka Regen)

Salt of the Void- 0003AD60 (Electric Vulnerability, Magic Resistance, Health Damage, Magic Boost)

Taproot- 0003AD71 (Magic Vulnerability, Fortify: Illusion, Magic Regeneration, Magic Recovery)

Crushed mammoth tusk- 0006BC10 (Stamina Regeneration, Skill Up: Stealth, Fire Vulnerability, Fear)

firefly thorax- 0004DA73 (Stamina Regen, Magic Lingering Damage, Magic Weakness, Stamina Boost)

herbal pod- 00083E64 (Resist Poison, Deplete Magic, Fortify: Alteration, Restore Magic)

Falmer ear- 0003AD5D (Health Damage, Frenzy, Poison Resist, Fortify: Hacking)

skewer tail- 0003AD6F (Stamina Regeneration Damage, Health Depletion, Health Damage, Skill Fort: Light Armor)

Histcarp- 00106E18 (Stamina Regen, Magic Boost, Stamina Regeneration Damage, Water Breathing)

human heart- 000B18CD (Health Damage, Magic Damage, Magic Regeneration Damage, Frenzy)

human meat- 001016B3 (Health Damage, Paralysis, Magic Recovery, Skill Up: Stealth)

Garlic- 00034D22 (Poison Resistance, Stamina Boost, Magicka Regeneration, Health Regeneration)

flake- 0006F950 (Magic Vulnerability, Fortify Illusion, Stamina Regeneration, Carry Weight Increase)

Killer Fish Scale- 0003AD70 (Resist Cold, Lingering Damage to Health, Fortify: Heavy Armor, Fortify: Block)

Ectoplasm- 0003AD63 (Magic Recovery, Skill Up: Destruction, Magic Up, Health Damage)

elven ear- 00034D31 (Magic Recovery, Fortify Archer Art, Cold Vulnerability, Fire Resistance)

juniper berries- 0005076E (Fire Vulnerability, Fortify Archer Art, Health Regeneration, Stamina Regeneration Damage)

poison bell- 000516C8 (Health Damage, Stamina Drain, Slow, Poison Vulnerable)

dragon tongue- 000889A2 (Fire Resistance, Fortify Trade, Fortify Illusion, Fortify Two-Handed)

Corus egg- 0003AD56 (Poison Vulnerability, Stamina Boost, Magic Damage, Invisibility)

origma egg- 0007E8C8 (Health Regeneration, Skill Up: One-Handed, Stamina Damage, Magic Vulnerable)

Pine Thrush Egg- 00023D6F (Stamina Regen, Fortify Lockpick, Poison Vulnerability, Electricity Resistance)


yellow ermine - XX 002A78 (Poison Resist, Health Boost, Skill Boost: Recovery, Stamina Regeneration Damage)

ancestor moth wing - XX 0059BA (Damage Stamina, Fortify Skill: Conjuration, Damage Magicka Regeneration, Fortify Skill: Enchant)

glowing flower - XX 00B097 (Magic Resist, Fear, Health Regeneration, Paralysis)

Corus Hunter Whiskers - XX 0183B7 (Damage Stamina, Fortify Skill: Conjuration, Damage Magicka Regeneration, Fortify Skill: Enchant)

poisonous flower - XX 0185FB (Health Damage, Fear, Carry Weight Increase, Slow)


salmon caviar - XX 003545 (Water Breathing, Fortify Magicka, Magicka Regeneration, Stamina Recovery)

hawk egg - XX 00F1CC (Magic Resistance, Water Breathing, Magic Regeneration Damage, Stamina Lingering Damage)


pest - XX 017E97 (Health Drain, Stamina Drain, Magic Drain, Health Damage Lingering)

Burnt Spriggan Wood - XX 01CD6E (Fire Vulnerability, Fortify Skill: Alteration, Magicka Regeneration Damage, Slow)

netcha jelly - XX 01CD72 (Paralysis, Increase in carry weight, Recovery of stamina, Fear)

Ash Jumper Jelly - XX 01CD71 (Health Regeneration, Fortify: Light Armor, Electricity Resistance, Cold Vulnerability)

imperial umbrella moss - XX 01FF75 (Health Damage, Magic Boost, Health Regeneration, Skill Boost: Two-Handed)

Boar Fang - XX 01CD6F (Stamina Up, Health Up, Skill Up: Block, Frenzy)

Trama root - XX 017008 (Electric Vulnerability, Carry Weight Increase, Magic Damage, Slow)

Ashes of spawn - XX 01CD6D (Drain Stamina, Fire Resistance, Fortify: Enchant, Drain Magic)

Ash creeping vine - XX 01CD74 (Stamina Damage, Invisibility, Fire Resistance, Fortify: Destruction)

Felsad tern feathers - XX 03CD8E (Health Regeneration, Skill Up: Light Armor, Disease Healing, Magic Resistance)

Ash grass pod - XX 016E26 (Fire Resistance, Shock Weakness, Fortify Lockpicking, Fortify Stealth)

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 00065C9A 10 - Get 10 Goat Legs


goat ham- 00065C9A

horsemeat- 00065C9C (Restores 2 health)

Crab Legs (Hearthfire) - XX 003540

Chicken breast- 000F2011 (Restores 2 health)

Salmon- 00065C9F (Restores 2 health)

Boar Meat (Dragonborn) - XX 03BD14 (Restores 2 health)

Ashskipper Meat (Dragonborn) - XX 03BD15 (Restores 2 health)

oyster meat- 000EBA03 (Recovers 1 health)

Horker Meat- 00065C9B (Recovers 1 health)

Ash Hopper Leg (Dragonborn) - XX 03D125 (Restores 2 health)

Venison- 000669A2 (Restores 2 health)

Fresh meat- 0010211A

dog meat-000EDB2E (Restores 2 health)

raw beef- 00065C99 (Restores 2 health)

Raw rabbit leg- 00065C9E (Restores 2 health)

Pheasant breast- 00065C9D (Restores 2 health)

mammoth trunk- 000669A4 (Restores 5 health)

Vegetables and fruits

Green apple- 00064B2F (Restores 2 health)

Cabbage- 00064B3F (Recovers 1 health)

Potato- 00064B41 (Recovers 1 health)

Red Apple- 00064B2E (Restores 2 health)

Leek- 000669A5 (Recovers 1 health)

Carrot- 00064B40 (Recovers 1 health)

Ash Sweet Potato (Dragonborn) - XX 0206E7 (Recovers 1 health)

A tomato- 00064B42 (Recovers 1 health)

Pumpkin- 0010D666 (Recovers 1 health)


Braided bun (Hearthfire) - XX 0009DB (Recovers 2 health, Increases carry weight by 5 for 30 seconds.)

Grape Crostata (Hearthfire) - XX 00353A (Recovers 10 health, Magicka increased by 4 for 60 seconds.)

homemade food- 000CD614 (Recovers 25 Health for 600 seconds, Restores 25 Stamina for 600 seconds, Restores 25 Magicka for 600 seconds.)

Potato Bread (Hearthfire) - XX 003537 (Restores 3 health)

Juniper Crostata (Hearthfire) - XX 003539 (Recover 4 Health, Restore 2 Health per second, Lasts 60s)

Custard Cake- 00064B30

sweet roll- 00064B3D (Restores 5 health)

Chicken puff (Hearthfire) - XX 0117FF (Recover 15 Health, Restore 1 Health per second, Lasts 120s)

Lavender Puff (Hearthfire) - XX 011801 (Recovers 5 Health, Increases Magicka by 10 for 60s, Gain 10% Magic Resistance for 60s.)

Apple puff (Hearthfire) - XX 003533 (Recovers 5 health, Arrows deal 5% more damage for 60 seconds.)

Snowberry Crostata (Hearthfire) - XX 00353B (Recover 10 Health, Neutralize 4% Fire Damage, Lasts 60s)

Bread (v.1)- 00065C97 (Restores 2 health)

Bread (v.2)- 00065C98 (Restores 2 health)

Garlic Bread (Hearthfire) - XX 0009DC (Recovers 2 health, Heals all diseases)

Apple pie- 00064B43 (Restores 10 health)

Meat dishes

Horker beef steak- 0007224E (Restores 10 health)

Boiled boar meat (Dragonborn) - XX 03CF72

Beef with spices- 000CADFB (Restores 5 health)

Roasted horse meat- 000722B0 (Restores 10 health)

Fried rabbit leg- 000722C2 (Restores 5 health)

fried chicken breast - 000E8947 (Restores 5 health)

Grilled killer fish- 00064B3C (Restores 5 health)

Grilled skeever meat- 000E8448 (Restores 2 health)

Roasted goat ham- 0007224C (Restores 10 health)

salmon steak- 00064B3B (Restores 5 health)

Salmon Steak (Hearthfire) - XX 003541 (Restores 5 health)

deer chop- 000722BD (Restores 5 health)

boiled beef- 000721E8 (Restores 10 health)

mammoth steak- 000722BB (Restores 10 health)

Braised Crab Legs (Hearthfire) - XX 00353F (Restores 12 health)

Pheasant roast- 000722C7 (Restores 5 health)

Soups and stews

beef stew- 000F4314 (Stamina increased by 25 for 720s, Restores 2 stamina per second, lasts 720s)

cabbage soup- 000EBA02 (Recovers 10 Health, Restores 8 Stamina)

Cabbage soup with potatoes- 000F431B

Potato Soup (Hearthfire) - XX 00353D (Recovers 10 health, Restores 10 stamina)

Vegetable soup- 000F431E (Recovers 1 Health per second, lasts 720 seconds, Recovers 1 Stamina per second, lasts 720 seconds.)

Cabbage and apple chowder- 000EBA01 (Recovers 15 stamina, Restores 10 health)

Venison chowder- 000F431D (Recovers 15 Stamina, Recovers 1 Health per second, Lasts 720 seconds, Recovers 1 Stamina per second, Lasts 720 seconds.)

Horker Chowder- 000F4315 (Recovers 15 Stamina, Restores 15 Health, Restores 1 Health per second, lasts 720 sec.)

Horker Chowder with Sweet Potatoes (Dragonborn) - XX 03CD5B (Recovers 16 Health, Restores 12 Stamina)

Clam Soup (Hearthfire) - XX 00353E (Recovers 10 health, Restores 10 stamina)

Tomato soup- 000F431C (Recovers 10 health, Restores 10 stamina)

Elsweyr Fondue- 000F4320 (Magic regenerates 25% faster for 720 seconds, Magicka increased by 100 for 720 seconds.)

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 00064B33 10 - Get 10 Goat Cheese Rounds


Goat cheese

Piece of goat cheese - 00064B31 (Recovers 1 health)

Open circle of goat cheese - 00064B35

Goat Cheese Round - 00064B33 (Restores 15 health)

Eidar cheese

Piece of Eidar Cheese - 00064B32 (Recovers 1 health)

Open circle of Eidar cheese - 00064B36 (Restores 15 health)

Eidar cheese circle - 00064B34 (Restores 15 health)


Roasted Leek - 00064B3E (Restores 6 health)

Jug of Milk (Hearthfire) - XX 003534 (Restores 2 health)

Oil (Hearthfire) - XX 00353C (Restores 2 health)

Bag of flour (Hearthfire) - XX 003538 (Recovers 1 health)

Bowl of mammoth cheese - 000669A3 (Recovers 10 Health, Restores 15 Stamina)

Nuts in honey - 00064B38 (Restores 5 health)

Baked potato - 00064B3A (Restores 5 health)

Bee honey - 0010394D (Restores 2 health)

Soul Pod (Dragonborn) - XX 014DC4 (Interrupts Soul Siphon in Soul Cairn, Grants 10% Magic Resistance for 10 seconds.)

Tyanuchka - 00064B39 (Recovers 10 Health, Restores 5 Stamina)

The drinks

Argonian Ale - 0009380D

Argonian Blood Wine (Hearthfire) - XX 003535 (40% Poison Resistance, Lasts 50s, You can breathe underwater for 50s, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 30s)

Velvet Luck - 00065C37

White Gold Tower - 00065C38 (Restores 25 stamina)

Wine (v.1) - 0003133C (Recovers 15 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 30 seconds.)

Wine (v.2) - 000C5348 (Recovers 15 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 30 seconds.)

Wine "Alto" (v.1) - 0003133B (Recovers 15 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 30 seconds.)

Wine "Alto" (v.2) - 000C5349 (Recovers 15 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 30 seconds.)

Surili brothers wine (Hearthfire) - XX 003536 (Recovers 15 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 30 seconds.)

Jessica's Wine - 000F257E (Restores 5 stamina)

Esbern's Potion - 000E6DF5 (Gives you the "Dragon Bones and Scales" ability)

Ash Honey (Dragonborn) - XX 03572F (Recovers 40 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 50% slower for 30 seconds.)

(Recovers 25 stamina, Prices are 20% better for 30s, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 30s)

Matzt (Dragonborn) - XX 0248CE (Recovers 10 Stamina, Neutralizes 20% Cold Damage, Lasts 60s, Reduces Target's Magic Regeneration by 25%, Lasts 60s)

Honey with juniper berries - 00107A8A (Recovers 20 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 40 seconds.)

Honning Honey - 000508CA (Recovers 20 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 25% slower for 20 seconds.)

Nordic honey - 00034C5D (Recovers 15 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 30 seconds.)

Fire Breathing Honey - 000555E8 (Recovers 20 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 60 seconds.)

Fire Wine - 0001895F (Recovers 20 Stamina, Stamina Regenerates 30% slower for 45s, Neutralizes 15% Cold Damage, Lasts 45s)

Spiced wine - 00085368 (Recovers 25 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 50 seconds.)

Holy water - 000A9661 (Restores 25 stamina)

Cyrodilic Brandy - 000B91D7 (Recovers 25 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 25% slower for 30 seconds.)

Rock Rider - 00065C39 (Restores 25 stamina)

Stros M "Kai Rum - 000D055E (Restores 25 stamina)

Sujamma (Dragonborn) - XX 0207E6

Sujamma Sadri (Dragonborn) - XX 024E0B (Recovers 25 stamina, Reduces target's stamina regeneration by 30%, lasts 60s.)

Coal wine (Dragonborn) - XX 0320DF (Recovers 25 stamina, Reduces target's stamina regeneration by 60%, lasts 120s.)

Flynn (Dragonborn) - XX 0207E5 (Recovers 25 stamina, Reduces target's stamina regen by 20%, lasts 120s.)

Black-Bird Honey - 0002C35A

Chernovereskovy selected honey - 000F693F (Recovers 25 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 40% slower for 30 seconds.)

Shane - XX 0248CC (Recovers 25 stamina, Reduces target's stamina regeneration by 30%, lasts 60s.)

El - 00034C5E (Recovers 25 Stamina, Stamina regenerates 30% slower for 30 seconds.)

Materials for crafting items

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 000DB5D2 10 - get 10 skins


000DB5D2 - Leather

000800E4 - Strips of leather


0005ACE5 - Steel ingot

0005ACE4 - Iron ingot

0005ACE3 - Silver ingot

0005AD93 - Corundum ingot

0005AD99 - Orichalcum ingot

0005AD9D - Ebony ingot

0005AD9E - Gold Bar

0005ADA0 - Mercury ore ingot

000DB8A2 - Dwemer metal ingot

0005ADA1 - Purified Malachite

0005AD9F - Purified Moonstone

Dragon Scale and Bone

0003ADA3 - Dragon scales

0003ADA4 - Dragonbone


00071CF3 - Iron ore

00071CDB - Corundum ore

00071CDC - Ebony ore

00071CDE - Gold ore

00071CE1 - Malachite ore

00071CE0 - Lunar ore

00071CDD - Orichalcum ore

00071CE2 - Mercury ore

00071CDF - Silver ore

XX 02B06B - Stalhrim


Gems come across when mining various ores, in game containers, as well as on the bodies of some dead creatures. You can sometimes buy from merchants. As the level increases, they become more common, but the probability of finding an expensive stone (for example, a flawless diamond) is still quite low. The Thieves' Luck effect also contributes to more frequent finding of valuable stones. They can be used in blacksmithing to make jewelry or sold. Some gems are needed to complete quests.
In The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn appears new opportunity uses for gems - they are now needed to craft spider scrolls. Since the scrolls are disposable, there is a reason not to sell stones, but to save them.

00063B46 - Amethyst

00063B47 - Diamond

00063B45 - Pomegranate

00063B43 - Emerald

00063B42 - Ruby

00063B44 - Sapphire

0006851E - Flawless Amethyst

0006851F - Flawless Diamond

00068521 - Flawless Garnet

00068520 - Flawless Emerald

00068522 - Flawless Ruby

00068523 - Flawless Sapphire


0003AD52 - Bear skin

0003AD53 - Cave bear skin

0003AD54 - Polar bear skin

0003AD6D - Sabertooth skin

0003AD6E - Snow Saber Skin

0003AD74 - Wolf skin

0003AD75 - Snow Wolf Skin

0003AD8E - Goat skin

0003AD8F - Cowhide

0003AD90 - Deerskin

000D284D - Deerskin

000CF89E - Deerskin

0003AD93 - Horseskin

000D4B35 - Fox skin

000D4BE7 - Snow fox skin

XX 011999 - Skin of the valley deer (Dawnguard)

XX 01199A - Vale Saber Skin (Dawnguard)


Crafted Items

XX 003035 - Iron fittings

XX 003011 - Door hinge

XX 00300F - Nails

XX 003012 - Castle

XX 005A69 - Glass

XX 003043 - Clay

XX 00306C - Quarry stone

XX 00303F - Goat horns

XX 005A68 - Straw


XX 011CF7 - Claw of the bone hawk

XX 002994 - Bone Hawk Feathers

XX 002993 - Bone Hawk Skull

0003AD57 - Corus Chitin

XX 0195AA - Shell beetle chitin

XX 01CD7C - Netch Hide (Dragonborn)

00034CDD - Bone meal

0003AD5B - Daedric Heart

0006F993 - Log

Potions Pt.1

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 000F84AE 10 - get 10 fugitive potions

Runaway Potions

000F84AE - Escape Potion

000F84AF - Runaway's potion

000F84B0 - Fugitive potion

000F84B1 - Elixir of the Fugitive

000F84B2 - Great Elixir of the Fugitive

000F84B3 - Superior Elixir of the Fugitive

Potions of the Berserker

0003EB2B - Potion of the Berserker

00039974 - Berserker Potion

00039980 - Berserker's potion

00039AA6 - Berserker Elixir

Potion of Glib Speech

000D6948 - Potion of Glib Speech

000D6949 - Glib Potion

000D697F - Potion of Glib Speech

000D6980 - Elixir of Glib Speech

Burglar Potions

00039930 - Burglar Potion

00039945 - Cracker's potion

00039946 - Burglar's potion

00039948 - Burglar's Elixir

Warrior Potions

0003EB2A - Warrior Potion

00039954 - Warrior potion

00039955 - Warrior's potion

00039956 - Warrior Elixir

Potions of a thief

000F84A7 - Thief's potion

000F84A8 - Thief's potion

000F84A9 - Thief's potion

000F84AA - Thief's Elixir

000F84AB - Thief's Great Elixir

000F84AC - Superior Thief Elixir

Potions of the Forager

000F84C1 - Potion of the Producer

000F84C2 - Gatherer's potion

000F84C3 - Gatherer's potion

000F84C4 - Miner's Elixir

000F84C5 - Great elixir of the miner

000F84C6 - Superior Miner's Elixir

Potions of a badass

000F84B5 - Badass Potion

000F84B6 - Badass potion

000F84B7 - Bully potion

000F84B8 - Bully Elixir

000F84B9 - Great Bully Elixir

000F84BA - Superior Badass Elixir

Potions Arrow

000F84BB - Arrow Potion

000F84BC - Arrow potion

000F84BD - Arrow potion

000F84BE - Arrow Elixir

000F84BF - Great Arrow Elixir

000F84C0 - Superior Arrow Elixir

Skirmisher Potions

0003EB30 - Skirmisher Potion

000398FD - Skirmisher's Potion

00039903 - Skirmisher's potion

00039904 - Skirmisher Elixir

Potions Pt.2

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 00039CFB 10 - get 10 enchantment potions

Enchanter's Potions

00039CFB - Enchanter's Potion

00039D02 - Enchanter's potion

00039D0A - Enchanter's potion

00039D12 - Enchanter's Elixir

Potions of the Defender

0003EB32 - Potion of Defender

0003989B - Protector's potion

000398AB - Potion of the Protector

000398AC - Elixir of the Protector

Potions of Change

0003EB36 - Potion of Change

0003988E - Change potion

00039899 - Change potion

0003989A - Elixir of Change

Illusion Potions

0003EB39 - Illusion Potion

0003994E - Potion of Illusion

00039950 - Potion of Illusion

00039951 - Illusion Elixir

Potions of the sorcerer

0003EB37 - Sorcerer's Potion

000398AD - Sorcerer's potion

000398EC - Sorcerer's potion

000398ED - Sorcerer's Elixir

Smith's Potions

0003EB2E - Blacksmith's Potion

0003995D - Blacksmith's potion

00039962 - Blacksmith's potion

00039967 - Blacksmith's Elixir

Merchant's Potions

0003EB35 - Merchant's potion

00039970 - Merchant's potion

00039971 - Merchant's potion

00039973 - Merchant's Elixir

Potions of Light Legs

0003EB33 - Potion of Light Legs

0003EB0E - Potion of light legs

00039969 - Potion of light legs

0003996F - Elixir of Light Legs

Healer's Potions

0003EB3A - Healer's Potion

0003995A - Healer's potion

0003995B - Healer's potion

0003995C - Healer's Elixir

Potions of Accuracy

0003EB2C - Potion of Accuracy

00039949 - Potion of Accuracy

0003994B - Potion of Accuracy

0003994E - Elixir of Accuracy

Potions of Destruction

0003EB38 - Potion of Destruction

000398EE - Potion of Destruction

000398F1 - Potion of Destruction

000398F3 - Elixir of Destruction

Pickpocket Potions

0003EB31 - Pickpocket Potion

00039957 - Pickpocket potion

00039959 - Pickpocket potion

00039958 - Pickpocket Elixir

Potions of the Knight

0003EB2F - Knight Potion

000398F4 - Knight's potion

000398F5 - Knight's potion

000398F6 - Knight's Elixir

Potions Pt.3

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)
Some IDs have XX characters, what it is and how to get this item, see "What is XX in Item IDs"

Example: player.additem 0003EB11 10 - get 10 vigor potions

Vigor potions

0003EB11 - Vigor Potion

00039B0C - Vigor drink

0003EB14 - Vigor potion

000FFA02 - Vigor Elixir

Water breathing potions

0003AC2E - Water breathing potion

0003AC2F - Water breathing potion

0003AC30 - Potion of water breathing

0003AC31 - Elixir of water breath

Potions of invisibility

0003EB3E - Brief Invisibility Potion

0003EB40 - Potion of invisibility

0003EB3F - Medium invisibility potion

0003EB41 - Potion of long invisibility

Potions of Auxiliary Magic

0003EAF7 - Potion of Extra Magic

0003EAFA - Augmented Magic Potion

0003EAFB - Drink of additional magic

0003EAFC - Augmented Magic Potion

000FF9FD - Elixir of Extra Magic

Stamina Potions

0003EAE5 - Weak Stamina Potion

0003EAE1 - Stamina Potion

0003EAE7 - Strong Stamina Potion

00039CF3 - Strong Stamina Potion

0003EAE6 - Ultimate Stamina Potion

00039CF3 - Perfect Stamina Potion

Potions of Improved Stamina

0003EAFD - Improved Stamina Potion

0003EB00 - Improved stamina potion

0003EAFE - Improved Stamina Drink

0003EAFF - Improved Stamina Potion

000FFA01 - Elixir of improved stamina


XX01391D - Redwater Skooma

00057A7A - Skooma

00057A7B - Skooma Kordira

0003F4BD - Double distillation skooma

000DC172 - Balmora blue

Unique Potions

0005F6DF - Vermina's Apathy

000AED90 - Sleepy Tree Gum

XX018EF3 - Potion of Blood

0005566A - Horse Endurance Potion

XX0390E0 - Water Walking Potion

000E6DF5 - Esbern's Potion

0005661F - Unknown potion

000E2D3D - Curse of the Ice Ghost

000A9661 - Holy water

000B91D7 - Cyrodiil Brandy

000663E1 - Phantom potion

000D055E - Stros M "Kai Rum

00076F17 - Falmer Blood Elixir

00058CFB - Lotus extract

XX015A1E - Soul Pod Extract

000F9642 - Ice Ghost Essence


00065A6F - Weak poison

00073F35 - Poison

00073F36 - Strong poison

00073F37 - Pernicious poison

00073F38 - Deadly Poison

Potion Pt.4

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 00065A70 10 - Get 10 Anti-Magic Poison

Anti-Magic Poisons

00065A70 - Poison of anti-magic

00073F3D - Lingering anti-magic poison

00073F3E - Continuous anti-magic poison

00073F3F - Long-lasting anti-magic poison

00073F40 - Incessant anti-magic poison

Poisons of Decay

00065A71 - Poison of breakdown

00073F45 - Lingering poison of breakdown

00073F46 - Long-lasting poison of prostration

00073F47 - Prolonged Poison of Decay

00073F48 - Endless Poison of Prostration

Rabies Poisons

00065A69 - Weak rabies poison

00073F5A - Rabies Poison

00073F5B - Strong rabies poison

00073F5C - Virulent rabies poison

00073F5D - Deadly rabies poison

Paralysis Poisons

00065A6A - Weak paralysis poison

00074A38 - Paralysis Poison

00074A39 - Strong paralysis poison

00074A3A - Virulent Poison of Paralysis

00074A3B - Deadly paralysis poison

Poisons of fear

00065A68 - Weak Poison of Fear

00073F5E - Poison of fear

00073F5F - Strong poison of fear

00073F60 - Virulent Poison of Fear

00073F61 - Deadly poison of fear

Poisons of breakdown

00065A66 - Weak breakdown poison

00073F41 - Poison of breakdown

00073F42 - Strong poison of breakdown

00073F43 - Virulent poison of breakdown

00073F44 - Deadly Poison of Prostration

Potions Pt.5

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 0003EAF2 10 - get 10 health potions

Health Potions

0003EAF2 - Health Potion

0003EAF4 - Health Potion

0003EAF6 - Health drink

0003EAF5 - Health potion

000FF9FC - Elixir of Health


000AE723 - Potion of Healing Disease

000E41B8 - Frostbite Poison

00065A64 - Antidote

Potions of Healing

0003EADD - Weak Healing Potion

0003EADE - Healing Potion

0003EADF - Strong Healing Potion

0003EAE3 - Strong Healing Potion

00039BE4 - Superior Healing Potion

00039BE5 - Perfect Healing Potion

Potions of Magic

0003EAE0 - Weak Potion of Magic

0003EAE1 - Potion of Magic

0003EAE2 - Strong Magic Potion

0003EAE4 - Strong Magic Potion

00039BE6 - Ultimate Magic Potion

00039BE7 - Perfect Magic Potion

Magic Resistance Potions

00039E52 - Magic Resistance Potion

00039E53 - Magic resistance potion

00039E54 - Potion of Magic Resistance

00039E55 - Elixir of Magic Resistance

Magic Rejection Potions

00065A6E - Weak rejection of magic

00073F56 - Rejection of magic

00073F57 - Strong rejection of magic

00073F58 - Pernicious aversion to magic

00073F59 - Deadly magic aversion

Anti-Magic Poisons

00065A65 - Weak anti-magic poison

00073F39 - Anti-Magic Poison

00073F3A - Strong anti-magic poison

00073F3B - Noxious anti-magic poison

00073F3C - Deadly anti-magic poison

Poisons of non-replenishment

00073F90 - Weak non-replenishment poison

00073F91 - Poison of non-replenishment

00073F92 - Strong non-replenishment poison

00073F93 - Pernicious poison of non-replenishment

00073F94 - Deadly poison of non-replenishment

Potions of magical powers

0003EB0D - Potion of magical powers

0003EB0E - Potion of magical powers

0003EB0F - Drink of magical powers

0003EB10 - Potion of magical powers

000FFA00 - Elixir of magical powers

Potions of Strength

0003EB02 - Potion of Strength

0003EB05 - Potion of strength

0003EB03 - Drink of strength

0003EB04 - Potion of Strength

000FF9FE - Elixir of Strength

Potions Pt.6

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)

Example: player.additem 00039B4A 10 - get 10 fire resistance potions

Fire resistance potions

00039B4A - Potion of Fire Resistance

0003EAE9 - Fire resistance potion

00039B4B - Potion of fire resistance

0003EAEF - Elixir of Fire Resistance

Cold Resistance Potions

00039B8A - Cold Resistance Potion

0003EAED - Cold Resistance Potion

00039BDF - Potion of Cold Resistance

0003EAF0 - Elixir of Cold Resistance

Electricity Resistance Potions

00039BE1 - Electricity resistance potion

0003EAEE - Electricity Resistance Potion

00039BE3 - Electricity resistance potion

0003EAF1 - Electricity Resistance Elixir

Regeneration Potions

0003EB09 - Regeneration Potion

0003EB0A - Potion of regeneration

0003EB0B - Drink regeneration

0003EB0C - Potion of Regeneration

000FF9FF - Elixir of Regeneration

Frost Rejection Potions

00065A6C - Weak frost aversion

00073F4D - Frost aversion

00073F4E - Strong frost aversion

00073F4F - Pernicious frost aversion

00073F50 - Deadly frost aversion

Fire Rejection Potions

00065A6B - Weak fire resistance

00073F49 - Rejection of fire

00073F4A - Strong fire aversion

00073F4B - Pernicious aversion to fire

00073F4C - Deadly fire aversion

Electricity Rejection Potions

00073F52 - Weak electricity aversion

00065A6D - Rejection of electricity

00073F53 - Strong aversion to electricity

00073F54 - Pernicious aversion to electricity

00073F55 - Deadly electricity aversion

Fatigue Poisons

00073F8B - Weak fatigue poison

00073F8C - Poison of fatigue

00073F8D - Strong fatigue poison

00073F8E - Deadly Poison of Fatigue


0003A5A4 - Weak poison

00073F31 - Poison

00073F32 - Strong poison

00073F33 - Virulent Poison

00073F34 - Deadly Poison

building materials

In the Hearthfire add-on in construction, you will need materials.

In order to add straw 10 pcs. you need to enter:

player.additem 03005a68 10

where 03005a68 10 - 03 because in the launcher Hearthfire is third in the add-on download queue. If the cheat code does not work, enter the first numbers 04. Or 02, or 01 instead of XX (if the add-on is loaded 4th, 2nd or first).

Finding/Purchasable Materials

Glass - XX 005a69

Sawn log - XX 00300e

Straw - XX 005a68

Leather strips - 000800E4

Crafted Items

Door hinge - XX 003011

Iron parts - XX 003035

Castle - XX 003012

Nails - XX 00300f

living creatures

Wolfskin - 0003ad74

Bear Skin - 0003ad52

Deerskin - 0003ad90

Skin of the Sabertooth - 0003ad6d

Snow Saber Skin - 0003ad6e

Goat Skin - 0003ad8e

Killer Fish Scale - 0003AD70

Mud Crab Claw - 0006BC00

Horker Fang - 0003AD68

Saber Fang - 0006BC04

Big Horns - 0006BC0A

Goat horns - XX 00303F

Stones and ores

Purified Moonstone - 0005AD9F

Mercury Ore Ingot - 0005ADA0

Iron ingot - 0005ACE4

Corundum ingot - 0005AD93

Quarry stone - XX 00306c

Clay - XX 003043

Great Soul Stone - 0002E4FC,0002E4FF


baby doll - XX 00c1de

wooden sword - XX 004d91

Amulet of Akatosh - 000C8911

Amulet of Julianos - 000c8917

Amulet of Dibella - 000C8915

Amulet of Zenithar - 000878BB

Amulet of Kynareth - 000C8919

Amulet of Stendarr - 000CC844

Amulet of Talos - 000CC846

Amulet of Arkay - 000CC848

Amulet of Mary - 000c891b

Treasure chests

Each of the chests contains all the items of its class. For example, a stave chest contains ALL staves, while an ingredient chest contains ALL ingredients. To get these treasure chests, use the following Skyrim cheat codes: player.placeatme (no brackets)

Example: player.placeatme 000C2CDE - get a chest with all staves

000C2CDF - enchanted weapon

000C2CD7 - enchanted armor, jewelry, mage and rogue clothes

000C2CE0 - standard weapon

000C2CD6 - standard armor

000C2CDE - staves

000C2CD8 - armor and jewelry, clothes for a mage and a robber

0010D9FF - skill books

000C2CD9 - spell books

000C2D3B - regular books

000C2CD4 - arrows

000C2CDA - ingredients

000C2CDB - keys

000C2CE1 - spell scrolls

000C2CE2 - potions, elixirs and tinctures

Notes: After opening some chests (with enchanted weapons and armor), Skyrim freezes for 30-60 seconds. (depending on the power of your CPU). Wait a while and everything will be fine. If, after opening a chest with an enchanted weapon/armor, instead of a single item, press [r] (take all), then the duration of the freeze will be reduced several times. Chests contain all the items of their class - there are a lot of things. Each chest contains only 1 copy of each item. If you want to make a lot of such items (ingredients) - find out its ID of the item (read how to do it below) and create the required number of these things using the cheat player.additem ID quantity

Dragon priest masks

To get the required item, whose IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [amount] (without brackets)
Some IDs have signs XX, what is it and how to get this item, see the section "What is XX in item IDs"

Example: player.additem 00061CCA 1 - get 1 wooden mask

List of masks:

Wooden mask - 00061CCA
Volsung - 00061CAB
Morokei - 00061C8B
Wokun - 00061CC9
Krosis - 00061CB9
Otar - 00061CC2
Khevnorak - 00061CC1
Ragot - 00061CC0
Nakrin - 00061CA5
Konarik - 00061CD6

In Dragonborn:

Miraak - This mask belongs to the character of the same name, a former dragon priest. You can get it only after completing the quest "At the top of the Apocrypha", taking Miraak from the body.
Zakrisosh - XX 024037
Dukan - XX 0240FF
Azidal - XX 0240FE

Passage of quests

To complete quests in Skyrim, we need the following cheat codes:

showquesttargets - Shows the ID of the active quest

getstage (without brackets) - shows the stage of the specified quest (the resulting number is not % completed)

setstage [stage] (without brackets) - set the stage of execution

movetoqt (without brackets) - teleport to the key point (the last unfinished stage) of the specified task

sqs (without brackets) - show a list of all stages of the active quest (they are different for each quest). Used in the setstage cheat

resetquest (without brackets) - reset all stages of the quest, after which it can be completed again. In order for this quest to be deleted from the Quest Log, you must save and load the game

player.completequest (no parentheses) - complete the quest. This command is not recommended as you won't be able to get the next quest if it's a quest chain. Use only if you want to complete the quest without the possibility of further progress.

Quest Items

Skeleton key - 0003A070
Precious Flask - 00044E67
Precious Cup - 00044E6C
Precious Jug - 00044E6E
Precious pendant - 00023DF8
Precious Candlestick - 00044E6A
Golden ship model - 00044E8B
Golden Urn - 00044E63
Mercer Plans - 00037CE9
Crown of Barenziah - 0009DFF5

Items that can be sold to Delvin:
Bust of the Gray Fox - 00019954
Honning honey decanter - 00019952
Left Eye of Falmer - 0001994F
Figurine of a bee - 00019958
Dwemer puzzle - 0005598C
East Empire Company Sea Chart - 00060CC2
Ship model - 0006F266

dragon claws:
Diamond Claw - 000AB375
Iron Claw - 0008CDFA
Golden Claw - 00039647
Emerald Dragon Claw - 000ED417
Coral Dragon Claw - 000B634C
Bone Dragon Claw - 000AB7BB
Sapphire Dragon Claw - 000663D7
Glass Claw - 0007C260
Ruby Dragon Claw - 0004B56C
Ebony Claw - 0005AF48

Jazzby grapes - 0006AC4A
Roast Root - 0001BCBC
Ashes of Berith - 000705B7
Scarlet Nirnroot - 000B701A
Heather Heart - 0003AD61
Nirnroot - 00059B86
Fire Salt - 0003AD5E
Nightshade - 0002F44C
Powdered Mammoth Tusk - 0006BC10
Poison Bell - 000516C8
Non-melting snow - 0002С25С

Argonian Ale - 0009380D
Jessica's Wine - 000F257E
Colovian brandy - 00036D53
Fire Wine Crate - 0003EC95

Stone of Barenziah

You can't get a stone using RefID, but you can move to where it should be using the player.moveto console command . All 24 stones can be obtained using the player.additem 9DFBB 24 command.
1) RefID 2) Place where to look 3) detailed description places

0007FB5D Ansilvund Northeast of Shor's Stone, Burial Halls, on a table between sarcophagi.

0007F908 College of Winterhold On a shelf in the archmage's quarters. The chambers become available after the quest "In the Depths of Saarthal".

0007F95D Dragonreach In one of the Jarl's quarters. It lies on the bedside table.

0007F956 Whiterun Hall of the Dead Catacombs Zone. On one of the grave beds at the end of the hall.

0007F923 Jorrvaskr Living quarters zone. The quarters of Kodlak White-Mane.

0007F965 Clan Shattershield House The house is located in Windhelm.

0007F962 Royal Palace in Windhelm Top floor. Room of Wunferth the Unliving. Related quest "Blood on the Snow".

0007FB54 Smoldering Cave Near the corpse of a necromancer. Prior to patch 1.4, this stone was in the Thalmor Embassy.

0007FB4A Ingvild Throne Room, room behind Arondil's throne.
Related quest "Playing with the Dead" (Thieves Guild).

0007FB58 Fellglow Keep In the room with the alchemy lab and the pentagram of souls. Related quest "Library Books" (College of Winterhold).

0007F909 Dwemer Museum The museum is located in Understone Keep in Markarth. The stone lies behind the golden lattice door, on the table. Related quest "Difficult Answers" (Thieves Guild).

0007F925 Treasury in Markarth In Tonar's bedroom, on the nightstand to the right of the bed. Related quest "Conspiracy of Outcasts".

0007FB64 Rannveig Clerk On the table in the cage room.

0007FB65 Stone Creek Cave Near the alchemy lab.

0007FB63 Khob's Cave To the left of the alchemy lab.

0007F927 Fastidious Sload On the table next to the captain's chest. Related quest "The Picky Sload" (Thieves Guild).

0007FB51 Divided Gorge Northwest of Falkreath. The stone lies on the table in front of the Wall of Words.

0007FB55 Mistveil Keep in Riften The Jarl's quarters. The stone lies on the nightstand to the left of the bed.

0007FB56 Black Heather Residence Not far from Riften. The stone is on the top floor, on the bedside table in the room. Related quest "I gave you my word - keep it."

0007F926 Solitude Blue Palace In the jarl's quarters.

0007FB3A Tall Spire Manor Located in Solitude. One of the purchased houses for the main character. Stone in the room by the bed.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (no add-ons or custom mods) has an XX of 00. The most common DLC numbers are:

DLC The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard - 02
DLC The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire - 03
DLC The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn - 04

Many gamers have played Skyrim. This game has won the hearts of computer and console game lovers with its graphics and features. For instance, open world. The player creates a character, after which he will be able to travel, complete tasks and even build houses! In The Elder Scrolls V you can find a lot of interesting items. One of these is a pickaxe. In Skyrim, many are interested in this object. But why is it needed? How and where to find it?

Short description

A pickaxe is a tool that is a kind of axe. It is used to extract ore deposits in mines and caves. Initially, the pick in Skyrim had only a peaceful purpose.

This object can be used as a one-handed weapon and can be enchanted. An ordinary pickaxe cannot be upgraded.

In The Elder Scrolls V you can find:

  • ordinary pickaxe;
  • jagged pick;
  • ancient nordic pickaxe.

Each of the items has the same purpose, but different parameters.

Where to find

A pickaxe in Skyrim can be found or bought. But where?

The regular pickaxe is most often found near single ore locations or in mines. Jagged - on the Throat of the World, between malachite and ebonite veins. This tool can deal 5 electricity damage and upgrades the character's blacksmithing skills.

Nordic pickaxe allows you to mine not only ore, but also stalhrim. You can find it while walking around Stolstheim. The ancient Nord pick in Skyrim is given for completing the Quid for a Favor task. Sold by Baldor Ironswarm in Stallsheim.

"White Frost"

There is another pickaxe in Skyrim. It's called "White Frost". This object appears after Skyrim installations: Dragonborn. It can be used both as a regular pickaxe and as a weapon.

White Rime hits with cold, slows the enemy by 50% for 3 seconds, and has a chance to freeze them. The charge is enough for 46 hits. It is impossible to disassemble the "White Hoarfrost" on the pentagram of souls.

This pickaxe in "Skyrim" is issued for the "Excavations" quest. It can be purchased from Ralis Sedaris in Kolbjorn Barrow.

Codes for receiving

There is an easier way to get study objects. It's about using a game console. With it, you can give yourself any item in The Elder Scrolls V.

Here are the pickaxe codes in Skyrim:

  • Normal - player.additem E3C16 1.
  • Jagged - player.additem 001019D4 1 or 001019D3 1.
  • Ancient Nordic - player.additem XX0398E6 1.
  • "White frost" - player.additem XX0179C9 1.

Entering the Temple of Raven Rock, the High Priest will tell you that the dead in the form of ashen creatures began to come to life in the central hall. He will ask you to clear the temple of them and give you the key to the hall. Head inside the temple and destroy all evil spirits. After that, inform the priest that the temple is clean and available to the inhabitants of the city again. As a reward, you will receive gold.

Bone Armor Upgrade for Glover Melory

The local blacksmith Glover Melory, who is the brother of Delvin Melory from the Thieves Guild of Riften, will tell us that Esmond Tyne stole the recipe for improved bone armor, with which he fled to the north of the island. Go in search of him. You can find him, or rather his remains, in the caves of Karstaga Castle. You will see them at the very entrance to the cave, on the left. Take the note and return it to Glover.

As a token of gratitude, you will receive a key to the Thieves Guild cache in Glover Melory's house, from which you can take gold, gems and a set of unique Blackguard thief armor. In addition, there is a letter from Glover to Sapphire in the chest.

Mystery Sapphire

Read Glover's letter to Sapphire, found in the Thieves Guild cache in Glover Melory's house. It says that the girl with a difficult fate is Glover's daughter. It's time for her to find out who she is real family. Travel to Riften's Ragged Flask and show Sapphire her father's letter. In gratitude for good news you will receive an exquisite sapphire worth 5000 Septims.

Tome for Sindiri Arano

Sindiri Arano, wife of the first Councilor of House Redoran, will ask you to find an ancient tome for her on the crashed ship Terrible Flurry. This ship was wrecked during fog in the southwest of Saltsheim. Now bandits live at the crash site of the ship. Deal with the gang and find the required tome in one of the ship's chests. By returning it to Sindiri Arano, you will receive a certain amount of gold as a token of gratitude.

Netch jelly for Milora

The owner of the Raven Rock Alchemy Shop, Mylora, will ask you to find the necessary ingredient for her - netch jelly. She needs five servings. You can find this ingredient from merchants, or you can get it yourself by killing poor netches, a whole herd of which can be found on the west coast of Saltsheim.

When you complete Milora's order, she will give you a whole set of various potions. Now you can learn alchemy from her.

Eastern imperial pendants

Trader Fetis Alor, who can be found near his dwelling in Raven Rock, is looking for rare pendants bearing the symbol of the East Empire Company. These pendants are scattered throughout the island and are stored in special safes. You can find safes in the following places:

♦ Morvayn Manor

♦ Alora Manor

♦ house Melory

♦ ebonite mine (two safes)

♦ Broken Tusk Mine

♦ ship "Terrible Flurry"

♦ North Pier

♦ Grove Brodir

♦ Mosring Pass

♦ Fort Frostmoth

♦ dilapidated trading post

♦ Haknir Shoal

♦ camp north of the Sun Stone

♦ parking lot southeast of the Water Stone

♦ site southwest of the Hrothmund mound

♦ Benkongerike cave

♦ Ice Cave entrance

♦ most northeastern island

Sujama Sadri

The owner of the tavern "Puke Netch" Geldis Sadri invented a new variety of sujama. He will ask you to offer ten bottles of this drink to the townspeople for a sample. Walk around the city and offer a drink to the residents, however, not everyone will gladly accept your offer. After you manage to distribute all the bottles, return to the innkeeper. As a reward, he will pay you in gold.

Ancient Nordic Pickaxe

The blacksmith of Raven Rock Glover Melory will complain that hereditary miner Caerelius Cretius took away from him and does not want to return the ancient Nord pickaxe. This pickaxe is valuable because it can be used to mine the ancient magical ice of stalhrim. It is a very rare and valuable material for creating armor and weapons. You can find a miner in an ebony mine. He will immediately return the Kirk to you, but will ask you to investigate the circumstances of the death of his grandfather.

The blacksmith, as a sign of gratitude, will leave the pickaxe to you. Do not sell it, only with it you can get stalhrim.

Decisive descent

The main source of income and well-being of the inhabitants of Raven Rock for many years was an ebony mine, which is currently closed. for a century and a half brought income and prosperity to Raven Rock. Caerelius Cretius, the grandson of Horace Cretius, a great expert on ebonite veins, does not believe what they say about the loss of his grandfather in the mine and wants to investigate the circumstances of his death. He will ask you for help.

Get down into the mine. At the first fork, turn right and reach the passage boarded up with boards, break them and move on. Open the grate in the tomb with the key that Cerely gave you. To the right of the grate is a safe with an Imperial Company pendant. Go straight, dealing with the draugr, to the hall with a large grate in the floor. After dealing with the draugr, take things from the chest on the left and go through the door. Pay attention to the vein of stalhrim, it can be mined with an ancient Nordic pickaxe. Pass by the alchemy table, disarm the trap that fires soul gems, and enter through big door into a large abandoned hall with draugr. On the right is a grate that can be opened with a switch located near the enchantment table. At the fork, pick up the spellbook on the left, go upstairs, disarm the soul stone trap and go through the gallery. Turning left, you will find yourself in a hidden part of the cave. Jump down. Near the strange gate you will find the remains of Horace Cerelia, take his diary and the Bloodskal blade. Below you will find the remains of Horace's assistant - Malius.
Read the diary, it says how to use the Bloodskal sword to open the gates sealed with magic. You need to be in the direction of the red cracks (two horizontal hits, two vertical hits, two horizontal hits and one vertical hit).

After the passage is open and go further. Run through the corridor with flying axes, activate the lever and enter the room with the wall of the Words of Power with the cry "Might - Dragon Incarnation". Here you have to fight with dragon priest Zakrisos. As a reward for defeating him, you will receive the mask of Zachrysos. The Black Book of the Winds of Change is also located here.

When you exit the cave, you will find yourself on the Bloodskal mound north of Raven Rock, where the bandits live. Returning to the city, tell everything to Cretius Caerelius. In a few days, the ebony mine will open again.

March of the Dead

As you exit Raven Rock to the east, you will come across a band of Redoran guards who are fighting ash monsters. Rushing to their aid, you will not be able to save the guards, but Captain Velet will remain alive. After searching what is left of the ash monsters, you will find the Declaration of War document, which should be shown to Captain Velet. What will surprise him most of all is that the document was signed by General Faulks Cary, who has long since died.

Veleth will direct you to the ruins of Fort Snowmoth, where the general died, and find out what's wrong. When you reach the fort, go inside. First, at the fork, go left, in the room with spiders, get gems from the deposits. Then head to the central passage, there you will find the key and the diary of the necromancer Ildari. After reading the diary, you will understand that she resurrected General Kariya to control the ash monsters. Now go right along the fork, opening the locked door with the keys. Fight General Karius. After dealing with the enemy, return to Captain Velet.

As a reward, you will receive the hammer "Hero's Cudgel".

Served cold

After you defeat General Karius, you will increase the credibility of the Raven Rock authorities. Captain Veleth will direct you to meet Adril Arano, the first councilor of House Redoran. He, in turn, needs your help to find the spies of House Hlaalu, who for many years have been hunting Lleril Morvayn, the head of House Redoran.

Let's start the investigation with a visit to the tavern, tell Geldis Sadri, who will mention that someone is visiting the Ulens' ancestral tomb. Closer to the night head to the tomb and wait. You will see Taylisa Severin enter the tomb, which leads to the suspicion that the Severin family is somehow connected with the house of Hlaalu. Tell your suspicions to Adril Arano. He will offer to sneak into the Severin estate and find evidence of their work for the Hlaalu house. Adril Arano will give you the key to the estate.

Go to the Severon estate, located in the northern part of the city. As soon as you enter, Tailisa and her daughter will attack us. After dealing with them, search their bodies and take the key to the safe. In the safe is a letter with evidence of their guilt. Take the letter to Arano.

Now you all have to deal with the head of the Severin family. To do this, you need to go to the center of the island, where the Redoran guards will already be waiting for you. Once in place, you will see that the guards are dead. After dealing with the members of the Morag Tong, go to the nearest dungeon where Severin is hiding. Having finished with the criminal, return to Arano, who will arrange an audience for you with Lleril Morvayn, who wants to personally thank you.

Your reward will be the Severin estate with all the property.

Cache of wine

Ask Captain Velet about the state of mind of his warriors. He will complain that some soldiers at their posts drink tempered wine, but he does not know where they get it. We need to find a cache of wine and tell Velet. The cache is located in a barrel that stands between two unfinished houses that are on the road leading from the abandoned house to the Earth Stone.

From underground

Asking the innkeeper Sadri about the rumors, you will learn that to the south of the city on the Kolbjorn mound, a businessman wants to excavate. Head to the barrow and speak with Ralis Sedaris. He will tell you about his grandiose plans, but complain about the lack of money. You can become a sponsor of his adventure.

Part 1

To start, Ralis will ask for 1000 gold. In a few days a messenger will find us and deliver a letter from Ralis. Returning to the excavations, you will be forced to listen to his complaints about the attack of the draugr. Go to the mound and destroy the revived undead. After that, Ralis will ask for another 2000 septims to continue the work.

Part 2

A few days later, you will receive another letter asking Ralis to come to the dig. It turns out that the miners that Ralis hired disappeared and the draugr reappeared. You need to go in search of the missing miners who could survive. Get down into the mound. In the hall you are the dead miner Brandil. In the room, in the center of which there is a ring on a chain, pull it and go to the right. After activating the second circuit, the room at the back will open. After it, to the left to a grate with four switches, which can be activated in the following sequence 1-2-1-4 (from top to bottom). You will see Mireli's body, you can take the letter she wrote before her mother's death. Move on. The switch you see on the right opens a secret room with Ahzidal's ring. Now you can exit the mound. 3000 gold to hire more workers and guards.

Part 3

And again, Ralis will call you through a messenger. This time, the miners will survive, but the guards will die. You will again have to go down into the barrow and deal with the draugr. We go to the place where last time found Ahzidal's ring and go left. Behind the door, locked with an expert level lock, spiders, a chest and an emerald vein; go right and go down, continue straight to the chain switch on the left, then right. You will find yourself at the cliff, on the right there is a door and a chain-switch, which opens the passage to the room with Ahzidal's gloves. Go down to the left, then up to the right, and you will find yourself in a large hall with pressure plates on the floor. On the left is a room with an artifact. If you step on a tile, it will light up for a few seconds. To open the grate, you need to quickly run around and highlight all the tiles. Take the second ring of Ahzidal and climb up. After running along the corridor with axes, activate the chain-switch and exit through the bottom of the excavation from the mound. This time Ralis will demand 5000 gold.

Part 4

After receiving another letter from Ralis and returning to the mound, you will see that the camp is empty, and bloody traces of the battle are everywhere. Ralnis left his diary, from which you will learn that he began to worship Ahzidal.

Go to the barrow in search of Ralis. At the beginning, go to the excavated wall of the Words of Power and examine the cry "Wind-Cyclone". Now go to the hall with the slabs on the floor, dealing with the draugr along the way. Go down the stairs and go to the room where the draugrs sit on thrones. Deal with them, turn the columns so that fish are visible on them, and activate the lever. Take Ahzidal's armor and rotate the pillars so there are two birds. This will open the hatch down. Get down, destroy the draugr and get the stalhrim. Now turn the columns so that they have two snakes on them and take away the helmet of Ahzidal. Behind the door you will meet Ralis and Ahzidal himself, by killing him, you will free Ralis from dark spells. Take Ahzidal's mask and go to the opened passage, there you will find two chests and the Black Book "Thread and Filigree". To get out of the mound, go to the next room, activate the lever and go up the stairs.