Ultrasound pictures at 22 weeks. Ultrasound decoding

Studying the state of the fetus in the womb is extremely important at any stage of pregnancy, but there are certain, established deadlines that should be observed so that doctors can have the maximum amount of information about the health of the unborn child. This diagnosis is complex, and includes a number of diagnostic measures, including ultrasound.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound, ultrasonography) is a method of instrumental diagnostics, in which the condition of the fetus and various organs is studied with the help of ultrasonic waves, because ultrasound is performed not only in pregnant women. This method appeared relatively recently, a little more than half a century ago, but now it has become widespread throughout the world, from the poorest to the richest countries. And it's down to a lot of factors.

Since this article discusses ultrasound at 22 weeks of pregnancy, it’s worth highlighting everything from the point of view of the woman being examined. In this way:

  1. The first thing that a future mother can worry about is safety. Such questions arise not only out of curiosity, but also because of the emergence of responsibility for the life of the child.

    Ultrasound diagnostics in this regard is absolutely safe, especially considering the current level of development of ultrasound technologies in medical practice.

    This is due to the nature of the waves used in the method. At its core, if you do not go into the peculiarities of physics, ultrasonic waves are a very loud sound, and the device itself works on a principle similar to echolocation. That is, the device emits waves with certain characteristics that pass through tissues that do not need diagnostics, are reflected from target structures and then registered and processed by the device. The latter, in turn, analyzes the received data and displays the finished information on the monitor.

  2. In addition to the fact that ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation is safe, it is also quite informative. Ultrasound diagnostics is able to detect not only gross malformations or lack of fetal growth, but also, as well. At the same time, in order to improve the quality and accuracy of the information received, in addition to conventional ultrasound during the 22nd week of pregnancy, and or can be connected.
  3. When the fact that ultrasound is available almost everywhere was mentioned, the question of price immediately arises. Ultrasound examination is affordable for almost everyone, or it can be performed for free, subject to the availability of an appropriate referral. Machines are available in most clinics, but there are also portable versions of the machine that allow ultrasound to be more common.

When a doctor or anyone else talks about the advantages of the method, then of course questions arise about the disadvantages.

  • A lot in ultrasound diagnostics depends on the specialist and the quality of the equipment. But can an ultrasound be wrong at 21 - 23 weeks of pregnancy? Here, a lot depends on what kind of defect is present or what the doctor is “looking for” on an ultrasound scan.
  • Sometimes, only certain signs can be detected on a conventional ultrasound examination, which require clarification using other methods. For example, the already mentioned dopplerography. In addition to diseases, the gender of the child is also important for parents, but sometimes it is also important from a medical point of view. It is essential for physicians to know the sex of the child if there is a risk of genetic diseases such as hemophilia, which is inherited only through the male line.
  • At the first screening study (), it is almost impossible to establish the sex by ultrasound. But starting from the 22-23rd week, ultrasound can give a more accurate answer, but even here there are errors, as mentioned above - a lot depends on the experience of the specialist and the modernity of the equipment that is being diagnosed.

Photo ultrasound pregnancy 22 weeks

What does ultrasound show at 22 weeks pregnant?

When the date of the study is set, which must be determined with your obstetrician-gynecologist, the question arises of what will be examined on ultrasound? In other words, about ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation, what are they looking at?

  • Well, first of all - the fetus itself, namely fetometry. It is a measurement of the parts of the fetus. Measurements of the head, limbs, volume of the abdominal cavity are carried out. The symmetry and proportionality of development is assessed, and the gestational age is also determined.
  • There are times when there is a delay in development. It should be evaluated by an obstetrician-gynecologist who has a pregnant woman, because sometimes it can be a variant of the norm.

  • Examined on ultrasound and other structures of the child's body. , etc. At a period of 22 weeks of pregnancy, often with the help of ultrasound, heart defects are detected. In this case, a second appointment is made. It’s worth saying right away that ultrasound can be performed as many times as necessary. In practice, when a pathology is detected for the first time, an ultrasound examination is prescribed by another specialist or even in another clinic to confirm the diagnosis.
  • In addition to the fetus at 22 weeks, amniotic fluid is also examined. On ultrasound, first of all, their number is evaluated. Both polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios are signs of the presence of various malformations. In addition to defects, oligohydramnios may indicate an intrauterine infection, and polyhydramnios may indicate the presence of diabetes in the mother. Also, polyhydramnios, characterized by an excessively large volume of water, indicates an increased risk of developing cord entanglement.
  • It is very important to assess the condition of the organs on the maternal side. Examination of the umbilical cord and placenta may indicate the need for delivery by method caesarean section due to the low location of the placenta. Because it increases the risk of bleeding. The degree of maturity of the placenta is also studied, normally, at the 22nd week of pregnancy, it is 0.
  • Another indicator is the thickness of the placenta, its decrease indicates sexually transmitted infections. In the umbilical cord, its vessels, their number and the presence of calcifications are studied. In some pregnant women, the number of vessels may be extremely small. This indicates a high risk, which is extremely dangerous for the child's body.
  • If isthmic-cervical insufficiency is suspected, then a transvaginal ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation will be necessary to determine the length, which is essential for diagnosis and treatment.

At 22 weeks gestation, a three-dimensional ultrasound can be performed, which will make it possible to take the very first photos of the baby, or if additional diagnostics are needed using this method.

How is an ultrasound performed at 22 weeks?

How the diagnosis and preparation for it will be carried out depends on the method by which the diagnosis will be carried out. Most often this is a transabdominal method. It is carried out this way only if there are no indications for transvaginal.

  1. passed through the anterior abdominal wall. Preparation for this study is not required, it can be carried out almost immediately after visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist, who appoints the exact date of the study. The study is performed as follows: the pregnant woman comes at the appointed time and lies down on the couch, then exposes the anterior abdominal wall. The doctor applies a special gel that improves the conductivity of ultrasonic waves, and proceeds to the study.
  2. If the diagnosis is performed, then preparation is also not required, but before the diagnosis itself, with severe flatulence, it may be necessary to take carminatives, such as espumizan. The woman also lies on the couch, but she needs to bend her legs in and out, after which the doctor inserts a special sensor into the vagina. To improve conductivity, personal hygiene and reduce trauma, the sensor is put on. It is also lubricated with a special gel. The duration of the diagnostics is approximately 15-30 minutes.

After an ultrasound at 21-23 weeks of gestation, it may be necessary to repeat it, often more than twice. This is especially true in cases where the question of necessity is being decided.

Deciphering the results and norms of ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation

The data obtained must be transferred to an obstetrician-gynecologist who is sufficiently knowledgeable about the mother, father and next of kin of the unborn child. This is important for assessing the development of dangerous conditions, if any. Also, when a doctor assesses the development of the fetus, he must take into account the constitutional features of the parents, because those parameters that may be normal for some, for others will be low and vice versa. The average ultrasound values ​​​​for the period of 22 weeks of pregnancy are indicated in the table below.

Indicator Meaning
Height, cm 28
Weight, g 430 - 500
BPR (Biparietal size) mm. 48 - 60
Fronto-occipital size, mm.
64 - 76
Head circumference, mm. 178 - 212
Abdominal girth, mm 148 - 190
Length femur,
35 - 43
The length of the bones of the lower leg,
31 - 39
Humerus length,
31 - 39
The length of the bones of the forearm,
26 - 34
IR (resistance index) of placental vessels average 0.51 (valid values ​​are from 0.36 to 0.69)
SDO (systolic-diastolic ratio) in the umbilical cord 3,87 - 3,95
IR (resistance index) in umbilical arteries average 0.73 (valid values ​​are from 0.61 to 0.83)

What to do if you miss an ultrasound of the second trimester of pregnancy and not only

Sometimes there are situations in which a woman skips an ultrasound. Of course, you should not skip the diagnosis, since at each stage you can detect a different pathology.

Ultrasound examinations for pregnant women are prescribed in order to monitor the health of the mother and child, identify and diagnose fetal pathologies in time, and also promptly correct problems. What do doctors look at and determine in an ultrasound scan? Let's find out more.

The need for ultrasound

The period of 20-22 weeks for the second planned ultrasound examination was determined not by chance. At this time, it is possible to diagnose some pathologies of the development of the child, and if the need arises, correct the problems. And although there is an opinion that doing ultrasound three times during pregnancy is harmful, nevertheless, this is necessary to make sure that the pregnancy is going well. Such examinations are necessary for your own peace of mind.

The first ultrasound for a period of 10-12 weeks determines the future date of birth and diagnoses possible chromosomal diseases. Based on the data of the first ultrasound, the gynecologist plans the tactics of conducting pregnancy in the future.

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, the following organs are examined on an ultrasound examination:

  • The dimensions of all parts of the child's body. According to these sizes, the gestational age is specified. Sometimes the sizes can be asymmetrical. For example, the circumference of the head shows the gestational age, and the stomach corresponds to 22 weeks. With such indicators, the doctor concludes that there is a slight delay in the development of the child. If the developmental delay is more than 2 weeks, then another specialist may need to do an ultrasound to clarify the diagnosis. At this time, the weight of the fetus is about 250-300 g, length is 16-18 cm.
  • Congenital malformations of the child. In the study of the brain, liver, lungs and other organs, it is possible to identify, for example, heart disease, pathologies of the brain and internal organs.
  • Placenta. The umbilical cord around the child is usually not fixed in the second trimester. But the doctor after the ultrasound records the number of vessels in the umbilical cord. They also determine the location of the placenta, find out on which wall of the uterus it is located. Perhaps, according to this indicator, delivery by caesarean section will be prescribed.

and is determined. Its premature maturation is fraught with a decrease in the supply of oxygen and necessary substances to the child. Mismatch of the placenta with generally accepted standards is a signal of the inflammatory process in it. This is the result of an infection. Then an additional study is prescribed - dopplerography.

  • Amniotic fluid. Ultrasound determines their number. If there is little water, then this may be a symptom of malnutrition, intrauterine infection. Polyhydramnios indicates a possible diabetes of the expectant mother. Excessive stretching of the fetal bladder can cause early discharge of water and weak labor activity.
  • Cervix. Ultrasound accurately determines the length of the neck. This indicator is important for diagnosing CI, assessing the possible risks of self-abortion and preterm birth. A cervical length of less than 2.5 cm is considered pathological.

Boy or girl?

Ultrasound at 22 weeks of gestation helps the doctor more accurately determine the expected due date, diagnose multiple pregnancy and the most important thing for parents is to determine exactly whether a son or daughter will be born.

Sometimes ultrasound at this time diagnoses pathologies that are an indication for abortion. Namely: the disability of the child, the absence of a handle or leg, other complex pathologies, the consequence of which the existence of the baby will be possible only with the support of special equipment or medications.

That is why the second planned ultrasound is important for all pregnant women to undergo.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

One of the happiest events for a woman is her desired pregnancy. Today, medicine provides ample opportunities for obtaining information about pregnancy, about the development of the fetus. With development innovative technologies Humanity has managed to lift the curtain on the secrets of conception and intrauterine development. Now every expectant mother and future father can see what their child will be like long before birth. Ultrasound provides us with such an opportunity. The most popular method of ultrasound today is considered to be 3d ultrasound.

What is 3d ultrasound?

In fact, the method of 3d research is to obtain a three-dimensional image of the fetus. It is fundamentally different from the previous methods of 2D ultrasound, where the image was understandable only to a specialist. The uninitiated could see only dashes, dots, strokes, shadows and penumbra on a 2D image. A study in 3d format allows you to see the child as he is at this moment in full. You can see facial features, if the baby is turned to the sensor in front, you can count all the fingers and toes. But this can only be done when the child is fully formed. That is why many parents give preference to such a method as 3d ultrasound. 22 weeks is a great time to get to know your baby better.

Features of 3d ultrasound at 22 weeks

At the twenty-second week, a second scheduled ultrasound examination is performed in the 3d examination format. At the time of the ultrasound at this stage of pregnancy, the doctor checks if there are any defects in the development of the fetus, how the internal organs are located and whether the internal organs are fully formed. With the help of such a service - 3d ultrasound at 22 weeks, the ratio of the general proportions of the body is clarified. In addition, the doctor determines the amount and transparency of amniotic fluid during this period of pregnancy, ascertains the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord. With the normal development of the fetus at the twenty-second week of pregnancy, its height is equal to thirty centimeters, and its weight is about half a kilogram. The most interesting thing during this period of pregnancy is that if for some reason the fetus cannot develop in utero, then it is quite viable and can be born outside the mother's body.

Why do 3d ultrasound 22 weeks?

To be extremely precise and strictly adhere to the "pregnancy calendar", then at the twenty-second week they do not conduct an ultrasound examination. 3d ultrasound at 22 weeks is indicated if it is necessary to track the dynamics of fetal development if any pathologies found in previous examinations are found in it.

Another reason for an ultrasound scan at week 22: if the specialist could not identify or examine some of the internal organs in previous examinations due to the incorrect position of the fetus. By the twenty-second week, all internal organs become larger and easier to see on ultrasound. An ultrasound examination at the twenty-second week is important because parents, if malformations are found in the fetus that may not be compatible with life in the future, have the opportunity to decide to terminate the pregnancy. After all, at the twenty-second week, this operation will still be considered an abortion.

The specialists working in our clinic have extensive experience in managing pregnancy in women. Thanks to our modern equipment, it is possible to ascertain the condition of the fetus, talk about its health with almost 100% probability.

Contact between mother and baby at 22 weeks of gestation can be considered established. A woman already feels movements, can monitor the activity of the crumbs and even understand what she likes and what she doesn’t. It's the second trimester, behind the first two screenings. At week 22, an ultrasound scan will be scheduled for those who did not have time to do it a week or two earlier. About what the survey will show, we will tell in this article.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2019 2019

Purpose of the survey

Ultrasound at 22 weeks completes the second prenatal screening, which is being from 18 to 21 weeks of pregnancy. If, for a number of reasons, a woman could not be examined during this period of time (she was sick, she left), then now is the time to visit the ultrasound diagnostics room.

Blood for biochemical analysis is usually given earlier - in the period from 16 to 18 weeks. Ultrasound is not tied as tightly to blood donation as during the first screening, which the woman underwent in the first trimester. That is why there is time to choose the most suitable day for meeting with your baby. So far - on the monitor of the ultrasound machine.

The purpose of the examination is to identify possible pathologies and anomalies in the development of the fetus, both genetic and caused by other reasons.

If the mandatory prenatal examination has already been completed, then this week there may be other reasons to go to the diagnostician. Women are sent for control ultrasound in whom the second screening revealed increased risks of pathologies, as well as those who are carrying twins or triplets.

Ultrasound scanning will be shown to those who have a threat of termination of pregnancy, complaints of pain and atypical for an "interesting position" discharge. If pregnancy occurred due to the IVF procedure, then ultrasound is also prescribed more often than usual, and week 22 may not be an exception.

Women who have previously had missed pregnancies or miscarriages at this time can go for an ultrasound this week. An ultrasound scan may be needed if there is doubt about the exact gestational age.

Some women go for ultrasound at 22 weeks by one's own decision to, for example, find out the sex of the child, if this issue is fundamentally important for the family or just out of curiosity.

The gender of the baby no longer leaves any doubts, it can be easily seen, because the baby is not yet so large as to curl up and close the view, and is no longer so small that the genitals are microscopic in size.

How is the examination carried out?

There are two ways to do an ultrasound this week - external (transabdominal) or internal (intravaginal). Most expectant mothers are examined through the anterior abdominal wall, the child at this time is already quite clearly visible. But if visualization is difficult (with oligohydramnios or overweight mom), then the doctor can scan through the vaginal wall, which is thinner and better permeable to ultrasonic waves.

If a woman comes to the diagnosis for a reason threats of spontaneous abortion, then the examination will be carried out by a vaginal sensor, since this method makes it possible to carefully examine the signs of a threat, the condition of the uterine walls and cervix.

If a woman responsibly prepared for an ultrasound scan in the first trimester, refused food that promotes gas formation, and also filled bladder if it was necessary to examine through the anterior abdominal wall for a short period, then there is no need to prepare for an ultrasound scan now.

The amount of amniotic fluid is already sufficient for the view with external ultrasound to be clear enough, and the presence of possible gases in the intestines of the expectant mother no longer plays any role, because the uterus has increased in size, gone beyond the small pelvis, and they can no longer squeeze its intestinal loops .

If you want to undergo an ultrasound in a three-dimensional format, the so-called 3D ultrasound, then you should prepare for the fact that the procedure will be several times longer in time than a conventional ultrasound, and therefore you should not drink a lot of liquid so that you don’t want to go to the toilet later. A 2D conventional ultrasound at week 22 will last about 7-10 minutes, and a 3D one will take 40 minutes to an hour.

A woman should take a passport, a policy, an exchange card, as well as a diaper to lay it on the couch, and change of shoes with her for examination.

What will the study show?

The baby has changed a lot since the last "date" with his mother on the ultrasound monitor in the first trimester, he has grown. Now the size of the fetus is already sufficient so that it is possible to examine the baby in more detail. His height is about 25-27 centimeters, and his weight is approaching 400-450 grams. All internal organs and systems are formed, now they only have to mature and grow.

The woman "stepped over" the equator of her pregnancy, the first half is over. Now there is less chance of losing a child, mom is becoming calmer. But the baby is more and more mobile every day, as it develops nervous system, the baby learns to control his body - limbs, facial muscles. On ultrasound expectant mother show how the baby learned to move. At the same time, it already touches the walls of the uterus, and the overwhelming majority of women already feel the movements of their crumbs.

The baby's brain at week 22 "acquires" the first convolutions. The formation of the spine is being completed - the vertebrae and discs between them are already almost functional. The heart of the crumbs becomes larger in size, it beats rhythmically and loudly, on the ultrasound the woman will be able to hear it.

Eyelashes and eyebrows appear, but they are so thin that it is impossible to see them even on a high-resolution device. The child, although still very small, distinguishes well between “us” and “strangers”. If a mother puts her hand on her stomach during an ultrasound scan, the baby will approach her native palm, and he will react to the sensor of the scanner and the doctor’s hand, which is alien to him, exactly the opposite - he will begin to move away.

Decoding and norms

In the resulting ultrasound result, a woman will see a large number of numerical values. To understand how correctly and according to the gestational age the fetus develops, doctors use special tables. Fetometry of the baby will help to understand whether everything is in order with him. At this time, all children grow at approximately the same pace, and therefore the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the tables are relevant for most expectant mothers.

The doctor measures the transverse and longitudinal dimensions of the head. They are called biparental and fronto-occipital. These are the most important indicators of the development of the baby at this time. The proportions of the body are indicated by the sizes of paired bones - the femur, lower leg, as well as the humerus and bones of the forearm.

About how well the baby eats, whether he has internal edema or malnutrition, say the circumference of the abdomen, the circumference of the head, chest.

Average fetometric norms at 21-22 weeks of gestation:

Amniotic fluid normally has a transparent consistency, their normal amount at this time is 88-97 mm. The thickness of the placenta is 22.8-23.6 mm, the degree of maturity " children's place' is still zero. The position of the child in the space of the uterus is not yet of great diagnostic value. The pelvic or transverse position of the fetus, which is determined by ultrasound, should not disturb either the expectant mother or her doctor, because the baby will roll over many more times before it becomes cramped and movements are limited.

Possible problems

The most common problem that a future mother may face according to the results of an ultrasound scan at week 22 is the mismatch between the size of the fetus and the obstetric period. A slight deviation does not cause concern, but a significant excess or lag may be signs of possible pathologies in the development of the child. A difference of 2 weeks is considered significant.

Obstetric term is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. From the embryonic, actual, it differs by about 2 weeks. The difference in parameters, therefore, may be due to an error in setting the deadline. It is not uncommon in women with irregular menstrual cycle, as well as in women who do not remember the exact date of the last menstruation.

If all sizes of the fetus simultaneously differ from the norm up or down, doctors may also consider the option of symmetrical intrauterine growth retardation. And then additional examinations will be needed to find out if the baby is getting enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and if he has an intrauterine infection.

The growth of children in the second trimester can be spasmodic, and therefore it is possible that on the control ultrasound in a week or two the baby's parameters will return to normal. If not, then a treatment will be prescribed to improve uteroplacental blood flow, which will enrich the blood of the expectant mother with vitamins and other important substances useful for the child.

Ultrasound at 22 weeks during pregnancy is one of the mandatory examinations. Quite often, this week is the second scheduled examination.

When, the doctor needs to note what is the progress in its development.

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby's internal organs go through a stage of formation and growth.

The left and right hemispheres of the brain have practically matured, which is why the child begins to behave consciously, to think and feel.

Activity is manifested in the movements of the arms and legs, in touching the face, abdomen and umbilical cord with fingers.

If parents are expecting twins or triplets, then on an ultrasound they will have to see how their children touch each other.

At week 22, babies have almost fully developed organs of vision and hearing. From their faces it is already possible to conclude whose appearance they have inherited.

True, the thin movable diaphragm of the child's eye for a period of 22 weeks is still underdeveloped, but eyebrows and eyelids will not be visible.

The child during this period has a clearly defined mouth and a "groove" of the nose protrudes forward. On the monitor of the device, you can clearly see the child's five-fingered hand.

During this period, the child's spleen begins to perform its functions. It forms red blood cells. In the body of the child, the processes of digestion are launched.

The baby feeds on the amniotic fluid, from which it absorbs water and a monosaccharide, whose taste already distinguishes. Waste substances, like particles of epithelium, remain in the intestine.

Ultrasound at the 22nd week of gestation allows you to determine for sure who is growing in the mother's stomach. The genitals of the boy and girl by this time are practically formed.

An obstacle to determining the sex of a child can only be his shyness, which is why he will turn his back to the sensor.

During this period, the child is examined by ultrasound through the abdominal wall. This is a transabdominal research method.

He requires the expectant mother to take a supine position. She should free her stomach from clothes, giving the doctor the opportunity to gel it and drive the device over the skin.

Everything that the doctor directs the sensor to will be displayed on the monitor screen. The resulting image can be seen by both the mother and the father of the child, if he wishes to be present at such an exciting procedure.

There is no need to prepare for this 3D ultrasound of the fetus. The need to fill the bladder for better penetration of ultrasonic waves disappeared a few weeks ago.

Now a large amount of amniotic fluid has appeared in the belly of the pregnant woman, allowing without extra hassle conduct research.

What is subject to mandatory inspection?

It is no coincidence that the examination at the 22nd week of pregnancy is designated as a planned ultrasound. It is during this period that you can properly study the structure of the baby's organs and detect an anomaly of development.

If the disease is detected in time, there is a chance to eliminate it. If nothing else is fixed, then at this stage of pregnancy, you can have a painless abortion.

In the planned second trimester of pregnancy, measurements of the internal organs are certainly carried out.

The doctor determines the size and circumference of the head, the parameters of large bones in the arms and legs, as well as the circumference of the tummy. Based on the data obtained, the gestational age is determined.

But it happens that not all sizes of the child fit into the prescribed framework.

It happens that the head of a boy or girl has already formed the way it should be formed only at 23 weeks, and the rest of the body has dimensions corresponding to the 22 week period.

This indicates a slight delay in the growth and formation of the child's organs.

A woman will have to do a CTG, be constantly monitored by a doctor and take a course of pills if the development of the child is 2-3 weeks behind.

If the expectant mother wants to verify what the doctor said, she can undergo an ultrasound scan on a different device or from another specialist.

The fetus for a period of 22 weeks is examined for developmental anomalies. Therefore, at this time, all internal organs are looked at: the brain and heart, the bladder and kidneys, the intestines and liver, as well as the lungs.

Unfortunately, there is a risk of detecting a heart defect in the fetus and a violation of the structure of the brain.

The umbilical cord and placenta are also checked by a doctor. The fact that the child is wrapped around the umbilical cord, the doctor usually does not indicate on ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy.

The fact is that at this time this is a common occurrence, the child can get entangled in the umbilical cord more than once and get rid of it.

Instead, the doctor notes in the protocol the presence of vessels in the umbilical cord. There should be three of them - a vein and two arteries. Some women who are carrying a child have only two vessels, which can adversely affect the health of the baby.

Even the location of the placenta matters. It can be in three places: in front, behind or at the bottom of the uterus.

If the placenta is lowered down or located near the internal pharynx, then this threatens the life of the child and his mother. Such a placenta can detach or cause bleeding. The only way out is to do a caesarean section.

During 3D ultrasound, the level of maturity of the placenta is certainly assessed. When the 22nd week of pregnancy comes, this indicator should be zero.

If the placenta matures too quickly, the fetus will lack oxygen and nutrients.

On an ultrasound examination of the fetus in the second trimester of pregnancy, they certainly look at the amount of amniotic fluid.

If there is little fluid in the womb, then the fetus is likely to develop improperly. It may also mean that an infection has been introduced, preeclampsia or malnutrition has begun.

When the amniotic fluid, on the contrary, is in excess, the mother of the unborn child may be sick diabetes. Various pathologies in the development of the fetus are not excluded.

Due to the large amount of water, the child is deprived of the opportunity to move normally. The membrane of the fetal bladder is strongly stretched, risking early loss of amniotic fluid, which can adversely affect pregnancy.

Close attention on ultrasound is paid to the condition of the cervix.

Its diagnosis is carried out by the transvaginal method, necessarily determining the length. There is a risk of losing a child if the cervix does not even reach 2.5 cm in length.

Norms and alarms

The transcript of the examination protocol, when about 22 weeks have passed since the moment of fertilization, does not differ much from the transcript carried out two weeks earlier.

But still, even during this time, the child's body has time to grow.

The norm for the weight and height of the child during this period of pregnancy is about 500 grams at 28 cm in length.

Indicators LZR (frontal-occipital head size) and BDP (biparietal size) should correspond to the average values ​​of 70 and 54 mm, respectively.

Deciphering the circumference of the child's tummy suggests that the norm of this parameter ranges between 148 and 190 cm. The circumference of the head should be at least 178 mm, but not more than 212 mm.

Standard indicators of the length of the main bones of the body have the following values.

The developed bones of the lower leg reach almost 39 mm, the thigh - 43, the shoulder - 39, and the forearm - 34 mm. The norm for the weight of the brain is 100 grams.

Deciphering the thickness of the placenta and the volume of amniotic fluid suggests that with a positive examination result, they will have values ​​of 18.1 - 30.7 mm and 89 - 235 ml, respectively.

The norm for the indicator of "maturity" of the placenta is zero. If everything is in order, the placenta is located at a distance of more than 6 cm from the internal opening of the cervix.

The acceptable length of the cervix, as indicated by the interpretation of the examination results, varies from 2.5 to 3 cm. In the umbilical cord of the fetus, as required by the norm, there should be two arteries and one vein.

If the transcript of the ultrasound examination of the child reflected serious deviations from the norm, then the woman should discuss the abortion with the gynecologist.

However, the decision on it can only be made by a council of specialists. Sometimes at this time it is better to induce artificial labor.

Violations in the structure and development of certain organs of the child can also be shown by a conventional ultrasound examination.

But if there is a need to carefully examine the spinal cord and spine of the child, it is recommended to undergo a 3D examination. At a period of 22 weeks, it is already possible to say with certainty who the woman is waiting for - a boy or a girl.

An ultrasound examination of a child using a Doppler will allow you to evaluate the work of the circulatory organs, to detect a dangerous disease - hepatic vein thrombosis.

Also, this type of examination of a pregnant woman will help to find out whether or not the baby has enough oxygen.

An ultrasound examination in the second trimester of bearing a child should never be skipped.

Still, the main task of this study is to identify possible pathologies, and not to predict the birth of a boy or girl. The data obtained during the procedure determines how the child's organs will develop in the future.