Multiple pregnancy 30 weeks. Twins pregnancy: causes, signs, childbirth and pregnancy

The thirtieth week of pregnancy is already a solid period, and there are only ten weeks left until the birth. Compared to what is already behind, these days will simply fly by unnoticed. If your mother has twins, then you need to be doubly careful - right now, doctors strictly control your weight gain.

It is advisable to limit the use of those foods that provoke the formation of gases: cabbage, peas, sweets and yeast rolls. Nutrition continues on the principle of better more often, but less.

Weight is only one side of the issue. The child should get plenty of fresh air, while it is now advisable for the mother to rest lying down more often. It is not advised to sleep on the back - the uterus already presses on the vena cava, sometimes causing dizziness up to fainting. It is better for a woman at this stage of pregnancy to lie on her left side, you can put a pillow under the child's head.

The best pastime would be swimming, preventive gymnastics or yoga. A nice back massage from a loved one and sex at 30 weeks pregnant doesn't hurt either.

And do not forget about the exchange card - it should always be with mom. It contains the results of ultrasound, medical observations, your tests and other useful information about the course of pregnancy. Just do not take it out of your purse, there are times when this forethought saves the life of both mother and child.

Not by the day, but by the hour

If a woman thinks that the uterus is dark, she is mistaken. The fetus feels the general illumination of the room in the same way as the mother. From the bright light outside, he will turn away and squint, loud sounds will also cause outrage. The child is more and more emotionally connected with the mother.

Pregnancy 30 weeks: the weight of the child is already up to 1500 kg, his eyes are now “learning” to move in the sockets, and the lungs are still actively developing, preparing to take the first breath of air in a couple of months.

It is possible to take measurements of movements - according to the norms, during the active motor period, when the 30th week of pregnancy is underway, movements for an hour should be at least 6 shocks. A cause for concern is less than 3 fetal movements per day.

Prenatal leave and personal care

30th week of pregnancy - just at this time, the woman was officially on maternity leave. The body is subjected to such loads that it is time for the mother to stop working and start preparing for childbirth and motherhood. The main thing is not to make the mistake of many who, having gone on vacation, start repairs and general cleaning. This will only provoke premature birth.

Now you need to listen to music, read books, fantasize, imagining your baby, and be sure to walk every day. Often, mothers notice at this time the first discharge of colostrum from the breast - the harbingers of the natural process of breastfeeding.

If the intestines do not work very well and the stomach hurts, laxatives should not be taken. Steamed dried fruits and kefir will help normalize these processes. And of course, sharp pains, red or watery copious discharge, fever mean that an ambulance follows. Take care of yourself, take care of your unborn child - and everything will be fine with you.

Week 30 is half of the 7th month of pregnancy. A very important period for mother and baby. The main task of the baby is to "ripen" for an independent life, the main task mothers - help the baby and prepare for childbirth.

The height of the bottom of the uterus above the navel is about 10 cm, above the womb - from 30. Due to the actively growing abdomen at the 30th week of pregnancy, striae (stretch marks) form. Also characteristic is their appearance on the mammary glands, which are now actively preparing for milk production.

At this time, “training contractions” may begin, but usually they appear a little later. Too frequent pain or feeling of "hardness" of the abdomen can be a symptom of premature birth at 30 weeks of gestation.

The gestation period of 30 weeks is accompanied by the appearance of many unpleasant symptoms - heartburn, constipation, frequent urination. This is a variant of the norm, because every day there is less and less space for internal organs.


The belly at the 30th week of pregnancy grows, becomes a burden to the woman. As a result of this, the gait changes, it resembles a duck. The movements of the expectant mother should be measured so as not to hurt the stomach. You need to carefully get out of bed, avoid sudden movements, sleep only on your side.

Stretch marks at 30 weeks are not uncommon. For their prevention, you need to use vegetable oils, special gels and creams.


The uterus at the 30th week of pregnancy reaches an impressive size, it is located at a distance of 10 cm from the navel and 30 cm from the pubic joint. The uterus is preparing for childbirth, contractions appear. They are accompanied by mild cramping pains in the lower abdomen.


The fetus at the 30th week of pregnancy is actively growing, its weight is increasing. Now it is about the size of a cabbage. The baby becomes cramped in the uterus, he takes a forced position, more often it is head presentation. That is, it is located head down - as it will come out during childbirth.

At this time, the number of movements is reduced, but the tremors become stronger, even sometimes painful. The baby can rest against the ribs or internal organs, causing significant discomfort to the pregnant woman. The baby opens his eyes, blinks, hiccups, smiles, reacts to light and sound.

Maternal weight and child development

The baby is no longer tiny! The weight of the child at 30 weeks of gestation is about 1.5 kg. It is quite capable of independent life, but still poorly regulates body temperature, therefore it accumulates subcutaneous fat.

Newborns have developed reserves of brown fat, which is many times greater than regular fat in terms of energy. When it splits, a lot of heat is generated, which protects the baby from hypothermia. And until the child has accumulated enough "fuel", it is too early for him to be born.

Continues to develop nervous system and all sense organs. Furrows and convolutions in the brain deepen, new interneuronal connections and "bridges" are formed.

In girls, the formation of the vagina has ended and the external genitalia are almost completely formed. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

Normally, the weight gained at the 30th week of pregnancy should be 8–10 kg. Now the weight should increase by another 300-350 g. The uterus has greatly increased in size and mass, shifting the center of gravity of the body.

Feelings at 30 weeks pregnant

The baby can no longer tumble with might and main in the amniotic fluid, but mommy clearly feels every movement of the fetus at the 30th week of pregnancy. A daily count of movements is useful. There should be at least 24 of them per day, at least 10 in 6 hours.

Often at the beginning of the third trimester there is shortness of breath on exertion, in the supine position. This is due to the upward displacement of the dome of the diaphragm - there is not much space for the lungs now. Sometimes it is very difficult to come to terms with the feeling of lack of air.

Drawing pains in the lower back, pelvic bones gradually increase, but many women are already accustomed to such sensations at the 30th week of pregnancy and do not pay attention to them.

Digestive problems can be uncomfortable. Due to delayed gastric emptying and contraction, heartburn, heaviness, and a feeling of nausea may occur. If the symptoms are persistent and strong, the doctor will prescribe drugs to improve digestion that are harmless to the baby.


Allocations at the 30th week of pregnancy are normally transparent or with a slight white-yellow tint. If there is a change in color, smell or consistency, you need to take a smear for microflora.


Most often, the cause of pain in the abdomen at the 30th week of pregnancy is excessive fetal movements. This can happen if the baby is uncomfortable: for example, he was afraid of a loud sound. All the experiences of the mother are transmitted to the fetus. To calm the baby, you need to relax and stroke the stomach.

Physiological changes also affect the woman's well-being. A pregnant woman gains about 10 kg by 30 weeks. The load on the back increases, so back pain occurs. A woman may be disturbed by pulling pain in the lower back.

The norm at this time is also a headache. Pregnant women cannot take painkillers, so you should get rid of pain at 30 weeks of gestation with folk remedies. You need to get enough sleep, walk in the fresh air, relax during the day, not be nervous. If there is a severe headache, you should lie down, you can massage the head and neck, apply a cool compress.

It is necessary to learn to distinguish training contractions from the threat of premature birth. If the pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by bloody or copious liquid transparent secretions then you need to go to the hospital. This is a sign of preterm labor. Training fights last no more than 2 minutes, are manifested by abdominal tension.


At this time, there is a possibility of premature birth, despite the fact that the baby is still too early to be born. Childbirth at the 30th week of pregnancy guarantees every chance of life: the survival rate at this time reaches 100%. All organs and systems function normally. The respiratory system of the crumbs is not yet fully formed, but he can breathe on his own. After the birth of the child, they are connected to a special apparatus for “growing”.

Most often, the cause of preterm birth is polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, placental abruption, sexual infections and chronic systemic diseases, poor nutrition, smoking or alcohol abuse.

After passing 75% of the way, you do not need to slow down and let everything take its course. It is necessary to monitor your health and regimen, as before, very carefully.


Nutrition at the 30th week of pregnancy should be with a minimum amount of useless carbohydrates - sweets, pastries. It is better to replace them with fruit desserts and jelly. The drinking regime is the same - if there are no edema, high blood pressure, then you need to drink in small portions up to 2 liters of water per day.

It is better not to drink at night, since a lot of pressure on the bladder is fraught with frequent rises to the toilet, and an extra factor in the occurrence of edema is now useless.


Taking vitamins on their own is not allowed, since at the 30th obstetric week, an excess of vitamins is just as dangerous as their lack. The doctor may prescribe calcium and iron supplements.

Sex at 30 weeks pregnant

In the normal course of pregnancy, there is no prohibition on intimate relationships. It is important to be careful not to harm the baby.

Physical activity

Walking is still required. The main thing is not to overexert yourself, do not spend a lot of time outside in the heat or hard frost. Swimming is unlimited.

If the mother is still not attending prenatal classes, 30 obstetric week pregnancy - it's time to start exercising! Technics correct breathing, exercises for pregnant women are the main elements of physical activity at this time.

Possible problems

At week 30, there is a risk of developing late toxicosis (gestosis). This complication of pregnancy is extremely dangerous for the mother, so you need to know its signs. The following symptoms should be alert:

  • the appearance of edema;
  • vomiting and nausea regardless of food;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure.

If one of the symptoms appears, it is urgent to tell the leading obstetrician-gynecologist about them.

Common problems at 30 weeks pregnant are preterm labor and placental abruption. Detachment manifests itself as bleeding of varying intensity, even streaks of blood in the discharge can be a signal to call an ambulance and referral to a maternity hospital. Premature birth at 30 weeks of gestation is characterized by increasing contractions, the outflow of amniotic fluid.

Genital tract infections may be manifested by changed secretions (unpleasant smell, unusual color), itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations at the 30th week of pregnancy. The correct treatment can only be selected after tests (smear from the vagina and urethra).

When examined by a gynecologist, you can find such a problem as softening and shortening of the cervix. This can lead to premature delivery. The doctor will prescribe treatment and, most likely, send you to the maternity hospital to save the pregnancy.

Ultrasound and tests at 30 weeks pregnant

As a rule, this week they are sent for screening of the third trimester. To prepare, you need to pass a urine and blood test. Screening itself in most cases is carried out at 32–34 weeks, so ultrasound at 30 weeks of gestation is performed only if indicated.

Features of IVF pregnancy

IVF pregnancy at week 30 is monitored very closely: if there is the slightest threat, then hospitalization is indicated. There are also individual terms for conducting studies, including dopplerography, ultrasound and CTG.

Features of twin pregnancy at 30 weeks

At multiple pregnancy already at 30 obstetric weeks, the tactics of childbirth are determined - it will be a caesarean section or childbirth through natural routes. C-section assigned if:

  • already have a scar on the uterus;
  • one child takes a transverse position;
  • both children in breech presentation;
  • there is an entanglement of the umbilical cord in one or more babies.

Babies usually appear earlier than with singleton pregnancies and this is normal. But the 30th week of pregnancy with twins is a fairly early period for childbirth and, if possible, the pregnancy is extended for a few more weeks.

Video of the thirtieth week of pregnancy

30 weeks of multiple pregnancy refers to the third trimester. For those who are expecting twins, the third week begins.

Each expectant mother it is necessary to study the features of bearing a fetus at this time, possible sensations, the norms of an ultrasound examination, probable problems and consequences of childbirth at 30 weeks.

What happens to babies and mom

The mother's abdomen increases in circumference due to an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid, the growth of children and an increase in their weight. The woman's weight is also getting bigger. Twins during this period can still turn over in their stomachs, they learn new skills, existing systems are being improved.

Basically, the development of the bone marrow, which is responsible for the formation of red blood cells - erythrocytes.

Weight, growth and development of fetuses

The weight norm for twins at the 30th week of pregnancy ranges from 1280 to 1450 g. Height is usually about 38.5-39.7 cm. The head has a circumference of about 290 mm, and the stomach is approximately 260 mm.

At this time, the nervous system is actively developing, the fruits can distinguish between light and darkness, they know how to open and close their eyes. Subcutaneous fat becomes more and more, respectively, the skin is smoothed. There is a strengthening and final development of all internal organs.

Toddlers sleep more, as a lot of energy is spent on the formation and improvement of the brain. They also begin to distinguish sounds.

Location of babies in the uterus

There is much less room for free movement, but the babies still turn and their body position is unstable.

There are three types of placement of children in the uterus:

  • cephalic presentation, in which their head is positioned towards the exit (cervix);
  • breech presentation, in which the legs are closer to the exit;
  • transverse, when the fetus is located horizontally (very rare).

It often happens that one child is located head down, and the other, on the contrary, up.

Mom's weight gain and abdominal circumference

Normally, the weight of the mother by the 30th week increases by 8-10 kg, during this period of time weight gain from 300 to 550 g is allowed.

The circumference of the abdomen is determined by the physique of the woman, the size of the children and the amount of amniotic fluid. The indicator is about 90 cm.

Photo of tummies

Feelings and well-being of a pregnant woman

The growing uterus presses on the internal organs, the diaphragm. As a result, a woman has problems with digestion, heartburn, and difficulty in deep breathing.

Perhaps the appearance of swelling in the arms and legs, the manifestation of veins and venous networks on the legs.

Often there are problems with the stool - women suffer from constipation. In this case, it is necessary to include laxative foods in the diet: prunes, pumpkin, apples and others. Frequent urge to urinate is also noted - the fetuses and uterus press on the bladder.

The stomach grows, becomes heavier, and as a result, the load on the back increases. The following methods can help: massage, fitball exercises, swimming, wearing prenatal.


In addition to the development of babies, the state of the placenta, the place of its attachment and the possible risk of detachment are determined during the study.

Possible problems

The 30th week of pregnancy with twins can be complicated by such possible problems as: abdominal hardness, swelling, watery discharge and too active movements of the babies. It is important to study the characteristic manifestations, what to do if they occur and preventive measures.

Pain and stiffness in the stomach

Such feelings are medical term- "Increased tone of the uterus."

The reasons for their appearance are:

  • excessive fetal movements;
  • stress and emotional experiences mothers;
  • long stay in one position, usually standing or sitting;
  • improper nutrition.

Changing positions, soothing tummy rubs, back massages, and peppermint or chamomile tea can help relieve discomfort.


They are considered normal during pregnancy, in the case when they do not affect the health of the pregnant woman in any way. It is important to monitor their development, because too much swelling causes oxygen starvation in babies and swelling of the internal organs in a woman.

For the treatment and prevention of this phenomenon, it is necessary:

  1. Avoid fried, smoked and spicy dishes. Sweets, marinades and pickles are also on the list of prohibited foods.
  2. Minimize the daily amount of salt to 1.5 g.
  3. The norm of fluid per day is 1.5 liters.
  4. Be sure to include in the daily schedule allowed physical exercise– yoga, special gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming, etc.
  5. Less sitting or lying down.
  6. Avoid stuffy rooms.

If weight is gained too quickly, swelling is noticeable not only in the evening, but also in the morning, and burning or numbness is felt in the limbs - these are alarming symptoms that you should consult a doctor with.

Watery discharge

Normal discharge should be slimy, clear or pale yellow in color and odorless. If they become liquid, this may indicate.

To check this, you can buy a special test at a pharmacy, or put a tissue pad on it and evaluate the amount of discharge in an hour. To make sure that the twins are not in danger, it is advisable to undergo a gynecological examination.

Very active movements

If the movements of babies become excessively active, this may indicate a lack of oxygen in the amniotic fluid.

In the case when there is more movement immediately after eating, there is no danger. The fetus feels the changed taste of amniotic fluid. Especially activity is shown after sweets.

What you need to know

When the 30th obstetric week of pregnancy has come, one should prepare for possible premature birth and their consequences. It is worth exploring the issue of the possibility of having sex, physical activity, dietary habits and the correct sleeping position.

Dimensions and dilatation of the cervix

The cervix is ​​the muscle that holds the fetus. Before the onset of labor, it softens and opens the passage, allowing the fetus to more easily leave the female body.

It is possible to determine the condition of the cervix and its size during a manual gynecological examination and during ultrasound. Normally, the length is about 3.5-4 cm.

Table 1. The size of the cervix depending on the week of pregnancy

Term in weeks Length, mm
10 to 1435.5
from 15 to 1936.4
from 20 to 2440.4
from 25 to 2941
30 to 3437
35 to 4029

If the opening of the cervix occurs much earlier than the received period, then a special ring () is inserted, which keeps the uterus closed until the onset of labor.

What is the likelihood of childbirth?

The cause of premature birth can be placental abruption, too much or too little amniotic fluid, genital infections, stress, increased uterine tone, and so on.

The probability of childbirth at this time is only 10%, basically it is possible to keep the pregnancy up to 35-37 weeks.

30 weeks is a short period for the birth of children, but since all organs are formed and functioning, the survival rate of babies is very high.

Consequences for the birth of children at this time

The twins born during this period are placed in a special incubator, since their thermoregulation has not yet been established and they are not yet adapted to life outside the mother's womb. The respiratory system is already formed and in some cases, children can even breathe on their own.

In the case of providing qualified medical care and high-quality equipment, the development and condition of prematurely born children does not differ from those who were born on time.


In the absence of contraindications (low placentation, bleeding, threatened miscarriage), sex is not prohibited. It is important to choose positions with shallow penetration and minimal pressure on the abdomen. Movements should not be abrupt, otherwise there is a high risk of injury, breaks and cracks.

Physical activity

Minimum exercise stress useful at any stage of pregnancy. Permitted exercises and the possibility of their implementation can be prescribed by a gynecologist.

Common physical activities include:

  • walking outdoors;
  • swimming;
  • fitball exercises;
  • morning work-out;
  • physiotherapy exercises for pregnant women and so on.

If you experience pain, discomfort, bleeding, nausea or vomiting, or other warning signs, you should stop exercising immediately.


The diet of a pregnant woman with twins should be balanced, complete and varied. It is worth excluding: coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, smoked meats, spicy, fatty and overly salty. It is better to give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy and sour-milk products.

How to sleep?

Due to the growing belly, it becomes more difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. It is recommended to sleep only on your side. Even a long stay in the supine position leads to insufficient blood supply due to compression of the inferior vena cava.

When to go to the doctor

The gynecologist should be visited once or twice a week. This is necessary in order to prevent the premature onset of labor and to avoid possible consequences and complications.

What tests need to be done

Since women usually go through a maternity commission at the 30th week of pregnancy, the list necessary analyzes somewhat wider.

Basically, you will need to repeat all the tests already passed when registering in the antenatal clinic.

  • What tests should be done:
  • clinical blood test;
  • for sugar;
  • general analysis of urine and feces;
  • biochemical blood test (including HIV, syphilis, etc.);
  • EKG if necessary.

Additional tests may be prescribed on an individual basis by a doctor.

The 30th week of multiple pregnancy is the next stage in the development of babies, at which the formation and improvement of internal organs and systems takes place. Preterm birth is more likely, so it is important to attend gynecological examinations regularly and maintain a sleep, physical activity, and diet regimen.

2016-04-01 07:40:33

Svetlana asks:

Hello. I am 21 weeks pregnant with twins. When I walk, I have pain in the lower abdomen, what does this mean?

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

This is a pregnancy with twins.... The uterus is stretched for a longer period, the curve of the spine is more pronounced due to the large weight in front, the load on the body is greater. With twins, preterm birth is more common. Therefore, a bandage for pregnant women is needed: which holds the back and from below and in front of the 1st child. If there is pain in the lower abdomen during the 21st week, it is necessary to look at the condition of the cervix - cervicometry.

2015-01-14 15:49:12

Raisa asks:

Hello! Please help me understand the results ... I am 12 weeks pregnant - twins with one non-developing fetus (at 6 weeks)
rubella IgG 57; IgM negative
HSV type 2 IgG 1.6; IgM negative
CMV IgG 3.3; IgA negative
other infections are negative

Responsible Sukhov Yuri Alexandrovich:

Hello Raisa. I don’t quite understand what your specific question is, besides, it is now customary to expand the well-known TORCH infections and call them the TORCH complex. However, not all results have been presented. Most likely, you need to apply for a personal consultation with an infectious disease specialist with all the available documentation, you may even need to convene a council with the participation of an infectious disease specialist and an obstetrician-gynecologist. Regards, YuSukhov

2014-06-22 21:04:17

Faith asks:

I am 25 weeks pregnant, twins, IVF. I would like to go to the sea, 300 km from the place of residence. How dangerous is such a trip, we go by car.

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

If nothing bothers you, you feel fine, you can go, taking with you a first aid kit with the necessary drugs (progesterone preparations, etc.).

2013-03-20 13:55:38

Svetlana asks:

Hello, I am 37 weeks pregnant (twins). please tell me how best to give birth cesarean or natural childbirth, if the first baby has a head presentation, and the second - transverse?

Responsible Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

You should decide this issue with the doctor taking delivery. With qualified childbirth, natural childbirth is possible. Good luck to you and health!

2012-11-10 19:44:58

Anna asks:

Help me to understand. 22 weeks pregnant with twins. According to ultrasound data, anatomically 2 fetuses develop according to the norm, but one fetus has a formation with a liquid component of the subcutaneous layer of soft tissues, which is located on the right under the arm with a transition to the anterior part of the chest, size 9.7 * 42.8 * 30.9 mm. Screening markers for pathology are normal. Doctors still find it difficult to say what it is ... Tell me what it could be?

2012-07-11 01:57:50

Alena asks:

Hello! Please tell me if I can fly to rest on the 7th week of pregnancy with twins, the flight time is 6 hours. I will return back for 12 weeks, all this time I will be in the sanatorium under supervision. My doctor said - fly over! Just take the noshpu with you! My husband and I immediately went to get tickets, and now I decided to look at what they write on the Internet and in shock who to believe !? Fly in 4 days, tell me what to do. Thank you very much in advance!

2012-03-23 12:29:23

Irina asks:

Hello, at the 28th week of pregnancy, twins were diagnosed with fetal fading, although there were no complications throughout the entire time and all tests were normal (first pregnancy). Childbirth was induced, everything went well. I want to ask when it is possible to plan a new pregnancy and what tests do my husband and I need to undergo? Thank you.

2011-08-26 10:21:14

IRINA asks:

Hello doctor, I’m 5 weeks pregnant with twins, I took aevit, drank 40 capsules just right at the time of conception and development, now I’m worried it won’t affect the children, they won’t have ugliness.

Responsible Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Hello. Large doses of vitamin A do cause malformations, but if the intake was in the period "before the delay of menstruation" and the pregnancy is prolonged, then no damage has occurred.

2011-08-02 16:24:53

Natalia asks:

Hello! For a period of 11 weeks, the pregnancy with twins passed the TORCH complex.
Result Cytomegalovirus IgG antibody 1.2. This is a positive result for values ​​greater than 0.6.
IgM antibodies are less than 8. This is a negative result for values ​​​​less than 15. After 2 weeks, I retaken IgG antibodies, the result is 4.1. What does it threaten? And could the presence of herpes on the lip during the test have affected? An increase in IgG antibodies indicates that I have this infection? Thanks in advance.

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

Good day, Natalia! You have no reason to worry. You are a lifelong CMV carrier, as are most adults. There is no need to endlessly check the levels of IgG to CMV, especially since the result for this immunoglobulin will be positive for the rest of your life. It is possible to reliably determine whether the virus is active at the moment and when the last activation (primary infection) approximately occurred only with the help of other studies: conduct an ELISA blood test for IgG avidity to CMV, PCR method analysis of blood, urine and saliva for the DNA of the virus. Only if the DNA of the virus is present in biological fluids (especially in the blood), and the avidity is low, it will be possible to talk about the activation of the virus that requires treatment. If, however, you do not have the DNA of the virus, there is no need for treatment, since the virus is dormant, does no harm, and does not require treatment. The activity of the virus will need to be determined (by PCR) in each trimester of pregnancy and when a rash (ARVI) appears during pregnancy. An inactive virus does not harm the baby, it does not require treatment. Be healthy!

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If for some reason the birth occurs this week, you can no longer be afraid for the life of the baby. He was sufficiently prepared for a meeting with this world: a respiratory system, the process of thermoregulation has been established, its own immunity has developed, the genitals and limbs have taken shape, the eyes are already opening, the nose is “breathing”, the head is turning, the kidneys and intestines are working - the baby has learned a lot!

Fetus at 30 weeks gestation: movements, development, weight and size

However, this is not the limit. Development and improvement continues. At the 30th week of pregnancy, the brain actively develops, its volume increases, convolutions and grooves are formed.

According to some experts, by the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby's brain is developed to the point where the fetus is already capable of analysis and memorization. To prove this opinion, the following fact is given: if at first an unfamiliar, initial stimulus caused fear and shudder in the crumbs, then when it is repeated, the fetus now only turns its head towards the source of irritation.

Despite the fact that from the moment of conception, a small organism has come a long way on the path of improvement and development, it is not yet ready for birth, improvement continues.

While the nervous system is just starting to turn on in the “trial mode”, the digestive system is trying to work. The liver stores iron to supply the little body with blood cells during the first year of a baby's life.

The skin of the crumbs is still wrinkled, but is slowly smoothing out. It is red in color and coated with protective primordial grease. Lanugo gradually begins to disappear, although many babies are born with downy hair on the body, which disappears over time.

Now he weighs over 1300 g and has grown to almost 40 cm in length. The baby is already big enough, and the space in the uterus is getting smaller every day. His movements are now acquiring a slightly different character: if earlier the baby freely tumbled and “floated” in the uterus, pushing off from one wall and moving to another, now he is kicking and pushing more and more, resting either on his elbow, then on his leg, then on his mother’s stomach with his hand .

The frequency and strength of the baby's movements now need to be carefully monitored. Normally, within an hour, a woman feels up to 6 movements of the baby, during the day - at least 20. Doctors say that sharp strong blows from the inside should alert the mother, because for the most part the baby behaves calmly due to lack of space. But "boxing fights" can also be evidence of the difficult nature of your child, so get ready ... It is interesting that girls' hearts beat more chaotically and quickly, while boys' hearts are calmer and more measured.

Future mom

The baby needs your attention and affection. Stroke your tummy more often, talk to the baby, ask for advice, sing songs. Now on sale there are a lot of good music CDs for pregnant women. Just calm melodic compositions are also suitable.

The entire third trimester should be extremely careful. Every day you become heavier and rounder, the center of gravity shifts, the feeling of fatigue and weakness increases - it is not easy to carry such a burden. Moreover, the heart is displaced from its place under the onslaught of the fetus - sometimes shortness of breath appears. Now it is important to take care of yourself and not to rush anywhere. Be careful in the bathroom, on the bus, in the snow, everywhere! Some mothers cannot cope with the body and fall under the weight of the stomach. This is undesirable, so the shoes should be comfortable and you should be leisurely.

You were supposed to be on maternity leave this week. Use it for relaxation and. Start collecting dowry for the baby and packages to the hospital, study useful information learn to breathe properly. If the baby lies incorrectly, do special exercises with or breech presentation. By the 32nd week of pregnancy, he still has a chance to turn his head to the bottom.

Of course, vitamin-rich nutrition is still very important today. Drink kefir, eat vegetables, fruits and berries, but avoid those that can make you sick.

Take a walk every day. It is advisable to take your husband, girlfriend or sister with you - after all, at any time you may need their help. And listen to the baby: keep track of his movements.

Pain at 30 weeks pregnant

Take care of your back, do not walk or sit for a long time, do not cross your legs, do not lie on your back. After all, now it is on the back that there is a very large load, associated, among other things, with a shift in the center of gravity. For the same reason, many women for a period of 30 weeks complain of lower back pain.

However, pay attention to the nature of the pain: with pulling pains in the lower back, radiating to the lower abdomen, possibly accompanied by painful urination, the development of the disease can be suspected. urinary tract.

In the second half of pregnancy, pain, heaviness, and burning sensation in the legs are also felt. Especially it can bake a woman in the evening, after a daytime stay in an upright position. The recipe for "taming" the pain is still the same: regular "sessions" of rest during the day, the rejection of shoes with heels, correct posture. Evening cool foot baths and a relaxing massage will not only help relieve fatigue and soreness, but also reduce the risk of convulsive contractions of the calf muscles at night.

Be prepared to feel "cursed" again at some point. early dates pregnancy - headaches. As before, a headache becomes a consequence of major changes that continue in the body of a pregnant woman. Because, any medicines now it is banned, we will fight the headache with “grandmother's methods”. So, it helps to relieve this unpleasant symptom of sleep in a cool, well-ventilated, semi-dark room. If the headache is haunting, try to lie down and relax, make a cool compress, massage your temples.

Belly at 30 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

Mom is not insured on the line at 30 weeks of pregnancy and from such a frightening symptom as abdominal pain. That's just, feeling pain, you should not immediately panic: listen to exactly where it hurts, what character is inherent in pain.

After all, abdominal pain is associated with completely harmless phenomena - pain is accompanied by disorders of the digestive system, pain can occur due to softening and stretching of the ligaments holding the uterus. In the first case, you are unlikely to be mistaken in establishing the cause of the pain: it usually occurs against the background of increased gas formation, bloating, and constipation. In the second case, the pain is localized from the sides or from one side of the abdomen, usually occurs when turning the body, changing position, at the moment of getting up from a bed or chair, when sneezing or coughing.

As if “pulling together”, the stomach can painfully tighten at the moment when the baby beats or sharply hits it from the inside. This usually happens if the baby is dissatisfied or frightened with something: a sharp and painful hit on his mother can be caused, for example, by a loud unexpected sound. In this case, the pain occurs suddenly, but just as suddenly and soon passes.

But if at the 30th week of pregnancy the stomach pulls, it hurts long time, absolutely not painful and irregular training contractions become periodic and become painful, pain from the lower abdomen spreads to the lower back - call an ambulance without delay. With such symptoms, the risk of the onset of preterm labor is too high, the start of which will be prompted by the outflow of amniotic fluid. Please note that it is not possible to stop the birth that has begun prematurely, therefore, now you need to do everything in your power to save the baby.

Discharge at 30 weeks pregnant

Above, we mentioned that the outflow of amniotic fluid should be an unambiguous reason for an urgent call to an ambulance. Amniotic fluid looks like a liquid watery discharge that has a slight yellowish color. Keep in mind that not necessarily amniotic fluid can be poured out at once: it happens that amniotic fluid leaks in small quantities, leaving only a feeling high humidity on panties. But even then, you should go to a specialist as soon as possible: amniotic fluid always leaks, except in case of violation of the integrity of the membranes. Which, in turn, creates a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus: only 24 hours is enough for the infection to reach the fetus.

The pregnant woman should be alerted by the appearance of discharge of an unhealthy green, yellow or earthy color, discharge mixed with pus, mucus, flakes, frothy or curdled discharge. Even if the “colored” discharge does not have an unpleasant odor and does not provoke a feeling of discomfort in the genitals, most likely, you will most likely be diagnosed with some kind of infectious sexual disease. It is the infection that is responsible for the change in color, consistency and odor of the discharge, and it should be treated in without fail. Otherwise, the penetration of the infection into the uterus and infection of the fetus is not excluded.

Without delay and without hesitation, call the "ambulance" if you find spotting in any quantity and of any nature. Bloody issues, and even brown "daub" on panties - dangerous symptom, with a high degree of probability indicating problems with the placenta. So, the separation of blood is accompanied by presentation or detachment of a normally located placenta - conditions that threaten not only health, but also the life of the mother and child. Placenta previa does not usually cause pain in the abdomen, but its detachment usually causes palpable pain in the abdomen.


The most optimal period for the third planned ultrasound is from 30 to 32 weeks. But more often, an ultrasound examination is prescribed to a woman just in time for the period of 32 weeks - then the baby should already take the position from which it will be born. While at 30 weeks, and this will display the ultrasound, he may still not be in the head presentation, thereby giving the mother understandable concerns.

If, nevertheless, an ultrasound scan was scheduled for the 30th week of pregnancy, then, as well as for more later dates, now the development and well-being of the baby, the functionality of his body, the condition of the uterus will be investigated and evaluated.

So, the doctor will determine the growth rate of the child, establish the compliance of these indicators with the deadline. The baby's heart rate will be assessed. By the way, the ultrasound now shows how the baby breathes: his chest rises and falls. In addition, now the specialist will be able to examine the functionality of the internal organs and systems of the baby, which was not possible to do before. Ultrasound, for example, will tell if the fetus suffers from intestinal or urinary tract obstruction, if the baby has a heart defect.

An important marker during ultrasound will also be the condition of the uterus: its size, standing height, the state of the myometrium. The quantity and quality of amniotic fluid are also assessed, the risk of entanglement of the baby with the umbilical cord is excluded, the place of attachment and the location of the placenta are examined.

Especially for- Elena Kichak